Dragon's Dogma 2 - Painbringer Warfarer Build Guide

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what is happening y'all cow here and welcome to my painbringer guide for Warfare now for the time being this is the last vocation build video I plan on doing there's honestly endless numbers of things that you could do with Warfare but this is a play style that I have found a lot of fun experimented with this little bit on stream and a ton of time off stream but this is a build that aims to utilize basically the best the best a lot of stuff that I'm really fond of uh we're able to take advantage of the torch status we're able to pump tons of damage onto weak points we get consistent knockdowns and it's a build that can pretty much handle everything in the game now one thing that I didn't touch on in the previous Warfare build that I'd like to talk about here is just how Warfare works with stats and just to to make this point uh real fast I'm going to swap on over we go to our staff so now that the staff is equipped if I were to look at equipment you can see I am at 953 magic with this now if you remember when we were playing sorcerer this was up over a th and so that's the point the first point I want to make is with a Warfare all of your stats are slightly reduced the second major point is that we don't have access to any ultimate skills the only ultimate skill we're able to use with this class is the rearmament skill which is what we use to swap between weapons so I see a lot of people that they see Warfare and they're like this is insane you can use so much you know nothing can compete with this and the thing is you are taking a stat hit and you are losing access to the ultimate skills so so it's very much the epitome of the Jack of all trades king of nun mentality that flexibility that we have does come with some downsides remed they may be but either way let's talk about what we are running and why with this build uh for the armor we went with the visits of Jan NOA and then worked in stigi Omen and Vigilant Greaves this just has like a a dark kind of you know I don't even know what you want to call it dark battle mage Dark Battle bro just I don't know looks cool kind of looks like something out of Lords of the Fallen to be honest but this is this is an aesthetic that I very much enjoy and that's the benefit of warfare man use whatever you want of course we're also pulling out the unitor mantle but this had to clad it in all black why would you not for the Rings we have ring of Triumph and ring of Hemet our go-to rings when we are trying to pump damage now talking about our weapons Hydra husk Cinder spine Dragon wit and then Heaven's key and the basic idea here is we can hit something with incendi shot or pop off harpies or whatever the case is with Hydra husk once they're [ __ ] we swap to Center spine we're going to proc that and probably get a knockdown and then from there we toss a flare on them and then swap to our daggers and nuke them we actually don't even have a dagger ability but even then the core kit of the daggers is so good you don't even really need an ability uh but this is this is just a lot of fun to play we're able to to pump some serious damage uh having access to a staff allows us to levitate to areas so we have some nice exploration potential we can pop off harpies that are getting in our way with Hydra husk we can one of the things I really like is putting bow and then following it up with the heavy because we can be shooting and if something's approaching us we can just rearm it into a shoulder check and then after we've knocked it down boom with the flare into the daggers so there's a lot that this build does very very well and I think it's very well suited to exploring uh more than just killing bosses but obviously end of the game we're going to be blowing up bosses now talking about the skills of course we have rearm Min on and then as I mention mentioned incendiary shot even though this doesn't work on dragons I'm just a huge fan of the torch status it's just it's super cool really big fan of how this applies uh but I do want to point out that this class is one of the best ways to really take advantage of those various statuses you know so instead of using the great swword you could use the um I don't know where it just went I lost it I lost sight of it uh we could use delusion shot and then we could jump on over to the ice daggers or the rwind The Ice dual blade or excuse me the Ice uh spear handam weapon and dash in and freeze targets and then start pumping damage with that you could you know obviously just keep knox's shot on but the fact is we can single-handedly now apply the freezing status or we can apply the uh torch status with just you know different weapons which is one of the big things I really like doing with Warfare is taking advantage of those status effects that the ranger has available as for a warrior skill we do have Heaven W Sunder on there's a couple different choices here but to be honest I think for the warrior really comes down to either uh heavenward Sunder or alternatively going for Mountain breaker Mountain breaker is certainly going to do a better job at stunning but heavenward Sunder head Snipes and I think it gets stuns just as often so I ended up going for that and then flare we are comboing that with the daggers just to pump damage flare does such an insane amount of magic damage so this way we have our bases covered for both physical and magical even though we have hybrid magic weapons uh but the the flare into dagger's combo I mean it's not a secret it's insane but I would be remiss to not showcase it looking at our augments here a lot of my favorites Zeal dynamism lethality dominance constancy athleticism I would consider this to just be like super well-rounded this is meant to get into combat stay in combat and pump damage very very strong all round type setup either way we got our OG pawns back let's warp on out and go beat up them baddies we seem to have a ride without issue but are we safe here actually don't see our Dragon where thean this isn't troubled by lightning stri where are you Mr Dragon why are you not here I think it's cuz I got here so early it usually it takes me longer to to get over here here generally the dragon's probably flying around that's probably it he probably flies around and then he comes and he lands here for a nap I got here so early he isn't over to fight yet well let's go over the duam will probably be on the bridge and then I assume the dragon will show up in a little bit just got to let some more world time pass I usually get over here around like 8 minutes in if not we'll just uh refresh things I remember did we determine I can torch you [Music] the product oh it just throw him off the bridge so rude bro this fight's already over but we'll pick anobi out o dashed a wee bit early on [Music] that my magic use your weapon put this see our Dragon friend yet that would be sad if there's no dragon wonder if maybe I got a a save game without the dragon I don't think so but who knows let's be honest we we've beat that dragon's ass so much at this point if he doesn't show up it's just it's him finally deserving his rest let us ende to keep up'll be of foot also done the flare with the magic Archer combo that's another one that works out pretty [Music] well like more than anything man like I desperately need access to like a bitter black aisle you know NeverEnding dungeon type thing right now like it's like I have I there's there's so much potential between all these various vocation guides and builds and more than anything guess I'm just a little bit sad that there's not more to do which like I mean I have like 200 hours played at this point like I I clearly got my value worth out of the game it's like I want more and yeah there's new game plus but you know unless I'm doing the the self-imposed challenge of let me use a crappy weapon there there is no challenge left for me in this game we have reached a point that's basically godhood I just had a thought every Master I've ever served has favored different Tactics come out of the forest here an enchantment of cold to freeze our B I've grabbed hold of [Music] our that's more like it you should just you should just get down bro you're having a bad day [Music] boom right in the eye monsters left us a part of gift I'll see it safely into my pack don't worry easy dubs which I really want to call out with this build is I know a lot of people are upset that we don't have an assassin vocation you can basically make your own assassin vocation with Warfare and you can absolutely you know pick up uh the plunging strike that's essentially dire gouge pick a bow ability that you want go uh you know go like dire gouge and then the counter from The Sword and then like a single dagger ability like implicate and then just have a bow that you swap to to pop stuff out of the Air Boom I mean it is like Assassin at home but I mean the the core weapon kits are so much better this time around anyway that I think it feels fine because let's be honest back when assassin was was out you know you'd you'd kind of bucket yourself like oh this is a dagger bow assassin or this is a sword assassin and you can quite easily do the do the Assassin thing thing battle is upon us but just like a make your own assassin now which that's kind of what we have going on here I know assassin never did did great weapons um but you know what can I say I'm a bigger fan OFA than I am sword and shield you weren't expecting I really want to know where the hell that Dragon went let me get this thing out of combat and then I'll I'll find the dragon why are you running just in case it's like just didn't spawn in or [Applause] something you are I really wanted to show the combo on a dragon indeed Arisen cuz you get the you get the sword the sword knocks it down and then you put a flare on its chest and then you use daggers and that dragon Go Boom mayhap this time you used your Lantern damn I guess we got to save with the dragon dead y let me think where else would there be a dragon early on in the game way a dragon this is one of the first that you fight uh you know what it's it's a bit of a gamble think he's still dead but there's usually a dragon over here he might be up we're going to go dragon hunting no he's not up what [Music] about sometimes there's one outside of bakal we've made it then what's our first order of business Arisen finding a dragon that's the first order of business finding a dragon killing it which if that's all the dragons I mean might as well go to New Game Plus cuz like I you can only rest so much before you're you're forced out of the unmo world that's the one downside with the UN more world I feel that that enemies should just like infinitely respawn here I want to be swarmed with so much [ __ ] that I struggle just to stay alive that is not the uh you know like there's some good stuff here to fight but once you killed it all you killed it all clouds are suffused with ill inent might they not be someone's Duan like a l that might be up Duan no that's like a it's a a bishop or whatever we can go kill that thing those things are pretty easy to blow up but I feel bad cuz we didn't get our Dragon we've killed a dragon in every one of these showcases and this time I I guess I I must have uh guess he was he was dead HS killed him so hard that he didn't make it back into the spawn late I sh allow any further Ice's sting is yours to wield can i t you I'm probably dead oh I'm definitely dead well now everything is dead for sure cuz the Wake Stone doesn't auto save I'm going to get back up there and beat your ass you will pay the ultimate price for throwing me off a ledge we must find a way to keep some experience let me be face an unending they me say we liberate my eyes dece as our phone multip B will never be done at this rate I shall do my to see that it all come like this out [Music] one of us has been poisoned fire well look at that it looks like ghosts can burn give me your loot I deserve those whaling crystals oh there we go there's another big guy go after him D Ain and I ain't got time for hob goblins I'm where did he just go wa where did he go I swear I just saw a Minotaur over here now I don't see a Minotaur anymore am I going crazy was there never a [Music] Minotaur yo I feel like I'm going crazy I just I saw a Minotaur didn't I oh I'm about to die there we go they bubbled it off me where is it at oh wait is that it is that it or is that just a bush no that's a bush I swear I saw a minitar dude I'm losing my mind I knew I saw you damn raged all on me bro [Music] oh yeah Warfare is it's you can do some pretty crazy stuff I me like I said it's it's we are sacrificing our ultimate abilities but I think the fact that we are able to Auto combine abilities you know like the the flare flare with daggers is is the Perfect combo cuz flare is typically something you're like is my Pawn going to do this when I want if they do it when I want everything dies if they don't then you know rip it's all over now we're just playing for fun at this point I shall fin this will Golem light on fire we're just testing [ __ ] now oh yes they will here an enchantment of fre our looks like he's not having a very good time you wer expecting thank you K I did not mean to tr you're [Music] right perk of being able to do magic and also climb on top of a Golem to stab out its thingies now some people are like oh Warfare should be able to have like three abilities per weapon you imagine how [ __ ] crazy that would be I just essentially was like the ultimate [Music] Everyman just pulling from every single classes full kit anytime I swop I mean it would be absolutely Wild don't get me wrong but it also wouldn't be balanced at all where's your where's your last one think it's on that arm that's like in your elbow I don't know if that's going to cook it but I'm going to try and hit it boom busted out your elbow [Music] killing everything I'll redeem myself yet well anyway suppose we'll wrap things up here kind of like a sad goodbye I just want more to do I want more give me a DLC anyway closing things out hopefully yall end up having as much fun with this game as I did even even despite the fact that I want more and I'm I'm cranky that I don't have more this is still going to probably end up my game of the year just cuz man so many [ __ ] builds and so much fun either way I'll catch youall later peace
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 26,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma ii, dragons dogma 2 character creation, dragon dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 character creator, dragons dogma 2 review, character creation, dragons dogma 2 new gameplay, dragons dogma 2 preview, dragons dogma fightincowboy, dragons dogma best pawn build, dragons dogma 2 pawn, dragons dogma 2 pawn creation, dragons dogma 2 pawns
Id: agJnhBoIWl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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