Dragons Dogma 2 Everything You Need To Know About The Dragonsplague (Tips & Tricks)

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[Music] there's a lot of people right now talking about Dragon PL and I think that they alarm alarming people a little bit more than it should dragon's plake it's a cool mechanic but by no means it's something like that huge or that terrifying as people sounded to to be sounded make it be uh whatever the case might be I'm here to give you some ways that you can avoid Dragon plague and if you can't avoid Dragon plague don't worry you're not going to mess up your save file with like many people have been saying out there it really is not that huge of a deal like there's many many ways of dealing with the dragon's plag once you have already gotten the dragon plag and you didn't actually manage to stop it so first and foremost what is the dragon's plague well the dragon's plague is a disease illness that your pawns will catch while being on the rift that is going to cause them to go on a rampage and kill every single last person in one single Town depending on the town that you are resting at a in so yeah it sounds kind of dreadful but in reality it isn't that much not that much at least uh that being said how do I recognize the dragon plag well the dragon plag you're going to recognize it physically with your Pawn because they are well the pawn that's that has the Dragon plague is going to have red eyes one more thing that you can do to recognize the dragon's plague and I think that this is the most obvious and I think that this something that you should be doing at all times is giving commands to your pawns when your Pawn has some of your pawns have dragon plague they will actively say I will not hear your commands I will not heed your commands one more thing that they can do is that they get too sleepy but this is easily easily confounded because sometimes they just use their stamina and you might think that they have the dragon plag and immediately kill them and no you shouldn't you shouldn't be killing your pawns your favorite pawns just because you see them resting on the middle of the battlefield because they use their their entire stamina so I'd say that the most uh efficient way to realize if your Pawn has Dragon plague is just give them an order I tell them to wait so for example we are right here I tell them to wait whenever I tell my uh pawns to wait they are going to for example here there we go they are going to stay there the three of them if one of them doesn't then you're on a big issue what is it that you have to do once you manage to recognize that you have a pawn with a dragon's plague on your crew kill the entire crew like that that's quite literally everything that you have to do because the dragon plague is contagious between pawns so if one of your pawns have the dragon's plague and he has been spending quite a little time with the rest of the Pawns then there's the chance that the rest of your pawns are going to have the dragon's plague as well your main Pawn you can get him real back at your riftstone the best way to kill the pawns is to toss them into water areas water surfaces uh for them to be carried away by the I I can't remember the name of that thing right now but that little demon that's on the air that's on the water like that little demon uh he's going to take away the pawns now when you go back your pawns you do have a he history of Pawns maybe you're fond of the pawns that you just uh killed do not resummon the pawns that you just killed because the dragon's plague is based on the uh base Pawn World so if you summon them while they were on Dragon plake if the other reason hasn't killed his spawn and he hasn't uh dealt with the curse the dragon's plague of that pawn there is no way for for you to know for sure so just pick up new Pawns despite that you like them the ones you you have been traveling with just uh take care of them now the most terrible thing happens and the dragon's plag triggered on your main town on a Town and you're thinking oh I'm going to do a major quest in there I can't do my major quest in there because of that so my save file is effed not necessarily not necessarily there's the Eternal wak stone that you can get by killing the spin that is going to revive resuscitate uh people in a huge large area and yes this can you do have to pinpoint it a little bit so for example if we are on bnsw right now you would have to be standing right here uh on the uh Port Crystal or even a little bit more in here because you also have to have in mind the castle which is just right here so this would be like the ideal or maybe the Viner Saloon this would be the main uh place that you would use the Eternal W stone that is going to revive everything everyone on burnworth now that being said you kill the spin you don't have uh or the spin fly away you don't have the stone so is my save file still F not necessarily do not alarm either there's nothing wrong with that you can come into the uh uh Cardinal House the mor right here and this is is where you can find the NPCs that you need now have this in mind one very important thing is that it doesn't matter if the dragon play completely wiped out the entire city it doesn't really matter all of the non-important NPCs including Benders they are going to be replaced by someone else the only NPCs that are not going to be replaced by someone else are unique NPCs what do I mean by unique NPCs Quest givers anyone that is going to give you a quest and yes it doesn't matter blacksmith the uh armor Smith the Apothecary all of them are going to be replaced by somebody else somebody new so you don't really have to worry about them and even if they for some reason which it shouldn't it didn't for me actually I've had the dragon plag twice the city gets immediately crowded back again the only problem is that you're not going to be able to continue some quests what are some uh things that you might be uh Stripped Away like the dwarfen blacksmith those are special NPCs but you know who they are or for example uh Captain bermal and zven the region King those are NPCs that you need to continue the Quest for of the main quest of the game so if you can't interact with them you are going to uh Miss some portions of the game if you have already finished their quest line that you don't really need to care about them because once you have finished for example once you have finished the Arc of FW Worth right here and you have completed the quest of the the the main captain in here once you move over to back pathal this is not going to matter anymore so you don't really have to worry about this although on the end game they do make appearances the quests at the end game they are not mandatory you don't have to to do them if you want to do them then that's fine that's nice but if you don't have to do them now let's say that uh you're seeing online a quest that uh you missed some quests that you want to do some romance that you have to do and you can't find the NPC because he probably died then all you have to do is just come here to the Kel house and this is where you're going to find as you can see right here I have used a a Eternal wak Stone in here but many of my NPCs that I don't think that they are uh important at least not to me you will find them in here and you can uh revive them in here on the morg so you can just uh light a candle to mark his coffin and then you go down there you find his corpse and then you revive that NPC that you're looking for and then you don't really need to worry about this anymore now granted that is going to cause me a wake Stone which then again wake stones are not as rare and Dragon Dogma 2 as they were on Dragon Dogma 1 and as a matter of fact there is this little item which which you can find like in quite literally a whole lot of places of the world this is the dragon's gaze and uh this is not a single use item this is going to pinpoint you the location of the Wake stones that you have on the map so whenever I use it uh it's going to add the Wake Stone shot locations on the map which as you can see right here I can just immediately go and pick them up right here and uh start Gathering W stones for those NPCs that I do need to complete a quest a side quest or one of the dwarfen blacksmiths so as you can see it really is not that huge of a deal even if a major NPC for a main quest line dice you can just revive them at the mor even if you didn't have like the let's say that you don't have the W Stone Shard at that time and then you can just go out there in the world explore and you don't really have to revive every everyone as a matter of fact if I'm being honest with you I wished that for me the entire city remained there because then I wouldn't have to worry about the FPS issue so I I was thinking maybe I'm not going to use my w Stone because still I am going to like uh get a major boost in fps no the the fielders are always going to be there and that includes Merchants so that is everything that you need to know about d uh dragon plague don't be too worried about it and if you were lucky if you were unlucky and uh you suffered the dragon plag do not be alarmed at everything that's just it's just floating out in the internet uh you have like different kind of things that you can do to complete to continue your your game your playthrough without issues if you like the content like appreciated you you're a gorgeous and beautiful person you're inde a gorgeous and beautiful beautiful person have a lovely lovely day and [Music] goodbye
Channel: RPJames
Views: 7,891
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Id: zONZ5jZrP1Y
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Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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