Dragons Dogma 2 The Mage Skills That You Should ALWAYS Be Looking For!

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[Music] let's talk about the most important vocation in the entirety of the game and it is the most important vocation not because of the of the powerful how powerful the vocation is but how important it is for you to have a vocation on your crew the mage of course everyone needs a Mage and uh that being said remember that you can hire your pawns and remember that you can hire your pawns based on skills it's always so fun to find a proper Mage one that actually suits your tastes you can build it yourself and as a matter of fact that's what I usually advise people to do to build their own Mages and then when you're going to hire different pawns then it doesn't really matter uh what kind of skills they have because at the end of the day you're going to be the main source of theps the Arison is always going to be the main source of theps the pawns are going to be off the ps's but the Mage the Mage is going to be the main support of the antiy of the crew remember that you can L your pawns by skills sometimes they they're going to have the combination of skills that you want that you need but there's kind of like couple remember that they can only have like four active skills and that is why it's so important to build a mage properly or to find that desired Mage properly on the rift that you want to carry with you at all times now that is all going to be the dependent on the place in time that you are on your playthrough as well because the first three skills that the Mages are going to have is going to be flag ration Levine and freaker and those are going to be the offensive spells now the Mage despite of how you build him it doesn't really matter how you buil him he's never going to deal that much more damage and as a matter of fact as you level up as you bu properly your reason and the rest of your crew the rest of your Opps this Dam the damage that this guy is going to have is going to be so little that it's it really is not going to even matter that you have a offensive spell with your Mage that is why a lot of people up to just use the spells that we want the Mage for and I want to say that even if you can deal active damage with your Mage that much a properly bued Mage is going to be the difference the main difference between dealing with an with an enemy in 10 minutes or dealing with the enemy in just one minute because of how powerful the buff that you're going to get with the Mage that being said we also have spell Halt and spell halt I mean it's kind of nice it basically stores a spell in in in the staff to instantly cast it but this is a little bit better use by reason like the pawns are not that intelligent to be using this at a discretion so I wouldn't advise for you to use this thing now the imperion the imperion uh conjures an or of Holy Light and it might sound cool it might sound amazing but in reality more than anything it's because of the light that it is going to cast on the battlefield or a cave or what have you not even to Undead which are weak to Holy damage that this is Holy damage are going to receive that much damage from this thing and since you have the lanterns then I'd say that this is quite irrelevant now the sality the sality is kind of nice when you're fighting against certain specific kind of monsters like some monsters that uh can conjure spells or some major bosses that can conjure spells so that's actually quite nice as well because some of those monsters bosses and what have you are very much annoying especially when you reach the end game and the end game is plagued by Mages that are constantly and constantly and constantly freezing you and freezing you and freezing you so I think I'd say that this is kind of a niche thing that if you actually want to have it it's kind of nice but it's going to be taste dependent on the Arison now padium and H padium it's actually quite nice because this is going to give you defense it's not going to contribute to the overall DPS of the crew but what it does is that it allows for you not to get knocked down and remember that knockdown in this game is key if you're not a fighter or a warrior with the maximum knockdown uh defense from the enti team of your armor then sometimes it is actually kind of tricky especially if you don't have like properly acrs in between the an of a crew so yeah like padium is actually quite quite quite nice and more often than not I have to say that I've had Mages with padium that uh actually do give me something that I I see on the screen that something is about to hit me and then it certainly it suddenly doesn't and it somehow it's just so satisfying that I thought that I was going to get knocked down on the ground and I don't and I can continue with the attack so that's actually quite nice now we coming to the top tier of the everything and I think that these are the ones every time now like the previous things were actually kind of nice but now the things that we're going to be speaking right here these are the ones that should be as a must if you really want to potentialize the DPS percentage of your crew by quite like five times you're going to kill things five times faster provided that you have a mage that has this things and that is why you if your Pon is a mage you should be using as much this things as possible or uh if you're fight if you're hiring a mage from the PA then be sure to be looking for a collection of the Spells the affinities or the boots we have the fire Affinity that is going to give fire weapon to you we have the ice affinity and also we have the lightning Affinity all of them are actually quite nice and they are going to increase the DPS of the main uh Arison quite substantially it's easy and fast to cast and it's always going to be active on your main arason it's always going to have an incantation on your reason so that's actually kind of nice it can also be used as damage as you can see right there but more often than not it is going to be to be used to encant Reon not only is it going to give you that Elemental damage but it's going to give you the elemental debuff out of them I think that just having one of them it's actually quite amazing I'd say that it is a waste to have two slots into the affinities but if I had to choose one and this just my personal opinion because of the kind of combos that you can do is the ice Affinity the ice Affinity is my favorite more often than not you're always going to have like um let's say watery terrain Around Battlefield there's always rivers lakes Shores there's sometime raining and there's always water and if you don't have like sources of water you can have an Archer on your crew that has water arrows and what this thing does and why it's so much my favorite is that every time that you deal damage with a uh cold Affinity weapon you're going to be stunlocking the hell out of the enemies forever like quite literally forever it just takes for the enemy to be a little bit wet and then you have that little ice and it just turns into a Fest of not allowing them to move at all so I'd say that my favorite out of all this is ice Affinity but if you want to use fire Affinity you want to use lining affinity and that's completely fine it's just that me personally my favorite I find it to be the ice Affinity now we have Helm helom is kind of a niche thing as well this thing uh is going to cure debilitations uh deols on your crew and I mean I wouldn't say that that it is that much of a niche I'd say that this is one of the skills that you do want to have because you're going to get Frozen a lot you're going to get torched a lot you're going to get drenched or silenced or or unconscious or Frost beaten blighted poisoned everything is going to have a kind like if I'm being honest like 80% of the monsters right here are going to inflict you into some kind of debuff having the chance of getting rid of that debuff with without having to carry curatives because curatives are not as easy to obtain in here as they were in Dragon Dogma one uh you do have to have to use the combination system you have to have the propeper materials probably your materials are rotted or they are dry and you cannot use them anymore so it's kind of a pain in the ass that can be soled by this thing right here which is one of my favorites and then we have high city this thing is going to um make you faster the enany of the crew everyone is going to be faster now the cool thing about this thing is that it potentialize by double your DPS as well because you're always going to be attacking faster if you're using skills that require reaction from the uh thft for example to enter into the veil of uh that little thing that starts I just forgot about the name of the skill but when you when you start dodging everything or when you do perfect paries or when you do um the Vendetta paries from the fighter or when you're doing like regular paries from the warrior this makes it easier because it makes those windows that much more easier to accomplish if you're charging up a high a high stamina like the Heavenly shot from the Archer it is going to charge it even faster so if you're casting spells from the sorcerer which are just tremendously highly damaging but it takes like 54 years to conjure them then this is going to make everything faster including the Mage in here and some of the spells that we're going to be using with the Spells are actually going to be quite amazing with the with the Mage so I I can't stress enough how important it is for you to have high cerity at all times now Argent suar suar suku suku last thing this is just healing and I find it irrelevant yes it will heal you instantly like quite literally it heals you instantly but not only that it's going to continue healing you for quite a bit of time so it's kind of nice but remember that the Mage already has a healing that it's a core ability a core skill and it's actually quite nice it's just that you have to walk towards it then again the damage that the enemies deal on Dragon's Dogma is not as uh something like an urgency that you have to take care immediately as a matter of fact you can be just running around the battlefield with lots and lots of damage and not care about it that much sure sometimes when you're not careful it is going to uh save your life but if you're minding the battlefield you're minding the battlefield you know where you are you know where you're standing the Mitch is always going to be using the core skill healing so I can't see how would you be wasting one of these skills where you can be placing like an affinity or the sity or the padium things like that but uh yeah I mean it's it's kind of nice now the most important of them all and I'd say that the one that you should never ever ever be hiring a pawn if they don't have this thing I'd say that uh well this is the maer skill so you do have the the arason that pill that is building this Mage has to do the ma the Mage maer uh quest line to get this thing but what this thing does is that it immediately gives you an infinite amount of stamina now why is this so important well more than anything most of the antiy of the roster of the maester skills for the rest of the vocations are very high consuming in stamina and as a matter of fact this is a very stamina heavy driven game where where if you want to be spamming your skills you're going to be using quite a bit of stamina this is not only going to give you stamina but it's also going to give you defense right so the defense is kind of a side little something but if you put this thing into consideration you can do just filthy filthy amazing things thanks to this combo right here that is only accomplished if you have Mage in your crew so for example the Mystic spear hand the Mystic spear hand uh the maester skill which is the we the the Wisp that little thing where where he starts like attacking like a maniac it deals a decent bit of damage but it doesn't deal as much damage because it drains your stamina in just like three Taps so it's kind of irrelevant or it's kind of kind of useless but if you have this thing you can be spamming it and you become immediately you become a laser beam because of how much damage you can be dishing out without having to care about the stamina or for example think about the thief the thief when you use the maer skill where you cannot be damaged so long as you have stamina then you can be spamming uh and spamming and spamming him hel Splitters and Helm Splitters and Helm Splitters without having to worry about being interrupted because you're always going to have the invincibility eye frames because you're never running out of stamina because of the celestial payon right here or for example the Heavenly shot from the Archer the Heavenly short shot from the Archer requires for you to charge an insane amount of stamina and then you immediately uh are there without stamina then because of celestial Pawn you don't pay on Pawn this thing you don't really have to be caring about that and you're always going to be dealing the maximum amount of damage of that skill without having to care whether if I have the stamina or not the onslaught from the fighter it requires quite a whole bunch of stamina the uh final skill from the warrior all of the skills that you're going to be using to deal as much damage as possible they are going to require uh infinite amount of stamina and this makes everyone so much more powerful because of that now sometimes you are going to have to be changing your Mage because of the level because you leveled up a little bit more because you want to have like better skills or better things uh you also have to have in in mind the augments right here but ideally what I like to have on my Mages is going to be one Affinity right here I should better like to have a cold Affinity but if I if I have the lightning and that's quite nice then we have the high Solarity that incre that uh gets the DPS right that which is quite amazing then we have the celestial pan right here which then again it's more the p yes the only thing that I would change for a Mage and then again like I said this is going to be purely based on my desires and my play style like I said I consider Argent of quart based of my level right now since I have the most powerful armor on the game so I don't really care about damage that much I would very much like to have helam in here or uh the fallons for example uh something a little bit better uh like if I had the halum right here I would have to be worrying about uh getting interrupted with for example the not interrupted poisoned which is very much annoying or for example getting a torch which is very much annoying as well or getting Frozen the har pie are very much annoying because they are always freezing you so I would personally say that my my perfect selection would be cold Affinity High solidity High them and Celestial pain but if you have a combo as missing as this one right here and you're all said you don't need anything else anyways if you like content like super appreciated you today you're a gorgeous me person you're in gous a beautiful beautiful person have a lovely lovely day and [Music] goodbye dark as night oh a moment get
Channel: RPJames
Views: 7,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wIAEcAby5eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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