Dragonflight | Disc Priest 10.1 Full UI SET up and REVIEW!

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hey everybody what's going on so in today's video I want to go over my favorite keybinds weak auras add-ons in my UI and how I optimize that for healing and Mythic plus now before we get into the video make sure you like it subscribe to the channel you can also find me streaming here on YouTube as well as a link to our Discord down below all right so the first thing I want to talk about is weak auras I definitely have a lot um now you'll see this big one right here in front of my screen in the middle this is Lux doses weak Aura I haven't made no changes to this the only thing I've done is made it a little smaller I think this is a great week aura priests all three specs have a lot of buttons and I think he does a really good job of combining them and making into making them Dynamic and again all these links to add-ons week or is my UI will be linked down below so the next one I want to show is one of my favorites and that is called Dave's on power infusion so what this does is it automatically lights up a party frame when a DPS uses one of their big cooldowns and I'll post a video here that shows you what it looks like in action thank you so how this works is again it tracks all of DPS cooldowns and there's a predetermined list here within this web page and again this will be linked below and I simply just wait for a usually the top DPS second DPS to pop their cooldown and I'll go ahead and cast Pi on them and as we know we're both going to get PI from this town here twins of the sun Priestess very good for optimizing your DPS and healing rather than just popping it kind of whatever you want so the next one I wanted to go over is going to be power word life and again I'll put a video here to show you what it does and what this does it automatically highlights somebody that drops below 35 percent because again right there it says if Target is below 35 Health it heals for 400 percent more the cooldown's reduced by 20 seconds so this can get someone up to full easily so one I just started using recently is called group durability enchants gems Checker this is really good for finding people that don't have enchants on their gear I've been running into this problem lately especially with tanks where their gear is not Enchanted and I'm doing 16 17 18 19 keys and I have a DPS especially a tank that doesn't have any enchants at all I don't run with them it's a massive damage loss it's a massive survivability loss it's gonna be an overall bad time so I've gotten into the habit of inspecting people before we start the run and how it works on a ready check it'll actually spit out a text inside of your personal chat that no one can see and you can either choose to announce it or keep it to yourself so anyway this is very good for finding people are having chance I don't worry about it in my alts it's not really that big of a deal but for higher keys and pushing personally I'm not going to run with um anybody especially tanks that have no enchants I don't get it I don't get why it's a thing but it seems to be more common than it used to be so another one I like a lot is M plus Automark so like to Mark targets I kind of want to handle that or someone else handle that but what I like to do is Mark my tank and rather than just you know right clicking them and manually setting the marker you actually go in here to custom options and go to Mark main tank with and choose whatever icon you want or and you can do the Healer I don't Mark myself but some people like it and I uncheck everything down here I don't really care about marketing targets I don't want to get in the way of a tank and what he wants to do so this is just a simple quality of life thing that auto marks my tank and every time I join a group so as you can see here this next one you see this ring around my mouth this is called Mouse tracker unfortunately wow has so much on the screen it's really hard to see your mouse cursor especially when you're trying to place Master spell or barrier or anything like that and this is um adverse variable Mouse tracker very simple the only thing I did to this I just changed the color of it um right here under display color you can you can make it whatever you want this color turquoise I suppose you could call it this kind of sticks out against everything else in the game um very handy would highly recommend this one so another one I use and this is probably the last one I'll go over here is raidability timeline so it's hard to see here is it turns your big wigs and your dbm timers into a timeline that's easier to see rather than just bars and it has a five second marker and this is much easier for me to look at and track just graphically rather than like a million bars across the screen I would highly recommend this one if you're trying to track cooldowns especially as this for boss fights and anything like that so let's go over add-ons so one add-on that I cannot do without is pre-made group filter what this does is it adds this nice this is actually updated as of yesterday you can choose your rating the members tanks DPS if they have a blood loss battle res you know any dungeon you want and you could also see what color of the class is there so you know what to look for it has the roles this has been Monumental and really narrowing down the kind of group I want to run with and I can see who's in there before I even get in there and you can see here class rolls protection Devastation whatever this is great I would highly recommend this for anybody of any key level you know I don't use this so much of my alts um the only thing I do in my alts here is set heel 0 to 0 so it doesn't show any groups that have a Healer and if I'm looking for a really fast grip I'll do tank to one and you'll see it'll it'll pull it'll pull every group that has a tank so if I'm a Healer they just need me to fit in there boom so the next one is is Click I have been using click since probably burning Crusade Maybe vanilla I don't remember when it came out this is Click casting this is the same thing as Blizzard's click casting but I like it better it's easier to use it's more user friendly to set up it's not as clunky and it's as simple as opening up going to any spell you want to hit to keybind I want to buy and purify to end and you'll see there it's on N you just want to hover over your Target and hit whatever keybinds like for instance I have middle Mouse's penance and the cast Penance on myself and I have a video too I'll link in description below it kind of goes over click of how to set that up but if you're a Healer and have an MMO Mouse even if you don't have an MMO Mouse this is fantastic to use you can set different profiles and different bindings for different specs so another add-on I want to look at is called Doom cooldown pulse and what this does is it flashes up a big icon of a cooldown in your screen when it's off cooldown so what we'll do is we'll cast Penance here and then when it's off cool down here in about five seconds you'll see a big icon fade in and Fade Out set of covenants done Penance is done this is great just to kind of see the heads up on your screen of when things are off cooldown very simple to use again this is in my Discord and very easy to set up so the next add-on I want to go to is plater so as you can see here these red bars are the enemies hit that is plater with jundy's profile that will be linked below this is great for seeing what kind of dots and effects are on the target it'll have who they're targeting it'll have who's interrupting them it's just really good it's better than the blizzard ones it's better than the lvui ones it's really easy to see I actually think I customize it to make these a little bigger and yeah that'll be linked down below so as far as keybinds go the ones I'd recommend the most are at cursor so what this does is it actually places so if I want to pop barrier I actually just place it wherever your cursor is see I just clicked it there there was no green circle to aim it that saves you another click saves you almost a global cooldown and the same thing for master spell as you can see here I'm gonna put my mouth somewhere hit my keyboard for it boom Master spell it's great it takes some getting used to so you can't see it um where it's gonna go but I would highly recommend these at cursor macros it's right here I also put it down below where you can just kind of fill in the ability you want where you actually have to Target where you want to cast it another one I use is a use 13. I don't think I have a trinket right now but use 13 is basically your 13th item slot so your trinket um I had to trinket previously it was spoils no Ferris where actually you would use it and I just macroed it to Radiance so what that looks like is show tool tip cast power word Radiance or whatever you want to cast and when you cast it our Radiance or whatever this ability is it'll also use your 13 slot so like for instance this is 14 13 and 14 are your two trinkets so as far as keybinds go I always try to keep things very consistent between all my healing classes so for instance shift right click is always like a dispel or a purge shift middle button is always like a big Dr like paint suppression Bop Sac Earth Shield is one iron bark is one for the Druid kuna shame on the monk things like that instant cast for me are always on R sometimes F I know I have power Solas here on F number five and again I have an MMO Mouse and I have a video on that from last season so I always keep the easy accessible buttons on my most these heels like flash shield powerword shield Penance is my middle click Mouse button utility like leap of faith and the evoker one is always control left if I have a battle res in my Paladin or someone like that I'll do control right so it's again it's very important to keep things consistent so as you swap between healers you're not fumbling with your buttons to try to find the similar ability so what I want to do here is kind of put a video on the screen of a run just kind of go over my UI so as you can see I don't know why this is overlapping here I think I had changed some stuff up price transferred servers um but you know I put my party frame here this is lvi and as you can see right here as I showed earlier this is dibs on Pi so it's going to highlight the target with this cool little box that I cast Pi on as you can see it says right there Pi's up and pop in on somebody so we'll see who I pop Hunter I popping on the hunter because he's pumping already all through these guys did a lot of DPS in this run so I always find it a really good idea to have your party frames as close as possible to your weak auras that allows you to have a quick glance at your week course and party frames without having to look too far across your screen and waste time then if you look here you'll see this these name plates and again like I said earlier this is plater name plates with jundy's profile I've they made no customizations to it this is a fantastic plater profile it shows the dots I have on them I think the only thing I may have done is made the dots a little bigger so I can see them so yeah I just want to give you guys a simple example of my UI it's something fancy but it's optimized how I like it I think the best thing for you to do is optimize your UI what works best for you and for me it's always been having these right here vertically on the left of my weak Aura and it's easy and accessible so yeah that's my quick video my UI my add-ons my week or some keybinds and I hope that helps you kind of understand what's going on on my screen as you watch my gameplay hope you enjoyed it
Channel: nogylopp
Views: 250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldofwarcraft, healing, dragonflight, mmo, livestream, gaming, blizzard, mythic plus, ksm, guide, talents, diablo3, healer, mythic, m+, keys, healing guide, dragonflight healer, monk, wow, druid, dragonflight healing guide, dragonflight tier list, dragonflight mythic plus healer, dragonflight m+, dragonflight best healer, dragonflight resto druid, resto druid guide, resto druive mythic plus, resto druid m+, disc priest ui, healing ui, mythic plus ui, disc priest guide, disc priest
Id: twdNzbpTw_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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