Discipline Priest | +21 Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Review

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all right hello everyone my name is disc and in this video we have a 21 voldemon and for the week cycle we are tyrannical volcanic and sanguine so I think this is a really good video because when it comes to timing keys on tyrannical they are quite a bit more demanding and particular when it comes to uh how accurate you have to be you have to play things you know almost perfectly you have to really understand the damage profiles of all bosses and you really have to play your defensives uh spot on perfect but before we get into the key let's quickly flash talents so on our priest side we definitely want to take improved Master spell I think this is just probably one of the most valuable points throughout the season so far and uldaman is one of the places where you definitely want to take it and arguably I think you want to take disease to spell perhaps if your tank has it you could drop this point but all the diseases here come from trash and it's non-fortified trash so I'm not really sure this is like mandatory um but maybe look at your tanks spec if he has it you can drop it work it out and then over to the discipline side things have changed quite a bit since my last video and that's mainly because I now have four P's and that changes so much when it comes to button bloat and your rotation within your window so in other words what I'm saying is I no longer need train of thought to have both my dark reprimands happen so I've dropped this point and put it back into long Schism which I really love I think it's great to amp up the single Target you get so much value in Squid build more of your torments will hit Schism both of your dark reprimands will hit schism so I put that point back over there I'm really working to get better at Min maxing protector of the frail I think the more you can cast Shield the better you'll get CDR here you get output from crystalline reflection I think it's just a really good spell to play on cooldown the best you can and then when it comes to the rest of my build I am running a squid build sue me I think it's just I think it's more fun I really enjoy it there's a ton of damage you can have and I think there's plenty of healing so this is just what I like and so far I've had good success with it so I think it's more fun I think coming up here I heard it's about to have a buff added in so I'm I'm really interested to see how the the tides will turn as soon as that that happens but I think this is the better build I don't think it's a beginner's build but I think um I think kind of you know if you're willing to go for something harder in this case being disciplined I think the juice is worth the squeeze and all I'm going to say is I've looked up other videos of other disc priests playing the other build and they're doing about half the damage I am so as long as healing is not a problem for me which it isn't I don't see any reason going for the more DPS forward side DPS does equal HPS in a sense um so then the last thing I want to say the reason I deleted my last video is mainly I just didn't like it but then I noticed I said something wrong in it so I said it I'm just going to delete it we'll try again later but when it comes to your torment spells um you're either going to be getting 6 7 or 8 torments so eight is your most optimal torment window seven you can almost get every window and then six is like you've kind of messed up so seven is when you pick up one extra execute range at the end of your window and eight comes from if you're picking up two executes in the front of your window and then two in the back of your window as well and you'll get eight so you can more easily get that on bosses at least once every boss or maybe if your tank is in cahoots with you and y'all are coordinating you can chain pulls in such a way where you have an execute range to attack at the front of your pool but eight is what you want to aim for I don't think I have any in this video which just goes to show it's not that easy to do but eight is optimal and then the last thing I've been trying so up until this week I've been saying you need a harsh discipline fully proced going into your ramp and I don't think you necessarily need that I think all you need is a three stack and then everything else will fall into place and the reason I'm trying to break this habit is because I do think the one of the weaknesses of squid build is how long it takes to properly ramp so in a scenario where you need to get healing out if you're having this really lengthy ramp that I think that is kind of a weak spot but if you can put your harsh discipline to a three stack instead of a full proc that helps a lot you know it helps immensely to be honest so I'm trying to break a habit I don't I don't think I'm quite doing it yet in this video it was earlier in the week but again things I'm working on are pushing shields for protector of the frail I'm working on getting eight torments for Optimum play and output and then I'm also working on getting my harsh discipline uh only at a three stack before I go into my window and I think everything falls into place because your first mind blast will proc your Penance your Penance is your second cast and then you Shadow her death and then everything else kind of happens so and the only thing I'll say specific about the rotation is so once you have your first three cooldowns out and we get into our the meat of our spells we will cast mind blast first it always has to be first followed by dark reprimand and the important thing here is I'm cutting off that first dark reprimand at the global so I'm working in Shadow where death to cut the dark rubber band off and with all of the button blow and all of these torments we're aiming for I really find cutting off that first dark rubber band really alleviates a lot of the pressure and really makes really ensures that you get all of your torment spells and before we get over to the main video I wanted to give a quick little caveat lesson in the best Radiance practices so Radiance is hella important for us our four piece revolves completely around it and playing for mind Bender we really need that four piece in that instant cast Radiance to make things easier for us so I think one of the downsides for playing Mindbender is that there is a lot of button bloat it is quite hard but having an instant cast Radiance alleviates a lot of the pressure to be honest and when it comes to best practices for using radiance I always preach the more you can delay casting your Radiance the better and I I opened up Photoshop here with a little visual aid for us but so I would call this an early Radiance that was not delayed and sometimes you have to just to kind of adapt to the pull but the downside of an early radiance is we're gonna have this really steep drop off here where all healing is going to kind of cease within the group conversely if you can delay your Radiance to something like this you're essentially prolonging your window and you're adding full coverage of your party throughout a poll so if your ramp is four to five seconds your mind Bender is about 20 seconds your Radiance is another 12 seconds or so that is going to be the full duration of any Trash pole and this is what your full coverage looks like so things to keep in mind when you're trying to cast your Radiance if you can get your weaker spells out of the way first so like your redot your Solus your star those are not going to yield much atonement healing so if you can get those out of the way before you recast radiance it'll be better you'll really empower the latter half of your window and I think that's just best practice to always try and delay the best you can and I think you'll get more coverage more HPS that way more DPS that way and I really think that's the best practice for Mindbender so let's go ahead and clip over to the video all right so we're about to get going here this is a total pug except for the Demon Hunter he's my friend in Discord and we actually made friends with this tank so hopefully we can get some more coordinated Keys into the future some really good examples of how to win so you'll notice the hulking Berserker is the darker red nameplate through kui that is my focus Target pis out atonements out dots are out here's my mind Bender and the only problem with a pull like this first pull the dungeon non-fortified is just pretty much everything is dead before I get through my ramp so I think that was six or seven torments so I knew those guys had light Acro tables so I faded just to not be a part of it paints up out just to kind of ease this transition I am fully ramped here goes my window I picked out a double execute at the front if I get another one oh no so I think that was my only chance I was gonna get that eight torment and I remember now this tank the entire key keeps losing me by like dancing around poles like but it's uh it's sanguine and I know that is one of those affixes that kind of falls to the Tank's responsibility more than anything so I can't fault him there but yeah when you dance around poles like that you're always going to up your ranged so my harsh discipline is proced atonements are out dots are out here goes my next window mine glassed pennants and I'm getting in a habit of I break my first Penance in half with the death when you're trying to get all these torments you really only have time for one global you can't you can't let your first pennants fully cast and I think that was a seven torment window I got the execute range and another thing I'm really trying to work on in my play is now that shadow or death is only a 10 second cooldown you can play it so much more liberally than we used to be able to but if you watch right here paying close attention to the tank we're about to have a failure small one but he has a two stack of that bleed and I did play paints up on him but it was just a little bit too late so I think we were getting with sanguine I also had barrier which I could have used and should have used or maybe even just played paints up a little bit sooner but I was Flash healing the tank trying to give him some single Target love but I just did not play my spells quick enough I think we also were cornered with the affix so it kind of just came from all directions but sometimes that happens the key does uh continue to get better as we go so that was just a small hiccup I think the best thing you can do is maybe like fade and Vamp just because a tink dies doesn't mean it's over and kind of retreat maybe grip the tank to help him out and then just keep on moving so here goes our ramp window ramping dots ramping harsh discipline and for this I'm kind of delaying because I want these five to stack [Music] just fapping in the back so here's our ramp yep and unless there's a haste buff out like Pi or lust I am cutting that first dark rubber band in half at the global it uh it works out a little bit better that way and there was another loss yeah it's really sad for the disc priests to get out of the West oh yeah I um I know this this tank is doing his best uh the best he can to oh I think I might that up too with the grip but it's totally fine so going into this boss we have Pi available and pretty much the only Cadence we follow with bigwigs is the spawn timer of the totem I have everything else disabled except the quaking totem and the first one is only 20 seconds out so we do not have enough time for a window so I'm just pumping as much natural DPS as I can and I don't mind dotting the ads at all so here comes the totem dots are out atonements are out and here's my ramp so I got two executes on the front end but I will not get two executes on the back end there's a seven torment window and in between the quaking totems your biggest responsibility is just to get your mind Bender back so here comes the next totem I really want all the healing possible so I'm dotting a couple of the ads my Penance will spread the rest and then this was a little bit of a learning moment for me but his previous attack came first before the totem so that barrier was a little bit premature I'm not sure if it did as much as it could have foreign we will have empiric Embrace Back available and then also I'll say I'm not attacking the totem I don't think that's a problem either I think it's mainly for the DPS there are a handful of bosses where the ad needs your DPS but I don't think this totem is one of them for this one I paint set myself on tranical weeks I do look at paintsup as a personal defensive more times than not and I do like dotting the ads here because they do have a pretty good amount of help and all of our dots return as healing so foreign so the whole group was not in Discord here and I think what happened was we had split damage I think some of us were focusing boss some were focusing the totem I think the totem lived and a spell got out I think played no deaths all right and these guys I like to run my spells just honestly on the rip I don't think the healing requirements are too heavy so I'm just rolling all active spells to get as much output as possible and cut to the hunter where he feigns this shield attack on me for the first time yep right there in party you'll see where the shield throw is going to go that is the targeted spells weak aura I definitely think that is worth a shield and a defensive so on that first one you'll see I used wall and it looks like here I get blessing of Sacrifice from the Tink I definitely think it would have been better to cover me on that shield attack but going into this phase I do opt for Rapture I'm trying to play it more in the interim between mind Bender um it is really good for CDR of paints up so dots are out atonements are out there goes my next window and right there we doubled up on defensives I gave our Rhett Paladin a paint top and he had a bubble sounds a rip uh but that Shield can hurt and watch this carefully so I did play that back and unless there was like a weird timing there my paints up did land before the shield hit me and I had a shield and it still took my help said 35 percent so I think that attack can be really painful especially if it crits or I don't really know what happened to be honest but it is worth a defensive and using the targeted cast week r that I have linked really gives you an advantage to be able to see where that cast is going as soon as it's been cast and yeah it about killed me so we did it moving on a hand after we get our bearings and another good Pro tip is if you're going to try squid build being that I've already said the hardest part or maybe the weakest point in our our build is how long it takes to ramp you can always alleviate a lot of that pressure if you end one pull with a harsh discipline already prompt so you can go right into the next poll ready to go so always try and do that it really helps so right here I am just running Rapture because I'm trying to get my step down so I'm just spamming casting it doesn't really matter who it's going to but our next few bosses paints up is really vital so it's really important that we're rolling our cooldowns here um I mean our shield and our rapture and those guys cleave so you'll notice like I tried to kind of like dance out of their way and right here so thankfully the tank and myself both quickly reacted there and we saved our demon hunter's life but he got that nasty bleed on him I think it was a cleave I I'm not sure where it comes from but he had a nasty bleed on him and we had a quick blessing of sacrifice and a defensive penance so knowing when and when not to defensive Penance is probably the the most valuable skill you can have as a disc priest a defensive Penance is the most single Target healing we can put out that being said it's always nice to have a Penance proct because you never know when you might need it defensively and right there it saved our Dean hunter's life right so we have this boss it's pretty hard but the group has stacked for it we want to open with a Rapture it's really important probably our most important spell so we want to put it on cooldown and in group we said we're gonna Bop the first two so that was our first Bop not a problem and here's our DOT on the Rhett Paladin but I am in my cool down window so I'm not really breaking to give him any single Target love and he did double that one so for this there's no point in holding I do go ahead and barrier and I backload that attack with a radiant Providence here's our second thought thankfully because it was on me and it mitigated that attack as well which is great so I do have my mind Bender back but this is a little bit of an interim so there's no reason to drop it yet we really need it for the healing so there's a slight delay and here is my paint set to help out the Hunter it was my turn since all Bops and Bubbles were used thank you and here is our little intermission and good thing because we have Rapture Back available rapturing the group starting with the DPS first you can see my Grid 2 really highlights my absorbs and the best Rapture will get a couple more out after the attack and thankfully I had one on myself because I was targeted a quick paints up to mitigate damage quickly on hands to top I Got a Blessing of Sacrifice from the red Paladin and I walled and that's how we got through it pretty nice play or a pug but yeah with raptures you definitely want to try and cover the front end and time it so that you can refresh Shields after the attack that's gonna be your best play and right here this was the first defensive pennants used but you always want to hold one in your back pocket just in case you need it but we had really good plays there and did not need it until the very end but a defensive Penance into the hunter for the win if all spells are up ramping atonements ramping harsh discipline pis out there goes our window mind blast dark reprimand cut it off with a death star early to get the value work in a radiant Providence double execute and my fourth mind blast that was a seven torment window yeah these guys cleave don't stand there that's why their name plates are white oh and also if anyone thinks I pulled that replay it it was the red Paladin yikes I started to vampir reach for a rapture but then I realize we're all retreating I just need to get out of the last this again crazy defensive Penance just while I move [Music] and I got a little bit crazy I think we'll be over percent now that if you want to check me replay it and that was the rent Paladin and since it was kind of a scuffed pole I went ahead and just dropped my mind Bender did lose four to five seconds of value there but sometimes that happens it's a short cooldown yeah I said in I said in chat maybe it was me but when I replayed it it was the red Paladin um I always played Prince early even though it's not a proc just to spread my dots and you'll notice the custodians here are white that's because they cleave and our Demon Hunter ate it so as soon as anyone dies essentially everyone takes more damage because it's split only between four people so I walled and paint sapped just to help me get into my ramp I believe I got seven torments there with a double execute [Music] I think the Demon Hunter was cleaved I'm not sure running around that corner in the set so I'm noticing there's a lot of opportunities to really maximize expiation and I think there's a lot of sport to be had in it too because let's say one mob is an execute range with no Dot Penance the healthy one switch to the execute and put both of your Shadow or death on cooldown get a lot of damage that way so I think it might be reading between the lines a little bit but you might notice I'm switching targets a lot really trying to farm down any remaining seconds on dots yeah but so for this it is non-fortified but we got barriers so we're going to play it with Shadow Covenant oh yeah I think this was a okay so I think that was the only poll here where I got all seven torments and then the rest of them loss me foreign we are in a good place I have a harsh discipline prompt that's all I need opening with some manual dotting some atonements go mind blast dark reprimand cut it in half with a death star while everyone is still alive and then everything kind of falls into place second dark rubber man hits schism I picked up a double execute and that was my fourth mind blast and my seventh torment yeah I had a couple really good examples of eight torments and another key and I thought to show it here but then I thought I'll get it eventually y'all you all know how to count better than I do eight means eight you get four executes eat but yeah we're only getting seven here so especially in this time like right now where we're in between pulls run shield on cooldown Shield so the play of spells here is first we're gonna reach for Mass to spell and then rapture so right after the clap is our Mass dispel I pick off the one that I missed with a single and this was a really good Rapture because everyone was shielded and I was able to refresh their Shields after the bomb so here comes our first window and mass dispel is available but I have green output for it and only note I have for this type of window is make sure just make sure you're with your tank no matter if he's on the front or the back just be on his side I mean what happens here you'll see that Demon Hunter got separated it's um it's really not the biggest problem but it does mean this will just take a little bit longer but I think it's important not to forget he's back there so go find him put him back in range toss them at least a renew or something yeah I forgot about him oops I gave him a flash Shield he's all good atonements will take care of the rest and this is a barrier so I'm getting to the point where if barrier at least hits me I'm okay with it but it's better if it hits more people and I'm a little bit behind on my window here so I painted up just to kind of ease the transition now we have Mindbender out we're Gucci atonements are refreshed second dark rubber band on a Schism feels great double execute and here's our Rapture again and that one might have looked a little dicey um but I would have said it was like totally in control if you want to replay that again and pay close attention to where my absorbed values are with my grid too I was able to Shield the people with low Health which saved their life and I re-shielded them after so if you want to watch like the Demon Hunter for example you might have been low Health but he had like he had a cap on top of him so I think it was fine it was a little close um I think if I had a three stack instead of a harsh discipline fully prompt I could have gotten to things a little bit quicker we would have been higher Health overall but a win to win so for that one I knew that the Thundering slam was coming you don't need necessarily Shields or barriers but all you need is full health so I gave us a radiant Providence before so I got my execute range that was seven torments peaked at it looked like like 85 DPS per second 85 000. and here I thought the gollum was still alive so I reached for rapture it was kind of a waste but if you ever reach for Rapture and you notice like whoops I didn't mean to do that at least try and pump all your Shields and that'll help your inside and this is a really good example of how editing down your big wigs is really valuable so out of all of these mobs the only audible I have left open is the thunderous clap and that's the the Dodge mechanic so all of the other attacks I don't hear so that means when I do hear an audible queue that is my hind so yep that one I just opted to eat because I was trying to get all my torments but I think I missed some anyway and a really important note here I'm about to play barrier but I'm waiting for the audible Q yeah and drop it late so we have two Golems I know we're gonna get more of these attacks I want as much value out of the barrier as possible so I delay its cast and uh it covered us and in all of these polls with the Golem they are definitely your focus Target you'll notice they are the darker red nameplate with kuy definitely want to give them your Schism and all you've got yeah so I got the double execute but missed the final mind blast it goes fully ramped let's go into our window mind blast dark reprimand death star iron glass Solas mind blast reprimand execute execute and missed final mind blast ouch he was really liking going between those poles I don't get it not a good play really to be honest he was going to be losing myself and the Hunter all right and these guys even though it's fortified this is another place where improved Mass to spell is amazing so I was trying to rant I gave myself a single disc spill but then I noticed he was already dead so I wasn't gonna not gonna send out my mind vendor on a dead Target and even use Mass so let's watch this real quick we have a lot of mobs here I'm reaching for all of my guest spells I play Star early before the Lesser mobs die I think we barely got seven torments there so what I was gonna say is before I think about like what's meta spec what's not meta spec I think that's a less valuable conversation than what spells do we need in this dungeon to time it so like I was already grouped with a Demon Hunter I'm a disc priest so we know of our strengths and weaknesses are what do we need to fill out our group for success and a key like this two paladins is honestly the answer you get two Bops you get two freedoms which we'll see here Freedom comes in real Handy for mitigating this dot so does Master spell but we really have a stack group for this key and let's see how this final boss goes so with big wigs I'm really only tracking one timer and that's the knockback that's kind of the Cadence here and similarly to the other bosses Rapture is really valuable we want to play it early so we get it again oh yeah and I'm gonna speed this up so we we realize we only have one shot so we're gonna wait for lust even though it's over a minute so let me speed this up so all we're tracking here with big wigs is the wing Buffett that is the biggest threat that is kind of the Cadence of this fight and the first Wing Buffett is really early in the poll so I immediately raptured I threw in a master spell as well and I was still able to refresh I think two of our shields on the latter half of rapture and we're fully ramped atonement surround dot is out this is our green output coverage window mind Bender in a late radiance and I kind of banked that dark rubber man for a fraction of a second just to be able to cast it while I was in the air being knocked back so in this phase I'm really doing everything I can to farm my mind Bender back with all this haste I think that's the best thing you can do and for this Wing Buffett I backloaded it with a radiant Providence and I gave myself a single dispel and freedoms took care of the other here is our Mindbender and again I'm waiting for the Buffett to cast my dark reprimand it's your best spell to cast while you are in the air so quickly glancing at available spells we have all paints UPS and raptures Back available so I hope I reach for Rapture again coming out of this window [Music] it was a late Rapture and that caused a problem I should have immediately raptured there but we made it oh it's up yeah all right here's an example where I was feeding for a full harsh discipline prompt and all I think is all I think he needs a three stack missed that second dark rubber man that's how it goes sometimes that's my first one I missed and right there I had wall active and paints up to myself I should have split the love a little and given it to the hunter since he was a little bit lower than I was and I remember this last mind Bender I was really struggling to get into it and I think I only barely got there yeah so this is an example where I was fighting for a proc and all I needed was a three stack and made things take a little bit longer but we got through it so I think that was a really good example of ulderman on tyrannical I will say we had a good tank we had a good rhet Paladin I don't really have much to say about the hunter well he was first first on DPS that's really good so we had for a pug we had a lot of coordination and a lot of teamwork and I think that's what led to a win here so if you glanced out at the avoidable damage everyone is honestly a little bit high but I think that's just because it's a hard and long dungeon um but always aim for as low as possible I know these hallways suck for sanguine but then looking at the DPS meters which is what I care about I'm right at 49 000 per second overall which I think is really really good I think this build is completely fine for healing I know we had a stacked group for it and I think the only places where we got into trouble from a healing perspective was due to my user error I don't think anything to do with the spec but I'm probably always going to run squid build I think it is just the more fun option and let's take a quick look at the DPS so this is a pretty expected layout mind Bender at the top always using Penance to keep our Purge the wicked active mind blast Shadow were deaths using those as much as you can in execute ranges hopping around picking out targets two dark reprimands falling on Schism and expiation is um I think really good you can get a lot out of it when you are in good practice of switching targets and sniping active dots and it's uh I really wish I had a good example of an eight torment window for you guys in this video but it just did not happen I will try and get one more out this week just to highlight what that looks like but yeah I appreciate everyone tuning in discipline is something I'm very passionate about I don't think I know everything but I do like to share what I know I've put a lot of work and effort into Min maxing every spell in my book and I think that makes a good wow player so um even if you're reading between the lines of my videos I think some Concepts and ideology on how to min max even if you're not a priest I think there's some knowledge to be gained here but that being said I know I don't know everything so if I'm missing a play or missing a mechanic I really don't mind this being a two-way street please offer me advice I like the conversation and I I'm pretty good at responding in the comments section to questions if you have any specific questions but that being said I think this is a really good progress update video for myself some things I'm working on are aiming for those eight torments per window always want to delay your Radiance in a poll to kind of prolong your output window I'm working on really maximizing my protector of the frail keeping shield on cooldown and then another really important aspect when aiming for high output is managing your dot uptime with Penance and then farming those dots down with expiation so again thanks everyone for tuning in and until next time disc out [Music] [Music]
Channel: JustDiscipline
Views: 4,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discipline, priest, keys, keystone, pov, wow, disc, warcraft, M+, Mythic+, Mythic, healer, power infusion, pi, Dragonflight, Rapture, Mindgames, Thundering, Shield, Dragon, Dungeon, Grid2, Clique, BigWigs, KUI Nameplates, WeakAuras, Weak Auras, Tier List, LittleWigs, 5 man, Raid, holy, shadow, resto, power word, Pain Suppression, Pain Sup, schism, mindbender, shadow covenant, dark disc, penance, Dark Reprimand, paladin, Torment, squid, Hunter, Demon Hunter, Uldaman, Tyr, volcanic, sanguine, tyrnnical, Legacy
Id: duklWX8Xak0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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