WOTLK Phase 3 Mage BIS Gearing Compendium

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foreign welcome back it's my long awaited phase three best gearing guide for Mages for upcoming togc which is coming up here quick and uh before we Dive Right In I want to give a general overview of what I'm going to go over uh first all the best sets are listed in the video description for you to open up and look at while following along because first I'm going to cover information that is spec agnostic such as DPS differences between the specs how the tier works and best gearing path for the tier tokens um the changes in how we Jam due to socket bonuses differences between my best sets and the fusion Loop prior sheet and wild hat Etc crafting gear and emblem gear and more and after that info I'll cover each spec separately and different from my previous videos I plan to just cover each gearing set at a general level with only the most pertinent information covered thus hopefully keeping this video well under one and a half hours unlike my previous videos let's all pray together that that is indeed the case all right let's Dive Right In first I just want to note if you didn't know the horde and the alliance have different names for their items so I'm going to try and just refer to things as hit weapon or non-hit weapon or the say non-hit neck or the hit chest for off-piece or non-hit chest for off-piece or things like that in that way because they have different names so some of the names are very similar between Alliance and hordes such as horde of biting cold for Alliance is belt of biting cold for horde so it's biting coal for both same with like the boots are morning widow for both it's sandals of Maureen Widow versus boots of the morning widow but some of them are completely different name like the weapons or the cloak and the ring are a completely different name so Bland of deplorable four lines and lurid manifestation for horde for the ring for example um so the same with the weapons completely different mortalis for horde for Alliance it's played to The Unbroken Covenant so I'm gonna try and just generically refer to things and just know that if you're looking at the different business that the actual stat values are completely the same the names could be just a little different though so that's just something to keep in mind next I just want to touch on the DPS differences between the specs in Phase 3 bits and I'm using Safari's sheet to show this and you can see that in the video description and shout outs to Safari once again for this great information really appreciate it he has it for different kill times and also has his Sim configs linked here and Ms just equals tied plus Vape so one Mana tied and one to innervate just in case you didn't know what the MS means and he also has frostfire with a focus magic listed here and as you can see fire and Arcane are now much closer in value unlike with Phase 2 bis so if any kind of the fight has any kind of multi-dot cleave or anything like that it'll completely close the gap and fire will be ahead of Arcane and only on single Target tank and spank with an Arcane Mage that really knows what they're doing are they going to possibly be able to uh DPS a fire Mage but otherwise fire just being easier to play more often than not it's going to have uh it's going to perform better than Arcane especially on so many of these fights or always have multi-dot or cleave in some capacity and that is going to put fire ahead and the main reason for this is just that phase 3 bits uh the tier 9 set bonuses benefit fire much more because it's all crit and crit is not that great for Arcane and so it's just as simple as that and then fire ttw being ahead of ffb uh by a significant margin here 200 plus DPS is just due to fire ttw scaling better with better gear so you know now we're at that point where fire TDW is significantly ahead of ffp and so I recommend to definitely be playing fire ttw if you're going to be a fire Mage nowadays uh you can find the hit gear to make fire ttw work and outscale ffp and by the end of phase three fire ttw will definitely be ahead it was already ahead for other reasons in phase two just due to rankings for a number of reasons that I got into in my rankings video but now it's definitely going to be uh significantly ahead no matter what not just in for rankings but just on average it will be doing more damage and we can also see this with the tier 9 3 minutes histogram here that you Safari put together as well we can just see that the fire ttw distribution is to the right of the ffb and it's just simply going to be doing more DPS on average and I put that with my business at about a 250 DPS advantage to fire ttw with ffb only being tied with fire on average if ffp is getting a focus magic and so then it's not giving a focus magic to someone else so fire ttw even without another Mage in the raid is going to be doing the same damage as ffp without a focus magic and then as far as a total raid DPS wise you're as a fire ttw you're giving a focus magic to someone and you're boosting their DPS so fire ttw is just overall even if you're the only Mage is going to be more raid DPS and your personal DPS is still going to be the same as if you are ffp so just basically fire ttw is highly what I recommend for this phase now uh no longer ffp if you want to be an ffp though I still provide you a business list here and I just still am going to talk about ffb if you just want to be ffp for whatever reason but there just really isn't a need anymore the main reason we're ffp in alduar was just for Speed runs pretty much all the top Mages in the world we're using ffp in speed runs and that was the only reason we were really using ffb is because it was just had better AOE and with uh due to Blizzard and then also was more Mana efficient but that's really just not needed in togc at all and so now fire ttdw is definitely the play in what I recommend and I would only be Arcane if you really enjoy Arcane or if you're really trying to min max some parses on say jaraxis or twin valks where arcane possibly sort of you know out DPS fire or if you have to be Arcane for faction Champions just due to the uh CC and survivability that it offers those are possibly the reasons I'd be Arcane or of course if you have to be providing the three percent damage pump for your raid because there isn't a red or uh BM hunter in the raid but other than that fire ttw I think is totally the play those phase next I just want to cover how you get the tier tokens in case you didn't know so there is a tier that you can just buy with straight envelopes it's going to be eye level 232 but then to get the eye level 245 you're actually going to need a trophy of the Crusade that drops within the raid and then you combine that with a higher emblem cost in order to get the piece and note that you do not need to be buying the eye level 232 in order to get the 245 it's completely separate you don't need to buy the 232 and then upgrade or anything like that and then finally to get the uh 258 pieces you have to get regalia the grand vanquisher which drops from the final chest and so here I'm now going to talk about the chest so this is the chest from heroic togc do heroic togc and depending on the amount of temps remaining that will determine the amount of loot you get from the chest so not the loot that's off in new Brack that's a separate loot table the loot that comes from the chest and in order to get the cloak the really coveted cloak you have to have 50 attempts remaining in order to get an extra two pieces of tier token you have to have at least 45 attempts remaining you're always going to get at least two pieces of the regalia is no matter what you'll get two of the 258 tokens but in order to get four tokens from the chest you need to have at least 45 attempts remaining and note that these are still divided up between the classes so conch plot and vanquisher but it is just a regalia of the Grand vanquisher and then in game you can use that regalia the grand vanquisher for any slot so it does it's not divided up by legs or gloves or a Helm token or anything like that and then it doesn't doesn't cost you any emblems either so the 258 tokens are pretty nice if you're able to get those but keep in mind now uh you're only getting a Mac even if you have 45 attempts remaining your full clearing from the first week and always having Fort at least 45 attempts remaining you're getting only a Max of Ford 258 tokens a week and togc is likely going to be a shorter phase they already said it was going to be a shorter phase it's not going to be as long as alduar um it could still be 14 weeks of togc um or at least 12 because there's some reading this season uh you know we'll see but even at 14 weeks that's only 14 people assuming you're full clearing with 45 attempts remaining 14 people that will get all four 258 and and what's more likely is that it'll probably be spread out amongst your guild right so you're not going to get full 258 unless you're running splits or you're just buying it all in a gdkp or corrupt salute Council or something like that so uh just take note of that that's something to keep in mind but the trophies of the grand Crusade these you can get up to 10 a week from the 25 man and four from 10 man so that's 14 a week between 25 and 10 man and so it will not take that many weeks before everyone in your raid should have at least all or four pieces of 245 and even five pieces certainly by the end of the phase even if you're not full clearing by the end of the phase I expect most all guilds to be able to have enough trophy the Crusades to completely gear out their raid with 245 eye level pieces so on that note you shouldn't really need to buy 232 pieces unless you really have the emblems of Triumph that you want to spend um uh you know to maybe get a two-piece so you have one trophy The Crusade and you have enough emblems to then buy a 232 piece and a 245 piece to then be able to break uh your tier 8 set bonus and then equip uh tier 9 set bonus by doing a one 245 piece and one 232. um that's the only reason I would use my emblems on the 232 I wouldn't waste them unless you're a number of weeks into the phase and you have extra emblems to spare because it's it's just not needed and you should be able to get enough trophies of the Crusade pretty early into the phase to be buying the 245 pieces to do the upgrades but it it all depends it just depends on how much you're going to uh Farm up emblems and note that for emblems you can see pinned here in my chat you can get 25 badges per week from doing 25 and 20 badges per week from 10 man and then there's only in VOA so you can get 55 a week just from rating um and then 35 a week from doing the daily heroic plus plus by uh five per day for the daily heroic basically so with 90 a week so you can get quite a few however I mean I I personally don't want to be running the daily heroic plus plus every single day I'm certainly going to do it the first few weeks or whatever make sure I have enough emblems just make sure I'm cushy just in case I do happen to get the trophies since it's strong for Mages I'm not exactly sure the prio but um for your guild for instance but you know I'm gonna do it at first but I don't want to be running daily heroic plus plus certainly uh any more than I have to so I'm I would be leery on wasting them on 232 unless it really makes sense that's basically what I'm getting at but that's how many emblems you can get per week and then on that note of tier pieces I now want to cover the tier 9 bonuses versus the tier 8 bonuses so I've got a number question as far as when you're going to break tier 84 piece tier 84 piece is so valuable are we even gonna break it until we have a number of high-level tier 9 pieces the thing is tier 84 piece well it sounds really powerful in practice it's not for overpowered in terms of DPS versus tier nine uh both the tier 9 bonuses are pretty good tier 9 two piece starts out at around you know some like two percent something fit for all of your spells and then tier nine four pieces of course five percent crit for your main nuke both those are actually pretty good uh tier 84 piece has a lot of value on fights with movement where you actually get the proc and it allows you some extra movement um but if you don't get the proc during movement then you know it's it's a 20 proc chance and it's actually not a huge DPS increase versus the tier 9 set bonuses it's just really fun and so obviously it sucks that we're losing that really fun set bonus but the tier 9 bonuses are still really good and more crit means you're gonna get uh more hot streak proc so that's kind of nice with the tier 9 set bonuses we always like to crit right so um just to give a little demonstration of this as well just going from tier 8 232 to tier 9 232 we can get a pretty big DPS increase now part of that is because of the helm for tier IX is much better stated as same with the shoulders than the tier eight pieces so for instance the tier 8 piece for the helm has speared on it while the tier IX Helm has hit and haste instead of the spirit and so if we switch to that and then we also swap to the 2 32 shoulders for tier IX you can see that they have crit haste which is great in terms of itemization versus the spirit and haste so if we swap to those which is also really nice that we could do that swap because the shoulders are both DPS the Helms are both hit uh we're a little under hit cap when we swap to the tier nine so if we then also do a veil gem into our wand or just any yellow slot and notice I'm not using epic gems here just because the phase 2 base list wasn't using epic gems so just to have an apple stops comparison I'm just sticking with the non-epic gems but once phase three hits you'll switch to all Epic gems then we hit another run you can see very good an 86 DPS increase just going to that now part of that is because of the itemization but the point being that that DBS increase is mainly coming from the better itemization on the pieces but the set bonus going from tier 8 4 piece to tier nine two-piece plus tier eight two-piece is just as valuable in terms of DPS for set bonuses essentially they're very close and so you don't have to worry about losing one set bonus or another as long as you're not breaking a set bonus and not not getting another so if you went from uh tier 84ps to just tier 8 two-piece or just tier 9 two piece and so then some off pieces yeah then you're going to be losing some DPS but if you go from tier 8 4 piece to tier 9 two piece plus tier eight two piece and then from that to tier nine four piece you're not going to be losing really much DPS and this is actually the gearing path that I recommend as well for upgrading your tier from tier 8 to tier 9 is doing the helm and shoulders first because the stats on them are just so well itemized and then also they are a one-to-one the helm is going from Hit to hit the shoulders going from non-hit to non-hit so it's just easy upgrade from there I recommend if you have ferrous gloves then I would recommend using a trophy and getting the the chest everyone's gonna have enough you know there's gonna be enough trophies to go around for everyone's gonna be able to get five by the end of the phase so using a trophy on the chest is gonna be perfectly fine I think and you could do the chest and the legs then and continue to use ferals as an off piece because it's a very strong off piece and so you could use you do the legs in the chest at the same time one because you want to obviously do go from one set bonus to another set bonus but also because the chest for tier VIII was not hit and the chest for tier 9 is hit and vice versa for the legs as well for tier 8 versus tier nine so that way you're not having to screw with any hit or hit loss now if you don't have the Pharaohs as an off piece then I would recommend getting the tier 9 gloves and the tier nine legs and then using the crafted chest the 245 Merlin's robe which is pretty well itemized it's got crit and haste the only thing is then you're gonna need to find the hit somewhere else as if your fire ttw depending on your other hit gear so that could be challenging but that is definitely a pretty good hearing path it's going to cost you some gold from Crusaders orbs and whatnot if you're trying to get it early in the phase but going to that 245 chest from a 232 chest and also getting the tier 9 bonuses from your gloves and legs it's going to be nice DPS increase going back to the Pharaohs gloves though when you do that and you have say you have Pharaoh's gloves and you have your tier 9 4 piece then on the other slots you're not going to want to upgrade to your tier 9 gloves of course until you have the 258 hit off piece chest and then you could then swap out the ferris gloves to the 245 gloves but it's not going to be as big of an increase as you would think because the pharaoh's gloves are actually just as well itemized as the tier 9 gloves so even though the tier 9 gloves if we take a look at them they're 258 if you compare them to the Pharaohs gloves because the Pharaohs have that extra gem slot let's just say you were going to compare them with uh using the 258 tier chest which has the exact same amount of hit as the off piece and we're now going to do a comparison of the Pharaohs versus the tier 9 gloves so basically tier 95 piece versus using the Pharaohs as an off piece the ferrous gloves are actually a lot more DPS right because even though they're six item levels lower they have that extra gem slot that is really well itemized and so that's their just more DPS so that's just illustrating how good the Pharaohs gloves are so you really when you switch from ferals gloves uh as you're off piece to using the 258 chest as you're off piece and then the tier 9 gloves you really would ideally want that 258 token to get those 258 tier 9 gloves next I want to cover the fusion Loop Trio sheet that Jordy and Pummel made I've been getting a number of questions on this I I'm not involved in the loop pile sheets so uh you know that's why the my business lists are different than their business um they got their business list from Philippe from what I understand from which should correspond to the wild head business um however I believe the wow had fire this list does differ from this one and I'm just going to touch on that to explain that real quick um so one of the reasons is just the fact that there's uh differences in gearing pass so for instance with the Mage arcaneless that they have here you can see that they go blade of taras which is the hit weapon for Alliance and then um Rod of imprisoned Souls I had them add the sprig as well because they you need to know that the Petrified Ivy sprig is basically just as good as the rod of imprisoned Souls so even if you're only using a little bit of the hit with the Petrified Ivy sprig it's just that good where it's they're going to be the same DPS as the ride of imprisoned Souls so even though the rod of imprisoned Souls looks really good just in term terms of sodomization is Kurt Hayes petrified heavy sprig is just really good it's got the gem slot and that just really helps it out with that because of that gem slot and so um they go blade of trotskan if you take a look at mine instead of that I go the non-hit weapon and petrified Ivy sprig with then a couple of veiled gems a veil Gem and the Petrified Ivy sprig NFL gem in the chest get the hit to make it a perfect hit for Alliance and that actually sends the same DPS as uh this one which is and this list is from Wowhead that they got from Philippe for and I understand so the reason for that is just a alternate hearing path which is good to hear right we can go different paths with gearing and get the same DPS and in some cases it's alternate paths and very close like within 1050 DPS which is basically within the margin of error for the Sim so it's basically the same in this case it's like really is actually the exact same for the fire ttw list they have here the main difference between this list and the Wowhead list and my list if we go to fire ttw for phase three Alliance is that I go with armbands of the Ash and Saint and then a veil gem in the chest and a veil gem in the wand and that is more DPS than what they have here with the bindings of dark Essence which are the hit bracers and they again they put broad of imprisoned Souls but you could have petrified Ivy sprig here and it would be the same DPS so you can go either wand and the main thing in here is they're just trying to split up the bracers between the different classes so someone needs to go hit bracers and someone needs to go non-hit Racers just to split up that loot and so even though our man's of the action scene actually are about 35 more DPS for fire ttw that's why they decided Well they're going to take the the hip Racers and the Affliction locks we'll get the armbands of the ash insane now I talked to Pummel about this and I asked him what's the DPS difference if this was you know switched around so if the fire ttw got the armbands of the ash insane and the Affliction warlocks got the findings of dark Essence instead and it's about the same for them via 35 DPS loss if they were to the ones taking the hip Racers and we were taking the non-hit racers I mean guys it's it's a small thing I would just whatever your guild wants to do for Loop pryo since it's that close I'd say this could be either either class could get either one um and but it also just shows that bindings of dark Essence are really good Armands of the action Saint since its Spirit even though you're going over hit cap by going bind into dark Essence with this loot list if you're using the Petrified Ivy sprig that means you're set up well for tier 10 and starting to get that lewd you're a little over hit caps you have a little extra hit budget and it's only for a little bit of a DPS loss so if you get the hit bracers you know and you you got a little bit less than full this I wouldn't be sad about it and so I'm just overall trying to explain why they went this way and that's basically it it's it's not real Biz but this is just the loop Rio sheet and there's reasons for doing the loop trial and that's that's basically the reason what I understand next I just want to touch on gemming real quick and how that's changing with phase 3 bits so with phase two bits as you can see here there was a lot of times we were using uh red gems and yellow sockets and not necessarily following with the socket bonuses and just doing pure red gems sometimes in like this case with the pharaoh's gloves you could go pure red Gems or you could have gone the purple and the orange and it would have been about the same DPS but with phase 3 bits we're actually pretty much always going with the color of the socket and the reason for that is that mainly one is that the socket bonuses are just really good they're pretty much always spell power for the most part or if they're not spell power like in the case of the gloves it's a red gem anyways so it's great so we're pretty much just always following the socket colors so like with this braces and B it's five spell power and we're doing the purified dreads on the 12 spell power in the 10 spirit and then the other reason for that is yeah that we have epic gems now and the Epic gems are less of a hit when you do the multi-color gem versus the pure red so before it was plus 19 spell power and you had you were basically taking a hit on a spell Power by by going to the multi-color because then you'd get nine spell power and then eight of the other stat being crit or haste or hit and so you're basically trading 10 spell power for eight of that lower stat well now the highest red gem is 23 spell power and the multi-colored gems has 12 spell power so now you're only trading 11 spell power and you're getting 10 of a stat so it's less of a trade basically is what I'm trying to say it's not as much of a hit and then the socket bonuses are really good so for the most part now with phase three Biz you're pretty much always following the multi-color Gem and then as usual you're doing either you can do 12 mile power and haste you can do the Reckless or the potent you can go 12 spell power and crit it's basically up to you they're pretty much the same and then for the purple you're gonna go 12 spell power 10 Spirit of course red 23 spell power and when you need to do the veiled which is tall spell power and 10 hit that's always better than doing the 20 hit so just toss the 12 as many veiled as you need to get hit cap if you don't have the hit gear and that's basically how you're going to be doing gemming with uh phase three and if you didn't know how to get epic gems in phase three you just get them from the emblem of heroism vendor for emblems of heroism and then you can convert emblems down to M levels of heroism down in the sewer with uh this NPC here and you can just uh do many at a time if you want and so considering people have been running aldoir for many weeks now there should be a plethora of Epic gems and you should be able to afford your own as well just using your own emblems if you've been rating all phase two and so don't worry about them being expensive and then for new items that can be crafted in Phase 3 there are four new items and you can see them they're all here they're tailoring and they use the Crusader orb which will be dropping in the new instance uh it shows eight but that's just because uh one's a horde version and one's a lions version and the there's for the bracers and chest slots um however the bottom four as you can see they use Moon shroud and they they are of course Spirit uh chest and spirit bracers so we don't care about those we care about the Merlin's robe and the Bejeweled Wizards bracers which are both spell power Haze crit so non-hit uh bracers and non-hit chest and very well itemized as you can see here it's got three gem sockets eye level 245 and no Spirit just uh pure DPS and same with the bracers and so it's the really good pieces and just to demonstrate how good of pieces they are you can see here with the bracers you know I'm sending them against Grass reason the eye level 252 from uh that dropped from XT which were phase two biss uh and they're really close in DPS they're only 15 EPS behind the Bejeweled Blizzard's bracers and they're far ahead of the bindings of the dark Essence if you don't need the hit from the bindings of dark Essence and obviously way ahead of the shackles of all out at least which was the next best behind grass of Reason in phase two so definitely craft these as soon as you can and they're going to be a great piece for you until you get armbands of the Ash and Saint if you ever do and even if you don't get on reservation saying until you say you're using these until the end they're not even that far behind that arm as of the Ash and Saint as you can see here uh just about 45 DPS so these are really good craft them right away and then the chest well there's a number of different chess pieces now with tier nine and you can get the uh if you need hit you can get the 245 tier chest of course if you don't need hit Merlin's robe are really great and they're just a easy upgrade straight from the 232 tier Aid piece there was no other good chest off piece in tier VII and so now we have this craftable that we can right away go to if you don't need the hit and if you need an off-piece for your chest slot so also a really good piece if you can make use of it but this one is obviously a little harder to make use because it's a tear slot and more likely going to using it this tier slot for hit but the wrist definitely crafted as soon as you can if you don't already have grass of reason next I want to cover the emblem vendor so the items that you can purchase using your emblems of Triumph the tldr here is that none of these items are really worth it I would just be using your emblems on tier for instance the brimstone igniter wand looks pretty decent but then you realize you get the petrified Ivy sprig just from running a Dungeons through the cedarial essence and the Petrified Ivy Sprague is just simply Superior likewise for the ring the band of the invoker at first glance it's like oh this is item level 245 this is pretty good but then you can get the Nebula band from Sedalia Essence once again which seems about 40 DPS more than this it's just a much better ring it's got the gem slot while this one doesn't and so I just wouldn't waste your emblems on this unless you have plenty to spare and you already have a Nebula band and need another ring for the slot so I'll just be ketchup gear and the same basically goes for the uh Helm and the shoulders you can buy only if you had a plethora of emblems and you didn't have tier tokens to buy for this but again it's just a very Niche thing I I wouldn't use your emblems on it you're going to be getting here for those slots once you have a trophy don't be wasting your emblems on this and then lastly we have the Talisman of resurgence which looks like it could be decent for Arcane which it is okay for Arcane but it's only if you need ketchup here because otherwise you know flare rain scale and Pandora's plea are all better non-hit trinket options so again wouldn't be using the the train kit unless you're Arcane and you really need that ketchup gear and you have a plethora of emblems and so that's just the general gist here is I wouldn't be worrying about any of these I'll just be using your emblems on tier and then also Crusaders a harp for gold and uh you can just get the scenario Essence for better gear by running heroic plus pluses for 10 man items unlike Phase 2 there's nothing that is going to be biss for the phase however there's a number of item level 245 upgrades throughout 10-man heroic as long as you're doing heroic then you're going to get these 245 upgrades dropping left and right and you can take advantage of them if you don't already have something that's uh item level 245 or higher from phase two so for instance for one-handers there is both a hit and a non-hit one-hander the non-hit one-hander being from faction Champions and then the uh hit one-hander being from the tribute chest as you can see here and there's both two non-hit staves as well one being from a new Barack right here the cold convergence and the other being Enlightenment that drops off valves some other are good uh 10 man heroic items to be looking out for as just as upgrades is of course offhand wise you know there's nothing that was higher than 232 throughout phase two other than Cosmos so it's relatively rare for people to have this so there's a lot of people running around with a star Shard Edge and just a 232 off hand well now there is a 245 offhand that drops from Belk's Ted man her like the Chalice of Benedictus it's got a gem slot as well so really good if you can get this if you're not or if you don't already have Cosmos and you're running a one hand and an offhand so that's something to keep an eye out for as well as if you need a hit neck you haven't already gotten the pendant of fiery havoc in phase two there's a 245 hit neck the dark main pendant that drops off of elks that's another item to be looking up for there's also if you don't have petrified Ivy sprig you can obviously just farm that from the heroic dungeons now which is what I recommend but you could until you do that there's a lot of imprisoned Souls which drops off ice howl which is pretty good as a non-hit wand but again petrified Ivy sprig is just goated so I would just farm this and get that there's also a belt that drops off of ice howl the Ice House inch which is a hit belt so say you're using the crafted belt slash of ancient power then the Ice House inch will be a nice hit to hit item upgrade then ring wise if you need hit and you can do it from your ring slot then The Firestorm ring which chops off your axis is really well itemized spell hit and crit and it's got a red red socket so this is a really good ring if you can utilize hit in the ring socket and you don't have better Rings again all item level 245 and then for boots there is both hit and non-hit boots that drop from 10 Man Idle 245 of course from action Champions with silver Vegas for Alliance uh whatever it is all for horde or spell hit and crit and then from Belks there is a bit of The Grieving Soul which are non-hit boots they're spirit so that's unfortunate but if you have 232 boots going to these I'm pretty sure is going to be an upgrade just from the 13 item levels even though it's spirit so you got those options as well for an upgrade and then of course last but not least there is the cloak that you could get from 10 man which is going to be item level 258 cloak uh this one the Draper bitter incantation for Alliance at least which is second best only to the very coveted 272 cloak from uh 25-man heroic which is going to be you get to have all 50 attempts remaining and get having all 50 attempts remaining on 10 man heroic is way easier than 25 Man 10 man's a joke from what I hear it's pretty easy to full clear it so like you know just a few weeks into it you should be able to have uh your group doing 50 attempts remaining as long as they're pretty competent and uh decently geared and then you could be getting these cloaks and this is the second best until you can get that 272 cloak so really good cloak drop definitely be running 10 man to get this as an upgrade until you can get that 272 cloak the last thing I want to touch on before I go into each of the different spec sets is that there's a number of different alternate gearing paths like I had mentioned before that are going to be the same DPS or very close to the full Biz sets that I mentioned so as you can tell with the Wowhead one is it may differ in some ways for both Arcane as well as the fire sets that he has the fire and the ffp from my set for instance his frostfire line set does the quarter biting cold and flow Investments and whatnot and then my set uses the sky Weaver robes which is the hit chest off piece and then the uh cartilage and numbers Miss which is the non-hit belt for Alliance so basically the wow headless swaps those around in terms of using a hit bells and a non-hit chest and they're both very close to DPS mine seems a little higher in DPS I think like 15 to 20 DPS higher but it's it's still very close and you know there's just different advantages to going with each of these things you know the skyweaver robe is going to be more contested and so by going the non-hit one it's less contested you have a better chance of getting that and it's still very close in DPS and so you know these business that I have listed here are just basically the most optimal combination between hit pieces and non-hit pieces for eye level 258 pieces to get the most amount of bang for your buck but you need to take into account how contested the loot is what is going to be possible for your guild given uh how you're doing prior on items and and the combination that's going to work best for you because it's going to be a shorter phase right this is probably not going to be much more than 12 and 14 weeks for this phase because they already said it was going to be shorter phase and alduar certainly in just a shorter phase in general so there's gonna be less time to get all this Loot and so you have to be realistic and realize you're probably not gonna be able to get full this and so don't be worried about doing this exact business just be worried about hitting close to hit cap with a different combination of the hit and non-hit pieces that are possible so for each of the different slots there's essentially a hit in a non-hit piece right and so you could do a number of different combinations the only difference with that is the neck okay at the neck is there's just there's just this one neck and that's that's basically what it is when it comes to item level 258 you just have the whale the valkyr non-hit neck and on the note of the neck this actually brings me to my next alternate gearing path that you could consider instead of going the non-hit neck with the valkyrie neck which is going to be very contested as you can tell from the loot prio sheet pretty much everyone needs that neck for their full this of course because it's there is no other 258 Knack something that you could do instead so you could just look at going for using the flame alive the neck throughout the face so you go the FL neck with hit you go the non-hit robes for your chest option and then you go the bindings of dark Essence for the for your bracers the hip bracers and you also then are no longer using uh or you're using one veiled in your wand but and that's how you can hit your spell hit cap and this is going to be about you know 75 DPS less than full this so you're taking that hit but at the same time you then don't need to get that super contested next slot and you also are getting a less contested chess piece again depending on how your guild is doing Loop prio in terms of the uh the chess pieces for the off piece so um that's just that's something to consider those those you know kind of alternate gearing pass that you can go another just quick example of an alternate gearing path would be to use ferrous gloves as your off piece instead of the 258 hit chest piece so if you already have Pharaoh's gloves then that takes care of your off piece that's one last piece you need and you can just get 258 chest tear chest from that token so granted you're gonna have to be using a tier token in order to get that but the skyweaver robes and the 258 tier IX both have the exact same amount of hit and so if you take a look here if I just swap out the off piece for the tier piece for the chest and then go to hands and put on the pharaoh's gloves run you can see we're only looking at about a 48 DPS decrease and now you don't even need to worry about your off piece if you already have the pharaoh's gloves especially if you're running splits and you know that you're gonna for sure get the uh enough 258 tokens or you're getting proud of them because you know Mages are just the best then it's just a really good option and you don't have to worry about getting that chest piece which might be even with splits could be hard to get so that's just something to consider as well and just in general what I'm trying to get at here is that there's a number of different alternate gearing paths the main thing is that you know doing the 258 pieces that are going to get you close to this but maybe not full Biz right maybe not the full optimal combination maybe you have to go with bindings of dark Essence instead of the armbands of the ash insane you know or maybe you have to go with hit boots instead of the non-hit boot and then uh you're going non-hit belt instead of the hip belt you're swapping those hit pieces around that's going to be a little bit less than full base but it's still going to be pretty close and that's why you're going to notice a number of differences between the fusion Loop prior sheet the wild had list the Icy Veins list and my list is because there's actually a number of different ways to go about this and they're all very close in DPS that's just something to keep in mind here is do what's going to be best for your loot situation with your guild they're how they're doing Loop rail as well as your gear and what's going to be most upgraded for you and don't be hard focused on doing what this specific this list is there's a number of different alternate gearing paths that you could go before I get into bisque gearing for each of the different sets I want to cover that I do have staff setups I'm not going to cover them individually because it's too much to cover and it's not necessarily important and the main thing with this setups is you get to see the list yourself and so I have the staff his setups in the video description for you to look at and I also have the in parentheses the minus amount refers to how much of a DPS loss it is compared to fullbus setup because the full bit setups of course all use one-handers and an offhand so you could tell that it's different for what which faction as well as which spec will take more of a hit or less of a hit and I haven't rerun these numbers so there might have been some Sim changes in the future that are going to change these and these are just approximate values just know you're going to be losing probably somewhere between 150 to 200 DPS versus full base but then you only have one item to get as opposed to two so that's the advantage with having to go staff right and uh it's also going to be a lot less contested Loot and a lot easier to get that staff so versus getting uh the one hand and offhand right so just things to take into consideration and if you want want to go the staff route those sets are there in the video description alright so here's fire qtwbis as well as fire ktw bit horde the main difference between important Alliance is that the horde is going to be getting dark Essence findings while for Alliance it's just armbands of Ash insane as I covered before there's differences in business like the fusion Loop Trio sheet done by Jordy and Pummel they have minus dark Essence this is 35 DPS less than actual bits but they're just trying to separate out the armbands of the ash insane and the bindings of dark Essence between the classes that could utilize those you could swap these finding some dark Essence on locks is about a 35 DPS hit as well if and then Mage is getting our meds the ash insane so really either class could get those either one I think it just needs to be talked over inside your guild and so that's just something to keep in mind some other data points that are important to consider as far as you know DPS amounts the cloak is about 150 DPS upgrade so very significant rain is however our highest pryo that's going to be even more depressed than that it's about uh maybe some like 170 180 DPS upgrade but however that's in full phase three best rain the unlimited starts out at something like maybe 115 DPS increase from phase two bits so if you're already in phase two bits uh the cloak is actually starts out as a bigger upgrade but by the end of the phase it's more than that however I wouldn't utilize that for just making decisions or anything I would put this as higher higher uh pile for sure it's more GPS in the end it's very rare we hardly saw any of these on the PTR even though we cleared the instance many many times so definitely if you can get this it's it's huge fan of deplorable violence this is the non-hit ring I should say because the uh for the horde is the lurid manifestation um right there's different names Horton Alliance but that ring uh going from nebula ban to that is about a 90 DPS increase so pretty significant that's another good piece to get and then the all the Tier gear is what I would put as my next cryo because it's going from eye level 245 to 258 for the alt Pier pieces is something around 80 to 100 DPS grinder these are all ballpark numbers because you're situation could be different and things change but they're about that much so just straight up keep being able to increase the eye level of your gear is 80 to 100 DPS per piece roughly so also another thing to consider also the valknack the there is no other non-head valve connect option because there's obviously the normal one but you can't clear normal and heroic and so if your guild is clearing heroic on everything then next best option is the aldoir next right and going from those necks to the whale the valkyr is something like a 120 130 DPS increase so pretty significant so that's another thing maybe put a desirable loot item if you don't have like the flame Leviathan neck and using that for hit but it is also a very loot contested so that might go against you as far as loopril might count as a big item going to just so just something to keep in mind so if you already have something like the flame Leviathan nagman you're using that for hit then you know the whale of elk here is maybe something you want to put lower on prio another thing to consider like I mentioned before is you could just look at going for using the flame Leviathan neck throughout the face so you go the FL neck with hit you go the non-hit robes for your chest option and then you go the binding's dark Essence for the for your bracers the hip bracers and you also then are no longer using uh or you know you're using one veiled in your wand but and that's how you can hit your spell hit cap and this is going to be about you know 75 DPS less than full this so you're taking that hit but at the same time you then don't need to get that super contested next slot and you also are getting less contested chess piece again depending on how your guild is doing Loop Rio in terms of the uh the chess pieces for the off piece so that's just that's something to consider those those you know kind of alternate gearing pass that you can go you could just look at going for using the flame Leviathan neck throughout the face so you go the FL neck with hit you go the non-hit robes um for your chest option and then you go the binding's dark Essence for the for your bracers the hip bracers and you also then are no longer using uh or you know you're using one veiled in your wand but and that's how you can hit your spell hit cap and this is going to be about you know 75 DPS less than full this so you're taking that hit but at the same time you then don't need to get that super contested next slot and you also are getting uh less contested chess piece again depending on how your guild is doing Loop Rio in terms of the uh the chest pieces for the off piece so that's just that's something to consider those those you know kind of alternate gearing pass that you can go and on that note another alternate gearing path you can go is the hit one hander versus the non-hit one-hander so by going the hit one hander blade of Tross for Alliance and then for Ford it is Barb of trust if you go that with the then non-hit offhand so the spell power crit Spirit offhand which is mystifying charm for horde and Chalice of Syrian light for Alliance that's about 25 DPS less than full base but that blade of Trask that hit one-handers fair chance it could be less contested depending on how your guild is doing Loot and same with the offhand and so then that's uh that could be easier for you to obtain so again less than full base but if it's easier to obtain and more realistic and you can actually get it by the end of the phase versus not getting anything by the end of the phase going the other route and I would recommend you know considering that also goes without saying but if you already have 252 pieces I would put them as lower pile for upgrades than versus 258 um the 6i level increase is typically not going to be much of a DPS increase so like for instance if you're going from uh Cosmos to the 258 hit offhand you're only looking at about a 35 DPS increase for bracers you know there's the craftable option now so we can get the uh Bejeweled Wizards bracers which are really good spell power crit haste and the uh Armands of the ashane the non-hit racers are only like a 35 DPS increase over those so basically I would just obviously it kind of goes without saying but I would put those as lower prior there is no other option as far as chest off piece so that's something to consider putting as higher pryo but again as I talked about before in the alternate gearing paths section if you have Pharaoh's gloves Pharaoh's gloves are a really good off piece and you could just consider using those as an off piece until the end of the phase really and just putting the sky Weaver robes this lower pryo just because there's such a really good item so going from Pharaoh's gloves to eye level 245 gloves and the sky Weaver robes is only about an 80 DPS increase so you have to get these and then you go high level 245 and it's still only that much of an increase now if you can also if you are running splits and you have a plethora of 258 tokens going around in your guild and you're going to be able to get 258 dollars gauntlets of Triumph uh and then for horde it's the sun Striders gone less of Triumph if you're able to get that 258 piece with the sky Weaver robes going from pharaohs to to those two pieces is going to be about 150 DPS increase it is pretty significant but to put into context if you did a Sim of just the pharaoh's gloves first the 258 gloves oh and actually for this comparison I need to change the chest to the tier chest eye level 258 which has the exact same amount of hit as the hit 258 off piece and that way we're not breaking the tier bonus when we do this comparison and if you just do a straight one-to-one comparison they're both non-hit gloves you can do this uh you're looking at the pharaoh's gloves actually being almost 40 DPS more because the ferrous gloves are just that good even though they're the six side levels lower they got that extra gem slot and that really makes the difference with epic gems so Ferris gloves really good and again you'd only be going to the 258 hit piece uh once you have that and also like a token at least for 245 gloves and yes that's in DPS increase going up to that just because of your chest off piece is not going to be any higher than 245 right because there's no 252 off pieces from aldoir but still it is it's only gonna be about a 75 DPS increase so it's something you maybe want to consider putting as lower prior if you have Pharaoh's gloves and just uh using feral skulls as long as you can just because it's not as big of an increase now if you're running splits and you have the tokens to also be upgrading your gloves the tier gloves to 258 at the same time as you do that then yeah it's like a 150 160 EPS increase but still something to be considering and then lastly I don't think I mentioned it but um this this setup does use hit gems it's using two Veil gems one in the sky River robes you can put them wherever you want but one in the Petrified obvious big one with skyweaver ropes and then for horror since it's using the dark Customs bindings it's just using one veiled gem in the Petrified obvious prick you could put it wherever though of course and so that's just something to note with the gems lastly if you decide to go staff uh just know that you know this is what it is for Alliance and you're basically you're going to be going to the hip Racers with a few veiled gems in order to make up the hit from the loss of the offhand so if you go the staff option you're just going to be using the hip Racers with some more Bale gems and then for horde you're going to be going uh the boots of the icy flow which are your hit boots and then you don't need to be using the veil gems you can just be using Reckless or potent and that makes up for the it that you're not getting from the offhand slot if you decide to go a staff route and again the parentheses here this just means uh DPS loss going from uh going the staff route versus a full Biz setup as I talked about in the staff section so these are just proximate values just to give you an idea if you decide to go the staff route but again if it's more realistic and obtainable for you then that's the way to go because it's better to get a weapon upgrade than to not get a weapon upgrade at all right so even though it's not full base and it's less unfold this uh fold this is a lot of times unrealistic to get by at the end of a phase for ffb if you've continued to play ffb uh you know you do you but I do recommend going fire ttw as it's just going to outscale ffb in fire GTW best gearing but I'm still going to cover it just to cover it I guess for my setup I have skyweaver robes still being used so as you can see this is still similar to the fire ttw build with the exception that we're doing the non-hit belt versus The Hip belt so the fire ttw is using the biting cold of course and this one is not as well as uh no hit gems at all and uh I actually have the same for both horde and bis as far as the item set up here so it's gonna it's the exact same for mine now if you compare this to the wow headless Philippe has them using the non-hit chest instead of the hit chest and then using the biting cold hit belt for lines and then for horde the dark Essence finding the uh the hip Racers uh in combination with the biting cold for that extra hit for horde and then I believe he has a veil gem in the uh in one of the slots yeah in in the alliance setup with the uh non-hit Racers non-hit chest and the hit belt uh I was getting you know a little bit more DPS with my setup just something like 20 you know so not a big increase with uh going the skyweaver ropes which is also more contested so just know that again this just speaks to the different alternate gearing paths you can go they're all very close in DPS in terms of swapping different items around for the most part um in this case it kind of did surprise me that skyweaver robes not using them when you have the opportunity to use them could still be so close going that other alternate gearing path uh like I had mentioned before though the this 258 hit chest piece is really good in terms of utilizing hit it's just got the three gem slots a lot of other good things um and so if you can use this for hit it is like your biggest bang for bucking so it did some a little higher DPS but it's still very similar to uh DPS in terms of using the non-hit chess so if this setup is going to be more realistic for you to obtain then I recommend going this setup right they're very close in DPS and you could go either one really that said again I do highly recommend everyone that's considering still being ffp throughout phase three I recommend making that switch once you get the hit gear because fire ttw just will outscale it it's just it's just the way it is and so I I think you're gonna be better off going fire ttw than ffb and especially because ignite munching is fixed with phase three right so there's really no added benefit other than play style right ffp the main reason we win it again in uh phase two was just for Speed running because it was more Mana efficient than a fire ttw and because it had better AOE with blizzard and you know that's just not really needed in togc at all and maybe there's going to still be speedrunning in aldoir in through in phase three and then we'll use ffb but that doesn't mean you change your entire gearing around that you'd still go for fire PTW bits and then just uh swap to ffb and take a little bit of a hit and gain the extra DPS from being more man efficient in AOE so again um you know you do you and this is the setup for it but I I do recommend going fire PTW and then of course there is the staff setups if you do decide to go staff you're basically just going to be using the hit belt then if you decide to go staff as ffp and similarly for horde you'll be going to hit belt biting cold to make up for the hit loss from the offhand and then yeah using the staff and everything else basically stays the same and now for you Arcane Mages the few of you that still remain doing the Lord's work and providing us that three percent damage buff in the raid when there isn't a rhet Pally or BM hunter or maybe you just really like Arcane whatever may be the case this is best setup for you guys and as you can see we're using a lot of non-hit best items because obviously Arcane just doesn't require that much especially as lines we only need seven percent and so we're using the non-hit chest we are still using petrified IV sprig as a hit item and we're also using the Chalice of the band of dicks Benedictus which is important to note because this is actually the uh from heroic 10 man okay because the 258 ones are all like crit and spirit based or they have crit and crit is just not as good for Arcane as it as haste is so the 245 eye level one from 10 man heroic is actually best for Arcane versus the other one so that's uh that's nice because that's basically should be like free loot no one else should be caring about that that much when you say that this is for me the you know you'd think they'd pass on it in the 10 man then and so then you should be able to get that piece at least which is uh pretty nice however that said for Alliance we are using some hit gems we're using a veiled in the chest and then availd in the Petrified obviously you could put them in any yellow slots but just something to keep in mind that gives us a seven percent and this is what I got as the best Biz setup for Alliance uh note that uh Philippe did get a little bit different he's going the uh hit weapon along with again the 245 eye level uh offhand and so he's using that for the hit instead of the hit gems and he is using the rod of imprisoned Souls from 10 man as well instead of the Petrified Ivy sprig and it's funny that this setup actually seems the exact same as this setup so you could go either one that you want both the ones should be relatively free but the Petrified Ivy spring you can is a guaranteed ride just from farming the dungeons that's what I like about that however maybe the hit weapon is going to be easier for you to obtain than the non-hit weapon right so depending on your situation you should go whichever one is more easier to obtain because they're both the exact same now for horde the difference is is I got the same as Philippe which is that uh you're going to want to go the hit weapon with the Petrified Ivy sprig and uh everything else being non-hit as well and then as horde if you did want to go the non-hit weapon you could go the non-hit weapon and then just gem a bunch of veiled you don't want to use any of the other hit options for any of the other slots because they are all uh crit and hit for the most part and so the you want to continue to use haste as Arcane Haze is way more valuable than crit crit is not that great for Arcane and so you want to continue using the ash insane morning widow tenebers missed all these uh Haze 258 pieces and again that's why we're using the 245 offhand because the other 258 ones are crit and tastes just that much better and so you get then to make up the not having the hit on your one-hander if you go with a non-hit one-hander as horde you're just gonna do a lot of veil gems and that's how you're gonna make up that so you're just uh use a lot of veil gems in any of these yellow slots uh you can use five of them and that'll make up for the not having the 50 hit from this one-hander that's going to be about 30 DPS less but it does give you an alternate gearing path or for whatever reason you don't want to go the uh hit one-hander as horde but again as Alliance if you do that it's going to be the exact same DPS as whether you go the hit one hander as Alliance the blade of turask versus going blade of them Roku and Covenant you can go either route as I talked about before and they're the same DPS well guys that concludes the phase three best gearing guide uh 51 minutes and Counting once again I apologize but I wanted to be thorough and get everything in there so I do hope it helped if you enjoyed it and you appreciate it then please drop me a follow at twitch.tv criteria obviously like And subscribe to YouTube share it and also join the Discord all this stuff helps grow the channel and as well as the twitch stream and I really appreciate all you guys doing that good luck in togc and if you're able to make it out for the togc launch race next Thursday I'd appreciate any of the support I'll be streaming it it'll be a quick race but it definitely will be a fun one so I hope to see you there anyways take care have a good weekend and a good launch with togc and I hope you enjoy phase three cheers thank you thank you
Channel: Crateria
Views: 6,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, world of warcraft, tbc, tbc classic, ptr, mage, WoW, raiding, fusion, sunwell, PTR, arcane, arcane mage, speedrun, ranking, beta, wotlk, wotlk classic, naxxramas, grobbulus, kel'thuzad, ktz, sapphiron, wrath of the lich king, wrath of the lich king classic, pve, pre-raid bis, pre-bis, prebis, bis, fire mage, fire, frost, mage bis, best mage gear, mage gearing, compendium, mage guide, arcane guide, fire guide, best mage dps, p3, p3 bis, phase 3 bis, phase 3, t9, tier 9, tier 9 bis, t9 bis
Id: Fo99EkFh8Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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