Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Ep. 19

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foreign [Applause] [Music] here's the thing I'm trying not to force myself into these things because I'm like oh if I'm in a bad mood it might show and I don't want to be in a like shitty mood but I got out I I like [ __ ] moved around a bit I pedaled on my bike a little bit and I was feeling better I'm like no no we're gonna go in there I'm gonna do this and I'm not regretting it well I'm proud of you I'm proud of you proud of you for coming and doing this thing where we sit down and go through our stuff honestly I there's always just the part of me that's a little bit worried that I'm gonna be too cynical well I you know because as I said going through it the first time I was feeling like oh man I I don't want to look like I'm eating or a [ __ ] show there's just so many things I do differently now but yeah but now we're on to the better material yeah yeah the better it is the better material it is like I mean there's a like a gradient curve that we're following on this yeah such as episode 19. which uh I think from this point forward I think we're going to do these like one episode at a time uh just because they're starting to get longer too because I think this was the point where YouTube lifted its like they changed the maximum length from 10 minutes to 20 minutes or something this is not the beginning of this oh yeah when does this start I don't know oh I don't edit these oh my God this will be interesting oh very interesting to see but hey let's get to the Ginyu Force uh episode 19. shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up go though the following is a non-profit fan base the following is a non-profit 10. the following is a non-profit fan the following Saturday Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by FUNimation toy animation oh my God Golda's voice doesn't sound anything like it does now no I but then again how many of the voices were they started ended up where they are especially considering goldo was a two episode character one episode here and then he had two lines later by the way I'm gonna preface this now because when we get to the scene I'm going to hate it there's a scene in here I'm not proud of it I'll say why when we get there and yeah it sucks okay just yeah please support the official release all out for them including changing the intro specifically for them all right cool together we are and gone is two of the five yep such a good raccoon too [Music] and of course ant fish's ginu is just mwah by the way uh two things actually uh Ginyu um his voice was modeled a little bit after I think was Richard Newman from the ocean dub okay yeah that's specifically what I was kind of going for there because like if you're like me and you grew up and you know can you always sounding like this yeah he had two voices originally before he hit Kai then he was um our Bruce Elliot but the first two were I think it was David David Wells and then the second one was Bruce Bryce Armstrong Bryce Armstrong which uh if you've ever watched uu Haka show is every other tertiary character and the narrator of the original Dragon Ball oh hell yeah um but yeah he uh we went more closer to the ocean dub which I'm personally a bigger fan of he's a bit more prim and proper and it really fits and ant fish [ __ ] knocks it out of the park and as usual the second thing was um the uh gun Los ponson the uh I don't know if that's in this episode but it's uh uh well in in the opening when you hear uh that's actually Julian kraboski another person from uh Dyson 2ex that I just want to point out helped me do a lot of translation work on a couple of different things just a generally really cool guy so hey Julian hope you're doing well hell yeah Lord Frieza thank you for this chance to see as in they are faithful service the new diet scatter Ed a lot of people didn't realize the song we're about to play was actually a song before Resurrection app it's such a sick song it really is you have been informed Vegeta and a few other pests oh one thing I hate oh I feel like an idiot he has the scouter on but it reads it like like it reads properly instead of backwards it's different backwards Scott you idiot [ __ ] [ __ ] I've taken my dragon balls whoa whoa whoa Vegeta little veggie what a Dragon Ball raccoon I like the goldo can't wear a scouter yeah I know Dragon Ball yes it turns out zombie are weren't enough I've called you five here to get them back easy enough would you rather them dead or alive eat at all then it is path of least resistance ironically is just slaughtered King called zombies [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think we went with the first draft on that rhyme I love the fact that we have the choice between shove our boot or shove our Fist and we specifically went with fish chose fist yep foreign [Applause] every fiber of my being wants to puke at once when I say this but I need your hair I need your hair you need our help that yes all right but if we're gonna be a team we need a name no we don't oh I know how about team three star what well we're a team and there's three of us the Dragon Balls have stars on them team three star now that's specifically a reference to the fact that uh people thought we called ourselves Team Four Star because we had like four yeah like four main members when literally it was just because of the four-star Dragon Ball yeah actually so you know what this is not a bad time the name Team Four Star when we originally sat down we actually kind of like threw around a couple of different names of what we wanted to call ourselves I mean we came up with Team Four Star pretty quickly yeah but I don't remember like I I might have pitched that out there I don't know I think there was like team Dragon team this team that or like and then and then when the name Team Four Star came I was like rolls off the tongue really well it's you know it's iconic to the project that we're launching yeah and it's not five star we're not bragging but no we're we're kind of good but we think we're above average I think we're gonna be all right four stars on Yelp is fine oh yeah like you know maybe dollar sign and a half that just makes me want to kill you even more and you're still only the second most annoying bald God his head looks really long in that shot depending on the enemies okay here here's your least favorite shot I'm just gonna say it up front I'll get it done really quickly we did a sexual violence joke here I'm not really a fan of it if I could have Rewritten it to be different I probably would have just had the scene play out like it did in the original yeah it's it's gross and I'm not a fan that's that's all I got to say this was like a first draft joke and not even really a joke but it was definitely that mid-2000s [Music] yeah yeah maybe 2000 style of humor that's all I gotta say [ __ ] your table hello everyone you know I gotta really think with an explosion that's gonna blow up a table right yeah give it to me oh I'm not here for the Dragon Ball [Music] taking the Dragon Ball [ __ ] at me later yeah it looks stupid I do love that part though just but you're like hell stupid yeah Vegeta just insulting him for no reason on the way out you don't mind me asking what are we in for you ever watch Power Rangers no Ninja Turtles no Sailor Moon no beetlebox no we are Troopers just every Sentai cyber Squad no tattooed teenage alien fighters from Beverly Hills oh yeah oh yeah damn it okay I gotta admit to this thank you thank my husband for that joke actually really I went I was talking with him I'm trying to come up with way more because he was listening to a script this is when we were still sharing like one basic big room at our old apartment in Lake Charles and he heard me scripting and then he suggested uh tattoo teenage yeah yeah and I was like that the dumbest that can't be real I looked it up it was real the fate of the York depends on these tattooed teenage alien Fighters it was awful and we absolutely had to use it Yes we made it here before the guineus but there's bones there before I mean he has to eat I guess we can trick you where did he find a namekian bovine it had no legs that actually looked like a sea creature hi [Music] thank you with a goddamn Pig are you done by the way I want to point out 90 of the Australian slang in this was just gone going crazy and the other 10 was stupid [ __ ] we looked up online yup yeah very good now to cut straight to the point I want those two Dragon Balls you have there oh so that behind you behind you my God man you just cannot shut up and I'm scared I know I want to start a crush on a little Indian boy that I thought was a girl that's actually a reference to the old Dragon Ball yeah some people had no idea that was a thing he had an actual thing like he had an attraction to oopa yeah they were they were both kids he's like oh she's so cute and it was like I'm a dude what's that to say about me no I'm fine with it yeah no just don't question it please kill him seriously he won't be missed well I do believe that his neck oh my God before I take these dragon balls and leave my associates they need they needed a long neck because his traps are massive as a matter of fact now back to me now look back at you man not bend me I am not your men I'm flipping you off look at the ground back to me where's the Dragon Ball it's gone all right we wrote this with it's not a damn thing you can here you go we wrote that with no uh no knowledge of how you were going to edit it I liked it you can't beat mice speed I'm the fastest in the universe why do I voice burner Corin and yadirobe why do I voice those three characters well they're all placed very differently birder is very front heavy basically I have to here I'll give it some whisper and a lot of noises and then and then Corinne Corin is basically all the way up is all chess yeah it's just why would you happy voice those three why did we say yes to that I don't know I wasn't gonna question it I was already voicing like half the main cast although I gotta admit uh in hippo now that I'm playing murder I'm just kind of leaning into him being kind of this just normal [ __ ] dude with a little bit of the gay in there just every little once in a while just a little bit of that it's a little bit of sass weirdly enough playing him in hiffle it was my favorite time to play him because I just get to be hippo has been fun to write just because and I know we're not really talking about hippo here but just because you can use those yeah but you get to like just kind of really work on the personality of all the characters like how do they interact with each other let's play with that and that's I think has always been one of our favorite things to write with I know right thank you anyway so ballsy break the ball oh I love this [ __ ] because he does try and initially like in the normal Show goldo Steals it right away it's also kind of established that the dragon balls are maybe indestructible yeah one sec what I what where did it go see this Vegeta this is for all the time you used to embarrass me by the way you can really tell I'm leaning into a lot more of the sound effects work yeah you know you you got further and further into sound design as we went on and part of that uh I should mention this um we probably won't do A Commentary series for housing because we absolutely want Taco present for something like that by the way shout out to Taka poor guy I know he wanted to be in Canada trapped in in [ __ ] Canada I am so sorry uh my northern brother but um it was because of Helsing actually that really got me into more sound design like because I wanted to step it up with Helsing so much because it was a newer series that I was really trying to make it sound as close to the actual show as possible that's why the sound design and z are Abridged zazzy a bridge whatever got so much better and you can really tell in these particular episodes [Music] hey Vegeta how's it going I love that they just speak so casually I love this running joke and now it'll be those talk is Big Pitch it's like just needs to throw dog treats at him it and show Bob stepping on a rake bit still are everyone's favorite game oh yeah wheel of death now for the folks viewing at home the rules are galact TV and whoever it lands on he kills what the when did you have time to set this up is that a camera what kind of statistic [ __ ] watches this problem naughty I love this show oh [ __ ] by the way Dragon Ball in the background that would not have happened today yeah I think there's also a point where it shows him in the glac TV thing stays on stays on while it shows him yeah but whatever bloopers oh no we [ __ ] up you know what that's just a recreation like that's just a recreation it's a recreational Dragon Ball he bought it off a website it's not an actual Dragon Ball but it's synthetic all right first contestant come on Vegeta sneakers Vegeta just want to turn them apart lucky little bastard got two of them all right spin congratulations you've just won a free all expense pay trip to space Australia well you've got to be freaking kidding me here's where we got to lean into this that's my own Planet wait hold on you're from Australia spice Australia or more specifically spice Brisbane ghost space Broncos by the way he wanted to do originally wanted to do space Sydney because space Sydney were the uh um alliteration alliteration but then it would have been the Sydney Swans it was like Matt it's got to be space like Broncos no space Broncos it had to be so it's like Australia in space got to be careful though better space thing only space space like me sister I like is her name Sheila or is he just using the Australian word Sheila hard to say he's dead on with this although he does have a sister right I can't remember if she's his sister maybe a great blooming pinwheel oh great that means Vegeta goes to yes in your face I loved writing for raccoon I bet you did taka and I both did and we actually brought ant fish in to help write the next episode because we're all wrestling marks and we really wanted to go the pro wrestling angle with him because uh what all the other dubs seem to do is just make him like a really stupid Meathead and like you know borderline mentally handicapped at times with some of the voices which that's the way to go but he's he's a performer man like he goes out there for this [ __ ] so making him a professional wrestler just seemed like the right Twist on him there's so that's why in the original Japanese there's nothing about the way that he speaks or talks that makes him sound like a total Meathead which is the reason I was like when we when we went into this I was like I don't want to go like the my name's raccoon it rhymes with doom yeah I didn't want to go like they went [ __ ] uh Sylvester Stallone and the original ocean dub then they just went kind of short bus with the [ __ ] uh FUNimation dub so I was like you know what let's let's do something different yeah make him a full-on wrestling performer which as somebody who didn't watch wrestling I was like oh you guys please please write like I said we brought in at fish to help like spice up some of his promo dialogue absolutely great I really do like it hell yeah it really worked out for him I swear I don't even know what's going on anymore okay it's time for me to head off try not to mess up your uniforms and be back by oh 500 yes Captain I like how I like how he plays the patriarchy in this yeah he's just like oh you go get him my boys over there yeah that's gold oh have fun with him any strategies throw dog treats at him oh that help I'll find it hilarious oh come on Gohan we're strong enough to take this guy just keep your guard up that's right keep on here God don't drop it not even for an instant stop what adult what are you going on about I love that first of all love that edit yeah my favorite earlier second before the JoJo anime came out so a lot of people like didn't know this was a JoJo reference until way later until like the remade anime yeah oh yeah there was the original OVA that came out that technically did have it um and then there was the game which is how most people were familiar with the world so it's really interesting to watch this age better this joke aged better not to mention it went full circle because eventually they would add crap baskets into Stardust Crusaders I wanted to mention that earlier yes so in an episode of Stardust Crusaders the dub specifically uh baby um Manish boy uh actually says and when like I asked the writer I'm like yo was that actually a Roadster Show and he's like yes I'm like [ __ ] yeah it's a big shout out there thank you yeah thank you so much you see that that was just a taste of my power of course it means nothing to a superhuman right that That was supposed to crush you go on to see it his power he can stop times summon Steamrollers that doesn't fly you have to stop time long enough to go and find a steamroller on Namek right the absurdity of that I love see you stood there and mocked me the whole world stood there and mocked me we just met you now you'll find yourself slaves to my whim you'll be a smaller oh I should point out um the inspiration for this voice specifically for taka was uh from Harvey Birdman um uh Dr Encino no no uh Dr reducto doctor yeah that was the shrink you I was thinking that's actually his uh will make you Fun Size yeah uh a lot of actors have lines um I think they're called trigger lines actually that we use to get into character I will shake you I will make you Fun Size those are the lines that he always uses to get him to call this voice does he still do that yeah that's funny from under you your world shutter as I am got the graininess on the close-up why can't I feel my everything I do love that line why can't I feel my everything this is the end of the road [Music] decapitates a lot of people I wonder ing I [ __ ] hate you I know [Music] son of a gum chewing Funk monster why the fruit does all this funny stuff happen to me the actual line that was censored by the way surrounded by miserable failing claws like this whole world just likes to bend me over and find me in the Alps like I'm some sort of schlock receptacle well as far as I care these miserable cows can have a fancy barbecue with a goddamn Pig all a reference to our love for weird TV edits for R-rated movies yeah to be clear that's not the actual line that's in it did I actually record an Express an explicit version you did um specifically because uh when you actually censor the uh the would you call it um the words yeah when you actually censor them it doesn't actually sound like them it doesn't really sound that close to them so um but yeah I I'll uh this is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps I'm sick Lebowski referencing yeah I'm tired of these Monday Monday to Friday no monkey fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane uh yippie Kaye Mr Falcon something like that yeah yeah and the all of those are just terrible but we love them because they're so terrible and that's kind of our homage to that yeah all the guineus are here goldo's now dead and now we get to move on to probably one of my favorite uh favorite parts of Namek in the mecca Mania oh my God yeah oh I have so we have so much to talk about next time on this thing that we're doing [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 573,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hf-v7AhwRAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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