Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 37

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foreign [Applause] [Music] holy Vegeta's a Super Saiyan oh wow we're gonna have to censor that opening let's try it again okay take two [Music] [Applause] [Music] so Vegeta's a Super Saiyan holy cow holy moly holy gosh darn Diggity dang sweet Saiyan on a platter uh yeah we're uh we're here to talk about episode 37 now uh it's it's time to start chasing Dr gero we you know it that that cantankerous old I feel like there's a scam cantankerous robot ah there's something there I know there is cantankerous Tinker toy yep okay cool yeah that cantankerous Tinker toy uh he he's you know just trying to cause all sorts of mischief and everybody's like we should stop this we really should he's trying to get a suck on is what he's trying to do yeah he really wants to get that feed get that get that delicious Saiyan juice and Vegeta's all too happy to provide I'm so glad this can't get the monetized now right I'm possible we're simply talking about juicing a human well an alien juice in a a mortal yeah a ninja now we're gonna get canceled for the n-word anyway cut that episode 37 let's go okay oh no there's something happening by FUNimation toy animation Fuji TV please support the official release come on what a goddamn Super Saiyan asks you for a sensory Bean bald man you say how many hit the chewing mouth talk always looks so silly yeah a shining golden gods do you remember in uh one another one of my favorite dubisms that we didn't talk about back in the Frieza Arc uh I'm going to speak to you in my native oh my God yes when freeze is just laughing or chuckling in Japanese I think I have a little proposition I'd like to ask you in my native language I'm listening I mean to be fair there was a lot of moments in the show especially during that Arc where the art and animation just go weird for segments like everyone remembers The Artful great I could wait I can't do this what were you supposed like it wasn't good what they did in the dub but they didn't have a whole lot of choice I mean like maybe I don't know like wasn't he just laughing in the Japanese he was but that looked weird even foreign [Laughter] anyway shiny golden god feel excuse me I'm off to go kill the other Beyonds may stay here and erect a statue in my honor what is it about Vegeta at the top of his game that just makes him so so fun to write Vegeta whatever did you catch the name of his attack though I know right Big Bang Attack uh I don't know this coming from Mr special beam Cannon I want you try coming up with a better name for an attack this starts one of my favorite running jokes for this I think it's just this episode it's this episode but it comes back in 46 I'm pretty sure yeah just very briefly yeah I I love this roll running joke and I'm like this is one of the reasons why nail and Piccolo's head worked so well it's yeah because Piccolo is alone often he doesn't talk when he's by himself very much so he gives him like he gives him a little bit more presence in a scene also his face always has this pensive look like he's thinking to himself so how about devil drill being what about spiral death beam Doom laser by the way those first two are just variations on the actual translation how you translate and I I like to imagine everybody around him just standing there while he's taking this just we should probably go beam no gun [ __ ] that's good I hope nail actually had an attack called nail gun oh right Tenkaichi 4 is coming out oh I announced it maybe they'll give him nail gun by the way take ig4 wow I look it's a it's a big old Dragon Ball Z like Toy Box yeah I'm happy for it I'm happy I'm happy we get more hopefully it's good I hope we get more oh um so just because he's a machine I can't feel his energy that doesn't make any sense energy sensing is [ __ ] everything's [ __ ] hey why are you hiding of your friend I'd call it your sex spot but as you're currently demonstrating you don't have any balls I loved writing for Vegeta here so [ __ ] much it was so easy too it's like okay let's go there I just have to raise him out oh man sure do feel winded after blowing up your robosexual life partner sure would suck if you jump me and took my energy I I think one of the reasons I loved writing for Vegeta was coming up with robosexual life partner a Tom a ton of fun the Pillsbury dough bod Vegeta can make any stupid portmanteau slash like pun and somehow make it work he's well again it's all about the conviction of the delivery it's like I'm about this right now see and that's the thing that I hate about a lot of Comedy writing puns can be funny they can be part of a scene stop making puns out to be the worst type of Comedy if you lean into them and run with them they are a lot of fun and I feel like a lot of Comedy nowadays always like oh I just made this pun wink at camera it is a bit of like a almost a forced Trope at the point like especially in sitcoms where somebody will say a pun and everybody just like look at them yeah I'm I'm sorry like let the pun happen especially if it's like if it's actually a part of the dialogue like it's just a a normal part of like characters talking let it play out it's like we have to deconstruct every piece of Comedy nowadays have fun stop trying to be meta and self-aware about everything now back to our meta commentary yeah exactly okay I'm done I love that your spreading curling is always so much fun Krillin noises are my favorite that's exactly what I was planning on Vegeta strategies jumping out to suckle on my Super Saiyan teeth also Super Saiyan teat yep I was I was relishing delivering that one hi Sonic sounds more Sonic this tactical shit's getting really old mandroid I do like that in this you do get a kind of like a tactical Edge like okay I am way out of my element here so I'm just gonna Rambo this I'm going to hide and wait for my chances to strike and or Escape admittedly this shot it's cool it's okay well it's cool but it's also really funny it is like you see his mustache hanging his hair hanging but it is such this cool moment it's like ah you little [ __ ] you can't get me up here can you can't even see me dogs can't look up it is it is really just a a great matter of you are seriously relying on your energy sensing so much that your eyes are not working now well save Vegeta but you're still just an arrogant little brat aren't you I came up with that one and I'm so proud I actually make my Escape hand oh okay they followed me no matter I'll just head the other way out okay fine I'll just maneuver back where I came from why the hell is even here now taking yamcha's place at my age I could use more greens in my diet okay I just need to take a moment Guerrero so good so so [ __ ] good oh my God just he's so villainous and so funny at the same time it's like so good it just like it just rides that line I mean I know we're making a parody here but you want your villains to have Menace well let's be honest by season three we are still writing it as a parody but we are embracing like oh because at this point the story isn't going to include way more straight men than it did before so we had to really figure out a balance of how to do this conversational comedy and so many moving parts that if we cut too much everything wasn't gonna make sense so we had to play a little closer to the story keep the characters and he always has such a very serious look on his face you can't change that I mean uh even if you could there are like his face is the most defined face since Piccolo and Dragon Ball I remember when we were initially approached writing Dr gero and one of our big problems was he is so serious all of the time how do we make him funny and the answer was you know he's very serious about it and he's good at his craft but he's also very much prone to error and will not like just won't cop to that I like the idea that the Android version of him um like something got Lost in Translation between original Dr gero and this version even though it is his brain in there yeah well that's what I mean Lost in Translation like during the process maybe things just ain't working as like as they were supposed to initially yeah all right what about regicide Blaster still going with attacking Crush Anarchy barrage Taco Tuesday I love how we just started throwing words together at that point regicide Blaster and our keeper on I'm pretty sure regicide Blaster is one of King Vegeta's attacks in 10k 83 it might be I I remember regicide something it might be a registered rush but I just side Rush hell Zone grenade that's a good attack name yeah screw you I'm keeping that one General Kenobi don't struggle just lie back and think of uh that [ __ ] delivery man I have to contact Gohan Gohan Piccolo's rarely use telekinesis telepathy first thing I'm gonna do when I get home is step in front of a full-length mirror strip down turn Super Saiyan cat loves [Music] you heard nothing I'm so glad all of those expressions exist in that one shot oh my seriously how do people keep getting on this line that might be one of my favorite brick jokes yeah oh [ __ ] bringing back King Kai and how do people keep getting on this one oh my God yeah no uh also I oh one of these days has to tell the I I'm pretty sure I've told it at least a few times my story with George Takei not here but it's wild it is not YouTube appropriate it's not [Music] also I love that installed a pair this is a little awkward me we could have a little dialogue and work this out I don't know okay okay then how about I fight the Bold one first anytime old man no that one no thanks how about this one oh please so at this point 10 shanhan probably could not take Dr zero right probably not but he'd love to try yeah and he knows that if he can't the others can yeah other people currently have his back now what we're about to see is very surprising because honestly I would not have suspected that Piccolo would be at this level it is a I think it's actually like I don't know if Toriyama planned that or if he was like you know what screw it I'm just gonna make Piccolo essentially Super Saiyan strength at this point I feel like Piccolo out of all of the characters that train throughout that year I mean aside from maybe Vegeta who's you know actually gone Super Saiyan in that time probably benefited the most in this timeline because he was able to train specifically with Goku for all those years I I guess also another question is is Dr zero stronger or weaker than 19. that's a good question uh really the only reason he was beating Goku at all was just because Goku was having a heart attack yeah uh and you know Goku wasted all of his energy in like one big blast yeah arguably so it's it's very possible that like but but that's just again it raises the question because Vegeta manages to wipe out 19 pretty easily it's a it's a super one-sided [ __ ] stop the only reason there was any problem was that he was taking his energy at one point and even then he still killed him yep um I'm just it's really curious if which one is actually stronger if Piccolo is as strong as a Super Saiyan right now it's just really curious as if you're in any condition to fight me Krillin senzo beans wow you talk to yourself a lot I do frequently call me the can opener cause I'm about to bust open your metal ass first that was another first draft line and honestly whenever Piccolo is trying to say something badass usually we go with the first draft because it's either awkward or no that actually works there's there's one later that is some people's favorite line in the show and I cannot wait to get to it oh absolutely but I was gonna say uh sorry there are some times where there's editing during a shot um like where he comes down takes off his clothes where I speed it up because I'm trying to really emphasize like okay get to the point get to the point um trying to figure out the right balance between how much do we want to speed it up and like get through this or how much do I want to keep the cool moment where he comes down and takes off his clothes it's like as as I continued through season three finding the balance of what shots to keep and what to cut to you know keep the pacing right got really tough and I will always come back to that one shot because I'll never know exactly how I feel about it was it too fast was it funny did it work I I think it like it's odd because it feels so like alien because he's just like phew yeah but at the same time it kind of goes to show like it's kind of in Piccolo's direct nature to just be like okay let's do this yeah so I don't know it it that shot in itself is not you know a huge standout but for me it's one of the things I always come back to when I watch this episode thinking I had to do that a lot throughout the show to try and keep the pacing going yeah yeah how about you just leave the one-liners to me besides the old man is mine the meccian you know it is kind of funny that we've spent what like two minutes ragging on hey stop pointing out your bad puns just let them happen and then we do that in this episode that in the scripting room that was me doing that to myself yeah because I shot out that Piccolo line I'm like oh that sucks Vegeta would point that out yeah and then we just went with that back and forth real quick I just figured you wouldn't want to Sully your Super Saiyan hands on such a weak opponent you know the funny thing is I know you're playing me but you're right he's all yours I love this running joke too little green man I've already consumed enough energy from him to match him twice hold on actually I love the juice a lot just like because he just gets [ __ ] logic Okay so this shot here is actually a combination of another shot from later on yeah uh there's actually that part where he flashes forward is actually I think I use this that shot later I don't know there's something about the shot that I actually had to combine some stuff to make him uh hit gyro meat of the chance oh God yeah he's dead himself go and he's an Android that's not chance to oh crap baskets this is one of my favorite lines you used to sit around and not be part of only aged better do you know I never even saw Frieza not once I'm pretty sure nobody ever complained about not meeting Hitler I mean some people do but unfortunately aged like wine oh my God right oh he doesn't know what's going on yeah I don't think that's the point oh so he keeps trying to feed off me don't worry he'll give it up when he realizes it's a dry well yeah about that have you ever seen one of those since you've been diet does to a man what coin likes it soy boy no so I sometimes watch reaction videos and I always love seeing the recoil from people when they see them oh yeah no just the idea that no I'm not I'm not going no we've already painted enough of an image it's just enjoy yeah well Piccolo just handing him his ass okay first what second [ __ ] Goku oh so what are you a Super Saiyan now too well more of a super namekian I guess not until later I thought you were a demon no slug man wow that's significantly more mundane so interesting thing about that and I I don't know if we brought this up previously so the whole like demon slash uh Alien thing he's still a demon even though he's an alien and a lot of people the demon is more of a title well it kind of but within the rules of the universe like King Piccolo was a demon like the things that he did the powers he used the like the way he operated he had demon power because a lot of people hey he's actually an alien not a D why can't he I mean you could talk about Doom I guess but uh maybe there's something to that in the fact that namekians kind of have this connection to like mystical magic hence they're the ones that can create dragon balls and stuff like that so maybe if they follow a different path they can get to the darker side of mysticism so that's what I think King Piccolo was I think he was like a demon in a meccian still a demon and an alien but like that's why I think it's because a lot of people always want to separate the magic from the science but the dragon balls are still magic and they came from Aliens so delicious magical science exactly uh I know by the way what's that brain case made out of oh well it's a polycarbonate thermoplastic laminated and we're back yep until you pointed out that scene earlier I didn't realize that was recycled no shut up you shut up you did not work I know right you know I never understood why you why you darling pain receptors kinda comes off as an intentional design flaw if you ask me don't you criticize my methods like you understand the neural system pain is imperative to recognize when you're on Parallel to give the human mind oh so contextually speaking how [ __ ] are you I actually I I really am glad that we touched on like why would you program to feel pain because because then I know what's damaged so I know what to protect yeah like people a lot of people don't know that there are people out there who can't feel pain and they're constantly burning themselves yeah they're they're uh death rate like are there uh brutality rate yeah like skyrockets that way because they they're unable to sense like things that can cause them danger or harm son of a [ __ ] it's going to take me at least two hours I love this from a new hand wait I'm right-handed three hours probates what have I ever reprobate very sure you vaporized half a city that was an hour oh this is my favorite Exchange in terms of hours and what the drunk drunk girl's name isn't that be your kid what are you trying to imply that this wanna be super safe from the future is my son well guess that cat's out of the bag but seriously what is that that's the Android no it's not yes it is no it's not yes I am you stay out of this wait so you're saying that that's not the Android that kills us no I don't need right and we've been fighting too yes I said two but that's not one of them why didn't you tell us what they looked like then I only ever met the two well look at that so did way and now the woman's here did she bring me [Music] [Applause] [Music] out of all of season three I get so excited when that whole like scene like comes up because I'm like wow I had so much fun writing that so much fun editing it and I always enjoyed the just the back and forth of yes it is no it's not that's not that yes I am you stay out of this it is like it's also the first time you get to realize the trunks is a bit of a [ __ ] up oh yeah no this this beginning of like trunks's whole character Arc which is just realizing he is a failure he fails every single time but it only in the very end at the very end does he actually get the dub does he though his entire timeline got wiped out uh we're not counting super we're never accounting super then when does he get the dub the last thing that happens to him effectively is he gets blasted through the heart and then goes back and like just wipes the floor with things that are way beneath him well yeah but he at least destroys the Androids and and so and yeah fair enough and he saves an entire timeline by going back and warning now are we counting Xenoverse where he has to get put into community service for all the [ __ ] he did to the timeline if we're not counting super we are absolutely not counting Zeno first in the comments wind scar spirit gun Bankai Rasengan gum gum pistol that sounds dirty but it's one that Piccolo could actually do it is he could do the gum gum pistol yeah can he do gear too oh no he does that in super yeah he gets there I mean it gets a little bulkier so it's more like four-ish is that movie available yet yes you can thank God it is available on Amazon Prime you can see it there which it the official Blu-rays come out in April I think but yeah not not sponsored but recommended superheroes one yeah like honestly uh if you haven't seen superhero yet absolutely and the both the dub and suburbs and it's thematically appropriate for this episode because it talks about the Androids and stuff but yeah uh gero again like showing off his tactical capability which is really what sets him apart from 19. he's he's got human intelligence and knows like okay okay ah now I can get out of here yeah I don't know that uh this is this is definitely the part of this Saga where I just love I don't see here's the thing I don't want to sniff my own [ __ ] farts over here all right I I don't want I don't want to break my own back and what are we doing I know I know that's kind of what half of this has been but I just really loved writing for this Arc I loved directing for this Arc I loved editing this Arc no matter how oh my God incredibly tediously editing God because let me tell you we are now in the place where I am fully immersed every single episode and we're not even to the point where I had to go to another animator to ask for lip flaps we would finish a script and this man would disappear for two weeks yep oh yeah no I was I would yell at people if they asked me to do anything but edits like this was the period of time where like we'd finish the script for an episode and I'm like I need something to fill my time with so I I would work with Kieran and Grant more often on the gaming channel by the way Kieran and Grant started a channel called the good time zone uh they're still doing a whole lot of fun stuff I've been loving their back rooms video I just wanted to give them a quick shout out yeah absolutely yeah if you guys if you guys don't know please do check out good time zone it's Karen and Grant being their most Kieran and grantist and that's amazing it's fantastic but yeah you know we're patting ourselves on the back I want to Pat our friends on the back too yeah absolutely but we'll be able to Pat ourselves on the back a bit more next time on this thing that we're doing next up is dead zone what yep what came out after 37 oh God oh no that is that right are we oh yeah yeah you're right I remember we checked that Holy we're about to do dead zone oh my God [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 515,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zeC5BH2aIw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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