DRAFT HORSES: Going To The Amish Farrier (Part 1) Reset shoes on horses, Should horses wear shoes?

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good morning everybody well i have got to load up the horses and take them up to the blacksmith the shoer that i have the amish guy and uh just walking by the garden this morning a few people have wanted an update on the garden here's a quick peek at how that's coming along [Music] i'm still waiting to get my tire fixed on my tractor mowed some second cutting yesterday first first of the year that's kind of nice it's pretty good it's a little short of course from the drought but still pretty good but let's uh let's get these horses loaded up and get them up the hill [Music] lady and bill ready to go we're gonna do all four horses today but i usually just take two up in the morning then two up in the afternoon it works pretty good that way because i've been so busy i've kind of lost track of time and uh really overdue with the shoe and except especially for the blacks they're really overdue i'm surprised i haven't lost a lot more shoes i did lose two shoes on um can this past week after i knew was how we made the appointment for this this uh time to come up with this true work but uh i of course i have to be very careful being enormous shooter i can't i'm just trying really hard not to photograph his face because they don't like that and so but i hope to get some views some some other things that we do for example lady has had issues over the years with their front feet with her front feet um if they the actual definition of what's going on with that i then get eli to explain it um but anyways she's got some tender front feet at times and over the years several times where she's had these problems i put a bar shoe on which is basically a plate goes across the frog and it puts more pressure on the frog and helps more blood circulate because there's more pressure on the frog and uh it seems to help her tremendously the last couple winters we've been using pads oh i just remembered forgot them too oh well um we've been using pads snow pads they go between the hoof and the shoe and they have just seemed to help her tremendously and so both eli and i decided let's try that again even though it's not wintertime we're going to put these pads back on front just to front feet and hopefully that will make quite a difference in how her feet feel and how her feet are you know it helps it helps put more pressure on the frog to helps circulate the blood more which is really good and hopefully this will help your problem so i hope to show you that today [Music] stop all the time yeah it's dirty entertaining but it's clean that's right well i got the horses up there so about like i said i forgot to grab the pads and a few extra shoes just to see if he needs something different so i gotta run home run back unfortunately it's not very far away so we'll run down get that come back up and maybe he'll be busy at work and we'll try and get a few videos so you can get an idea what he does for me [Music] okay back up here [Music] with the pads and some extra nails i got a few days in this week i wish i could get a lot more in this shoe it's pretty well shot yeah it is especially for a heinz you want to have traction but as you can see these heels will stay for a long time especially these double heels i'm just talking to the camera but that toe is gone it's uh some ways i like having those short toes because it puts more on there puts the heels up better what do you think you like it does suppose it feels better and i with my belgians especially they seem to have heel problems the more you got better they are easier on their tendons yeah but i was just farming i wouldn't even worry about those shoes they'd be fine i'm having a lot of people ask about shoeing yeah yeah a lot of interest in it here [Applause] so eli's been doing my shoeing for about two years now yeah like that does a lot better job than i do i don't know about that [Music] but it's a lot of work [Music] so when you shoot how do you normally do it just grab one foot whatever and go all the way through the whole process [Applause] so now he's putting the hook on the front side of this stock just to trim down the front side oh you've already pulled her fresh yep as you can see there's a little crack here but yeah that's correctly i'm gonna do a little bit of something about that one i got that puff maker i'll fill that hole right up after we got the shoe on oh really yeah have you ever done that with mine before no no oh that'd be interesting you do it with the with the racing horses though yep works good yep it works on the host but it is well i don't know the general friendly or not i drew that man the bondo yeah well i don't know if they actually use bundle but i just heard it there is people that do yeah but this stuff is actually made for that yeah that'd be interesting oh lady so you actually i guess you misunderstood me so you actually pull all shoes off and then yes i did i i did misunderstanding that's what you were asking yeah yeah yeah i pull them all off and clean them and then put them on i've never actually been down here while you're shoeing because i've always which is the big big big nice thing about it i've always just left the horses and gone back and gone to work but i don't have a lot of time today but i want to watch [Music] and now we're just cutting the clinches off because all these nails are bent over after they go in and if you don't you can break before i had clinch cutters i would take my little nippers and twist them off but it didn't work quite as good because then it's rounded yeah and it catches the hoof coming off that shoe has been on there for just a little more than two months it's still nice tight fit i haven't seen any there's been no loose shoes at all on these two and the other two haven't had loose shoes they've been on even longer until this past week i did lose two shoes on can got someone yesterday in the hatred can't find either one of them shoes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh so [Music] hey bill clinton [Music] [Music] so so you haven't done the bad front person now the foot you took the shoe off everything looked good there oh is that the one with the other than the core crack right but uh okay it's the other one that's yeah explain what's going on there because i don't know myself [Music] and that's the one i think she's tender with yeah [Applause] will you try that knot i mean you don't tie it you're just ready and it seems to hold good now we're starting this other front foot where i think some issues [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so okay here we go [Music] okay see two two reasons already wow right here the shoe is off the outside wall sitting right on the inside of the hoof and that's a tender spot okay and same here there's not much heel there right and quite possibly the heel of the shoe was hitting the front okay so that'll make them tender too okay and that's a lot just because we've waited too long or they should have released that sooner um not as much that as she has got that wall as you can see they're not growing like there's rings here which are fever rings okay and they're not growing good okay that's why we're putting the pads back on and hopefully we can get that heel to grow and the pads are actually gonna press more on the frog which is gonna make more circulation in the blood which will help heal that heart right right that will get faster hoof grows on the heel yeah yeah and that does the same thing as the bar did before that we've tried before but we've had such good luck with those pads it's great i believe is that organ we put on the inside yeah which helps those people those pads off and they just hoofs that look so good all went along so and maybe it's combination of the a few things there aren't too many of these draft horses or regular horses don't they they may be great horses but there's always something that's a little bit wrong with their with them that is right [Music] it seems like that toes extra long too does it give it to you yes that's what usually happens you get a cage with sore heels the toe part will grow forward really okay yeah [Music] [Music] it's almost a half an inch to the white line [Music] seems like sometimes when when their feet low like that you start cutting their their toes they're they're sold down and they run into blood soon yeah this one you do yeah i don't dare go much shorter than that [Music] that partially i believe comes from in case she feels sore yeah and she's not putting a lot of pressure on her heels yeah she's putting a lot of pressure here then your soul is also going to push down which as you can see it's the sole is out from the heel part yeah so i think that's a combination of putting weight more on the toe part yeah and that's why i believe you get the extended toe where it goes out [Music] i'll just show you these pads that we're going to put on these are used pads actually snowball pads that's what that bubbles for eli do they make just straight flat pads for a situation like this yes they do but these will work fine oh yeah this is the oakland that he puts in in underneath the pad between the patterns and the hoof and that's uh that stuff's been around for and used for 100 years for this ask me what it's purpose of oh come on where did he come from i don't know has no research [Music] it puts a pattern in the shoe like this [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's interesting you just bend them over like that to start with yeah so did that 80 year old guy teach you all this no not all this he just did the race horse part okay 16 years of experience should help right [Music] but you still get cornered every once in a while [Music] oh i always felt and i still somewhat feel that as long as that nail comes out you're safe but it's not always true i thought that was true but i had a horse years ago that uh every single nail came out and i i hit something he went like i placed that nail inside the white line apparently and then it then it turned it came out but it wasn't it wasn't good so now he has a block and he's clinching the nail over her bending over tight as he pounds on the head the other end of the nail bends [Applause] like i said this is the first time i've actually seen him do his chewing so i don't know exactly how he does do it it's kind of new to me everybody does it a little bit different i really don't care how he does it as long as the shoes are good and stay on and that's the way they've been so i've been happy so now he's cutting off the clinches these toes on these shoes are homemade toes clips i mean clips on these shoes they're homemade clips that he baited himself they uh they kind of stick out a little bit more than he would like and they're but they're quite heavy clips and i like them probably a lot of you shoes would notice how much this stick out when she say it eli yeah but i've had no problems with them and they've been heavy duty enough to so often clips break off after a short period of time and they've held quite well when they're that heavy you can't really bend them you can't bend them i'm so well totally happy with this type now we're just cleaning off that okay we're gonna put that epoxy in there he's cleaning off the the pad here but now he's gonna get epoxy special epoxy that he has to go into this hole right here so this epoxy does it help heal it also here what it does it'll help hold this crack together so it can start growing from the line down okay okay i see that now is pretty fast drying stop about eight minutes pure time [Applause] [Music] [Music] kind of handy having that pad there to help hold it yeah [Music] yeah perfect perfect brand new move yep well that's it for this video join us in our next one as we continue with the bertrand's getting their shoes reset and as i continue my conversation with eli thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 378,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Percherons, shoeing horses, Amish Blacksmith, Amish Farrier, amish, amish working, amish working horses, why do horses wear shoes, should horses wear shoes, draft horses, amish people, shoeing draft horses, shoeing a horse, shoeing a horse with bad hooves, hoof cleaning, hoof cleaning satisfying, satisfying horse hoof cleaning compilation, hoof trim - cleaning - very satisfying, farrier tools, draft horse care, talking to amish, amish community
Id: tTD7pTrK86A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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