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[Music] good afternoon welcome to working horses with jim this afternoon we've got a family adventure trudy and abby are here and jim is going to go down and load the round bales on to the back of the wagons for the horses to bring them up the hill he's going to be running the skid steer and the girls are going to be each having a team of horses they're all getting lined up here and ready to go here they come we've got ken and buck or buck and can depending on how you want to say it [Applause] and bill and lady bill and lady you have to wait for ken and bob hi trudy good job and here comes jim with the skid steer [Music] there's an opening right there and there's one down beyond the four-wheeler but that one looks good looks like they used both so fire's coming i'm just gonna have to wait [Music] are they being good um they're walking fast yeah they look like they want to run into i don't know what they think they're gonna do maybe they want to try to get by the tron slow down guys so we're here at the field our neighbor had uh round build and wrapped this and we're just going to gather the bales together and then bring them home with the horses in the wagon [Music] nothing sitting on your phone yeah i don't have anything i see i had to get [Music] had to get some pictures for instagram if you are a follower you should make a shipment lots of fun stuff abby's been doing some new things on there pretty funny check it out [Music] so they were hard on your hands yeah just his hand i don't know what bill's hurry always is but yeah that's what she said she said that dad said they were gonna be walking real fast and they were super slow and i said they always are when somebody else is driving him yep it's really funny these are nice big bales hey hi good how are you good here we are intruding on your operation yeah right i didn't know if you know we have a youtube channel we do so i didn't know that yeah so um what is it working horses with jim nice yeah so awesome i'm doing some taping and stuff yep yeah abby and trudy so how have you guys been we're good yeah glad to be up here for a weekend i love it up here yeah it's nice i love it it's so quiet on this road i do love it here [Music] good [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so there goes trudy and the belgians headed up the road she's got quite a load there finish off this load i guess trudy's going to wait and they're gonna go up the road together quite a load you got there true did they seem to have a hard time pulling it over to this point no no no they just pulled a little bit when we started but yeah they're probably gonna just have to get going yep they'll be raring to go on his time beautiful summer day it's nice and warm [Music] [Music] okay so [Music] [Music] there's jim bringing up the rear this is the first time i've seen the colts over on this side of the pasture they're looking and seeing what's coming up the road [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] heading down for a second load here comes jim the second load he's waving to our neighbors gotcha still not slowing down too much [Music] jim is nestling the bales on the wagon just so so that they stay put i think you're all waiting till are you gonna wait at the edge of the field again boys and girls what do you think what do you think what do you think what do you think is this hard you don't seem to think it's very hard it doesn't look to me like you think it's very still to the hard yeah all right stop frankie can you help her get out of the road yep looks like abby's had a little problem here she lost her she lost her line no harm done stuck under the tail i guess i'm going to direct trudy onto the road because even though it's a slow road and we can see good both ways once they get going it's good just to keep going it's all good trued [Music] so they look fine trudy no i don't have apples right now maybe later kenny i don't have any apples i think he smelled i had apples before no not yet not till we're done i gotta get those apples away from the colts too when we get up there from what well we put a whole bunch for the cows and i didn't think the colts would come over there did not eat apples well they can have some but i don't want them to have a whole bucket you know i wanted to get a picture of them they hollered when you guys went by i think i i saw them i um childhood where i would like text and drive the horses and dad would and dad would like yell at me and now he just like always says i know [Music] i'll direct you up onto the road afterwards trudy's doing good she's way up the road i don't know if you can see her or not but they're heading right along i'll help make sure abby gets up on the road safe and then we'll try to get by him up here [Music] that bale looks like it's leaning a little and everything they're going to fall front they could fall off to the side i don't think they're going anywhere we're thankful to the girls for taking time out of their saturday to come up here and to help us out we were spending some time this morning planning a calendar that we want to make available late this fall and there's a lot of work involved with that and we're trying to figure it all out but we'll we'll keep you posted on that these guys seem like they're pulling up pretty well how's your hands doing same yikes stay on there bales hello earl look guys oh the flies are bad aren't they look guys look at the big boys look it's cheaper [Applause] right now they're not karen hey the easier hard work oh yeah is it easy good job trudy's hands are killing her because bill is hard to hold these guys seem to be pretty chill uh oh he can't see where he's going i hope he doesn't run into you hey got those horses under control something can be done thanks for watching today on our farm adventure here if you're new to our channel hit the subscribe button if you're interested in seeing more videos like this life on the farm with the horses and with jim and tap the bell if you want to be notified of more videos coming up [Music] you
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 1,050,888
Rating: 4.862884 out of 5
Keywords: my daughters help, hauling bales, farming with horses, draft horse farming, percheron horses, belgian horses, farmers daughters, farm girls, girls working on farm, haying with horses, hauling round bales, working horses, working with horses, using horses for farming, girls driving horses, daughters driving horses, watch horses working, belgian team, percheron team, haul bales, how to haul round bales, hauling round bales with horses, how much can a horse pull
Id: aqPo7ybaOs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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