Lady Freaks out!! 😳😳 Spreading Manure, Hauling Round Bales, and Lady's New Found Fear of SHEEP!

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[Music] do good afternoon welcome to working horses with jim hi everybody what are you up to today jim i'm gonna go spread a couple loads of manure um we've got some a couple sears going to the butcher this week and brenda i'll show you them in a minute but because of that we quite often will load right here so i got a few loads of manure down in the back here i gotta get cleaned out so i'll get that cleaned out today i'm gonna go get a load of i mean get a round bale i think i'm just gonna drag that up the road and i'll show you how i do that but uh we'll get loaded up and spread load manure first just a side note i think i've um i don't i don't remember when i hitched up bill last um this is very unusual for me of course i was sick for a little bit but um there are times and stretches where we go without working all the horses a lot and since i have two teams i i'm not really busy i just don't have a need for both teams so um bill has been quite a long time since i pitched him up yeah you used lady and ken to uh what did you do with them mom did something oh pastures maybe yeah yeah small pastures i can't even really remember yeah but still for both of them it's been quite a while [Applause] lady and bill were outside this morning jim said they probably wonder why they're they came barreling into the barn when he called them um but um they probably were wondering what he wanted but anyways lady apparently in her running got all wet here i brushed her but i didn't see she had all that on her yeah while jim's getting hooked up here i will show you the steers that are going to the butcher in a couple days you want to get out and be with the other ones i don't know i hope you can see because it's dark in here but they look like they're in pretty good shape it's kind of a dreary afternoon we haven't had much sunshine in a couple days and they are calling for a little sunshine but anyways we'll get going i know all right so [Music] and they look like they want to get a move on today okay i don't use my spreader every day so um i was having little troubles here and this arm right here which goes is supposed to go back and forth and it hits this sprocket here this notched sprocket with these dogs there's one dog here and one dog here and it will as it goes back and forth it will turn the what we call the apron underneath in in the spreader to bring the manure back here to hit the beaters to throw it all out there so this arm as you can see like i said it's at this at the the sprocket right here but then for it to push it it rolls along this rounded cam i'm not exactly sure what you call it but as you can see there's a roller on the end of that arm and it will roll up and over that and which in turn pushes there's your roll right there pushes this arm back and forth and that pushes this sprocket which in turn moves the apron so now that we may have it fixed it just kind of stuck there um and hopefully now it will work we'll see now i'm getting out of the way maybe show the apron there as it's turning jim's invited me to sit with him and he said to show the apron is moving around and that goes through the bottom of the spreader and moves everything back like a little assembly line it's actually kind of fun to watch i got a question for people what is it look at my evening ask them if they know what i did wrong jim is wondering from you viewers out there if you know what he did wrong when he hitched these horses up as you look at the evener do you know don't tell him if you do apparently you don't no i don't know oh i think i might have an idea oh i know i know i don't know if you know put it in the comments below and we've got a clean spreader you can see that apron running there still [Music] and this might be a dumb question but why are there two of those things one's for this for the apron and one's for the beater half snap i did not know that these guys are feeling good today so we're gonna go down and get that round bale lay down at the lower farm jim's um just got the chain on here and i think you already told them you're gonna just drag it home right and you've got a few things to say about that when we get hooked up okey dokey i don't know if you can see the geese up there we've had geese going by all day getting ready for their trip south the cattle are down here resting they seem to be completely content i really have plenty to eat already but you think they're gonna like that bale when you um yeah they will uh i've been feeding a bale now and then this is this hey what we'll get is actually last year's hay wrap round bales um it was second cutting it was very good quality at the time now it's getting to the point where it's not so good um but they still being beef cows they still eat it right down and being something new it seems like they always like to have something new in their diet and so they go right at us now these cows i'm not going to feed them down here because i will i want to continue keeping them bringing them up by the barn so any hay that i feel at least most of it will be up for the barn because they'll get used to coming close to the barn so i can catch them and do the work to them that i need to do that okay here's a field off to our right that should have been cut quite a while ago um as you can see but there's a lot of really good grass in this field and if i've had beautiful weather i would i would go right out and cut it for hay but i also have the option to put a fence around it and so that's what i might do and even though the clover has gone by there's a lot of really good grasses in there for the season considerably by holding a field like this i might might be the first to december before i put a fence around it and then they're going to have some beautiful feed the first of december to eat cuts down on feeding hay and that's the more day that we are we can tell too our neighbors have been harvesting pumpkins and there's still a lot out there about to go and we've got round bales here and jim placed them beside the roadway so they're easy you won't have to trample all the field down to get those later on which i thought was a good idea well they're all sold i'm waiting for the guy with his truck and trailer to come pick them up oh well at least they're but they're right by the roadway through the field so they don't crack everything down so much and our neighbors have some new additions over here so this lower farm here what we call lower farm still needs to be caught and we have actually made an agreement with our neighbor and he's going around building raphael and he's gonna do all the work it seems like the last couple years i haven't been able to do all the work myself because we haven't had the help here but look at lady she's scared of though she doesn't know what your people are this is a surprise because i didn't expect these two would be frightened of get up there everything she scared a little sheep and then she went right over towards them that kind of shows that you just never know what can happen with words right should be used anything still freaks out she doesn't usually freak out over anything she's that is really funny well we hope this video isn't too dark it's a very overcast day but it is what it is i'm enjoying the ride anyways something nice about of course i'm not doing any of the work i'm not driving but just the slow pace of riding down the road with the horses is always enjoyable we hope to take you on some fall foliage up into the woods adventures too later on there's the uh scrap ground bales we're going towards [Applause] these bails uh don't smell very good and you wouldn't think the cows would like them but they they eat them right up don't they yeah okay there's numerous ways to do this i do it a bunch of different ways and i've actually had videos on a couple different ways that i've done this but today i am just going to throw a chain around it and just drag it right up the road and it's amazing how well it generally stays together it should be fine um the only thing i've got to be concerned with is making sure that the chain is not dragging on the black top um because these are good hardened logging chains but it's amazing if they're dragged underneath something on blacktop it'll it'll wear them right down to nothing so i have to be careful that [Music] just hold that that slid down i think give me a little more all right now pull it it's not tight tight but i guess you can tighten it up [Music] oh oh [Applause] so how hard do you think this is for them they're feeling so good they could go slower if they wanted to it's gotta be a little bit hard dragging all that weight so jim was curious earlier whether the cows would know what was going by him and whether they would start to follow because i was laughing earlier he brought some brown bales over with the skid steer and as soon as they heard the skid steer and saw the bale they'd start moving and following but they don't seem to be paying attention today [Music] all right so what i'm doing here is i just took the chain off um might be tomorrow before i actually took this out and put it into the into the pasture so for now i'm gonna go back and spread a couple more loads of manure [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] ah what about thanks for coming along with us today hope you enjoyed the video and we hope to see you again soon take care [Music]
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 120,576
Rating: 4.8842926 out of 5
Keywords: lady freaks out, spreading manure, hauling round bales, new found fear, fear of sheep, horse freaks out, horse is scared of sheep, dragging round bale, farming with horses, using horses for farming, spreading manure with horses, hauling round bales with horses, using draft horses for farming, farming with draft horses, belgian team, belgian team of horses working on farm, lady has a new found fear of sheep, horses freak out, horses scared, how to get horses over their fear
Id: 0VAm6ZiXj5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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