Satisfying Horse Hoof Restoration! A step by step guide of the hows and why’s of horse shoeing!

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hey everybody i'm leigh with old sneak one and we have hit our favorite horse the last one of the day so right now we're just going to do a step-by-step video on shoeing her front feet we are wrapping up for the day there's our famous t-rob jeb hunt calton harris is running the camera i don't know if he'll show himself but we're going to take her in this we like to leave them in the shade whenever we can we this is kind of where we start and finish sometimes or we shoot out here on nice days but we always like to leave them in the shade and with water so come on in ah a lot of people don't like shooting cross ties but i've got to where i absolutely love it we make sure that when we snap them up they're hooked to the entire halter right here as you can see and make sure that it's a halter that fits and there's not much danger and these cross ties are built to where the horses don't want to back up we rarely have anything pulled back in here everything's pretty comfortable and i think it's because the horses can see each other as you can see we normally have this all full of horses and they would be looking right at each other and first things first secret to anybody's heart is usually food she's a big fan so if you look at her feet real quick you can tell that she's barefoot on the front and has been for a while she's been getting a little sore on this right front periodically nothing too serious and then kelton shot the hind feet this morning he made some handmade sliders right here this is just good practice he ground the nail heads off and just good practice for his journeyman work so as we look at the well first off let me show you the bottom of this foot so there's nothing seriously wrong but and when you look at the bottom you can tell there's not a lot of depth as you lay something across there you can tell that from lack of soul depth right there so we need to put some shoes on her and she doesn't have real great walls as you can tell so we got some x-rays taken just to be proactive saves a lot of guesswork and as you can see the left front everything's pretty basic right here everything looks pretty nice nice bony column alignment nothing out of the ordinary then you get to the right and it looks like as you can see there's just some slight rotation as you can see there and of course she's really short as you can see that there's no soul depth but this makes me think it's either just an upright foot high low mild case of it or there's been some slight rotation as you can tell from this distance from this distance that's a big distance so bony column is tipped forward just a little too much so ideally like the right front that's what we want like this and what we have is that to where it's tipped down just a little farther not a deal breaker nothing really to worry about but with the excess out here i kind of want to put some break over on her to help help her move better so normally i'd be wanting to do like a saint croix advantage shoe that's a nice shoe it's got a little break over it's got some nice support in the heels and it's really great for thin walls pretty much perfect for but this horse needs to get off the ground so right now what i want to use is the mustang equilibrium roller shoe it's pretty sweet it's got a break over all the way around as you can tell it's got a bevel all the way around the whole shoe just like that and i want to use a leather pad this time this the only difference between a leather pad and other pads well between like a porin is that let's say you stick this shoe on a horse and you pour it in you're only filling in the shoes width right but where we want to get her off the ground so she has a little more protection that's two pads of course but you know that it's going to raise her up another quarter of an inch or whatever that is so the goal is protection getting her off the ground and break over so pad and shoe the nail of choice today is the mustang mx50 and it's got a they're coated with endura so they're it makes them a lot stronger and they don't rust or break down so smaller nail for the thinner walls and then extra strength so without any more ado let's get into it first things first i always like to clean up the frog because i decide how much to trim off by how where the real apex of the frog is and the goal isn't to over trim the frog that's the last thing i want to do but i just want to kind of manicure it a little bit just so it's healthy you can tell that she's overreached right there didn't do a very good job trimming this frog next straighten the bars so she needs protection so i don't want to go after much of this but i need to straighten the bars because the bars are much like a rafter in a building a bent rafter is pretty much useless so straight is strong definitely not going to use my nippers just going to use my excel green tang rasp here trimming the heels back the widest point of the frog trimming off a little but not a lot every time you check balance you do it with your opposite hand so you can see it because if you do it with this hand you can pull it out of the way without meaning to it's very important that every stroke overlaps each other and it's a lot easier to keep the foot level that looks pretty good always set it down gracefully like that because horses trust you with their foot and when you put it down like that it strengthens that trust that hey i can trust you with my foot this guy is going to be nice to me that's one thing i learned from chris cox and he swears that that's a big reason why horses are bad to shoe is because they just lose faith in the farrier and that's a great way to get it back it's not a lot to trim off the top but there is a little the walls are a very tricky deal it's pretty easy to over trim them and make things look nice but they need that for strength in their foot and if you do it first you usually don't have to do much at the end all right so this one is the problem foot so first step we're going to trim the frog up find the real apex of the frog true apex this is tough because the frog isn't in very good shape i do do a very good job trimming it but whenever it's got a flap like this i always want to kind of take the lip off it because if it's hanging up straight and sharp it just bends over where if it's got kind of an edge kind of a softer edge to it it'll actually push down and have normal healthy frog function straighten the bars dangster don't want to go in here because that's where she didn't have any foot anyway so pretty much just trim the heels back uh you'll see me check balance in the hook quite often it's just kind of like the old carpenter rule you know you can only cut so much right so measure twice cut once it's easy to take it off it's hard to put it back on there i can see i'm just a little high right here didn't do a very good job doing my frog there but it's kind of welded into the sole so those are usually pretty hard now we'll check this again before i sure wall isn't in very good shape there you could tell i didn't touch the sole and look at that zero depth just like we saw on the x-ray all i'm doing when i'm doing this is getting the distortion off and i'm putting my finish on first so there's not a lot to do here you can see just a slight gap in there just like we saw on x-ray they're just a little extra tow here but not much i usually try to get them to where they're pretty straight but you can overdo that pretty easily too so i didn't get it all out but i'm going to stop there now we're going to shape our shoes these have a really great shape the problem is this foot isn't that good so it's a lot straighter on this side than it is on this side we're gonna have a little too much shoe but we can just grind it off so this is the bigger foot of the two you can see this one almost fits the way it is so great shaped shoes really make your life easier so you can see it's straighter here and nice and round here so i just need to bring this in should fit up nicely have jeb put a pad on it we'll be good to go these aluminum shoes they can't stay in the forge very long but if you do it right it'll make your life a lot easier a little warm over here by the fire it gets pretty nice with or get kind of spoiled being in the air conditioning in here so it doesn't take very long what i'm looking for is for it not to not to ting anymore so you can look at this new shoe over here you hear that it's a lot more dead and when you're building handmade shoes you mark it with your wood hammer that's why i don't tape the bottom of my hammer so you can see a black mark for me with keg shoes that's that's pushing it i'd rather hit them a little cold than i would ruin a shoe so i'm just straightening the medial side right now or the right front bringing it in i'm going to mark it so i know which foot is which so every time i'm using this anvil i'm trying to use the edges this edge that edge and this edge then i'll put my hammer there and it really lets me allow or visualize the foot and that is the most time saving thing there is so i want my heel to line up with my toenail as close as i can so you can tell this side straighter and this side comes out around just a little bit i think i need to tighten up the toe a little bit so i'm going to go a little bit like that a little bit like that and with her kneading depth if you just cuff your shoe out it'll prevent sole pressure but it'll also give her just a little more depth that should be pretty close bad thing is when you knock the sole pressure out you open your shoe up so now i got to close it back again let's go see what that looks like [Music] [Music] i am going to set it back a little bit so that's about where i want it there lateral sides pretty close but medial side misses by quite a bit and you can shape these cold it's just hot is a lot easier so so i just straightened it there and i brought it in [Music] one more time of that toe is a little bit too wide and it misses a little bit here so i'm gonna hit it together hand me a rasp jeb here's a little dusty franklin trip trick for you works pretty well on concrete oh baby now we're getting there use a marker it really helps me make sure my shoe fit is spot on all right here we go now we'll take it to the grinder so now you can easily see my marker and that's where she's so straight but my nails have to be nailed in the white line so if i grind this off i can afford to put my shoe right where my nails are supposed to be because sometimes you can get a hot nail that way so first thing those are my checks and that's from cold banging it out right there need to knock that off because that will cause soil pressure the marker is just a guideline it doesn't mean you have to take it all off it's not completely not completely level step over to the mobile rig there we go here you go jim [Applause] jeb's going to show you how we do our pads [Music] so [Applause] those rivets will never come out he just fits it in there and it'll swell up in there and now we'll grind it off smooth and those will never come off you don't have to use a bandsaw but it sure does make life easier [Applause] shhh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you don't have to drill the nail holes out but it sure makes it easier nailing a lot easier when you're working on a thin walled horse to get the nails exactly where you need them [Applause] and now for the most important part very nice yeah [Music] [Music] jab would you shut the forge off please good time to check balance again holding it with my opposite hand looking straight down the leg i truly believe that the most important part of the shoeing is the trim so that's one thing that cannot be under done check our fit one more time it's the shoe is a little more desirable shape than the foot as you can tell because we want this foot to we want to train this foot where we want it to go we want it to look like this when we're done and make sure that we're nailing it in the correct place with our thin walls that looks good put a little bit of hoof packing in there make sure nothing gets inside our pad there we go if you're working on very many thin walled horses i highly suggest using an endura coated nail they make mustad makes them in several different kinds if you like the city head that's fine these are the this is a e head this is a mx 50. it just fits these shoes a little better but just any nail will work in these shoes got to be real careful when you're shooting a thin walled horse make sure your nails are where they're supposed to be i always laugh every time i tap on a shoe like that because when i was young and dumb i remember watching a older farrier shoe and he would tap his shoe and i would think to myself you know how i know your shoe doesn't fit because mine went right on every time looking back he was probably getting them in a great place and i was just nailing them on five nails is plenty especially on a double lock horse but this horse will pull shoes and it's got a pad so i'm gonna try to sneak another one in but any sensitivity that i would feel right now i would pull it out i need just a little higher nails especially on a poor quality walled horse so we'll try to drive them up just a little higher and the old cheater rule of using your ring finger where it's supposed to come out is what i rely on here and all that does is make you tip the nail in the right spot and sometimes you hit the same nail hole but we tried tapping it keeps it in the foot hard blows makes it come out i feel like i got my shoe placement where i want it just going to bevel this toe a little bit right now then i'm going to block my nails you don't have to block them i believe it matters the most of driving a good nail but it just kind of pops it out makes it easier to finish always set it down nice and easy look at her licking her lips yeah she was just licking her lips we kind of missed it but i really believe we've had a lot of sore footed horses that we've done that too and we shoot them get them off the ground and they lick their lips it's got to feel good so that's awesome so now i'll go shape this other shoe hopefully it goes a lot better than the other one that was kind of a beating shaping that shoe there we go so i always like to keep moving it you don't want to leave it in there very long especially when this forge is already hot some guys brush it to know when it's ready i just kind of move it around and then i tap it that's probably pretty close especially since i don't have to do too much to it so you can almost tell when you set it down on the anvil got a little more pop than the other one did but not much so straighten the medial branch a little bit bring it in the lateral is pretty good you can absolutely do this cold it's just i like doing it hot it's just a little easier so put it in here always looking at a box straighter here for the medial i feel like i should bring that in just a little bit more so at the widest point i start there and just roll it around i think that's going to be pretty close so i'm just going to cool it you know the hot shoeing and cold shoeing thing there's a lot of people that are all for hot shoeing and some people that are all for cold shoeing i believe that it when you sear the foot it does make a perfect fit and that's great you can achieve that cold shoeing too the reason why i like hot shoeing the best is because it's for me it's easier on me you can just tap the shoe instead of hitting it hard and you can get a lot more things done because steel and aluminum they just move easier when they're hot so there we go that's a little more what we're talking about right there it's pretty good fit for the first try that made up for how long that other shoe took to shape i might tap it shut just a little bit though there we go that should be great i almost said perfect right there but one of our sayings here at old sneak one is if you think anything's perfect you're not looking hard enough slight check on the medial see how it goes with the frog so if we weren't putting a pad on it would just let the foot clean out easier and i do think horses pull a lot of shoes from excess shoe left on the inside right here so i'll go grind it jeb you want to start finishing that foot right there you can watch jeb [Applause] she uh shhh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] hey i'm just trying to stay busy while jeb was finishing that horse there we go when you're grinding these pads if you just go straight in it's pretty easy to finish it to where it just mirrors the shape of your shoe [Applause] now for the most important part again bam nice finish jeb i think i got something in my teeth it's pretty shiny always pick the foot up nice and easy oh check balance looks good double check to fit it's raining in texas seems like it does that every week around here put some hoof packing in there make sure nothing sneaks under my pad there we go these nails drive so nice always double checking the fit oh didn't like the way that one was headed the taps kind of encourage you to keep it in the foot and one thing i think danvers child is the one who told me about this i think on facebook but if you've got a sensitive horse and you just dip your nail in vaseline it'll want to go through the hoof wall a little better so she's taking it pretty good but that's just an example there we go see if she licks her lips again yeah see that's awesome [Music] jeb is a finishing extraordinaire likes to make him look like glass that's a gouge you can use a rasp too but that just makes like an ice cream scoop effect just right underneath the nails putting that clinch a good spot to sit and you can see he just squeezes it right in the gap right in the gouge yep there we go [Music] not a lot of finish work to do if anything you just got to grasp the leather pad down i think jeb did a better job putting the pad on the united so so he's just kind of polishing he's not really rasping at all we're gonna clean it up with the sanding block and then if you guys don't know what this is this is tough stuff they actually coated an egg in this and you could drive a nail through it and it wouldn't break this is pretty good stuff makes the walls a little stronger definitely a necessity for thin walled horses very nice that's just a sealant that just protects the hoof that we've opened up by rasping it very nice see that you can put it back up there fish that's the idea with the gouges you can't even feel those nails right there that's beautiful so kelton wants to step around here and look at the side of this foot so now as you could tell that foot was the coffin bone was tipped down in here and from a slight rotation i guess or it's just high low syndrome but either way the the program will be the same we got her off the ground now we got break over so as you look right here you can see the breakover is clear back here you can see the gap under here so that's just going to allow her to move a lot easier one time from the bottom so that is the mustang equilibrium roller with the leather pad well i hope you guys enjoyed it don't forget the treats you can overdo the treats for sure see she doesn't want it but for you horseholders out there just remember stay off your phone hold your horse your job is to distract the horse you don't want to hurt the horse you don't want to let it get loose you just want it to stay framed up and that's why i like cross ties is because every time their head moves you can see their whole body move so with crossties they're a little more secure and the horses really seem to like it too so i hope you have a great day i hope you enjoyed that and god bless america
Channel: Olsen Equine CJF
Views: 1,074,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farrier, horse, horse shoeing, horse trimming, hoof trimming, rodeo, equine, horse pedicure, horse show, The farrier, Farrier life, S&S Horseshoeing, farrier, horse, horse shoeing, horse trimming, hoof trimming, rodeo, equine, horse pedicure, horse show, The farrier, Farrier life, S&S Horseshoeing
Id: nn5LmjELT3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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