FOUR DRAFT HORSE POWER: Can They Pull This HUGE Boulder???

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[Music] [Music] hi everybody i'm at my cornfield i had plowed and i did some disc in here the other day and i came had this rock in there so i took my excavator out to take this humongous boulder out of the ground and it was all the my excavator could do to get it up out of here but i finally got it to the top of the surface here and i am going to have to let's get it out with the horses now this rock is quite big i've got it up on this end right now and it's the size of the hole it came out of and i'm going to have to get my stone boat and put it underneath this rock so that i can pull it out this is me standing beside this rock while it's up on its end and give you an idea how tall this rock is so i had to get my skid steer and my i brought the stone boat up with the skid steer and slid it underneath this boulder and so now we'll go back and get the horses hitched up and come on out and try to move it good morning everybody um it's a bright sunny may day and jim has asked me to come out and film and help he has dug up more than he thought he was gonna this morning with a big rock out in the field that he was harrowing and he got it out with the excavator but he can't move it with the excavator he's gonna use the horses but two horses aren't gonna do it he doesn't think so he's got all four hooked up ready to go he has uh the stone boat out there right hon it's out there and they're going to be hooked to the stone boat with a stone on it and we'll see how they do this is a huge stone jim said to me earlier that there's something about pulling a stone it's so much heavier it seems in concrete so much heavier to pull and he knew that uh of course two horses couldn't do it i said well maybe three because i thought it'd be easier you know to maneuver with three but he said no this one needs four so he had to get the even set up and he knew it would be better to get the stone on the stone boat before he got them out here so he could hook them all up since there's four of them it's a little more difficult and so they are just being good so far he's been working them so they're probably a little bit tired tomorrow's sunday so he can give them a break tomorrow and we set a little prayer at the barn for the horses and wisdom for jim to know how to do this and see how it goes it's always a little bit hard when you haven't don't know how much something weighs so we'll see i expect there'll be some people out here thinking it's mean to hitch onto this big old boulder and expect these horses to pull it out and i probably will get some bad comments even because of it but i do ask that if you want to put a bad comment i would appreciate you watching some of my other videos first to see and realize that these horses do this all the time and they're very well fairly well trained and usually in very good shape and they're just like an athlete they they can do and can handle this type of work several of these horses have done quite a bit of pulling ken has not pulled as much you ready for this she's always looking around on our first attempt to pull it they pulled it quite a ways and then i stopped them and then we got into troubles when i asked them to start the second time lady bill and buck of course have done quite a lot of pulling they knew what to expect and they shot out there pretty fast and ken just could not even begin to get up there and so he kind of came right backwards and we got into a big mess and they knocked the evener off the off the stone boat which was good and it was enough of a mess up that i don't even want to show it so i edited it out i personally don't want to see it again and i surely don't think you guys want to see that mess up and it's one of those situations where i was completely not in control and if it weren't for the grace of god something could have happened that would have been really bad so i'm sure every time i think of this situation again i'm just going to be thanking god for his mercies to us that day so i get the tugs all unhitched and then i gotta decide what i'm gonna do wow you think your bolts are in the ground there oh oh a few minutes but i know something i could do shits are gonna be so hyper getting hooked on now sure you want to do this him starting made him stop well just took him right back and he just wouldn't start fast enough if he was on the opposite side he'd he could handle it pulling back into the thing you know if he dragging slack it should be on but will he try now because he knows what it is this time it's just that he was so far behind because they start so much faster yeah let me just drive over the excavator i'm gonna try something all right we gotta get down so this is what i decided to do i took can and changed him around and put him on outside and slid the belgians over so it was can lady bill and buck oh i think buck's trying to get over to ken driving four horses i've done a lot of line adjusting and by changing this around like i just did i don't have them adjusted quite right so i'm adjusting a little bit right there to help bring buck over but um it's always fun to try new adjustments and this is not exactly the time to be doing it but i am when you have horses whether they're pulling horses or just any type of horse if they've had to pull a heavy load like this when they go back to hitch on the second time they're usually quite nervous and these guys were nervous but i was just very pleased how well they did all things considered um we not only pulled a heavy load but then they got into quite a mishap and that nurse them up all the more but they were under the circumstances they were very very good i was very pleased so we get them hitched up eventually here i'd have to say this is probably one of the most challenging things i've done in my career working with horses if you've never been in a situation like this you don't quite understand it but i know a lot of guys have been in situations like this and it's it's uh it's very stressful it's it's a very difficult situation to be in and you have to really keep your cool and stay calm because the horses can sense your feelings and if you are all nervous they're going to be all the more nervous so it's very important to just stay very calm and to be able to get them hitched up you'll see they keep trying to see if they can start start the load with before i tell them to and that's just very normal under the circumstances but uh like i said all things considered i was very pleased at how well they did i still have to hitch a buck before i can go no oh and off we go and they pulled good bill looked like he was swallowed up in the middle there he did good though oh my line adjustment was still messed up a little bit i hated to do it but i quick ran up and adjusted a little bit on ken's bit to make it so they would pull better together so we make it off the field and up to the fence row and realized i hadn't shut the fencer off or opened up the fence to be able to get through to put this rock on the fence on the stone wall and so i had to ask brenda to run all the way down to the garage and unplug the fencer and then she did that and jumped on her bike and rolled back and now she's gonna take the fence post out and unhitch the wire so i can get through another one brenda had to pull out a second fence pose so i could get through [Music] [Music] good job you guys you did it good job proud proud hey so glad to get that job done it's awful hard to see where you're going when you got four big horses walking in front of you oh there's the fence please lord don't let them get hot in that fence don't attach the fence post oh here we go yeah i know closing thoughts view is right that was a little terrifying for me so now i have to fill up the hole and go take that big boulder off my stone boat while i'm filling the hole i try to put all the stones in the bottom of the hole so be many many many years before they actually push themselves to the surface again so i don't have to pick these stones so we'll dump these into the hole and then we'll pull all this dirt into the hole and i actually came up with a skid steer with a load of topsoil because in the process of doing work like this you tend to get more of the subsoil at the top and not all your good topsoil so i'm going to fill the hole and then i will put the bucket load of good barnyard dirt on top they're all filled in just trying to smooth out some of my track ruts and so that it won't take so much harrowing to get this ready for corn so here coming over the skid steer and just dumping this good barnyard dirt right on top of where the hole was in case the subsoil was too close to the top it would just help help in that spot and then i want to run over with this bucket and see if i can possibly roll the stone off of the stone boat so my skid steer is a new holland 160 pretty good sized machine and as you can see i can't even begin to roll this rock off my stone boat [Music] out in the plow ground i tried to push this rock and i could not do it at all i thought maybe in this sod i could flip this rock over but i couldn't even do that so i decided i'd go around to the back side and just pull it off with the bucket although i did get pretty close to rolling it over with the blade with the bucket it was still quite a challenge to get this rock off i had to take one side and kind of swing it one way and then swing around grab the other side and swing it the other way but we finally got it off but just tells you how heavy this thing is and those horses were able to pull up out of that field and uh so that was really great to be able to do and to show you so i hope you enjoyed the video you have a great day [Music]
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 518,731
Rating: 4.7574039 out of 5
Keywords: draft horse power, percheron, belgian, strong horses pulling, strong horses, draft horses, powerful horses, how much can a draft horse pull, how strong are draft horses?, four draft horses, four draft horse power, big stone, Can horses pull, draft horse farming, beautiful, horse videos, big boulder, strong, driving, Satisfying, awesome, mindblowing, farmer, Jim, power, powerful, horse power, lost art, old fashioned, drive horses, Jim Gordon, four draft horse, horses pull huge boulder
Id: 7HF4iiehPo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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