DRAFT HORSE FARMING: Lady and Brenda Ted Third Cut Hay & An Update on our Barn Wall

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[Music] hi everybody well today it's going to be kind of a continuation from my last video when i had uh can out rake in singly and i talked a lot about my car and hitching up and all that stuff so today i got brenda's going to help me and i'm going to take lady and hitch on to the cart and on hitch from the rake and hitch on to the tether that i told you about in that last video and i'll explain things how i'm going how i'm doing things also at the same time so let's get started with that oh nice tip g so lady is pretty good about stepping over the shafts without breaking them so let's see if she does all right today bye bye oh okay i've already pulled the pin so i'm not hitched to the rake here girl back up a little bit more back up a little bit doesn't seem to be hitching up as nice as with can for some reason yep hey yep so now we're going to hitch onto the grimtetta that i have i have two different tethers this is a grim ground driven and then i have a i believe it's called a farm king oh batlay that is run by power takeoff so i need the tractor with that one or my power right how my motorized cart g g g g g g oh now oh back up here step oh oh so i'm gonna have brenda ted after i get out of here and explain to her what to do oh yeah oh okay so brenda's getting ready to go and what you need to do is just straddle the two windrows that are together that means putting her if there's a you know if it's a double windrow like it should be she's gonna be blocking right between she kind of has to walk right down the middle yeah yep okay and then when i get to the end just well there's no ends there just follow the windrow and we get down here there's ends and just come out and come right over here to the next one and work your way around the field okay got that lady i will follow you the first time around anyways because i have a lot of things i want to explain okay so what we have here is some clover hay and we're trying to go about this and dry this without losing that many leaves so what i'd done the other day i by raking it together um now by 10 minutes with this particular tedder it fluffs it up and then it leaves it fall off potentially going to stay still with the windrow and then we'll have to re-rake it and hopefully keep as much of the leaves as we can by doing it this way so we decided to use lady today just for something different brenda had headed with her the other day so i know she's quite comfortable with her [Applause] brenda she can walk right on the windows fine [Applause] or really close so this tether is a tether we've had for years actually i'm not sure if we've had this particular one this is the second one we've had for this one we haven't had that terribly long actually but uh just a second explain something for brenda brenda put her right on the window put her right on the window or really really close you're barely you're barely heading it over on this side i mean yeah she doesn't like to walk right on the windrow all right so so this tethers is the tether we've had for quite a few years but uh and it works okay but doesn't do is quite as good of job as the as the power takeoff tether does but it's very handy for situations like this because if i was to use the power took up title right here it would just spread it all over the field again and it also spins so fast that it will take the leaves right off the stalks so we lose a lot of leaves because this one does a nice job of just kind of flicking it up which will help it to dry it is one o'clock on monday afternoon and like i told in that last video we that was a saturday and yesterday sunday we don't make it on sunday and uh the the weather wasn't very good it came it came and went sometimes it was sunshine now this morning we've had no having any sun at all and forecast was calling for beautiful sun but it didn't happen so hopefully we'll get some sun and the way things are looking now i don't think this is going to be ready to bail today because we haven't had any time to dry it but they're calling for even a better day tomorrow so probably what we'll do is just tell it today and let it set and then tomorrow we'll deal with it some more i got a question she's constantly seems to like i have to keep pulling to the right to gee her over because she right now she's not but why is she doing that it's because do you know yeah i do kind of but it's hard to say she doesn't want to walk directly on the hay which is a good thing i guess but because of the because of what we're doing she has to walk pretty well on the hay to do a good job of heading this but isn't this thing wide enough that we could let her walk on the side of it because look how wide it is i know but you watch posies you just gotta watch behind you see that you make sure you tighten it that's all i know but it's pretty wide she's got to walk pretty close to that window to make it work okay she doesn't have to actually walk onto it but [Applause] nice looking stuff here and so far the leaves are kind of still on but we just need some sunshine some heat to dry this high and i expect we'll get it [Applause] this tedder is just such a great tool for one horse to to use because one horse can handle this tether you know pretty we'll walk all day long and it won't affect the horse because it pulls so easy my other chatter with a motorized car same thing it's really one horse works just fine i more often than not we use two though just the same just because it keeps two horses exercised instead of one and keeps them in better shape so but it's just nice to once in a while to use the one horse okay i'm gonna let brenda stay here yep step so i'm gonna let brenda stay here and try the rest of this field i got some other stuff to do back at the barn and in fact i could even show you from the other day a little update on our our sawmill wall that we're doing we're getting pretty good on that actually so let's go do that and brenda can finish up this job okay i just wanted to give you a quick update on my wall i'm gaining on it pretty well now we've got our last hole i believe that we're going to use for a 6x6 and we were fortunate enough to have good cement footers down in here that were there and ready to use so that's great so that's my last one we got dug out i just got to bring the post over and get it sat um brenda is gone for the day she went to see her sister and so um she's been helping me get these posts in and i'll probably wait till next week to get the last post in but anyways these posts are all in as you can see on the back side here or on the inside of this building we do have other posts that we had are still sitting here we're here just temporarily just to support this wall because it was so bad i was afraid i was going to lose it so after we get all done we'll take these interior posts out of here but as you can see we've got um one section of boarding that i got up the other day and just need to put the batten on that and we've got one two three four five posts and one more to go and i think that's probably as far as i'll go i'll just make the boards um cover over that rest that concrete wall there and that should be fine because the other buildings are holding that all together and uh um so yeah i'm pretty pleased how this is coming and we ended up putting the blocks that are were salvageable onto um pallets so we got one two three and then this other pallet started over there beside the excavator and this is just some of the junk that pulled we pulled out of the wall and these big stones here will go back in around the post to support it and to keep it firm so it doesn't wash away and so that should work good anyways that's it for this now after i get this post in the next job will be getting back up to the woods to cut some more logs for 1x8 invited by tans for the for the board and baton so we'll show you how we're coming as we go along ah i missed that corner lady runs around the she trots around the corner when she thinks she's going back to the barn and then she slows right down when she comes starts going down the field again so some of you might wonder how i am liking being at home now and not uh not going to work i'd like to tell you that i love it i just absolutely am having the best best time ever um just enjoying working hard but just enjoying it so much enjoying being outside enjoying all the things that we're doing i've been helping jim with fixing the barn up and even though that was hard work and i ended up down in the a hole a lot of times with dirt falling on my head and everything else i still just loved it i love working with my hands and i'm i love being with the animals i love being available more for my for my kids although i haven't gotten to see my grandkids lately but hopefully soon um still working out what routine um i gotta work on that corner situation what routine uh is going to fall into place and still not feeling like i'm caught up the way i want to be but just coming up with so many dreams and things that i'd like to do we'd like to do with the farm the barn and even inside in the house but i've just spent more time thinking about outside right now because we've had such a incredibly temperate stretch of weather and it will be a little hard getting out every day in the cold weather but i'm hoping as i'm used to it every day going out it won't be such a big deal but i am just really loving it so much i really like and enjoy driving a single horse i feel like they can just go their own pace and that makes it really enjoyable because i don't know i feel like well it's easier just to just drive one in the first place but they um it might be a little harder for them to pull all this but they can go at their own pace i just feel like sometimes ladies always rushed with um bill and so i like it that she can go her own pace she's a good horse gee i'm gonna miss a corner again cause i'm not doing it right all you guys out there that know what you're doing to tell me what to do i messed it up so one thing that i thought might make a nice video and you guys can tell me what you think but i at times have a hard time sleeping and i like to listen to something it helps me to fall off to sleep and i wondered what you guys thought if we made a video with no commercials in the middle or anything but just of sounds of the horses working or even the horses in the barn eating hay and it would just you know run for a while and it would be just something you could listen to or look at just to help help you relax so if you want to you can put that in the comments below and that'll give us an idea if that's something that you would be interested in the thing with this situation is g i think jim should have given me more instruction okay i probably should have figured it out myself but how he wanted me to do those corners he wanted me to go all the way out and come back in so i could catch that probably but i don't really want to go all the way out and turn around ladies going to think she's going home every single time so it is what it is i wish you guys could smell this i know i'm always saying that but it really smells so good let's go home lady okay here comes brenda you got the head and all done i guess by the looks of things gee i mean huh ladies feeling pretty good still oh don't run into that so we'll keep the teddy hit because we may possibly have to chat again tomorrow morning i don't know oh i'm good it seems like it's i mean i can't tell because i wasn't touching it but it's getting dry it is but we need some sunshine yeah i know um i should have got some instruction from you on the corners because i was like you know turning to go in and missing the like did you go all the way out and then come back in to get those corners because they're going that way so when i turn to get into the next row i was missing you know some every time i guess i'm not quite sure which means the windrows were going this way so when i came down the end of the field they're like to turn and get into them oh i see you and you have to go way by and then come back in yeah is that what you do like that's what i would have done yes but it's not a big deal yeah i missed some of it well she was good so she came back here and wanted to go to the barn right lady lady i was going to get you uh um get you some hay some of that hay okay watch out do you have that cheek hey maybe i will go get her some okay what some of that hay she was tetting she deserves it there's some second cutting right there yeah but it's not fresh i'm gonna go get some fresh stuff then i'm gonna get her some go ahead now emma so that worked pretty well i guess i go roll on harness herd give her a brush and that's probably all she'll do for today i have some other things to do so i hope you enjoyed the video so hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to um probably rake it and bail it if all goes well we'll see how it goes brenda's got a little treat for lady looks like and she's coming over here there's a lot of green in here yeah there is i don't know if you can see it i don't think you need to be that close but um i'll see if she likes it smells good sure she will oh you want some you don't get any you didn't do the work look at lady she's like looking at it she doesn't even have her halter on or anything i'm not hamster i know but hey lad you want some honey yes you deserve it you were looking right at it weren't you let's throw it in a remainder pick it up feed it to her she's so cute she's a good girl she likes it she loves it can i brush her sure [Music] you
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 854,594
Rating: 4.6729293 out of 5
Keywords: draft horse farming, lady and brenda, ted third cut hay, ted hay, Third cut hay, farming with draft horses, farming with horses, horse farming, tedding hay with horses, ted hay with horse, using horses for farming, update on our barn wall, barn wall, fixing barn wall, single draft horse, single belgian horse, belgian horse, fix barn wall, horses farming, horses working, horse farm, working horse, tedding field with horse, girl driving horse, lady driving horse
Id: 1XpWVw9BLkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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