Making a New Wagon & Trying it out!! // Taking Firewood to the Cabin

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[Music] well it's a good rainy saturday and so i figured it's a good day to start this project i have this wagon that was a hay wagon and i tore the rack off it because it was pretty well shot and i'd sawed some these four by four by eight i believe it is [Music] um last summer and so now i'm gonna put them on and get started on my wagon i'm gonna make is just i've a a chain i'm taking off here is just a flatbed wagon um to have to have a flatbed wagon and i don't have any flatbed wagons without the full hay rack on them and so that's what i'm doing i'm going to make a flat bed bag and i'll show you i'm going to show you how i do it so i told you wrong on these beams they are actually nine inches or were when i saw them they shrunk a little bit but what you have to do is have make sure they're high enough no matter what size wagon you have what size you need to make them so that they're high enough so that when you put the two by's across the tires won't hit and i'll explain a little later the different ways to make quaggans and this is just the way that i make it but so these are actually four by nine inches what i do is on the front bolster here i will put a bolt through here and one over here to hold the wagon bed to the wagon frame at the back sometimes i'll do something sometimes i won't do anything but a lot of times i'll take a chain like this and just wrap it around them so they stay in place that's just not a big deal so i've already started this hole and i started through the steel part but because because it's going through that steel i'm going to just turn it and drill through it [Music] me it's a little tighter than i'd like to see it [Music] some ways i don't mind it tight i could pound it with a hammer but if i get it in there and realize it's not where i want to be it's just hard to get that bolt out of there so that worked much better so the bolt went through put the nut on and we'll tighten up we'll be good so we'll do that on both sides okay i got the holes drilled and the bolts all in so this is all good um i don't think i told you these are actually tamarack um four by nines that i think work really well on a wagon they they take the weather really well another variety that works good is hemlock i've had really good luck with hemlock it lasts for 20 years on wagon a lot of times especially if they're oiled up but today for this wagon i don't have hemlock or tamarack logs that i want to use but it has some pop-up logs or or aspen logs we call them pop around here it's a type of wood it's a hardwood and a lot of people don't think it works that good for taking the weather but i've used it on my logging wagon that's very strong and it seems to take the weather pretty good so i don't know how many years it will last but it does last quite a few years so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to take my skisty and go out and put some popple logs on my sawmill and saw up some planking for the deck [Music] [Music] ah so so okay got the first board on nailed on but i'll square it up just right where i want it we'll get some more of these boards on okay we're all done for today we got the blanking all done the two two by fours along the edge here and uh all we need is a one by four on the bottom i'm going to bolt that together but i'll explain it to you when i do it brenda likes the pound nails so we'll wait for another day and let her pound some nails okay sounds good hello all right i feel those hand nails have got some while we were [Music] [Music] so okay we're back at it again this morning and uh we're panning nails in the in the wagon bed and so what i've done a couple things i didn't say um the boards the two by's they're all two by eights and one two by ten i guess but they're all tight tight together now i did this because um a few reasons this is a wagon that i'm going to be using mostly this fall for picking corn and so we need to shovel along here and we don't want gaps for the corn to fall down through or just slot makes it easy to shovel also when this lumber dries it's going to shrink some so there's going to be a gap because of that in my hay wagons i would prefer having a an inch or inch and a half gap so that the loose hay would fall down through but for this i decided to go solid so that's what we're doing we're gonna get the nails patted in and then put the side things on a lot of people would actually um when they're making wagons they would put the stringers on and then they'd run four by fours crosswise and then run boarding the opposite way this is to me just a lot easier way to do it it keeps the wagon bed closer to the ground also and uh it's just worked good for me so this is the way i've done it and uh i've made a lot of wagons this way so anyways we'll keep at it and see what we can get done so as brenda pounds the nails and what i'm going to do is get this one spiked in and to do that i'm just taking my tape and going underneath and hitting the stringer and bringing it to the point where i want it which is going to be 29 inches approximately 28.29 and what i'll do is nail here nail there and then the extra here i'll just take my chainsaw and just go down through and cut it off so [Music] so so we are hitching up the pertrons while jim is hitching up the percherons and we're going to go out this afternoon and get some firewood for the cabin take it down to the cabin start get stocking things up for sleigh rides that might be coming later this winter if we get the snow we want but i just wanted to show you the completed wagon jim and i finished this morning so here is the wagon it's all completed jim had to go this morning and get a few of the bolts to screw into the sides but we have got this all finished and i was talking to him this morning about whether we're going to put something on to preserve it and he said yes we are but we are going to wait till after we do the corn harvest because he wants to make sure that um we're not slipping and sliding all over the wagon when we're unloading it which will probably happen if we put some preservative on it like old oil or maybe even some linseed oil so we're just going to wait on that so here they come ready to do a little bit of work this is one of those sliding wagons that you can make longer so you get a backup to lock it in place hopefully you'll be able to see this afternoon because it's it's a gray day hopefully it's not going to be too dark g g g o now back huh [Music] feel it oh that's good so they do a little bit of firewood every year not that much and i have pretty well one customer at the moment that's been buying for bulk the last few years one family and uh so i wanna i know they watch their videos some so i wanna say hi to to lyle and ryan and their family and let them know we're getting just a little bit of wood out of the pile so you can take the rest and i just wanted to say it's so great to see that family they come and they work together the kids and everybody and it's wonderful to see them all working together the way they do i only regret that we didn't get some pictures of them in action maybe we still can they'll be here for a while yeah getting the rest of this wood all right so are you looking forward to the corn harvest yeah yeah it should be could be any time i guess you did just show that recently but the little pigs we've been feeding them some corn cobs just you know full cobs and they do like it it gives them something to do i think they get bored easily so they like to chew it off the top but you will probably grind that up for them right yeah we've got one more thing we have to do on the wagon before we're ready to pick corn i need side boards so i would just put some temporary just screw on some temporary boards probably i don't know two feet high maybe just to hold the corn in we we usually borrow a gravity box to do our corn picking and that works fine but to unload into the into the crib if i had uh an elevator that would be a great way to go but i don't have an elevator so we have to actually shovel quite a lot of it or basically all of it in the crib and the crib is too small to really get in there and turn and shovel very good so um other years i've actually just had a flat wagon like this and then since you get a shovel all to go in anyways it's actually easy to shovel the corn off the wagon because you're in a less confined area and then throw it into the crib that way and two people can do it being a flag and one person on one side one person another it doesn't take that long and usually when you're picking corn it's kind of a cool time of year like today it's kind of chilly today and you don't mind doing the work because it keeps you warm no i don't mind that at all the only thing i don't like is what you said being in a confined place and always worrying you're going to hit your knuckles on the side or something like that but the actual work i enjoy we're still waiting for our first frost we haven't had it yet it's pretty defensive amazing oh yes we do good thing we came down here shut the fence off and come back and it's broken a long ways wow but then it's just yeah it's just like a truck but they come this is their like path through from one side to the other so it needs to get fixed probably beer went through it probably if you're new to our channel uh this is our little cabin that we bring people down to when we have sleigh rides in the winter or as long as the weather is good they can come down and stay here for a couple hours there's a little pond and they can go skating and hang out in the cabin jim brings them down with the horses and then he picks them up later so we're hoping for weather to be able to do that this winter and that's what we're doing right now we're getting stocked up for the winter months ahead let me just like stack it so you can pick it up so i got see that cow right there yeah she's a great pal i don't know what happened but last night one of the hunters that hunt up in here called me up and said you know we did a deaf dead cow dead heifer up here in the field and uh sue he said he looked it over and he saw no gunshots in it so this morning i went up after light and sure enough that cow's calf and uh dead in the field and i buried it so i don't know what happened but that's that's where it goes to farming sometimes we uh we can only guess as to what might have gone wrong now she would have been weaned soon yeah yeah anyways that's uh that's how it works is farming you got life and you get death and that's kind of just a sad way to have it happen without us even really knowing what went wrong but it is what it is [Music] well we appreciate you coming along with us today on this um cool fall afternoon and we we hope you guys have a good day and if you haven't subscribed to our channel we'd appreciate it if you did then you'll be notified of any upcoming videos and if you hit the tap the bell they will it will give you a notification that we have a new video out so thanks for coming along [Music] you
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 70,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making a new wagon, trying it out, taking firewood to the cabin, taking firewood, to the cabin, how to make a wagon, how to make a new wagon, tamarak lumber, poplar lumber, aspen lumber, diy, make a wagon, make a wagon diy, make a wagon on frame, wagon frame, take firewood to cabin, taking firewood to cabin, cabin in the woods, cabin, stay in cabin, rent cabin, percheron horses, percheron team, ken and buck, buck and ken, autumn leaves, falltime, horse drawn, horse wagon
Id: GvDMwOM4_mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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