Dr Zakir Gives a Fitting Reply to Satyapal who Accuses him of Jugglery of Words — Dr Zakir Naik

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i think dr zakir is playing with a verse it's jugglery of verse only islam divides peoples of the whole world in two one is moment and there is a kafir definitely we don't believe and trust in many things which islam says so this brother of god of unisa brotherhood is not possible what islam wants to enjoin upon us islam only creates divisive forces even we can know shias sunnis and seventies are cast in islam itself i'm putting the question no problem islam cannot give unicef it's only hinduism which can give universal brotherhood islam does not recognize killing the cows killing the coffees taking their property loot women folk islam tells how brotherhood can come and you talk of brotherhood is a jugglya jugglery of words only really speaking you are talking hinduism in the name of islam the brother has made several comments and islam says in the hamas our brain for verily allah is with those who are patient for breath out to prevail you should be patient if i'm not patient there will be a fight between me and my brother islam says for verily allah is with those oppression and for brethren to prevail you should be patient and i i respect my elderly brother out here he may be having a good study of hinduism but i'm sorry that i disagree with him his study of islam is a bit weak i would say and i do agree with him that islam there are two types of people one is a believer moment and the other he said is a kafir according to him in every religion there are two types of people even hinduism a hindu and a non-hindu in christianity christian and non-christian in judaism a jew and a non-jew in islam a muslim and non-muslim so where does islam differ and i'm not here to criticize hinduism i'm not here to criticize him but since you're a learned speaker i don't like to speak on hinduism because i am a student of comparative studies i've read the vedas i've read the upanishads but if just for a small comment according to the way does it mention that the humankind has been created from four parts of almighty god from the head it is the brahman from the chest is the shatrias from the thai is the vaishas the business class and from the feet is the shudra caste system i'm not here to comment on this brother i wouldn't like to i wouldn't like to hurt the feelings of my hindu brother islam doesn't agree with that i didn't comment on those things i didn't criticize any religion i didn't criticize any religion i didn't say that this religion is wrong but you if you know your veda very well you should testify to the audience doesn't the vedas say that from the head you have the brahmins from the chest you have the shatria from the thai they have the veisha the business class learning class warrior class business class shudras the shoes are supposed to be downtrodden and there are books written by dr ambedkar i don't go into the details brother hinduism i have learned very well i respect many aspects of hinduism certain aspects i don't agree i have to say because they forced me to say quran says in surah anam chapter 6 verse 108 revile not those who worship god besides allah let in the ignorance they will revel allah what i spoke is the positive aspect of hinduism that is they believe in the concept of one god regarding a question that you know the muslims they keep on killing people they keep on killing cow you said correct you said that see every allegation requires an answer time doesn't permit i'll just pick up a few any other you can come next and ask i'm here to clarify the misconception it's my pleasure only if i clarify the misconception will the person understand islam better therefore in our sessions we always have a question on session and we welcome when anyone criticizes us i love it a more a person criticizes and more is logically convinced will he understand islam better that's what i do islam said spread the message of truth with the quran says in surah chapter 16 125 that is invite all the way of the lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them and reason with them in the ways that are best most gracious regarding the concept of can we have non-veg talking about killing cows etc and there are many non-muslims who say you know you're muslims you all are ruthless people you're kill animals just for information brother a muslim can be a very good muslim even by being a pure vegetarian it's not compulsory that he should have non-veg to be a good muslim but since the quran says in several places you can have the cattle why we shouldn't have the quran says in surah maidah chapter number five verse number one it says that yah yo lazin oh you believe fulfill all your obligations and lawful for you are all four-footed animal with the exceptions named quran says in surah hell chapter number 16 verse number five that allah has created for you catches which are signs from it you derive warmth and there are various benefits in it and of the meat you can eat quran repeat this in foreign chapter 23 verse 21 you can eat the meat of the cattle you know in non-veg there are doctors available here if i'm a medical doctor it's rich in protein it's rich in iron and it's very nutritious in the other food the level of protein which you get in non-veg you cannot get in any other vegetarian food soya bean which is supposed to be the best form of protein in vegetable it comes nowhere close to the non-rich protein and regarding the concept of killing of cows if you read the hindu scriptures i'm not here to criticize any religion but brother asks a question i have to speak the truth it permits a person to have non-veg if you read the hindu scripture the sages and they they even had beef it is later on due to the influence of the other religions like jainism etc that people were being influenced in the philosophy of ahimsa of not to kill animals that they accepted this philosophy in the way of life otherwise islam is also for animal rights i can give a talk only on animal rights islam is religion which says they do not overburden animals treat them nicely give them food but when required they are even created for food if you analyze the other religions which believe in this philosophy that you should not have non-veg the philosophy was based on the concept that you should not kill animals because the living creatures therefore having non-veg is a sin i do agree with them if any human being can live in this world without killing a single living creature i would be the first one the universe will breathe in hinduism is that every living creature is your brother every living creature irrespective whether there is an animal or a bird or insect i'm asking a simple question that how can a person even survive for five minutes without killing millions of his brothers those who know medical science will understand what i'm saying that whenever you breathe there are millions of germs inhaling and you're killing that means in this religion you're killing your brothers to survive the universal brotherhood in islam is every human being is your brother better than faith is every muslim is a brother every living creature is not my brother but we have to protect the living creature should not harm them should not unnecessarily torture them but when required you can have them for food so when the philosophy says that having non-veg is a sin because we can live in creatures today science tells us that even the plants have got life do you know that so the logic that killing living creatures the sin has failed so now now they change the logic and they say that see plants have got life but plants can't feel pain therefore killing the animals is a greater sin as compared to killing plants do you know today science has advanced and we have come to know even the plants can feel pain the plants can even cry the plant even feel happy so the logic that plants cannot feel pain has failed what the thing the cry of the plant cannot be heard by the human ear because the human ear has a frequency of 20 cycles per second to 20 000 cycles per second anything between this the human ear can hear anything below or above the human ear can't hear for example if a master blows a dog whistle you know the dog whistle it's called a silent dog whistle it blows the whistle which has a frequency of above 20 000 cycles and below 40 000 cycles per second the dog can hear up to 40 000 cycles per second so when the master blows the whistle the dog hears the whistle but the human being don't hear it's called as the silent dog whistle similarly the cry giving out the plant cannot be heard by the human being but they also cry they also feel pain there was a brother of us who argued with maximum and he told me that brothers are here i agree with you that the plants have got life they can feel pain but you know the plants have got two senses yes they only have three senses the animals have got five senses therefore killing an animal is a greater sin as compared to killing a plant so i told him brother suppose you have a younger brother who is born deaf and dumb two senses less after he grows up if someone goes and kills him will you tell the judge oh me lord give the murderer less punishment because my brother had two sentences yes will you say that you will say may lord give him double punishment because he killed a person who was innocent so in islam the logic doesn't work like that two senses or three sentences islam says in surah baqarah chapter 2 verse 168 eat of the good things that we have provided for you that means whatever is good and lawful you can have and that's the reason if you analyze the cattle in the world allah subhanahu ta'ala has its way almighty god the reproduction of the cattle is very fast as compared to reproduction of the other animals and the human beings the repeat is very fast if i agree with you that no human being should have any cattle then we will have overpopulation of cattle in the world and regarding killing of cows there's a book written by mawlana bukhari cow slaughter who is to blame and analyze the people that deal in leather leather of cows more non-muslim than muslims leather the jains they deal in that so the people who are responsible to benefit from the cow slaughter are not the muslims more of them are non-muslims so if you know history well and if you know logic also well you'll understand that allah says eat of the good things they've provided for you if you can have there's no problem and besides that if you analyze the set of teeth of the herbivorous animal the cow the goat the sheep they only have vegetables they have a flat set of teeth if you analyze the set of teeth of the carnivorous animal the lion the tiger the leopard they have got sharp pointed teeth they can only have non-veg if you analyze the set of teeth of the human means if you go in the mirror and look at your teeth we have pointed teeth as well as sad teeth if almighty god wanted us to have only vegetables why did he give us this pointed teeth for what to have non-veg if you analyze the diocese system of the herbivorous animal the cow the goat the sheep they have dicey system which can only digest vegetables the diocese system of the carnivores animal the lion the tiger the leopard they can only digest non-veg the dice's system of the human beings can digest both non-veg and veg if almighty god wanted us to have only vegetables why did he give us the diet's system that can digest both ways and non-veg so scientifically if you analyze almighty god wanted us to have both wedge as well as non-veg hope that answers the question if you have any queries any other misconception brother it's my pleasure to reply one misconception of time so that i can do justice to each other misconception thank you brother
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
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Keywords: Zakir, Naik, ZakirNaik, DrZakirNaik, Allah, Allaah, God, Muslim, Islam, Islaam, Comparative, Religion, Comparativereligion, Atheism, Atheist, Christianity, Christian, Hinduism, Hindu, Buddhism, Buddhist, Judaism, Jew, Sikhism, Sikh, Jainism, Jain, Lecture, Question, Answer, QuestionsandAnswer, Logic, Reason, Science, Misconception, Misunderstanding, PeaceTV, Dawah, Muhammad, Mohammed, Hadeeth, Hadith, Saheeh, Sahih, Man, Woman, Human, Humanity, Problem, Solution, Rights, Media, War, Peace, Similarities, Debate
Id: ZyWtv8U3Svo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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