A Young, Strict Brahman Hindu Lady Accepts Islaam after being Convinced by Dr Zakir Naik

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uh good evening again uh i'm a very strict follower of brahmanism but uh i mean i really like a lot of aspects in islam but is it necessary for me to convert into islam to follow certain rules or you know following my own brahman religion and then go ahead with those certain aspects which i really like about islam i've seen a lot of lectures of you sir like the similarities between islam and hinduism and various other lectures but i really like your talks a lot sisters asked a good question she said that she's a strict follower of brahmanism but she likes many aspects of islam she's asking that can she follow these aspects of islam and yet follow brahmanism she has seen many of my talks and she appreciates my talks sister first let me tell you that islam of becoming a muslim is not a label islam by definition means peace acquired by submitting a will to almighty god so any human being who submits his or her will to almighty god he or she is called as a muslim just by label mohammed zakir abdullah sultan shah that doesn't mean you become a muslim or fatima aisha that doesn't make you a muslim muslim means a person who submits evil to almighty god so first you have to find out what is the commandment of almighty god the sister said that she's a strict follower of brahmanism and she likes many aspects of islam and she has seen many of my tapes my lectures including similar islam and hinduism if you have seen this sister then my answer would be easier it's easier for you to understand if you have seen my cassette similarities between islam and hinduism the talk which i gave i think in the first peace conference in chennai similarities between islam and hinduism sister if we analyze even if you read the hindu scriptures hindu scriptures to say that you have to submit evil to almighty god but as i told you by the passage of time all the previous scriptures they have not been maintained in the pure form there have been interpolations there have been fabrications there has been corruption most of the scholars of all these religions whether it be hinduism whether it be christianity whether it be judaism they agree that the scripture has not been maintained in the pure form and if you've heard my tapes i told you initially mahabharata was a story told by the grandfather of arjun it contained eight thousand shlokas then you know it kept on going down the ages it became twenty four thousand shlokas now there are more than hundred thousand verses hundred thousand shlokas who says this the scholars of mahmoud so by the passage of time there's been interpolation there has been corruption but all the scriptures in spite of being changed yet they do contain the remnants of the word of almighty god and the basic of all the religion if you have heard my talks is that almighty god is one he has got no idols he has no photograph and all the religions preach that almighty god is one and if you have heard my talk i've said in many places chandragupta chapter number six section number two verse number one it comes with a theme god is only one without a second and in sata sithara upanishad chapter number four verse number 19 and yajurveda chapter number three verse number three of that god there is no prasima there is no image pratima means image photograph painting picture sculpture statue idol of that god there is no prathima there is no photograph there is no painting there is no picture there is no sculpture there is no statue there is no idol so all the scriptures stress on the oneness of almighty god and the brahma-sutra of hinduism is ekkam there's only one god not a second one not at all not at all not in the least bit now coming to a major question that can you be a strict brahmin and yet follow teachings of islam sister by being a normal brahman and trying to become a muslim is difficult but if you're a strict brahmana strictly following the vedas then you have no option but to submit a will to god if you are average brahman who may be following something and not following the other thing etc then it's difficult for you to submit a will to god but if you're a strict bomb mean strictly following the vedas you have to follow what i mentioned earlier the three verses i quoted that you have to believe one god you have to do no idol worship you have to believe that god is one he has no image you have got no photograph he has got no statue and if you read your scriptures your scriptures mention about the coming of the last and final messenger prophet muhammad peace be upon him and if you have seen my talk on similar islam in hinduism and muhammad allah from the hindu scriptures i have mentioned in detail that prophet muhammad peace be upon him is mentioned in scripture so if you are a strict brahman you have no option but to believe there is one god he has got no image he has got no ideas and you also have to believe that almighty god's last messenger final author is prophet muhammad peace be upon him but when your scriptures say you have to follow the author and follow the last and final messenger so when you read the teachings of this messenger prophet muhammad peace be upon him you will find that it is matching with many things what is mentioned in your scriptures but at the same time it may contradict with many things mentioned in your scriptures now what we consider the quran is the last and final revelation of almighty god which was revealed to the last and final messenger prophet muhammad peace be upon him this quran is the fur khan it is the criteria to judge right from wrong so whatever matches with the quran if it's mentioned in the bible or in the veda or in the mahabharat or in the ramen you can be sure it is according to the will and the commandment of almighty god if it contradicts then you have to agree this is against the wish and the commandment of almighty god so if you are a truly strict brahman following brahmanism you have to believe one god you have to go against idol worship and if you heard my talk on similarity islam hinduism if you follow at least those things which are mentioned in my talk leave us at the other things at least those things and stop everything else yet i feel that inshallah inshallah it will be sufficient to transform you to jannah inshallah so if i have heard my talk on similarity islam and hinduism talking about oneness of almighty god talking about prophet muhammad peace be upon him how salah should be offered by prostrating should not have alcohol should not have pork which is mentioned in your scripture as well as the quran it's mentioned about modesty in your vedas that the lady should be covered it's mentioned in the quran so all these things what i mentioned in my lecture there are many other things but even if you follow these things strictly sister then inshallah inshallah it will be sufficient for you to at least pass this test in this examination if you want you can follow many more things but at least these things the major thing which i mentioned but whatever contradicts in your scripture you should not follow because your scholars say it has changed by the passage of time you have to realize that these things are interpolations or concoctions of fabrications so what is matching if you follow sister inshallah inshallah you can be a very good practicing brahman following what is mentioned in your scripture which is matching with the furqan the quran and inshallah can be a practicing muslim also so i hope inshallah that almighty allah gives your sister sister do you agree with whatever i mentioned in my lecture on similarities between islam and hinduism sister yes so very well sister do you agree with what i mentioned in my talk yes sir do you agree to follow those things yes yes i do so if you agree to follow those three which i have mentioned so practically you are submitting to god you know in arabic we may say muslim in english we may say a person who is submittable to god so if you agree with what i mentioned in the scripture that there's no god but one god alone should be worshipped idol worship is wrong if you agree the last and final messenger uttar peace be upon him and again is teaching then according to me if i have to say in arabic i will say you're following the religion of islam and i say there are a muslim so sister do you agree with that yes so i do so do you want to do you want to proclaim in public that you know in the arabic way that you're a muslim sister would you like to proclaim in arabic fashion you know since you say you agree that there's one god and you agree that prophet muhammed is the last and final messenger so would you like to proclaim that you are a muslim i mean um i wouldn't say i'm a muslim but uh yeah i do except whatever you say so if you agree that there is one god and he doesn't have any idols or image and you alone deserve worship and if you agree that prophet muhammad peace be upon him this messenger of god these two are sufficient to let you enter the world of islam you know pass other thing practicing will come later on so if you agree there is one god who has got no image and you disagree with that worship and you agree prophet muhammad is the last and final messenger then you can enter this college inshallah this institute or the way of life is the right word and then insha'allah the practice keeps on improving would you like to enter this way of life sister uh god willing yes inshallah so sister again i like to ask you officially that do you agree there's one god sister yes i do do you agree that no one else deserves to be worshiped by the almighty god okay do you agree that idol worship is wrong and not fully but yeah partly no see is it fully or partly you can't say that you know i want to eat the cake and have the cake either worship is right or it is wrong means you can pray to god but don't have to go through an idol you don't have to worship rather do you believe that god has got no image yeah yes you believe that that's it so you believe god has got no statue yeah good do you believe that prophet muhammed is the last and final messenger uh i've not acid gone till that extent but uh the rest of the things which you said i would accept with that but i really don't know about the ladies do you believe that he's the messenger of almighty god yes i do you believe the messenger of almighty god fine everything practices being a perfect muslim no one is perfect we strive so sister if i say arabic would you like to say the shahadah would you like to say the shahada that is the proclamation in arabic the same thing what i mentioned that there's no god but allah and prophet muhammad is the messenger i would like to say in arabic yes sir sure okay fine so i'll just say arabic and repeat it and again i'll give you the translation okay [Applause] i bear witness that that there is no god there is no god but allah but allah and i bear witness and i bear witness that prophet muhammad that prophet muhammad is the messenger the messenger and servant of allah and messenger and servant of allah sister thank you and i pray to allah to guide you and i request that inshallah all the brothers and sisters that whenever a person accepts islam you can support her in terms of knowledge in terms of social things sister i request you that please inshaallah read the quran with translation even if earlier and implement on the guidelines and inshallah you'll be a good practicing human being who's submitting evil to almighty god and do pray for others
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
Views: 678,108
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Keywords: Dr Zakir Naik, Zakir Naik, Zakirnaik, Drzakirnaik, Zakir Naik Urdu, Zakir Naik English, Zakir Naik Bangla, PeaceTv, Peace TV, Peace Tv English, Peace TV Urdu, Peace TV Bangla, Zakir Naik Lecture, Dr.Zakir Naik, Zakir Naik Lecturs, Muhammad, Allah, Islam, Muslim, Religion, Muslim Brotherhood, Hinduism
Id: b03UF8ShM0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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