Who is Deceived by the Satan, Christians or Muslims? - Dr Zakir Naik

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greetings to dr zakir naik and all my brothers and sisters here in the name of our lord creator well it's an honor to meet you sir dr zakir naik well my name is mahesh and i work as a customer service officer in dubai and i'm a born-again christian my question sir today is how confident is islam that it is not deceived by satan or the jal that jesus was crucified for all our sins mr mahesh has asked a question that how confident is islam that it's not deceived by satan and jesus christ peace be upon him he was not crucified brother islam means peace acquired by submitting your will to god and anyone who submits his will to god he is a muslim as far as our creator is concerned he has knowledge of the future allah says in the quran very clearly in surah chapter number 4 verse number 157 allah says that they boasted the jews that we killed jesus the son of mary allah says they killed him not needed to crucify him walakin should be alone and anyone who differs is full of doubts son which only conjectures to follow for a surety they killed him not so quran is very explicit confident a single doubt that jesus christ peace be upon him he was not killed neither was he crucified it was only made to appear so all those who differ are full of doubt as far as i being a muslim is concerned i am 100 confident because quran says that but to make you also confident i can prove it to you from your bible that jesus christ peace be upon him wasn't crucified so that you will come to know it is not the muslims who are deceived it is the so-called christians who believe that jesus was crucified peace be upon him are deceived if you read the bible it's mentioned in the gospel of matthew chapter number 12 verse number 38 that people come to jesus christ peace be upon him ask him oh lord oh master show us wonders and miracles and signs people came and asked jesus christ peace be upon him show us signs mrs miracle to prove that a messenger of god so jesus christ peace be upon him he says you evil and adulterous generation you seek it after a sign no sign shall be given to you except the sign of jonah for as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth jesus christ peace be upon him puts all his eggs in one basket he does not say that i will show you the miracle you know that i gave life to the dead i heal those who are born lepers he puts all his eggs in one basket and says i shall give you no sign but the sign of jonah for as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth now to know the sign of jonah you have to go to the bible and there's a book by the name of book of jonah it is less than two sites in the bible and if you have read the bible you know that almighty god commands his prophet jonah that to go to nineveh now jonah being a prophet of god he said that people of nineveh will not understand he takes a ship to joppa now while he's going there's a storm at sea and there was a superstition at that time that anyone who doesn't obey the commandment of his master because of that a storm will come so jonah being a prophet of god he owns up and volunteers that i am the person who has disobeyed my master so because he owns up at that time it was a custom it was a superstition that if you throw the person overboard who is disobeying his master then the storm will come jonah being a prophet of god he volunteers so they don't have to tie his leg they don't have to tie his feet they throw him overboard in the storm i'm asking a question brother when jonah was thrown overboard from the ship into the sea walls do not have our life brother i'm asking you the question was jonah alive when he was thrown overboard in the sea yeah i i got your question but i am you got my question you haven't given my answer according to you in the bible when jonah was thrown overboard was he dead or alive well it is out of my question so if you can i am giving the answer to your question i am answering your question jesus christ peace be upon him said he puts all his eggs in one basket for as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth i'm answering a question why aren't you answering my question was jonah dead alive well i'm pretty much not sure with that and well you haven't read the bible i've been reading i have not come across a single christian who does not know the book of jonah he may not know the other parts of the bible because this you even learn in sunday school even a small child knows the story of jonah how come you don't know sir i appreciate your effort that you're answering but i'm thinking i'm asking the question if you have read the bible if you know your bible was jonah if you don't know your bible then what is the use of me talking from your bible a simple question like two plus two is equal to how much and you cannot reply that means you're afraid of the truth no sir was jonah dead or alive dead or alive either said that or either say alive what are we no i cannot guess but if you're sure with the bible please go ahead okay so you don't know you don't know you don't want to answer i don't want to answer but want you to answer ah correct why why you don't are you afraid two plus two is equal to how much brother four exactly four exactly you can say jonah was that our life you don't know when you were thrown overboard was he dead or alive you know the answer but don't want to answer why are you afraid of the truth i feel the devil is deceiving you now huh no the devil cannot deceive oh devil cannot deceive you why because i believe in christ the lord jesus you do not know the sign of jesus christ peace be upon him you do not know the bible how do you believe in jesus christ i love jesus christ more than you do you know that i follow his commandment more than you you only theoretically are saying i know the commandments of jesus christ peace be upon him in the bible you don't know so who's a better believer in jesus christ peace be upon you or me a person who follows the commandment of jesus christ peace be upon him as a better believer or a person who does not i think we are going apart from the question i am not going apart the devil is deceiving you i want to take the devil away from you the devil is saying don't answer if you answer you will get caught if you answer then you'll get close to the truth no sir my question was to look at a view from islam if how confident they were 100 confident how confident are you you are not confident that jesus christ peace be upon him was crucified that's the reason even after knowing the answer you're not answering it is devilish if you ask me a question if i know the answer i'm not answering that means i'm afraid of the truth why are you afraid of the truth when jesus christ is with you when jesus christ is with you why are you afraid of the truth i know you know the answer i know you know the answer and i know that if you answer you will get exposed that jesus christ peace be upon him was not crucified maybe let me be honest i really don't know the answer but would look forward to have your explanations do you know about the sign of jonah have you heard about the story of jonah yes i did do you know that you were thrown overboard yes but when he was thrown was he ready alive i can guess maybe he was dead when he was thrown yeah where did you read this in which bible as i told you i challenge you you show me any verse in the bible which said that jonah was dead when he was thrown alive i'll accept christianity your devil is not even allowing you to answer the truth i challenge you open the book of jonah it said that jonah was alive so why are you giving the wrong answer doesn't your bible says that jonah prayed in the belly of the fish was he dead when he prayed about the alive when he was praying he must be alive so why are you saying dead [Music] i was not sure with the book of jonah sir i have not met a single christian who doesn't know this answer you know the answer but purposely you're deviating because you don't love jesus christ peace be upon him i'll go ahead with the story when jonah was thrown overboard he has to be alive then there's a storm in the storm when a human being is thrown out to die he does not die because that's a miracle if he dies it's no miracle if he does not die it's a miracle a fish come then gobbles him up a fish come and follow them up a person ought to die but jonah is alive peace be upon him if he dies it's not a miracle he's alive it's a miracle three days and three nights the fish takes prophet jonah around the sea a person ought to die does he die or not as you told he is alive because if he has to pray he has to be alive to pray yes dead men don't pray you're alive so it's a miracle of a miracle of a miracle later on the fish vomits him out onto the shore when the fish vomits prophet jonah was he did our life alive alive alive alive alive alive a miracle of a miracle of a miracle of a miracle now jesus christ peace be upon him said that as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth i'm asking the question when jesus christ peace be upon him and he was taken down from the cross and when he was put in the sepulchre in the grave was jesus christ dead our life he was dead that means jesus christ told a lie he said as jonah was three days and three nights so shall the son of man be three days and three nights so jonah was alive when jesus was dead that means jesus christ lied so do you believe jesus christ lied no sir definitely not so why are you going against the person who you love i will never believe that a messenger of god can lie that means he was dead or alive it says jonah was three days in the belly of the fish three days and three nights don't cut okay three days and three nights yes so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth yes so when jonah was alive what was jesus christ peace be upon him so but the main purpose is he being in the heart of the earth which is fulfilled the prophecy says as jonah was how was donald alive he was alive as he told me so jesus christ also has to be alive plain simple reading why are you following the devil's footsteps simple if jonah was alive jesus christ has to be alive peace be upon him if you say he was dead that means you are saying jesus christ peace be upon him lied that means he's not a man of god so the prophecy says that so as jonah he shall be three days in the belly of the three days and three nights why are cutting brother you don't know english okay i'm not cutting let it take it as three days and three nights yes very good but uh dr zach okay wait wait do you know the bible when was jesus christ peace be upon him put on the cross which day was it it was on friday friday when when was he taken down at night at night friday night correct so he was put in the supper carvin maybe at night friday night correct when was the tomb empty when did mary magdalene found the tomb empty sunday what time morning afternoon evening well at night i guess [Applause] morning sunday morning yes okay so if you count friday night he was in the tomb one night saturday morning full day he was in the tomb one night one day saturday night he was there two nights and one day does two night and one day equal to three days and three nights technically no sir so technically why are you telling jesus christ is a liar peace be upon him now so technically you're calling jesus christ a liar no sir but i no sir no sir no services are here why are you accusing my beloved prophet jesus christ peace be upon him i wouldn't like anyone accusing my prophet to be a liar once twice why because i don't see a valid reason why they have to make it false of jesus crucifixion you are making false not i quran is very clear he was not crucified neither was he killed even in the bible he was put on the cross but he did not die on the cross crucifixion means the person should die on the cross c r u c i f i x i o n but a new word has to be coined he was put on the cross but did not die it's called as crucifixion c r u c i f i c t i o n it's the fiction so if he dies it's called as crucifixion if he does not die it's a fiction it's a story so if you read the bible in the bible jesus christ peace be upon him did not die on the cross if he died that means he's lying so if you say he died that means he's a liar i would prefer calling my prophet as a truthful person rather than a liar so what you're talking is the teachings of the church of your priest you are more bothered about following your priests and following the messenger of allah for you the teachings of the church is more important than the teachings of the bible so to fulfill the teachings of your church you are calling prophet jesus a liar i would not like to call my prophet a liar brother do you understand english yes so do i so you have to agree that jesus was alive and jesus wasn't crucified everything is matching what you're talking is the teaching of the church not the bible so but as you think for a redemption of sin why would one want to lie about the crucifixion of jesus but where did jesus christ peace be upon him say that he will redeem people's sin quote me any one verse in the bible where jesus christ peace be over himself says that he's god to worship me nowhere does it say in fact jesus christ peace be upon him said in the gospel of matthew chapter number five verse number seven to twenty that unless your righteousness exceed the rest of the other scabs and the pharisees you shall never enter the kingdom of heaven so if you want to go to heaven you have to follow all the rules and laws and commandments of the old testament yes so old testament says god is one it doesn't say three in one who says god has got no image god has got no idol yet many of the catholics they do idol worship they make an image of jesus christ peace be upon him it clearly says that when a person came to jesus christ peace be upon him in the gospel of matthew chapter number 19 verse number 16 17 that a man approaches jesus christ peace be upon him ask him that good master what good things should i do so that i enter eternal life so jesus christ peace be upon him replies why thou callest me good there's only one good and that is almighty god if you want to enter eternal life you keep the commandments he never said you believe that i am god he never said you believed i died on the cross for your sins that is the teachings of paul not of jesus christ peace be upon him paul says in corinthians and all that believe in jesus where did jesus christ peace be upon him say he said that if you want to go to heaven you keep the commandments so are you going to follow jesus christ peace be upon him or somebody else jesus christ where did jesus say that you have to believe that i died for your sin show me one quotation where he himself said it so in matthew i'm not sure with the verses but he says about the loss he has come to fulfill the loss if someone comes to fulfill the loss does it mean that he died for his sins if i have come to fulfill your loss if you don't understand i'm trying to fulfill your loss that doesn't mean i become god that doesn't mean that i have come to die for your sin yes he came to guide the people and even i believe in that where does it say that he died for your sins so like john 3 16 says that for god so loved the world he gave him one and only son lord jesus what you're quoting his gospel of john chapter 3 verse number 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whosoever believeth in him shall not die but of everlasting life do you know this word begotten is it the pollution it's a fabrication it's a concoction according to the revised standard edition of the bible the revised standard version of the bible revised by taidu christian scholars of the highest eminence it says this word begotten is interpolation it's a fabrication it's a concoction and they're thrown out of the bible so this word begotten is a fabrication and again for god soul of the world that he gave his only begotten son whosoever believeth in him shall have ever you have to believe in him not believing paul so where is the problem where am i saying don't believe in him even i believe in him i follow him jesus christ peace be upon him was circumcised brother are you circumcised i am circumcised who's following jesus you or me who's following jesus jesus christ peace be upon him said we have to follow the old testament it's mentioned in the book of ephesians chapter 5 verse number 18 don't have alcohol it's mentioned book of proverbs chapter number 20 verse number one don't be drunk with alcohol brother do you have alcohol no sir you have alcohol no ma shall this party are following brother do you have pork yes i do it's mentioned in the book of leviticus chapter number eleven verse number seven in it not to have pork in the book of deuteronomy chapter number fourteen verse number eight not to have book in the book of isaiah number 65 verse number two if i don't have fork you have i don't have poke who's following jesus more you or me it's about a new testament i'm asking the question you are following jesus more me so you forgot to quote another verse in new testament i'm not sure with the worst numbers but it says what you have with your mouth doesn't defile your body and it was from jesus but where does it say that you should have spoke jesus christ peace be upon him in the gospel of matthew chapter number 5 verse number 7 to 20 it says if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven you have to follow all the laws and commandments of the old testament same thing what you have doesn't defile that does not overrule that you should not follow the laws and command the old testament what does it say jesus christ peace be cannot contradict if you break one jot or title gospel of matthew chapter 5 verse number 7 to 20 i have come not to destroy i have come not to destroy but to fulfill anyone who breaks one of the least commandments he shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven whosoever shall keep the commandments and teach men to do so will be called get in the kingdom of heaven unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the skies and the pharisees in no way shall you enter the kingdom of heaven so here jesus is telling even if you break one jot or tittle from the old testament you shall not enter jannah you should not enter paradise so where did jesus christ say that you have to have pork well sir as i told you he again mentions that it doesn't defile your body what goes does it talk about polk no sir but it's clearly mentioned in the gospel of matthew chapter 5 verse number 7 to 20. if you don't understand english it's whose problem your problem my problem in the bible book of leviticus chapter 11 verse 7 to 8 book of deuteronomy chapter 14 verse number eight in the book of isaiah chapter 65 verse number 2 to 5 says you should not have poke so if i don't have pork am i following jesus christ better than you or not so i also follow new testament even i follow new testament nowhere does the new testament say nowhere does jesus christ peace be upon say in the new testament to have pope where does it say give me the reference he in specific doesn't tell to have i want to follow specific when specific old testament says you should not have never will jesus christ peace be upon him contradict anything from the old testament if you contradict that means he's lying in gospel of matthew chapter 5 verse number 17 because he says i have come not to destroy the law of the prophets i have come not to destroy but to fulfill fulfill me follow everything of the old testament so why do you want to make jesus christ peace be upon him a liar no sir i definitely not tell him so please go back home read stop having poke stop having alcohol believe in one god don't do idle worship believe me the messenger of god and not god and that will take the devil out of you inshallah hope that answers the question god bless you sir everyone
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
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Keywords: Zakir, Naik, ZakirNaik, DrZakirNaik, Allah, Allaah, God, Muslim, Islam, Islaam, Comparative, Religion, Comparativereligion, Atheism, Atheist, Christianity, Christian, Hinduism, Hindu, Buddhism, Buddhist, Judaism, Jew, Sikhism, Sikh, Jainism, Jain, Lecture, Question, Answer, QuestionsandAnswer, Logic, Reason, Science, Misconception, Misunderstanding, PeaceTV, Dawah, Muhammad, Mohammed, Hadeeth, Hadith, Saheeh, Sahih, Man, Woman, Human, Humanity, Problem, Solution, Rights, Media, War, Peace, Similarities, Debate
Id: p2YsEoAu_eA
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Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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