"Just Stand Up" - William D. Hinn

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and I open your Bibles with it to the book of Deuteronomy it's important that you pay attention to the Word of God tonight and I pray that the Spirit of God will quicken our hearts that we may hear what the Spirit is saying Deuteronomy chapter 28 thank you so much would you just thank God for our worship team and these blessed worshipers and the musicians that come to help us Deuteronomy chapter 28 and before I get into the scriptures it's important that we understand and I have to continuously repeat this so that way all the people of God who may be new and again we welcome all those of you that are joining us tonight be you here locally or through the livestream it's always important that we always remember that we are in new creation in Christ Jesus we are what say it like you really love the idea we are what a new creation in Christ Jesus that when we say that sometimes you know we say things by memory but let me just describe to you what that actually means when God created man man was the image expression likeness and representation of God who has invisible spirit man was the manifestation and the reality of who God is in the flesh what God was is in the invisible man became the manifestation visibly man fell there's a plan in Genesis man fell and God's plan has always been not the first Adam but the last and in Christ Jesus man was restored to his rightful position man in his original creation had no death in him had no sin in him had no opposition to him he was Dominion he was ruler the image of God was God's government the law in the earth everything obeyed man in fact even Noah who was not redeemed as you and I are he was just a righteous man a good man and God searched throughout the land and he was the best that God can find even that man God said everything will fear you everything created will fear you that's why they obeyed him he said every foul in ear every beast of the field every creeping thing everything created will actually fear you just read Noah and Noah story you'll find in Genesis that God caused everything upon the planet to obey Him they were attracted to him out of obedience now when you relate that to Jesus and you find everything in creation obeyed him from the winds the storms from everything around him obeyed him death could not fight him devils bow down to him that is the creation of man in his original state that is what God had in mind when he said let us make man in our image that man not the fallen man know not what we believe man is what man is today is beneath the original image of God what man is today's beneath he's subhuman Jesus was not superhuman we've learned this in a series called what is man so Jesus was not superhuman Jesus was just normal man Jesus was the man God intended but man has fallen so far lower than that original state that anything that is a power authority rulership man can't relate to so we think Jesus is some sort of Superman he's not he's man born of a woman under the law tried with every trial weak in the flesh but knew who he was and by his conviction of who he is he remained without sin that's fantastic say yes when we've been redeemed in Christ when we say we are in Christ where where I can saying is we have been restored to that original manhood that means the devil has nothing to do with us we rule over the Devils oh come on now that means were not sinners anymore we are a new creation he is our righteousness say yes so therefore we have to now elevate our minds to its rightful position in Christ and all this constant you know this attitude of self if you will it's really all part of self even self sorrow self pity all that which relates to to the enact inadequacy of self still self if it's pride or humility is it self is that self humility is it self religious or is it just simply Christ sometimes people act holy exactly acting you know when people say well you know what I was tempted and I stood my ground good for you but what happens when condition comes and he can't find any place in you can attach itself to you there's no war it's not a temptation anymore you've overcome so when we say a new creation are we all together now so we have no sinners here ok here we go I'm listen Oh what do I believe in do I believe in you or do I believe in what he said about you come on what do I believe in I believe in the word how many of you believe in the word so that means that we have to work on everything else get rid of what doesn't belong until the truth remains that's what it must be Deuteronomy chapter 28 one of the most blessed portions of scripture that speaks of God's blessings is found in the first part of Deuteronomy 28 God spoke clearly when given the children of Israel their assigned challenge there what and God says to them let's begin reading in verse 2 and all these blessings shall come on on thee to overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God notice now blessed shalt thou be in the city blessed shalt thou be in the field blessed shalt thou be in the fruit of your body in the foot of your ground and the fruit of your cattle the increase of thy kin and the flocks of thy sheep verse 5 blessed shall you be in thy basket in thy store blessed shalt thou be when you come in blessed shall be when you go out the Lord shall cause dying enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before your face they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways the Lord should commend the blessings upon the entire storehouses and in all I sets your hands on - and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord your God will give you the verse 9 the Lord shall establish your holy people after himself as he has sworn out the onto thee if that will keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways listen and all people of the earth shall see thou are called by the name of the Lord and they shall be afraid of the y'all see that now let's just kind of break it down quickly in verse two all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake you if you hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God then follows with a list which six times includes the word blessed the word what note that these blessings are dependent upon if you hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God if you hearken unto the voice for me hearken unto the voice the voice of the Lord your God so these blessings are dependent on you hearing harkening obeying the voice of the Lord and he actually opens with verse 1 he says if you look at verse 1 if thou shalt hearken diligently diligently to observe and to do all our commanding and if you do these blessings listen carefully now these blessings will find you out follow you and take you over he's blessing through the water they'll find you follow you and take you over this is a complete different concept than what we hear in the religious world today where people are trying to get the blessing in this order of God the blessings will find you say yes they will find you they will look for you find you out follow you and take you over write this down the word blessed in Hebrew includes protection and provision and means to kneel like to kneel on your knees to kneel down I love this word it speaks of the the word in my language which means that I say that the Hebrew what better which means to kneel as in adoration towards God and vice-versa that's what the Strong's adds and vice versa which means you kneel before God in adoration and God comes back and if you adores you in return and he blesses again the Hebrew word for blessed includes protection provision and means to meal as an adoration towards God and God back to you and God here is saying I will protect you and provide for you if you live in the city or if you live in the country it doesn't matter if you are where the business is right in the middle of town or you're out in the farm fields wherever you go my favor will follow you and wherever you are I will take care of you and wherever you be I will bless you there which means this type of blessing is irrelevant where you live regardless where you are my favor will follow you and bless you wheresoever you go he will bless your children if you read on he will bless the work of your hands and increase your possessions I'm giving you the short version of its meaning he will bless your basket your treasure your accounts and then he adds this statement verse 6 blessed you'll be listen to this when you come in and bless you will be when you go out I'm giving you in other words in all your affairs wherever you're coming to or wherever you're going when you come in into your house for example you'll be blessed going into your house and before you leave you'll be blessed again let me make it more practical when I come home with a blessing we eat the blessing we use the blessing we spend the blessing right you work you bring your money home and you use your money so you could work again what God is saying here is you'll be blessed coming into your house and while you're in the house your children will bless you some more so when you go back out again you've been left already say something you'll be blessed coming in blessed going out you will leave with your blessing and this is a way God is saying you will not be able to get away from your blessing you will be overwhelmed by it it's like what he said in Malachi 3 I will pour you out a blessing there will not be enough room for you to contain it and then in verse eight the Lord commands this is still Deuteronomy 28 the Lord commands the blessings on your storehouse he does what commands he commands the blessings on your storehouse and whatever you put your hands to which means this is not for idle hands whatever you put your hands to he is going to bless and then establishes you as the holy people in the earth then all the people will fear you that means respect and honor and want to be your friend and don't want to be your enemy but then in between all these blessings and between all these wonderful blessings there's this verse look at verse 7 the Lord shall cause dying enemies now you got to slow this down I'm gonna listen to it very carefully and you need to hear the spirit so ask the Spirit of God to cook in the spirit of Revelation right now come on Lord show it to us say yes now here before you read this is where this is where we grow from from that place of of Daddy always being nice and taking care of and providing to Daddy you find out there's another side to Daddy we requires you to grow yes my grandbaby you know she can scream and yell and do whatever she wants you can destroy the house and it's cute right but her dad sitting over there recently you know yelled at her she was misbehaving she was acting a little brat and you get used to her being bratty because that's what cute children do but there comes a point where it's not it's not cute anymore even I thought I was cute and he yelled at her and when he yelled at her her little lip came out and I didn't want to stand there and watch her getting disciplined and out of me by being spanked but he he rebuked her so I walked away to my office smiling and sad at the same because now my little tester has to learn you can't do that anymore you can't hit and you can't scream at mommy and there comes a point of growing up this is a verse that's gonna require you to grow up okay okay you're looking at me like I'm not sure if I'm communicating it's like Tesla looks back at me what do you say what are you talking about we all care together God said let's see carefully do these words how many of you know the Word of God is inspired it's it's the inspiration of the Spirit now follow that in this carefully verse 7 talk in between all these amazing blessings and now listen one verse just one of these blessings with the care of you for the rest of your life but what God wants hear you listening to me well God wants here is you know select the Middle Eastern culture when when when my mom used to put food out you know she didn't give you just enough you know if you ever eaten at an Italian home like my mom or my wife's family or Middle Eastern home like my family we don't give you just enough we want you to eat until you feel like you're gonna be sick you understand and if you don't eat to 3 portions you know there's you didn't do this right we don't want you to die it when you come over you can die it after you leave for a week but when you come over there's a spread it's where your eyes feast we could only taste of different things to make your tongue have a celebration and you're so stuff and you really have not eaten too full anything right these blessings are God's feasts God is saying I'm gonna pour it out in front of you to where there's not gonna be room you're not gonna be able to contain coming in going else gonna slap you coming in and smack you coming back it's gonna salt over fill your house I'm listen he says I'm gonna command blessings on your storehouse that's not your frame that's what's being stored that's not what you're gonna eat that's what's piling up after your fall and then he says follow this carefully now the Lord shall cause verse 7 the Lord shall cause cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before your face we spent we're before your face the amplified reads to be defeated before your face if they're going to be defeated before your face which means right in front of you that means it's gonna be a fight right the Lord shall cause you might want to write that down the Lord shall cause the enemies that rise listen to what's behind the words the Lord shall cause the enemies that rise he didn't say who may rise or in case they do he said he will cause the enemy that rises he causes the enemy that rises to be defeated in front of your face he's making a declaration to you he's telling you he's going to cause the enemy to rise in front of your face you want this feast say yes then he's in a cause your enemies that rise he's making a point they will he didn't say if they rise if possibly they will come he's saying I will cause I will cause the enemies that were eyes to be defeated in your face in front of you therefore you're gonna have to fight again he didn't say that they may rise in case their eyes he said I will cause the enemies that rise I will cause the enemies that will arise to be defeated in front of you this is what the Lord wanted them to be obedient about this is what he was saying I want you to observe to do this is what they had to hearken to the voice of the Lord for every time God chooses a people this is the course he sets them on please listen write it down every time God chooses a people this is the course he sets them on on this course is the journey of the sons of God well again the course of the sons of God is this he sets them on the course where the enemy is caused to rise okay so this is right there right there see that you feel it it's where the lip comes out you're not sure you should take it okay so come a wheat and we need to grow fit here say yes I'll prove it to you God says I will cause the enemies that will rise to be defeated in front of your face because this is the journey for the sons of God this is the course that God sets his chosen on the Lord is reminding Joshua of what he has brought him through and he says to him in Joshua 24 in verse 8 just write it down read on your own time the Lord reminding Joshua the Lord he has done and brought him through and he says to him in Joshua 24 and verse 8 and I brought you into the land of the amorite s' who dwell on the other side of the Jordan and they fought you and I gave them into your hands that you might possess their land listen again y'all doing all right God said here's all that I brought you through how many remember the story of Joshua will God did after Moses pass God took the reminds Joshua all that he's done for him and he says and I brought you into the land of the amorite that's who dwelt on just on the other side of the Jordan if you remember when he came and his final battlefield was Jericho and God pointed across the Jordan and across the way that's the land I want you to go possess that's the land of milk and honey and across the way are the amorite God says and I Brian to the land of the amorite who dwell on the other side of the Jordan and fought you and I gave them into your hands why that you might possess their land so God brings the enemy to Joshua so he will possess the land you all see this in other words I gave them to you that you might defeat them and take over their land so before that in chapter 7 you can read the story in your own time I I laughed I laughed I cried I know God was talking to me and I said I read through this in Chapter 7 of the book of Joshua Joshua was so discouraged and feeling so defeated and some of you know I just finished going through this still coming out of it say yes so discouraged so defeated that he ripped his clothes fell on the ground with his face down all his elders throwing just imagine this the scene Joshua is so down so discouraged so distraught so feeling like he's defeated he rips his clothes falls on the crown with his face down all the elders his elders all my elders around me throwing dust at themselves imagine all the elders around him throwing dust at themselves as he complained with his elders to God he's pleading and begging to God with his face on the ground and he says alas o Lord the Hebrew is a crescendo Allah say alas alas if y'all stood to translate into you know my own words come on God Allah Lord how long at last how long is this gonna be enough already that's what he's saying I let our Lord help me at last mark come on enough already my interpretation and God says in verse 7 why did you I'm sorry Joshua sister garden verse 7 why did you bring us into the land of the a mirage to destroy us why did you bring me to Dallas to destroy me we were content on the other side of the Jordan he said now you have to understand and there's more to the story that we don't have the time to get into but you have to understand that Israel had turned its back on their enemies they'll follow this Israel had turned its back on their enemies and they fleed from their enemies and now in verse 8 Joshua is so fearful that their enemies are going to surround them and destroy them and he says and they're gonna cut off your name saying to God they're gonna cut off your name from the whole earth Joshua here is concerned about God he's trying to help God out he sank to God we are your people everybody else are pagan religion it's paganism they worship other gods we're all you got you gotta you gotta go to the scripture live in there step inside be part of the journey and he is now this is Joshua this is this is the warrior see if Joshua can go through it I don't feel so bad anymore this guy has conquered he has divided the land they've come through one battle after the other victoriously this is the man that that you know God can depend on and he would always say to him now be of good courage because you know God asked Joshua to do things that Moses didn't have the ability to do Moses he can get him out of the land of Egypt but he wasn't the kind of fighter warrior you know Moses stuttered and Moses needed Aaron but now here comes Joshua this guy's a warrior he's not fearful he was born and raised as a slave in Egypt but he's exhausted this is a man that has been used mightily of God and he's at the point of exhaustion and he says alas Lord I just feel good saying that how long anyone really let's take in so long were you bad yeah why did you bring us here why did you bring us to the land of the Emirates to destroy us we were content on the other side of the Jordan and they have the people had turned their back on God and they they were afraid of their enemies and they fled from their enemies and now Joshua's earth is at a crossroad he's at the end and Joshua's concerned he's completely fearful not only that they're surrounded they're actually getting surrounded by their enemies but they're not only going to be destroyed because if they're all destroyed who's gonna walk carry the name of God did Jehovah God who's gonna be the representative of Jehovah and so he's saying listen he asks God I mean the boldness of the man he says to God in verse 9 what are you going to do about your great name Joshua says what are you gonna do about your great name I mean if you'll help us and you brought us out here to get destroyed what are you gonna do about you I'm here to help you God I love verse 10 y'all following this with me I love verse 10 this is his book of Joshua Garden response to Joshua and the Lord says to Joshua get up say that say it again say it like you really mean it get up why are you down on your face you gotta understand you got all these elders they've got sand all over them can you imagine pastor mark and Leo they're dirty miserable you brought us here to kill us can you imagine all my elders and here's Joshua there's there is pastor come on God see the scene here and God comes and kneels if you will bends boughs if you follow the scriptures and he comes to Joshua and he says now Joshua is concerned by God's name there's not listening we're all gonna die and he no need to represent you so what are you gonna do about your great name God God does not respond to his plea worrying about himself God comes to Joshua like a loving father and he says get up why are you down on your face why is your face in the dirt and then verse 13 oh the crescendo was up now God is dealing with business the Hebrew describes the word uh-huh say that he describes this come up at first it's get up why are you down on your face God didn't address this concern about himself God is working Cernan about his son like a loving father he says why are you down on your face get up and then he comes in verse 13 and he gives him the answer in verse 13 and the first word is up sanctify the people say sanctify the people said again I want you to say it with the word up can you there for me this is ministering to me ready ah sanctify the people this is the answer this is what they had to be obedient for sanctify the people the amplified says it like this up sanctified set apart for holy purpose say them set apart for holy purpose sanctified set apart for holy purpose you have been set apart for holy purpose Friday night on I studied and studied and studied and studied and I've been studying on breaking the seals I'll get that CHD eventually seven seals in the book of Revelation that I've been studying and the last part of the series Judgment Day you got to get that series the last part of the series Judgment Day I get into breaking the seals it administered to me to bring that work and I finished the series in California so you want to make sure that you receive that and we have it available right son we have it available so I'm preparing the continuation to start a new series of breaking the seven seals Friday night I have a dream I don't remember the dream that all I remember is this statement you have been it's talking to all of us this dream wasn't to me I actually got up and started to write it down listen carefully you have been separated you have been set apart separated you've been selected you've been chosen this is the course for your life this is the pattern throughout scripture and I got up and wrote it down and began to build on this word this is the pattern throughout scripture when Gideon was surrounded by the Midianites God said to him in judges 7 the people that are with you are too many for me to give the midea Midianites into your hands listen to that again this is judges chapter 7 verse 2 the people that are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites who are their enemies into your hands and God separated a small remnant only three hundred against thousands the statement I received in my sleep that I got up to write down you've been selected and chosen from among your family stocking tier you've been selected and chosen from among your friends you've been chosen and selected from among even other believers this is the course of your life every single one of you sitting here and listening to me you've been selected you from your family from your friends from your workers from the church you've been selected you've been chosen and this is the course when God selected Joshua and the people that were with him not the Wanderers that those who continued now those are complaining that those who didn't believe but God doesn't choose because you're better God chooses to use the enemy doesn't have any desire to go after anyone that's not chosen goddess chosen you from your workers God has chosen you from your friends it's you and the ball you try to be like everyone else the harder it's gonna be so God shows and God set on course the journey for the sons of God you have been set apart separated selected and chosen that is the course of your life this is the power of throughout scripture the people that you have with you God said to Gideon are too many I can't put the enemy into your hands with all that because you know what they'll say you've got thousands that's all we did this on our own so I'm gonna cut you back to 300 so you not have to be me and God brings a small remnant because God is saying for throughout the generations even to our time to us today you've been selected and chosen from among many yes many are called but few are chosen you have been selected from among your friends from among other believers even from among churches you've been selected that's why it's harder on you it's harder on you than it might be on some others because you have been set apart you have to set the pace you have to set the standard you must be the plumb line for others the enemy does not want you to succeed because you're chosen he will fight you harder because you're chosen and all you have to do is get up I have I have preached among the Zulus I've had witch doctors walked into tent revivals wanted to kill me and God would move with great power and demonstration and bring these doctors down to their knees just so you understand I built Church in Panama were people around or totally opposed to the message of Christ in you in Nicaragua we were driving with a jeep through the wilderness a forest because we preached to the villagers and we weren't allowed to preach Christ there was a war going on with the Communists permission say this on line and they they we would we would promote awareness ocker games were so they would think it's just the noise of the soccer game not realizing that we're packing stadiums were there revival and the the authorities eventually figured out what's going on so they came after us and so we would sneak out of the meetings in the other night and it would put me in this Jeep and flying in between trees while we're being shot at and God Luth never worried about it once ever never told my wife half of the stuff that would go on until I got home in Spain the power of God would be so great that people would walk by the building and be slain in the spirit we would have to drag them in before the cops came people don't understand what God has brought us through I think back on the on the days what God did and I think you know we must have been out of our minds not to realize the dangers we were in when we went the nicaraguan we went to - to Honduras to build a ministry there build the church there we were just guests of another man of God a well known man of God not family not my brother but another man and I was just there to be part of the expansion and to build what we're gonna do this dis construction for the needy and the poor and feed the hungry and have a church and so he had some connection which was able to get us into the president's office with the head and the president of Nicaragua I'm sorry the president of Honduras at the time and this is back in the in the early 80s and this man of God couldn't find parking or something somehow got turned around and he went through the wrong gate and it wouldn't let him in to the White House or the pink house over there it's actually pink but I was able to get in fine and and his son which was with me was able to get in fine and so we get into so we are supposed to meet the president of Honduras by a certain time you've got to be there you can't be late so we were there and the van of God is missing and this this president has given us only so much time to tell him what we're trying to do to make sure that it's okay because there's a war going on between in Nicaragua and many of the refugees how many remember the war in Nicaragua and many of the refugees out of Nicaragua were coming into Honduras and there were refugees by the hundreds of thousands of refugees in Honduras and so we were feeding their refugees in Honduras and after a little while we were in the president's office he doesn't have any patience and he's looking for the man he was supposed to meet with and he says they're not here and so he looks to me he goes so what are we gonna do about all these different ones here I didn't know where Nicaragua is I mean I'm I'm Newt I have no clue I'm just I'm just hanging out I'm just been his brother I don't know anything you know I mean this is where I was but he looked he didn't talk to anybody else he looked straight a mile and he said what are we gonna do and I said well sir I don't know you guys I want you to go talk to their leader now you have to understand I know nothing I haven't followed the news I'm not sure what he's talking about all I know is I'm in the president's office and he's asking me to go speak to some men who's the head of the Nicaraguans and I'm not even sure what this war is about and it just gives me this order and I look over at the son of the preacher we'll do it now I'm panicking I don't know what to I said what do you want to tell them tell me get out now there's three hundred thousand refugees in Honduras at the time so he tells us to go meet with the head of the Nicaragua fighters we get in the car we drive they lead us to this campsite we come to this house we step kind of come up to this door this gate these men come out with guns they open the door they left the car in close the door behind us and now there's another gate behind that gate that's close and we are inside between two gates surrounded by men with machine guns and I know God has me here for some reason I wasn't concerned I mean maybe a little bit okay I prayed in tongues a little but so they let me out they make sure that we're not armed they take us through and now I am faced with the head the leader of the Nicaragua fighters so what did he tell you to tell me and I say he told me to tell you to get out and his response to me which I can't say in church you go back and tell him he could dump that black black blank blank to himself I said I'm a minister I'm not a politician he wants me to go back and tell the president we didn't go do with himself I don't even know who these people are he said oh you're a priest I said yes sir come pray for all the guys pray for the men so we go to the back of this field and there's hundreds of these kind of look like soldiers they've got some armor on some military clothing some civilian clothing but these are the Contra fighters these are the freedom fighters and they're inside of this closed and walled in compound and he whistles and they all gather with their guns this man is a preacher he says to them and he's gonna pray for us so I stand in front of them and I start telling them who Jesus is and the strength of Christ and what Christ can do for them I have no idea if they're gonna live or die all I know is I found right in front of all these soldiers who have guns and all I can do is tell them about Jesus and after 10 minutes of telling him who Jesus is I asked how many of you want to give him give him your life the head of the contra fighters at a cigarette in his mouth this man used to be on the news CNN would do all kinds of news about him he took his cigarette I'll never forget he threw it out and he came and he knelt and all these soldiers knelt these are Catholics knelt and repeated through the interpreter accepting Christ into their life what happened after that I don't know but all I know is I came back home thank God and learned that the head of the Contra fighters resigned as their leader no way oh wait wait never had a problem in declaring the gospel it doesn't matter where it doesn't matter to who it doesn't matter what language what nation I've been just about everywhere and I don't care because I know they can't touch me then I come to Dallas it's easier among the Contra fighters among the Zulus among the poor nations I remember the blood listen I remember climbing garbage piles in Honduras garbage piles to minister to the poor and the homeless been there done that I've been in place where you preach it to Muslims I know the power of Christ I've seen God do miracles I mean miracles but now you come to Dallas they don't need miracles they don't really need God and I've cried to God why did you bring us here to kill us everywhere else I go there hungry for God there's a move of the Spirit here you've got buildings and churches packed by thousands and yet I can't find God where is God I'm not suggesting all these fields don't have God all I know is we need more you know what there should be enough move of God in this city to change the nation to change Washington to change our government but we don't have the power we got a lot of people but where's the power power we need power so I got down to the dust I don't want to be here anymore God enough I missed you tell me I met with all my leaders that's what I told them just last week you know I'm willing to just get up and say listen I miss God I don't like it here I don't like the weather here it's too hard to call too rainy to a lightning to something to ordain tornadoes I mean this is a crazy place you know what I mean the people are sweet the people like to eat you know I was speaking to one of the pastors and he said you know what the worst night to have churches Saturday night I mean you really gotta get the committee to come out you need to change it you need to get out of Saturday night you got to make it convenient that I've been thinking you know what maybe we should you know we want to make it easier on people and then he made a comment that's been ringing in my ear he said you know for the deal to come to you Saturday night they must really be committed hey maybe that's what we need he said you should you should maybe try to you know if you want to really pack it out you should keep your sermon for 22 minutes I told you this text me 23 minutes just to clear my throat 22 minutes what are you saying 22 minutes God has chosen and when God chooses you it chooses you from your family that's why you're different it chooses from among your brethren that's why you're different it chooses from among your church he chooses from among your friends that's why you're different and it's harder on you and the enemy comes against you because you're chosen why you have to set the pace you have to set the standard you must be the plumb line for others to follow the enemy doesn't want you to succeed because you are the chosen you will be fought harder because you are the chosen god will require more of you then you will have anyone else but all you have to do to win is get up let's say that one more time all you have to do to win is get up say that all you have now say like you really mean it all you have to do to win is get up I want to demonstrate to you what this means okay watch the Hebrew word words get up these Hebrew words are like this if I'm sitting it's not just it's not just get up like or get up like sometimes when I tell my son son come here and get stuff like this other times I smacked him in the back of his head this the words and I just used to see the words get up it's like like you're not you're you're in a state you're in a particular state your mind is somewhere you are you're not in your in yours in your posture you're not in the mindset that where you should be and something comes from behind you and provokes you get up it's like it's like if you're home and it's late and you hear some rattle going on and yeah what was that it's a it's a it's an alert yeah it's gone awakening listen carefully the Hebrew word getup is cool say that in my language it's more than just stand up physically means wake up rise up get up to the occasion stirrup be bold rise up it means to be strengthened succeed meant good make sure tak your place there is teaching some years ago called your position is your possession how many remember we cannot just accept things as they are so here's what God said in your spirit you must know the authority you carry in your spirit you must know the authority that you carry this alertness is because you reach a point where real you refuse what doesn't belong to you it's an awakening it's an alerting it's set up and once you stand up oh it's like it's like when your children are misbehaving and you've taken it and taking it and now this you get up oh you know what my dad used to stand up okay here we go we've gone away with it only thus far it's that kind of awakened rise to the occasion strengthen succeed make it good make sure take your place reaching a place where you can no longer accept things as they are your spirit must know what authority you carry it's been given to you that's the authority that we carry say us almost through and so we we see the pattern throughout all scripture - Noah God said build me an ark and Noah got up and built an ark that was four hundred and fifty feet long 75 feet wide and 45 feet high think of that in the times of Noah God said to Noah get up and build me an ark he didn't say get up and make me a sandwich he said get up and build me an ark and the man built God listen if 450 foot long boat 75 feet wide 45 feet high it had three deaths that can carry more than 43 thousand tons of weight this is in Genesis six in Genesis 13 to Abram God said separate from lot he chose him separate from luck rise listen walk through the land go to the length of it the width of it the breadth of it and wherever you go I will give it to you as far as you can see I'll give it to you say yes and next it is for the Lord said to Moses what is in your hand and Moses said a rod to Josh oh he said get the up key Elisha he said speak to the rain do I say he said speak to the heavens to Jeremiah he said what do you see the Ezekiel he said prophesied to the wind don't have our rice and build to Micah arise listen this the citizen to Mike I love this arise contend with the mountains and let the hills hear your voice to Habakkuk write the vision down and make it plain to see Cariah who is this great mountain dimeric i preparing either way of the lord in matthew the Lord finally comes and the Lord says rise up and walk pick up your bed stretch out your head open up your eyes come forth Lazarus let it be done unto you according to your faith that's what he said so Paul comes in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 you come Kyle and he says in verse 14 the beginning of verse 15 just just jot it down you know the territory I'm gonna read it out of the Williams translation 2nd Corinthians 2:14 the Williams translation says but thanks be to God for he always leads me in his triumphant train he always leaves me what in his triumphant train through union with Christ and everywhere through me keeps spreading the perfume of the knowledge of him indeed I am the of Christ that is so sweet I want to read it again can I second Corinthians chapter 2 14 and 15 Williams translation you could follow with me in your own translations but thanks be to God for he always leads me this triumphant train triumphal train through a union with Christ and everywhere through me keeps spreading the perfume of the knowledge of him indeed I am the fragrance of Christ can hear that the fragrant of Christ the fragrance of Christ produced by the triumph of our battle one more time the fragrance of Christ is produced by the triumph of our battle anybody hearing Romans chapter 11 it says there is a remnant verse 5 according to the election of grace verse 2 the amplified God has not rejected and disowned his people whose destiny he had marked out and appointed and for known from the beginning listen there are those whose destiny he has marked out and appointed according to his election of grace Ephesians 1 says that he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world being predestined according to the purposes of him who works all things after the counsel of his own will and then says in ephesians 2:10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has ordained beforehand ordained that we should walk in them Hebrews 3:14 for we are made partakers of christ we were made partakers of christ romans chapter 8 16 to 18 the Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and joint-heirs with Christ remember we are made to be partakers with Christ so here comes Paul Romans 8 he says the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and joint-heirs with Christ now many would stop here thinking you know we are kings of kids we are the rich and the famous we are the chosen of God but then he continues what it takes the underlying requirement he adds the rest of the verse if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together listen today that we if so be if we are that race if we are that chosen if there are spirit bears witness with his spirit that we are Jordan heirs with Christ does your spirit bear witness the rest of the verse if so be that we suffer with him that may also be glorified together and then so we are not taking up just only with the suffering he adds but I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory with the what glory which shall be revealed in us the Phillips translation says in my opinion whatever we may have to go through now is less than nothing is what is what it's less than nothing compared with the Magnificent future God has planned for us the amplified says the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us meaning the stowed on us in honor word suffer it's not so that you can't pay your bills flat broke all the time the word suffer is describing having to come under having to be subjected to it's a word that has to prefix to two words that have come together in the Greek to be subject to be subjected to come under to be if you will train to Bri brought under rule oftentimes we don't understand God will come to you and they'll say I'm going to bless you with all the blessings I'm gonna bless you and your coming and bless you and you're going I'm gonna bless your mind I'm gonna bless your treasures I'm gonna bless the fruit of your body that means your children we understand the blessing the promise that no matter what sometimes we have to go through but how many of us are grateful that have children when we see the blessings of God on our children come on say something sometimes even when our children are not walking in the ways they should but God will bless the children how often have we seen families live righteously before God and God favors the children I'm the God of Abraham his son Isaac his son Jacob God didn't say I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel who was converted as Jacob but God is saying I will take care of the schemer of the liar the deceiver so Jacob means I must still be the God of Jacob because I made a covenant with his father and his father's father God will take care of the children when God says I'm going to bless the fruit of your body I'm gonna bless your children I'm gonna bust your cattle I'm gonna bust your field I'm gonna bless you coming and bless you going I'm gonna best your story I'm gonna command blessings on your storehouse and I'll cause that when your enemies rise I'm gonna destroy them in front of your face I'm gonna bring the enemy to you I'm gonna Sarah listen son I brought you the enemy I want you to overcome him I want you to defeat him because once you defeat him he'll never bother you again but every time you stick your head in the sand like I've done and loes me and cry and 4:7 your head and rip your clothes and complain and try to help me do your job when I come to you and say son why is he heading the sand get up up sanctify yourself separate yourself this is the calling this is the course for your sonship this is the journey for the sons of God I'm looking for overcomers I said I'm looking for overcomers this is not a journey for those that plead all the time because what I want to do in the earth can't be done by weaklings what I want to do in the earth cannot be done by those that are petrified and separated and self rejected and self denied and so full of self and self and self and woe is me always about self what I need to do is change the world and I'm gonna show you my power and if you have three thousand people they're gonna get in my way so I'm gonna cut them down just three hundred so he cuts them down I've kissed you thousand you still got too many and so they won't I'm gonna try them he says to Gideon I'm gonna take him down to the water and if they get on their face and they drink like dogs-- time to go home I'm gonna go home you know what that means people that are just so thirsty they can't drink and keep their eye out so those a drink with their hand which means two still got your eyes open yes they need to care their needs yes they got a sustain yes they have to drink but at the same time they don't lose position they don't lose rank they don't close your eyes then I become so desperate that the stick their face in the water and drink like a dog forget everybody else don't worry about what they're gonna do because they're so consumed with their needs the church is loaded with people consumed with their needs and that doesn't say kill them destroy them except I'm on fire sent them to darkness he didn't send either he said send them home they're no good to me I love them send them home just forgot set the Moses leave them let them stay in the wilderness they can keep their tents and keep their backyards and put up their palm trees and I'll give them water I'll take care of them but I don't need them they're not significant they're irrelevant to me but if you want to get a hold of that layer of milk and honey that's the land I've chosen for you you never go and get rid of who's occupying it belongs to you doesn't belong to them this the city belongs to the kingdom it hasn't belong to the church it has a buncha religion it belongs to the kingdom who is the kingdom the people that are looking to fly anywhere builder looking to possess and take over people that are looking to come and change things say something now petrified of the last days here come the devil you know so people are get up and when I get up the enemy has to respond oh crap he's up in Jesus name let's make it home come on I'm not cussing Oh boys that make you feel better okay when I get up to discipline my children ago oh thank you Jesus they say other things like Oh blank blank now I would because the reality is the enemy has no power over you I said the enemy has no power over you jesus said I've given you all power how much all power come on again how much all power Jesus said I given you all power all power means all power stop telling what the devil is gonna do that Jesus said I'll give you our power the only the enemy can do is what you don't know what you're confused about what you don't believe what you're not convicted in that's why the trial was always if you be the Son of God had he ever doubted it he would have been lost we've learned so it's time to get up start the work get up it's time to it again it's time to what it's time to what just get up just get up just get up gotta say what are you doing down there stop moaning stop groaning get up doesn't belong to you get don't worry about I'll take care of it listen don't either to care you you understand I said dog are you hearing me God's gonna take care you he'll take care your children but got us some assignments what to do Kingdom to invade the king of Gaza like unto a net you cast it out and the drawers in all sorts Jesus said and then you drag the net to the shore I don't you sort through and you throw back in the water what doesn't belong what doesn't fit and you keep the few that's the kingdom God comes and says I will cause your enemies to rise and when they do I'm gonna destroy them in front of your face I'm gonna bring them to you I'm gonna hand you the sword and says son go ahead say yes he's not going to come and say listen I want you to watch me fight for you you sit back your little child be careful here your sweet cute little boy you just hold your flowers you be sweet I'll do all the fighting no no it's not God wants or give you the sword that's your enemy I want you to overtake you I want you to possess the land I want you to destroy him I've given you the power I didn't give me the power I already got the power I'm giving you the power I want you to do it I want you to fight I want you to overcome I want you to become strong if you're gonna be like me - what's your take belongs to you so fight through preach through your louder on Saturday night rich longer on Saturday night the more they complained the louder you preach great now people said we're gonna go even longer well I don't know one thing we're gonna do we're gonna change this city I said we're gonna change this city that's what God said
Channel: William D. Hinn
Views: 3,514
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, church, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Stand Up, Keep going, Christian, Preacher, Ministry, Saturday night, Dallas, Texas, The Colony, Hinn, William, William Hinn, Empower, righteousness, Kingdom, Healing, Kingdom Minded, Kingdom of God, Worship, Singing, Live-Stream
Id: __nR-sbqtq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 53sec (3953 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2016
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