Dr. Todd Hall (Night 2) PROPHETIC SUMMIT 2021

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[Music] well clap those hands and praise the lord this is good salman this is good clap your hands and praise him again let us [Music] [Music] i fully miss those songs can we thank god for ledessa brown no come on for real thank god hallelujah thank you sound man let's just leave it unless there's a problem this church is not in a deficit or a depression or famine bring this down just a little bit bring this down just a little bit this church is not thank you in a famine of depression or a deficit for preaching because my friend and brother his grace is so efficient in bible delivery and rightly dividing the word of truth and i don't want to stop you clapping but i want to get through this play it a little softer there's a script in the bible that says that there's a famine in the land and it says not for bread or water said but for the word of god the earth the world is seemingly fasting from preaching and we that refuse to compromise our stance and preach the bible without compromise we are seemingly right now on the back burner the truth now is received as a lie i don't hear nobody and now liars seemingly are received to be truthful holy music son could they play him with me when i grew up my grandmother made all kind of desserts and the kool-aid and punch but she put it on on the table but told us push it back till we finish the meal the church is getting a sweet tooth that's why y'all not talking you want to hear how rich you're going to be but you don't want to hear what does it profit a man cannot get some conversation to gain the whole world at the price of their souls oh we got some sellouts in here tonight you don't know you won because you've been on that candy all year and you've been dishing that candy to your members so anything that sound doctrine sounds like god is not speaking the word of god is for reproof rebuke sound doctrine prophecy which they'll get to is to exhort edify and comfort so now we got pastors that should be preaching sound doctrine trying to prophesy and people that should be prophesying trying the pastor [Music] covet has us on the pause while god finishes giving out pink slips you all don't want to talk to me today god is firing people the bible lets us know prophetically that the earth is birthing a child called ichabod [Music] the glory of the lord has departed now let me let all of you know cause some of you look very right now famished like where is dr hall going i was cool when she was singing i stood the whole time worshiping because i'm a worshiper yes sir but when your worship stops at music you're not a worshiper at all the only music heaven had was led by satan and when the music tried to elevate its throne above god which is the word god said i am the word god had to put heaven on a musical sabbatical now preachers and musicians are practicing their hoop going to their favorite runs like they've been practicing we got two or three in here y'all gimmicking be careful when i get to that group and i do a certain sign go with me y'all stop being actors can i get some conversation actresses y'all are entertainers no longer evangelists y'all are raising money but never raising people i said all of that to tell you that what i love about you in our conversation last night can't mention the body of what we talked about but it was good to hear you say that no matter how strong a person's gift is they can be gifted and have no god presence y'all gonna talk in here or not cause you're sure talk when you got a mic i went to bed on that huh i woke up to that because when you are really in the heart of god you know who are his and those who are not some people can't afford to quit because they don't have enough experience to get a job and some folks here never went to school never went to the military never finished college they can't do nothing but hustle with the bible i said hustle with the bible see if you know it won you you'd be saying amen but right now you ain't talking because something in you is trying to realign yourself paul i know can't get help jesus i know but when covert is over it is our job as generals to ask certain preachers who are you please don't change that sound no more who are you who's your pastor show me your license who can we call when you go wrong if these questions cannot be answered we should not let them preach nor sing nor prophesied the church has lost his voice and the world has lost respect for us cause some of y'all are preaching here and then meeting them there you trying to be a baller shot called lebron if you ain't got no street cred don't start bawling in the church cause some of y'all only got women chasing you because of your anointing lose that i bet you're unattractive it's the way you dress it's your singing you don't have a job you got bad credit you don't own a car the anointing not only destroys the yolk it attracts attacks with kamashan i'm about to close this part i hope y'all can respect what i'm talking about where i'm from where you're from where lady always from rebuke was a part of christianity i see some of you looking at me like i won't look at you you're wrong about this one you're wrong when you grew up around seasoned people who could pray when you were raised by parents and not your brother when you didn't call yourself a title unless you were duly consecrated when you would know not to desecrate ceremonial garments by wearing a polka dot clergy collar with your initials on the sleeve of holy attire which is out of order if you knew what catechism was i would believe you were a bishop some of you avoid us and you're smart to do this because we see through the mask and i'm not talking about the one on your face some of you finally got it right how did you feel when we finally got it right let me let me stay three feet from you huh but when we got it right we didn't know what they told us now you got it that's right that's right that's right this generation ain't nobody gotta tell me i know god for myself when we said i'm saved they said that ain't it baby keep on going y'all don't know how to take orders our friends some of them have died in the past year i'm about to close now because our colleagues those that we frequented in ministry see y'all don't feel it i feel like crying they've gone my concern y'all may not laugh and say amen is none of our enemies have died they still living and now the new church is left in the hands of a generation that don't have fathers you got three and four mentors you're a member of three and four fellowships you're a barbarian now we said this was a prophetic summit maybe they don't know the difference but one person pushed me like i'm preaching when certain prophets like elijah came he didn't come to make friends he came to look at kings and tell him you out of order you done been with jezebel too long and you're stopping the rain from coming y'all want prophecy but heaven is congested because your behavior is not qualifying [Music] i asked god i asked god today while i was in the gym doing cardio i asked him why did you leave me here at first and not like when folk told me he didn't even answer me stayed on the cardio watching some netflix so that the cardio did not become so mundane all right y'all don't know what i'm talking about and uh went over to live for a few weeks then he decided he wanted to talk so it threw my workout off and this what he told me he said if i wanted to kill you i'd have did it with the cancer when you had it all right you only cause some of y'all more afraid of covet than you were of your cancer than you were of a car wreck like y'all didn't lost your mind covet is outside of you trying to kill your cancer is in you eating up your whole body huh and if the holy ghost in you cannot be a bubble for the covenant outside of you how do you claim you and god are close he said i left you here i could have took you with bell's palsy i could have took you with a car wreck i i had several opportunities to take you he didn't even tell me why he left me here he told me this and i need eight folk to pray he says if you don't fulfill my job after covet and tell people that i'm coming nothing's gonna kill you but me you're gonna die from a blow from god see how quiet it got y'all think it's about viruses if god wants you i don't hear you talking he'll come get you and there'll be like natural causes and if he don't want you can't nothing else take you before your time he told me to tell you he told me to tell a few preachers that are watching he says now if y'all go to hell you went to hell because you missed the message for the day don't you all start serving no candy to build your membership when this is over don't you go back to the same thing you've been doing cry aloud i don't hear nobody talking spare not are y'all talking to me lift up if some of these folk on facebook doing all these praying and prophesying had a real pastor the pastor would get on there and be like shut that down you don't even pray in our church you don't catch my church members on their ministering to nobody ain't no lives from my church and when i see my leaders doing it i text them we need to talk that statement is wrong that's not god pastors ain't going to help for no fornication and hormone they're going to hell for misleading folks from not preaching what the lord told them to preach the biggest sin is tampering with the word of god y'all don't hear me stop opening with the lord spoke to me just say you were meditating are all prophets god forbid that's what he said are all apostles god forbid are all pastors y'all gonna help me god forbid many are called so i know this church ain't full of chosen folk because it's against the scripture if all of us was chosen be no need to be here tonight the call need the chosen so that when the chosen leaves one body call could take somebody's place everybody can't be chosen god forbid now that i finish what he sent me here i want to acquiesce and capitulate and go back to giving you some honor because i am so happy that the word of god in you was so strong that it allowed you to plow through difficult times if there was no word for you to stand on what came against you would have already taken you out of here but upon this rock god said i'll build my church i don't hear nobody in the gates of hell shall not prevail against you i want you all to give honor where is due instead of waiting to hear your name called to the man of god the visionary of this house the shepherd in zion apostle sherman i don't hear nobody alan [Applause] by his side my sister graceful classy but yet a worshiper lady oh tanya co-pastor allen [Music] i told you all on yesterday that one of my churches would have been here but they have transitioned from a caterpillar to a butterfly they have gone from one stage of their ministry and their name to another stage in their ministry with a more prolific name for prophetic uh things to come my first administrator uh came all the way from tyler texas he was all those years the pastor of omega ministries now he is the pastor of reveal church tyler texas overseer will y'all do that deep marcus give him the same screen too pearson we gonna stop that too high praise for who we like low praise for who we don't like i thank god for all of the bishops apostles prophets y'all clap for all of them the same way pastors i appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to come here this humble but yet gracious man of god you may be seated i don't know who's got eyeglass cleaning but can somebody do this cause i'm just not good with it james i don't think you're good at it either so find somebody who can who can clean those ledesser you did a splendid oh come on a splendid job [Applause] and i want to say this i want the sound people to know don't ever get frustrated when two and three people want something different and you feel their tone deaf you're doing it already just know that when they stand here that's god asking for something and if they don't get it and can't hear themselves they won't perform at their peak i said that to thank ledessa for going through the frustrating first three minutes of your life i saw it but when you're anointed you have to keep pressing and i find that to be an honorable job and i want to thank god for the sound people that were patient enough to let us go back and forth until we got what we were trying to achieve can y'all clap better for all of them [Music] i used to be a sound man i used to be an organist a drummer couldn't play the bass so i didn't do no strings was a saxophonist e flat alto sex but uh i enjoyed making my father sound like he was jesus i played tricks folk was screaming he said boy you helped me today i said i know pay me a little more because back then we we didn't get paid at all to do things in church no paid drummers no paid openness they anointed your hands and you started playing that was it you even brought you some drumsticks hoping you could play one time you're just sitting there you tired then when you became real good you brought your own drum pedal sticks and a snare all right see these musicians now some of these musicians get paid more than preachers and i swear before god to be honest they can play they just ain't prophetic they throw god all the way off trying to outshine the preacher then they wind up becoming preachers looking for a musician they want their musician to give them what they didn't give their pastors i have something that i want to say tonight that i think is loaded and wonderful did you enjoy sunday morning's experience you that are watching by social media that just made it through the rebuke session god's going to take you higher than you've ever been in your absolute life but to whom much is given which i have five people much is required there are requirements before you get much dr alan and i do so many things alike from dressing to purchasing cars to the same rolex watch when we first met over 31 years ago it and when he told me that i basically stole his sermon sunday and made it known to all of you he preached it the wednesday before sunday which means god spoke to him before he spoke to me and i said i wanted to do part one and two of sunday i decided that i'm hoping i'm going somewhere that he didn't go it ain't going to work i know you've been here see like a lot of you get up to preach but you don't have no friends so you don't know how to be human so you get up there's a parica passage with scripture pregnant with the possibilities of preaching and within the didactical print of the atonement of the word of god we know we know you study very hard to look important but ain't nothing like being god in the flesh oh y'all didn't catch that god couldn't do what he wanted to do just being spiritual so he came in a panoply of flesh please remember when you stand up here we are human being and we want to be addressed understood and fed properly because we took a risk coming out here during the pandemic will you clap for your neighbor who's next to you and let them know i'm glad you're here first kings chapter 17 don't you tell me you did this last wednesday but first kings chapter 17 very familiar passage of scripture let me also tell you uh nephew bring me those gloves so they'll see that i i asked god what my mission was tonight he said you and i had to put oil in the hands of several people who he was gonna make wealthy for nine years i said we can't lay hands he said put on the glove and i forgot so i came to church and said uh james please find me some clean gloves so you're gonna have one i'm gonna have one we're gonna put oil in the hands of them that can receive the word of god and god is gonna supernaturally put them in a place of harvest while we're in a season of famine if you believe is you you ought to clap your hands and not play with that because this is a critical moment it's critical some folk can't even pay their bills as preachers unless they come on facebook five times a day if there wasn't social media all of our church folk would be broke or committing suicide y'all used to say it was the beast the beast helping y'all make some money ain't it when social media came out that's the devil well i guess now y'all trying to scare us again talking about this fascination is the beast y'all just wait till the beasts come first kings chapter 17 the bible tells you that the beast is a person not a virus see i just stopped all the fake ones they quiet now i need to take that off my wall yeah take it all the way off your wall it's a person one of the greatest entertainers of all time whenever they come they'll make a statue speaking fire fall from heaven that ain't a virus [Music] you'll know when it's coming because first we'll experience seven years of peace see how quiet it just got now oh and then watch out yes now can i can i beg beseech but i'm gonna say bay five of y'all to make me preach and talk to me like i know what i'm saying because some of these folk holding grudges but tomorrow night y'all got a great sage voice dr bishop prophet sam blake then y'all got the most famous woman of god dr janice mixon and then y'all have great man from atlanta georgia i don't want to name everybody y'all just have everybody so get what you need from them just take what i have to offer a part of this sermon i'm not going to be up here very long i preached a part of it here a few years ago how do you know that because i write down the churches that i preach my sermons at so i'm not just a repeat offender i had a i had a friend of mine do an anniversary next week did the anniversary at the same church and preach the same message church was like we heard that last year you got to make sure you take notes but if there can be a freddy krueger one two and three there could be a sermon one two and three just make sure that your second movie is better than your first so this is a sequel with a few addendums and augmentations i'm back let me give you the backdrop for you that are standing thank you for standing and i'll read in 30 seconds but thank you and you that are not i'm not upset i'm moving forward but let me give you the backdrop this is basically the day we're living in where it seems like heaven is not giving us any rain i wish i had help and the reason why heaven is not giving us rain for the five focus that they would talk to me is because leadership is out of order the leadership i'm giving a backdrop i feel like i'm a dance the leadership that's out of order is not demonic ahab used to be god's king but he married a queen from across the street some of you started off right until you started hanging out with rome this is about your company i want to talk to folk with her mouth and after you change your company god's going to let you run your own company now i'm about to get there i'm about to get there for you that don't know covid has basically made you no longer be an employee because you're being interviewed to become an employer you don't even know what's going on you're not making money by salary you're going to make it because it's your season and if you didn't screen you are the employee when you broke and need money you don't get swaggerific regard you better act like you need something i told you sunday your behavior can block your blessing i still praise him like i'm on section 8. and i'm so far from section 8 but i read job god giveth and take it the way so i don't let nobody tell me you're going to always be blessed i don't listen to you i listen to what the books say and any of us can get sidetracked by wrong voices one of my pastor asked me dad do you really believe folk going to hell i knew they'd been talking to somebody i said see you going too cause why would you ask such a stupid question so now you're saying your mama was wrong your grandmama was wrong your great-grandmama was wrong and this new person you got is right yeah some of your members going to hell some of your members some of your members and some of my members some of your family going if they don't get born again you see how quiet marvel not that i say unto thee i don't hear you you must why would god let your lion stealing thieving crackhead members up in heaven and you won't let them live in your house you see how quiet it got you'll kick folk out but he'll let him in just like your house has rules heaven has laws i wish i was in the old church because because back then them old pastors would have just started singing on my way to heaven and then said let's go back to the word of god y'all ain't used to that [Music] corona started right before screamer the next election because if she had not come we would possibly be in a second series of a certain type of leadership so with the stock market booming under his leadership with people getting more jobs with him saying i'm the best president for black people rona stepped in just to erase all of most of that so that people don't fall for the okie doke y'all real quiet and i hear five of y'all that ain't talking cause you don't watch the news you just wait on guard you don't even read the bible you just hear god talking to you i didn't say buying in president biden was better than former president trump but i will say this for a screamer who will scream he's bringing back what the world needs what the church needs and we ain't talking about money character integrity family and for you that don't scream on this you ought to go home and he's giving black people positions in the government that they have never had in their entire lives these are the days of the cushites these are the days when minimum wage chooses who makes what [Music] see this is a prophetic summit but you think prophecy is always you there does save the law no no we're discussing the environment the country the status what's going on when will all of this be over can i prove something to you and if they scream then i'm almost halfway there the first term of presidency is four years see somebody on social media said where are the prophets why aren't they speaking all right turn just turn your computer home listen real close the first term of any presidency y'all talk to me through the mess it's four years am i right when the famine came during this text that i'm about to read it lasted three and a half years [Music] right towards the voting season of the end of four years looking for what if you all ask me and this is where they're gonna attack me but y'all won't support me biden's first six months if he does what the lord tells him to do will bring an end to what we're going through right now i didn't say may i didn't say i had a dream i didn't say three angels i didn't prophesy on both sides so i wouldn't be wrong so i want some of you that are pastors trying to prophesy stop getting in our business shepherd don't proclaim because this is what it actually says for a screamer elijah never said thus saith the lord there'll be no rain he said according to my word oh i don't hear nobody there will be no rain till i say so so god is waiting for the purification of the prophetic to get rid of the false ones so that the real ones male and female can stand boldly and say this is over why right now we can't command it to be over because the infection is still spreading so it's your pastor's job to address the infection and then let us speak about the release of the season you worry about the infection look how quiet it is what y'all stand oh i'm oh cause i didn't read it first kings seven eight through sixteen the word of the lord came unto me saying arise get thee to zeraphath right after i do this i'll be reading the same thing from the message bible arise get thee to zero fast which belongeth to zidane dwell there behold i have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee i wish i had verse 10 so he arose and went to zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city diamond behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called her and said fetch me i pray thee a little water in the vessel two preachers got bored i've heard this 100 times we'll see that i may drink this then tells me for folk who said you heard it and two who will scream because you love revelation that we will not be delivered until preachers who are dehydrated get refreshed [Music] y'all want to talk to me we are being fed by dehydrated messengers i wish i was at a caucasian church they'd be like brother yes but i'm stuck with all you pentecostal people what do you mean dehydrated some of these leadership talk about it you went through like ain't nobody to help me who do i call when i go through you're dehydrated you are asking for something that right now is not available lack of water lack of refreshing and you keep giving what you have left to somebody else i could stop now but if i said something that made sense please say amen or something y'all got me thinking i'm just an elementary preacher i'm gonna i'm a plow no no it's all right it's all right verse 11 and as she was going to fetch it he called her and said bring me i pray thee a morsel of bread in your hand send me somebody who can give me a word give us this day i don't hear nobody y'all see i i'm losing you out daily bread how do you get fed when you give away all your bread can i just get somebody that loves me that wants to give me back a little of what i keep giving out a lot of i don't ask for much i don't hear nobody give me a little more monitors i don't ask for much yes but can somebody love the preachers enough or the messengers of god enough to be like the lord showed me you need something right well maybe he ain't gonna help nobody because some of y'all are too arrogant your behavior is too pious but if you know that as anointed as you are you going through a season of dehydration just wave and let people know yeah cause somebody near you might have what you have run out of may not need it from me it could be in your neighbor but they don't think you need anything and she was fetching it go get it thank you that's excellent bring me some bread in your hand and she said as the lord thy god liveth i have not a cake but a handful of meal in the barrel a little of all in a cruise and behold i'm gathering sticks that i may going and dress it for me and my son that we may eat y'all not reading it and die i'm gonna say this for bible lovers who will let me cut and paste but scream louder and that is if what you have don't make you happy give it to me oh i don't hear nobody if you're already speaking deaf after you eat don't eat cause some of us can live off of the little that you claim won't help you because we know what it is to have nothing [Music] you complain about your little what about folk that have nothing i got one person pushing me the rest of y'all acting like your whole house blessed and all your bills paid and you act like you ain't hiding that car and like it got insurance on it uninsured holy ghost field drivers right outside on the side of the street fourth car behind in front of a range rover i can call you license plate that's uninsured [Music] see i want you to believe god is here so you can listen [Music] so that we can get that car insured [Music] so that a cop don't pull you over tonight in the name of a demon and then you have to be exposed and call somebody i probably shouldn't i probably shouldn't say which number call forget that you got to do better prophet you've got to do better verse 12 and she said as the lord thy god liveth i have not a cake but a handful of meal in the barrel little oil in the cruise and behold i'm gathering two sticks that i might dress it up for me and my son that we may eat it and die come on push me zion elijah said unto her fear not go do as you said but make me there for a little cake first and bring it unto me that after and then after you bless me make for thee and for your son so within this little attunement of print within this little passage which is pregnant with the possibilities of prophetic revelation and proclamation i just want to see how that felt within this little thing embeds this for screamer if he's telling her bless me first and make for you and your son you got more than you think oh you're not and some of you still ain't talking but look at a neighbor sign language or use your mass tell them you have more than you think you do now if you spoke to them tell them not only do you have more than you think you are more than who you think you are as well because only the old you can see little as little but the new you calls things that are not i don't hear nobody as though they were and some of y'all just said this is deep word forget that you better catch it don't try to preach it live it elijah said verse 13 fear not going to us thou said but make for me a little cake first and then bring it to me and then make thee and thy son 14 i'm sorry obviously he appears and then i'm going to boring you but thus saith the lord god of israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the crews of oil fail until the day that the lord sent him rain upon the earth can i make a statement there for the same folk that are screaming the lord says after this week two things will be taken out of your life ask me what waste and failure y'all ain't tall hold on waste y'all don't hear me and the reason why the word waste is even in some of your life is you over abuse what you had you wasted it fail because you took on projects that god was not ready for you to do even though he put it in your spirit you covet has taught us this for two folks when we get out of this we ain't gonna waste things like we used to we're going to choose our friends different we ain't going to let folk come over because now i'm used to nobody being over if you come in my house you're going to have to know the value of the relationship cause right now covert is restructuring everything about us she started off as a plague and ended up as an instructor she started off i killed a lot of people but i'm here to teach you verse 15 she went and did according to the saying of elijah she they are not helping me and he y'all love the scripture and her house shabbat y'all helped me i know y'all watching i'm out here in fort worth and her house did eat y'all don't hear me many days now prophetically i need to say this for a person in the front row who will scream second one in each row and be debt free many days meant many years so when god told hezekiah i'll give you days he gave him 15 years and some of y'all don't know when god starts paying your bills he's gonna pay them for a lot of days which also means you'll be years ahead right but you have to know how to behave in the final months of this pandemic oh some of y'all should be acting like her because you in the mess all these business ideas and still ain't got 300 to your name you in the mess all these gifts and talents and knowledge from school and can't even get yourself a decent vehicle you in a mess [Music] she went thank you and did according uh bishop one more thing than one verse then i'm gonna read it quickly through the message bible and go straight to my notes and i'm gonna prophesy through my notes let me tell you this and hopefully 10 of you will scream and clap your hands for yourself this season that we're about to go into that's going to bless us years in advance is only for those who are not stuck on titles she didn't say the prophet elijah and he didn't say don't call me by my first name covet has made you get used to not hearing yourself be apostle bishop no giving honor you had to find yourself y'all ain't talk so now you're home with yourself having a detox from what everybody made you believe you were if you're home practicing social distance and being careful you just found out for somebody will talk that from your children your name daddy from your friends that visit your name todd see the church made y'all dehydrated because you were more about your titles than who you really were and you bought stuff to increase your title that your person didn't even need but because you are an evangelist or bishop you bought a certain car that right now you ain't got nowhere to drive it who are you trying to impress in the pandemic my members they're smart some of them i told them don't go nowhere on thanksgiving but some went anyway and they tested positive right that's their business they lived through it and i thank god but i was so obedient to god that i told my members if you miss your family then go on and have a zoom thanksgiving y'all having zoom everything else why don't you just pray over the zoom with your family ask them what y'all eating we got turkey show them a picture why why y'all risking your life over a holiday [Music] going to see each other on holidays but won't come to church while y'all i think i'm running for golf now why are you [Music] wasted not my last verse neither did the crucible fail according to the word of the lord which he spake by elijah which means most of you will never hear from god directly he speaks through his chosen vessels y'all didn't want to read that part how can they hear let me read it in the message bible half of my sermon is fully over that's helping me she's helping me she's helping me woman in third roles helping me in the message bible do y'all have the message bible up there do y'all have it good because i want them to be able to see it then god spoke to him get up and go to zereth in zion and live there all right i guess y'all didn't see the difference i've instructed i've instructed i've instructed this tape is not defected i've instructed i've been i've instructed a woman who lives there she's a widow to feed you which means you can find many women but i'm telling you her condition see some of y'all look thirsty because you're asking everybody hoping to get what you need from somebody but for somebody who will scream god said after this week i'ma tell you the condition of who you go into where they are so you stop looking for me in unwanted places pray for me destiny they won't talk to me so he got up and went to zaraphat and as he came to the entrance of the village he met a woman a widow gathering firewood he asked to please would you bring me a little water in the jug i need a drink he need water cause that term need a drink for black people it translates into something else but this is water oh no y'all acting like i'm preaching when black people say i need a drink they ain't talking about water musicians don't look serious-faced the scripture tells us what drink he wanted water and she went to get it he called out and while you're at it now that sounds like black people bring me something to eat is this getting a little more familiar stay with me because when you take folk out and they tell you i'm not hungry you wonder how in the middle of you ordering they say and give me something you say hold on i thought in the car you said you weren't hungry but when they know that they're living in your season or i don't hear nobody they will order what they can't afford with their salary when folk take you out to eat and you know that we're all going through something can i teach and y'all talk to me can you at least be respectful enough to order within the reins of what you could buy yourself if you do that you won't let the person treating become wasteful every time people pull something out of their pocket that they didn't plan on spending and they spend it on you you are either helping them become wasteful or you're proving to them god sent them to you most of the time it's waste let me ask a woman who don't care because she bold like this sister this sister that sister need a brother has any woman in here i'm just asking a general question ever been hurt stay with a man a long time then after it didn't work you said i can't believe i wasted that much time now i need to know why did you call it wasted you called it wasted cause you never got married you see how quiet you got it was wasted cause you didn't get all of what you wanted look at the men go ahead brother help us out yes verse 12 in the message bible she said i swear as surely as your god lives i don't have as much as a biscuit i have a handful of flour in the jar a little oil in the bottle i wish somebody would push me and you find me scratching together just enough firewood to make a last meal for my son and me and after we eat it we'll die elijah said to her and this is the topic of my sermon for the first five folk who's going to be blessed don't worry about a thing oh y'all okay i just want to preach it i know y'all didn't think i was gonna stay rough i always come out with some dessert don't worry about a thing i wish i had some worldly folk who would push me who know you're saved and you don't always just listen to gospel music but every now and then you listen to some good music don't you worry about it oh see i knew y'all weren't saying don't worry don't you go on your honeymoon to no gospel music but don't worry about the things go ahead i feel good and do what you said but first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here then go and make a meal from what's left for you your son this is the word of god of israel the jaw flower will not run out and the bottle of oil will not become empty before god sends rain to the land at the end of the drought which means you're going to have what you have as little as it is for three and a half years i want to talk to prophetic people with a praise in the mouth your little is sustaining you right now oh hold on that's how you know god is with you because when you get things and know you ain't got the money and got money left you'll be like i don't know how i'm doing all that i'm doing that means god is involved y'all better talk to brother hall you've not missed a meal you still driving your car you may not have bought nothing new in the wild but you're still getting compliments over old clothes they even think you lost weight but the scale says very much different cause god is assisting us the jaw flower will not run out i'm coming in about 15 minutes nephew the body of all will not become empty before god sends rain on the land and ends his drought ends this drought cease brings cease to the pandemic stops all of the foolishness she went right off and did it did just as not god said these are the days when you got to stop making excuses for not doing what you should do because god ain't spoke to you you got to find somebody that can instruct you how to heal nobody who don't want nothing from you who's not trying to pimp you we're just trying to let you know that if you want to get what i have you got to go through the faith walk that i experienced am i helping anybody she went right off and did it as elijah said my church should be talking and writing in the thread preach bishop and it turned out as he said turned out as he said turned out as he said it turned out as he said y'all don't want me to preach this but when god sends the prophetic summit and sends real prophets here y'all need to know you gotta trust what's gonna come out of their mouth you got to see the movie like chris tucker do you understand the words that come do y'all understand that it does not say what god looses on earth it says what we loose on earth he shall loose in heaven but some of y'all are so pitiful because your company is not prophetic you don't have nobody who loves you enough to speak something positive during a negative situation am i talking on this side anybody that keeps bringing you negative conversation decrease your availability find somebody that don't think you're stupid when you only got 500 for a used car but you keep claiming i'm a driver maserati you can claim what you want to claim it is free to test drive y'all ain't talk it is free to go looking for a house and walk through the house opening but as you walk through it and you begin to worship in that place god might make the final decision to give you something that your little said you could never have i never go looking in the name of the lord for something i can afford when i want it i then go by my budget when he sends me on a search i go by his [Applause] when my name in the credit report and the beacon score i wish i had educated praises is not high enough for what i'm trying to purchase and god told me his mind i tell him i can't afford it the score is too low he says then that's in my name you follow and some of y'all have lost so much of your faith that you forgot the power of his name so you looking for other people to co-sign because you've not trust who told you to go on the trip i'm boring she went right off and did it did just as elijah said it turned out as he said daily food for her and her family i think i'm freeing some somebody the jar of meal didn't run out the bottle of oil didn't become empty that's right god's promise fulfilled to the letter i'm gonna say this for ten folk who will jump because i know you're not used to it why do we have to do that because the bible said you obey the prophet and you prosper you don't listen you obey that's why some of you ain't blessed because your personality disqualifies you you're the one broke and you still ain't gonna jump up then stay sitting down looking fly flying broke but ten of you catch this and scream the lord said tell you don't accept any changes tell him you want exactly what he told you you no no if he told you it's black then pink ain't good if he told you a luxury car then this car is not mine god's word never goes on discount 25 minutes on the clock turn to luke chapter 4 verse 24 through 26 just so we can lay some uh real real real stuff on here because because when a story thank you reverend for being here when a story is really important it does not just stay in the old testament a few stories are so powerful that god has to re-mention them in the new testament i don't hear nobody over here that's why i left from over there and when it's in the new testament then that means it passed the test in the old testament and that meant somebody in the new testament church was going to go through the same thing because you got a group of saints that say if it ain't in the new testament i don't believe it because the new testament is for the new kingdom church so let's see if this story made it over look how quiet it got let's see if that story that i preached made it over i'm going to read it and see if one person jumped because you want a miracle uh uh-uh i'm putting back in them big letters y'all know i'm not trying to read that i'll just go to my bible i don't know what that is but let me say this luke 4 24-26 says these words and he said verily i say unto you i would somebody catch it no prophet is accepted in his own country y'all quoted it but you never knew where it was it's attached to this story which simply means for five or six people who know god use you to scream for yourself even though your word is right folk who know you don't know how to separate familiarity from god's instruction who do they think they are to tell me and i've been saved longer than them did yo we got some crazy people [Music] no profit it didn't say some no can i get some holy ghost filled people laura help me no prophet pastor lord is accepted in his own country but i tell you of a truth many widows were in israel in the days of elias which is elijah yes sir for those who will scream for yourself even his name changed god's gonna give your name new recognition he's gonna give your name new credit he's gonna put you in places and folk that said you weren't nothing gonna be like that looked like so-and-so but ain't no way in the world cause they thought you were stuck in the old testament but some kind of way if y'all talk more i'll preach better many widows was in israel in the days of elias when the heavens were shut up and now it tells you three years and six months did it while they were in a pandemic the bible calls it great famine hold on what about rona she all over the world not just in her city throughout all the [Applause] land but unto none of them others did elias go to set the woman in serepta which is zeverfest a city in sidon unto a woman y'all must have forgot that was a widow a bishop i spoke to a jewish theologian a rabbi yes sir you know he throws me off sometime because he knows way more than me he does because he was my teacher and every now and then he says you were great but you missed a major point says now you pentecostal people black and white they don't care about it but those who really want answers do so let me tell you this in the old testament y'all hear me he said she's a widow in the new testament something happened that we forgot said was a widow oh y'all y'all are messed up god's not gonna give you your marriage till he give you something to manage i know y'all don't like what i'm talking because if people come to your life and you get blessed they take credit for the blessing so some of us god took everything away from us so that he could rebuild us and then he gave us somebody who we deserved or who deserved notice how some of you women didn't scream that's why you're lonely cause you thought your looks can get it but you found out now looks don't matter no more your shape don't matter no more your long hair don't matter no more nothing about you matters you see women that you think you look way better than they got a beautiful husband taking care of them and you be like how did she get him the question should be why you didn't get him the question is not how it's why i would expect him to have somebody to look way better than that why verse 27 they put it up there so i'm gonna read it it says heard you did in capernaum well let me tell you something no prophet is ever welcome in his hometown isn't it a fact y'all not talking that there were many widows in israel at the let's go on at the time of elijah during the three days message bible and a half years the drought when the famine devastated the land weighing that now but the only widow to whom elijah was sent was let's go there was insurrector in zidane and there were many lepers y'all to hear me also in israel at the time of the prophet of of what elisha but the only one cleansed was naaman so that means and all of this reading jumps for me brother simmons if you catch it god says he don't care how many people are infected he's gonna always have exceptions y'all ain't and you that did not die and others did it's because you are the exception to the rule now he didn't let you do that to still look like everybody else you got to come out with a faith and a fact that tells everybody else the season does not change how i'm living or i don't hear nobody what everybody else is going through is not gonna make me panic and cry and lose my life i'm still gonna be happy i'm still gonna wake up every morning i'm still going to smile is there anybody here that feels you are an exception to the rule now i know they're gonna think i'm arrogant but i do believe by faith that i am an exception to the rule now the holy ghost just dropped something in me i'm not preaching yet but i feel like i'm on that train holy ghost said tell five folk who will scream by faith in this word that i'm about to say your life will change you that are watching by social media type it in the thread and i mean type it you're not just an exception god says as of tonight you are an exemption you are in an exemption i've hugged folk with covey didn't catch it people kissed me that i didn't know had it didn't catch it folk closest to me had it i get tested it's negative i said god was going on he said you ain't something special but the faith that you preached in my people and the way you boldly proclaim who i am i have to do for you what they did for the nba i got to put you in your bubble yelling and some of y'all don't know you're living in the same world but you have an invisible [Music] don't you worry about a thing 19 minutes left to teach let me holler two minutes hear me cuz shandai i feel these gloves coming but let me say this to all of you my mother and father this may bore you so you consider stan my mother who was not my biological mother but she is my mother she raised me in the fear and the ammunition of the lord yvonne hall i know you may be watching i love her she took the place of my biological mother who was murdered on christmas no hours we just gone through the story she turned around and i did not receive her as my mother because i knew my mother and she married my father and her being in our house made my father give us less time no more bowling no more chinese food because he doesn't got married so i never ever really received her in my early stages y'all don't like my story of mama so she was not my mother and one day she just approached me because she's like that she got all big brothers and she's the only girl so she got a little fight in her she said you think you know your father better than me i said i know i know my father better than you i've been with him all my life see how y'all acting like some of you think you're more saved because you've been saved and in church all your life but church ain't got in you yet because if you was in church and church was in you you would have not missed sunday no matter what people were afraid of it wasn't in you we decided to do a challenge the challenge was what is your father's favorite cake [Music] i said my father's favorite cake is a a lemon cake with the vanilla icing she says okay how many times you ate the cake i said every time you eat it said do you know how to make it i said i do she said okay you're gonna make his favorite cake and i'm gonna make his favorite cake oh i don't hear nobody talking now oh i don't hear nobody i'll say this for a person who will jump and scream loud cause you're gonna be wealthy before god blesses you you have to be challenged and some of you right now are being challenged it's a challenge asking folk to help you when you ain't used to asking for help it's a challenge living somewhere when you're used to having your own it's a challenge saying can i get a ride to church when you're used to having your own car because covert allowed your car to be repossessed or you got fired from a job and couldn't fix the car you have but i'm telling you y'all don't hear me you don't have to worry if you don't talk i won't preach in our home in roosevelt 65 decatur street in roosevelt long island after we moved from the hood of brownsville brooklyn my mother mother-in-law had a kitchen upstairs then we had a kitchen for my father came into money downstairs so i lived downstairs they stayed upstairs my mother said you go to the store and get your stuff and you make your cake downstairs i'm gonna make my cake upstairs so i went because i knew how to make it because i watched him and made it like i saw him make it i went i didn't need a lot of stuff i went down the aisle and got a duncan heinz box of you see how y'all ain't talking and some of y'all laughing but you can't make a cake period you're right you're right don't laugh at my story i went and i went and got me my little duncan heinz box i brought the little icing in a can i had my eggs milk oil and whatever and i ran and act like i had the secret and zoomed downstairs trying to protect my secret my mother was upstairs i walked upstairs like kids do to spy on her i saw her with stuff that didn't make sense oh yeah i said this ain't gonna turn out right and i'll tell you why for a screamer i never saw it like this before i ain't never seen my father use no real flower i ain't never seen him use no shift sifter i don't know what she doing zoom back downstairs and told my brothers i'mma kill her cause everything she used and we ain't never seen before i started singing like my grandmama two eggs water but you can use milk teaspoon of oil oh y'all ain't talking beat well stir on media i even tasted it like i taste my grandmama's because before you cook it you can taste the liquid and if you taste the liquid you can almost feel what it's going to be like when it's solid oh some of y'all and right now some of you ain't got no liquid but he's about to make your liquid solid i'm talking to business folk now liquid is another word for money [Applause] the bank will ask you what are you worth in liquid see some of you didn't scream because you ain't on the prophetic but you that caught it just because you're the exception this glove is coming for you like a michael jackson god's gonna make you the most blessed person in your whole family and everybody were able to get a piece of cake but they'll never get your oil y'all i'm almost ready to preach now i told y'all just hang in there babies and listen listen i'm whipping this thing and then i had already preheated the oven to 375 some say 425 i had already preheated it i already put a little oil in the two pans and put a little flour on it and shake it off see y'all ain't talking and then you empty the excess flour off so when it cooks it don't stick to the side of the rim y'all don't want to talk to me sisters that's why y'all ain't married you don't cook but all of this and you're laughing but you're gonna be single laugh at that nobody marries to have something way less than his mother nobody put it in there and then i went upstairs and hers was still not in the oven i looked at her she said what you up here for i was like i i just need to tell you you don't need to tell me anything you go do what you doing and let me do what i'm doing i said but i want to help you cause everything you using i never seen before and i spoke for my father i can already tell you he's not going to like it she looked at me i don't know how she knew it for three focal screen she says i promise you the taste is different i said why he says she says what comes from a box is not better than what comes out of a bag y'all need to oh y'all [Music] i got somebody helping me while the rest still looking around my cake was done you have to let it cool off before you go to the next process now the reason why i'm prophetically using cake and preaching because cake is in my story and i want to say this to five folk who know that you're gonna be business blessed and entrepreneurs and that is this two things number one you never ever try to achieve a thing while you're hot some of you got to learn to cool off when it's hot and it's done three things happen i'll name one or two and i'll see if you scream cuz you still won't scream because this mask is your muzzle the first thing is it ain't ready cause it looks ready you gotta poke it and it can't respond you follow you gotta put a toothpick in there or a fork and if it comes out with crumbs you gotta leave it in a little longer and some of y'all were challenged all year but you still cut still got mad still they're not so god said leave them in there they're not ready to go to the next level until they stop responding to certain issues am i boring the musicians y'all talking to me stuck my toothpick and came out clean pulled it out the next thing you got to do before you're ready to go to the next level for screaming women and men who i ain't heard scream yet is you got to go through the process of sitting going nowhere you got to leave it the word leave it on my note says this for whoever will dance two seconds and be rich leaving it feels like you're stuck i feel like i'm doing nothing i'm just here working home lord jesus covet is killing me what you are right now in this season for over a year for screamers cause after this god's going ice in your life right right after this oh y'all the sweet part is about to finally come right now i'm just sitting here [Music] i feel a dance too you don't even know what the next process of your life is i watch the movie i want to say this prophetically to the prophetic people who will scream god says you've been hurt so much and gone through so much that you've lost even your passion so the lord said tell you i'm still gonna keep my word whether you believe it or not he said but in these words is your next praise and you better use it he said when i bless you and even though you think that i forgot you and you don't have any more feelings eat the cake anime just eat the doggone cake some of y'all i'm telling i don't want to be married no more you better shut your mouth cause what's coming is icing and it's your favorite cake you need to shut up anime [Applause] some of your behavior is gonna forfeit your miracle i keep telling you i got eight minutes let me fast forward we icing the cakes my father came home from a long work he works very hard and i love him my father comes upstairs this time we make him y'all missing the prophecy we make him skip dinner we're going straight to dessert oh y'all don't hear you my father that's my son back there i now heard your voice harris my father walked upstairs he said what y'all got to eat my mother said cake my father looking said no no i want some food then i said it's your favorite cake he said y'all kidding he said yellow cake with some lemon cake with some vanilla yeah he got to the table pulled out his milk oh y'all don't know nothing about no real because y'all lactose intolerant but my father was good that's when women fall out oh no no no get lactate but my father got his milk got his nest nestle cup back in the old day the big brown cup put some ice in it brought out his milk got his fork fault we presented two cakes my father said hold on if i say this and you don't scream you missed it god ain't giving you one [Music] all right i'll say it like this for the real screamers he's gonna give you what you had and what you never had he's gonna lay right there my father we put both presentations both presentations were set before him we didn't tell him who made which because that was the deal the father had to choose so he went for the cake closest to him which i knew was mine and she knew it and he cut a sliver of the cake put the fork on it put it in his mouth this true story and said good god almighty i said that's the end of this this good god almighty you see how some of you ain't talking i can flip this and say this for one screamer who knows that you're gonna be a millionaire or millionaires everybody's pleased when the father's happy and some of y'all keep giving him that box praised that same thank you god said i'm tired of the same thing i'm my father my father put that fork on that cake and went for it took a little sliver ate it all my father then said i need another slice my mother then said with her new authority try the other one and my father said did you sorry i don't need the other one yet i'm happy with this she said but try it see some of you can't get blessed because you won't try just certain things you ain't gonna do i ain't screaming i ain't running i ain't running around no church i don't care about no house that much you're crazy my mother did something i didn't do she cut it for him she served them yes oh yeah bishop she used her hand in the fork knife and put it on his plate so nice and he said thank you i didn't get a thank you i'm upset that he's not tasting her food and she's already getting a thank you oh y'all missed it sometimes you got to thank him before you taste it lord if you give me this i'll praise you god said why don't you just praise me and then watch what i give you some of y'all just not doing this right and these young people ain't screaming because y'all privileged you think you entitled your parents did a terrible job my father took the fork put what he was presenting in his mouth and this is exactly how i know i won he said and he made a disgusting face [Music] i said she out of here he then took another piece of her cake put in his mouth his eyes got sleepy like they were rolling i then said go back to your favorite cake he said he said todd you like this kind of cake right you and i like same cake say yep it's my favorite he said you eat that one he was giving me back what i made for him why y'all ain't screaming he had it too many times [Music] so god told me to tell the screamers in here i'm not giving you what you used to i'ma give you something you never had and when i bless you you won't even have the words to express [Music] it and he's going to bless you so well i hope somebody screamed for me that you're going to push away what you were used to having don't need it don't want it don't want to be around it my taste has changed i'm about to preach now let me hear an e flat in case trouble start yeah that that as i prepare to close one thing about the prophetic and i'm cutting and pacing now for three folk who will push me is if you look at it from a human standpoint and you're not prophetic in thought the prophetic looks greedy and selfish that's why there are new preachers talking against prophets because they don't understand what we do because in our field of work for screamers you can't get without giving look how quiet it got now the second thing that i'm almost there the second thing that is something you should be concerned about which is 10 of you who know you're going to be blessed is god never tells us the whole story prophecy has holes in it look he'd be like you gonna be rich but you don't see you're gonna get fired first and gonna do this and have a court case god don't tell you everything why this shot ain't talking no more let me have a consistent side god never told elijah that where he was going was a house that was struggling he told him like they had a lot of food i've set you up to eat and when he got there for screamers it didn't look like nothing god said that's right y'all still quiet over here then he didn't tell the woman that she had a guest coming to eat let's do the math before we praise god for five folks scream he didn't tell nothing that little was coming and he didn't tell little that nothing was coming to take i got help right there both parties involved in the prophetic transition are in need but what's going to bless the story for those who will scream is they've got god in coming oh y'all and some of y'all can be blessed because who you're hanging out with does not have any conception of who god is and when you talk like god is speaking they laugh so god backs out of the story [Applause] he didn't say where there's two or three rich gatherings that's right he just said both of you can be broke but just touch and agree all you need tonight to be blessed is to find another crazy person like you within your proximity and be like do you believe i can be debt free do you believe i can be an entrepreneur and if both of you say yes god says there am i in the midst of it he doesn't get in the middle until you get in agreement you're about to enter the next best 10 years of your life [Music] eat that cake anime to both of them it does not look like anything god said so the prophetic is a spoken word that never looks like it's real and the only way you can believe in it is you got to have prophetic thinking your credit score will tell you you know that ain't god you can't even get an apartment how are you gonna get a house if i'm talking to you you better talk back cause i'm about to holler and leave your family will tell you what are you dumb you got a brand new car you don't even have a job how you gonna pay the car no that's why the car dealership allows the first 80 days the first 30 days free who to say god won't give you a job the next week see y'all want god to do it in the order of making sense but god says my ways are not your ways i'm about to preach nor are my thoughts your thoughts i don't care how you think it's what i say i'm about to holler without y'all cause i'm done he gets to the lady's house let me hit that e flat again i'll be there and he gets to the lady's house and when he gets to the ladies house she is basically acting like a girl scout she's gathering some sticks she's about i wish i had a preaching church to rub those sticks together until fire come on and she's not trying to cook because she's hungry she's trying to cook because the boy is hungry when she said i'm making food she said for him and me which means you that are going to be rich you got to always have somebody ahead of you that you want to be a blessing to because you remember when you were in the same situation i want about two or three of y'all and i'm not there i'm not there yet but i need about two or three of y'all that know that you're going to be supernaturally blessed and successful to raise your voice to god and say lord anyway you bless me [Applause] i'll be satisfied now you that said i ain't doing that that's why you won't be there but you that know god takes the foolish things to confound the wise i'm gonna give you another shot at this piece of cake and i want you to look up like your house is paid off and say lord way you bless me you ain't got to do it like that i'll be satisfied cut that gain up cause i want to yell now don't bring it down let my stroke do its job thank you but anyway you bless me lord i'll be satisfied so when he gets there he tests to see if this is gone the test was ask for something that don't cost nothing can i have water she easily gets ready to get water but god says if you want to know if it's me ask for the harder thing y'all ain't talking to me and while she's on the way to get the water can i get a witness here she turns around and finds him asking for bread lord jesus helped with these folk to have church god says when what you ask for is easily achieved throw it back and ask god for something a little more difficult the bible says is there anything that's too hard that's too hard for god i'll preach in a minute i want you to look at somebody like you can give them a loan and not need it back and tell them by the month of march what's yours is coming out of the fire cause tell them right now everything you need is in the oven but god is about to tell you it's done why don't y'all prophesy give me a little more gain and look around the parameters of the church even with your mask on and you that are watching by social media you can scream if you can yourself and tell your neighbor the most powerful two words tonight oh i didn't hear the most powerful two words tonight is it's done you better tell somebody like you know things are already happening in the realm of the spirit i want you to tell your neighbor it's already done i know you're itching diamond give me 30 more seconds i want you to include not just you but include what the woman did all your children all your family speak the miracle over everything attached to you and get a face like the cake is so good that you can't find words and scream out until god starts doing it and say it's already done [Applause] it's on it's already done college tuition already paid student loan paid off insurance paid three years in advance a new church built from the ground up paid off healed from the crown of my head to the very sole of my feet all of my children saved all of my parents saved i'm coming y'all all the bills paid just quit my job and open up a lucrative business that just brought me in a quarter of a million dollars in the first quarter of the year if you believe that that could be you throw your head back and say it again it's already well it's already good god almighty it's already done we can't touch each other because we ain't got gloves but look at somebody and act like you're gonna pump fist them and say neighbor i'm not jealous of you but one of us is about to get a miracle in the next 24 hours and i don't care which one of us gets it but when you get yours just give me a slice until mine is ready i don't need everything but all ah need is somebody that cares enough about me to say until yours gets ready you can have a little bit of mine y'all ain't talking to me but look at somebody else and get a new person somebody they told me when i was a child you got to give your first slice to your best friend oh y'all don't do that no more they also said make a wish and blow out the candles let me tell you how god says it for the 50 folk who want to be blessed he said delight yourself also in the law and he'll give you the desires i've been going up without you of your heart why don't y'all turn around and act like you don't have a job to go to and tell your neighbor i'm enjoying covid cause i just moved into my mansion and i'm still decorating the house still doing some things that i would have needed time to do god told me to tell you he's freeing up some of your time cause you're gonna need time to redecorate your life i want y'all and you can get ready to come in i want y'all to look at somebody i'll look at you and your wife and i want you to tell your neighbor you're gonna need time for what god is about to give you be very careful who you tell about the miracle because it's going to stay with you for the next nine years if i gotta witness you can say yes lord no drums just me and you and we'll bring that sound in later i've got a feeling that everything is going to be all right i know y'all want that music but i want you to high-five yourself and say self i want you to hear me the lord wants me to tell you tonight you can have your cake and eat it too so many people tell you you can't have both of them but god told me to tell you cut this back up forget that music god told me to tell you you can have the best of both worlds come on and lean like you're leaning on somebody turn your back to me and tell your neighbor you can't spread covey this way and say neighbor i can't look at you yet i can't hold your hands but i got your back and tell them i'm telling you god is about to bless you like you've never been blessed before and he may not come when you want him but he's right on time pastor allen put your weight on me until god bless you i'm gonna keep you standing till god bless you i'm not gonna let you fall and if anybody here wants to bless somebody look him in the face and say ah neighbor i got you back tonight you gonna be all right because living he loved me dying he saved me buried he carried my sins away but right rises he justifies he freed me with your head church here not noise play look at somebody and say i got your back i got enough for both of us and until you get blessed imma tell jesus give me enough for my brother give me enough by my sister give me enough for my pastor give me enough for my ministry love you that really want to be blessed forget what they doing just look up to god and let's go to 1973 and repeat after me the words of this song lord do it lord do it do it for me right now y'all too young you didn't know that song 1976 repeat after me and say it like you know it and say some folk would rather have houses or lands some folks to see other or gold these things they treasured they forgot about their soul but i'm not decided i decided i have decided i decided it's a decision y'all i decided to make jesus my choice what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose their very soul yeah say yeah yes say yes [Music] look at somebody that ain't frustrated and say hey neighbor say hey neighbor get up off the hey name us can i help you cause i want you blessed i want you to get a miracle i want you to have it before 24 hours and tell them i may not be the guest preacher but i got a word in my mouth that i got to get to you it's a three word prophecy if you don't eat it if you don't digest it if you don't get glory unto god when i say it you will forfeit your new season the three words are paid in full paid and full i don't want half of it i don't want 80 percent of it 99 and i have won't do give it all to me tell god give it all to me i said tell the lord [Music] i want you to get somebody else's hand and i want you darius to look that person in the face and say uh i can't hear these can y'all call them god is about to give you the desires of your heart he may not come when you want him but he's always i said he's always he's always he's always on time if i've got a witness clap your hands and say yes stand on your feet i'm done i'm done i'm all that done [Applause] i'm done bishop two things and i'm done now [Music] it's already done if i say it somebody ought to qualify it but it's already done those that say i'm their father and everything they ought to be saying it out their own mouth and stop hustling and prophesy to the wind and say it's already done [Music] stop trying to get an appointment and get an assignment two things my friend and brother thank you for your patience thank you for inviting someone like me here i thought by now i would be too boring for people but it seems like my sub topic is me it's all in the mix when you are necessary in people's lives you're a part of the mix will you tell your neighbor it's all in my mix you understand hear this look at me don't look at no friend that ain't gonna pay no bills ain't gonna ask you can you treat them the whataburger tonight on fridays that close at 12 o'clock he must hear me bring this down just a tad bit and hear me clearly you can't do what three people tell you to do do what one tells you hear me and hear me closely the woman had only had had only one problem that you all i'm speaking prophetically used to have and that is young prophet she called it like she saw it i have no cake she actually with her eyes and my eyes in the natural did not have a cake but for 10 folk who would jump because you ready to be blessed she had what it took to make a cake and some of you don't know how to mix your little until something great comes out you didn't get happy but i'm good you keep saying all i have is a little bit of this a little bit of that but when little meets little and they exchange purpose something great comes out of it i had the flower i had the mix destiny i had the oil i had the eggs i had the measurements i had the bowl but none of that would have meant anything somebody better scream here and catch it if if what i put in the bowl would have ran from the beating and the lord told me to tell screamers covet beat you but it really mixed you so that i can put you in a place where you come out well done you're too soft you're too liquid you have potential but you never become the product because you avoid the fire and you avoid the beating you run from anything that looks like pain hurt but you run to prophetic candy but you run from the pain of the process if i had to put them eggs flour oil and water in the pan without beating it i don't know what it would have came out at but i promise you this even with potential it wouldn't been cake oh y'all just missed it even though all the ingredients in there because it's still not come together it would have been a mess i close here as you're looking happy for who you're standing next to or slide over my grandmama gave me my last thing my grandmama gave me one rule when she was making her cake you may have heard she says do not run see some of y'all ain't had no raisin don't run through my kitchen oh y'all hear me prophetically get you all ready put one glove on i'ma join you do not run in my kitchen then she gave this for those that's how i know that y'all were raised right she says when you check on the cake don't slam the door then she said todd i'm prophesying now go check on what i believe is coming to pass said the last time you saw it it was yellow and liquid go tell me what it looks like now first thing i told her for screamer is it's rising will you tell that to somebody you're rising you're rising tell them elevation is all in your future just tell them because it ain't prophecy if it's not spoken then i told her this the texture has changed it looks like nothing that it started out to be let her praise him leave her alone she said what it looked like it looks like it's getting brown she said that's okay she says go in there and get a toothpick she says pierce the top of the cake pull it out bring it to me bought it out she was able to say it's not ready i then was blessed to say how you know she said because stuff is still coming out of it that ain't supposed to come out we pulled them out leave them on the counter they got cool she then decided which would be the top oh y'all and which would be the bottom i'm prophesying y'all lost but three people scream on this it don't weather what's the top and the bottom we getting sliced that's a piece of cake together nobody looks at cake and just eat the top of it because when you eat it you flip it on the flat part so you can just look at it i then tasted it she said how'd that feel i said it's great here's my clothes look at me like you expecting a miracle that was the first cake i helped my grandmother make my grandmother looked at me and said now give it to all your brothers and cousins i said what see y'all i said you made me do all this work you don't need to go home you made me do all this work to taste what i can't have to tell you is good enough to give to somebody else she said don't you ever give people what you won't eat yourself i served it to them because she told me all the cake was gone she started looking at my attitude i'm closing she said come here boy you my oldest grandchild yes ma'am fix your face when you came over here you were not expecting the cake i brought up the idea don't you ever look that way you can always get cake another day in my head i didn't get this i was like no i want my cake now because i've watched everybody else get it before me oh yeah and they're getting what they had no hands in they didn't go through the test they didn't take no instructions and the day of us watching others get what we deserve that's coming to an end too i'm telling you my grandma waited a half an hour because she had a client in her uh salon because she was a beautician back then not a hair designer my grandma said come with me i said am i in trouble she said you come with me my brothers and cousins like you in trouble you come upstairs to my room and i went up there and she was pointing and she don't get like that i said i'm in trouble i was saying sorry on my way upstairs see y'all don't have that kind of fear i was like whatever i did i'll apologize shut up come up these young people come upstairs went in her room she says go over to your grandfather's refrigerator i said uh-huh cause he said don't go in his refrigerator not my grandfather he ain't say bouquet jones ain't saying she said open that fridge and i opened it and there was a cake that she made i said grandma y'all be having your own cake she said todd when i brought you over here to make cake for others i had already made what i had for you she said you would have never got it if you didn't give it away uh oh i can't get nobody helping then she said the difference in you and them and i hope somebody yelled for me is they got slices [Applause] she said you didn't just get the cake that they didn't get you got the recipe you can do this for yourself over then she said this to me woman of god and then we're closing she said you got what they didn't get she said let me show you the difference in how people act this is the truth i went she said run downstairs with nothing and see how they act it was like did you get in trouble we knew he's gonna get in trouble then she said command them to come up higher to follow you upstairs i told the brothers that laughed at me the most come with me upstairs they came upstairs walked in the room and said who's that i said oh that's my grandma that ain't fair she said see how the attitude changed because if they would have waited they'd have got a hole y'all ain't talk and some of y'all don't know you waited cause you're not getting a piece and the last thing i'll say for the loudest screamer is with your cake you get to choose who you give something to but the first season you had to do what god told you to do for folk you didn't want to do it for now you get to invite folk you get to be picky
Channel: Christ Cathedral Church
Views: 10,773
Rating: 4.6646705 out of 5
Keywords: Christ Cathedral Church, Christ, Cathedral, Church, Grace, International, Fort Worth, Texas, Bishop, Sherman, Allen, Ministry, Religion, COGIC, Christianity, Pentecostal, 2021, Todd Hall, Prophetic Summit 2021
Id: L5rhQ3YECNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 1sec (7621 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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