It's All His - Bishop Michael A. Blue

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um we're going to the word of god and uh i'm asking you to call uh a rather i'm calling your attention i ask that you would join me uh and invite your attention to the book of ephesians the book of ephesians chapter one now please know that um as we have stated before that the ongoing overarching emphasis that the lord has given us the past several weeks has been the supernatural is not optional and it is still not optional and so this lesson that we will be sharing this now afternoon uh still is encompassed by that theme however this uh particular lesson comes out of a meditation and prayer where the lord pointed out some things and i thought that it was very appropriate with regard to the uh table of the lord today father we thank you for your loving kindness thank you that you have given us the privilege to call on your name to gather in your name to honor your name to seek your face lord god we thank you because we know that it is only in you that we live and move and have our being i know father that without you we are nothing i know that without you we can do nothing but with you it is with you that all things are possible to him that believe it hallelujah lord we do believe and we ask that you help thou our unbelief father i thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of jesus thank you for the purging power of the water of the word of god and father i confess that not all of my words thoughts nor deeds have been consistent with yours lord but we ask that you forgive and cleanse are called into your promise in first john 1 and 9 lord god let us be holy holy let us be lord god completely set apart unto your glory unto your honor and your praise father i ask your god to let us be clear and afresh with the whole arm of god hallelujah lord god let the whole arm of god be our covering and father right now we pray we pray oh god for those to whom we are for whom we are assigned to pray lord god we lift up our natural families we lift up lord this church family we lift up this fellowship we lift up lord god this community this state this nation and the nations of the earth lord i'm asking you to hold back the plan of the enemy in the name of jesus i rebuke every hindering spirit i rebuke every spirit that comes to steal that come to kill that come to destroy i rebuke every work of satan by the authority of jesus name and i thank you lord that you've given us authority you said behold i give unto you power to tread upon serpents and upon scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you father we come to you right now we ask you to let your holy spirit have his way in our midst lord but we can do nothing without the moving of your holy spirit without the guidance without the teaching without the leading of your holy spirit shower down on your people today in the name of jesus shower down on your people in my satire in the name of jesus show yourself mighty and strong for thine is the kingdom thine is the power and thine is the glory in the name of jesus christ of nazareth amen and amen thank you lord hallelujah thank god for jesus thank god for jesus we thank the lord uh brother daniel james his presentation that takes place this afternoon we thank the lord for the lord developing him continually equipping him continually thank the lord may god ever more lift him up and he was gracious enough to try to uh not uh allow his event to be anything other than a blessing and we thank god for him and his heart in that regard god's going to use him in jesus name i don't just mean in his presentation i mean god's going to use him for his glory the book of ephesians chapter one i want to thank the lord for the prayer that he keeps before us i thank him for a prayer emphasis it is not an emphasis that is based solely upon the fact that there has been a pandemic and there is a pandemic that continues to ravage people's lives and uh it's not based on that i thank god that he has made it possible for us to pray before there was a pandemic and to gain an understanding although it is a growing understanding but and to gain an understanding as to why we ought to pray and and even more than that though we ought but to gain an understanding as to why god or how god established it to be so that prayer is essential because god made it so he didn't have to do it but he made it so that in order for things on the earth to come into alignment with things in heaven he teaches us to pray remember that from the beginning he said pray thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven and so the purpose of prayer is our partnership with god that his will might be done in this dimension as it is done in the celestial dimension can you say amen to that amen is absolutely the right answer and so we pray because god willed it so we pray because that is the economy that god established in order for us to uh hear what heaven is saying and to see what heaven is doing to embrace what heaven is dispensing then we are to pray there are economies in the natural and there are economies in the spirit economy from the greek or economists from which we get our word economy also means household it means management uh and the economy of this earth or the economies of this earth in some ways reflect the economies of heaven or of the spirit realm and just as most economies are built upon some principle of exchange some principle exchange of exchange by means of which a medium of exchange allows for there to be a flow of goods and services to and from producer consumer and uh i was thinking just the other day again about the fact that there is not only currency in the natural there is currency in the natural we think of it we call it money money is currency in the natural and i thought about it again we've said it before but i will tell you again that i am more and more convinced that there is currency in the spirit realm as well and one of the primary currencies and i keep leaning towards seeing the currency but right now i will still say one of the primary you understand because there are there are various kinds of money in different countries but it's all currency it's all medium exchange so so i'm almost at the point i'm not quite there but i'm almost at the point where i'm going to change the indefinite article to the definite article not just a currency but the currency of the kingdom of god but for right now we'll let it be a currency i just can't find any that don't fall within its parameters and the currency that i am still referring to right now as a currency of the kingdom of god is honor honor is a currency of the kingdom of god anything that you're going to receive in god anything that you're going to receive from god anything that you're going to exchange in the spirit in the spirit realm it will come by the currency called honor we'll talk more about that uh later i've talked about it before if you remember any of our honor teachings however thank god uh when we pray we are engaging in the economy of the spirit and in the economy of the spirit honor is the key medium of that exchange when we pray we honor god but when we pray god honors us when we pray we honor god that's obvious much of the time we'll buy our heads bow our bodies lift our hands close our eyes all of those things represent they don't they don't necessarily constitute but they represent honor okay i realize that i'm coming before the sovereign of the universe i'm coming for the creator of the cosmos and therefore i'm going to show deference and reverence honor to god but when we pray and this is the part that again we have to keep meditating in with both both parts but but this is the part that is has been harder for to me for me to wrap my mind around and it seems like it's true among the people that i'm responsible for and that is that in praying not only do we honor god but in praying god honors us here it is one a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it's privilege it's honor it's deference when we pray not only do we honor god but by giving us the privilege of praying god has honored us but it's far deeper than that because god has fixed it that the only way certain things that he wants to happen on the earth will happen is that some human being has to engage in this exchange god so honored mankind that even when mankind fell god did not snatch back what he had given him when he could have when he could have he said let them have dominion isn't that right he said let them have stewardship let them have management let them have responsibility with the corresponding authority over all things earthly over all things earthly concerning all things earthly and mankind fell and god could have snatched his dominion back but he didn't what i say he could have i mean he possesses the might to do it but because he's such a god of character he divested himself of the right to do it he can't contradict his own word and since his word says man dominion he will not contradict his word the the the apostle paul wrote uh if we deny him uh he will deny us he said but he went on and says he cannot deny himself he also said he also said he also said let god be true and every man a liar and if man says i don't have it and god said you do have it are you listening to me then you have to disagree even in your lowly state even in your worst day where we begin to say things like things are just out of my control and out of my hands it is all god says it's not soon he says you do have a save you don't have the only saying and you don't have the last say but you have a save and i'm waiting on you to say hallelujah and so in prayer you get to have your saved lord i would shout just a little bit in prayer you get to have your save hallelujah absolutely so we remember it it's mark it's chapter 11 it's verse 22 where it says have faith in god for verily i say that god say now unto you that whosoever praise the lord shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them are in other words it is in prayer that we have our sake if you abide in me john 15 7 and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will you shall have your save unfortunately too often we're not saying anything too often we're not saying anything oh yeah we may be blabbing but we're still not saying anything we may be running our mouths but we're still not saying anything because until we align ourselves with the word of the eternal god what you're saying is nothing qualitatively nothing it may be quantitatively a lot of words but quality nothing thank you god is waiting on the people who will say something hallelujah in prayer we get to have our saying and of course i'll say is to align itself with his save praise god and when we read the book of ephesians we've talked about the fact that uh the apostle paul is such a man of prayer we even talked a couple sessions ago about the apostles prioritizing prayer and uh this particular apostle uh the apostle paul is obviously a man obviously a man who lives a life of prayer when you read his epistles uh rarely do you read and not find in that epistle some reference to him praying and then his requesting that others would pray for him uh now as we study the book of ephesians a couple points about the book of ephesians everybody please listen i trust you are uh those of you that are that are streaming thank god for you i didn't directly address you but thank god for each of you those who are on the phone those of you who are online we appreciate your engagement we appreciate your engagement because we know that um you could have chosen not to worship at all and then you could have chosen not to worship with us but the fact that you've chosen to worship that has eternal benefit in your life and then the fact that you've chosen to worship with us that's a great blessing to us so thank you for being with us whether you remember our guest everyone is welcome as a matter of fact share with someone else it's not too late now one thing that i'd like to lift up about the book of ephesians is that uh church first first the church at ephesus was established by the apostle paul remember in the 19th chapter of the book of acts the bible says and it came to pass that while apollos was at corinth paul having passed through the upper coast came to ephesus and finding their certain disciples he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and you know the story where they said they hadn't heard of the holy ghost and he found out that they were baptized unto john's baptism and the bible says that he gave them a correction he said john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is believe on jesus who's going to come after john he said that is on christ jesus and the scriptures that these these disciples were clearly disciples because the disciple is a disciplined one and as soon as they got clarity they were ready the bible said when they heard this they were baptized they submitted themselves uh baptized in the name of the lord jesus and when paul had laid his hands on them the holy ghost came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied and the bible said the number of the men's men were about 12. there were about 12 initial charter male members of the church at ephesus that church grew immensely that church grew to such proportion that uh the uh there was a protest concerning the great work that uh that paul was doing the bible says that the witches started breaking their wands i'm paraphrasing but the bible said many of them that used curious arts brought those that's witchcraft bible said they brought the books and burned them thank god the bible says that it's in that ephesian context that uh from the body of paul were brought to the sick handkerchiefs or aprons the bible says the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them it was in the uh church at ephesus or in the town of ephesus where paul disputed for the space of two years in the school of taranis so in other words not only uh did he demonstrate apostolic power but he also demonstrated what it means to be an apologist not an apologizer but an apologist that is someone who gives defense for the gospel can you say amen to that thank you lord so the church at ephesus was what we would call it our day it's definitely make a church it had mega impact on its community by the power of the holy ghost oh yes by the way it was at ephesus where the seven sons of schever tried to cast out a devil through a power they didn't have and a name they had no right to and a god they did not know and the bible said that the devil said to them jesus i know paul i know but who are you and the bible says one demonized man whipped seven men and stripped them the bible says sent them they fled out of the house naked and wounded thank you sir and it was after that that the witches decided to retire can you say amen praise the lord so now my dear brothers and sisters the church at ephesus is a colorful church uh and then when you read the book of acts chapter 20 we have a beautiful beautiful uh situation in which paul addresses the the elders of the church at ephesus letting them know i'm leaving you and i don't know if i'll ever see you again but i want to commend you unto god and into the word of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified all of that is in the book of acts chapter 20 in reference to the church of ephesus but the church went on and paul went on and after a period of time paul wrote a letter to the church at ephesus he wrote a letter to the church at ephesus because if you recall at the end of the book of acts chapter 28 paul is in prison so he cannot go and visit them but he inscribes uh his signature on a letter that he apparently dictates and sends it to the church at ephesus as a matter of fact it is addressed paul an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god to the saints which are at ephesus and to the faithful in christ jesus one of the reasons why that's important is because some of those letters that were written by the apostles were referred to as encyclical letters encyclical psycho encyclical e in in sickle cycle encyclical letters meaning that they went from congregation to congregation in other words the church uh read this letter about the apostle shared it with another church with another because they didn't have a new testament they only had scarce copies of the old testament are you listening to me and uh so we have this instance in which paul has written this powerful letter and when you read the the book of ephesians say with me when you read the book of ephesians you find some tremendous themes but i think that the greatest theme i think that most uh scholars have uh taught us that perhaps the greatest theme of the book of ephesians is that paul teaches us in the book of ephesians about the church of jesus christ that christ is the head of the church and the church is his body and so in the book of ephesians he teaches us the mystery of the church of christ i'm not talking about the denomination i'm talking about that that that organism that it coexists in the spirit with the lord jesus christ being its head i'm talking about the by the members of the lord jesus christ the theme of the book of ephesians is that the church is the body of which christ is the head now the book of colossians is a parallel parallel uh book uh it's another prison epistle and interestingly enough even as the theme of the thesis of ephesians is that the church uh is the body of jesus christ who is the head uh colossians the theme is christ is the head of the church which is his body isn't that interesting that the emphasis in ephesians is on the church is the body of christ who is the head and the book of colossians christ is the head of the church which is his body they parallel one another these these books parallel one another it's beneficial to you yet they they parallel one another let me give an illustration in the book of ephesians chapter five and verse uh uh 18 the bible said be not drunk with wine wearing his excess but be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs that's ephesians 5 18 what did he say he said be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs then in the book of colossians 3 16 the bible says let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs isn't it interesting that that same phrase psalms him spiritual songs is used in the ephesians text and is used in the colossians text in the uh ephesians text uh the spirit of god is the emphasis in the colossians the word of god is the emphasis but the outcome will be the same in the spirit case you'll speak to yourself in the word case you'll teach it admonish one another isn't that powerful hello in god's word powerful and so we look then at uh again the ephesian letter emphasizes the church the mystery that was hidden from generations and hidden from the old covenant saints to a large extent that the church is the body of jesus christ who is its head and then of course in colossians christ is the head of the church which is his body read ephesians and read colossians and you'll marvel at the parallels between the two amen and uh but our emphasis is ephesians and i'm going to run out of time uh but he's praying he begins his ephesian letter with a prayer doesn't it he said for this he says uh uh i'm praying he said when i heard about your faith in verse 15 and your love verse 16. i cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers in that right then he began to say i want god to give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of god and so forth in that right well if you go to colossians chapter one you'll find him praying over there praying that you'll be filled with the knowledge of his will and all wisdom and spiritual understanding that you might want worthy of the lord unto all pleasing i'm telling you it's tremendous how there is parallelism but also it's tremendous to know that this apostle as powerful as he was prioritized prayer thank you sir it's in the book of ephesians help me sir it's in the book of ephesians where the bible teaches us uh uh who we are in christ in christ who we are in christ colossians who christ is in us again okay it goes on it goes on uh ephesians the church which is his body now now here's something that the lord pointed out first paul's prayer for the saints at ephesus and the faithful in christ jesus is directed to god the father now i i don't want to bother anybody because there's one god there's one god can you say amen to that but now there are distinctions within his god-ness within his godhood there are distinctions now there are some sectors of the church the majority of the church the the western church refers to these distinctions as persons god in three person there is another segment of the church that refers to these uh three distinctions as manifestations and uh even though they fight one another when they get a chance uh the truth be told they're not as far from one another the majority of us are not as far from one another as we try to act because the people who say god in three persons if they got good bible says they know goodwill that god is not three different people the word person as it was used in those ancient times when the creeds were formulated did not mean three different people the word person means face it means visage for example the bible says that god is not a respecter of persons that don't mean god doesn't respect people it means god is not moved by your looks about your money not only that but if you like another a much better example is in the book of hebrews chapter 1 what the bible says concerning jesus christ he is the brightness of god's image hallelujah and he has the outshining i've got i've got to go back through it god with sunday times and in diverse manners have spoke spoke in time past unto the prophets fathers by the prophets have in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom have appointed air of all things by whom also he made the world who being the brightness of his glory that is and the express image of his person the image of god's person wait a minute now god's person who is that is not who is that what it means is that jesus is the face of the invisible god the the man christ jesus is the invisible god made visible he gives god a face matter of fact i'm going oh i better not do that that that's a totally different lesson uh i won't do it i won't yield to that i really i've got some of the notes right there in front of me but uh i won't i won't yield to it i'm telling you my dear brothers and sisters that there are distinctions in his godhood and you welcome the same person as long as you know god's not three different people you follow what i'm saying on the other hand the term manifestation be careful with the term manifestation because manifestation can give the impression that's not what we mean but it can give the impression that if we use the term manifestation we're saying something temporary such as god was the father in creation and he was the son in redemption and he hears the holy ghost now as though he's no longer the father and no longer the son that's not biblical he's still the father he's still the son and he skilled the holy ghost you follow what i'm saying no no the father didn't uh evaporate or cease to exist when creation was over as a matter of fact if you really want to be biblical about it the father was not the one who directly created it anyway the father is the one who purposed it all but the work was done through the word of god and she the man christ jesus is the word here's where we get confused we know the man is named jesus but what we fail to understand is that the father and the holy ghost are also named jesus okay we'll talk about that another time we'll talk about it yeah you don't have a problem with the father the son and the holy ghost all being named yahweh you don't have a problem with the father the son the holy ghost all being named el shaddai you don't have a problem with the father of the son of the holy ghost all being named el elyon why do you find it problematic that the father and the son and the holy ghost though there are three of their distinction they all have one saving name and that name is jesus he told us in john 5 42 i am calm in my father's name he told us in that same hebrew chapter 1 the bible says that by inheritance he got the name well if his name is jesus somebody up there named jesus must have passed it to it you follow what i'm saying there praise the lord and then the holy ghost is called the spirit of jesus christ in the book of philippians chapter 1 and verse 19 the bible says that paul we we quoted it last week or week before last he said i know that this shall turn through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ the spirit is called what jesus christ the father the son the holy ghost yes there's three and it's in their distinction but they have one name for salvation and that name is jesus first john 5 and 7 says there are three so stop telling talk they're not when the bible says there are three but read the whole verse that be a record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and be three you can't have the one without the three not the three without the one what you need is a bible and the spirit of understanding can you say amen praise the lord now the emphasis somebody said well i don't understand that riot right right of course you don't understand that if you could understand god you'd be god you don't even understand you how could you expect that you understand god you follow what i'm saying you know you don't understand yourself come on with it now you have many many of you have had these v8 moments you understand v8 where the hitches hit themselves on the forehead why did i do that talking to yourself why did i do what what so you know if you don't understand you you're not going to understand god but now you can understand aspects you can unders you understand you can understand principles concerning god he gives us principles he gives but the bible says the path of the just is that the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day in other words we're growing in our knowledge we're growing one of the reasons one of the reasons brother blue you've got to get back to this one of the reasons why you are going to need to live forever y'all plan on living forever i'm talking about live not just exist people in hell will exist forever i'm talking about live forever how many of you planning on living for help you know one of the main reasons matter of fact the main reason why you gonna live forever is because that's how long it's gonna take for you to understand god the reason why you need to live forever because that's how long it's going to take for you to figure god out does it sound like you're going to figure him out no that's why you're going to have to live forever you're going to keep working on it but you will never fully understand them come on with it hallelujah here and and one of the reasons you'll never understand him fully is because he's continuing to become he is i am that i am but yes also i will be who i will be that's right if you study the word i am that i am is not just am as though it's static that am is dynamic you don't hear what i'm saying in other words he's still becoming where's the church and he's been becoming all eternity long thank you sir he turned it past you got to catch up with you got to go all the way another time all right so so the book of ephesians uh shows god to us and points out something listen points out to us as i said that the the church is the body of jesus christ yes and then it is predicated or it is launched to us it's given a preamble that's that's drenched in prayer and even later in the book there's that major prayer in chapter three are you hearing me but another aspect of this is that when we begin to contemplate prayer and redemption because remember now one of the primary themes of this book is that the church is the body of christ who is his head well how does the church become the church the church becomes the church because god has provided for the redemption of unsaved mankind we were all unsaved mankind we were all unregenerate and degenerate we were all on our way to hell with hell in us are you listening to what i'm saying that's what we were but by the grace of god we have been redeemed god had a plan he had he had a purpose he had a strategy and and as as mystical and mysterious as it is when we read about the plan of god it is always associated either with god the father or with god taking counsel with god and with his own will whenever we begin to read about god's purpose of redemption it's always associated with the father when we read about god's provision of redemption we're always reading about jesus shedding his blood and so on and so forth and of course when we read about the performance and the power for redemption we read about the work of god the holy ghost can you say amen to that yes sir and and one of the things that i want to lift up uh at this juncture uh i want to point out the fact that if you're going to pray and you're going to pray biblically you and i must acknowledge god as father i'm not just saying you got to say the word father but i do notice i do notice that that as time goes on as the decades pass you know i'm old enough to count in decades not just years and i notice that as the decades pass i hear less and less people addressing god as father i hear lots of people addressing god as god but they don't necessarily address god as father now let me point something out to you if the enemy had his way in the natural and in the spirit father would go out of style it's on a decline right now that's why we have these organizations that are father based organization have you you know some of those some of the non-profits that are designed for fathering we have some of those right here in this uh county and certainly in this state absolutely we don't have a lot of mothering ones though you understand because fathering is going out of style i didn't say it's the will of god i'm talking about cultural trends i'm talking about if the enemy had his way fathering would almost be a thing of the past yeah no big deal well you don't have to you don't have to listen to brother blue what does he know just just watch mother's day and father's day and and and and look at the cultural impact of the one as opposed the other the the commercial impact of the one as opposed to the other you follow what i'm saying and the bible says that we should pray that will be done on the earth as it is in heaven we need to bring fathering back in the earth hallelujah but just as earthly fathering has come under bad times and hard times so has heavenly fathering you listen to many of the songs that are written these days you don't hear many songs addressed to god as father they'll either call him jesus or they'll call him god but they don't call him father much you don't have to believe me just do your little research you don't find much addressing but ladies and gentlemen jesus christ taught us that when we pray oh god hallelujah that when we pray we are to address our heavenly creator yeah we are to address our king our sovereign as father the greatest oh god hallelujah lord i've got to leave this the greatest privilege that a human being has in his entire existence is the privilege to identify with god as king god is my father nothing higher than that nothing higher than that you can call yourself apostle if you want to you call yourself prophet even this pastor teacher you call yourself potentate cardinal you can call yourself pope you call yourself presiding predator or prelate whichever way you want to pronounce or mispronounce it you can call yourself whatever but the highest office that there is in humanity the highest pro uh pronouncement of a place of honor and dignity and distinction there's no one higher than this son of god nothing higher i said nothing higher i said the highest office in the church is son of god because if you're not that none of that other stuff matters you know you go to hell bishop you go to hell there will be bishops in hell unfortunately you understand what i'm saying i don't plan to be one of them but there will be bishops in hell all kind of different titles and things we'll be in hell because titles don't say except one there is one there is one title oh yes sir there is one title that says say that son of god the book of john chapter 1 and verse 12. let's start at verse 10. he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not verse 12 but as many as received him did what received him did what received him to them gave he power to become sons of god oh yes sir yes sir thank you sir that's the highest of that that's the title that will take you in see what i said in the book of third a third chapter of john first john first john chapter 3 and verse 1 the bible says behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us who the father who the father who the father have bestowed upon us that we should be called bishops that we should be called elders that we should become no no that we should be called the sons of god whether male or female if you're born again you're a son of god come on he didn't leave the sisters out son means you've got primary privilege you understand in these ancient times sons had all the rights you understand what i'm saying daughters didn't have as much if you notice when you read the genealogies and you read all these sun names and rather do you see daughter names it's because the sons had all the privileges and so god said when i put you in my kingdom i'm not going to come through talking about sons and daughters because somebody's going to argue about whether you got equal right whether you've got equal right in my kingdom and so i'm going to make you all one paul write it down for me in christ jesus there's neither male nor female jew nor greek bond nor free but you're all one in christ jesus sons of god is what we are romans 8 14 i believe it is says for as many as the lamb hallelujah by the spirit of god they're the sons of god tell somebody that's the title that'll take you in hallelujah joshua glory to god thank you sir the devil recognizes that title see the devil doesn't matter it doesn't matter to the devil that your name is bishop the seven sons of skeva are priests and the devil was not intimidated by them being preached you only talking hallelujah the devil was not intimidated by the ordination papers the devil was not intimidated by the ring or the investment the only thing that intimidates the devil is when he can tell you like he told jesus i know who you are hallelujah that's the title that'll get you in glory to god lord i praise your holy name now all right and so uh ladies and gentlemen why would you neglect the highest office by not addressing god in acknowledgment of that office if i am son of god that makes god my father the thing that gives me the right to pray in the name of jesus is because the man christ jesus came son of god and i'm in him a son of god he was the son of god i am a son of god and when i come in the name of jesus i have the same prerogative before god as the man christ jesus had before god why would i not address him his father think about it go to the christian bookstore go to the christian bookstore look for books on the holy spirit and you'll find them look for books on the man christ jesus and you'll find them look for books on god the father you won't find many there's something elusive about god the father and and and and some of the things that we associate with him are actually misappropriations because we think of god as the creator the father rather as the creator the the one we call the son the word he actually created now the father used him the father the father purposed it the father willed it so but but it was the man christ jesus who did it let's go to this saint we are we're in the book of ephesians okay uh because uh i hear a little bit of blessed quietness i'm not talking about the hymn i'm talking about i i hear you being blessedly quiet not wrong with him though uh amen yeah it's in the same uh book of ephesians i i want i want you to see that the bible literally says that uh god the father the bible says that he created all things chapter 3 and verse 9. verse 9 and to make all men see everybody there ephesians 3 9 and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery see that's why it's going to take all of eternity it's a mystery these are hidden truths all right which from the beginning of the world have been hid in god read the next clause who created all things how the man christ jesus of course he wasn't a man at that time but the word of god pre-incarnate is the one who created all things the agent of creation the father's the architect but the man christ well the word is the agent of creation did you hear me go go the gospel of john gospel of john chapter one i'm talking about the fact that we don't really recognize the father but so much john chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word in the beginning was the word hello in the beginning was the word and the word was with god the word was there's existed the word existed with god that is the word existed with the father yikes yikes and the word was the father now what that means is the word and the father are the same essence the word and the father are made of the same stuff if i may use that that's just a human expression i'm trying to convey in other words the father is divine the word is divine the word comes out of god he's as one great man of god said it some years ago he's god from god he's god of god yes sir yes sir so so the bible says that all things were made verse 3 says what all things were made by him now by him whom by him the word all things were made by when you read the new testament word by very often i dare say most often the word by can be understood by this phrase by means of all things were created by means of him the word the father purposed it but by means of the word the thing that he purposed came into existence you don't see it do you but go back to genesis in case you think i'm making this up in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth elohim by the way created heaven and earth and the earth was now forming void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god the spirit of elohim moved on the face of the water so we've got god and we've got spirit then the bible says and god said that's the word and with the father there and women come on and with the spirit there and with the words there creation begin to materialize isn't that right hallelujah but as all after god said that creation began to materialize prior to the saying prior to the saying they were just thinking are you following what i'm saying i said prior to the saying they were just thinking come on church you do know god before he says the thing thinks that thing he told jeremiah before i formed thee in thy mother's womb in other words before it could be sad she's pregnant he said i knew you i thought you before i wrought you i thought you before i brought you i got you before you can you understand before your mother physically conceived you i mentally i spiritually conceived you does that make sense hallelujah because that's a bit much of first sunday no that this is exactly what we need on first sunday so so paul prays to the father go to the third go to the third chapter of ephesians and then we're going to come back and hit on the main points and let it go um ephesians chapter 3 we're there aren't we the bible says god created all things by jesus christ doesn't it say so let's go a little further just to make sure people don't think i'm playing with words verse 10 to the intent that now unto the prince of powers and powers in heavenly places the angelic ones and the demonic ones god wants to give them some schooling the bible said to the intent that now unto these spirit beings in the heavenly places might be known that's the schooling by the church god is going to use the church to take the devil to school i would shout a little bit but i'd probably be in the minority hallelujah he's going to use hallelujah he's going to use the church to take the devil to school hallelujah these principalities and powers the demonic ones the diabolical ones and he's going to use the church to take the angels to school hallelujah because the bible tells us the angels desire to look into the salvation that god has given unto his his people hallelujah he's in the book of uh first peter i believe it is hallelujah but let me give it to you since uh i hear a lot of echo uh praise god the bible said what things there it is uh the angels desire to look into it first peter 1 and 12 the latter clause the bible says uh which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into believe it or not god wants to use the church to take the demons and the angels to school come on church hallelujah thank you can i make it a little more personal hallelujah hallelujah whether you realize it or not when you're going through whatever you're going through you're on stage hallelujah and god is using your walk to take angels and demons to school y'all ain't talking in the room hallelujah in other words the angel that praises god has every right to praise god but that angel can't hurt can't suffer pain can't get sick can't have a marriage or break up you understand what i'm saying that angel has no stress or distress hallelujah but you take the angels to school when you go and do all that stuff i just named but you say like david i will bless the lord hey hallelujah you can yeah you you're not an angel but an angel can't praise him like you praise me i said god is using the church to take the angels to school no it's in the bible it's right here it's right here the bible says that now until the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of god in other words god lets the angels watch you walk out what he already ordained he likes the hate and the demons he lets them watch you walk out what looks like a mess hallelujah he lets the angels watch you walk out your name being joseph and you're being sold by your ten half brothers how to he lets them watch you watch walk out you help saul and saul throws a javelin and tries to pin you to the wall he lets them watch as your name is jesus and your treasurer betrays you and they whip you all night long and then they nail your hands and feet and put you up on the cross he lets them watch that stuff and then turn around and flips it so that everything the enemy meant for evil yes lord god is using his church to take angels and demons to school thank you sir ask somebody how's your course going how's your course how's your course going thank you sir hallelujah thank you they're watching they're watching they're watching they're watching you you're not conscious of it but they are watching paul said we are made of spectacle lord have mercy i can't get to my my lesson here i'm in the lesson of course but uh in the book of romans he's uh first corinthians rather he said we are made a spectacle hallelujah thank you sir we've been made a spectacle there it is uh four and nine he said for i think that god has set forth us the apostles last as they were appointed to death for we are made a spectacle unto the world and to angels and to men in other words god throws you in the ring he throws you into the coliseum he throws you into the arena armed with nothing but his word and he lets the horse of hell come against you and he tells all the angels and all the demons and all your neighbors watch this hot i wish i had a holy church hi whoa lord i praise your name hallelujah tell somebody near you he has made you a spectacle you know what a spectacle is don't you don't you know the rule of the word spectacle is spec which means the look they call glass is spectacles bible said god has made you a spectacle but tell somebody near you if he has made you a spectacle it's for one reason only that he might do the spectacular through your life hallelujah that he might demonstrate his greatness that he might demonstrate his supernatural power he made you a spectacle because what he plans to do through you is spectacular open up your mouth if you believe it and say something all right hallelujah thank you sir oh yes lord i feel like shouting church open your mouth and say oh yes lord whoa hallelujah it's going to be spectacular hey hamas here when god decides he's already decided but when we become aware of when he has decided for you to come out of what you're in and come over what you're under and come through what's trying to hinder you it's going to be spectacular somebody open your mouth and pray those of you that are on facebook youtube and whatever other two open up your mouth and praise him right there hey tell somebody he is my father oh yes he is hallelujah and i'm not going to embarrass him either lord i remember you remember uh you remember stephen when stephen was being stoned hallelujah stephen was a spectacle the bible lets us know that he was talking to the sanhedrin they're about 70 if they were all there 70 elders and stephen is preaching preaching his words of comfort preaching his funeral sermon and the bible said that white's preaching his own funeral huh and he's preaching there and the bible said those folk got so angry they began to grind their teeth the bible called it gnashing they gnashed their teeth hallelujah and when they couldn't take anymore the bible said they rushed him they ganged their church hallelujah wait a minute but while they were watching him stephen said somebody else is in the room he said wait a minute i see heaven open oh hallelujah and i see jesus standing on the right hand of god in other words heaven is watching me ladies and gentlemen he was in the most difficult situation that he'd ever been in but when he became aware that heaven was watching he was satisfied when they began to stone him he had the strength to say father don't even leave their sins in their church because i know of you watching me everything is going to be all right open up your mouth and say if you know that the lord is watching you while you're going through whatever it is that you're going through that you can tell everybody everything is going to be all right yeah whatever the enemy meant for evil i know it's going to turn whatever the enemy used to try to bring me down i know it's going to turn try to say yeah oh yes lord hallelujah it was a spectacular thing for stephen to be stoned and instead of him saying y'all make me sick y'all should be shaming yourself i hope god curses you no instead of that he's praying for them hallelujah when you know heaven is watching you can take whatever you have to take a whole lot better when you know that he's got his eyes on you just somebody near you there's something about knowing that your father is watching whatever you're going through if i know my father loves me and i know he's watching i know that whatever happens he's not gonna let it be too much for me to be able to bury it he's not gonna let it get too hot for me to stay in this fire he's not gonna let me drown oh yeah tell somebody near you six feet of my way tell him you got a father like mine you can't trust him that whatever you're going through you can trust him that whatever's activated in your life the bible says he will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you're able just about it my father got this hallelujah you can go ahead and be seated but open up your mouth and say my father he got this he got it all right lord have mercy my father my father he got i i know i know that standard english would say he has this but allow me to be colloquial idiomatic he got this yo they say nothing my father not my sister regardless of how difficult my father regardless of how painful my father regardless of how confusing the situation is my father he got me and the reason why i know he got this because he got me i'm in his hand yes i am thank you listen let's let let's go just a little further hey lord i praise you hallelujah tell somebody it's time for you lord jesus jesus tell them it's time for you to learn who your father is tell us hey many of us have been abandoned for so long we've been rejected so many times we have trust issues hallelujah yeah many of us come from broken families either the family was broken apart or it was broken together don't fool yourself even though you might have been in the same house many times it was still broken you're ain't saying nothing say yeah but even though the situation was a broken situation hallelujah when you come to god if you're not careful because you couldn't trust the people in your house you think that god is like your natural family but i need you to understand you have another father so you meet your heavenly father hallelujah you haven't met trustworthy until you meet your heavenly father you haven't met reliable until you meet your heavenly father you have a been provided so you met your heavenly father i'm not telling you you didn't have a good daddy i'm not telling you that you don't have a good father i'm trying myself to be a good father to my natural children health as well as my spiritual children but no use of me lying about it on my best day i don't begin to compass with the kind of father that our god is church say yep because one thing about him i can fail i can miss it to have i can lose it i can make a mistake i cannot be there when they need me i can be there when they don't need the help but the god we serve will never let you down his timing is always right it's a provision it's always enough and more can the church say yes hallelujah you've got to become a queen and tell somebody have you become acquainted [Music] with god as your father i know he you know he's your miracle worker yeah you know all of that but have you become acquainted with god as your father you may be seated i'm not done but i'm almost done i won't be finished but i will be done are you listening to me ladies and gentlemen paul's prayer for the saints in ephesus and the faithful in christ jesus is a prayer addressed to god the father are you listening to me hallelujah and when we prayed we were taught by the lord jesus christ that when we pray we are to pray addressing the father can you say amen yes look at uh he says it several places but uh look at the gospel of john thank you sir gospel of john verse 6 chapter 15 and verse 16. and there are others there are others i'm just giving you this one 15 16 he said ye have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you come on now that ye should go and bring fruit bring forth fruit and your fruit should remain look at the claws that whatsoever ye shall do what ask of the father in my name what's he say he may give it you can you say amen so my dear brothers and sisters it's not like you're separating god from god no you're not separating god from god but i'm telling you that there's something that jesus wanted us to get when he told us to address the father in his name 16th chapter of john the bible says in verse 23 and in that day you shall ask me nothing are you reading john chapter 16 verse 23 and in that day ye shall ask me nothing verily verily i say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask what's it say the father what in my name what's the next sake yes and so my dear brothers and my dear sisters uh we we must allow god to give us a revelation of who he is as father hallelujah and again fathering in the natural is going out of style and that's what makes it harder for people to understand or to appreciate god as father because they don't even have a lot of earthly fathers to whom they can relate and compare god you see god's intention always was digging mcvean for those of us that are male to be such excellent parents to our children while they are at a place where they don't understand right from wrong right from left good from evil what have you that we would be so powerful in their lives brother smith that by the time they get to a level of understanding that we could say to them now if you think i'm something let me introduce you to the one i'm trying to imitate you follow what i'm saying the earthly father is supposed to be a bridge for that child to the heavenly father and unfortunately many people are dealing with broken bridges now he he prayed for the saints in ephesus and to the faithful in christ jesus to god the fall and i'm almost done i thought i'd be able to really kind of work through this more quickly but all of this is important i trust that what you've gotten so far you find it beneficial uh i haven't even given the title yet as i thought about it but but it's coming uh and so uh let's go on there are some things that paul says concerning the father in this prayer and in the ensuing discourse in chapter two these things are insightful because they reveal the heart and the purpose of the father to us in a special way the father's heart the father's heart has to be revealed to us let me tell you something let me tell you something and and really i'm going to try to cut this particular discourse off in about 10 minutes or less now uh well my my clock just moved so 10 minutes when i get to that but but listen to this there's a passage that i've been quoting for many years and and it's all in the bible you know i'm not making it up and and the people that i learned it from definitely weren't making it up i've read it it's in the scripture but i i submit to you that i might not have understood it that's why that's why we've got to always remain teachable we we could never think oh i i got it there i got it no no no no we still we're still learning we're still learning so i'm not telling you that the fundamental principle that you got to negotiate that that's not what i'm saying but how that principle works in your life and in the lives of others you've got to always be open to understand that it's bigger than what i thought it was okay everything that i know about god as god is true but to understand it more deeply and more broadly and more more more highly as it were oh yeah that will increase forever so and i told you we're going to need eternity to learn god uh galatians chapter 5. i've known this text for some time but uh it did something different to me minister davis when i when i meditated on it in prayer the other actually i don't know if i was in prayer at that time just meditation five and six of galatians everybody there galatians 5 and 6 for in christ jesus in jesus christ rather neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love now let me tell you how i understand this verse and how i've understood it for some time and that is that as powerful as faith is faith needs a motivator faith needs a driver now fame drives itself but the driver needs a driver faith needs a predicate faith needs a foundation faith needs a basis okay so in other words if i'm going to go before god you know we were quoting mark 11 that famous faith text beginning at verse 22 have faith in god for verily i say and so forth and then he begins to say what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and so forth and and and we learn about the principle and the practice of faith in that text and other similar texts but the scripture seems to be telling us that if you're really going to walk in faith and if you're really going to engage in that part of the kingdom's economy it's really important that you understand that you're not to put faith in faith for faith's sake and you're not to put faith in faith just for your selfish desires and aspirations but the basis of your operating and faith should be the love of god and you know the bible says in the book of romans chapter 5 that the love of god is shared abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which is given unto us or in other words when we pray for people for example not only should we pray with faith for them to be healed but we should pray with the love of god that we want them healed we desire you understand faith works by love not only do i name it and claim it but but this is somebody created in the image and after the likeness of god i've got compassion you understand jesus was moved with compassion right he didn't just act in faith something moved him to act in faith it was you see it so faith works by love in other words you you can operate in the faith of god you can speak the word you can command the devil to loose the man of the woman you can lay hands on the sick and see them recover but you got to have more for the sick than just making them a notch on your belt shall i pray the number one two three four no no no no you love that person that you're laying hands on can you see that hallelujah remember paul in the book of first corinthians chapter 13. he said and though i have all faith so that i can remove mountains he said if i have not love i become nothing then he said so my faith is to be motivated by love so i'm not i'm not laying hands on somebody so i can pretend to be benny hen watch me do my thing you think she won't be healed watch me doc i got power that's the wrong spirit that faith should be motivated by god hates that kind of suffering god hates that kind of pain he loves people he look you understand they may not smell right they might not look right they may not be living right it's not even about whether they're saved right now it's just about god loves them so much can you see that okay so that that's that's the way i've always interpreted that passage faith works by love that that that's why listen that's why you can't have unforgiveness and expect your prayers to go through resentment all that he said husbands and wives if you've got strife your prayers will be hindered so you see how all that fits in this verse hello church you see how all of that fits together but here's what the lord showed me as wonderful as all of that is here's something that i didn't see i didn't see i didn't see and and you have to forgive me but i didn't see it now that i see it i'm going to show it to you and that is the bible says faith work is by love we've thought about faith working by the love of god in us for people and that's good so the love of god in me directly toward you enables my faith to work when i minister and also will help my faith not to be hindered regardless of what i'm believing god for that's absolutely right but here's something i saw right here that i believe is just as consistent and that is our faith in god is hindered when we don't trust the love of god that is our faith in a god that we're not sure loves us is going to be compromised that one of the reasons why our faith in god doesn't work as it could and as it should is because we're not convinced that he really loves us faith the faith that you have in your mama is based on the fact that you know your mama loves you head may be nappy but you know your mother loves you and that's why you got faith that she'll always come through for you not because you know where she gonna get the money from you don't know why she but you know your mama's gonna do it why do you have so much faith in your mama because you know your mama loves you and on the basis of the love that not that you have for her but that you know she has for you you've got confidence that whatever she can do to bring you out you're coming out can i get a witness that's what bishop hyman used to say can i get a witness he said it better than i just said it but you understand the reason why you how many of you had a good mother father aunt somebody that was your guardian when you were a child raise your hand raise your hand hands down how many of you knew and if they're still alive you know even though you don't need them to do it but if you have some kind of need that will arise in your life you know that to the best of their god-given ability they will come through for you raise your hand put them back down and how many of you will tell the truth it's not because not that you don't love them of course you love them but you don't have that confidence based on your love for them you have confidence in them based on what you know about their love for you raise your hand if you know the truth you can say but i know you got ten brothers and sisters but let me catch you and let you tell the whole truth i know mama loved all of us but mama loved me am i right about it oh yeah i know daddy i know he loves all of us all of us my daddy loved me now isn't that right see it's not it's not your love for him that gives you confidence it's his love for you that gives you confidence y'all missing come on let me tell you something i uh some uh somebody was asking me about mama who raised me the other day somebody who never got a chance to see her in life and uh i was kind of describing her but you hear my mama's stories a lot of times i don't make these stories up uh they just appropriate little parables to help me teach the word but ladies and gentlemen let me tell you something one thing i know about that lady she's dead now uh she's with the lord but her body is dead now but up until that time up until that very hour i was in new jersey on my way to new jersey when she passed away but let me tell you something if that lady had found out on 95 that there was something going on with me if she had to walk she would have started walking i have no doubt i don't have an ounce of doubt that if she had had to walk 95 from cellar get on 301 go to 38 get on 95 north and walk every step of the way i looked up sometime in the future and mom would have been there that is not because of the love i had for her although i did and do but because i know that lady loved her boy y'all ain't saying nothing ladies and gentlemen my faith would work because i knew that she loved me i'm telling you that as much as many of us sing and shout and run and spin many of us don't have that kind of confidence in god's love toward us and paul said that your faith works by love that maybe the reason why you don't trust him yet is because you don't know he loves you for real yet maybe that's why you don't call him father maybe that's why you don't think of him as your heavenly father because you're not yet convinced that he loves you god's church needs a revelation of the father heart of god well as you can see i have apparently messed up this sermon let me finish and put a cap on the spirit of rejection is one of the most prevalent spirits that is operating in our world today the spirit of rejection the spirit of somebody turning his or her back on you someone refusing to accept you or someone who once accepted you now saying i no longer accept you the contract means nothing the covenant means nothing the marriage license means nothing the birth certificate means nothing the the the employee employer arrangement means nothing you've been rejected or you have rejected someone else the spirit of rejection is rife in our world rampant in our world and i've told you this before but i'm going to tell you again we have attributed the same kind of rejection spirit toward god that we've experienced with people and so there are many of us who find it difficult to exercise faith in god because we're just not sure not sure that he really loves us and the scripture says when you're not sure it's going to cause your faith to be short-circuited it says faith word cap you know that eth suffix on a verb in king james english it usually means a continued action so so so maybe that explains why the saints of god can rise up in faith for a while and then after a while you got to preach the same sermon to him again you got to counsel the same consultation again you got to encourage the same encouragement again you know why because they're not sure that god still loves them they get to this place for a while and then something happened and they get traumatized the trauma that they already have is activated ladies and gentlemen paul taught us that god is our father when we pray we go to him as father now i'm closing this i told you i would i'm not finished but i'm closing this the title of the lesson if if you follow me in the scripture you'll you you'll see it'll become obvious um the book of the ephesians go back to chapter one that's where we were reading that's what we were reading y'all you all uh raise your hand and say something to god so the people on the stream won't think all of you just left you understand another maya i i i know why some of us are i know why some of us are quiet though some of us are quiet because we're having to examine ourselves because i'm telling you right now there are many people who really they serve god but they serve god more out of fear they're going to hell you understand what i'm saying they're out of really believing god cares anything about them they're so used to not being cared for that they project that lack of caring onto god follow what i'm saying so when they're having a really good day when they're having a really good day and the sun looks nice and everything looks like nice and maybe they're walking by the beach and the wind is blowing on them oh hallelujah hallelujah the lord loves me the lord loves me hallelujah the lord loves me but then they get in a situation where it's cold and it's rainy and and some negative things have happened maybe somebody passed away or maybe somebody's in the hospital and so forth and and they've been uh praying it seemed like nothing happened the way they thought it should happen then the enemy shows up with a bag full of accusations to hurl against god and say god must not love you and let me tell you what else he's got in the bag he's got the bag everything you did in the 90s and everything you did in 2000 that you thought was under the blood and he'll put it before you and say see that's why god doesn't love you because you remember how you did such and such and you remember you didn't do this and you know god doesn't love you and all that shall you do and all that praying you do but god has not forgotten that stuff god knows all things you know he knows what you've done and he brings all that stuff before you and though even though you're saying holy holy with your mouth you're withdrawing even though you're saying lord i love you but you're withdrawing hey you pulling back cause you think god is like the people in your neighborhood you thank god like the people in your family that have you ever wronged them if you ever cross them they'll never let you live it down and you think god is like your cousin you bet god is like your auntie but ladies and gentlemen i'm here to tell you he said as far as the east is from the west so far as i have i removed your transgression for you he said i even i am he that have blotted out your sins by your transgression for my own sake and i will not remember them anymore he said i have decided to forget hallelujah tell somebody that god is not like your people i didn't say god don't like your people i said he's not like your people i'm talking about those uh-huh that have flipped on you i'm talking oh those that can remind you of every mess you ever made every lie you ever told every mistake you ever made though that can remind you of it and would like to wash your face in it that's not your god he said you can come boldly to my throne because jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah if you released it god did if you have confessed it god forgot it how did you hear what i said to you that's just because you're having a bad day does not mean god is rubbing your past in your face just because things are not going well in your life it doesn't mean that god is ganging up on you don't you know the bible says there is a devil who's seeking to steal kill and destroy you god didn't make your baby sick god didn't give your grandmother covered there is a devil that's trying to destroy you hallelujah thank you jesus can you say amen on my mind hallelujah hallelujah all right and so let's go ahead and begin to close this now he prays for the people of god to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that is in the knowledge of the father thank you sir listen he said this request is in order that we may know a number of things know god's heart towards you god's intention do you really know god's intentions towards you hallelujah and then and then the bible does an amazing thing in the in the uh in verse 18 and it really starts earlier but when paul begins to pray if you start in verse 18 and begin to come down let's read the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us war uh which believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all prison powers and power and mind and dominion and above every name or every name of his name not only in this world but also in that which is to come and put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body uh and that's another one the fullness of him that filleth all in all another of another type verse two continue chapter two verse one and continue and you have the quickened who were dead and trespasses and sins wherein in time past she walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom we all had our conversations in time past in the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature the children of wrath even as others but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins have quickened us together with christ by grace are you saved and have raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through christ jesus for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus under good works which god has before ordained that we should walk in them i want to submit to you that from the beginning of the prayer in chapter 1 and verse 9 down to the crescendo of chapter 2 and verse 10 we find there to be hallelujah as many as 11 references 11 references aha too to god as a matter of fact if you put some of the power ones together we've got we've got four five plus four a total of nine hallelujah not eleven but nine instances where the bible says his calling his inheritance his power his power his right hand we skipped the two about jesus feet and body then his love his grace his kindness his workmanship a total of nine and of course if you add the two about christ in there it'll be 11. but let's deal with nine because nine is the number of fruitfulness and my dear brothers are my sisters i'm going back again verse 18 his calling his inheritance his mighty power his right hand his love his grace his kindness his workmanship hallelujah one more time reverend blew with you his calling his inheritance his power his right hand his love his grace his kindness and his workmanship ladies and gentlemen powers there twice hallelujah when we put those nine together thank you sir we begin with this calling we end up with his workmanship you remember how god calls people when god's really trying to get somebody's attention howard he calls him twice when he called moses he said moses moses when he called samuel he said samuel samuel when he called saul he said saul saw when he grabbed peter he said peter peter when he tried to shake up martha he said martha martha and i told the saints down through the years that the reason why he called them twice because the first calling is the eternal calling and the second calling is the temporal calling in other words the first calling is when he called them an eternity pastor the second calling is when they're conscious of the call he called you into existence then he called you into relationship hallelujah and so by the time you hear the second call he already called you twice by the time you hear it once he's already said it twice god has spoken once hey yet twice have i heard it that power belongs to god ladies and gentlemen he called you unto himself by the time we get to the last of the history we find the word workmanship the word workmanship and the greek is poema from which we get the word poem and believe it or not the word means masterpiece god goes from a calling to a masterpiece he goes from a thought to a word a word made perfect and a work made complete i closed this now but you notice that we've got about nine hisses from verse 18 down to two and ten in reference to god the father and the title of this closing and the time of this lesson is that it's all his i want to tell you my dear brothers and my dear sisters that all things that pertain to you all things that pertain to your life all things that pertain to your destiny all things that pertain to your process they are all his and when you begin to call on him you can trust his heart because everything that pertains to you it's all his it's all in his hand it's all underneath his divine supervision he will not allow the enemy to have his way in your life because everything in your life everything it is planned it's all his and what makes that even more beautiful is that not only of those things all his but you are all his now i would shout a little bit but the reason why i'm gonna go ahead and close it because you thought that you were only his when you were spitting white and walking right you thought you were only here when you were making straight a's on every test but my dear brothers and my sisters allow me to tell you that you are not just his but you're all his or you hear what i'm saying i read in the book of psalms chapter 139 where david said he said whether shall i go from thy spirit whether shall i flee from thy presence he said if i ascend up into heaven what did he say thou art there but then what else did he say if i make my bed in hell thou art there where am i how am i i'm all his can you say yeah he said he knows my down sitting and he knows my uprising what kind of father is it that only celebrate when you win the trophies who only brags on you when you make it straight hundreds but when you have a broken place he can't be found when you fall he can't be found that's not the kind of father our father is he does not condone sin he does not have excuses but he does not abandon the sinner can you say yes you remember the prodigal son when the prodigal son made his way back as far as we could tell he would have still been stinking he would have had an entourage of flies and gnash but when the father saw him coming the father didn't wait until the flies left the father get away to the nazi left the father said this boy he's all my stinking all nights at all flies and all and the bible said he fell on his neck hey he fell on his neck he might have had hog stuff on his neck but he fell on his neck he might have had all kinds of bugs on his neck but he fell on his neck and listened to what the bible said and kissed him hallelujah he wasn't worried about what was on him he kissed him he kissed him through it he gets them through it because that boy is all mine issues at all he's all my bad attitude and all he's all mine look at somebody and tell him you're all here tell them the devil is a liar god is not waiting for you to be protected for you to come to him or to come back to him but you're all his with all your struggles you're all here with all your hang-ups you're all here yeah with all your phobias and all your fears you're his and the god we serve has called you and to intent say that he's still working on you and by the time he finishes with you he's gonna make you that masterpiece can you say yeah and when you become that masterpiece don't get arrogant don't get lifted up remember that are all here hallelujah before you celebrated me i was his while i was still messing i was his while i was still lonely i was his while i was still destitute i was his while i was still confused i was his while i was still troubled i was here when i was still messed up when i'm still mixed up i'm here tell somebody i belong to god every step i take i belong to god every move i make i belong to god god say yeah say yes [Music] how can he fix it if you don't bring it to him how can he change it if you don't bring it to it you trying to wait to have so you get it together if you could get you together you wouldn't need god everything going on with you it's all his i want to talk to somebody who's dealing with an identity crisis i want to talk to somebody who doesn't even know who you really are and you don't want to come to god because you say i'm too messed up i'm too jagged up but i came to tell you the bible says the earth is the loss the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein he's talking about you you're all his he's talking about you with your mindset you're all his with your emotional extremes you're all his with the attitude strife you're all trying to say yeah [Music] everyone standing when i have opportunity we're going to the table of the lord when i have opportunity i want to walk you through those hisses when i have opportunity i want to walk you through his calling his grace his kindness his power his right hand all of that but the title of the lesson and the thrust of the lesson is simply all his it's all his and because many of us don't identify with god as father then we have the spirit of the orphan whose am i who's am i who's am i and when you don't know whose you are it's difficult to know who you are i said when you don't know w-h-o-s-e you are it's difficult to know w-h-o you are god says i'm your father father doesn't just mean male parent like it does among human beings father means source father means origin father means pattern that's who he is and he says you and all of yours you're all mine and everything that is in the redemption plan it all comes from me nobody can withhold it from you because i created you for my purpose and i aligned my purpose to whatever you would need to be restored to me if you're under the sound of my voice and you said brother blue i i may not understood everything you said because you said a lot but i get this point you're saying that everything that pertains to my life god claims ownership of it god says i identify with you and so if that's a part of who you are it's all mine bring it all bring it all bring it all i'm the one who separates wheat from chaff wheat from tears good fish from bad fish sheep from goats i can handle the separation you bring it all to me i want you to pray with me if you desire to be saved or you desire to be restored this is your time father in the name of jesus i come to you acknowledging my sins acknowledging my shortcoming acknowledging my wrongdoing thank you that i'm all yours thank you that your provisions are all mine if i come the way you say come that just means to come humbly come honestly i admit that i've sinned i admit that i've displeased you but also acknowledge that jesus christ is lord of all and i now confess him as my lord i want him to lead my life guide my life i believe in my heart that god has raised him from the dead hallelujah hallelujah therefore new life begins in me because new life begins in you and i'm connected with you now i'm restored to you now and i give you praise for the abundance of all things thank you for loving me thank you for not rejecting me thank you that i'm not an orphan thank you that i have a father thank you that i have somewhere and someone to whom i belong thank you in jesus name everybody who agrees with that prayer praise him right there come on no i said if you agree with the prayer praise god if the word of god has meant something to you if you've heard something that that challenges you in terms of who god is as father i want you to lift your hands and thank him for his word thank you lord i want you to thank him for his word if the word of god has provoked you to look again i want you to thank him for his word we're going to move at this time to the table of the lord and those of you that are receiving the communion brethren please bring the table those of you who are receiving the communion i want to ask that you would prepare the elements at home if you have specially designated crackers or wafers or bread and specially designated grape juice go ahead and get those things out but somebody says brother blue i don't have that because i didn't know that today was the first sunday and i didn't know that you all were going to be doing this you may remove the covering thank you lord the top you can just fold it that'll be sufficient and so you may only have uh what we call light bread you you might have that you may not have anything to drink in your house but water you know what get what you have get what you have get what you have if you want to be a part of this and more importantly than that if you're going to be a part of him get what you have praise the lord get what you have and i want you to prepare to share it with whoever is in the house with you who desires to be a part all right thank you um all right and and and i want you to prepare to share it with someone who's with you and uh unless they don't want to be a part and if they don't want to be a part please don't force it this has to be willing but um i'm asking you to please prepare your elements all of us who are here i'm going to ask you to stand now if you have the bread or the wafers or whatever you use if you have those things prepared we're getting ready to pray over the elements i want you to get what it is that you have prepared get that those elements and uh those individuals who are here will be partaking of these elements but i'm praying over what you're using as well and the same god who is present here is present there remember now you're not an orphan your father is with you your father is with you now father we bring these elements and we consecrate them by faith you're the one who consecrates them in fact but by obedience to your word we offer these elements before you and we ask that you would sanctify them in such a way that they will communicate the grace that you put in the communion when you established it thank you for the bread that represents your body this bread that represents the wounded body but now the resurrected body of jesus christ and this grape juice this fruit of the vine that represents your shared blood father consecrate these elements for your glory it's your honor and your praise and we thank you for it in jesus name amen amen all right uh if we can begin at section one thank you lord so thank you jesus thank you jesus section four you may come god bless you thank you jesus thank you lord lord we appreciate you i want to ask that you would open to the bread this this wafer is circular and we won't go all through all of the symbolism but i'm sure you recognize the white representing the purity the holiness the innocence of our lord jesus and this circle his completeness his eternality his perfection and when we break this the breaking of the body represents his suffering it even represents the eternal one becoming a creature in time as it were eternity came into time the word was made flesh and dwelt among us we break this bread because it was our sins that broke him amen but thank god he was broken to make us whole and as you receive this remember the book of first corinthians chapter 11 tells us that for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep not discerning the lord's body if it is true that people can be weak sickly and die prematurely by not discerning the body don't you know that if we discern the body then we can be strong we can walk in divine health and we can live out the full measure of god's days for our lives can you say amen that's what you're receiving when you receive this bread you're receiving the promise of god thank you you're receiving the grace of god something that strengthens your spirit soul and body the body of our lord jesus christ broken that you might be made whole if you have not broken it break that element and now partake receive the grace of god preserving your spirit soul and body in jesus name take the cup now the scripture says this cup is the new testament jesus said this cup is the new testament in my blood which is shared for many thank you jesus he said that paul wrote as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you show the lord's death shall he come paul also wrote the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of christ i want you to thank him for the blood that has washed away our sins receive the blood of our lord jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank him for his sacrifice thank him for his offering thank him for his gift thank him for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son hallelujah that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah there to my heart was the blood of apply glory to his name oh glory to his name precious name oh glory to his name glory to god hallelujah there to my heart was the blood applied everyone's saying glory glory to him we love you lord glory to his name precious name [Music] hallelujah there to glory to his name glory to him now father as we depart from this place i ask that you cover your people under the precious blood of jesus father take us let us be able to be refreshed let us be able to be rejuvenated as appropriate and then lord bring us back together at the appointed hour that we might give unto you all the glory honor and praise that are due unto your holy name we thank you for standing up in the service this afternoon lord god and blessing the bishop and the co-pastor and all of the saints and we give you the glory for it now in jesus name and now the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee now i believe god for deliverance the communion has deliverance in it that's one of the reasons why we didn't take a whole lot of time with that because if you believe god healing is yours in the communion thank you breakthrough is yours in the communion deliverance is yours in the communion open up your mouth and say something to god like you believe it hallelujah i said open your mouth and say something that god like you believe and now the lord bless thee and keep thee lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace we are what the word of god says that we are hey we have what the word of god says that we have and we can do what the word of god says that we can do for we are committed to bring pleasure to christ's heart and fame to his name amen god bless you thank god for pastor we appreciate you so much thank god for brother jones madison jones we're glad for you that's right birthday pastor fogan god bless you let's give her a hand amen god bless you hallelujah we will be those of you who will be a part we'll be uh beginning the service at five um actually they'll be beginning service at five but we'll be in place for when they want us to transition over praise god [Music] so foreign you
Channel: Michael A. Blue
Views: 1,219
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0mGQV-MQa10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 7sec (7327 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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