Dr. Todd Hall Prophecies And Powerful Praise Break at West Angeles COGIC HD 2019!

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that before 2019 is over going into early 2020 that every concern build an issue that Bishop Blake has will be resolved and white totally away I don't hear about and that his latter days will be spent enjoying the things of God and at the time that God should not retire him from preaching but retire him from labor you will ask him what the exact plans are for the family sinner you will not change them you will not sit at a table with the new group God says I'm gonna let you inherit his relationships without having to take him from you the Lord said tell you you at first were not the first choice but you are now y'all later hold it on my shot cut our higher Oh hallelujah we'll call amongst a Catalan dia last year and this year God has been tugging on your heartstrings allowing you to actually feel the burden of ministry you know my cooter cuffs up I your Toshi and I you always have concerns for the family but you didn't feel the burden of ministry God said now that you're doing you've been talking to him last week and last month show me Lord so that we can do what we have to do God says tell you by March to 21st I will give you plans ideas connections relationships your name will go down in the archives of business God says tell you you have not been forgotten you have just been assigned and somebody with a loud mouth and clapping hands shout hallelujah that's gonna be super nasty blessed for standing by you for as many years as almost as you've been preaching God says last year I was gonna call her home but I'm letting her stay so she can walk into this promised land he says I owe her something so I'm gonna renew two of our organs a lady I'm talking about is in the white hair she's sitting in the front row Gus got a shunt pop Osama higher you're kidding make sure they can hear me out there you're getting a renewed organ cuz God wants you to march into the Promised Land with the bishop on this God said you've been faithful since 1968-69 you've been faithful over a few things and God said now I must make you ruler over many I want those who know God still a miracle worker - clap your hands and shout hallelujah the lady's name with eopns your first name is Latonya so y'all call her and tell her to tell her husband Carlos bring her to church you just text him carlos text him and tell him cuz he's trying to be the ghetto gangsta preacher this morning when i was in church god started dropping names in my spirit and we blessed a few people through the gift that he's allowed us to walk in and I wind up calling or spelling the name EPP ing ER I said that name at 8:00 a.m. somewhere around 9:20 and I said to the camera or to a person who claimed that they knew these people tell them or him or her I can remember they need to be in church is that person here now stand up alright um what's your first name Carlos now Carlos I normally don't lay hands on people that's not something that I think we do like other prophets or blow that my church that I grew up in woulda told us sit down they don't take all of that kind of stuff right but I'm gonna do something that are probably not allowed so I'm gonna ask you when I invite you to come up and do you know Bishop Blake at all personally oh that's your bishop okay cuz I didn't ask for missing I'm gonna have them lay hands on your head because the way you're gonna have to preach and slash pastor the street you're gonna need a different type of protection you're gonna need real angels walking with you versus bloods is this making sense to you all right um I am also I hate to admit it cuz I met what's Angelus I am of the gang life I clean up well I went to school but if somebody rubs me wrong at the wrong time I am not at fault this morning it was not I'll be honest your name that I was filling I was filling the person's name Latonya oh that's your wife where is she she's at home so you can I get it him bother your blood I'm gonna happen there was a day when a a guy like us guys who would get saved and loved off from the block would take love back to the block was the honorable thing now these new Millennials right ain't no loyalty in in these streets no more I'm gonna ask Bishop to anoint you and I'm gonna ask God that if he's gonna use you to Pastor and win the block that he puts a block around your block cuz you're gonna need this but your financial stability I was sad too it's coming if you don't become too manly like in the gang God said let your wife's wings fly because she's gonna be one of the biggest entrepreneurs of her family and if you just see that the rest will make sense is this making sense to you working at some kind of florists had a business years ago across the street from west angeles a floral business Wow oh it went under but she's doing it herself on the side did you hear what I just told you and gonna be no side after this brother you better give her her flowers while she can smell them cuz the law said the chick of the devil trying to make your wedding your funeral is about to reverse you're about to have flowers in your home in your marriage in your life do you have any children I see a girl she's 10 God is putting two angels by your daughter to make sure she is protected because something is trying to get close to her even mentioning God said tell him by midnight tonight I will have permanent hedges around this particular daughter and somebody leaned on it see that's the only way to get it whatever is in your way is not moving out of the way of silence be drowning and let a lifeguard be then you don't scream and I bet he don't jump in the reason why women get raped and the rape this finishes what he or she starts is because they tell you through threatening be quiet quietness allows the enemy to finish what he started but if you are tired of what he's doing to your children to your marriage for the last time lean on it come on up sir [Applause] Marco tatata tatata Baha SATA I know make it a casaba I'm not concerned about the rest of them right now motya you know this is your graduation you know this is it leak on that now my glory hallelujah are y'all gonna lean on you're gonna scream through the window [Applause] go to your bishop y'all Shabbat God and let's clap real good and do it like we love Him [Applause] you may be seated I'm about to read my story [Applause] and when one rejoice [Applause] there's a lady that's gonna be supernaturally rich let me talk to lady Mae Blake maybe she can write this down and when this woman appears or maybe you can whoever works y'all just remember this name God wants to make her supernaturally wealthy and she's gonna be sitting with cheeks and oils and prime ministers even though they don't allow women to talk in certain settings this lady's gonna be able to speak and also bring some more floods of resources towards Bishop Blake's path her name is like Janice but it's spelled J a and is Nelson what did you say mother you you you know who that is okay does she belong to this church alright J a n I s Nelson she should be here I don't want to hear that you streaming girl y'all forgive me I'm a comedian too not like you but I'm a comedian she needs to be here because God is gonna protect her on the flight that's gonna take over 17 hours it's like she's gonna be going to Pakistan and Israel and Jerusalem to work some deals out that's gonna be beneficial to you my name is Jay a n as a matter of fact the Lord said well I want to tow this somebody check your phone she tryin to text you now J n I asked God wants to trust her with millions of dollars anyone in here that know you can be trusted with more than you ask for jump up and shout yes and be seated [Applause] if we won't do streaming prophecy then we mustn't talk to butler any butler's in here who's here I can't see forget it let me ask you lady win the back stand please you with your hand up what's your first name Roberta do you believe in prophecy so I don't waste this you you you do I God has taken 20 angels and because of your prayer life he's putting them around a person named Kelly Oh who's that who's that your daughter's name Kelly okay Kelly is going to be on the team that's gonna almost find a cure for certain cancer is this making sense to you cuz because they can't hear you you should probably just come on up here you you you you taking a long time that's all what did you say that's that's close enough what did you say hyung come on talk to me stay there your your daughters in medical school now how long has she been in medical school and when is she supposed to get out it's gonna graduate in 2021 she's gonna be on the team up there wherever she is by almost I don't want to say luck but by happenstance finding a cure for certain cancer she has a love for foreign mission it's gonna be very unusual wait a minute she doesn't have a twin does she okay I don't I don't see him but his name start with a J but I don't see him Jordan okay so listen to me God wants to take these two kids except she's going to are you happy you came now she's so happy you ain't got no horn no but I'm a fine you wanna know but listen today when we ha love with you and for your children the Deaf car accident was coming against Jordan Gossett I'm gonna be buek it it's supposed to happen on Wednesday but the Holy Ghost said tell oh yeah [Applause] you're not you're not married are you I'm just you are separated okay well guess who's Darrell that's your ex-husband God says I'm sending three angels to beat him down to the ground I am going to wind up saving him even if you don't keep him the Lord said tell her the curse is broken then the oak is destroyed because of the anointing and Kelly will be one of the most blessed successful people wait a minute you are gifted you're gifted you're gifted you create things you gifted what we all know that you separated don't let that bother you just stick with the cancer thing just stick with Kelly it's good when God allows some some time things that hurt you to go succeed to bless you [Music] how do we say that computers thing hewlett-packard you look hewlett-packard okay listen no word I am talking to the rest of y'all could you didn't home god bless you roll up the window I gave you the seat I said praises how we talk to heaven I already told and I don't control my gift if I did I'd be in Vegas I don't make money doing this it don't work outside of this you just you just rejoice for your family you just rejoice for what God is making move out of your way God says your lane is clear your exit is coming up and somebody would allow mouth rejoice for this [Applause] be seated get a Bible I won't have time to preach I'm gonna give some points if Bishop ever brings me back we will go further you're getting a hip you are you're getting a hip you're getting a hip in the bone structure God is going to straighten out your skeleton cause you he said tell her I miss when she used to turn circles God said tell her I want her to dance with her father again I won't announce your word I will keep that private he should have never showed me but I'm happy to meet you amen amen [Applause] to two new movies one agent just run and you'll catch what I say in about three weeks [Applause] Oh y'all happy all y'all [Applause] God says you finish your storm watching people do you better than yourself said tell him now I'm gonna put the original him out front he saves the best for last high-five somebody and tell them these two words and if they don't get happy don't talk to them for the last 15 minutes just tell your neighbor you're next see how they act just tell me you're next about being in the TV production business have you ever thought about really being in the production TV business you have a little bit you seem to be very proper what did you think about more than that what did you think about more than that wind got longer you're thinking about switching careers so what's your career now video editing and you think about switching it to what sports management doing what you preying on it well let me help you [Applause] I'm gonna have you give somebody else to camera somebody that knows what to do with it take a picture of her face the camera oh that's a good picture yeah you're gonna need your business cuz you're telling them what to do the Lord says tell you young lady and you may not if you run up that aisle and back praising God loud there is a hundred and seventy thousand dollar job waiting on you after two years of what Oh mother lady place a girl go run [Applause] [Applause] all right you can go back to your temp temporary job and when he saw them now I'm about to stop and go to my three point nose but let me do this and when he saw them he said unto them go show yourselves into the priests and it came to pass for anybody but as they win things started changing I wanna prophesied the three radical screamers yo issue was resolved on your way here Anya that's why something told you stay home sleep watch it by streaming but Catalans I said if you get just [Applause] there [Applause] and a stay with edweena ass they went dickinson as they went they were some of you mad cuz you against loud church i get it i go to apply church we worship worship without noise ain't worship i don't know what scripture you got it from what school you went to I went to school I graduated several time there is no praise without sound and no praise without moves why don't you get married and go on your honeymoon and not worship Jesus [Applause] [Applause] the second thing I want to save then three points is this now I'm only asking 200 people to remain consistent cuz by Wednesday you're gonna have evidence catch this and scream on this we're gonna reverse verse 14 and 13 you don't have to do nothing back there just leave it there when I say this if you got 10 seconds of leaning on it and praise them you see evidence of how foolish people think you are by Wednesday and he'll confound those who think they're wise without foolish yet the Lord told me to tell you this let me do it back he would have never saw them if he didn't hear them y'all understand it the Lord would have kept on going but what made him stop is 10 men and I want 30 here - no he's already in the room but he can leave without blessing yeah but what you know he's in the room if you know help us near you why are you waiting for help to ask you do you aid to the hill if you are standing and not talking you are out you are congested traffic you are making somebody mister exit but if you've got another prese next to you and both of your praising God he said with this two or three gather together touch him in the grid he said I know the devil's trying to make someone you feel stupid but just let the devil know I scream like this at an amusement park I swing like this at the Staples Center I scream like this with my change of place sports and flip the script and tell the witness oh yeah [Applause] would you grab somebody's hand I only got a few minutes look them in the eyes same neighbor please don't judge me tell them I look better than the hell I've been through but tell them by Wednesday morning to change some things [Applause] [Applause] roller coaster ride wave at me I'm gonna take this principal I'm gonna give you ten seconds because I need my three minutes it goes your ten seconds to qualify for miracle you don't start yelling on your way down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] prostate cancer stroke should have been paralyzed cancer stage 3 didn't take radiation didn't take chemo the Lord told me trust me [Laughter] [Applause] please look so myself I'm sorry I'm going back to storefront Church [Applause] holy crazy I'm closing home on my son die hold one person's hand as a matter of fact I'm in trouble just look at your neighbors say listen here if you truly believe that you can in a miracle by Wednesday 10:00 a.m. just break out and dance right now [Applause] [Music] that's a taste of what's gonna happen tonight [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] see everyone that ran is jump the rest of y'all got out of their way when the person sweetness to you so when you move four inches over cuz you blocking traffic cuz right now you live in well wake up tomorrow with cancer wake up tomorrow with HIV wake up to a dead baby I bet you the wish she danced up in this time don't let the worst happen forgot to get the best out of it hold one Percy's hand with clothing until tonight hi leprosy and I'm done look at me upstairs and everywhere let us see if she come tonight we have Church I'm looking for Joyce Williams I'm looking a lady named Angela Glover both of those tonight who's that how you spell spell your name this is Janice Nelson [Applause] were you here you weren't here you were somewhere else and so it someone caught I said somebody was texting you see I knew you text somebody see she said I text somebody in here and I made my way here or they text called you called on the phone what do you do for a living you hold on I work at a law firm I have my own ministry does that ministry have a name disciples of Israel what do they do you hello you do what we're producing thematic events in Israel and teaching the gospel it Israel okay okay Misha just give me 30 seconds and two minutes to close please sir i'ma rewind this tape we going back to the dance for 10 seconds you don't have to dance but when these people dance for you God says you gonna sit at tables with billionaires make sure you remember this man it happened in this church a lot of people has gotten blessed to me and gave their pastor the money that should have been given to the problem so I don't talk to them no more they can figure it out they're gonna jump and dance for you five seconds so you gotta get it quick you've been married oh oh not too long when you going back to Israel you go in September have fun count of three oh she gonna be so she have to see like boy I'll run to don't play that y'all got to do it real quick one two one two whole neighbors ham we're done for real now until seven o'clock v will you do me a favor have you ever I'm just asking cuz because I got a father that's a preacher too not as not as important as yours but to me have you ever prayed for your father like lay hands on his knees and hands any part of his body yes you got any oil on you look at me get some oil do you see what my finger is feeling put that finger with oil on your father's left ear God says I won't fully recover but I'm gonna start attaching the eardrum right here all right so let me see whole hand [Applause] somebody leaving on it somebody [Applause] okay [Applause] [Applause] no music somebody oughta throw your head back and lean on that holla yeah [Applause] [Music] column and a column and Aliki sapucaia McCauley aunty Lao Zi Britannia high oh oh [Applause] hee hee hee hee he [Applause] Michelle Bell needs to be at church - tonight Michelle Belle please be at church tonight at 7:00 now as you holding hands make sure you come to the book with that person I'm closing within two minutes and I'm saying this this ain't often but just how I need to close hallelujah listen to me closely you that stay quiet look at me you are not demon-possessed you just can't drive then you get mad at some of us that are getting miracles that you went to school for work twenty years and we surpassed you cuz we had enough foolishness not sense to just give him glory like it's already done when life's troubles come our way we hold our heads up high and say enclosure you can have five me on this if it makes sense we're done then I need y'all to do something that I hear the Holy Ghost saying leprosy spots breakout otha white - if it escalates you lose feelings in your fingers and toes look at me we're done three the parts that lose feelings fall off this is what school teaches I'm not sure what Morehouse toward but I'm sure good at what I team is ITC may have said but for you lose your throat so there's four stages to leprosy we can look them up upstairs one is you get spotty - you lose feelings and your fingers and toes three they fall off for you lose your voice the reason why the miracle is so huge for one person out of thousands only need one is because of this the reason why you hear ten of them screaming is they're using their last bit of voice on calling the name that matters [Applause] tonight y'all just let me close tonight down the block men you need to be there cuz the problem is not the woman's throat you too busy chasing money when your voice can summons money to you they lost their voice so in pain bleeding it takes ten voices to get one guards attention and then closure maybe you're high-fiving me cuz I need a friend all ten go and get healed but only one comes back oh you gotta be from the hood to do that that's a man and any real woman don't want a man with money you want a man with a mouth cuz if God gets in a man's mouth he'll negotiate the biggest deal you ever seen that man Aiko's ready one comes back in the Bible said and with a loud voice glorified God and Jesus said we're not there ten of you where are the other nine he said none come back saved this stranger and the Bible says he praised him with a loud voice here goes the conclusion look at me like you have no bills whatever that looks like look at Bishop blade here it goes the reason why we know this gentleman no longer has leprosy for Stage four for any man who was screaming three women is because he doesn't need nine more voices to get his point across he uses the infected area Yali taught me to show Jesus I'm healed some of you will get here once you get your voice back and the topic of my sermon for 80 people is let me clear my throat Jesse you're holding the hand of a debt free child of God you hold it and you're holding the hand tonight down the block let's this be the first revival one-night revival that we have where everybody can get a miracle can you bring bishop
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 88,771
Rating: 4.7967377 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Bishop Blake, Todd Hall, Lady Mae Blake, Praise Break
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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