Dr. Oz's Health Food Checklist | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network

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next on the checklist you gotta add healthy foods to your diet and beginning with antioxidants but yeah but you you want to ideally start off with foods that don't have food labels right because if they're coming out of the ground look in the way look when you eat them they're good for you in general so we want to have antioxidant foods five to seven fistfuls or servings a day now what does that mean tomatoes broccoli by the way you notice they're colorful foods red kidney and pinto beans these are all great sources of protein kidney beans blueberries artichokes and dried prunes okay great now you want to make it three fats yes I remember 80% of our brain is fat so we need to have the right kinds of fats in our body to make sure our brain is the most resilient to stress and can learn the fastest in fact you want 3 grams a day but the thing I want to point out to all of you is that every infant formula in America has to have omega-3 fats in it why is that it's because the child's IQ increases by about 10 points if they're given omega-3 fats and mothers when they have children that children want that omega-3 for their brain they'll take it from you and that causes depression don't you get omegas from fishes yep so you get them from fish you can get them from vegetarian sources flax seeds if you grind them up you but you have to grind them to get the benefit walnuts you want about a handful of walnuts or 12 if you want to count them salmon scallops again about a deck of cards amount of these will get you the omega-3 fats that you desire and soybeans and squash are again vegetarian sources and you can get omega-3 sources in many of the foods we recommend but again it's the healthy fat so these tend to be foods that don't have long shelf lives so you got to eat them fresh soybean ok I didn't know squash was one of them ok fiber the average American gets about 12 grams of fiber a day we need to double that fiber sources of course the oatmeal we talk about all the time 100% whole grain don't go for the head fake it can't be just a word that sounds like hundred-percent it's got to say a hundred percent on it land tools have them black bean peas and by the way raspberries has them okay next olive oil why is olive oil so important it's not just because of the fat and you want by the way about a tablespoon a day but it's also because there lots of other chemicals called phenols in olive oil and does it matter if it's virgin or extra virgin it matters that is one of those if you don't want processed heated oliver oil because when it gets chemically processed you lose those very precious nutrients and this is the reason by the way why the Mediterranean diet has been shown to increase life expectancy because you when you mix olive oil with the tomatoes we showed earlier right you make pasta sauce if you get that into your diet a couple times the week you're getting these nutrients naturally okay so antioxidants Omega threes fiber and olive oil exactly okay number four on the checklist is one of the easiest things to start doing today take a multivitamin every single day but there are so many to choose from when you go to get them up the violin what should you be looking for well they're a lot to choose from but and we're going to put a lot of the details on the oprah.com site but I do want to point out one big issue which is you take a women's multivitamin or a males multivitamin here's the difference if you're a young woman pre menopausal woman then you want a little iron in your multivitamin because if you're menstruating you'll need the iron to make new red blood cells and you don't want more than 5,000 units of vitamin A if you're older or if you're a male then you want 2500 of vitamin A or less and you don't want any iron you don't need the iron because you're not bleeding every month so that's the main difference between ale and females okay as we go to break here's another assignment to challenge yourself write down the three foods that you're going to stop buying stop buying and then list three healthy foods that you're going to add to your grocery list blueberry should be one of them isn't it if you put it in writing then it becomes a commitment you
Channel: OWN
Views: 132,596
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Keywords: own, Oprah Winfrey (Celebrity), Oprah Winfrey Network (TV Network), Acupuncture (Profession), Mehmet Öz (Organization Leader), Doctor Oz, Dr. Oz, Medical Research (Field Of Study), Healing (Film Genre), Health Care (Industry), Health (Industry), The Dr. Oz Show (TV Program), Diet (Industry), health, Vitamin (Chemical Compound), multivitamin, checklist, #oprahwinfreyshow, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, oprah show, oprah interview, maya angelou
Id: xo_NOAtvf4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 04 2014
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