Dr. Oz: 5 Ingredients You Should Stop Eating Right Now | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

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among the first five ingredients you shouldn't find sugar okay now sugar supposed to beat and of course but it should come together with either fat or some element like fiber as you were finding fruit so you can indict you can absorb it a bit more slowly number one so sugar is one of the first five elements in whatever it is you're buying it's a no no no no you want to avoid it okay now even worse than sugar even worse than sugar is this like an appetizing that is that is this is high fructose corn syrup oh that's what it is now it's at it's very sweet yeah but it's not very good for you because it blocks the ability of a chemical called leptin which is the way your fat tells your brain it's exactly okay so you know what this is the thing that's blocking it and so you just keep eating and eating until you literally stops right yeah it's not so much even the hundred and fifty calories in the soda pop it's in fact that at that same meal you will normally consume an extra hundred calories of food and you would have because of this because of this okay high fructose corn syrup okay got that these are both carbohydrates yes the third carbohydrate is this yes this is flour but it's enriched white flour enriched so why would they enriched flour the reason they enriched it is because they already stripped out anything that was worth adorned in it and they add a little bit back so it doesn't look so bad yes it should be whole grain okay wait till has those kernels it has this B vitamins all the things you want to be in there whole grains hip it's in it okay so these three are carbohydrates yes let's move on down to the fun stuff okay now big confusion about fats yeah big this is animal fat yes animal fat is saturated saturated fat is from four-legged animals good if it's coming from a four-legged animal its saturated so that means these things can be solid at room temperature okay large thing card bingo saturated think large good oils good oils our oil our liquids at room temperature repeating so I'm putting it in my brain okay now the thing about good oils is that they're not very stable if you put a good oil into a cracker and try to store it on a shelf it goes bad uh-huh because good oils aren't very stable so in order to deal with that we took the good healthy vegetable oils and we hydrogenated them we added hydrogen's to them okay tell me that again we took good healthy oils okay and in order to make them solid yeah and make them so they wouldn't go bad in a year on a shelf somewhere aha we added hydrogen's to them hydrogen right hydrogen okay makes those flimsy things become rigid and that's what I make it stay on the shelf for a year well it makes it solid at room temperature and solid on a shelf for a year okay and that's this this should be liquid it's obviously not oh this is very good for your skin and you can actually use this kind of material for furniture polish lots of fun things yeah but don't put it in you I can use it on my feet good I'm thinking this is a great moisturizer the bottom of my heel okay and this is what what is this lard no this this is actually a hydrogenated oil okay it's it's a material that is created so that you can keep that stored material on the shelf for a long time here's the big deal when you have healthy oils yeah and you cook with them mm-hmm you oxidize them you damage them so the key thing to know about the healthy oils and what are the healthy oil olive oil sesame seed oil there's they're all the ones that are liquid when they're clack seed oil when they're cold right some are better than others but generally the ones I just listed you know a canola oil flaxseed oil olive oil these are all very healthy oils but because they're healthy they're very delicate yes so you have to store them in the refrigerator or at least cover them so they stay dark otherwise they will they will oxidize they will go bad on you oh really so this stuff is great because doesn't go bad but it's very bad for you okay so the healthy oils if you learn how to use them take you a long way I'll put some on my heels and this is in a lot of things this is the hydrogenated oil correct yes this is hydrogenated to make it solid okay and then by the word that you will see in the package is a trans fat because these hydrogen's bring these molecules together and we call them trans fat so I don't want the thing to say hydrogenated and I don't want it to say trans fat and I don't want it to say saturated exactly you just hit the nail on the head [Music]
Channel: OWN
Views: 4,876,814
Rating: 4.6933775 out of 5
Keywords: own, oprah winfrey network, own network, oprah, oprah winfrey, The Oprah Winfrey Show (TV Program), Oprah Winfrey (Celebrity), The Dr. Oz Show (TV Program), Weight Gain (Symptom), Ingredient (Literature Subject), High-fructose Corn Syrup (Food), Sugar (Ingredient), Fat (Nutrient), Health (Industry), Health Care (Industry), Diet (Industry), Nutrition (Medical Specialty), #oprahwinfreyshow, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, oprah show, oprah interview, maya angelou
Id: fEcRNucFZ-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 21 2014
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