Dr. Oz Shares 7 Secrets To Living Longer | TODAY

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back now with more of our special series living to 100 this week we've taken to two places here in the US and around the world where people are simply living longer this morning dr. Mehmet Oz host of the dr. Oz Show is here with 7 great tips to help get you there not good to see you morning before we get to your tips here how much of this is just plain genetics 2/3 of how you age is your lifestyle not your genes really especially by age 50 most of what's going to happen in your life is going to make it be altered by the lifestyle tips and the ones we're going to present today are the most important but there are many others that are beneficial but here's the big story if you can hear my voice right now and you're healthy you should be able to live to age 100 and feel like you're 60 alright let's tell people how the first thing you say you want to drink some black tea or coffee every day turns out that the cafe actually has a huge benefit number one source of antioxidants in America is coffee so you want to get those antioxidants to help you rejuvenate your body and keep yourselves how much a day 2 to 3 cups a day you want about 200 milligrams of caffeine so depending how powerful the cup of coffee is you'll alter it the nice thing about this though is you can titrate because cookie will give you things besides caffeine that are beneficial as well but in addition they reducing cancer rates they help with lots of other things including keep your brain sharp reducing Alzheimer's I love cinnamon you say that's a good thing hugely important maybe the most important thing I want to say today is put cinnamon in your coffee or tea not sugar here's why if you're a diabetic type 2 diabetic or pre-diabetic you'll reduce a chance you're becoming you know suffering high blood sugar by almost 30% you make cinnamon your main beverage rather spice in your beverages it actually helps your liver deal with insulin more effectively I need more nuts every day what kind of nuts work all nuts from trees work but his breaking news it turns out that peanuts which are legumes they come under the ground they work as well people say I don't want to have that's I'll get fat not true all the data we have shows the people we nuts actually lose weight and reduces mortality rates by 20% if you have a handful and that's every single day of the world again these kind of not honey roasted nuts or things like that where you put a newly raw nuts that are authentically and not irradiated get more purple in your life harvesting the power of the Sun think about the rainbow all those colors come in two fruits and vegetables you want that nutrient source in your body it can come in the form of brain berries with like blueberries they help your brain actually blackberries red wine counts to blue potatoes anything with the color blue it's naturally blue that comes now look in that way is helpful all right let's take a little walk now because that is one of your other tips you say take a daily walk and then something interesting on the other side of this so a million woman's they just came out from the United Kingdom showed that women who walk only 10 minutes a day were able to dramatically reduce their their mortality right so we're learning more and more about how little activity can benefit you but here's the big deal let the foot up duel with me let's see how you can do this if you do the the tree pose you know gave you this a balance on one leg yeah why because frailty is the number one killer of all of us Matt if I get rid of all the cancer in America we live maybe three years longer that's it what kills us is we get so frail we can't weather the storm of getting a bad diagnosis we can't get persevere in times of difficulty and it takes us out if you actually break your hip 20% chance you'll be dead that year because what's really happening is you're so weak your hip couldn't hold you any Brian all right let's move on next thing that's sleep you say get more sleep the reason I like sleep is because if you can get one hour more dramatically affects cancer rates high blood pressure rates there's a 30% less chance of being hypertensive if you get one extra hour of sleep hypertension is number one ager of all and so you can treat it with sleep rather than medications why not try it getting an hour sleep is not easy you got to work at it but it's worth the investment sleep single most underappreciated problem we have in America not underappreciated around here doc let's get to the last thing and you say reach out to one friend a day why is that going to help me live longer the human species has weathered storms of adversity because we talk to each other we create social networks in and now we have tools to make it easier I prefer you go visit someone but you can call them right now text someone that you care about build that social framework it actually reduces death rates 20% if you can get a team around you and see that red wine I showed you over there and what will be for one second we can be Kathy and Hoda to the wine today all right so if you take some of the foods we talked about natural foods beverages combine them with a little bit of a conversation that's why these work it actually allows us to look each other's eyes you realize that with drops of rain falling into the ocean of humanity this is what lets us live longer if you give you a hard reason to keep beating you'll live longer well put and again 2/3 of longevity lifestyle and diet not genetics Cheers good to see you and you can catch more of dr. Oz's advice weekdays on the dr. Oz Show just check your local listings
Channel: TODAY
Views: 235,119
Rating: 4.8017883 out of 5
Keywords: The Today Show (tv program), Today, NBC, Today on NBC, Rockefeller Center, Morning Show, Today Show Guest, Dr. Oz, Mehmet Öz (Organization Leader), Living Longer, Dr. Oz Living Longer, Tea, Coffe, Raw Nuts, Eating Healthy, Dr. Oz Eating Healthy, Live to 100
Id: 92n13f3-BAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2015
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