Oprah's 2020 Vision Tour Visionaries: Jennifer Lopez Interview

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so when we were putting together our dream list of 2020 visionary conversations we said we want people who are at the top of their game we want we want people who are redefining what it means to be strong to be powerful to be inspirational to be aspirational to be astoundingly age-defying who gives new meaning to the word 50 and who above all else are well and really is there anybody on the planet that represents all of that more than the one and only Jennifer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are wearing that that is a suit there's a great piece so can we see what it looks like without the jacket let's see yeah I see you without the jacket you want to see without the jacket look at that oh look at that I'm still Jenny from the block yes so you were just saying to me this is this is full circle for you because you open the tour here I did I did this is where are we open some of you over here we opened up the it's my party tour where I turned 50 last summer so it's kind of full circle this was our first show this is where we opened and the first time that I sang on stage with my daughter Emmie oh it was a special night for us it was a really special night for us you've had a lot of special nights has 2020 bin I knew that in there y'all go how do you top the year that you had what happened did you did you have a vision for that cuz you know we're talking about vision and setting the vision or has that been what happened to you last year but the culmination of what you've been dreaming and envisioning your whole life I think that's what happened yeah it was about ten years since my kids were born there they turned 12 last Saturday about ten years where I just decided that I was going to work in a way that I hadn't before and I was gonna grow in a way I hadn't before once you have kids for me what happened was I realized I had to do better and I was doing okay I was doing good but I had to do better it's like what you said to that lady in the audience like you have to take care of yourself yeah so you can take care of your kids and and that's what happened and I think last year this or this year that's happening yeah my 50th year which is crazy to think that that happened but you know what because cuz isn't it true III read that you said somewhere it was just the best definition you said you don't feel like you're aging you just feel like yourself so the number doesn't even mean anything it doesn't mean anything to me I honestly feel the same way I did when I was 28 and put out my first record I do and I think it's a mindset of just continuing to realize that I'm still growing and so long as I'm still growing there's still somewhere to go that there's more to journey that just because I turned 50 it's not over no no that's what I realized it's not over I do we're just like a half time right now at the half speaking a half time okay speaking a half time we had never seen anything like that in our lives our lives we had never seen anything like that so I'm curious as to just before you insecure just before you went on your watching Shakira right you know you got to go out there and kill it were there butterflies were you thinking wow you you just can't do better than a hundred and something million people around the world what were you thinking and feeling waiting to go on okay so a lot of things a lot of things but mostly I you know I know I have a big show I'm in the zone I'm focused I have put in the work so I feel really good and it was different because my daughter was gonna be singing so I had my little concern on her over there but yeah it's kind of like standing there going like this okay she's good you got to focus on you right now and I I don't know I just I just I think I just felt like as I was watching Shakira I was very still and I saw that she was killing it and I was like okay okay here we go here we go this is it and you know it's weird because I think most people who perform at the Super Bowl they don't have to split it like that that's right so they just go out there they do it they duck but I had to actually stand there for like six minutes or more just like waiting and looking at you know three times the size of this of people you know and I'm like all right we're about to tear this stadium down and you said you did it you said you wanted little girls all over the world to be proud and everything that they are so you were dancing for yourself you were also dancing for girls all over the world yeah I mean I knew there were certain things I knew when they asked me to do the Super Bowl I was like I'm gonna close with let's get loud and and that was a definite and I knew that I wanted to put forth a message because I knew who I was representing I knew I was representing not just myself but women Latinos and everybody and all humans and what I wanted everybody or every little girl and I decided I was gonna put like I was like how many girls will you let me have on the field they were like you can have 50 and I was like oh good I'll take it and I just wanted them out what the message that was very clear to me that needs to be said was be proud of who you are and don't ever be afraid to use your voice and get loud in the face of injustice or anything that you don't agree with was I heard you say that singing on the stage with Emmy was was really cathartic for you what was that like as a mother as a singer before what what was it it's just as I think of it I just you know my whole body fills up with so many emotions because you know she came up in these pods and she started the song without me and then by the time she came over to me it was such a huge celebration and I'm wrapped there in the American flag that on the other side is a Puerto Rican flag and I'm looking at her and she's singing born in the USA I was born in the USA and yes and I was just yet and we both yelled at each other my life was so much joy be so much in her own power so young and all the little girls around me just dancing and and going off and it was such an amazing feeling it's hard to describe it's hard to describe how proud I was how do you elevated I build you up if it did yeah did it was amazing I think everybody got that everybody got that did she come out that way was she that always that child she's quiet you know she's an angel she's a thinker I wish she came out to me she was an angel I used to look at her when I would hold her when she was little both my babies but I looked like this she's an angel Octus every month no that way I think so and um but she was always quiet my son is like very like loud and rambunctious and full of energy and Emmys like the opposite she's the yin to his yang you know and but she feels very comfortable performing and singing on stage so when did you see that that she had the ability to do that on stage um I didn't know I always thought she was really shy and then when I was gonna direct my first video for limitless the song that I did with SIA that you got you guys open with today um I directed my first video and I was saying I needed a little girl in the video and she heard me like prepping it and talking about it and and she came to me she was like mom I can do it and I was like I never thought about putting them up in the business or to work or anything I did I just didn't want that for them because I work with a lot of kids and it's a lot it's a lot of pressure and I was like no baby it's videos are really hard they're long a long days yeah you don't want to do that and you know I I go on and I start casting girls and seeing in and she comes back Alex it's like you should put any in the video she really wants to do the video and I was like Alex I don't know and then she's and then uncle Benny you should put em in a video and I'm like you guys I don't want to put em yet I don't want her working it's it's not and I'm directing for the first time and what do I have to tell her son yeah well him to be like do that better you know like I don't want that and she was like mommy III really can do it I can do it I promise I said if you do it you got to see it through you have to see it all the way through she was like okay and she did it and when she got on the set and she started singing and she started acting cuz it was more of an acting thing in the video where she had to kind of make believe was all green screen so it was all her in the imagination I said you represent every woman the little girl inside everywoman okay and and what an uphill climb it is to be born a woman it's it's right from the beginning I said and I want you just to struggle going up to sail like your foot stuck and you've got to pull it out and you gotta keep climb and you got to keep going she's like okay okay and she's dressed in like man clothes that she sheds throughout the video and then she's at the top singing and we did the first take all the way through she was a natural and I'm like I'm crying mice everybody on my team has been with me for 20-something years they all saw when they were born or then we're all looking at her we're all like with tears in our eyes like oh my god she was much littler than than she is now is a couple years ago and I that's when I knew I was that she had it she had it yeah and she could do whatever she wanted with it she didn't have to do it but she could do whatever she wanted with so you were pretty confident and assured that it was gonna be exactly what it was for the Super Bowl for the Super Bowl that was we had gone on tour like I said we opened the tour last year and she would sing a little bit of limitless with me and I wanted her to just do opening weekend which was the two la shows and she wound up singing it we were on tour for like 30 shows and she was like you don't have to do it every night she was on tour with me anyway and she's like God I want to and she would come out every night and do her little part and it was a very special part of the show but we had choreographed it without her just in case she didn't want to do it but she did it every single night and she enjoys it so I knew the Super Bowl was even a smaller part for her and I didn't wanna and I when I asked her I said if you don't want to do this again you don't have to do it and she's like she acts like she doesn't care a little bit but she cares like she wants to do it but she did it and yes she just has fun with it yes so that was such an incredible performance I mean people were like calling everybody ya bout it yeah watching it in real time where you were surprised then when some people thought it was a little much some people started complaining like a sexy part about the sexy part were you surprised no it didn't bother me it was such a beautiful night and was it was so well received like to listen to like the the small fraction of people who thought it was to sex you were trying to say something negative yeah it would have been a sin for me to like even trade back yeah you can take that now that is so good are you really good about that have you reached a point in your career where other people's judgments do not impact how you see or judge yourself finally yes you've gotten there yeah I guess that is and it was just recent - it was really something yeah again these are journeys that take long time yes I take a long time like first you have to figure out oh I'm not loving myself enough I need to figure that part out and now I which is what I was saying to the woman over there and everybody in this room listen to JLo well use your raised to think oh if I take care everybody else I'm a good person you know what I mean I put myself last a lot of women are in my family that's how we were raised especially Latinos like you know everybody comes before you I'm last I'll eat last I'll get dressed last I didn't even take a shower it's fine you know like yeah that's how you're raised and you need you come to the realization that it's not that like I've actually have to take care of myself so I can take care of everybody else better yeah I read where you said you come to a place now cuz this is the truth y'all the 40s and 50s are it so anybody who's thinking it's true reading the 40s it doesn't even start to make sense oh it's not it's not chill you have 40 is not only is it not over it's just getting Guinea it's just beginning so it's true it's true we like you've gone to the place now through your 40s and now at 50 where you feel the most comfortable and the most powerful that's how it's supposed to be that's absolutely how it feels and it and it's a journey to get there where you get to the point where you realize and you're giving yourself the credit you're giving yourself a path about like I've done well I've done good I've worked on myself I've tried to be better I'm gonna keep on growing I'm gonna come and when you get to that place where you're not encumbered with what other people think of you and what you're doing and you're just doing it for yourself and your own individual fulfillment and happiness and doing things in the right way nothing can stop you after that nothing can stop you so let's talk about that growth you buried in your 20s a couple times a couple times I was gonna just skirt on by that but okay married in your 20s yeah and now engaged at 50 yes what what what do you know now about love that you didn't know then again and I think this is a key to life that I had to love myself and be okay on my own before I could be in a healthy relationship okay so were you at the point before you met him Alexander L exactly marry well were you at the point where you could be alone just before you met him yeah good yes yes it was like getting there like think once I got divorced and I had to kind of reexamine my whole life because I never I waited to have kids I have kids when I was 38 that because I never wanted to not be with the person I was with and had kids with yeah and I just felt like I don't know like I needed to when we got divorced it was such a like the lowest time of my life I felt like I had failed miserably and that I was not gonna give my kids what they needed and I just didn't know what to do and so I had to kind of regroup at that time was that your own personal feeling about that marriage and situation or was that part of that ingrained in what your talk taught culturally talk culturally yeah that you have to be together like you can't raise kids without a man and a woman their mother and a father and I think you do need their father they do need their mother and their father but your happiness has to be a part of that yes has to be cuz you bring your full happy self to your children that's what people need to know right so you shouldn't stay in bad situations for your children because your children just grow up with two people in a bad situation who are unhappy it does that it when he's unhappy yes and everybody ends up being unhappy so do you think that you and Alex had worked on yours had done the work for yourselves because I always say this you are looking you can't look for somebody else to make you whole you got to try to bring your whole self yeah that's the thing you have I feel like now I'm good no matter what no matter what if I'm with somebody if I'm not with somebody Jennifer's happy I'm happy and that that I didn't even know I could be so you guys know the fear of being alone you know without fear of being alone and like if I'm not with somebody I'm gonna be so lonely I'm gonna be miserable it's like no what are you talking about your life is amazing and you're you're doing what you dreamed of and you have these beautiful kids and what are you thinking like how did you do the work did you actually do therapy therapy pray I prayed get a lot you meditated I met it I learned to meditate I read a lot of books I read a lot Louise Hay books I'm Louise hey Louise yeah help I'm getting divorced crap help me um yeah I mean I whatever I could I I was around the people in my life that were older more experienced who can help me you know I think I heard you like being around older people I love being around older people always have since I was in my 20s the experience and the wisdom that they have is so priceless to me and I've always been fascinated like I was always that person like 20-something years old on a movie set and had like my 50 year old girlfriend with me you know I mean they were like what yeah but and my young girlfriends do but I always have somebody like that like a sage in my life somebody who is guiding me so now you're engaged does it matter to you when you get married you know once you get before you get engaged everybody's like what are they gonna get engaged and then you get engaged like we're gonna get married yes you know kids together yes yes does it matter to you when you get married no no it doesn't it's so funny because when we first got engaged I was like I'm getting married a couple months like your old thinking comes like right back like all that hopeless romantic that made me get married three times you know what I mean um came like rushing back and then I was like wait if we're gonna be together for the rest and he's like whatever you want to do like we can talk about it I said but I said if we're gonna be together for the rest of our lives what is the rush if that's what we're really gonna do if we're really gonna be partners if we're really gonna try to build something together that we both never had or never felt like we had which is a family with up with a with a husband and a wife and a mother and father and we embrace all our children and we and we show them it's something that we didn't have wow you know how are you all doing that because it's one thing for him to co-parent your kids you to co-parent his kids then but working with all of the the others yes how does that work you know it's it's it's the navigation you have to navigate it everybody's a different personality mark has a very different life his his uh the mother of his children has a very different life than what we have and we all kind of fill in the blanks for each other and we give the kids all different experiences has it does everybody come together at some point to say this is how we're gonna do it or who's running that show are you the one running the show me and Alex we we talk a lot about it then he'll talk to Cynthia and then I'll talk to mark and then we'll kind of coordinate and I of course dr. Cynthia and you know what I mean so we have a network the kids have a network of people who love adore them and want the best for them and I think we figure it out as we go we've been figuring it out as we go and how would you describe yourself as a mom oh I think the first thing that comes to my mind is loving yeah I'm a loving mom are you a good mom I think I'm I think I'm a really good mom and what Bhaiji what makes what makes you a really good mom I get a really good mom because I relate to my kids in a way that doesn't make them feel less than me yeah that where they feel like they can talk to me I talk to them we talk to each other with love respect you know they I want to be around them they want to be around me yeah and I think that's I always said I wanted to create a home that they always want to come back to that's my goal like yeah everything about it you know that there's there they're never gonna be judged there they can say whatever they want to say they're gonna be supportive but they're gonna be given boundaries they're gonna be given you know yeah that's the thing I wonder about rich famous people yeah like how yeah because I didn't grow up rich or famous so I have to deal with that now I mean seriously but my kids and I'm like ill what do you how do you raise like what's happening right now how do you raise kind kids who have their own ambitions when they are raised with everything you know I was just so used to being poor that when you got anything you just like happy you so happy yeah yeah so but when you have everything and degrees you know we were talking about right you all want your kids have a better life than you how do you make it when you do that yes there's a whole new set of problems yeah so they have a better life than me yeah and I go ahead growing up they can have what at mostly whatever they want they go to good schools they have are they all allowances do they make them no no yes they like em II was like I have to clean my room I like yes you do today not tomorrow you know yeah they have chores but they also I think for me it's important that they see me working hard that you have to work hard for things like weddings are not gonna be given to you when you started dating Alex did you have a family meeting with the kids to tell them that we were dating yeah no I think they just started seeing him come around and little by little we kind of eased into it and then we went on a family trip so all the kids could be together and that was like a big step for us and that we talked to them about like I was like we're gonna go on a trip with Alex you know Alex and his girls do you like Alex you know what I was like okay and they said no we don't then we would have had issues right we would have to sit there and be like well why don't you like him it's not what you know I would wanted to know what are you feeling that I'm not feeling like um but it wasn't that it was like no they really they really liked him max even said something I remember this conversation with him even though it's like now three years ago now he said something like no Alex is the only one who ever doesn't ever get mad at me cuz Max's mom gets in trouble in the house he's like he's the only one who never gets mad at me like he had so much patience with him because he's like he's all over the place and he's the most beautiful boy and the most loving boy but he will not disobey in a second you know what I mean and people like max you all you here to the house is like Max and and Alex had this amazing patience with him which I hadn't realized cuz he does it okay so here's the question what made you say about Alex yes you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with what are the qualities it was it was different it was different anything I had ever experienced in the sense of his consistency like what he says he does hmm every time and that you know it's big big you know and he also wanted he wants to build together which I've never had I've never had you know somebody who wants to see me shine and grow and be I I think him being my life was a big part of what happened this year Wow I mean because he allowed me to kind of just like and it wasn't like get back down here you know or don't outshine me yeah I've got that I've had that what's Ted been all these years he always wants the best for me yes always wants the best for me you want someone who wants the best for you for you and who also season you even more potential than you see in your CS and you're like really yeah yeah yeah bad thing and I think alex has done that and I do that for him he always says I'd do that for him and so we have that kind of like mirror quality for each other okay we got to talk about that green dress this first of all you created a stir when you wore the green Versace dress that you made famous nearly 20 years ago did you feel differently in it last year this past fall then 20 years ago I did I felt very different you felt better I mean look pictures you know what it felt like what there was a lot attached to it because I was I'm friends with Donatella yes many years now and when I met her Gianni had just passed away and so she was devastated and it took her a long time to recover from that if you ever really recover from something like that but I just have such an affinity for her and so that has always lived with us and when she asked me to do this she we were sitting together at an event and she said Jen do you know it's a 20-year anniversary from when you wore the green dress and I go no I didn't know that was a very counting has it been that long she's like yes she goes in I'm gonna do a whole runway show dedicated to that print cuz it's an now has to become like an iconic thing for Versace that jungle print is what they call it and I said oh great that's awesome thought she was gonna invite me to the show or whatever and she was no I want you to wear the dress again and walk at the end Wow and I was like oh okay okay yeah and I said yes like right away like it was just like a split second and then I was like yes whatever you need of course I'll do that for you and I didn't really think about it but then when I wore it and I put it on and I was like oh my god I feel I'm stronger now I'm in better shape now then I was there no yes and so I'm like backstage like doing that feeling a what a drannit yes it's like okay and I had never walked in a runway show so that was my first time really doing that so I was like what is this like Kiko and I mean so I had like a little bit of butterflies and it was a surprise on top of that so you know you don't was surprised and everybody did and I was like you think so I was like okay I'm excited and it was walking around it was a round runway like that like a big circle and as I came out and I walked and I saw everybody start standing up including Anna Wintour well no I was like but I just kept going and I walk all the way and the music was it was just like you know what everything comes together yeah it's a perfect moment like the music felt great to me and we were there and everybody's smiling and you look so good this is the thing this is the thing then you posted the picture of you in the white bikini that literally went viral and started people all over the world I love that hosting themselves no I love that that you guys did that yeah relax and each other Super Bowl yes yes I was in pretty good shape but I also was exhausted and so I took like a little time and I was just relaxing and that's why I said relaxed and kind of recharge recharge was recharging cuz how would it take you to recharge after oh man a couple weeks yeah couple weeks it I felt like I had got hit by a truck after the Super Bowl and I think is it because I started filming hustlers the I started working on hustlers of February before so a year ago and I went from hustlers to the tour to hustlers coming out to filming a movie that I just did called marry me to the Super Bowl and it's nonstop so I think once I was just like trying to get to the Super Bowl and finish and when I finish and literally the next day looks so crazy I'll like move from the bed like my legs weren't working they weren't working it was done that's just they had worked at pole the night before [Laughter] and those legs say we don't have to do another first-rate today and we're done oh my god first of all in in hustlers that you learn to pole dance we've read all that and the first time you actually you had to do the shot were you nervous about I was I was so terrified my heart was beating out of my chest now I wear sexy costumes this is not a big deal on stage you know I do my body suits you know we all do it all the girls do it we're fine but I have like three pairs of tights on and I'm like you know what I mean and mesh all through the arms like we're really covered that's why I was a little bit with the suit I was like okay I was so covered like so like having a wet suit on like it was that thick yeah you know but we're hustlers you know when you're an actress it's a totally different thing you know I'm gonna my comfort zone being myself when I'm on stage as Jennifer when I'm playing a character like Ramona who was a basically a lifetime stripper she started when she was very young in my mind I created all this and it wasn't all there in the script you have to make that stuff up you got that acting acting it's called acting okay and the whole idea of her she was the star of the club the person who knew the game who knew how to run the whole who knew what everybody was thinking she was just an amazing character and I knew in charge all the time she worked all the time and in this moment you know getting up on stage and what was a dental floss you see I I tried to start with a coat on like I was like this will be nice trying to convince the director she's like okay but you got to lose it right away I was like not and I well I well I well but it was it was more exposed physically and emotionally than I had ever done in a movie so it was as I'm walking to the stage on that day I'm literally with my producing partner inlaying goldsmith Thomas and she's behind me and we're up into the set like we do 10 times a day when you're making a movie back to the trailer back and forth you know and they're like you ready I'm like yeah yeah and I turn to Lane and I go I'm nervous she goes oh my god yeah I'm scared you got this and I go yeah yeah no I got this I got this and my heart is beating out of my chest and it's just in that moment you realize the vulnerability but also the power and the balls and the bravery it takes to get up there and do that because even yes cuz you do a diverse answer that yes yeah and so all of that is going through my mind and it's 300 extras mostly men in the audience there's still men they're not like big people there's people they're still about to see them you're gonna stick dollar bills and they don't see at all yes did you discuss the scene with Alex before no Alex could it here's the funny Alex couldn't have been more fine with it you know no he listened these sports guys they they know a strip club or two there hey let's be real he was helping me with the movie yes he was like just so you know the guys going through the back doors and they do this and I was like really you really seem to know a lot about this but uh yeah could you have done Ramona as well as you did Golden Globe nominee many thought you should have been nominated for an Oscar first of all did you feel snubbed when people start saying you were snubbed for the Oscar didn't sad because it was a lot of build-up to it yes so me or I got so many good notices yeah more than ever in my career and there was a lot of like she's gonna get nominated for Oscar is gonna happen is if she doesn't you're crazy like you know and I'm reading all the articles and I'm going oh my god could this happen and then it didn't it was like ouch it was it was a little bit of a letdown oh so I felt like my whole team like I said most of my team has been with me for years 2025 years and I think they had a lot of hopes on that like they wanted it to yeah and I felt like I let everybody down a little bit you but you didn't know but I felt like that okay after like that for a minute so you could not have done that had you not gone through this journey to yourself you could not have done Ramona couldn't have been the Ramona that we saw right no yeah no I think you know like you said as you get more mature as you get older as you have this experience this wisdom on you you have this life on you you become a better artist you really do you become a better singer you become a better performer you come better at connect you to people you become a better actress because you've lived you need that life and some people are talented actors from the time they're very young and I was a good actress always I can I can say that now yes myself you know but what I do now is so much different than what I did then and it's it's it's it's more fun for me because I'm more confident with it because if you can say now what you just said I'm a good actress yeah it was hard for me to say that but I said it okay so if you could say now that I'm a good actress does it matter to you as much of if other people say it and that's the thing that happened I think what happened with the Super Bowl with this whole entire year with you know getting so nominated getting nominated for all these awards and then not getting the Oscar thing I had to kind of reexamine like well why do you do this what are you so sad about right now you just had the most amazing year your life you just have the biggest opening of a movie in your career you just walk the runway in Milan and had a fashion moment you just like you're doing the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks but wait what what is it and you realize it's you want people's validation you want people to say you did a good job and I just realized I was like no you don't need that okay do this because you love it do you know that in Michelle Obama's book becoming she speaks of going through that process herself and I was saying to the audience earlier that the question on that underlies everybody's insecurity is am i enough am i enough am i enough Michelle Obama is faulted and I fell it am i that that is the question you can cut through the therapy save yourself a lot of big yes we're just baby your therapist and say question we need is am I good enough have you answered that for yourself I think like I said it's a finally thing and I think it just happened and I needed to go through the Oscar snub Super Bowl being you know what it is all of the things that I went through in the last year in the best way and in the toughest ways yeah kind of being let down that you go oh my god I don't need that I'm actually here and I am okay and I am enough I don't need this award right here to tell me I'm enough yes and do you still tell I heard that you tell yourself sometimes you're doing good baby yes I got to yeah have to because there's another little voice that's going you're not doing good enough yeah so the outside voice has to go you're doing good what's your personal mantra Jen I have I have so many affirmations that I do mmm and I've done affirmations for a long long time I feel like they really do that the more I believe that how you think and I teach my kids this your thoughts create your life and so you have to think positive thoughts all the time you have to force yourself to think positive thoughts at times and so I do a lot of different affirmations I do I you know I'm I'm open and receptive to all the goodness and abundance the universe has to offer I I am in perfect health my children are in perfect health we are safe we are we are whole I am whole I am good on my own I love myself I love you Jennifer I love the universe the universe allows me God loves me I I am useful and timeless at every age I am enough do do you recognize the fact that you are changing what people believe 50 and Beyond can--but you see that right you see you're doing that right I I like that I have that I've heard that I love that I love that because I feel like for myself I'm redefining it like because when I was twenty something years old I thought at 50 it would be done I'll be done I was like I'll be married with kids I don't know they'll be in high school like yeah like that's what you're programmed to think and now that I'm here I realize it's so far from over like we said you're just at half time it's not done there's so much to do here's what I know I know that whatever I'm the next 10 years is gonna be I don't know what's gonna happen but I know it's gonna be better than what has happened whoa that's that's what I have and that's the space you live in as those maids I live in and I know you believe there's still so much that is undiscovered to you the words limitless is that your word do you feel that that's where you are right now that's my word that's my word and I think when I went on tour right here in this arena and I said to everybody you know you need to understand and believe that you can do anything you want that we are truly limitless that was part of the tour part of me turning 50 part of what I realized in that year or two before that there really are no limits there's the only limits are the ones that you put on yourself the ones that you create in your mind and when you pull all that away the sky's the limit this the sky is not the limit I want to know how you know it was we were we were met you backstage was just a couple of minutes and I was with my guy for social media he just walked on because she's so pretty she's so when you look in the mirror do you see the same pretty that we see let her answer don't try to influence the question truthfully and honestly sometimes and sometimes just like everybody else I see all the things that are wrong you know what I don't did you name what those are so we could see what that is you know I mean there's this like I feel like I look tired I feel like a you know different things you know that I look you know yeah my nose is crooked that you know my you know whatever ain't a teeth I chipped them when I went up singing with the microphone okay so are there some days and okay look okay or there's some days where you look at yourself and you go damn [Applause] you know what really our days were you saying okay listen don't we think it would be a shame to look like this and not know it halleluja know there are days yeah where I'll look in the mirror like I'm getting out of the shower and I'm looking at myself just hi glory and I'm like oh you sexy guys every once in a while on a good day but like just came back for the gym and just showered off you know like you're doing good you doing good yeah good you're 20/20 vision for wellness for yourself how much do you work out I work out it depends on what I'm training for us yeah you know if I'm more in trainee fight mode I'm working out five six days a week if I'm on more regular I'm three four days a week and I don't go more than an hour in a gym a day really yeah that's it there's all this all you need you need the consistency more than you need to be there killing yourself you don't really need that part I have found do you like I have a regimen do you drink eight glasses of water no I know that's it hey class Horton no but I do carry around my little bling cup yes I'm sorry guys and that makes me drink more water every day cuz it's so pretty who's got more stamina you are Alex me you really without a doubt without a doubt yeah he'll tell you that soon more Sam yes yes yes so what's the biggest vision if there is one that you hold for yourself for 2020 and Beyond for 2020 and Beyond I think I just I just want to keep growing I never want to get stale you know I never want to get like complacent or like bored with where I'm at I just want to keep making it exhilarating and exciting for myself well you've done that for us today thank you [Applause]
Channel: WeightWatchers
Views: 1,849,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww, myww, wellness, oprah, JLO, oprahsvisiontour2020, resolutions, oprah tour, oprah 2020 tour, weight watchers, oprah interview, Jennifer Lopez interview, oprah interviews JLO, 2020 vision tour highlights, oprah tour highlights, oprah Los Angeles, oprah inspiration, Jennifer Lopez, JLO x Oprah, Oprah x Jennifer Lopez
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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