Dr Joe Dispenza: The Mind-Body Connection, Consciousness and Healing | Live Interview

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[Music] this is the loaf podcast welcome back to the bakery everyone where we break bread with the world's finest today we're very lucky to be here with Dr Joe despenser to the scientific Community he's an adventurous and Paradigm breaking Mystic and to the mystical mystic's Community he's a rigorous scientist who's bringing credibility to their field but most importantly to his followers and to the people who follow his ideas he's somebody who's immensely helping millions of people around the world Dr Joe thank you so much for being here with us today ah it's a pleasure to be with you guys how you doing today all good very good very good what do you guys want to talk about well we we got quite a lot of things we want to get into with you um the first thing that we like to ask all of our guests as you know with the loaf podcast it's a little ice breaker you get to know people quite well is what is your favorite bread just before before we get into anything more serious wow sourdough no doubt we actually that is actually probably 85% of responses I'd say is quite funny really and and I have people in my life that are that are that really take pride in being experts so so I get to eat good sour dough great um we just wanted to also have a second ice breaker here because we were reading up on your work doing a lot of research and reading your book and obviously what struck us a lot is this idea of attracting a future for oneself and we were wondering if you could attract for yourself a future to be or look like any celebrity what would that be would that just personally gosh I'm so happy with who I am I I really don't never think about that so okay I'm pretty happy with me so you yeah okay that's probably the best answer you could give um and it's proof that something is working so I just wanted to get in um and for everybody who's currently listening live a little bit of a story about why I wanted to have you on the podcast so badly um and that's that your work really helped somebody really close to me my sister um so I'd just like to tell the little story quickly if that's okay she this all started when she was about 14 she fell pretty ill um she had these really intense pains in her gut uh you know every six months or so uh for about 5 days or so and then they would go away and it'd be fine and eventually when she was at University a few years later got particularly bad they took her to the hospital did a bunch of tests she had a couple surgeries to remove stones in her bladder Etc but nothing was really helping and eventually they discovered that she had a tumor in her pancreas which was really scary and it was around this time um a really close the mom of a really close friend of hers started telling her about your work and gave her your book from 2012 how to uh become the best version of yourself and she started reading she became immensely inspired by your work and the thing that she really took away from your practices was this idea of gratitude no matter how ill she was going in for checks with her tumor she always had this weird feeling that everything was going to be okay doing your meditations Etc she felt grateful for the family she had around her she felt grateful for how amazing the doctors were and three days only before the operation which was now going to be quite serious they were going to remove effectively our whole digestive system she got a call from the doctor who couldn't quite believe it the tumor had completely disappeared so that's the story of my sister and your work you know that's a she's a living example of truth right she's the example of taking philosophy taking Theory taking knowledge taking information instead of just having a dinner conversation about it just doing something with it right to apply it to personalize it to initiate that knowledge to to to um uh to to embody it in some way means means that you're going to really see if it's the truth and it's an interesting thing about gratitude and we've looked at this pretty closely you know when you receive something favorable or you've just received something that you that that brings you Joy or something's happened to you or something's happening to you that that's uh exciting you know or it's a surprise the emotion from that experience is called gratitude so the emotional signature of gratitude means that something wonderful just happened to you or something wonderful is happening to you now the body is the unconscious mind it's so objective that it does not not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that that person create can create by thought alone so the body is believing in that moment that it's living in a favorable environment now according to epigenetics it's the environment the information from the environment that begins to select and instruct genes and genes make proteins and you don't you don't change the gene but you change the expression of the gene right so when you when you move from fear or frustration or resentment or impatience or suffering and you change your emotional state and you begin to feel that emotion ahead of your healing the body begins to change genetically because it's beginning to believe then in that new environment that life has changed and if the environment signals the Gene and the end product of an experience in the environment is the emotion she's actually signaling genes ahead of the environment keep that up you can downregulate genes for disease and begin to upregulate genes for health and that's exactly how the body begins to change and so U most people then will wait for their healing to feel gratitude and truly in this work um if you understand that principle and you assign meaning to the ACT and feel gratitude uh you can begin to make biological changes and that's exactly what our research shows yeah it's uh I really want to get into the epigenetics and talking about up upregulating healthy genes just before we do something I want to touch on about it and about your book becoming Supernatural which I read one of the things I loved and my sister's story is just one example is how case studies and inspiring stories of individual people is right at the center of it and telling these almost Supernatural is the perfect world the perfect word these almost incredible stories of of healing uh insane things yeah you know Ali it's so funny because I consider myself a pretty open-minded person and you know there's nothing like a good story and in in Tradition before there was internet and before there were TVs and devices and uh uh allegory was the way for people to learn right and Parables and allegory was a great way for people to gain you know the the the the lesson in the story so when a person in our events stands on the stage and they are in front of 2,000 people and they're telling their story about how they were diagnosed with stage 4 cancer or ALS or eczema or mythen gravis or trifacial neuralgia or a spinal cord injury and um they change their health condition and you hear the story and you they tell that story the entire audience is leaning in because they're looking at truth they're staring truth right in the face and that is the 4-minute mile that is somebody who broke through a certain level of Consciousness or better yet unconsciousness and by them telling the story of Truth what happened to them the entire Collective the entire audience is leaning in and they're listening really closely and they're becoming aware of another possibility that they were unaware of not just reading about it or you know theoretically it's possible but that person has the scans you know they have the blood test test s they have no symptoms they have no signs and it's unbelievable and yet once the person uh tells the story and the collective becomes aware of that new possibility that's a change in Consciousness and Consciousness is awareness right so then the collective becomes aware of that possibility and invariably someone in the audience with the same health condition or a similar health condition is looking at that person and the person looks no different than them they're just an average person they just look like anybody else and it's no longer a Hollywood version of of any you know a story this is a real life story and we only do the best with what we think is available and If You're unaware of that possibility you make the same choice and so the person who hears that story sees the example begins to believe that it could actually happen to them and when you change your belief in what's possible you start believing in yourself and when you believe in yourself you got to believe in possibilities and when you believe in possibilities you got to believe in yourself if you stick with that in an event that says 7-Day immersion into transformation and change by the end of the week you'll see many people with chronic health conditions and I mean all kinds of health conditions uh begin to emerge as uh a different person and that's what caused me to become very interested in doing the research to actually look to see what is happening biologically in their brains in their hearts in their gene expression in their blood in their urine in their breath and their breast milk and their microbiome you know we're measuring everything and the cool thing about it is that the science that we're discovering is actually supporting human transformation and it's no longer pseudoscience I can tell you that right now that that actually there is a science of transformation and a biology of change and we're discovering really how powerful we really are that's it's fascinating I watched your interview with d with Steven Bartlet on di CEO I read most of your book and I was curious if you perhaps for our listeners could tell us a little bit more about your journey and and how you came to these these beliefs which are sometimes for me at least hard to believe and then I heard about O's sister and that story and and as someone who considers himself a man of science and I I I'm just very fascinated by by your studies and your research and and yeah I was wondering if you could maybe expand a little bit on on your journey and how you came to to your specific beliefs yeah I um uh a at at an early age I was very interested in what I was going to do with my life and um I came from a family of my father was an immigrant you know and he wanted me to to be successful in life and he wanted me to be a doctor you know and um I studied and got the grades and yet something in me during that time was telling me that something didn't feel right about doing that like and I was just open-minded and I was reading and um I just couldn't jump into went to college you know went to Premed and studied Premed and and I just got interested in other things uh you know I started doing things I would never do I started studying yoga and martial arts and there were just things I just weren't wasn't wasn't in my wheelhouse you know I played a lot of American uh Sports and this was something completely different and and then I just started reading about U things that interested me like um I wanted to learn without having to uh to to take notes that's really what I was interested in when I was taking 20 21 credits a semester and and I started looking into hypnosis I wanted a hypnotized myself to be able to learn as much as I possibly could while I was in the classroom so I could repeat the lecture back by the end of the end of the the the lecture and not have to study too much and just read a reference before the test and Ace the test and do the things I wanted to do get my black belt you know do all the things that I was interested in doing and so it took me a little bit of time to just kind of understand what hypnosis was and then I I took my college loan without my father knowing it and I I I took a lot of that money and and went to school in on the weekends and the evenings and really got went through four really um great levels of of the study of hypnosis and became a hypnotherapist and I was just fascinated in having a clinical practice at an early age in a Holistic Healing Center uh seeing people heal from all kinds of different health conditions like and and somehow the mind was affecting the body and I saw people change like from alcoholic alcoholism to smoking uh to PTSD to bulimia to you know all kinds of different things I just saw the power of the mind right there and I was fascinated with it at the same time when I was driving uh to graduate school um I I came across a book that was about a yogi and the Yogi was doing all kinds of crazy things that just I couldn't stop thinking about and these were Mystics and these were Saints in the Himalayas and that was nothing like I had been brought up you know in conventional religion so I had this kind of Interest sorry I was just asking quickly the I read in your book The Story of the yogi who managed to imprint his hand into a rock are we talking about the same thing here no no this was prah yogananda's book biography of Yogi and so that was kind of an just kind of an uh wasn't Miller it was just that interest in all the saints and and the Masters that he talked about so I had this kind of interest in the subconscious mind um I went uh uh a different routee than medicine uh it was more holistic um and then I just had this kind of uh crazy just interest in the Eastern World which I never really even gave much thought to um and somehow I just I grew a lot during that time and then I got run over by a truck in a triathlon after I had graduated um uh Chiropractic College and um broke six vertebrae in my spine and um I was never supposed to walk again and I went from a healthy young 24 year-old kid that was you know running a practice and super successful to um possibly never walking again and the surgery uh for that procedure is called the Harrington Rod Surgery and that's in my case they would take off all the back parts of my vertebrae from the base of my neck to the base of my spine and screw in these long stainless steel rods to kind of canal lever the the compressed vertebrae the six compressed vertebrae uh off the spinal cord so I had bone fragments on my spinal cord and then I had the neural arch of one vertebrae kind of broken like a pretzel it snapped and kind of compressed the cord and so um I had four opinions and everybody said surgery and I said no I'm not going to do the surgery and you know I think in 1980s probably before you guys were born uh yeah this was not something you said to a to to surgeons especially the medical director of a very very popular Hospital in San Diego and um he thought I had a head injury I mean he they just could not believe I said no and I just thought God everything I read uh from all these Mystics everything I've seen in hypnosis and all these people the power of the subconscious mind the power of the mind is it possible that my mind could begin to influence my body and I was laying face down I wasn't going anywhere I thought if I'm going to be paralyzed um I might as well I might as well toss the coin and I might take a risk and you know then that's when you really go from the bleachers to the playing field because it's no longer philosophy like and I didn't find I didn't know anybody that ever did done this before I couldn't find to anything but what I did find was I was I was interested in any information that could point the finger that it was possible that's all I needed so I read everything I possibly could read to help me remove any doubt uh and any disbelief that it was possible because I wasn't going anywhere I wasn't doing anything I wasn't eating you know on restaurants I wasn't training anymore I I couldn't go to my martial arts studio I couldn't run yoga classes I couldn't get on my bike I couldn't do anything it's basically laying face down so I just thought God there's got to be a way that the I can make contact with this intelligence that gives us life that keeps our heart beating and digesting our food and running you know trillions of functions per se a second in every cell of my body and I thought I don't know how to heal it but maybe it does so I just thought I would just kind of give it a template a design and when I was satisfied with what I wanted I would surrender that that idea not to that greater mind and ask if it could do the healing for me and it was really difficult to get my mind to do what I wanted to do during that time I think because when you're in crisis and I had to was facing you know should I sell my practice I'm never going to walk again uh should I sell my home you know and and and I couldn't get my mind to do what I wanted to do because I was focusing on the worst case scenario all the time and so it was pretty much a Dark Night of the soul but I didn't give up I spent hours doing it hours and hours and doing if I lost my attention I'd start from the beginning and I'd start all over again and then at a certain point it got easy and from that point forward I just started to notice it took me three hours to do I was able to do in 45 minutes and I knew on some level that what I was doing inside of me in my internal process was starting to produce an outcome outside of me in my body and the moment I saw that correlation where my pain levels went down and my sensory function started to come back and my motor function started to change I knew at that moment that somehow that my mind was actually producing an effect on my body and that's when it changed for me so um and I just and I just up on my feet in 10 weeks I was back into my life they were supposed to put me in a body cast and this whole thing and and um I just made a deal with myself and that deal was if I ever was able to walk again I'd spend the rest of my life you know studying the Mind Body Connection and mind over matter and that's kind of what I've been doing since uh since that point that's it's fascinating and it's an inspiring story would you would you say you were surprised when you realized that you started to get this feeling back or or did you somehow know the whole time so I guess my question is do you need to believe that it's possible for it to become possible well um I think I think this is a really important point because we've not I don't want to just limit this to me let's just talk talk about anybody because it's really the same thing um we've seen people numerous times stand on the stage that were dealing with all kinds of chronic health conditions you know serious health conditions and they said you know God I really believed in this stuff you know I really believe the power of the mind I really believe the mind could heal the body I saw the testimonials I saw people heal I just never believed it could work for me and that's really a chilling moment because that's the moment you you really have to show up and that means if you if you don't believe in it you really won't do the work right you'll just you'll you say you may believe in it but you may not really fully believe in it and so um so when you weigh what you know against what you don't know you got to somehow Bridge those two and it's really common for us to doubt when we don't see any type of change you know uh you know we do the work and all of a sudden there's no change and then we say it's not possible well um we're just not that good like it's not going to go away in you know one meditation or one process it takes it takes overcoming that disbelief and many people in this work that heal from chronic health conditions I'll ask them why why why did you do your meditations three times in one day and and this is because their chemo wasn't working their radiation wasn't working the three surgeries didn't work the drug trial didn't work the gluten-free diet didn't work the vegan diet didn't work nothing was working and nothing changes in our life to we change and so they were doing their meditations three times a day because they started disbelieving again and they did the work to change that belief again and and they and they wouldn't get up from that meditation from their inner work until they believed again and if you keep doing that over and over again um you start changing your biology and that's exactly what what it takes to to change so the dark KN of the Soul then is when you theoretically or you know intellectually say oh yeah that's possible yeah yeah yeah but then it becomes a different game when you say is it possible for me and so for me I had the I had the it made sense to me that it was possible I couldn't find any evidence in anybody that ever did it you know I looked everywhere what is the science behind if it is possible I couldn't find any science that could support it uh so I had to take a leap and just remember everything that I learned and now this was really my own personal initiation I seen it work on I read all the stories of the Masters and the yogis I saw so many changes in people's personal health right in front of my eyes um in in in the in the working hypnosis and so I so I thought that there was a possibility that it could happen but the first six weeks of that process uh for the most part was hell uh it was The Dark Night of the Soul because I imagine I I couldn't I couldn't get my mind to do what I wanted it to do and that bothered me more than anything else I could not I kept focusing on what I didn't want to happen instead of what I what I did want to happen and it took me an enormous amount of awareness an enormous amount of energy to not default back to that disbelief and it's the overcoming of that disbelief and that doubt that opens the door for something to to occur right I think we're lucky both of us in that sense that I have obviously the personal story with my sister which before I would have heard it from her you know I growing up as I say when I was younger I was into philosophy as I said just before the call and so I was a I'm a very skeptical young guy and thankfully now I have that personal story you know to help me get over that barrier but I think some of the resistance to your views is often from the traditional scientific Community when there's so much so much in pH ology with for example the case of cancer chemotherapy you have all these treatments and and and that sort of thing and in that way there's quite a lot of resistance to it what would you say to those people who say you're trying to deny traditional medicine what would what would you say to them do you think there's a place for both oh absolutely I I think medicine is great I I have no I have no opinion uh of whether it's good or bad it it has helped a lot of people uh and it works really really well Ali when you're dealing with acute conditions you break your arm you have your appendix rupture you need a blood transfusion uh because you have a a car accident you know when you're looking at acute conditions medicine is just Elite when it comes to that we've really done a great job with it but when you're looking at Chronic health conditions whether it's uh type 2 diabetes uh whether it's high blood pressure whether it's uh early stages of immun mediated conditions chronic health health conditions require a lifestyle change a behavioral change to make different choices and the hardest part really about change is making it a new choice and not making the same choice that you did the day before and so then um if you're truly going to understand that you have a hand in your own personal healing and change then you then the process of you making those changes so that whatever type of treatment you're doing will work better for you now there's a whole variation some people choose conventional medicine some people choose alternative um um health care but in the end the person is working on making the change and and that means then that they're they're doing the work to change they do their meditations to change the way they think to change the way they act and to change the way they feel and how you think how you act and how you feel is your personality and so then that personality that's thinking the same way feeling the same way and and acting the same way has pretty much a certain life that that that is that is equal to that personality get a person to stop thinking that way stop acting that way stop feeling that way give them the science of possibility and change combine the Neuroscience with neuroendocrinology with psychon neuroimmunology with epigenetics with electromagnetism with quantum physics build a model of understanding and tell them that they're not doomed by their genes hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of their life have them understand what they're doing have them understand why they're doing it if the what and the why gets really clear the how gets easier and they can assign meaning to to the ACT assign meaning means they're going to put their intention behind it and when you have that kind of as assignment to meaning you switch on the forbrain the prefrontal cortex and it means business and when the free prefrontal cortex switches on it silences the entire circuitry in the brain that says this is what you're doing and you want an outcome and so then the outcome gets greater when you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it so the person who's then understanding if I start thinking differently if I can fire and wire new circuits in my brain if I can install Hardware in there and if I can keep doing this and I can keep remember to think this way if I keep installing the circuitry that'll become the new voice in my head the new belief if I start thinking about how I'm going to behave in my life and I rehearse in my mind how I'm going to be in certain circumstances the research shows you could actually do the same thing you could Prime the brain for that behavior if you start feeling the emotions that you would love to feel instead of the emotions you don't like to feel and you're thinking differently you're acting differently and you're feeling differently then your personality is beginning to change and your biology will change as a result of it so independent of whatever conventional treatment or unconventional treatment the person is embarking on chronic health conditions a lot of times stay the same and the the effort to create chemical balance in the body never really changes The Chronic health condition it just mediates it so that the person can function in their life but the condition still exists so if the person is ready then to go to that next level and begin to change their lifestyle change themselves when they begin to change their life begins to change so we have data that suggests when people do that they respond better to any treatment that they decide to do and and and that's the beauty behind it it's it's interesting because I I like the idea of neurons that um fire together wire together correct me if I'm wrong on that but I think the idea of really changing habits is something that a University students were were quite interested in I'm quite interested in this idea of drinking culture for example where you go drinking every night and then you say to yourself oh I should be drinking less alcohol for example and I um I was wondering if you could give advice to University students to change to change to change their habits how do how do you get their energy because you're surrounded by people with this constant peer pressure and yeah how do you how do you change that yeah as I said earlier um because the hardest part about breaking a habit or changing is not making the same choice that you did the day before and the moment you decide to make a different Choice get ready because you're going to feel uncomfortable you're actually leaving the known familiar self and when you step out and you're no longer doing the same thing or making the same choice or having the same experience or feeling the same emotions or hanging with the same people your body is craving what it's used to so the body starts telling the brain because it wants you to return back to the same same state says come on Lucas you can start tomorrow tomorrow look so and so's going it's going to be fun everybody's going to be there you know it's it's Pub night you know my God I'm going to okay and that your body telling your brain hey we want to have the same experience to feel the same emotion the body actually is telling the brain to think the same way to make the same choice to do the same thing to create the same experience to feel the same feeling and the person stays the same so then in order for a person to break that state they have to be willing to be uncomfortable and the body starts craving and when the body starts craving if the body is stronger than the mind then the person will make the same choice and return back to the same um the same habit so a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition The Habit is when you've done something so many times that your body actually knows how to do it better than your conscious mind it becomes automatic and it's subconscious so a lot of choices that people make on a regular basis or subconscious or unconscious choices they think they're making the choice consciously but actually it's the body that's making the choice instead of the mind so then I sorry to just jump in here but that really reminds me of of cigarettes and smoking and this this thing with I was quite addicted to nicotine for for a while and I only stopped once I feel I genuinely told myself with with the most firm intention and I really like the way you you phrase that in your in your writing this this firm intention where you have to convince yourself that you're going to quit and I feel that smoking for example is something that almost happens unconsciously where you light another cigarette and then light another one and I think that stopping cigarettes I feel like your teachings could be could be helpful for for someone who's struggling to to quit such a habit sure sure and and I and and and you can make that choice to change in one moment and it takes a firm intention and that's when you make up your mind when you say that this is it I don't care who's going to be at the pub environment I don't care how I feel body I don't care how long it takes I'm going to stop and when you make that decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that that choice carries a level of energy that causes your body to respond to your mind that choice that you're making in that moment is an experience that you'll never forget and many people will say I remember exactly where I was the time of day it was who I was with when I made up my mind to change and the stronger the emotion you feel to make that change the more you remember the choice and it takes that thought and that feeling that image and that emotion and that stimulus and response that's actually conditioning the body into a new biology it's actually causing the body to respond to the mind and the event becomes a moment in time that you never forget and that's exactly how we create a long-term memory the stronger the emotion you have from some experience the more you remember the event but now this is an inward experience and you got to come out of your resting state and when you come out of your resting state that's the moment the body's get getting new information and the body is precognitive in other words it's always spying on the brain and if you're sitting on your couch saying oh yeah I'm going to stop this habit or I'm going to stop this and you don't come out of your resting state the body knows you're lying the body knows you're going to do the exact same thing you always do but many people wait for crisis for trauma for disease for diagnosis for loss and some way they're waiting for something to to get really bad where they finally make up their mind to change why wait you know why wait if you know better an addiction is when you you know something is not good for you and you do it anyway that's an addiction an addiction is something where you think you can't stop it on some level and yet the current human the the the human drama is wait for the crisis wait for it to get so bad that you can't go back to business as usual and make the change and and you don't have to do that yeah I think you're so right about the kind of positive emotion as well being added on to that firm intention and in the case of addiction we're talking about this is all negative one of the examples I love negative in the sense of getting rid of something what I love one of the examples in your book and this is where your thoughts are really grounded in science is the example of piano playing and of mental rehearsal and what you're saying about the body being precognitive what you just said is the perfect example of that spying on the brain and you know even thinking about um some sort of piece that you're going to be playing I don't know I'm not piano player but back or whatever whatever people play is is almost as effective we we do it all the time it's called mental rehearsal now just think about anybody who does anything really well I don't care if you have a a friend in your life that plays a guitar that just really knows how to play or an actor or an actress of an athlete um a dancer um doesn't matter anybody who gets really good at something spends a lot of time rehearsing their moves they just do so the research that's been done on that and this is kind of interesting you take a group of people that never played the piano before and you divide them into two different categories and in the first group of people you do a brain scan on them before they start the activity and you teach them one-handed scales and cords and they come and they practice two hours a day for 5 days then they scan their brain at the end of 5 days and lo and behold the act of playing the piano Pio actually grows new circuits on the opposite side of their brain well there's no magic there learn something new learning is making new connections get your body involved get your body involved you're going to have an experience experience enriches the brain pay attention to what you're doing you got to pay attention and repeat it over and over again firing and wiring and you're going to assemble new neural architecture there's no magic there take another group of people do a brain scan on them and then have them close their eyes and for two hours a day for five days mentally rehearse those scales and chords in their mind playing them over and over again at the end of 5 days they have the same structural changes in their brain as the people who are physically playing the piano now that means when you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience of playing the piano and what you're imagining now the brain is typically a record of the past everything you've learned and experien is wired in your brain but now you are priming the brain to be a map to the Future how do we know that because the brain looks like they already had the experience the brain looks like they've been playing the piano for the last 5 days and they never lifted a finger now why is that important well it's it's important because if you take those people and you put them in front of a piano and they'll sit down they've never played before they can play those scales and chords as if they were playing for the last 5 days theyve Prime their brain for the act now if you keep doing it over and over again the hardware that they're installing becomes more like a a software program and it becomes more automatic so now forget the piano player let's just talk about the person who has uh difficulty in their life with a an ex- relationship or with a co-worker or with a parent and they keep reacting and responding and behaving in the same way okay if I wanted to change uh whatever it was it would make sense then if I close my eyes and say what am I going to do in this situation how am I going to be different if I if I go into this the circumstance and they start rehearsing the ACT they start installing the circuitry why is that beneficial because they actually have Hardware in place to use and they have to do is get their behaviors now to match their intentions if they don't rehearse they have no Hardware in place and they'll default back to the old person okay so mental rehearsal changes the brain what about the body take a group of men the research was done at Cleveland Clinic have them come for an hour day for two weeks test their their muscles bicep strength before they learn this activity close their eyes and for an hour day for two weeks they mentally rehear curling uh uh a dumbbell and they add the emotional component of harder stronger more intense two weeks later there's a 13.5 increase in muscle strength they never lifted weight now the body is responding to the Mind by thought alone now why is that important well because the body has to get a new signal and new information and it's so objective in the process that when you emotionally add the component the body actually is believing it's having the experience that's it's incredible right so the person who has a chronic health condition that's doing their meditations to to to make changes and to and and to change so they can heal if they're doing their meditation an hour day and they have less pain and they have less fatigue and they're sleeping better but their blood values are still the same their their scans are are not changing they go to the next level I got to get so good at doing this with my eyes closed in my meditation I got to do it with my eyes open I'm going to wait one hour of a good meditation against 15 hours of reacting and responding as the same person oh my God let me rehearse how I'm going to be in certain circumstances in my mind so that I don't default and I can stay in the state with my eyes open and that's when it gets to be really exciting that's when the person is actually overcoming the old self and becoming a new self believing in a possibility behaving that way and ultimately becoming it the muscle example I mean I'm going to have to start using that but um what I what I love about that example and the way that you use it in the book is how the kind of this science is kind of pure data and I think what you do is add a structure behind that and it's it becomes explanatory and people become able to apply it and one of the structures that you Ed to describe this this phenomenon of mental rehearsal is attraction and attracting the future that you'd like now it's a it's uh slightly different but there's one study which you mentioned in your book which I'd love to bring up and if that's right I'll describe and then you explain because I think you you'll do it a lot better than I and I'm going to butcher this name but it's po that you mention in your book The study of the baby chips Renee pios okay we'll cut that out I guess so stud yeah Rene p in this study you describe when baby chicks are first born the kind of first moving uh seemingly animate thing around them that they see they think of as being their mother and in the study there's two different sets of chicks one of whom already has their biological mother or or the human whoever it may be and I placed in front of this moving robot now they can't access it it's within a closed box but they're up watching it and the robot is instructed to move completely at random and if you watch a graph it moves completely at random around the Box because they they have their mother so they're not they're not calling for it in the next study sorry in the next part of the study the next set of chicks this is their first interaction with an animate thing in the world and they take it to be their mother and what I find still despite believing it still completely insane is that this robot which is programmed ends up in their half of the box now if you don't mind I'd like you to explain it because like I say you'll do a better job than I would okay so so one of the things about um uh juvenile vertebrates you know chickens use as an example is that they imprint and when they imprint they imprint to this to the to the hen and and that's how they create bonding that's a very limbic brain phenomenon right and so the first few days of their exposure to the to the hen causes them to form this kind of bond and so they follow the the the the hen around um the hen takes him in different places they learned how to eat they know there's a lot of things that happen so so what they were what they decided to do was to create a robot dress it up like a hen and this robot is programmed like a random event generator to turn 50% of the time to the left and 50% of the time to the right now it's random so it's not going to be right left right left right left that wouldn't be random it would be right right right left left left left left right left right right right right but if you keep tossing a coin it always comes out to 50% the more you do it the more it's 50% so what they do is they take the random event generator and they set it in an arena and uh without any any um connection to the baby chicks just just as an example they put the the random event generator in this Arena without any baby chicks without any exposure to them just to see how it would work and as you would expect it turns left 50% of the time right 50% of the time and if you were to measure it you'd see it kind of cover the whole entire space okay hatch the baby chicks put the random event generator in the presence of the baby chicks take the baby chicks put it outside the arena on one side of the Arena turn the random event generator on instead of the random event generator covering the whole Arena the actions the movements of the random event generator 100% of the time is on the on the side of the Arena where the baby chicks are actually in the cage so the intentions of the baby chicks and the emotion of bonding to that random vent generator caus the action of the random event generator to move in the direction of the baby chicks now those baby chicks have tiny teeny weeny little brains and teeny weeny little hearts right and if they can cause a random event generator to move in the direction of that Arena how powerful our our thoughts and our emotions and attracting things to us in our lives and and so um if you're in the process of creating a new life then it must mean then you must have a very clear intention of what that new life would look like and that's a function of the brain and and the brain is the architect it is the Builder and when you get a wild idea about something that you want to create or something you want to experience your brain the forebrain switches on the frontal lobe switches on and it's a creative Center and you ask the question what would it be like to be wealthy what would it be like to be healthy what would it be like to be happy what would it be like to be traveling for a living and your brain actually starts looking for answers and the frontal lobe begins to to access the association circuits in the brain that are connected to that question and so when you get a Clear Vision in your mind of what that could look like that's called intention now that's only that that that is only one half of the equation because that intention is sterile without the energy or the emotion of the experience so if you're truly beginning to imagine whatever that future is and you start falling in love with that future before it happens you start feeling grateful before that experience happens it takes a function of the heart and we've discovered along with other institutions that the heart has a very profound effect on our biology so marry the clear intention a function of a coherent brain with an elevated emotion a function of a coherent heart and you do that properly and you start to change your energy is it possible then you start to see effects in your life you know things start coming to you instead of going and getting them somehow you start seeing these synchronicities these opportunities these coincidences that begin to mysteriously appear in your life now when that occurs it kind of wakes you up like huh it's kind of weird that that kind of happened that kind of synchronicity is weird like I didn't really plan that I didn't really expect that that's the Awakening right to prove to you how powerful you really are and in fact can begin to create events in your life and instead of going out and going and get them or having to do things to get them somehow they seem to come to us and and we use Pia's example because it really is a clear example of uh if baby chicks can do that uh I'm certain that we can do the same yeah like I say I think it's your posos is an insane experiment but I think it's your explanations which really pull through and one of those and I want you to help me clarify a little bit on this this is the part where people seem to take you more as a Mystic and yet you base it in science just to help me understand most matter is ultimately condensed frequency and we can in space time and these elevated emotions for example and an example of a higher frequency as you categorize it and accessing the highest frequencies through the pineal gland allows you to get to time space which is um another realm you might say purely of frequency without this condensation into matter and you have all possible Futures there and that's where the attraction happens in this other realm when you manage to escape yourself and you manag to attract the future that you would like so tell me if I've missed anything but I think that's a rough I think you know there's a lot to it but I think that's a rough characterization of your of your position uh well there's a lot to unpack there but but um if you look around that the physical world around you um you look at objects you look at bodies you look at people you look at things you look at places um in this three-dimensional reality everything has form and structure it's material right right and we experience this three-dimensional reality with our senses okay so pick any object any object that your senses are perceiving seems separate from you so our senses fool us into the illusion of Separation in the three-dimensional reality and everything is height and width width and depth and if you if you don't see it it doesn't exist right so okay let's take uh anything that's physical and material and what are the Bas basic building blocks of that physical form or that physical structure they're called atoms turns out atoms are 99.999% nothing their frequency their information and their 0.00001% form and structure and so we're perceiving a very small percentage of reality if you think about it and don't exclude yourself from that ex that equation the probability that we're seeing the truth of reality is next to zero so so our senses fool us into the illusion of separation and because everything appears separate in three-dimensional reality the way we get what we want is we have to do something you want to get a degree you got to go to school you got to study you got to learn it takes time you want to become wealthy you want to become healthy you got to change your diet you got to do all these things and so in the plane of demonstration the plane of doing three-dimensional reality we notice that we want something because we're separate from it you want the new car you want the vacation you want the new relationship it's because you don't have it and so the brain goes I don't have this and I want to have it so the brain starts dreaming of having it and then you start figuring out ways to go and get it I'm going to work really hard I'm going to get a second job uh I'm going to save money I'm going to cheat a little bit steal a little bit do whatever I have to do to finally arrive at that dream so the whole entire time until that dream actually appears we're experiencing the separation of not having it so when the experience finally comes the emotion from that experience takes away the lack or separation from not having it and that's kind of the game in threedimensional reality you get really good at it you can study you can learn from your mistakes um you can get a lot of good training uh you can you know you can make your way and you can become successful at Gathering things or having experiences in three-dimensional reality okay that's one way okay Einstein said the field the quantum field that energetic field is the sole governing agency of the particle he says the field controls the particle he didn't say the particle controls the particle he says the information the field is actually controlling the particle okay so what if you could create from the field instead of from the part from matter okay how would you do that okay well then all of our attention is immersed in three-dimensional reality and if you think about it all your attention is on your body it's on people in your life objects your cell phone your computer your your bicycle your scooter um where you live where you work where you where you go to school the classes you go to where you sleep the pubs you like to go to the friends you have that cre that that creates our identity in three-dimensional reality okay so what we discovered is that when you get really stressed and you get really out of balance the arousal of the stress hormones causes you to put more attension on your body that's what survival does being chased by T-Rex you better be thinking about your body the arousal of the stress hormones in survival causes us our senses to get heightened and we start putting more of our attention on our environment all those objects all those people all those places the arousal of stress hormones causes us to be to be obsessive about time if you're being chased by T-Rex and you're at one point and you want to get to another Point you're thinking about how much time you have to get there so the body the environment and time so then that Quantum field that is that invisible field of energy that exists Beyond this space and Beyond this time that you can't perceive with your senses is real and in fact it is governing everything physical and material and the most stable form of energy the slowest frequency that we perceive with our senses is matter okay well there are other frequencies that go all the way right up to that zero point field that that Singularity that source that Oneness that holess where there's no separation that's where everything physical and material comes from so is it possible that the human being with our Consciousness can connect to that field and energy and we discovered that when people move out of stress and survival and they begin to take all of their attention off their body off all the people in their life all the objects and things all the places they need to go and uh and where even where they're sitting and not thinking about the what's going to happen in the next moment or what happened in the past moment they can settle into the present moment and we teach them this that if they can become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time and take their attention off of everything physical everything material everything known in their life and go from a narrow focus on focusing in on everything physical and material to broadening your focus and putting your attention on energy and frequency the act of doing that begins to change the brain in a very very holistic way the brain starts to become less modulated less compartmentalized and starts functioning a more synchronized and holistic state in the act of doing that actually changes the person's brain waves uh to get beyond their thinking analytical mind now that is the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is the analytical mind so by changing your brain waves you start dropping down in frequency and the Brain starts getting more creative and the voice in your head stops talking to you when that occurs then now you're getting into the operating system where true change can take place so then in the quantum field everything's connected everything's energy everything's frequency everything's vibration everything's Consciousness everything's information there's nothing physical there's nothing material there's nothing you can perceive with your senses in fact it's nothing it's actually nothing so take away every object every person every body everything every place take away the Earth take away the Moon take away the planets uh take away the sun take away the light from the sun the light from the stars the Stars galaxies you're left with a vacuum that void that vacuum in that void is is rich in frequency it's rich in energy and and every thought in that realm has a frequency so if the person can abandon their identity and become pure Consciousness and they can marry that clear intention with a coherent brain combined with an elevated emotion a coherent heart the elevation in fre frequency that's created begins to change the person's energy and when there's a vibrational match between their energy and some potential that exists in the quantum field they start to notice that they don't have to go anywhere to get what they want as I said all of a sudden they start to draw experiences to them and the more coherent the brain and the more coherent the heart the greater the Wi-Fi signal in other words they have a signal to connect to that potential so stress creates in coherence in the brain and stress creates incoherence in the heart so now you don't have a Wi-Fi signal your brain is incoherent your heart is incoherent you can't connect to the field so we teach people how to begin to create that kind of orderliness that takes place in their in their in their nervous system and when they do the benefits of that then are seeing the opportunities that begin to appear in their life and the ultimate goal in creating from the field instead of from matter is shortening the distance between the thought of what we want and the experience of having it and when we create from the field instead of from matter we could actually begin to alter the amount of time it takes for our dreams to appear in our lives I see um I'm wary of the time and would love to get to the q&as of the audience but before that I wanted to ask a final question and I'd like to push back a little bit uh as somebody who might be seen as a bit more of a skeptic um I'm curious if it would be possible to say that maybe the stress causing incoherence in the brain could be much more rooted in Psychology and if it's if in what kind of um research is is present in terms of connecting the pineal gland for example to the quantum realm versus the amount of scientific research that might not point to that direction I'm wondering how how you bring that as one like epistemological um system together okay um I'll see if I can answer this in in a very direct way that that isn't too time consuming okay if you study vertebrates P homing pigeon chameleon you study any vertebrate you'll see that they all have pineal glands and inside their Pine glands are tiny little crystals and those crystals are very sensitive to electromagnetism a homing pigeon can actually know exactly where to go how to migrate or any any any bird can migrate because it's picking up the electromagnetic field of the earth and that's how it knows how how to move in directions a chameleon that feels infrared frequency on that kind of space in the back of their head where there's no skull it's kind of a soft area is picking up the infrared frequency and the pineal gland is actually releasing melanin and it causes it to become camouflaged right or a little turtle in the in the coast of Mexico is born in a certain part of the beach goes out into the ocean migrates walks along the sand gets crawls out into the ocean comes back to that very point and lays their eggs in the same place they were born because it has a GPS and so other vertebrates have it and and we have a pineal gland and it has crystals in it and those crystals are there and they've been there for a long time and there's a principle in biology called endowment which means if you don't use it in time nature loses it but yet Arenal gland has still has those crystals and they're dormant then it's a latent system in the brain so what we discovered Lucas is that when people begin to dial down their their brain waves and they begin to open their awareness and they take their attention off their body their environment and time they take their attention off of everything known and they can linger in that void in that vacuum without a name without a past without a culture without a gender without a diet without a profession uh and and they can linger in that place and they keep opening their awareness as they slow their brain waves down from beta brain waves thinking brain waves to Alpha brain waves creative States and they begin to open the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind if they can slow their brain waves down into Theta now Theta is a hypnotic State uh uh when a person is in Theta they're in hypnosis and when you're in hypnosis you're very suggestible to information and suggest ability is your ability to accept information believe in information surrender to information connect to information without ever analyzing if it's the truth or not and that's exactly what programs a person to do certain things or the autonomic nervous system to change all right so the person now can get so relaxed that their body's in a light sleep while they're conscious and awake and they're suggestible to information and they're in Thea we discovered that if a person can get to that state and they're suggestible to information and they're in a meditation and their senses are not plugging them into the environment they're not seeing anything cuz their eyes are closed the music in the room is filling the space they're not eating they're not tasting they're smelling they're not experiencing or feeling with their body but they're suggestible and their nervous system is coherent something amazing happens there's only one other place uh where you can get information and that's frequency all frequency carries information the more coherent the autonomic nervous system is and the person is relaxed in their heart and awake in their brain all of a sudden all we start to see the brain connect and when it connects it goes from that Theta State into very high states of arousal and that arousal is causing the brain to go into gamma brain wave patterns when they're in gamma gamma is super Consciousness it is super awareness it is an altered state now the amount of gamma that we're capturing in the brain is not a little it's not a lot it's a supernatural amount and it's happening in the autonomic nervous system what does that mean stress is autonomic disregulation this person is having an arousal that's causing autonomic regulation the amount of coherence and the amount of energy in the autonomic nervous system in gamma is actually causing the body to connect to frequency and information now what's the relevance of this if we look at the scans of the people that are having this experience the area around the pineal gland is very active the radio rece in the brain is all of a sudden connecting to frequency but not frequency like we typically connect to like your eye is perceiving the frequency or the wavelength of light that's bouncing off objects that's the only spectrum that we see look at the electromagnetic spectrum it's a big spectrum and we're getting this little sliver of red orange yellow blue green in the go Violet that's that's the extent of the frequency that we're perceiving and yet there's infinite frequencies beyond that so now the quantum is a a frequency that's faster than light equals mc^ s anything that's material that's traveling at the speed of light turns into energy it disappears connect to energy that's that's faster than the speed of light that frequency is carrying information the pineal gland connects to that frequency that frequency begins to inform matter with information and the person all of a sudden activates that pineal gland and the pine gland is a transducer and what transducers do is it takes frequency or signals in the one form and turns it into another just like a TV antenna picking up a frequency and turning it into pictures and images and so that third eye in the brain begins to release derivatives a suite of metabolites that are upgrades of melatonin that fit in the same receptor sites but all of a sudden cause a very profound unknown mystical experience and since experience enriches the brain and it does an experience produces an emotion that arousal is not fear the arousal Al is not pain the arousal is not anger or aggression that's usually created from the the stress hormones the arousal is ecstasy the arousal is bliss the Abel's love and in fact it's difficult to give a word to describe whatever that is but most people say it's like I forgot and now I remember that I was always connected and when the person comes back to their senses since experience in riches circuitry their spectrum of what they can perceive and real ity is broadened because their inner experience changes their experience of the outside world before I L my final question anyone who has questions from Dr Joe's youth Community can pop those into the chat and we'll choose maybe one or two unfortunately we don't have a lot of time chose one or two and Dr Joe can quickly reply to those but just on that last note Dr Joe if I were to have a desire and match that frequency but that desire would be incoherent in at least the physics sense so it produces something which which is contrasting so two frequencies which if both happen to be true would create an incoherent reality how would we solve this this issue because I'd be technically getting into the same frequency but but someh that have to be a limit um well uh this is a long conversation um and it's a little bit more complex but I will tell you this okay uh when there's stress hormones activated in the brain um and you're shifting your attention when you're under the gun of the stress hormones you're shifting your attention to one person to another person to another thing to another problem to another person to another thing to your cell phone to another object every one of those elements has a neurological Network in your brain because it's known to you and the arousal causes the brains to start firing these compartments and those compartments become modulated and they no longer talk to each other and so now it's a house divided against itself and people people need something to take away that dissonance that incoherence so then as the brain starts to become more coherent those different compartments of the brain that were once subdivided start unifying bigger neighborhoods bigger communities begin to begin to um um dance at the same frequency sustain that state for an extended period of time you'll see global coherence in the entire brain now when that occurs what sinks in the brain links in the brain and the brain begins to become more coherent now why is that important because if you take coherent waves and they begin to interfere what do they create they create higher amplitudes and higher amplitudes mean higher energy and those waves then begin to interfere and they create higher amplitudes and you start creating this phenomena called resonance in the brain standing waves of energy and we've seen this in our scans some people have delta waves waves carrying theta waves theta waves carrying Alpha Waves Alpha Waves carrying beta waves beta waves carrying High beta waves High beta carrying G gamma waves the entire brain is functioning in a state of harmonics and now instead of 4% 5% of 6% of the brain firing when you're thinking and you have over 20% of the brain really beginning to form very holistic connections microclusters of neurons that are firing separately compart mentalize start forming macrocluster of connections and that begins to exchange information on a greater level in the brain the person who's having that experience is feeling more whole uh than they've felt in a very long time so the Su the sustaining of coherence over a period of time begins to cause the brain to build energy just like in the heart sustaining coherence in the heart causes the person to have higher amplitudes of energy in their heart what does that mean that's not a little love that they're feeling that's a lot of love that they're feeling measure their blood and the chemistry that goes along with that is elevated levels of oxytocin what is that the person is actually feeling love and oxytocin begins to Signal a host of chemicals that causes blood to move into the heart that's energy and that person starts to open their heart and they feel more in love with life so the person moves out of survival uh into these elevated States now there's so many rabbit holes I can go down with this but what I can tell you more than anything else is that it takes practice and it takes practice and it's just like hitting a golf ball or a tennis ball or dancing the salsa once you understand the formula and you practice the formula um you start to notice those changes and it's like it's like trying to tell someone what a mango tastes like you just got to eat it and so the philosophy then void of any experience is just dinner conversation having the experience then changes the understanding of that philosophy yeah it's uh there's just so much to unpack and unfortunately we don't have the time to unpack at all I mean one one of the things that occurs to me and unfortunately if that's okay we'll move we'll move on from it but maybe it's just something for for listeners to think about is incoherence between different people who desire let's say I'm On One frequency that for example I want to be uh the Oxford champion of debating and I managed to tune into that frequency and Lucas wants to be the Oxford champion of debating and he manages to tune into that frequency how do how do we how do we resolve that Universe no no listen listen um it's not just tuning into that frequency I don't want you sitting on your couch waiting for your wealth to come that's this is that's not how it works I mean there's an element in three-dimensional reality where you have actually have to keep one foot in the real world and one foot in the quantum World in other words you can't if you want to be the debate Champion you got to debate and you got to use your mind and you got to use that you know you got to study and you got to do all those things that's that's part of it that's the skill that's the that's the practicum you still have to do it and yet a person who can tune into energy and information may have different ways to see things that are different than another person but they're not going to create being the Oxford Champion without actually doing anything that's that's that's Panacea that's that's that's that's impractical and that's not what this is about I still do a lot of things I still take care of my body I still work out I still eat well I still have companies I have to manage and people I have to to interact with challenges all the time but but but if I want a possibility to change in my life or another another opportunity then yeah I'm going to use that that principle I'm going to use those princi so so keep a foot in both worlds because I don't I don't want it to be I don't want it to be uh spirituality in that sense I want to be practical right I'm a pragmatist and the practical application means you own it right you when you when you realize your dream and and you're still doing things if you're you're still stepping towards your dream you still got to go College you still got to study you still got to do those things but your vision would be something in your future uh you still have to do things to arrive at that Vision if you're not then you don't believe it's then you don't believe it's a reality mhm it's it's actually super interesting that you've moved on to that because that was pretty much the question that I was going to pick um from the beginning Q&A and that's from Amy so Amy thank you for tuning in to the podcast and thank you for your question and her question is how do you navigate the balance between intention setting and taking practical actions and I guess your answer with one foot in each is there's no balance because they're different Realms you can do both you can work as hard as you possibly want to become the Oxford debating Champion but you can also tune into the Gratitude etc those elevated emotions and the frequency which brings that about and so you can do both at the same time basically so Amy thank you for that question it's already been answered excellent excellent yeah I'll um I'll take another question from the audience and unfortunately this might be the last question that Dr Joe is able to answer just in terms of time and Maria from the audience asks Dr Joe would we lose touch with the Mystic if our meditation became a sort of habit or or does it mean or is there if there's a clear intention before the meditation does that mean that there's still room for this Mystic side yeah so if you look up the word mystical and I have it means unknown right so I mean I love unknown experiences that's the thing that keeps me excited in life right so so so so any experience that is unknown is a mystical experience and just turns out that we we have a lot of experiences ahead of us that we're unaware of so so for me personally I'll talk about myself um when a meditation becomes routine and it's lost its luster it's lost its glitter it's lost its its inspiration and that's because it has become routine in some way and I forgot what I'm doing and why I'm doing it and so it just becomes another thing that I'm in the habit of doing when it gets to that point we got to go back to studying the the the the the information you got to start reviewing epigenetics and understand if I feel this emotion if I really feel this emotion am I literally signaling genes ahead of the environment that's what that means okay well then when I feel this emotion I'm going to have the intention to Signal those genes better outcome it'll work better if I open my heart and the heart has a magnetic IC field and if I'm beyond space and time can I draw my future to me with my heart okay when I feel this emotion I'm going to remember that I'm drawing my future to me with my heart okay if I open my awareness and keep lingering in nothing I'm doing this because I want to create more coherence in my brain yes I want to begin to get beyond my analytical mind and slow my brain waves down and that's why I'm doing it when we assign meaning to the ACT and and and and we review the the information and the knowledge we we we we enjoy doing it but when we forget and it's so much easier to forget this information than to remember it it's just not part of the program of three-dimensional reality so when it loses um it's luster it's because we forgot um what we're doing and why we're doing it and go back either change it up go back and study for me I love getting in my think box before I ever sit down and do a meditation and that is what am I not going to think think about who am I not going to think about what Memories am I stay away from what things do I know that I have to do today excuse me the list goes on forever I'm just going to stay away from all of that what emotions am I not going to feel you know let me just get really clear on what I'm not going to do let me just get that really clear because I I don't want to I don't want to default okay so what am I doing here why why am I doing this meditation I'm review what I what I'm why am I doing this I want to get my think box all worked out what's my intention what how am I going to feel okay can I let me just practice let me just get that state okay and I get I I get in my think box but because when I get in my play box there's no thinking if I'm thinking when I'm in my play box I I'm not prepared right and if I'm not doing it with any intention I don't have I don't have direction right the intention is the direction the emotion is the energy that drives you to that future so it's a constant revision it's a constant revision getting the think box working it out getting the play box and then experimenting with it playfully and playfully saying okay okay Lucas or Ali I'm going to really just take 20 minutes a day I'm going to change my energy I'm going to have an intention I'm going to feel the emotion I'm going to remember what this emotion feels like I'm going to remember my intention I'm going to feel differently the whole entire day if this is the truth I'm going to experiment with it let me just see if if anything changes let me just see if something changes in my life whoa when it changes you're like okay I'm going to do it again I'm going to do it again this time and see what h ah it happened I can Rel this is weird ah I'm cre creting now I'm somehow creating in my life I'm going to do it again it's not like you're something that you have to do it's something that you enjoy doing because you don't want the magic you don't want the mystery to end and so the unknown is is something is Mystical because if it's it's it's a cult it's hidden it's not known to us and so how many of those experiences exist infinite and so that those those experiences exist beyond our senses the side effect of what happens in our life as result of being a Creator proves to us then that somehow we have an effect on our destiny and so then the the understanding of that and the realization of that causes the person to want to always be creating in their life and so one foot in the real world one foot in the quantum world still step towards your future but but add a little but add a little magic to it by by seeing if you can influence outcomes in a in a greater way thank you Joe I will say for all of those listening right now uh in the live Community stay tuned uh please do follow us on Instagram at the loaf pod And subscribe to our YouTube channel this episode will be out very soon I think in December on all platforms if you would like to learn more about Dr Joe and his beliefs you should definitely pick up becoming Supernatural so we can because obviously this is a very very deep topic and obviously while Ollie and I like to like to push back on your metaphysical commitments and I hope you enjoyed that we managed to get a little bit of a debate going and we obviously like to consistently question things I think the best way to do it is to keep questioning keep listening keep reading Dr Joe do you have any final comments for our audience today no the only comment is try it out don't believe me don't don't I'm not in fact a lot of the things I'm saying I'm not saying that that the data is actually saying it our data shows uh that that um that it's possible so try it out for yourself experiment with it have fun with it and see if you can produce outcomes and and and and if you have doubt um learn the information to remove the doubt that's uh so that so you can apply better brilliant Dr Joe despencer thank you so much for joining us today this has been the loaf podcast signing [Music] off [Music]
Channel: The LOAF Podcast
Views: 72,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Dispenza, mind-body connection, consciousness, healing, epigenetics, meditation, LOAF Podcast, personal transformation, science and spirituality
Id: BftScSC19r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 57sec (4677 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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