Dr. Jazz: Word Walker!

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[Music] blessed and so we come with tip to anticipation of what you're going to do in this place we pray for the person who's watching on facebook on youtube on ig the person who's in this sanctuary and god reacts that you will move in a mighty way on they let them not see jazz but let them see jesus let them not hear jazz but let him hear jesus and when all he said and then we thank you that your name will be glorified your people will be edified and the very devil will be horrified cause we accident the precious the powerful the permanent name of our lord and savior jesus christ and the people of god who believe that your walking talking breathing miracle come wanna give the lord a hand of praise in this place hallelujah amen amen you may be seated in the presence of god we greet you in the only name that matters and that is the name of our lord and savior jesus christ for it is that the song of the name jesus that every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that he is lord to the glory of god and we thank god on this morning that we are in the land of the dying on our way to the land of the living and we simply stop by to say that the lord is good that if it had not been for the lord on our side we'd be dead and buried in our graves but we thank god for a second chance a third chance of four chance of fifth chance or six chance our seven chance are eight chance a nine chance and when i get to number 10 i just thank god for grace and mercy i don't know what to say about your pastor my friend your bishop my friend come on give him up for pastor vanessa bird my goodness i'm so honored so honored so honored to be a part of this wonderful celebration of 22 years in ministry i come here for corner near christian center over and over again and years ago my best friend bishop rosie o'neill introduced me to pastor bird and we have kicked it off ever since then all right we like telma and louise you know martha and mary you know whatever all right but we thank god for just divine connection and i'm celebrating her because when she wins i win when she wins you win all right so we thank god for her come on celebrate pastor bishop bird one more time one more time and my goodness i feel like the queen of sheba i heard about you from afar but until i came and see it for myself the half has not been told and it's so good to be a part of the paradise church what an amazing church i've been checking you out on facebook youtube ig you know before you go places you gotta check it out now you you gotta google them all right you gotta google them and i've been checking it out and last week i was watching my good friend bishop o'neal up in here and i was trying to celebrate but i was a little bit envious you know i'm saying she had two nights with y'all i was feeling some kind of way amen but i thank god that i'm here today so i'm just here to clean up what she messed up i'm just messing with y'all but absolutely we are glad to be here especially in covet 19. and before i get into the word of god i want to say to paradise church this is the new norm so don't feel anything because there's an empty seat next to you this is the new norm this is it you can go to the potter's house you can go to joe olsteen church you can go to any church around the world they are going to be number one most likely there are going to be more empty seats don't panic about it don't get upset about it don't think the church is shrinking no the church has just shifted from presence to now online are y'all hearing me i want to encourage somebody i want to encourage some pastor some teacher some of you i'm using my goodness for all the people they are online do i have to help you all with that all right they are online oh my goodness so give a shout out to everybody on facebook come on make some noise for facebook and make some noise for youtube and make some noise for ig come on come on wherever you are in your living room wherever you are in your bedroom wherever you are in your kitchen the glory that's in paradise is coming to your house i need somebody to shout in here let your praise go to alabama let your praise go to mississippi let your praise go to georgia let your praise go to jamaica send your place to south africa let your praise go all around the world my god my god my god my god my god if you shout here they'll get the miracle out there i said if you shout here they'll get the miracle out there hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so thank you for joining us and those of you who are online your assignment is to do three things how many things three things your assignment is number one i want you to share that means hit that button at the bottom and share it with everybody on your facebook page number two i want you to subscribe i mean i want you to make sure that you're connected to this church and then if the lord leads you i want you to support this ministry financially don't be a consumer and not a contributor don't be a surfer and not a sitter hello somebody y'all just make noise in the place i'm just talking to facebook for a minute you guys are just the resident audience but i come in to get you and so for victory and those of you who are watching online let's take that numbers up let's go ahead and trend let's get to a thousand people and the way you do it is share subscribe and support and just in case you get to north carolina there's a place called paradise come on up in here we are in the gospel of matthew chapter 14 matthew chapter 1 4 amen the first book in the new testament matthew mark luke and john and we are in matthew chapter 14 matthew chapter 14 and victory grace center i see you guys already online make sure you share it all over the globe in the digital space everybody so they can hear it thank god for being a hybrid church okay you're half and half that mean your sweet tea and lemonade that's uh right that's what they call it half and half right you used to be just sweet tea or you used to just be lemonade but now you're half and half all right and they said 65 of the people after the pandemic will not come into your building 65 of the people who used to be in your building will no longer be coming in your building it's not because they can't stay in your pastor it's not because they've left paradise it's not because they don't love your church but they found another place my goodness at the 11 o'clock or the latest service i'm gonna be talking about that i'm excited about where we can go where we've never gone before so we can do what we've never done before so we can see what we've never seen before this is a great time to be the church my god i can go all over the world last year i preach in the uk i preach in london i preach in south africa i preach in jamaica i preach in trinidad all from my basement what did i say all from my what see because i don't have a building as yet hallelujah but i got a basement and a bible but i went all around the world from my basement hello mama hella somebody i didn't have jet lag i didn't waste 12 hours on a plane my goodness i wasn't exposed to covet i did all of it i reached over two million people from my basement i raised 1.2 million dollars you're gonna catch this from my basement 77 people join my church from my basement i wish somebody to say we go into the other side come on look at your neighbor so we going to the other side matthew chapter 14 matthew matthew chapter 14 so i want you to embrace amen i'm here to preach today and then after that i'm going to be schooling your pastor on how to get online i told her when i'm through with you today yeah you're gonna be on facebook youtube ig snapchat what's up clubhouse all right it's gonna be bishop bird and clubhouse bishop bud and snapchat bishop buds and whatsapp i'm telling you i'm the digital pastor matthew chapter 14 reading particularly verse number 22 if you dare go ahead and wave at me wave at me i know you got masks on so there's five ways you can still shout with your mask on you can wave you can stand up you can turn around you can sit down and my goodness you can just run around wherever you are but you can still praise him even in this space matthew chapter 14 reading particularly at verse number 22 and uh are your king james or new king james all right i see king james let me get there all right paul said i've become everything for all men so i can win them all matthew chapter 14 verse number 22 at least give me the new king james can you upgrade it thank you i appreciate it all right matthew chapter 14 verse number 22 here begins the reading of the word of god and straightway jesus constrained his disciple to get into a ship and to go before him on to the other side while he sent the multitude away and when he ascended multitude away he went up into the mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with the waves where the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night jesus went on to them walking on the scene and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were trouble saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway jesus spoke unto them saying be of good cheer it is i do not be afraid of covet it is i be not afraid and peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me to come to you on the water and he said come let the church say come those of you on facebook your head and put it in the chat and he said come and when peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to jesus but when he saw the wind blessed to us he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying lord save me and immediately somebody put immediately in the chat and immediately jesus stretched for his hand and called him and said unto him o thou of little faith wherefore that is now doubted and when they will come into the ship the wind ceased then they that were in the ship came worship him saying of a truth thou art the son of god my goodness i want you to back it up back it up and just drop it my goodness drop it like it's hot right at verse number 28 and peter answered him and said lord if it be thou allow me to come to dee on the water and he said what did he say he said what he said come and peter when peter was come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to jesus i want to talk and i'm going to stay in this text i have two times to preach today so what i don't finish at the first spot i'll pick it up with this second so y'all hang with me all day long all right all right the ravens and kansas city chief don't play till tonight so we good to go brothers so stay with me we got good time all right brothers y'all got me all right i got you all covered i promise we'll get out in time to see ravens beat casey all right but just stay with you know i'm a ravens fan come on now i'm come on now don't hate on me you're playing for me come on don't hate on me all right i want to talk about the time that we have about getting out of the boat come on getting out of the boat and he says to peter come you may be seated in the presence of god a paradise our biblical text introduces us to a rather familiar story in the bible the story starts off by telling us that after the feeding of the 5 000 that jesus commanded disciples to get in the boat and to go before him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd after he dismissed the crowd he went up to the mountain by himself to pray and the text says when evening came he was alone on that mountain plane but the boat that he told the disciples to get into was now caught in the middle of a storm the wave were tossing them back and forth in other words the disciples were in the middle of a coveted storm or a crisis the text says about the fourth watch jesus appeared walking on the water and when the disciples saw him walking on the water they were trouble and they were saying it is a ghost they cried out for fear but jesus immediately spoke to them saying be of good it is i do not be afraid be the one of the disciple who is in the ship of the boat with the other disciples answers jesus by saying lord if it is you would you command me to come to you on the water jesus holler back and says come and the bible said that peter stepped out of the boat after getting in the boat and started walking on water i love this scripture peter became what i call a water or rather a word walker write that down because you really honestly cannot walk on water just go home and fill up your tub on tonight and try walking on water and you know you can't walk on water the text is not about the water look at your neighbor and do them like this it ain't about the water it ain't about water it's about something else it's not about water i love this text because the bible said that after peter walked on water started sinking then jesus saved him brought him back into the ship the bible says that those who never those who never left the ship or never left the boat started worshiping because they said truly this is the son of god for those of you who have heard or read this story you tend to focus on the latter part of the text and that is that after peter steps out of the boat he takes his eyes off of the savior put it on the storm and begins to sink and may i pause parenthetically to remind you that whenever you take your eyes off of the savior and put it on the storm you will begin to sing whenever you take your eyes off the savior and you put it on your salary you are going to sink whenever you take your eyes off the savior and put it on your house you are going to sink whenever you take your eyes off of the savior and put it on cnn or fox news you are going to sing pete of tragedy is he took his eyes off the savior put it on the storm and began to sink and all of us have been there where we have lost our focus when we put our eyes on who's not here or who should have been here when we focus on the people who are not here rather than focus on the people who are here you ought to say like whoopi from that movie the color purple i may be black i may be ugly but i'm here i don't know where anybody else is but i'm here because if god has been good to you and he woke you up this morning you said even if i got the mask up if i gotta sanitize up i got to be here yes i can watch on facebook and i can watch on youtube i'm not hating on you but if you live in a five miles radius of paradise you got to get to paradise i don't care if there's trouble in paradise because god is always in paradise can i preach up in here who fooled you to tell you that there's no trouble in paradise that there's no problem in paradise the devil don't mess with nobody who ain't got nothing going on if the devil is messing with you it's an indication that you got it going on are you about to get it going on i wish somebody can testify and said eyes have not seen that see my brothers and sisters jesus just finished feeding the five thousand at five loaves and two fishes he has just performed a profound miracle he took five loaves and two fishes and fed five thousand i declared that you are going to have every resource that you need i declare that when god takes what's in your hand and put it in his head that it's a season of multiplication it will not make sense i've got five thousand bills and all i got is five loaves and two fishes but when you put it in the master's hand he will elevate the income more than the expense i wish i had some mothers in the house who can testify i was young but now i'm older and i've never seen the righteous forsaken no his seed begging bread now y'all gonna have to sit down i'm just getting started and you're gonna mess the dvd up hey the bible said that jesus had just performed a miracle he fed 5 000 people with five loaves and two fishes and after that miracle he gives the disciples a mission he said i want you to get in the ship somebody said get in the ship he said i want you to get in the ship oh i want you to get in the boat and i want you to go on the other side after he performs a miracle he gives them a mission and the mission is i want you to get in the boat and i want you to go to the other side in obedience to the mission don't miss this in obedience to the mission they get in the boat and they're on their way to the other side while they are on their way to the other side jesus goes up into the mountain praying now we've got to have a discussion with jesus why would you let me get in the boat with the other disciples from paradise and you ain't even jump in the ship with us you up on the mountain plane and the boat that i'm in is now in a storm i've come to deliver paradise i've come to tell paradise the reason why you are in a storm is because of your mission god help me in here the reason why you may be facing problem is because of your mission remember he tells them to get in the ship is that an eagle sweater is i gonna eat my god you don't even stand up please sit down my god my your mission is to take that shirt off i'm gonna preach on this side the bible says i'm just messing with deacon the bible says he tell the disciples to get in the ship and to go to the other side somebody waved this way i'm going to the other side on their way to the other side they encounter a storm my goodness they are in the midst of a storm because they are on their way to the other side lean forward let me tell you a secret everything that you are going to negatively is because you are on your way somewhere you go into a place where you've never gone before so you can do what you've never done before so you can see what you've never seen before so you can have what you never had before the storm is an indication that you must be doing something right because the devil don't mess no with nobody who's not living right who is not serving writer who is not preaching white who's not singing right now look at your name and just do this to them and say we must be doing something right because the devil is messing with us but no weapon that is formed against paradise is going to prosper i need somebody to wave at me i need somebody to holler at me i need somebody to throw something at me but i've come to tell you no happen my god that is formed against you is going to be able to prosper they get in the ship and they're on their way to the other side and while they are on their way to the other side jesus is up on the mountain plane can i just tell my dear friend pastor bird that's your assignment in this season we need you to stay up on the mountain praying we don't need you in the valley we don't need you in every meeting can i preach right here we don't need you in every place because the way we get through the storm depends on you staying on the mountain point i need y'all to wave to your pastor and say please pastor i we need you to stay on the mountain because it's on the mountain where you get revelation it's on the mountain where you get inside it's in the mountain when you get a deposit i need you to encourage her and tell her we get the carpet we'll clean the carpet we get the bathroom we'll clean the bathroom we get the parking lot we'll handle the parking lot but we need you to stay on the mountain stretch your hands to the woman of god and say please moses would you stay on the mountain because our victory depends on your assignment can i preach up in here i said our victory depends on your assignment if you come down from that mountain too soon it is going to affect our victory it is going to affect our wind yes sometimes you got to come down and if you're going to come don't come down like jesus to remind us that there is nothing to fear in the storm my god i felt that thing right there i said if you're going to come down from the mountain come down to remind us that we don't have to worry about the storm because if god be for us who can be who can be against us the bible said jesus is up on the mountain point the disciples are in a storm and on the fort watch did you catch an eagle on the fort watch lord help me out on the fort watch the bible said that jesus shows up not on the ship but he shows up in the midst of the storm walking on water it's an indication catch the revelation come on take your seat it's an indication that sometimes god shows up in places where you least expect him to show up he does not show up on the ship he shows up on the sea don't miss that he shows up where he shows up on the sea he does not show up on the ship because jesus is trying to teach you you cannot box him in he will shop at panera bread he'll show up on walmart he'll show up at the bb station he'll show up in the parking lot he'll shop in your kitchen he'll shop in your bedroom in this season you cannot box god in because god will show wherever he is wherever he needs to be he will be there and he's always on time for where he needs to be the bible said jesus shows up walking on water but the disciples in the ship are afraid and so jesus saw their fear because they did not recognize jesus oh my god they did not recognize jesus in a storm why is it that you haven't recognized jesus in the midst of your storm it's because you need the eyes of faith and not the eyes of fear to see jesus in a storm did y'all catch that do y'all take notes in this church i said you need the eyes of faith faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen you need the eyes of faith and not the eyes of fear do me a favor and put your hands on your eyes and say god in this season let me see what you see put your hands on your ears and say god in this season let me hear what you hear put your hands on your heart and say god in this season let me feel what you feel put your hands together and clap it together and say god in this season let me see you through the eyes of fate and not the eyes of fear whenever you are consumed with fear you will miss jesus in the storm the bible says that the disciples did not recognize jesus although they had on bifocals although they had contacts in their eyes all that they had on glasses they did not recognize jesus because it takes the eyes of fate you're called that it takes the eyes of fate and not the eyes of fear to recognize jesus in a storm and so jesus hollered at them and said hey don't be afraid it is i did y'all catch that paraphrase jesus holler to them say hey don't be afraid it is i did you'll catch a revelation and what i love about it pastor bird is there's two storms the disciples are facing how many there is a storm outside of them and there's a storm inside of them jesus never speaks read the text mamas jesus never speaks to the storm outside of them he only spoke to the storm inside oh you caught it thank you thank you because chuck's window says everything that happens to you in life is just five percent if that's your family member go ahead and just give them a high five if they not just give them a virtual five everything that you're going through it's just five percent but i lost my job it's just five percent i'm going through a divorce it's just five percent somebody don't like me it's just five percent but i still got 95 and i made up my mind after half a million people die from covert and my goodness another half a million is in the hospital i made up my mind i refuse to allow a five percent person to affect my 95 you don't have to like me for me to shout you don't even have to follow me for me to praise god you don't even have to say amen for me to preach when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me i'll shout all by myself look at your neighbor say i don't know about you i don't need no drums this morning i don't even need no keyboard when i look back over my life and i think things over twice i should have been dead and buried in my grave but i'm alive this morning and because i'm alive this morning that everything that you might as well help them out that everything that has break praise if you got bread come on if you got bread in your body if you overcame covert let everything that has spread praising [Music] the bible said come on sit down i'm just getting started is there a cluck here where's my time so i don't mess you all up cause i can go all day i'm from trinidad my goodness the bible said that they are in a storm and while they in a storm jesus shows up but they did not recognize jesus in the storm and look what jesus does he does not speak to the storm outside of them he speaks to the storm inside of them he said do not be afraid i am my goodness in the king he said do not be afraid i see your mama it's for you he said do not be a free afraid you're having surgery do not be afraid you don't know how you're gonna make ends meet do not be afraid for god has not given us a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind why should i not be afraid because i am in the storm with you i am in the midst of the storm with you i'm walking with you i'm carrying you through this storm i'm getting you through the coven and the delta various do not be afraid children as you go back to school we break the spirit of fear over our children for god has not given us a spirit of fear but the power of love put your hands on your mind and say i got a song i will not go crazy in this pandemic i will not lose my joy in this pandemic i will not lose my peace in this pandemic i will not be biting my nails i will not be pulling my hair out i will not be pacing the floor cause he gives his beloved sleep and he said he'll keep you in perfect peace cause your mind has stayed on him put your hands on your mind somebody thought they're gonna go crazy this week somebody wanted to throw in the towel somebody on facebook was contemplating suicide but i break the spirit off for you this morning because what god has for you is greater than you ever see i need somebody in the building to just holler in here so it can get to facebook it can get to youtube somebody is getting delivered somebody is getting a breakthrough do not do not be afraid come on put it in the chat i won't be afraid a thousand may fall on my left and a thousand may fall on my right but it will not come near me cause he's giving his angel charge over me the lord is my light and whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life and whom shall i be afraid when the wicked come up can i preach up in here i said when the wicked come up against me they will stumble and fall because though i host camp against me in this one i'm getting happy all by myself in this one thing i am killed encouraged that the lord promises that he will be everything for me he'll be bread when i'm hungrier he'll be water when i'm thirsty do not do not do not be afraid there's somebody at the song of my voice you've been diagnosed with clothing i've come to prophesy to you that this sickness is not on to death roman not seeking i said i don't care if it's the delta virus i'm coming to get you in alabama i'm coming to get you in mississippi the bible says if there's any sick among you i just felt the holy ghost here let them call for the elders and the prayer of faith i will save them and raise them i need somebody to prophesy you're going to get back up again i need somebody to scream and get him back up again i need somebody to declare it i'm getting back come on get up get up get up come on get up get up get up i called you under your sick bed i called you under suicide i called you under depression i called you out of your sickbed do not be afraid it is it is it is it is it is it is it is high it is it is how it is out do not be afraid in fact the king james said do not be afraid cause i am oh god i do you call it do not be afraid cause i am my god do not be afraid cause i'm bred when you're hungry do not be afraid cause i'm water when you're thirsty do not be afraid cause i'm a company keeper do not be afraid cause i'm a doctor in a sick room do not be afraid cause i'm a lawyer in a courtroom i am a ever-present help in the time of trouble my name is not i was my name is i am oh you're mr revelation i said my name is i am when moses was going to deliver the children of israel moses needed a name my goodness god to moses go down and tell pharaoh to let my people go out and the bible said moses before i go out moses said to god before i go out when he asks me who sent me what shall i say and god paraphrases his name he shortened his name he had all these other names he said don't tell them i'm jehovah jireh don't even say i'm jehovah shalom don't tell them i'm jehovah kiscadia when they ask you who i am i just tell them my first name is i and my last name is am oh i felt that thing right there i wonder if there's anybody in here who said i am walks with me and i am talks with me and i am woke me up this morning and i am starting me on my way the reason why you didn't lose your mind is because everything you need i am became it for you are there any single women in here my goodness after 16 months of love tough i am became your husband i am became a company keeper are there anybody in here who said i lost my job but i am became my provider i am became the source of my life i wish you can just virtually high-five somebody and say i don't know what you call him but i call him i am i need you to put those blessed hands together and scream for i am if he never give you another call if he never give you another house if he never give you another spouse if he never give you another job then shout is for who he is i wish somebody would just wave at me get your handkerchief and wave at me and said this morning i am is in the building lift up your heads oh ye gates and be lifted up the everlasting door and the king of glory shall come in i said who is the king of glory he's the lord almighty come on get your handkerchief we're not waving for the ravens we're not waving for the eagles we're not waving for charlotte horns cause we know who he is he is the great i am moses when you go down to pharaoh tell him i [Applause] am has sent me and it's a word for you who sent you i am that i am he said i formed you before you were in your mother's womb and i called you into your destiny you into your assignment no devil can stump you no demon can stop you because i am walks with me [Music] everything you need in this hour [Music] come on just wave at your neighbor and say i don't know about you but i am escaped me when i didn't want to be kept i'm trying to move on but i feel like god is trying to establish his name he's trying to re-establish his name in this place his name is [Music] [Music] i am he said he said don't be afraid because i am i am i am is right where would you and peter said lord if it is you would you bid me come on with my timing lord if it is you would you bid me would you tell me would you allow me with your weird you bid me to come to you would you let me come to you on the water oh god oh my god lord if it is you would you let me do what i've never done before so i can see what i've never seen before so i can have what i never had before would you let paradise get out the boat oh god i feel this thing there's about to be a shift in this place the reason why it's only you in this building is because everybody in getting out of the boat oh my nana there was my goodness there was at least 11 to 12 disciples and look at this the bible said that peter had the courage to say lord if it is you would you bid me to come to you on the water i believe there's somebody at the side of my voice you got the courage to ask for what you never asked before i've come to prophesying to you that you're living under open heaven be careful what you asked for in this season because in this season god is performing miracle signs and wonders oh god he said you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover he said you are speaking those things into being like if they're not be careful what you're actually in this season because you're living under a open heaven god said i've come to see about paradise he said i've come to see you i'm walking in the midst of paradise i've come to shut the serpent and the snake mouth up in the place called paradise huh he said my goodness if it is you would you bid me to come to you let me do what i've never done before cause i wanna see what i've never seen before so i can have what i never had before i've come to break the spirit of comfort ah yeah i've come to break it this morning after 22 years of ministry sometimes you can get so comfortable after being in the glory all these years you can just relax in the glory but i call you out of your comfort zone i said i call you out of your comfort zone god is about to sin a storm cause he's trying to get you out of the ship [Music] i said the storm is not going to kill you the storm is just to realign you the storm is just to give you a new assignment because you've been comfortable in the storm you've been singing comfortable you've been serving comfortable you've been ushering comfortable but i've come to call you to another level of glory i feel glory here i feel glory here somebody color is shifting in the house the house is shifting i said the house is shifting somebody just turned around turn around the house is shifting i said the house is shifting i prophesy over this house you go into another dimension you're going to see it's a new level but it's the same devil but no weapon [Music] i need somebody to spin around one more time and say shift me god shift my mindset shift my heart each year shift my marriage shift my perspective come on keep on turning away god said i'm shifting you i'm about to make you into something that you've never been before put your hands together and give god a glory come on give it to him come on give it to him come on give it to him let him know you don't mind going where you never go on before so you can see what you've never seen before look at your neighbor and say i'm getting out of this i'm getting out of depression i'm getting out of frustration i'm getting out of this boat i've been in the boat for too long i've been in the struggle for too long i've been in the issue for too long but this morning it's my day i'm victory [Music] oh my god i gave you the i dare you to shift to the left i pay you to shift to the right i dare you to shift to the back i dare you to shift to the my money is shifting my honey is shifting my job is shifting my ministry is shifting get out get out [Music] get up get out of thinking snow get out of being small get out of acting small there is a big blessing waiting [Music] ship [Music] now you know now you know now you know the conversation in the car pastor picked me up and was bringing me to the church and on the way to the church she i said what's going on cause we're a little bit late and she said well the folks are just coming in real slow i said listen listen listen i didn't come for a crowd i came for the call my god my god who y'all in here i said i didn't come for the crowd he said there was remember there was 12 disciples in the ship but everybody didn't get out the boat i need you to look at your neighbor say i'm that one and if my bishop gets out i'm getting out if my pastor gets out i'm coming out because listen to this revelation the safest place in the whole wide world is wherever god is i don't want to be where god was i want to be where god is if your biggest shout is over what god had done you need a new shout look at your neighbors and neighbor this shout is not for the 22 years or what the lord has done it's for the next 22 i need y'all to set it up right i need y'all to set it up right you don't have to wait till sunday this is a pre-anniversary praise this is a tale gay praise this is a praise before the game start this is a praise before the party started and that's why god assigned you to come in this house this morning because you're getting out i need somebody to put your feet out and say i'm getting out of poverty i'm getting out of the mess i'm getting out of the struggle i'm getting out of the depression walk peter walk walk peter walk walk peter walker where's my peters in the house i want you to moonwalk i want you to walk to the side i want you to walk to the left but i need you to pick up your feet and start walking and start walking but there's somebody in here who said i'm not just going to walk i'm getting ready to run i'm going to run through a troop and leap over a wall i'm going to run through the devil run through demons run through gossips one two lie one through haters but i'm not staying in this [Music] you've been in the storm for too long peter gets out of the ship and said your hands tired yet peter got you good to go you get peter gets out of the ship and started walking towards the savior now just play softly because bud how come how come jesus respond his listen real good oh god you got insurance for the building okay because when i drop this they're gonna mess the building up look what p look what jesus response is peter jesus responds to peter is come listen wait a minute one person made the request but god included he he didn't say come peter he didn't say peter come he just said come on facebook put it in the chat lean forward let me give you the prophetic word we all coming out together god help me hey i feel it i feel it oh my god come on put it i'm coming out i'm coming out and look at your neighbors are you coming out we all coming out together we're coming out come together let's pray together let's stay together come on let's pray together we're coming out together somebody say together come on say together come on say the word together we're coming out together our leader is out of the boat our leader is out of the ship everybody who's assigned to her everybody who's connected to her you got to go where she go so you can see what she sees so you can have what she have so you can do what she do come on we're coming out together i call paradise into your next assignment i called you into your next destiny i called you into your purpose somebody screamed [Music] come come come out of that bed come out of that addiction come on the drugs come out of prosecution whatever it is i called you come on come out [Music] i've never walked on water before i've never walked i've never walked on i never walked on i've never walked i've never walked on i've never walked on water before and and you will never walk on water because peter didn't walk on water he walked on a wood i'll see you later hey my name on tell your neighbor say i'm walking on a word and the word said the lord is my light and my salvation come on look at you never say i'm walking on the world 22 years ago the lord gave you a word and you've been walking on that word your hand might have got tired you might have got frustrated but 22 years later you're still walking i need somebody to say i'm walking on a world my word is my god shall supply all my knees according take his switches look at your neighbor say my word walker come on say my word walker the lord is my shepherd and i shall not warn her i'm a world walker he that dwell it in the secret place at the most high shall applied apply under the shadow i'm the word walker my god shall supply all my needs according to his witches i dare you to put your foot on the world and say i'm a world walker watch me walk on the world watch me walk stand all over this building i call this this is called to be continue and the next service what time is your next service 11 o'clock you got time to text somebody call somebody peter stepped out on a a word you're not a when when your pastor was telling me how you acquired this building and the other building and how she started this ministry 22 years after he's still standing [Music] seven seven out of 15 churches during the pandemic has closed their doors a couple of weeks ago a friend called me and said her pastor was preaching and in the middle of the service just dropped the mic and said i quit and left yesterday i was on a phone with a dear friend of mine who pastors a church she said i i i don't know if i can do this anymore because the enemy has he know if he can't destroy you which he can't he's going to try to discourage you see the enemy only have four game plan he either gonna cause doubt he's gonna cause discouragement he's going to cause a whole lot of discord because his assignment he still wants to kill to steal and to destroy look at your neighbor and say there's a snake in paradise but don't let it be you every paradise got a snake yo you go my god go read genesis every paradise but it won't be you and it won't be me peter got out and he he walked to no wood and heaven and a child pass away but not one not one word and i prophesy over every person in this house on honor you are going to live to see what has been spoken over you you are going to live to see what has been spoken over you drama you gonna live to see what has been spoken over you you're going to live to see woman of god what has been spoken over you [Music] you're going to live to see that god is not a man that he should lie not the son of man that he should repent because if he says it man [Music] if he says it if he says [Music] wanna see if he says he will do it now you're gonna live to see you're gonna live to see you're gonna live to see through my nancy [Music] [Music] live you're gonna live you're gonna live to see [Music] you gonna laugh to see i don't know why the lord keep telling me to tell it to you you gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live you're gonna live to see what's been spoken over you come on everybody just wave over your head prophesy to yourself i'm gonna live to see what's been spoken over me hey i'm gonna live to see come on prophesy to yourself i'm gonna live to see what's been spoken over me i prophesied to cam and chloe i prophesied to the unborn baby i prophesied to the third generation i prophesied to the children that is still in the womb i prophesied to the children that is than drugs you gonna live to see [Music] what's been spoken over you i'll see you back there with your red here you're gonna live to see my name hey [Music] come on prophesy to yourself give me 10 more seconds of feeling in this house you're going to live to see there's somebody in here who gotta diagnosis you got a sickness in your body you haven't even told the bishop or the apostle yet who are you i need to prophesy over you you gonna live to see what's been spoken over you i send that cancer into remission [Music] i send kovic back to the pit of hell i need somebody to help me right here somebody is in the battle of life and death but i speak life in this house i speak life in this house wait here you gonna live to see [Music] you thoughts you die you're here red but that red represents the blood i cover you with the blood my no not seeking i'll cover you with the blood i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you're facing but you will live to see [Music] oh [Music] that's why we only need we didn't need a crowd this morning cause you needed the bible says listen come on to me all ye that are heavy laden and i will give you somebody's had a restless night where you were you a restless night you just been tossing and turning all night long i see you mama i see you but tonight you're gonna sleep like a baby i see you back there yeah i see oh cause he come to give his beloved sleep i see you back there somebody on facebook on youtube you've been tossing all night long he said but come unto me all those who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoga upon you and learn of me cause my yoke and my burden is [Music] is life somebody's heavy in spirit but this morning he just lifted who am i talking to just a heaviness yes something just come over you and you're trying to shake it but we called you into inter alignment father thank you for your word and i thank you for your people and i thank you for this time in this hour this minute thank you for the deposit that you made in us now god you're calling us to make a deposit thank you for doing it now listen to me real clear facebook youtube and those in the building i know i may be out of order because this is my first time being here i don't know what your protocol is but i know where the spirit of the lord is today's liberty 50 is the number of jubilee i need everybody to get a seed of 50 dollars in your head i need you to get it however you can put the information on the wherever you got to do it yes i know they took the offering after if i'm out of order your bishop won't come and rebuke me and correct the house whatever it is i'm just telling you come on that's my little red wallet right there come on you'll live to see [Music] who what's been spoken over here
Channel: VGC TV
Views: 953
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Id: i_pvJYv72Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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