Dr. Jazz | From Shame 2 Gain | Aug. 11th, 2019

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be careful to give your name to praise the glory and the honor and Jesus name we pray now let us join the worship team as they lead us higher [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord come on put your heads together praise the Lord he's worthy to be praised hallelujah oh you people shout out to God with the voice of triumph here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift [Music] [Music] you I really love [Music] because I really love [Music] [Music] because you [Music] knowing all the things I've done and then you show me [Music] and you saw [Music] [Music] [Music] because the [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] because of fire [Music] come on [Music] if you love it if you love it come on put your hands together open up your mouth that you really love he loves you first hallelujah we worship oh how we adore you thank you for loving me first how does unlovable I was a wretch undone but you reach the moon and you loved me [Music] we magnified in this your holy to your holy [Music] you're praising you [Music] Oh Howie Howie [Music] Oh beep [Music] in this [Music] in this show only and [Music] [Music] oh how we were [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we worship your name [Music] Oh [Music] Oh we worship you [Music] come on like where you stand I'll grab your Mountain sweet one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well how we worship your name [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. best [Music] Wow [Music] come on sing it again victory is mine together [Music] to [Music] - Ritu [Applause] victory dance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at this time in our servers we want to welcome our first-time visitors welcome to VGC in the DMV where we are developing victorious disciples we invite you to take out your cell phones and text the word welcome to 301 nine four five eight one four four to receive a special welcome message from our ministry when you receive our text message please complete the information again if you're texting please text the word welcome to 301 nine four five eight one four four and please follow the directions at this time on behalf of our senior pastor dr. jazz and the entire VGC family we want to extend a special welcome to the family of sister Doreen Claybourne who transition from this life to the next On June 21st of this year her homegoing service was on yesterday and as a final request from sister Doreen the family is here worshiping with us this morning all the way from Ghana we welcome the family to VGC in the DMV where is the family wave your hand welcome welcome welcome you have our two sincerest sympathy and to our online vie partners and supporters welcome to VGC in the DMV help us to share the good news by inviting your friends and followers to join us live on our youtube or facebook channels at victory grace center once again that's at Victory grace Center and remember when posting use the hashtag Vic pgc is the place to be now VGC let us greet each other and declare what kind of day it is it is a victory day let us greet one another [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now VGC allow me to share some bold news with you BGC don't forget we are collecting book bags for both local and international missions to be donated to blades burg Grenada Trinidad and the Philippines our goal is 200 filled backpacks by August the 18th please stop by the outreach table after service today to pick up a list of items for the book bags Thank You VGC for helping us with this mission finally our four year church anniversary is September the 8th September the 8th the 4 year church anniversary well guess what we're looking for volunteers to assist in our annual church anniversary cookout please visit the church anniversary table in the lobby or see miss Venus for additional details to sign up remember all details of our bold news can be found in our weekly eblasts or by visiting BGC victory grace center or that is the WWE grace center or now please focus your attention to the screen for a special message from our senior pastor dr. jazz and then be blessed by a musical selection from our worship team it's our victory day and we are making bold boots I know VGC it's been amazing here thank you so very much for your giving thank you for so very much for your faithfulness being in church every Sunday has been on time thank you listen it's the month of August it is slow down one but not shut down it's a difference in slow and shut down in January the government shut down the church never shut down we just slow down man if you wonder why we slowed up is because we don't have enough volunteers now if the rest of you guys signed up with volunteer we don't have to slow down but in the meantime in the month of August we slow down so we can give our volunteer some time to breathe because we're coming back strong in the month of September September it's our 4 years anniversary for years we've been on the block September the 8th Labor Day weekend we're gonna have an amazing cook up like folks don't have picnics we have cookout DJ music game for the kids market calendars we celebrated in four years anniversary I know you're looking for me in the pulpit hey listen I'm a www.h a worldwide woman so I am in Nigeria which is well good friend of Mines but I didn't leave it but how I'm so excited by the woundedness gonna be coming via the video it's me live from the potter's house I'm putting this someone is gonna bless you oh my goodness for Michelle to gain in DUMBO comfort and then I'll be back in the pulpit on Sunday in the meantime did you see it's not everyday visitor welcome see you next week the lobby teasing oh Jesus [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] gee - that's way [Music] do you ever wear [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on stand all over this building just open up your mouth come on let him hear that sound let him hear that sound let him hear that sound let him get a thankful sound let him hear that grateful sound somebody don't have mouths to give a sound but come on out of your belly out of your belly honor your belly out of your belly come on we got 30 more seconds so tell him how grateful we are how thankful we are come on he's been waiting for us open our mouths and tell him how much we love him we bless you today we bless you today we bless you today we bless you today we get a grateful sound we got a thankful sound we bless you on today now would you do me a favor and would you get all the string that you possibly can and would you put those hands together and would you give God a radical shout who you are God we thank you for the person that we standing next to we even gently squeeze our neighbor hand to let him know whatever they've been through thank God it didn't kill them we gently squeeze our neighbor hand the second time to let him know that we believe that the worst is behind them and the very best as the head of them and God this morning somebody came to the potter's house trying to figure out what a miracle feels like we gently squeeze our neighbor hand to let him know they're standing next to miracle now if you know your miracle release that hand and give God a miracle shout come on give him a miracle shout if your neighbor high-five tell them you looking at a miracle tell him you standing next to miracle if you knew the stuff I've been through to get here this morning you'll understand the reason why praise him the way I praise him but when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul would you do me a favor would you celebrate the man I called my bishop come on give it up for Bishop TD jakes hallelujah my life is my life has never been the same ever since God has allowed me to have a connection with him I have soared from the moment I met him and I thank God for Destiny's connection and for him allowing me to privilege to be here this morning place I know you miss him I miss him but thank you so very much for allowing me to at least come and pinch it this morning while he's first course in the country but you think up for the first lady of the house come on give it up for mama chicks god bless you all the powerful preachers and pastors my good friend dr. Cynthia James and to everybody Amen god bless you thank you so very much and then to all the visitors I know I know I know I know I know you're looking for that deepens voice I know I know I'll please indulge me on this morning but thank you so very much for visiting us at this yeah I'm having a Triple Crown celebration I'm turning 50 this year my god 25 years in ministry and two months ago I became a citizen of the United States of America I'm so I'm so grateful in in January bishops poker world over my life in January the first week of January he said I want you to repeat after me I am enough and that word has changed my life and I'm stepping into my enoughness and so uh I get rid of the Wonder Woman outfit is that all right everybody I wish I had somebody I'm just finally I'm finally me I'm finally and I love being me I wish I had that's my second book my second book my first book is Dancing with broken bones for 50 years 49 years I've been dancer and broken bones and I said God the second half of my year I wanted dance but not with the broken bones and that's my second book which is called finally me FM 100f m100 and so I I say that to say my book is outside and immediately when we leave here we on our way to Houston Texas to help pass the key ally Henderson and to help the people in Houston Texas to recover we'll be there all week long working ministering cleaning up renovating whatever we got to do a couple of my staff people we've traveled from Washington DC ain't meant to be in Houston Texas and if every one of you purchased the finally me book all the proceeded of that book is going to help those to recover in Houston Texas can you give God some praise right there somebody said the first 25 of your life it's all about learning your second 25 it's about earning your first 25 it's about learning your second 25 it's about but your third 25 ought to be about sewing and so I'm going into that third twenty five way it's not about earning it's about sewing cuz I'm blessed to be a blessing and so all of our products at the table not just our dancing with broken bones book not just our finally me not just victories in my bones and bold move all of our products is going to help those who are recovering in Houston Texas and anywhere else in Texas Bishop Jake's got mega care I got truly care it's all right to be a copycat just make sure your copy the right care I wish I had a real church in here telling me say it's alright to be a copycat your problem is you copy and no wrong yeah come on somebody tell your neighbors they find the right cat and copy them cuz there's nothing new Under the Sun I wish I had a church in here there is a word from the Lord the book of I and because of my accident I became a US citizen but I still got that crazy accent I saw the book of listen root not Luke the book of alright there's two books that are named after women there's the book of Esther and there's the book of alright not look at which I preached a couple of weeks ago from the book of Ruth and they have look all the way up cuz my little accent messed them up so the book of and halfway through the sermon if you don't understand anything I say just buy the CD and the DVD played real slow and you don't get it alright I'm turning 50 look what I got on my face oh my god finally the book of what did I say man I love this church already thank you so very much that I don't have to change my accent the Book of Ruth and I've got three gadgets and hold on one minute while you turn into the Book of Ruth I want you to also go to Isaiah 61 okay let's go to Isaiah 61 for the sorry tech people Isaiah 61 and then the book of oh gosh thank you hallelujah Isaiah 61 we didn't particularly at verse number 7 you guys there holla back word can I trouble somebody to get these products for me can I can somebody just bless these people anybody want to get blessed this morning amen just go ahead and bless anybody yeah Bholu victory is in my hands finally me dancing with broken bones and matters of the heart okay the Book of Isaiah chapter 61 verse number 7 and he begins the reading of the Word of God for your shame you shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess come on don't be scared to seed everlasting joy shall be unto them and let's go to root root chapter 1 let me read a couple of verses verse number 1 now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled that there was a family that should say famine in the land and a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab he and his wife and his two sons and the name of the man was a limerick and the name of his wife Naomi and the name of his two sons Milan and Killian effort itís of Bethlehem Judah and they came into the country of moved and continued their analemma legnani husband died and she was left and her two sons and they took them wives of the women of Moab the name of the one was opal and the name of the other root and they dwelt there about 10 years and Milan and she Leon died also both of them and the woman was left of her two sons then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the Lord had visited his people in giving them bread drop down particularly at verse number let's jump down to verse number 20 and she said unto them call me not and IO me call me Myra for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me I went out full and the Lord has brought me home again empty why didn't call you mean Iommi seeing the Lord has testify against me and your mighty has afflicted me so now I only returned and Buda Moabite her daughter-in-law with her which returned out of the country or Moab and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of and they came to Bethlehem when and they came to Bethlehem when in the beginning of bolli harvest for your shame you shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double everlasting joy shall be unto damned on your way to your seat look your neighbor and dice and give them my sermon title say shame to gain that's what I want to preach on tell them say shame to gain tell them I'm moving from shame and I'm about to gain that's the wrong neighbor touch somebody it's a neighbor I'm moving from shame and I'm about to into my game now come on and give the Lord a hand of praise if you believe that you may be seated in the presence of God this morning our biblical text introduces us to a nuclear family our family then you and I are absolutely familiar with a family that many of us have often heard about it's a nuclear family there's a husband by the name of I'll Emily there's a wonderful why by the name of Naomi and they both have two sons one by the name of Milan and one by the name of chilly on both Sun here is a nuclear family who is living in a place a familiar place that many of us know from Scripture and that place is called Bethlehem let the church say Bethlehem they are living in Bethlehem Bethlehem means the house of boy it's the place of birth it is the place where David inhabited Bethlehem is important because Bethlehem represents the place of boy he was a nuclear family al emilich is the husband Niomi is the wife and they have sons one of the son name means sickness and the other one name weakness for some reason I don't know why they named their son sickness and weakness but it's still a family and in our family there are some form of sickness and some family there's somebody who is suffering whether they suffering physically whether they're suffering emotionally whether they're suffering mentally there's somebody at the sound of my voice in the balcony under the balcony in the pulpit or the Pew that has a son or daughter that while you know that the hand of God is on them they are dealing with some form of sickness but I'm so grateful that I serve a God who says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for iniquity and the chastisement of our peace is upon him and by His stripes we are healed is there anybody who still believe in the healing power of God that knows that God can heal any form of sickness that he can heal cancer he can heal high blood pressure he can heal a diabetes is there anybody who still believe that God is a healer that by His stripes we can be healed from any sickness I don't care what the doctor said I don't care what the MRI say I don't care what the report says it ain't over till God says it's over because we serve our God who is our healer he was a lemak which name means ulema nickname means my god is king he is married to a woman Naomi and her name means peaceful and here it is a man whose name mean my God is king who is married to a woman whose name means peaceful they produce two sons and their sons means sickness and weakness don't miss that one son named sickness and the other son name means weakness and something in your family you are dealing with somebody who either have a sickness or who got a weakness I said you either somebody in your family that is dealing with some kind of sickness or dealing with some kind of weakness and the reason why I even shout in the midst of sickness or weakness is because I know that in spite of my weakness God is still faithful I see the only two people are the only people who don't need to shout this morning it's the people who've never had any sickness in their life who's never had any suffering in their life then you just need to sit there and look cute this morning but if there's anybody at the Sunda my voice who know scepter stuff that you've been sick with whether you been sick emotionally or mentally and in spite of your sickness when the doctor counted you out God still raised you up and he heals you then you oughta give God a shout right here but perhaps this morning perhaps you've never been sick in your life it's alright because while you may not have no sickness everybody has so far weakness and if it wasn't for the grace of God and the mercies of God he can elect you on a long time so happy Noah did you wanna thank God that is blesses you something on a good day that won't ship us up all of us got something on a good day never mess us up did you read my t-shirt got grace the only reason I'm still alive is because I - boys never gravity what it's call amazing grace I need a thousand people in here just to shout over boys just west right when Paul looked at his weakness he played not just once he played not just twice three times God will remove this weakness in his flesh [Applause] this is a hospital by the name of Al emilich which means my God is king and he's married to a woman by the name of Naomi which means peaceful and even though God is king is married to peace they produce sickness and weakness how don't get it twisted just cause you're saved don't mean that sickness and weakness may not show up at your door just cause your holy ghost still speaking in tongues and rolling on the chandelier the reason why it happens is because the devil don't mess with nobody who ain't got nothing going on [Applause] going on going on is the house of bread my God is king peaceful but do sickness and weakness and they're living in Bethlehem Judah Bethlehem means the place of bread Judah means praise and the prerequisite for please is I got bread the prerequisite for my praises I've got bread and get to have a Mercedes I got bread and get to have the best job I got bread ain't got to have the biggest house I got bread don't have to have Louie Vuitton know Gucci but I got bread give us this day I plan and I was young and now I'm old I've never seen the righteous forsaken know is seed come on up in here begging for bread I wonder if there's anybody in here who said I mean I got much but I got some bread the peanut butter and jelly sandwich the place for it which is the prerequisite for breeze and yet the Texas there's a famine in the land a famine mean there's a shortage of stuff there is a lack of something there is a recession in the land Harvey came by Katrina came by and there is a a famine there is devastation in the land that the because of the famine because of Harvey because of Katrina because of losing a job because at the turn of the economy LM alack Niomi finds themselves in the midst of a famine they are children of God but they are not famine proof they're children of God but they are not strong y'all in here me storm proof the storm did not pass over them although they save sanctifying Holy Ghost fear the storm still stopped at their house and because of whatever the storm is they found himself in a famine they found himself lacking they found himself in storage and so leather leg the father the provider the protector of the house decides that he's going to relocate his family he's going to move them from the place of Bethlehem the house of bread and he moves a place that all of us are familiar with and that is Mojave he transitioned him from the east and he had West wanted to be a great protector and provider of his family he relocates his family from the house of prayer because there's no breathe in bethlehem a-- and he takes them some miles to the west and they end up in a place called Moab they get their thinking is going to be better days it's like the people who left New Orleans after Katrina and transition to Houston assume it it's going to be a fresh start and now they have to deal with Harvey after 10 years of Katrina have you ever relocated and trouble follow you I said have you ever relocated have you ever gone in a position or place that you thought it was going to be better for your family and it's after you get to that place the family that was in New Orleans the storm that was a new honester shopping it was a new Omi's followed them to Houston I was reading in Time magazine this week it's the people who relocated from New Orleans who survived Katrina because it's like all over again but because there's 2,000 people in here put your hands on your put it on your head put it on your neighbors [Applause] [Applause] come on that's what the devil is wanna do he's trying to make you have a say you ain't gonna lose your mind you might lose your money but you're gonna lose your mind you might lose your mansion but you ain't gonna lose your mind you might lose your Mercedes what you ain't gonna lose your mind cause he will give you a perfect [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on my mind come on my mind I've got my mind I've got my mind I've got my mind I've got my mind I've got my mind I've got my mind I've got my mind ain't got a dime but I've got my mind and get no honey but I get my mind no such job but I've got my mind and he's suffered and I just thank God that you're still in your life [Applause] they relocated they relocated looking for a better place looking for better position they relocated because where they are is a place of disappear they relocated because where they are is a place of this fear and desperation and whenever you are in a place of despair and desperation you have to be careful that you don't make deadly decisions whenever you are in a place of despair and desperation you have to be careful that you do not make deadly decision because the pressure of being in this fear and desperation can make you make some decision that can derail your destiny and destroy you I'm sure ulema lack thought he was making the best decision I'm sure he talked it over with Naomi and they packed her and they relocated found himself and more and I believe when they got their business was blooming in Moab and Limerick was providing for his family like every good man every good husband every good father he's providing he's protecting he's making sure that he's the priest in the house and I don't know how long it took after they got to Moab but soon as they got there maybe after a year of good business after yeah moving from New Orleans to Houston and climbing corporate America rebuilding the house you had a New Orleans building it in Houston Texas building the picket fence and growing some grass and assumed that Katrina or another storm will not hit you for whatever how long it took the same thing that might have happened in Bethlehem now mix them in Moab but it moves from bad to worse I'll immolate the man whose name means my God is king is there the provider the protector the priests of the family relocates his family and now he's dead Naomi is left with no provider she's left with no priests she's left with no protection well really she does have it she has it innocence concerns now takes on the responsibility of the father they no other provider they know under protected they now are the priests and they are of age that they marry fallen women not women from Trinidad they marry foreign women and after 10 years both boys a day they transition from Bethlehem looking for a better life assuming that leaving New Orleans and get into Houston was going to provide a better life and they move from desperation they move from this fear and now they have to deal with death and disappointment I didn't come to preach to everybody but have you ever relocated after you prayed and fast and no it's a will of God and yet after you relocated you found yourself at the place of death and disappointment have you ever changed expected that this new job is going to give you some amazing opportunity only to find out that the job is twice as crazy as the one you left our new relationship assuming that the new one is going to be better than the last one only to find out that you left just for Delilah but don't feel bad for Naomi in fact don't feel bad for her daughter-in-law because verse 5 gives you one minute to shout first for in verse five says and the women survive ok y'all missing brothers brothers I just need you to ease job right here I don't need no brothers to holler right here I just came to holla and all the women in the house the survival what does will come get you what I need every woman in here who knows that you've been through something what is right up to stop the survival oh the survivals you survive losing a job you survive being away you survive divorce you survived and Ryan on you oh the survivors [Applause] [Applause] touch your neighbor's a neighbor if you ever want to see what a survivor looks like do me a favor do me a favor do me a favor get your phone out make a picture of yourself three women three women from different culture from different background from different situation but they got one thing in common there survive tell your sister next to you you ain't got to be my color you ain't got to be my type you ain't got to be my size what the one thing we got in common we're survivors EE the survivors that when you know you survived some stuff you don't need no organ you don't need drums you don't need no keyboard come on touching there is I'm a survivor come on say I'm a survivor come on say I'm a survivor what does you might as well get on in this I'm a survivor just give them a high five and said the stuff hop in through it should have killed me a long time it should have wiped me out a long time it should have destroyed me what am i no husband no sons and the text says they survive mama mama checks ax those who came from Houston to just wave their hands she said those who survived Harvey to just wave their hands there's millions and thousands of people who couldn't make it to Dallas but they need to hear survivor prays here because you're surviving prays is going to encourage them this is from some mother on television this is for some father on the Internet this is for some young girl who lost it all last week but I need a prophetic place right here just speak to this nation I don't need no cute race I don't need no sophisticated voice I need somebody here [Applause] whenever whenever you are in whenever there is disappointment you need somebody to lean on I believe I believe Naomi had gotten a little bit discouraged cuz I thought she buried a husband son i watch on CNN and watch some of that amazing older couple who had the grandkids in the vein that was trying to outrun Harvey him and the fourteen-year-old dies and a six-year-old died and the grandmother and the grandfather died and and one person escaped god I feel like preaching right here and when they put the camera in front of his face and they say how we would escape or how you survived he said I don't know it must be only because of God I don't know if I got anybody in here don't your neighbors said the only reason I survived it's not because I had a million dollar it's not because of my pedigree it's not because I got a deep manner it's only because of God I need somebody in here that don't mind giving God I survived a shouter you see when you know you survival you don't care what people think about you when you know you are survivor you don't get they looked at you funny when you play stop when you know you are survivor you don't care if your mascara runner you don't get your makeup is jacked up you don't get your shoes fall up for you when you know you are survivor just stop don't mean nothing to you you said when I get [Applause] desperation now leave to death this fair we go help you shout right here well I'm a survivor come on don't let us say by yourself a survivor put your hands on your chest and beside [Applause] this fear and desperation to know death and disappointment three funerals death three funerals death three tragedy three-level a pain one thing to have to bury your husband another thing to have to bury a son not just one son now you are no longer in a festivity mode you are now in a funeral procession death all along Naomi tragedy problems I can identify with Naomi that after looking at three graves she concludes that the Almighty has afflicted her she does what many of us do and that is we judge God based on what we're going through I'm going somewhere I'm going somewhere you see her disappointment its threefold she's first of all disappointed with her husband she's disappointed cause he he got her in this she following him he got a windy she's secondly disappointed with herself I should have known better after he died I should have packed a lot I shouldn't have never stayed here as long as I did but sadly she's disappointed in God I know I know I know I know I know I know you don't want to talk about it I know I know I know they tell you it's not it's not it's not it's not spiritual I know they tell you then you can blame everybody else but no you better not point your finger at God I know I know it's not proper to say it publicly yeah no you don't but you feel like Niomi that it seems like god is blessing everybody but you I wish I had somebody in here it seems that he favors everybody but you it seem like he's opening doors for everybody but you have you ever been disappointed in yourself have you ever been disappointed in other people but have you ever been disappointed in God I wish I had a real church in here oh that's what we've been hearing coming through Texas that people been raising the question why does bad things have to happen to good people I mean these are saved sanctified Holy Ghost still people this is no crazy people why you gotta happen to my marriage why my son she she is disappointed she is disappointed she's disappointed have God ever disappointed you come on y'all don't wanna be real I said have God ever let you have it has it ever seemed like God has let you down has it ever felt like God has abandoned you have it ever felt that you can't find God you've been crying all night long all day long and you can't find him that's what David was saying that's what Joe was saying he said I've been looking all over for him but I can't find him oh when I find him huh oh when I find him I'm gonna die accent why does bad things good people you see here is the danger dr. sinja here is the danger of stain a Moab too long oh god I'm going some way yeah here is the danger of staying in Moab too long it's because Moab is the place of death and disappointment Moab is the place of sorrow the longer you stay in Moab the more bitter you become God ah I'm going some way I said the longer you stay in Moab the more depressed you become I came to kill that spirit the longer you stay in the place of death and disappointment is the more frustrated you come can I just give you a revelation here you were not born to live in Moab you belong in Bethlehem got up I just said something I said you were not created to be in Moab you were created to live in Bethlehem Bethlehem is the place of abundance no ABI is the place of lack what you still doing in Moab there is in Bethlehem Moab somebody hollow Moab shall they never say I'm getting out of it that's the wrong neighbor tell him I'm getting out of it you see you see you see but the thing that frustrates us about Moab is the very thing that frustrates some of us about Harvey and Katrina see the thing that frustrates us about Moab is more AB often come when we least expected I said it comes when you tell your neighbor I wasn't expecting what happened last week god I wish I had some I wasn't expecting what happened last week if I knew it was coming out with a gut to the bank and get all my money fill it up with gas y'all don't hear me I wasn't expecting because stone come unexpectedly you don't foresee it you don't even know it's coming it shows up in your lease expected no air shows up when you least expect it but secondly don't ever forget this moab is not your final destination okay y'all missed it I said Moab is not your it's just your itinerary it's not your destiny and that's why you cannot judge God based on your itinerary you got to wait till you get to your destiny and when you look back over your life you will see that God is a tell your neighbor said don't you judge your Savior based on your storm y'all missed it don't you judge your Savior based on your storm comes when you least expected to Moab more and more have somebody holler Moab Moab is not your final destination but God sometime often permit those famines in our lives to remind us that he is our real bread you'll miss that sometimes God allows farming to reminds us that everything we have it's just a resource well he I gotta get out of here my time is up tell us everything you got including the clothes on your back the shoes on your feet the house you living in the car driving it's just a resource only God is the source of your joy and if you lose at all and King Jesus you get no daddy now you'll start all over with I need somebody to jump up wherever you are all over there is fear and desperation there is death and disappointment there is despair and desperation there is death and disappointment and yet in the midst of death and disappointment Naomi Godwin Naomi got win I came to prophesied to Texas there is a wind coming over God I wish I wish I had somebody in here let's get out of here I said I came to prophesied to the potter's house come on just wave your hands over your neighbor's head and said there's a different kind of wind coming it is not a winner destruction it is not the win of death it is not the wind of disappointment but there is a wind coming there is a ship coming there's another dimension coming there's a move of God cometh get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready there is a wind coming [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming day they waiting on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles somebody position yourself [Applause] desperation death disappointment and yet she got up she got a she got her she got her she got a she got a uh she got a tweet she just got something on Facebook plan is on its way god I wish I had somebody okay y'all missed it I need you to pull your phone out God just send you a tweet God just send you a text God just send you something on Facebook what is coming your way [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] she doesn't see boy she doesn't see boy she doesn't see it physically come on I'm going down she doesn't see it but she feels it tell your neighbors and neighbor if you got to wait till you see it to shout you will never go shout but I need about 50 people in here who said even before I tell you never say if you see what I see in the spirit you act like you lost your mind if you see how he's gonna bless you if you see the dose is about the operator you'll open your mouth throw your head back and let you ain't got no sense but your neighbor there is there is there is there is this fear and desperation there is yes and mom are you so good there is there is despair and desperation there is and there is disappointment now I only got wind that they was bad at the boiler house she got up she moved out and she moved on okay y'all missed it okay y'all miss it she moved out and she moved on some of you this morning God is calling you to just move out and there's somebody to just move I don't care if they'll sure won't let you move just move up I just need you to move to the left and move to the right and move to the and move to the back just move away you I move up move up because everywhere you put your feet everywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you never said give me some moving room tell him Sir give me some moving room listen she moved out but she moved on y'all missed it she moved and she moved some of you got is telling you it's time for you're not just a move out but it's time for you to move come on tell him as I move on move on the merits in was move on the job fire you move on the business collapse move on move out she moved out Oh God and she moved she moved she she moved she moved she moved and she moved and she moved and she moved and she moved and she moved and she moved and she moved here's where you want to really shout she didn't move on and move out by herself okay y'all gonna mess with me this morning go in with you get you somebody get your partner get your partner say I'm the only one get impressed I'm the only one getting deliver I'm the only one get it [Applause] [Music] ten years ago but your handwriting my thing right there we matching colors - ten years ago I would have told you I am moot but I'm really not on me not yo me names me peaceful but there's no peace in her and she's struggling with finding her peace listen to her language don't call me Naomi call me Shane call me bitterness because the almighty has afflicted me Naomi moved from peace into pieces life ought to move you from pieces to piece but sometime after Harvey after Katrina after burying a loved one you can vacillate I know don't wanna be real one day you have peace and the next day of falling into one day you get joy and the next day you've got pain one day you've got peace and the next day you're struggling with problem has anybody ever been yes while you come to the altar and you pray about it this is how God since not only deliverance he knocks her up with another sister whose name means refresher when I owe me felt like giving up God sender how we fresher who said after you your God will be my god I need you to pull it off [Music] muscala buyer this shot come on your refresher come on you are with fashion heads on your neighbors belly what besides at them say I'm your refresher take the refresh you take the restore you fill you up somebody Wow we need so refreshing we need your power we may not have been in harvest or renew God this wanna do it he's gonna do it he's compelled to do it he desires to do it I just need you I just need you to yolk up with one other person just your cup with one other person make sure you get the right route make sure you got the right refresher make sure you got somebody who don't mind playing for you make sure you got somebody that sinkovitz in here like so you got somebody you can lean on huh make sure you got somebody you can depend or now make sure you got somebody you can rely on her make sure you got somebody who don't mind having your back come on the neighbor I need you this morning I can make it by myself sometime fall into pieces but God is sending a refresher he's about the refresher the place is where your bra cleaner the place is where you're hurting the places where you're struggling ah here comes a refreshing water here comes a refreshing water here comes a refreshing your smear this fear good good good good okay okay I can't get back to Bethlehem without you good I can't get back to Bethlehem without you I can't get back to Bethlehem without you I'm getting tired what I'm getting where we root I can't make it back to Bethlehem without you I need you to refresh me and refresh me with your words refresh me with your poor hairs we've washed me with your intercession uh somebody needs you to intercede for them this morning uh there's somebody standing next to you that is suicidal ah there's somebody who's thinking they're gonna fall apart but God has a sign you just sprinkle some water on them to let them know lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting dog listen Potter's House I've listened I got to get back to Bethlehem listen I got to get back to Bethlehem what is going to strengthen me to get back to Bethlehem and root listen don't move God and root is going to inherit the harvest y'all missed it y'all missed it God told me to tell you this morning it's going to be a generational harvest it ain't just going to be for Naomi it's going to be for everybody who is connected to the harvest is for your children the harvest is for your children children this is for the next generation this is for the Brickhouse this is not a Jewish judge and you got flat shoes they got back in time for harvest okay I miss the world they got back in time for the beginning okay I'm through they got back in time for the I need you to prophesied to the person next to you and tell them this in the end it's just a beginning clock that's the wrong neighbor said this is just the beginning I said not serious it's just a beginner listen listen the refresher the refresher Oh God the refresher goes in the field and she cleans listen she cleans from the field and bordered to the house Naomi never once stepped foot in the field but she glean y'all ain't ready for me all I'm trying to tell you God is about to let somebody bless you gotta God is about to lets up on the green God is about to let somebody do it for you I'm through I just want you to I just want you to yoke up just with two people this with two people in a circle of three listen here's the prophetic world over the house for your shame but they're Texan I see your 61 seven for your shame [Applause] [Applause] it's your job [Applause] for your for your for your for your shame for your shame if your hands all what what have you been a shame about what has the enemy used to shame you what secret shame what shame that you avoided if anybody finds out that if they discover it and so you've been living in fear cuz there's something you might have done in your past that you are ashamed about come on lift those hands for your shame for y'all listen for your inconvenience I'm going to release for having to leave New Orleans and now having to leave Houston for your shame I'm going to give you for every mountain you brought forever you see me [Music] [Music] [Music] that thing that things that people see that they don't [Music] in Christ Jesus and we know the promises of God are yes and receive the promise if you don't know the Lord Savior so if you don't know the Lord today it's a good day to give your heart to Christ it's a good time come on VGC let's not clapping you know how we do it salvation is available for you today you don't have to be ashamed of our [Music] there is no shame there is no condemnation [Music] today [Music] we are family [Music] all right so we're saying that everybody here is saved and we're all connected let's give God praise for day [Music] [Music] [Music] what this man heaven is rejoicing over this one we give God praise but this one hallelujah she had the courage to come and we're praying that your life will never be the same amen amen you can't go with your sisters amen amen GGC are you ready to give let's worship throughout giving it is time to wash it the Lord through our giving amen the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 16 and to bed on the first day of every week each one of us should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income this is what we are now preparing to do we are setting aside a portion as what the scripture calls a time or 10 percent what is 10 percent it's 10 cents out of every dollar that we've earned because of your obedience in regards to the Word of God we're able to do three things ministry financially support our pastor and shine share hope in negative experiences so BGC thank you so how do we give first and above all we give cheerfully because God loves a cheerful Giver and here at VGC we have three ways to give either by cash or cheque by our giblet I app or by cash if you're using either app search for us at victory Grade Center and to all of our first-time guests please know that you are welcome to worship with us in giving but you are not obligated to do so also our pastors birthday is coming up in about two months so let's start planning and setting aside a special seed because we want to be a blessing in her life amen if you need an envelope please raise your hand and one of our ambassadors will serve you and as we're thinking about our pastor's birthday for the men one of the things that you can do is you can sponsor a woman to attend the finally me conference since finally me it's for women and you cannot attend you can't sponsor a woman your boo your mom your auntie whoever it is just a woman in the congregation amen you can be a blessing to our pastor that way amen amen VGC if you are ready to give hold your tithes and offerings in the air as we pray our bold confession father I set my heart in agreement with your declaration that the righteous are as bold as a lion i decreed this day that the spirit is upon me and i Function in line with Kingdom bonus and choose not to fear in Jesus name I declare no defeat no despair no dismay will overtake me because of my confidence in the love of God which strengthens and sustains me a thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come nigh me victory over every attack is mine no more timidity no more intimidation and I've rejoiced in advance Kingdom bonus is mine in Jesus name men ambassadors you may serve the people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and let's go and have a victorious week and make some bold moves and remember that for your shame you're gonna receive double amen go in peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: VGC TV
Views: 9,445
Rating: 4.8080001 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 27sec (7407 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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