Dr. Jazz: The Road 2 DeMask Us

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[Music] imma get in i don't need id he gave me the victory i'ma get it i don't need id the enemy wanted me badly but he will never ever have the enemy want to be badly [Music] say i died [Music] um [Music] i know i sound like a married woman but i'm a grown man you can ask my married woman yeah see some of y'all used to know me then the only thing that you still here [Music] victory [Music] what you did [Music] yes [Music] then he started working on the anime [Music] [Applause] [Music] the victory [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the enemy wanted me badly [Music] again yeah so if you have the victory at home put your bees up like such yeah [Music] yeah you god yeah we got it the victory [Music] hey everybody it's a victory day and come on and put it in the chat i hear the sound of victory come on put it in the chat i don't know where you're tuning in from where you are zooming in from where you are checking us out from but come on put it in the chat i hear the sound of victory i don't have to see it susan i hear it because faith junction faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god i dare you to put it in the chat i hear the song the victory in my fate i hear the song the victory in my family i hear the song the victory in my finest i hear the song the victory in my flesh and i hear the song the victory in my fight i declare and decree that september is going to be a month for you to remember i tell you to put it in the chat come on put it in the chat september is going to be a month for me to remember cause god is going to give you victory in all areas of your life hey thank you for joining us for this sermon series called the road to damascus how many are on the road to the masters with me hey let's get into the word of god but before we do let's have a word of prayer father thank you for the sound of victory in every area of our life in our finance in our family in our flesh and even in our faith thanks be to god who has given us the victory through our lord and savior jesus christ now god let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight for indeed you are rocking a redeemer in jesus name we pray amen and amen and amen we are in acts chapter nine we are in acts chapter nine and i believe i got five more sermons from acts chapter nine we are in acts chapter nine as we continue in this series of sermon on the road to damascus now i know many of you are looking forward to the road to the super bowl all right cause the football season have started let us know who you expect to win but for now we are on the road to damascus and i'm in acts chapter 9 a familiar scripture that many of us should know by now and don't forget to share subscribe and support acts chapter 9 reading at verse number one it reads as follow meanwhile saul was still breeding out motherless threat against the lord disciples he went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogue in damascus so that if he found any there who belonged to the way come on put it in the chat i belong to the way whether men or women he might take them as prisoners to jerusalem verse number three says as he kneed ned damascus on his journey suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him he fell to the ground and heard a voice says to him saul saul why do you persecute me saul saul why do you persecute me look at verse number five who are you lord saul axe i am jesus whom you persecuted i want you to look at verse number five who are you lord saul axe i am jesus whom you are persecuting he replied now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do who are you lord saul acts and what should i do what shall i do and the lord's reply now get up and go into the city my goodness go into the city and you are going to be told what you should do our message this morning is focusing on the question that saul asked jesus during his road to damascus encounter as saul is on the ground zero he asks the question question number one who are you and then question number two what should i do we want to focus on those questions particularly the second question and that is the question what shall i do come on put it or what should i do what should i do at first when we look at soul question it may look simple but if we really take a good look at the question saul axe which is what should i do we would see that this question is laden with meaning and marks a key moment in the life of saul's journey the question reveals to you and i saw that saw mindset in regards to his transformation sister joyce it reveals to us that saul is awakened someone putting in the chat i'm awakened saul is awaken to the fact that change stephanie or transformation john john is happening he is also admitting to himself and to the lord that he does not know how to move forward i wonder if there's anybody out there he does not know larry how to move forward as saul is on ground zero he asks two very important question and the first question is who are you lord and number two what should you have me to do who are you lord and what should you have me to do on ground zero saul is processing where he has been and where he is and it's a and his accent what is next has anybody been asking those questions lately what's next for me where do i go with my life what do i do now that i've retired dick and ed and miss fontena what is my next assignment in the kingdom what is my next move where is my next assignment where do i go what do i do come on put it in the chat uh what should i do oh where should i go saul is processing where he has been and where he is and saul is asking the question what's next he has no clue solomon he has no idea of what he should do next with his life he is uncertain about his next move reverend bass he does not know the next step he's supposed to take deacon paul he is in a place of uncertainty deacon mo come on put it in the chat that he's in a place of uncertainty he's in a place where he does not know evelyn with his next move should be what would you have me to do lord i want somebody to put that question in the chat what would you have me to do lord saul in distex shows us how to handle uncertainty i promise y'all is going to get good saul in this text is showing you and i john jonah he is showing you and i larry he's showing you and i how to handle uncertainty and all of us are living in a world that there is nothing that is certain anymore deacon leon my goodness you can be here today and you can be gone tomorrow you can be healthy today and you can be sick tomorrow we live miss yvonne in a place and a time of uncertainty and whenever we are in a place in a time of uncertainty dr carpenter we've got to make sure that we ask the question deacon brian and jackie what would you have me to do lord come on put it in the chat saul indexed in this text shows us how to handle uncertainty soul shows us how to move forward give me the word move forward soul shows us how to move forward in the midst of uncertainty cynthia jones us all is going to show us how to move forward come on put it in the chat in the midst of uncertainty in the midst of a delta virus in the midst of the alphabet virus in the midst of a season and a time suicide of uncertainty saul is showing you and i how to move forward in the midst of uncertainty you see saul asked to question how many questions he expected in the chat he asked two questions saul asked to question on this road to damascus question number one is who are you and question number two what would you have me to do it's important by now that you should answer the question of who jesus is come on put it in the by now you should have answered who jesus is the bible said that when jesus was having a conversation with the disciples he asked them who do men say that i am and somebody answered some said that you are elijah and some say that you're a prophet and some say that you're john the baptist but look what jesus said virginia he said but who do you say that i am i know some people say that you're a good teacher i know some people say that you're a great prophet but by now you ought to be able to put it in the chat i know who he is to me come on put it in the chat some people said he's a great teacher and some people say he's a great preacher but to me he is my savior he is my lord and he's my king come on put it in the chair oh i'm not concerned about what people think about me but who do you sit out i am some people may call me trifling some people may call me a mess but my my god after six years vgc you ought to know who i am you ought to say that's my pastor that's my prophet that's my bishop that's my teacher who do men say that i am by now by now you should be convinced you should be already convinced that you know who god is and when you know who he is to you nobody can make you doubt him i know too much about him is there anybody at the song of our voice who said why many people are questioning who jesus is i know who he is to me he's my lord he's my alpha and my omega he's my beginning and my inner he's my rose of my sharon he's my lily in my valley he's my bright and morning star i need somebody to testify that i know who he is while the world is still debating on who jesus is i know who he is why the world is still questioning who he is i know who he is while people are still debating who he is i know him for myself i need somebody to put it in the chat i know him for myself come on i need you to tell me that you still can hear me by putting a heart over your head or just repeat what i tell you to put in the chat i know him for myself he's been a bridge over my troubled ward he's been a doctor in my sick room he's been a lawyer in my courtroom he's been my mother to the motherless he's been a father to the fatherless i guess somebody to put it in the chat or put a heart over your head i know who he is and because i know who he is that question is already settled come on put it in the chat it's already said oh god i feel the holy ghost right here i said it's already settled it's already settled you can't make me doubt him i i know too much about him i've got a personal experience with him i've experienced him for myself sister manuel i was sick and he healed me out there anybody out there i was broke and he blessed me is there anybody out there i was hopeless but he helped me out come on put it in the chat you can't make me doubt him i know too much about him i know him for myself makita i know him in the deep down sanctified side of my bone i know him in my mind i know him in my heart i know him in my emotion i know who he is here that question should already been answered because they can internet you cannot get to question number two until you have settled question number one ah don't miss this daniella duckett you cannot get to question number two until you have quest answer question number one and i believe i'm preaching to people who've already answered question number one so let's go to question number two now that i know who you are mo what would you have me to do ah god i hear god saying that some of you been asking god that question late in the midnight hour what would you have me to do susan what would you what would you have me to do what would you have me to do saul reaches a point in his journey like we often reach a point when we feel listen real good when we feel that we need to do something different than what we're doing now god my god somebody who is listening you are at a point in your journey when you know you sense you ought to be doing something different than what you're doing now if that's who you are put a heart over your head or put it in the chat you feel something tugging at you you feel something pulling at you you know you supposed to be doing something different to what you are doing right now but the problem is you don't know what you're supposed to be doing you don't know what your next move is you don't know what your next assignment is you know where you are is not where you should be but you don't know where you ought to take your next move you see oftentimes listen real good often time when we do not know how to move forward we do one of these two things what did i say uh when we don't know how to move forward we end up doing one or two of those these two things number one we first stay where we are come on put it in the chat we stay where we are when we don't know what we should be doing next we tend to stay where we are we are like the man in the bible who's been at the pool for 39 years 39 years he's been sitting at the pool doing the same thing expecting different results and i believe it's maya angelou that says insanity put it in the chat insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results i know i'm not calling you crazy but insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results but dr butler i believe there's somebody at this sound in my voice who said i want to do what i've never done before so i can see what i've never seen before so i can have what i never had before who am i preaching to there is somebody been tossing and turning in your bed because you want to do what you've never done before so you can see what you've never seen before so you can have what you never had before but the challenge is you don't know what to do next and because you don't know what to do next you tend to stay where you are our god some of you are stuck believers come on you're stuck some of you you're stuck where you are who am i preaching to uh you've been doing the same thing over and over again waking up the same time eating the same breakfast getting in the same car going to the same job experiencing the same frustration and you trying to figure out how come nothing new is happening in your life it's something you've got to do something that you've never done before so you can see what you've never seen before i need somebody to put it in the chat i'm getting ready to bust a move come on i need somebody to put it in the chat i'm getting ready to bust a move i can't be stuck on stupid the rest of my life come on put it in the chat i can't be stuck in the place where i am you see solomon whenever whenever whenever you don't know what the next move is sometimes you tend to stay put but number two number two number two not only do you tend to stay put and by the way let me pause right here to remind you that for those of you who tend to stay put you are going to be at the pool and you're going to turn 80 at the pool you're going to turn 75 at the pool you're gonna hit 60 at the pool and you are still at the pool i need somebody to put it in the chat i'm forgetting the pool come on come on i'm forgetting the pool i'm getting up from the pool sometime when we don't know what the next move is number one we stay where we are we stay put where we are but number two when we don't know what the next move is dr carpenter we return to where we came from oh my god my god we returned to where we came from that's what saul is all is between jerusalem and damascus remember he left jerusalem on his way to damascus he hears a voice he sees a light and he falls to the ground now saul is experiencing a midlife crisis saul is in the middle he has a choice and you have a choice either i stay where i am i go back to where i came from oh i pressed forward in faith oh i'm coming to get you and some of you some of you that's where you are you either staying where you are or some of you have made the decision that you are going to go back from where the lord deliver you from look what proverbs chapter 26 write it down proverbs chapter 26 verse 11 proverbs chapter 26 verse 11 says as a dog returns to his vomit so a full rep repeats our folly let me say it again as a dog we turn to its vomit and that's what the lord want to let you know whenever you go back to something or whenever you go back to people and places that the lord has delivered you from did y'all catch those peace whenever you go back to people and places where the lord has delivered you from it's like a dog returning to his vomit i need somebody to put it in the chat if i'm going to mess up at least let me mess up with somebody new [Music] how did y'all catch that oh god put it in the chat if i'm gonna mess up at least let me mess up with somebody new if i'm going to fall let me fall in a new place i need a new experience but i'm not going to be like a dog i am not going to return to my vomit come on put it in the chat i am not going to go back to people or places mr gladstone where the lord has delivered me from listen stay in put lord help me right here stay and put pastor shannon or going back will not benefit you in the long run can i say that again staying put or going back to people and places that the lord has delivered you from is not brother reggie is not going to benefit you in the long run uh well why then do we go back come on put the word why in chat why do we go back or why do we stay put why do we go back evelyn or why do we stay but why do we end up being stuck on stupid or why do we go back it's because the way forward is unclear how did y'all catch it john john the way forward is unclear you see we cannot see ahead and because we cannot see tomorrow we want to stay in today oh my god did y'all catch a revelation you see i know yesterday i know today but i don't know tomorrow come on y'all gotta catch this revelation and i'd rather stay where i am because it's a place of comfort sheridan because i am familiar and i know where i am in other words don't miss it it's for example let me give you an example we stay in unfulfilled relationships or friendships because we find ourselves afraid of leaving because we assume if we leave we won't find a better lover or a better friend or listen real good we stay in a job that we are unsatisfied and we can't stand we won't quit because at least we're getting a paycheck uh y'all ain't catching it because we have real assume that the only reason we are live is to make a paycheck we are unsure that if nobody else is going to hire us at least we got a job ah but god told me there's about 20 of y'all in this season that you are going to have to step out of that relationship you're going to have to step out of that job you're going to have to go where you've never gone before you're gonna have to reach for what you never reached before so you can have what you never had before or maybe maybe maybe your issue is not your relationship your issue is not your job sometimes we stay stuck or we go back to the previous church can i preach right here because my goodness we are uncertain about where the ministry is going you know people often ask me pastor jazz what's the next move for vgc i said i don't know i don't know it's not my job to know it's the father's job to know and when the father reveals it i reveal it and sometimes we rather stay in ministry or we rather be a part of a church where at least we got certainty than to be a part of a ministry that one day we end zoom and the next day we in v live 120 and the next day we in another building because people rather comfort than convictions ah oh did y'all catch that give it back to me people rather comfort than conviction but life is supposed to be experienced and not managed i need somebody to put it in the chat i said life ought to be experienced and not managed and i hear god saying to put it in the chat god give me a new experience come on put it in the chat i need a new experience my goodness some of you your life is so boring that the devil is not even paying attention to it but i dare you to put it in the chat god give me a new experience i want to go where i've never gone before so i can see the most of what i've never seen before so i can do what i've never done before so i can have what i never had before why is it why is it why is it that we stay stuck we stay put or we go back why is it that we stay stuck or we don't or we don't go forward but we rather go back it's because of our fears and our insecurity and our hunger for certainty we only want to trade listen we only want to trade known for known but nobody wants to trade known for the unknown oh god i hope you're catching it we only want to move from certainty to certainty but we don't want to move from certainty to uncertainty we want to move from the known to the unknown we don't want to move from the known to the unknown in other words listen real good solomon you've heard it said most of us rather keep the devil we know or the demon we know or stay in the hell we know than to try a new devil a new demon and a new hell you know what somebody said yeah he's no good but at least i know him ah oh yes she's no good but at least i know her yeah yeah my job is trifling but at least i know they're trifling because if i try another job i don't know that demon i don't know that devil and i don't know that hell i'm getting it but i've come to tell you that if god gives you another opportunity you ought to trade in the oil for the new because the lord said behold i'm doing it come on put it in the chat a new thing a new thing a new thing a new thing a new thing wait where are you are you stuck oh my god are you stuck with where you are or have you gone back look what we can learn from saul about living with uncertainty what can we learn from soul by living with uncertainty put it in the chat what would you have me to do i need y'all to keep asking the question what should i do lord what should i do lord should i remain single or should i get married should i get a divorce or should i stay in the mail what should i do should i move to dubai or should i stay in america what should i do lord this question is a question that we all are asking ourselves and it is a question listen to me real important this is a question that is pointing us to finding meaning and purpose give me those two words meaning and purpose this is not some silly question about what should i eat for breakfast you don't need to ask god for that whatever you got in your refrigerator eat it this shouldn't happen don't waste god time and accent god what should you wear today whatever you got in your closet put it on don't waste your time asking god if you should get gas from exxon or bp can i preach up in here whatever wherever you park your car get the gas the question you want to ask god is the question that is tied to purpose and meaning because life is not about profit life is about purpose and meaning what shall i do god what should i do with my life where should i end up with my life what shall i do with my life put it in the chat what shall i do with my life god what is my next assignment what is my next question this is a question of purpose that we all ask ourselves and it's a question that points to purpose and meaning what should i do the question the question is just as powerful and the answer is even more powerful oh my god put it in the chat questions and answer the answer is just as powerful as the question get up and go to damascus and when you get there i will tell you what to do did y'all catch it look at the answer to the question get up and go to damascus and when you get there i'm going to tell you what to do and so saul got up and began a journey in pursuit of purpose ooh somebody put it in the chat i'm in pursuit of purpose deacon no no no no you're not in pursuit of profit you're not in pursuit of money you are in pursuit of purpose y'all gotta catch it because when you pursue purpose profit will come you all near me you see when you pursue purpose you never have to ask anybody to connect you with somebody else how you think i met bishop jakes i was not in pursuit of bishop i was not in pursuit of people i was in pursuit of purpose and when you are in pursuit of purpose god gonna let you meet jay-z he's gonna let you meet beyonce he's gonna let you meet td jakes he's gonna let you meet tyler perry and the only reason why he's gonna let you meet them is because they're tied to your purpose but until you know your purpose he's not gonna send the people in your life because you're going to abuse the people because you don't know their assignment i'll preach past the chance i'm doing the best i can somebody put it in the chat purpose before profit purpose before people purpose before profit purpose before people some of you are chasing people and the lord told me to tell you stop chasing people if you chase purpose people will show up there is nobody that i've ever met that i've asked them somebody to introduce me to them i met them because i knew my purpose and when you know your purpose god will send the right people who are assigned to your purpose to help you to get to your purpose [Applause] what would you have me put it in the chat what would you what would you what would you have me to do lord soul question i want to look at soul question i want to look at it i want to look at it soul question it's not just a general question look at it it's personal and precise ah give it to me i'm just talking about the question lorenzo it is personal and precise come on give me those two peas in the chat it is personal what should i do did you catch the internet what should i do did you catch it mr roosevelt it is personal give me the word personal and look it is precise what should i do sister clock what should i do what should i it is personal and precise the question has to level to it it's a big picture question and it's also a small picture question what should i do not only what should i do with my life but what should i do today my god what should i do with this life what should i do with my life what should i do what is my purpose one of the things that we can learn from soul is number one we have to have the courage to ask the question oh my god come on give me the word we have to have the courage to ask the question frederica you've got to have the courage to ask the question come on give me point number one you've got to have courage to ask the hard question to ask the hard question oh my goodness nothing is worse than when you got a prophet or preacher in front of you and you ask the silliest and dumbest question when you got a puffin and a preacher in front of you you ought to ask them put it in the chat you're to ask the hard question uh don't ask me if you should eat mcdonald's or burger king don't ask me if you should wear dress or wear pants when you get in front of a prophet it reminds me of when i met bishop jakes for the first time people were asking him all these questions and i had one question in my pocket just one question it was a tough question it was a hard question and you got to have the courage to ask the hard question look what john chapter 16 verse 23 says john chapter 16 verse 23 says if you ask anything you'll miss it john chapter 16 23 if you ask anything in my name you'll miss it out what he said he said if you ask anything in my name i will give it to you he said in that day you will no longer ask me anything valerie i tell you my father will give you whatever you ask in my name you've got to have the courage to ask for it god told me my god some of you are scared to ask for it but he said if you ask anything in my name he said i'll give it back to you my goodness press done shaken together the other day i said god i need 20 million dollars i have the courage to ask for it i need somebody to be real out there now the reason why i can ask for 20 million is because i'm trying to build something to advance the kingdom of god and it's going to require 20 million and i said god you said if i ask anything in your name it shall be given to you i dare somebody to put it in the chat i was an accident for my ego i was an accident for myself i said god i need 20 million so i can advance the kingdom of god and john 16 23 said he said if you ask anything somebody put anything in the chat i said put anything in the chat he said if you ask anything in my name the question is do you have the courage to ask it the question paul saul asked his lord what would you what would you have me to do what would you have me to do number two number two it's the courage to ask but number two it's the courage to listen oh god okay y'all yeah like the courage to ask john john but here's number two the courage to listen look look at the research so i'm not only had the courage to ask but secondly saul had the courage to listen saul had look what the lord said get up and go to damascus and i will show you what to do did y'all catch that did your kitchen let me know you can still hear me he had the courage to ask but number two he had the courage to listen some of your problem is not that you have the courage to ask is you ain't got the courage to listen ah oh my god now listen real good god is always speaking put it in that chat god is always speaking i need y'all to put it in the chat god is always speaking but i'm not always listening i need you to put it in that god is always speaking larry but i'm not always listening this is first kings chapter 19 verse 12. you don't have that scripture but if you can find it first kings chapter 19 verse 12 it talks about god does not speak through the earthquake it says that god did not speak through the fire it says but god spoke through a gentle whisper a still small voice you see god is not going to speak louder than your iphone god is not going to speak louder than facebook god is not going to speak louder than youtube you're going to have to turn all that stuff off and you're going to have to be still so you can hear the voice of god i need you to put your hand on your right arm on your right ears rather because god is about to speak to you in fact i declare and declare that god is going to speak to you before this month is over i said god is going to speak to you about what your next assignment is come on put your hands on your right ears and say speak lord cause your servant is listening come on say speak lord cause your servant is listening i want i don't want to miss you i don't want to miss your next move i don't want to miss your next assignment come on put your hands on your right ears and say god speak lord if you got oil in your house i dare you to oil your ears before this day is over and say god i need to hear you and i need you to speak speak because your servant is listening you're remembering first samuel y'all remember samuel was sleeping at night and samuel heard the voice of the lord but he did not know it was the voice of the lord and every time he heard the voice he would go and he will go to and he will say i heard you call me and the voice said samuel samuel and he goes dr carpenter the eli and eli said no i didn't call you samuel go back to bed and he hears the voice of the lord saying samuel samuel he wants to eli he said yes eli said i didn't call you and that's when er recognized it was the voice of the lord calling samuel and the bible said that eli says to samuel go back to bed and the next time you hear the voice i want you to say speak lord cause your servant is listening i need somebody to put it in the chat speak lord john john is listening speak lord larry is listening speak lord vgc is listening speaking lord kylie is listening speak lord loranzo is listening speak lord lord is listening speak lord cause your servant is listening speak lord [Music] [Applause] what should i do [Music] what should i do speak cause yourself [Music] is listening souls also saul had the courage saul had the courage so had the courage saul had the courage to ask the question but saul also had the courage to listen and you know what i've learned sister sometimes we keep asking the same question over and over again because we want a different answer in fact god told me he already told you what to do i'm not seeking you don't need clarity you need deliver on some stubbornness come on hello somebody hello you already know what you're supposed to do some of you some of you don't even need another answer you don't need another revival you don't need another prayer because god already told you what you should do something we keep asking the question over and over again hoping to get a different answer we listen the reason why is because we want the answer of comfort and convenience and out of conviction lord i hope you're catching it we want the answer of comfort because the answer to your question is not comfortable get up and go to damascus and then i will tell you what to do oh my god my god the answer the answer we want is not what we get something we keep asking god over and over again because the answer is not the answer we want have you ever asked god for something and the answer god give you is not the answer you want and you go back and keep on acting out you see he wanted saul wanted to understand why he was making the decision and saw get the answer that doesn't make sense can i ask you a question as i hurry along can you obey god when the answer don't make sense oh god come on come on can you follow god when the answer don't make sense can you follow past the terrorists when the assignment don't make sense my goodness if god always have to give you an answer that makes sense you will never bust a move you will never grow in your fate but sometimes the answer doesn't make sense get up and leave trinidad and go to america but god where do i go in america i want you to go to new york where in new york i want you to go to upstate new york my goodness how many of y'all know that sometime that the answer that god gives you it does not make sense but my goodness that's where you need faith come on somebody put it in the chat i don't need faith when i know where i'm going i need faith when i have no clue well let me give you all some practical thing i got 10 minutes let me give you all some practical way here's the thing solomon y'all gotta catch it janjan you gotta catch it larry we gotta get you here's the thing leronzo we miss about saul asking the question what should i do let me encourage you guys here's some practical principle before i go into the prophetic revelation and here's the practical principle saul asked the question out loud did you yeah he he vocalized it come on put it he vocal he didn't say in his mind he didn't send his heart that's why it's recorded it's recorded cause he said it out loud y'all in hearing me oh susan did you catch it he said it what he said it outlaw and one of the key thing is you ought to ask the question come on deacon james you're to ask the question out loud you see deep questions deep questions should be vocalized my goodness it's gonna help you from having a nervous breakdown it's gonna help you from going crazy because you got all this question in your mind but you gotta put it in your mouth oh my goodness my goodness he asked the question out loud deep questions should be vocalized and it should be vocalized preferably to somebody you trust oh my god janja that's why we're creating small groups because listen you really cannot get clarity on your purpose by being by yourself listen saul asked the question to jesus so yes we ask the question to god but we should ask the question to people who we trust or people who we respect in other words get it off your chest what should i do get it off of your chest get it out of your mind and by the way for vgc you're always trying to figure out my assignment my assignment is to help you process tough questions i said my assignment is to help you my goodness you're trying to figure out when to make an appointment with pastoral care is when you got deep and tough questions it's when you get questioned life-changing question is when you get a life-changing decision he had the courage to ask the question and he vocalize it come on give it to me he vocalized it he said it out loud get it out of your chest get it out of your mind what shall i do he asks the question and if you're going to answer the question not just a god but to somebody for god's sake accent to somebody who is an expert in that field y'all didn't hear me come on put a heart over here exit to somebody who's an expert in that field let me see if i can make it simple and then i'll get out of here my dog simba he's 20 something years and my dog symbol for the last 20 years has had a in-home groomer the groomer will come to the house pull up in the garage come in the house and groom my dog simba well last couple of weeks ago my goodness the groomer car died i send her i cashed out her some money so i can help her fix her car but my goodness she didn't get it fixed because she didn't take it to a mechanic she took it to her son can i teach up in here and so the car is still broken down young should see simba uh his hair is so long it is dragging on the floor and so i started looking and talking to my little men dear i said we need to find simba aguma and she said i can't find none and so you all know what i did i'm gonna spotlight her oh my goodness i'd text lomosa and i said i'm looking for a goomba for my dog simba and the moses sent me the person who is grooming her dog ace and she then also tell me all the people who use her why did i talk to lomosa is because lamosa has a dog i talked to madeline pooler i said i'm looking for aguma for my dog why did i talk to madeleine pooler it's cause she got a dog my goodness i talked to pamela about grooming my dog why did i talk to pamela it's because she got a dog i talked to nikki about a groomer for my dog and why did i talk to nikki it's because nikki got a dog but did i call miss glodin put in the chat noah did i call john john put it in the chat no did i call miss carter put it in the chat no why did i not call them it's because they ain't got a dog my god put it in the chat some of you are asking the question but you're asking the wrong people your acts oh my god put it in the chat if i need to ask somebody how to get to a certain place i'm asking somebody who already knows how to get there because my time is too short and my life is too valuable for you to operate on me that you don't know how to operate put a heart over your head if you can hear me put it in the chat if you can hear what shall i do what should i do your problem is you asking a single woman how to handle a marriage you asking somebody who never been married you asking somebody who is not an expert and by the way everybody is an expert today lord jesus oh my god everybody is a life coach and some of you are so gullible you j you don't even you where you get that phd from how come everybody is a doctor now how come everybody get a their duct tape for how everybody is a bishop everybody's a prophet and they ain't been to no school lord have mercy they're practicing without a license that's called malpractice lord help me up in here my goodness they're practicing without a license they're doing ministry without a license and they're tickling your ears and they're pulling you astray and because you're so gullible and my goodness you're so open that you're eating at everybody's table but i've come to prophesy to you you better try to profit by [Music] you better try that prophecy [Music] they had the courage let me know you can still hear me they had the courage saul had the courage to what acts number two number two saul had the courage to what to listen but here's number three and then i'm through so i had the courage to ask number two saul had the courage to listen and some of you your assignment this week is the axe how many are you supposed to be asking this week let me let me see you supposed to be asking this week some of you some of you some of you it is it is is the courage to listen how many of you you got to be listening listening but here's number three mr gladstone it's the courage to act [Applause] it is the courage to act give it to me it is the courage to what to act get up and go to damascus and i will show you what to do get up get up and go to dubai get up and go start that business get up stop that get up go and i'll show you what to do here is a principle that you all miss if you can't do the small stuff [Applause] if you can't obey with the small the letter if god can't trust you to just get to damascus [Music] get up [Music] go and i'll show you [Music] what can you tell me before i go no get up go [Music] [Applause] and i'll show you [Music] what to do but god god god i need reassurance get up [Applause] [Music] go and i'll show you i don't stand here hearing me put a heart over your ear or put it in the chat because dr carpenter will tell you dr butler will tell you from psalms 119 thy word is a lamb onto my feet and i light onto my blood and you know that lamp in that light was like a little bell on the believer's ankle it wasn't a flashlight it was something that was tied to the believer's ankle and the only time the light came on is when he lift up his feet to take a step i don't know if y'all catching this revelation as long as you stay still the light never came on but as soon as you picked up your feet my god that's when the light came on and some of y'all trying to figure out how come the light hasn't come on it's cause you haven't been moving but the lord said as soon as you take that move as soon as you make that move that word is a lamp under my feet and a light onto my pad i'm getting ready to pray i'm getting ready to pray i'm getting ready to pay pray for you god give us the courage to ask the question to listen to the answer but to act because faith comes by hearing [Applause] and hearing by the word but the blessing comes by doing yo did y'all that faith comes by hearing but the blessing comes by doing he said blessed are those who don't just [Music] hear the word [Music] but they do it i need somebody to put nike commercial in the chat just do it and saw gather brother reggie saw gather didn't know who he gonna meet he didn't know what he was going to experience when he got to damascus but saul got him and went to damascus and stayed there for his assignment father i prayed the name of jesus somebody needs to get up who am i talking to you your stuff your stuff but you need to get them who am i talking to who am i talking to you need to get up put it in the chat i need to get up and i get i need to get moving i need to get up and i need to get moving i need to get up i need to get moving i need to ask the question and when i get the answer i need to get moving don't know what it's gonna look like don't know what it's gonna seem like but i'm busting a move i'm not going back i'm not staying stuck on stupid but i'm moving [Music] forward come on put it in the chat i'm moving forward come on put it in the chair let me see it moving forward thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus and we say amen and we say amen and we say amen and if you were blessed don't forget to share subscribe and to support this ministry and remember it is a victory day [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: VGC TV
Views: 385
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kzp_wqE_fFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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