Dr James Maloney - Prophetic Word

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[Music] [Applause] good morning look to the person next to you look at him and sound the best thing you've seen all day oh come on say it humbly now I'm sorry I don't know where that came from I I was not being led by the spirit I don't know I'm sort of strange just a need to be it just a need to be it well it's great to be with you this morning it really really is as the precious pastor said I know you can't envision it but there was a time in my life I did have long hair I was not a flower child hippie we beat them up that was before my sanctified days but I was a mountain man grew up in a mountain resort community in Southern California and basically worked horses we you know worked near a ranch and we owned several horses Arabian horses and different types that I just grew up in that environment and my priority as a young teenager was correct the most important thing in my life was my pickup I had a red pickup I mean big knobby tires and Chrome's and sitting up there glass packer and then the second most important thing in my life was my cattle dog rocky then my girlfriend and then you know God was somewhere in there anyway it was estranged no no football was number one that's right I have to say football did not pick up okay but anyway it was just a very unique time very unique time and the reason why I say that is because my hometown community at least back in the 60s and early 1970s was at one time want one of the centers of mysticism and the occult I'm not embellishing strangely a lot of the New Age people believe that there's various portals you know like in Sedona and other places and Utah and my hometown was one of those spiritual portals but what was so unique was the heritage that I am sent out from the ladies of gold I mentioned it over the weekend they established a true open heavens in this horrific center of mysticism and the occult so can you imagine all around me I grew up in it so I'm very sensitized to that all that funky you know loose you know anyway you know okay because it was never unusual for at least once a week some spiritual spook that would come up to you and tell you your name and even tell me my address and not know anything about me you know that was not unusual so I remember I was in this large charismatic conference my wife and I was and and this uh no she was in third and I stood up this gentleman this great prophet I will not mention his name because if I did you would know who I'm talking about of course but he said your name is James yeah about 3,000 people everybody who'd an odd and then your social security number is this as if I wanted everybody to hear my social security number and then everybody owed and odd and I'm standing there and I just thought okay I already knew those things what's the whole purpose and why God is revealing those specifics you know add some substance to it you know I mean I believe God can speak those kinds of details but there's got to be reasons more than just of a great prophet you know who everybody all you see I mean I was raised in that oppression I never got involved in it but I was raised under the oppression of it but then here were these precious ladies and men that gathered and it was just an awesome thing to be out in this muck and mire and then go into the basement which was their sanctuary I would say the word sanctuary they'd built a log you know kind of like a log cabin and then they had a basement and that was their sanctuary for 53 years where they would gather every night in the very manifest presence of God and from day one day one they had a continuous I'm not embellishing here open heavens know where angels were ascending descending audible declarations from arc angels one time I was seated and the gold this way before the gold dust period you know I mean this is decades ago you know where it was so thick you had to move your hand just to see the person across from you and then one time the holistic to me and said eat it so I took a clump of it and ate it and it just was like oil and like honey sweet honey that just cleansed me and just I mean and I'm sitting there and you I mean the glory was so incredible and I looked to the man next to me and right behind him stood about a seven-foot gentleman of antiquity the most dynamic beautiful apparel I can't even put it into words the majestic robe the sash white hair that was shoulder length distinguishing looking gentleman with unique features and I'm looking up at him and then I poked the guy next minute said who's that and the guys oh that's that's just one of the 24 elders who I had not yet God had gotten to that part in the book of Revelation about the 24 elders around the throne of God and he's standing right there not in vision form just like I'm seeing you you're seeing me and so I'm like okay he must be someone special so I just kept staring at him and he wouldn't look at me none of the Angels looked at me I was probably so defiled in their sight I was born again almost and baptized the Holy Spirit kind of and you know I was getting there but finally I just kept staring at them and God is my witness I'm not embellishing I know this is all you can handle it this church can handle it you've had cat cur you can handle it all right this gentleman looks down at me you finally just got tired I gets to be staring at him and looked at me and God is my witness he winked and I just looked away for a second look back he was gone say again the word sanctuary that has unique meaning now I want to place it contextually when we gather together harmoniously as a congregation of people yes this is individualized in fact let me just regress here for a moment when you read the Lord's Prayer what's commonly called the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6 it's really the disciples prayer but it's okay you need to study it or read it from the ancient Aramaic Syrian language that Jesus spoke and when it says thy kingdom come quarter with me thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth or in earth as it is in heaven you in that particular language of antiquity it's personalized thy kingdom come Thy will be done in this earth as life is being experienced in heaven give us this day it's not just talking about God meeting our material needs deliverance is the children's bread every day deliver me from the effects of the sin principle at my soulish life you're already separating your spirit man but in a soulish life or physically from the effects of the sin principle and the consequences deliver me from the evil one deliver me from the enemies of my soul for Thou art you know the Lord and and you know it's just a dynamic way of understanding that you individually you are the sanctuary of God but again let's place it in the context of purply every time and reach on 17 when we come together in the unity of the Spirit and as it says in Ephesians in the bond of peace that that was Jesus's greatest prayer now this is truly the Lord's Prayer in John 17 father the glory that you have given me I will give to them that they might be made one and it's repeated three times one all one and perfectly one when you hear the word sanctuary glory I'll get back to that in a minute the word glory has various root meanings now forgive me I'm professor Maloney here this morning for a few moments this it means the many definitions it's the Hebraic word kavod not commode some little boy ten-year-old said daddy he said God Jesus has a commode I there might be a message in there but anyway let's move on but but the good duck I'm sorry it was getting so dynamic wasn't it heavy and weighty and and I throw in the word come commode but it's the word commode or commode actually and you know when we use the word Shekinah it's really Shekinah but if you really want to get Hebraic it's come on every guy to get some spit up there in your throat speakeasies come on now done so mode of God see right there you know come on go ahead and do it hock a loogie the of God but we just say Shekinah kavod but it means God causing all of his worth to rest upon his people Wow would you hear about the gifts of the Holy Spirit in manifestation because it's really what they are they are just manifestations of who he is one of the definitions for the anointing means a mixing or a mingling of the attributes of God another Hebrew word I'm really impressing you come on everybody is sham n sh e in E in and that means that there are certain attributes of God that can powerfully come into great demonstration or manifestation you see the gifts of the Holy Spirit give outlet for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to come into manifestation if someone is in need of healing we're to covet spiritual gifts correct how about the only thing you can covet without the sin of covetousness which is idolatry so when you say I covet gifts of healings because I need healing or my friend needs healing you know the fruit that comes into expression to help facilitate that healing is let's say mercy or compassion you know if we just tell someone like James says in Chapter two oh you know go your way be warm to be filled and you don't give them what they're needed what does it really profit but having no the gifts of the spirits are given to every man and woman that we might profit so the greatest expression I believe can be in the name of mercy the gifts of healings in operation for people or whatever they're in need of to say you know I love you and not allow compassion to flow and allow the gifts of the Spirit to bring him down too fast ation the expression it's like I phrased this way mercy has to take on muscle you know it's just words are just words people need demonstration that's what jimena is about that is what the commode of God is about is are the attributes of who he is resting upon us people now he abides within us each and every one of us individually but you in first John chapter 2 verse 20 and 27 that there's an anointing for ministry expression charisma you know what that means the manifestation of God's grace freely given to others but then there's another word Christmas and it's a little bit different and that's what we term a personal anointing that rests within us it's there and it's the anointing that teaches us all things it gives us discernment helps us to fellowship with him eccentric cetera now that's abiding within you but what we want to believe that when we are in the amount of the station of God's glory that we become so one in heart blending our hearts with his heart that's really what it means let me go over here I got no response at all over there I'm gonna leave you all alone over there I didn't get a response from my wife it's blending our hearts with his heart it's being one he that is in Christ is one in spirit to blending it's that's why I love it when you have the vocal gifts in tugs interpretation of prophecy in operation corporately we hear from him when you have the power gifts mingling with the vocal gifts you know because the healings work into miracles gift of faith we are feeling or seeing the manifestation of God experience the power feeling that when you have the revelation gifts of the Spirit or the knowledge word of wisdom discerning of spirits there's an unveiling you see it's hearing seen and knowing and when you mingle that all together that constitutes the fullness of God the weightiness of God the resting of his very worth his reputation now this is the call of this congregation I'm the prophesied to you I'll try over here of course I expect the pastor's to say yay and a man they're all the same page I kind of like you over here a little bit better you know I mean you seem to be warming up to me more than those people over there I don't know I just I'm concerned about this group it's especially right in this area how come that orange VW bug is still sitting over there that's an inside joke if you weren't here this weekend huh anyway uh this is your purpose decree this is your calling I don't know why how to phrase it I'm gonna pose it to you in a question will you allow God's reputation to be seen in you [Applause] glory means an opinion of a person's worm Duke Duke said there's another Hebrew word I'm impressing you an opinion of a person's worth when I say he or she is of a good reputation am I not given an opinion you're called to manifest the refutation of God into reality sit there's no other higher calling there's too many churches that remain in the outer Court 99% of them go not to minimize the importance of reaching people in the outer court but there's the holy place and then there's the Holy of Holies I think if we get into the very Holy of Holies then when we come out of that glory amen into the outer court we will have such the weightiness of God upon us that when we go out into the highways and the byways and compel people to come in that they will so get powerfully touched healed delivered the the thoughts and intents of the hearts will be revealed that they after you minister them they will have hopefully a good opinion of God because of what they see in and through your life I'm gonna get excited I like to that's my message that's it there ain't no more let me close with sanctuary it is something that because of those precious ladies of gold the golden candlestick ministry you can read about them I have books out in the foyer please avail yourself if you don't have any finances and you want one of them call ahead now don't everyone do it I gave that invitation you know and man I mean they were gone in 30 seconds I wouldn't even care if you did I mean you know I just want to get the word out but that they those precious ladies and men that they gave me a distinctive revelation of what it meant their experience or knowledge of being in the presence of God he's just did need a bit different than the vast majority of churches how many know you know we need to ask God to give us and this is again one of your callings is to give people a greater definition a better definition of what it really means to be in the presence of God and not compromise all in the name or if we get into that kind of manifestation of God's glory where it's going to freak people out listen in 40 some years of ministry I have yet to see an unsaved person really get freaked out when there was a true manifestation of the Holy Spirit now I have seen Pharisees and Sadducees get freaked out see law I went around for years saying that word incorrectly you know what that means to ponder think deeply on what was just said you know I went around for you're saying se la se la se la so one time I don't trip out 300 I said say law they went oh it's just it was so embarrassing I'm still learning you know but they gave me a distinctive understanding that Paris being in the presence of God and we're not minimizing any level that people are in the manifest presence of God Matthew 16 it says look I've given you the keys of the kingdom to bind now I've heard a lot of sermons I'm binding but very few on loose I know things need to be loosed had a group of ferrous Sikh Pentecostal gentlemen said came up to me and they were reproving me you know young man that right there got my TIFF right there young man you know the Bible says I love it you know where to get real religious the Bible says that's how they actually said it the Bible says son can I hear it ain't men the Bible says that all things be done decently and in order what he was saying was people rolling on the floor they really were knocked down drunken the spirit heaven visions trances manifestations everything was in a state of disarray and chaos and you know he was emphasizing the decency and in order now I believe that things are supposed to be done decently and in order but God's definition may not be the same as yours so you know what I did you know he was you know I got I got this young man I got him I said you know what sir and he had his colleagues around him they they thought they had me man I'm the wrong dude to mess with I said I think that's not a prideful thing it's just try it I haven't yet learned to turn the other cheek I had some demon eyes elders son that went over real well tackled me I mean behind the pulpit started punched my masculine muscles and they heard the ushers were stunned I said get him off of me so my ministry of the laying on of hands took on a whole new different meaning that to those people say law I said you know what you have forgotten the most important part of that verse in 1st Corinthians 14 they didn't know I knew it 31 let all things be done decently in order I see you forgot the most important part of it what what what let all things be done yeah wait a minute it's still sinking in know if nothing's happening if nothing's moving and grooving all that dates me grooving there's nothing to be ordered how many know the Holy Spirit doesn't need to be governed our human spirits may need to be governed but let's get something happening and flowing then you've got something to work with and then you don't bring in you know and just you know orderly and this and that but I mean everything was just happening but it was just in this incredible beautiful flow of oneness and pureness and it was amazing that's that's what I love about miracles and if you study about workings plural workings and miracles and if you quote it from the from the Spanish language it basically means to party with God and miracles hey the world thinks they know how to party how many we know how to partay eat your heart out Sinbad we know how to partay and the beautiful thing about the word miracles it conveys the different prisms of light that we can all see a particular singular miracle but yet you may receive an aspect or revelation of the attribute of God's power where another one may receive an attribute of revelation of God's mercy or wisdom they're seeing the same singular miracle but they're getting various aspects like prayers lights from the rainbow and people tell me we don't need miracles healings manifestations he verse 5 teaches this starting at verse 21 I think somewhere around there Paul said basically you know there's a whole lot of things I'd love to teach get you into the meat of the word but you're all a bunch of babes you know we got to take you back to the basic foundations that's when Hebrews 6 is all about before we can take you to the meat of the word and this is what he said listen what it says because you are dull of hair rain now tell the person thanks to you look at him say he's not talking about you know about you you're not dull come on tell them you tell them you're not dull I'm thoroughly convinced in this generation there's a deaf and dumb spirit Antichrist spirit didn't want God's people to hear doesn't want God's people to be bold to speak you want to know what the greatest evidence that you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit boldness yeah tongues not minimize the importance of tongues boldness confidence that you're not intimidated if such a forehead is a flint you've got a rod a spiritual rod and your spine you just you're moving forward but here's what Paul was saying one of the signs that you are moving on to perfection and completeness in God is what is abiding within you that you begin to experience who he is and that is being manifested and outshine from your innermost being and experienced through your five senses that's the call of this church that you understand you're not just ones that wonderfully have the Holy Spirit abiding within you I'm not minimizing importance of that but he's resting upon you I've met Christians God of course is abiding within them I don't sense the resting I've gone to congregations and I say this lovely no criticism there wasn't that corporate resting of the weightiness of God and now we have I'm gonna be very strong here everybody say I love your brother Jim just just go ahead and in face say it was the offering already received okay good okay I can say it and I'm leaving here I gotta leave here pretty soon and catch a flight I forgot what is it going to say maybe that's good oh yeah I forgotten I swear for God I looked at my wife I just you know I've been to new he good yeah I know by Hannah I go you know I they're seducing spirits Antichrist seducing spirits and doctrines of devils that are very religious that are endeavoring listen to this to get you to become intimidated by what others may think or perceive and to back away all in the name that we've got to go down where the sinners are at and get down on their lowly level and reach them where they're at so that means the corporate man out there that works 70 hours a week and God bless him or her that of course they can't go longer than 15 minutes in praise and worship we got to get him out under an hour by God when I pastor that was my opening remark let alone praise and works we never praised and worshiped under an hour yeah but I didn't have the biggest Church no but the people I did have they were and you know where the soul-winning took place out there because they are being changed oh no you're not changed from doctrine to doctrine as important as that is you are changed from what glory to glory do you know what that means it means that you're not going to go to another level of glory until the level you're in the mess you're in becomes glorious and victorious and you walk with the Lord then God can entrust to you another level of go that's what God is saying to this precious Church you're going from glory to glory and this year you've come to a level now you're gonna go to another level of glory and yes you will reach the unsaved people yes you will get down to where they're at and reach them but you will have come from the high place in God bring in heaven with you because the resting of God is upon you what is the Holy Ghost they're never intimidated the unsaved people it's just a religious people and we as charismatic better be careful and discerning because they're seducing spirits that's trying to back us up and we compromised all in the name is we think that because I've got 3,000 people in this church or 20,000 people in this church that that proves God's favors on us there's one particular church I think has 30,000 people the people are fine people but you know what the issue is the pastor and he is he's not really teaching he is what I call a life coach rah rah ho you're good you're wonderful you'll make it beautiful your birdie hey there's just some of you none of that's going to help okay let's just face it I'm sorry you're the best at all you want now tell her first the next you say he's definitely not talking about you and I always wonder why does this guy got 30,000 people and you know he or she is prosperous they live in a mansion I'm not against all of that you know but you know it's like these people they think if I really support this guy I it's like they want to live vicariously through him I can't drive a Maybach but I'm gonna make sure he drives a rolls-royce and I'm gonna lift through him and God's gonna bless me because I'm gonna super abundantly bless that man or woman and I've got to get under their bubble and they think that that will seal them from everything out there that's trying to steal kill and destroy everybody look at me that is a Laodicean spirit and the church in America as a whole is fulfilling revelation to that word Laodicea means that which wars or fights against the laity or the people in the church it's what it basically means is the Nicolay attend doctrine the usher or the elder Deacon Nikolas introduced this it means that you can be fleshly and carnal in your walk with the Lord but it doesn't really affect you spiritually that's hyper grace that's running rampant in our circles and you know it suppress it means to suppress is this thing funky bill did it come off what is that what is that come out I told you every one of these have a demon it means to suppress the lady that's what it means keep you down don't you find out what your gifts are your motivations don't you prophesy when all of us should be prophesy go to pray for the sick y'all our believers aren't you so you should be laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover see that spirit just keep everybody under this bubble and inoculating from you know and you know what the way things are going in this world they're not being prepared for the next twenty thirty years of Jesus should Terry and there will be a great falling away and people will get offended at God and His Word because of persecution and it's already begun I've been in this thing for generations of charismatic Pentecostals I can hardly think of one church that's still in existence thirty forty years ago I - every cares bank that's still a charismatic there's a hundred that have just backed out of it backed away oh listen what's going to keep you fresh what's going to keep you dynamic is consistently not just individually but corporate and I know simplicity it has everything to do with his presence now we that are here to serve you we have absolutely nothing in and of ourselves to give you that's not false humility I know but we represent Jesus and certain attributes and expressions to the church and I want to leave you with that revelation that this is the habitation of God in the spirit the resting place of God the sanctuary that means a refuge you come under the refuge of God you come out from what's out in the world and you come under the refuge of God and you become changed and renewed so that when you go out into the world you take that with you and people will have a good opinion of God because of what they see in and through your life please keep the spirit of unity and the bond of peace as a congregation don't allow wrong attitudes mode is unforgiveness stay in peace stay in relationship with one another and of course it starts with the husbands and wives and my brother and my sister in a corporate body and it's one aspect of it is dynamic praise and worship but it's not it is wonderful and it's just a high priority but it's not being only it's just it's so simple but the enemy wants to make it complicated it's all about Stan and union with his heart blending your heart with his that's our life all right now I really am done don't you love that closing would you stand would you take that person's hand that's next to you and where is the pastor come on up here bishop he's a bishop he's a novice taluk bishop is no longer pastor by the way I am prophesy and you youngsters start calling him bishop it needs to start wearing tdj clothes you know TD jakes never wears the same suit and they're like 15,000 dollar suits now he doesn't purchase them somebody gives it to him you know and we're you know Sunday that's okay so be nice about TD I know I know him personally but white TD chains but you got to get a little separation you got to get a little separation right there in the center of your team so spit can flow out you see now up here you're all right it's about there yeah you're working on it okay I like this guy teddy bear man he's my friend you got that person's hand that's next to you give it a good squeeze and if you're mad at them really squeeze I'm going to proclaim oh I don't have time to teach in Genesis the power of the blessing I guess I've been in as long enough I can kind of considers myself a spiritual father young I want to emphasize young spiritual father it's not age age has got nothing to do with I was a spiritual father in my 20s you know but I want you right now with that person's hand raise it up high I proclaim and decree that the Oracle of God has been pronounced and through this trumpeter I have sounded forth the sound to go to war but also the sound to gather together in unity and the sound for the people of God to celebrate the feast that are found and consummated and completed and our work of Yeshua HaMashiach may I bless you I speak peace over you we seal you we declare the greatest days are upon you and before you and may the Lord shine upon you and in you and through you and everyone said now it's time to celebrate give the Lord a shout [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LifeChurch West Chester
Views: 3,394
Rating: 4.7931032 out of 5
Id: Z_JZdp8lDvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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