Dr James Maloney - The Trance Of God

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you know I just think when we were talking there was a great center of ministry in Southern California I know you can't envision it but I used to be a philosophical hippie that had long hair now something happened I don't know why you're laughing I know this is a recession here hey some of you are in a depression okay you know so she'll be laughing but anyway so it uh you know it was a great center of ministry was called Mel deal and it was right across the street from Disneyland in Southern California and Ralph Wilkerson the pastor used to have monthly individuals in and in particular now is about sixteen years of age fifteen about fifty and a half years of age and I'd heard about this lady the late Kathryn Kuhlman and if you've not ever heard of who she is you just need to Google because she was a unique individual and there's about 7,000 people in the circular auditorium and the platform was lower than the seats and I'm sitting right there you know in the center aisle and right on the edge there and all of a sudden this radio voice boomed and said and here's Kathryn now it was like she was shot out of a cannon now she didn't walk down the aisle she twirled and spun now you know Katherine wore these dresses that probably had about 9 to 10 yards of unnecessary cloth and it I mean she was just a unique strange person and I say that with all reverence and and she's just twirling down the aisle you know and I'm looking back at her and all of a sudden you know she comes right up next to me and she looks down at me and she gets this smirk smile on her face it's like feisty little and that's the last thing I remember she took her dress and just covered my body just swing her arm and just cover me that's the last thing I remember I missed the whole four hour miracle service I was a little upset because they told me how you know people walked out of wheelchairs and blind eyes open or deaf ears and all I remember is halfway coming to and she was down in the front she just got to the front turn around and she made this statement have you been waiting for me you know it was so dear and that's the last thing I remember in other words after everybody had vacated they finally found me my feet were sticking out and they pulled me out and I didn't know what it meant to be intoxicated in the spirit drunk in the Holy Ghost you know caught up I like to use the word in a rapturous encounter with God because that's what the word rapture means not the rapture I'm talking about a rapturous encounter in the Lord I don't know what that was really I mean I was caught up into this heightened sense of the awareness of the manifest presence of God and let me tell you something at fifteen and a half it revolutionized my life I don't know what happened but there came upon my life I want you to hear this phrase because I'm believing this weekend now I know we've over used this word impartation or but it's an impartation there's been some conferences I've gone to I didn't want an impartation from them and then there are been conferences yes of course you know I don't want to just use that word lightly impartation you know glibly just okay but really honestly this weekend I mean I've been in preparation all week and the reason why is I couldn't go anywhere my foot was stuck up in the air so you know you just learned to pray in tongues you know and meditate upon the Lord and and as I was just seeking the Lord I just kept hearing that word and pressed upon my spirit an impartation and really I I sense this I believe I've come to a fellowship and if you're visiting from another church we welcome you this is not of any private interpretation but they didn't invite me to come he did hallelujah and so I'm going to speak to the entire body of Christ but in particular to this corporate Church because I believe God is saying something not just to this corporate body but to the entire body but yet there's something really precious and and the look impressed upon me that there is a rich foundation that's established in this church and I mean a really solid foundation and God has been building on a course and I'm not going to bring to you anything that you've not already float in or been used in or experienced as a congregation perfectly I can just add to your faith you know a virtue in the Lord and I've come that I might impart to you some spiritual gift that you would be established and really this weekend I believe it is going to be a weekend of impartation and I want you to just not look at the vessel that's speaking for just a few moments and will begin to minister here and the operations of the Spirit but just I want you when you listen for the next 15 or 20 minutes which by the way you're going to see a miracle here it's going to be 15 or 20 minutes only it's usually an hour and a half but I won't trust me because my foot can't stand it all right and I want to tell the protocol I call them a protocol gentlemen and ladies if there's a bench stool someplace would you find it oh there's one there we'll get it later okay not right now sit down making me nervous hallelujah thank you brother so gracious um you know I I might get off this foot here pretty soon all right so uh you know God can heal you and touch you while I'm sitting down hallelujah Sensa Blasi hallelujah so you know forty years I deserve to sit down okay but I'm not adding you know anything that's not already established there's a foundation that's richly been established but something is truly going to be imparted and I believe the weeks and months that shall follow it will it'll it'll be something that would be like wheat ermine mica to a break or annoying team hey man now I'm gonna call myself an apostle or prophet or anything I'm just brother Jim but the point I'm saying this is an apostolic breaker anointing weekend and I just believe that if you'll just you know while you're listening to me realize that you know here's an individual that as our dear brother and sister they've we've spent 40 years 40 years now i only share that with you because i remember when i was a student at 18 years of age in the bible school i attended that i would sit there and there would be 85 year olds that were teaching and preaching and they remembered when Smith Wigglesworth had come to America in fact one of the gentlemen had brought him to America and how brother will is worth you know whom in whom I'm talking about laid hands upon him then he in turns to now what I'm going to do students is I'm going to lay hands upon you because it has nothing really to do with us and has everything to do with the Holy Spirit and how he's moved through the generations I'll never forget this phrase he said this is transgenerational impartation so we would sit there and if we heard a man or a woman that was dynamic and their faith you know I would sit there and say Lord I would want that aspect of who you are that I see in his or her life would you allow that quality and virtue to be imparted in my life or if they operated in a tremendous level of high wisdom I would just sit there and so with the other students would you just take that aspect of who you are in the name of wisdom impart those certain attributes and a lot of these precious men and women would take the time there's 900 students and lay hands on us and I remember one particular prophet his name was dick Mills who just recently died and I remember you know he prophesied over 350 students and he just go down remarkable I knew these kids I knew them I mean you talking about specifics and but it was so hilarious because he came up to me as I brought one up I don't know what that meant and you could tell he's trying to get a word for me but it wasn't coming so he'd go props over three or four other students and he'd come back and look at me this is about three or four times it was horrible I never did get a word everyone else did but I didn't thought I'd missed it or something you know but I didn't but that particular encounter was sister Coleman I begin to set in my life a pursuit and it's not about experientialism just the name of experiencing something but when you hear the word to know Philippians 3 and other references it has a very unique meaning and there are derivative words and you have to forgive me because I'm professor Moloney now and I've taught Ababa colleges for 25-30 years so you know I do word studies they're illuminating but you know the word to know is synonymous with the word acknowledging God and to acknowledge him and all thy ways and it's the Hebraic word jana as i say with me on off yad a and basically what that means is is that you let a wall down and make your life varner about to the lord and turn if you will do so he will come nigh unto you how many know he hasn't moved anywhere stays in the same position when it says draw nine to him and he'll draw nigh unto you you know we get the connotation or thought that God has removing himself from you know it's you moving back he has he stays positioned and fixed and it seems like he's moving away but it's really just us but when we draw nigh there's a joining everybody see that we're joining now I'm going to share with you certain keys of the kingdom that I believe is going to help release the intervention of God's supernatural action within your life and we are going to come into I believe and it's upon us I mean it's upon us I'm going to say it again you're saying it's upon us but it is a pause so just in phase say hallelujah alright just trust me now I understand the truth when a preacher stands up and says we're on the threshold of something new and fresh and exciting and I've heard sermons for 35 years we're on the threshold and about a year ago I said Lord win yeah I mean there's some truth in that we're on the threshold but I don't believe we're on the threshold of something I believe were than beginning of something fresh and new and dynamic that was released and birthed I don't have time to go into details why I believe this the first part of 2012 and you're going to be part of it how they lujah because there's going to be an impartation that's going to be released and so when someone like myself lays hands upon you you know it's not because of anything in and of ourselves you know that or any virtue on our part but it's because of the people that have gone before us and souls so I had had hands laid upon them they laid hands upon me and you know dah dah dah and it's exciting because it's just all the Holy Spirit but it's transgenerational and I've been to our congregations in these times that are going to really just capture everything and bring everything into play an operation within their midst corporately can't just happen through one individual it takes all of us but I really believe that there's a greater fullness that's coming to us how they lujah and you've got to just understand we're not just on the threshold of something it's really begun and we've heard prophetically that 2015 is going to be a year of tremendous crescendo in this and it's going to lead us into a new phase of power and authority great grace and great power in the body crying I'm excited I mean I've been more excited this year than all of the years previously you know I don't want to go back to the Jesus Movement I mean but there are certain attributes that of course were birth of the Holy Spirit and fervency an excitement you know and and you know I know it's in your life and the lives of many around you but as a hold of the body of Christ it's missing and gods were storing that hallelujah and we're going to experience an impartation of that and I really believe that what was imparted in my life through sister Coleman that was just sort of the beginning and other ministries I said under the Jesus Movement and the early charismatic renewal then as I begin to travel at 22 23 years of age and as I've traveled I'm not telling you how old I am all of these years we've seen some exciting and wonderful things take place and tremendous moves of this spirit but you know it's it's not about what happens through this ministry and that's not false humility I really mean this because my wife and I we are we not only live for this generation but we live for the next generation that's always been my fault I'm an equip an activator hallelujah what just thrills me is when I hear young men and women that whatever you've prayerfully by God's grace imparted in their lives they're going further deeper higher whatever I pray that's the case a man I don't want to have to do all the prophesying when I started traveling nobody really was prophesy and there were six of us eight of us and now there are thousands and I know we're living in difficult times I understand this and and but you know everybody says aw it's just we're just being prepared for the tribulation oh come on you know do you read history do you know how hellish it was and Jesus's day you know how tough it was under Nero you know how bad it was the Dark Ages we have nothing in comparison to the degradation the sin are you hearing this the disease we're actually somewhat I understand there's ills and evil in this generation but I mean we're kind of civil do you know that compared to them we don't crucify people right so I mean you know I'm not again minimizing what we are experiencing the name of sin and degradation understand but yet we are awry we are rising and we are shining and our light has come and and I want every young person of course that's a relative statement how many know we're all young so tell the person next to you say he's talking about you but I you know I just want every young person you know what I want to say that uh you know your hope your future is bright you got tremendous hope come on now I tell my son that my daughter my grandson's you know look the best days are upon you the best days are ahead of you yes gross darkness is going to cover the face of the whole world but yet we will arise and shine God is going to have a glorious church he's going to have a remnant amen and you are that Amen individual and corporately the light that's set up on the hill now here's what I want to ask of you tonight I want you to I know you already have this desire in your life and hearts cry but you'd be surprised how many charismatic churches I go to that don't because now hear this this is prophetic I believe that God's called this church this fellowship woo this church to correctly interpret to this generation what it really means to be in the spirit because listen to me because your definition of what it means them to be in the spirit and the church down the road may not be the same and I'm not saying they are not operating in certain levels you know when it says there are keys of the kingdom of the heaven it's in the plural heavens there's certain levels of operation and experiencial ISM and again we don't want to just experience for the sake of experiencing something but we want to know him we want to Yana you know it's it's amazing how Ingrid some people are I say that lovely that's not you don't look around especially these theologians I love it these theologians have come up to me and they say now dr. Maloney you know the problem with your ministry is you know like they've got this insight you know I just marveled at that you know I've seen five people raised from the dead three in one service you know on this and that and and and you they're saying the problem with you and your ministry is all you want to do is see results hi you know that one took me for a loop so I really had to just you know I'm a little feisty you know so I I said okay well define for me what results are that you think are wrong well all you want to do see people saved healed delivered am I missing something you know if there's a spirit of stupid out there in the world in the name of your higher education yeah I'm guilty see you got to understand I wasn't raised in church I was raised American heathen Southern California whole different breed my encounter with God my initial encounter were five six hour miracle services I thought that was the norm as soon as you got saved in the Jesus Movement you had 15 minutes where they sent down and struck today a always wisdom but they would say okay it says you know go into all the world and preach the gospel share your testimony says believers relays handle is sick and they shall recover sighs just go do it don't question it so we just you know been saved oh off about a day six hours eight hours we just go out there you know look for the sick boat you think this is new you know it's not I mean it's just it's I mean that's the way it was in the late 60s and early 70s you know they got healed you know how I knew I was called in prophetic ministry I would have you remember the whole meetings and we'd have the hot seat I really you know and sit that seat chair in the center of the living room and someone would sit down and everybody gather round and start shun dying and because the churches didn't want us you think I'm embellishing the churches didn't want us so we just weren't ho meetings and and you know I'd lay hands on people and pray in tongues and then I just I'm praying I'm just praying and all of these details started coming out I didn't know what the prophetic was a word of prophecy it's just that I would start sharing details about these people's lives and it took a few years later to get brother Hagins book you know on the ministry of the Prophet oh is that is that it's happening to me okay I got to develop this and then we'd have individuals that were quite prophetic except the one dick Mills he never gave me word but there were others that would prophesy destiny and confirmation and I mean it was revolutionary you see that's my background I wasn't I mean there's one thing I told a group of pastors in a conference a couple months ago I said there's one thing I appreciate about my religious upbringing I never learned one thing because I never learned anything I never had to unlearn anything just I mean what are you going to do you know Kathryn Kuhlman comes up to you laughs and you're down I didn't know what falling of the power was I didn't know what it meant to be intoxicated in the spirit drunk I was weaving all over the place fall all over everybody the chairs and everything I was I was lifted up that's one of the definitions for the anointing elevated to be elevated for three days three days and there was probably more Solis changes that needed em in my flesh life to be uprooted out of my life in that three-day period no one taught me not minimize the importance of teaching I are one you can tell I've got a call to chime I've got my education uh but the Holy Spirit just imprinted I want you to hear that word because in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah this really is Seiya but if you look at the Book of Isaiah and it says that when it came time for Isaiah to prophesy the word of the Lord it said that the hand of God was modely upon him or was heavily weighed down pressed upon him the Hebraic word Massa ma SSA or the burden of the Lord the weightiness of God the imprint of God I believe in that this weekend you'll just be marked many of you hey man God's going to put his imprint you know it's not just you look we're not here just to have healings take place I mean yes but I mean I want to know it's it's more than just receiving a healing it's not just that God is capable of healing it's not just that he's capable of healing you he is healing do you understand that when you receive a healing you're just receiving really more of who he is when it says in Psalm 107 verse 20 I've sent my word and healed them it's logos or log-off's moss MOS s and it means a living piece of evidence of who he is that's why whenever you hear the word the great I am whatever follows the I am phrase isn't he an eternal unchanging attribute of who God is so when he says i am the lord that healeth thee we know what that is that's what Rapha is that correct it's really refika which means i will mend your life through stitching it up like a seamstress I like that a man or a net repairer I like that that's he makes you whole spirit soul and body I'm gonna know the leper needed healing for more than just leprosy in his body and rejection fear come on now abandonment he was made whole what's so amazing was they didn't have to go through two years of therapy now I'm not minimizing counseling of a PhD in it but the point I'm trying to say is it's just that Jesus just made people whole not believe in Sozo and I believe in all of those things it's wonderful you know what gods were storing in our time I am an advocate of inner healing you know wholeness spirit soul and body I'm he listen you know I have to be I was a basket case I was suicidal at 15 I was orphaned abandoned the first five years of my life I was beaten and lived over a year and a half in a closet almost starved to death listen if there's anyone that believes and is an advocate of Sozo ministry and healing of inward man its wall my wife's glad Ford hallelujah but that one encounter with sister Coleman revolutionized my life in other words there's some individuals that for three or four years keep stumbling over the same issues in their life and I'm not minimizing what you have gone through or going through but once you have experienced now I'm going to give you as I finish up here in a few minutes I'm going to give you this word are you impressed and I'm not pronouncing it correctly I've got to pull out my references and so the Greek is somewhat tedious and difficult to pronounce but do you remember Mark's Gospel in case you don't think I do not go to the word I do but I'm exhorting you here tonight I still have two other services with you so I'll impress you hallelujah but in Mark's Gospel chapter one and there's all kinds of references have you ever read when it says that when Jesus taught or preached or wanted persons delivered from a demon spirit healed they were all astonished remember even that they were all amazed what doctrine is this for this man speaks with authority not like the scribes I was raised with I think that's kind of humorous anyway you know but I mean they were amazed they were astonished now there are derivative words that connect you see you got to understand the what we turn the etymology of you take a particular word if you study a Porsche Scripture you'll always find one or two key words that jump out like that I might know him and the power say those two words that I might know that means to be joined heart to heart that means to make yourself vulnerable right focus upon him as John focused upon Jesus you remember that John 13 and laid upon his bosom in other words that I might know I mean you know someone and there's individuals that you really know you know that you know that you know it's progressive intense it's it's annoying and a real knowing it's experiential God wants to be heard seeing felt experienced and yes I'm in an experience list but I want to say scriptural a man and what God defines what were to experience and again when you receive a healing here you're just experiencing more who he is a living piece of evidence of who he is because brethren let me tell you something people need more than just words they're tired of it hearing sermons on healings and miracles and never seeing it and that's over how they lujah because we're in a new season and to the increase increase but this is what you've got to allow the Spirit of God to impart to you it is the word and I'm not pronouncing it correctly but it's a TAS is its ik Stu sia stasis or excuses or let me just say it this way being ecstatic it's where you've heard this is where we get the English word ecstasy now I know the world's got its counterfeit but I'm going to know there is a rapturous experience now now I'm going to share some things with you this weekend are you open to it are you willing to stretch just a little because I'm going to use some terminology you've not heard possibly before because I believe that there is being raised up a dove company not just sonship as important as that is not just analyze your company I love all the elijah elijah companies the deborah company all of you know but there really is a dove company and the scriptural references where the doves soar to the windows amount of heaven and there is a people that God is imprinting simply just who he is an impactive way supernaturally that are going to be caught up in the spirit and rapture now I'm not saying that we're going to be weird or sensational we're going to be very practical or going to meet people right where they're at but you know we're positioned with Christ in heavenly places and I think that just God wants that positioning to become more experienced now hear this it's not so much and there's truth in this you know asking God for whatever is happening in heaven to invade in this earth realm there's a truth in that but you've got to understand we got we got to step beyond that because the kingdom of God already abides within you the kingdom of heaven right here and what I want is I want to get set free from everything that's soulish Li that binds me wreak Lawson's three you know to the earthly or the earthliness not a word and to rise up in my spirit man and experience who he is in a fresh and new way I don't want to miss what God's doing in this hour I don't want to be retro right you know it's just like people remember what God did in 1994 in Toronto or 1997 and Pensacola or in the Jesus move or whatever I mean the cloud of God's spirits move and I you know I want to stay just if Jesus should Terry and I live to be 80 something not 120 someone came up to me and said you pray that I live to be 120 are you dumb why would you want to live on this earth 120 years you don't have a revelation of heaven I've been there and let me tell you something you don't want to come back to this earth realm remember was some sister asked me to go raise her husband from the dead thank you very much and so dropped me off of the hospital I went up there had been dead for 45 minutes and you know the sheets laying over em you know and and I laid my hat you know this is that's quite young and you know just read Smith Wigglesworth book bring it on Oh started rebuking death and his body started shaking man I was looking for the loo and if you know what the loo is ask the person next to you all of my bodily functions started from this body started shaking I hear this booming voice out of heaven leave me alone yes sir I don't blame you didn't want to come back honestly I heard that it was it was a work out of a word behind me leave me alone and what nice either must have not yet gone through a purge in her singing just leave me alone so I had to go tell his wife you know he said just leave him alone you don't want to come back you know I love her responses oh okay hallelujah I'd rather be there to pray that I go not to do that I've actually people come to prayer lines pray that I die brother Jim lay hands on me that I die strange but it's the word it's where we get the word trance I mean how do you know this is my last illustration how do you know if you were listening to Jesus the teacher how is he any different than the other teachers previously a comma or whatever because when Jesus preached or taught there was something supernaturally imparted to the people like he said the kingdom of God is at hand it's now right now and when he would preach a piece he would say you know I'll give you a piece that the world can't give instantaneously supernatural peace was imparted to them or joy that's how they knew that there was a sign that followed his preaching and teaching God never intended for the word to be taught preached declared prophesied without a particular sign or impartation or release to follow now my prayer tonight is and I know you are but I have to ask you you know are we really open are we willing to be a congregation that correctly interprets what it really means to be in the spirit because I think we're on a journey here and you know again staying scriptural but yet allowing the Holy Spirit to correctly interpret to us how that word is to be seen or heard or experienced amen and you know what happened to me with sister Coleman I was raptured I was caught up I was in a trance and there is a there is a dove company that are going to enter into rapturous and what I term translation experiences not just in the renewing of your mind but physically mentally emotionally and spiritually are you hearing this that are encountering God in such a way that they're in their walk with them and their walk with the Lord before people that the kingdom of heaven is going to be experienced felt heard seen and manifested and people are going to be astonished I love it when I pray for the sick because it's so much fun because it's not just the physical healing you know we've had over 50 pacemakers disappear in the last five six seven years no I mean they disappear the Peyton oh you didn't hear that the pacemakers dissolve it's really fun to get e-mails back when they go to their doctor who put the pacemaker in and you know and other things you know and and it's fun but it's it's what's also enjoyable isn't just the healing let's need but and and and I'm closing with this look look look look at this look I'm closing of course this means nothing it's um it's the encounter one quick illustration this is the whole message don't worry I won't preach it in Acts chapter 19 verse 11 and 12 you all been taught this God wrought special miracles ever say special I so say it correctly like a Texan special I got to teach you Easterners and northerners to speak correctly come on say it again special and if you study the word out it means when Paul laid his hands upon people obviously they encountered something right because they were in the occult steeped of paganism whatever they've been involved in for years whatever they experienced in 15 or 20 seconds when Paul laid hands upon them caused them to renounce all of the occult and all the paganism think about that it's what I called experience in this of God now listen to me we love to experience the manifest presence of God when we worship and praise corporately and we've exercised our freedoms and liberties to express our adoration to the Lord but we've got to go just beyond that corporate nough swen it comes time to praise and worship and we feel the manifest presence of God it's got to be translated in the practicalities of our everyday walk with Him in various situations and circumstances and so God brings ministries like myself and others that that confront okay in other words I want you that when I lay hands upon you I want you to experience this is this ya get healed but encounter something because every time I lay hands upon people I just envision Katherine Coleman and it's just kind of like the generational thing kicks in well sure more about this tomorrow night but I'm just saying special miracles means that which went beyond the normal which is any miracle normal but I'm just saying you know there was something added to the healing something would added to the deliverance that's what it means not only did it add something to the person who is recipient when Paul they'd Hansel I don't know what they experiences you know but it also went into the very this is the word special the region the proximity around them the area it pulled down the principalities and powers now I'm all for when the Holy Spirit leads and directs and guides intercessors to bind you just need to be led of the Spirit of God on that all right I think it's more just advancing the kingdom of and loose things hallelujah and the miracles themselves tear down the principalities and powers and I proven this time and time again all over the world I'm in this particular Middle East country will not mention its name because it's under Civil War right now and they got a hit on my life they know they got a contract out on my life I think it's a little low it was 1 million I think it's 5 now it's still low and I can't mention it because they monitor these you know services check my website constantly these extremists but I went to this particular nation that's 99% Muslim and it's under Civil War right now and this is not the owner reason why that things got stirred up but one of the reasons why was because I held the first ever really outdoor conference crusade it was illegal freaked out all the unbelieving believers Salah and what godom was man a Muslim the Christians fought me for a week I upbraided them well we'll move on hallelujah but this Muslim guy stands in front of me and his right arm and never been correctly created it was like a little six-month-old arm dangling there seriously just about that long you know emaciated just useless and so you know you know you think I'm real man of faith of power for the hour but when I laid my hands on that mitt now you got to understand I've since God's presence because God's people's he are here there you got to learn that the kingdom of God abides within you you can't go by feeling or license God's prayer you gotta just just believe it right out of your spirit you're on trying to say and so more than once I this has been my perfect God help and so that was my prayer faith and God got you know God's got to have a sense of humor so the upper part of his arm popped like popcorn that's what it sounded like so the whole shoulder and the upper arms his elbow was just grew out normally as the other one and then I figured well now I'm getting real strong of faith now God did the upper part he'll do the lower part and he did took about two minutes and so the man's arm was perfectly made normal well all of the Muslims started sobbing and weeping in crying out Yeshua Yeshua and all of the believers started upbraiding me now what are we going to do you've ruined our ministry here so now they're all going to expect to see the same thing duh [Applause] so the Muslim guys says look come to my village all to your team so I got about 30 radicals out of this group of about a hundred Christians and and he takes us brings out himself a humorous because he thought the only thing that Jesus heal people loved was polio and crippling condition so he brought them all out about 150 so I said go for it guys because the reason why I didn't pray for him was but he took me so now we're going to give you the demonized I said excuse me there were two men that have been chained to the wall one for 12 years one for four years it was hilarious they Unchained them and ran and left through the door and locked the door and barred at clothes left me in there with this maniac first one was no problem the second one I had to get a little physical it wasn't a pretty sight but are you good you know they got delivered how they lit well all the cripples got healed all of them so these Muslims I they don't know any different you know okay Jesus saving the Lord of your life I just go and so buy it before you know there's a like at one time a group about 200 we're going to all over this this country I will not mention you can get the panoramic seer it's mentioned and just seeing hundreds healed well think about this the people were thinking look this is the kingdom of God it's in the now and we're under the tyranny of oppression because of this regime so that just common sense dictates you know this what they told me well okay if Jesus were free in this area he doesn't want us to live under civil tyranny so all of these miracle it's not the only reason but one aspect of the reason why civil war has broken out in this country were the miracles that's why I'm not liked they want to kill me and when the time comes and I'm ready to meet Jesus I have no problem going to that nation standing up San Mohammed's dead there's no lucky real easy hallelujah just not quite ready yet are you willing to allow something unique to be experienced all right are you willing to respond to that moving of the Spirit I can't tell you the people that I've laid hands on hundreds that have said now brother Maloney I want to be healed now I'm not saying you have to fall oh the power of God to be healed I'm not into that this preacher does not push gonna need my help I got up in this prayer line here about two years ago and I will not mention this ministers name you'll know who I'm talking about young pup of about 29 or 30 and you know he comes up to me and he says quit resisting brother baloney quit resisting because everybody's pushing her buddy over nobody's gonna push this old boy over all Kath and Cullen had to do it I was there I got so tired of it man I'm he's giving me a neck pain you know about the 15 push quit resisting all you know me what that boom I said that nice way it works hallelujah [Applause] there's righteousness come on speaking appraise and there's peace there's joy there's an encounter don't you think they're quite happy in heaven huh you think there's a lot of leaping and skipping and jumping going on and having trust me there are now get tickled you know people think that heavens music is one great big classical onself you've not heard the sound of heaven it's quite unique it's very what we would term primitive a lot of drums pop of them and then Archangels would make declarations and the clanging of cymbals and then French horns would you know sound forth and flautists would play and and and it would it would be just very very uh in the natural just join it but yet everything was harmonious when I heard heavens music but it was like declarations it was like out of the womb one this classical year I'm sure that they had that up there but III never you know uh you know you know I've heard the voice of the holy sprit I've heard the voice of Jesus and I've heard the voice of the Father very distinctive but yet one and the voice of the father is like the sound of rushing water it's got a hum it's got a oh I can't just scroll my god it's life-transforming that i might know him are you are you willing if the Holy Spirit wills and directs to be caught up in the trance of God that's where we get the word are you I don't think so I'm not too convinced you sure no no I just want a measure just enough to get me healed brother Maloney I don't want to I want to be healed but I don't wanna have to fall now I'm not saying you have to fall to be heal I'm just saying if God wants you to fall you fall or you just stand there and get raptured caught up translated transfigured after this weekend I hear this you're going to come into greater visions come on let's praise about you're going to come into greater dreams you're going to come into greater rapturous experiences say man I'm catering to my foot this is the problem the guys shouldn't went backwards instead of forward fell right on me poof movie tied him but bless God how do you know you knocked him right no no I didn't do that but let's just enter into it let's worship Him now I want you to know that in each service I'm not going to have you late but we're going to Lao the holy spirit to move and direct a man is that all right I'm not a spooky person these guys have been under my ministry no you know I have fun I'll let my hair down but there's a reverence the reverential fear of the Lord come on let's begin to worship them I initiate as Holy Spirit wills and directs through specialized encounters and I'll talk more about this tomorrow tomorrow night the two primary gifts that I operate in is the gift of faith and I'll expand on that later because it's going to become your portion but the gift of discerning the spirits I don't have gifts of healings and I don't have work into miracles sorry I'm not tried to get out of responsibility I'm just telling you I don't have gifts of healings of work into miracles maybe someone else does too one is given by the spirit gifts of healings workers of miracles what I do is I discern as I stand before the Lord as a prophetic person and what I hear and see I perceive and through the gift of faith it then becomes a reality as I speak and make proclamation and a person comes under the resting of God's glory or reputation again I'll expound on this tomorrow night the Bible says if you receive a prophet and I thought to call myself a prophet but if you receive a prophet in the name of the Prophet you'll get what and it's not just about and I've done tens of thousands of these it's not just about giving personal prophetic words whatever gift that God has designed for me to impart only as an empty vessel I have nothing of myself to give you honest I mean that trust me I know ah but whatever if you receive it your wrist you will receive the reward and what aspects of operation that are in my life will freely become your portion if you receive a prophet you will come into visions revelations and counters dreams oh well that's not reality yes it is reality we need to be heavily minded to be earthly good
Channel: livingfaithvideo
Views: 55,568
Rating: 4.7489538 out of 5
Keywords: Living Faith Church, Faith Teaching Manassas, Jesus, Love, God, Spirit Filled, Glory, Supernatural, Church Manassas
Id: v3neGV-yrYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2012
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