Supernatural2018(Session2): Practical Steps to the Supernatural // Pastor Michael Van Vlymen

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god well that everybody have a great night dreams and visions why you know things are really looking up something you know sometimes I ask that and I don't see any hands it's like oh my goodness what is going on here you ought to be having dreams and visions what what about that testimony let the doctor shared earlier with her children isn't that amazing that childlike faith just yeah Jesus just came and talked to me and prayed for me you know we really do need that we need the belief that we have access you know Jesus said unless you're born again you can't see the kingdom of God but if you are born again that should be normal high for us you know we were in Germany doing some meetings and and the pastor said do you mind ministering to the children for take 15 minutes or so before the before the main service starts and I said no that would be great let's do it so we sat down on the floor in front of everyone and the kids came and they sat down and we just talked to them a little bit about how because they have Jesus in their heart they are allowed now to see the things of heaven and we said yes all you have to do is look for it and you can see the angels that the Lord has sent here to protect us the minister to us and even Jesus comes to be with us when we're having these meetings and because Jesus is in your heart you can see these things if you just look and so it was it was very simple very simple instruction just to encourage the kids and so they kept the kids in the service during worship and then after dismissed them to go a color and play so the pastor told me later he said when they went into the playroom the pictures they drew were of the things that they had seen they were so excited because they saw the angels standing behind the pastor so they had lots of drawings of these angels that they saw standing behind the pastor and and the worship team and they said that there are other drawings where they showed people with colors coming out of their mouths and they said and they asked him what was going on here with the colors and they said well when people were seeing the worship songs we could see colors coming out of their mouths and it was and it was really easy it was really encouraging to me and I and I think we need to see that and if we do see we need to see that with greater clarity and frequency okay amen is anybody here interested in that okay just want to make sure praise God so where's yeah this brother I don't know exactly what your ministry is but yes but it's a lot bigger than you think it is could you come up for just a second I'm not embarrassing you am I okay well I'll try harder then do you mind if I just pray for you I praise God father in Jesus name I just thank you for my brother here I thank you for your call on his life and father I just I just ask you to reveal to him this huge plan you have for his life and give him the grace to handle it and walk in it father let that his purpose be made known to him in mighty ways and if the things he's already walking in father just give him a great increase in grace in all areas of his life to fulfill your purpose and I just released system in Jesus name Amen amen thank you brother praise God now this brother here I do would you like me to pray for you later in private or are you okay with me praying for you now in private okay I'll do that praise God so we are we talked about some things last night about our spiritual eyes and why they should be opened and I hope and I pray that I don't have to convince you of that a lot of people they they have the idea if God wants me to have it he'll give it to me I think we or why would I even need to see I think we need to change that shift that that question a little bit and say why should we not want to see why should we not want to have everything that Jesus has for us so I think we need to approach it from that standpoint and allow the Lord to give us everything that he has now can I just share a couple quick testimonies with you guys you know as the Lord began to teach me about this and then and later give me the revelation you know when the Lord first began to open my eyes to the things of the Spirit I was I was thrilled and a bit overwhelmed because I was seeing all kinds of stuff that I had no on standing for and so I after quite a while of this I complained to the Lord and I said you know Lord if I don't understand it I might as well not see it that wasn't a good prayer I'm just I'm just telling you this because I don't want you to make the same mistake sometimes the Lord gives us a revelation and then later he gives us the understanding we have to grow into the understanding many times so yeah after I prayed that prayer of complaint my eyes were pretty much closed for two years except for sovereign experiences that the Lord gave me so I'm just telling you please do not pray that same prayer it won't turn out good for you but I would wake up in the night and I would see the angels standing guard over us very serious very serious looking fellows and many times when they saw that I could see them they would make themselves unseen they would step they would step into the unseen from even the fact that I could see them any unseen and I thought why why is that happening like that I should be able to just see them all the time then the Lord said no you wouldn't get any sleep you'd be up all night gawking at them and they know it so sometimes that happens like that you know and so I you know we would see the warrior standing guard over us we would I remember one night as I was beginning to see more and more you know worship is a great time I mentioned this last night but if you want to ask God and I hope you do to continually show you what's going on in the spirit not just show you but show you tell you allow you to experience with your spiritual senses worship is a great time for that to happen because the presence of God and the angelic activity is so thick that it's it's very obvious it becomes obvious the more you look for it so I would encourage you to do that but I would sometimes I'd lay down to go to sleep and and I don't just lay down to go to sleep I lay down and I ask God to give me revelation use me and the night used me in my dreams I'll keep me in in prayer even as I'm sleeping can we do that sure our spirit man does not sleep it does not need to sleep we can function all the time so I would pray things like that and I said I remember one night I said Lord let your Angels ministered to me as I sleep and all of the sudden I see this angel stepped through the wall and walked towards me and he knelt down beside the bed and stretched out his hand on me and then I don't remember anything after that but I just I went to sleep immediately so maybe that's how he ministered to me he allowed me to get some rest but praise God why am I telling you this because interaction with heaven should be normal and yeah praise God so so but you know the testimonies I'm sharing that just seemed like what purpose right and what purpose did someone get saved if someone got healed you know sometimes we just see things because we see things it's like every time you get in your car you're not going to lead someone to Christ but you know what you're still going about your day it's the same thing with the things of the Spirit you're not led to see everything all the time you're not led to talk to every person but you've got to be led of the Lord so it shouldn't be abnormal for us to see but I noticed one thing I want to share one more testimony with you before I dive in a little bit you know some of the experiences that I've have the Lord has given me have been born out of doing the work that we're supposed to do so we all we all come here with hopefully with expectation but we all come here with something to release also you have to be very mindful if you want the things of the kingdom to be manifest in your life like all the time then you have to be mindful of who you are in Christ and everywhere you go release it you're not just coming to hear a message here are some encouraging stories but but you're coming to release what you have so you carry the glory of God you carry the presence of the Lord so when you come into this atmosphere so that glory into the people around you into the atmosphere as you come into this place just release father I release your and your anointing in your presence upon these people upon these chairs upon this atmosphere be mindful of that because as you do that you're participating and then the things of heaven break open even more and I'll talk more about this probably tomorrow but maybe even tonight but to have that awareness is what allows us to begin to realize exactly what God is doing and and walk in it with even greater clarity and the gifts and open heavens and the things of the the glory of God to become I'm not gonna say easy but it becomes something that you can carry with you and you're aware of it all the time but I remember one one day I borrowed my wife's car - as she was working and I needed her car for the day she said yes but just come pick me up I said okay I can do that I'll pick you up you don't have to hitchhike home so she was supposed to get off work at 2:30 and she does hair for a living and so the only variable and this is if I if I got to the place where she was at the mall where she was working and she had accepted another client then I would have to wait or come back so I said well that's fine I'll take the chance well at the end of the day I I got to the mall a little bit early two o'clock and so I'm I'm I go to talk to her yeah I'll be waiting for you and she oh I'm sorry I just took a perm which you ladies know this is like a two-hour process and so now now I'm she's not getting up getting off at 2:30 she's getting off at 4:30 so I thought I don't want to drive home and waste the time and the gas I don't want to shop because I'm a man and so so what am i what am I supposed to do for this time and so I get this brilliant idea I thought I'll do a prayer walk through the mall so I so I did I just I began and just walked through the mall praying out loud in tongues singing in tongues and of course you get strange looks but who cares what we're doing something for the kingdom and but I get all the way around and I look and it's only been like 10 minutes I thought oh my goodness and this is a big mall but I didn't realize how quickly you could go so I thought well that's still I still got over two hours what am I gonna do so I thought I'll do another prayer walk so I did another prayer walk I slowed it down a little bit sometimes I would like dip into the stores a little bit and I was praying more aggressively in tongues as I went and singing a lot I'm trying to release a sound also I sing so you know if I'm bothering people it'd be just for a short time so so I do that and I get around and now it's that song that lap has only taken me 15 minutes and I still have two hours to it to deal with so I'm thinking what do I do next and you know I the massage chairs are there but you know two hours is a long time the foodcourt is there but you know you so many free samples and they start looking at you funny so I I thought I thought what should I do so I I hear this thought take your prayer walk to the outside of the mall and I thought wow that's a great idea except I didn't realize how much walking that would be I didn't I had no clue so you know it took me like an hour and a half to walk around the circumference of the mall but but at least because I was outside now I can pray louder right so I'm I'm praying in tongues and I think well I'm outside anyway I'll lift my hands so now I've got my hands lifted I'm praying people are driving by looking at me strange but who cares right who cares they don't they they don't know but now that wasn't always my attitude I'll just be I'll just be honest with you because a lot of times I'd be driving down the road worshiping in my hand and one hand on the steering wheel the other hand in the air and praise you lord praise you Lord and then I see a car coming up next to me and it's praise you lord praise you Lord praise you into my hand would slip down and then after the car went by then my hand would go back up and and I thought why why am i doing that and so so after a few times of doing this I thought this has got to stop so I rolled down my window and I stuck my hand way up in the air and I just I made the rest of my trip worshiping hey correctly without fear of man so so so I did this prayer walk around the mall and so I eventually you know I still had a few minutes to kill so I went to the food court and as I'm standing there at the edge of the stores are the the food shops I see this really handsome young black man probably about 30 years old standing a maybe from here to the wall away from me and he's looking at me really intently and I'm thinking I don't think I know him and now he's walking towards me and so I thought well maybe I do know him maybe you know I met him before but I'm forgetting because I meet a lot of people when I you know that my wife knows and I don't always remember him so he comes up and he sticks out his hand and he and so what are you doing someone sticks out their hand I stuck out my hand and he shakes my hand he says I want you to know that I really appreciate that you were here today and now I'm now I'm really confused and so he speaks to me again but this time he spoke inside my head and he said I'm the angel over this mall and so so I was kind of stunned but I thought about that later and then he turned and walked away and I haven't seen him since that one time even though I've done prayer walks at the mall again but I thought about that a lot of times people have the wrong idea about the things of heaven being opened over our lives you know a lot of people have this idea I'll just cry out and Lord show me an angel Lord show me an angel and of to be honest the word says we have not because we ask not but we have to ask with the right heart for the Lord to be able to honor our prayer I would just you know like my friend dr. Bruce says sometimes we miss the supernatural because we're too focused on the spectacular you know and and supernatural is like christ-like character so we have to be coming from the right place but but the Lord showed me something in that in that visitation that you could cry out for two hours Lord do this Lord do that but taking a step of faith was what opened heaven over my life I I was prompted by the Holy Spirit just to take a step of faith and do that prayer walk and it opened heaven - let me see what was going on - they have that interaction and so we need to keep that in mind that is a key that is a key when you're doing the works of the kingdom be aware of it's not just you doing okay I'm going to take I'm gonna give this pastor or the bishop or some a ride somewhere I'm gonna do a chore be aware that there is more going on in those moments than meets the eye meets the physical eye so that cultivate that awareness and God will honor it God will do mighty things you know we talk to a lot of different people a lot of different kinds of people when we share about the supernatural things of the kingdom now there are people that to them that is very normal they're very balanced about it they're not like off into the ditch one way or the other because you see that other people they absolutely are they hear the word supernatural and they come and many of them not even believers so you deal with all different kinds of groups so I like to stress that if we're going to talk about supernatural things of the kingdom the foundational thing is faith in Christ so keep that in mind if you've not been born again and you'd like to please come up any time and we'll lead you into that experience in God to giving your heart to him to the Lord but faith in Christ is paramount and all the things that you desire are going to be met through him everything will be met through him and it becomes more apparent the more the Lord teaches you in John 15 it makes us really clear the Lord says I am the vine and you are the branches our life flows through him everything flows through him and the reason I stressed this is because I know a lot of people that started out really well their focus was the Lord doing the works of the kingdom fulfilling Matthew 10:8 they're they're on track they're focused or passion is the Lord Jesus and heaven opens around them but then they begin to experience the supernatural things and sometimes they get sidetracked suddenly it's all about the supernatural and wait a second brother you've been telling me about supernatural for three hours and I haven't heard Jesus name come up once there's a problem there so we have to realize that our information comes from the Holy Spirit we have to be very diligent about who we even receive information from so we have to guard over ourselves and our families and those that we Shepherd because it's important the source if someone is giving you even factual truth but they're not a believer in Christ I reject that information even if it's true I reject it from that source because the source matters the source matters and I've seen too many people that that have fallen into the ditch because of it and it one is even too many you focusing on the wrong things we're doing a school in the Philippines and we and sister you you you guys know sister rush McAllen I'm sure you know the bishop and his wife they they know probably others of you too but she spoke for a day and a half on discernment discerning of spirits the important of source the important of understanding where were getting our truth from and how to put the things of the Lord first put our relationship first and letting things flow through that and we talked about testing the spirits and then a week later we get a email from someone that attended the school and they said well this being showed up in the house and so and then the girl explained so I began hugging him and I kept saying who are you who are you can I have an angel feather to show my friends at church and so apparently this went on for quite a while and then of course I'm sure you've already discerned that it turned out to be an evil spirit and so then she had an issue to deal with but so those kind of things happen I just want you to be aware and source is important so keep that in mind even when you listen to me you listen to me and you say is that biblical do I witness to that is this guy solid or is he a little bit flaky well it's just some of my relatives you might catch the flaky answer but that's okay we need to be grounded in the word I'm telling you these foundational things because it is important to have the solid foundation and then you take a simple step of faith from that foundation and I'm telling you the things of the kingdom just explode all over your life when I began doing just simple things I look at my journals from that time period when the Lord first began to open my eyes and and I just am blown away by the entries I mean so much stuff going on that you often forget and you think how in the world did I ever forget that but I want to just tell you because I'm sure some of you are thinking well you know I would again I would never get overwhelmed by the supernatural you know I might I've been a Christian for years and years and I'm really solid well you know that's what I thought too I just want to let you know that sometimes we can get overwhelmed but the Lord will bring us back on track now I had a I realized something as I begin to experience these things I told you yesterday that when your spiritual eyes open it's not like turning on a TV set it's like stepping through a doorway so I realized that that when you are in the spirit like John talks about being in the spirit on the Lord's Day and all of these amazing things that he saw which he describes in the book of Revelation the the sense that you have of that of being in the spirit is overwhelming it's like you've been asleep your whole life and now suddenly you're awake it's that profound so and that's why I encourage you to pursue this for the sake of the kingdom you'll know things you wouldn't know otherwise you'll see things you wouldn't see God can just show you the most amazing things you feel alive and it's it's like life times 10 and that's a poor description but so but I enjoyed that feeling I liked being in the spirit because oh my goodness I know stuff about people I know how to pray now I see what's going on in their life I'm praying for someone and I see scenes play out from their life and I'm thinking oh my goodness this is it's like watching a TV but only better you know because you can actually help people so so I'm getting excited I like being in the spirit I like the feeling of it so so many times I would go in the spirit and I'm gonna talk more about that when your spiritual eyes open you are going in the spirit it's your awareness is happening that you're in the spiritual realm because we technically we're already in the spirit we're in this we're in the physical and the spiritual realm at the same time right here right now but our awareness is on the physical realm we get brief glimpses of the spiritual realm during times of worship prayer we sense the Lord's presence we see things sometimes we smell fragrances we get an awareness of the spiritual room a little bit but so I began to I would go into the spirit to worship or to pray or to intercede because I knew how powerful it was to pray during those times in worship but I also liked the feeling and I really like the feeling of it so I kind of got a little bit I don't know I went overboard in appreciating that aspect of it too much and so finally I found out that I was going into the spirit not to pray not to worship not to do anything else but because I enjoyed the process I enjoyed the feeling I'm just being honest with you because as you experience these things I want you to keep this testimony in mind and say think okay maybe I had a rein it back or ask the Lord to kind of fix this for me but so after about 10 days of experiencing the spirit realm with it with no direction towards praying or worshiping or anything kingdom related or anything concerning my relationship with Christ I was I was just enjoying it and so I one morning I went I thought well I'm going to go into the spirit realm can we make that decision oh yes we can and there's there's examples in the Bible where people went into the spirit - you know when Paul says I was with you in the spirit he really means it and not just I'm thinking good thoughts about you know that's like a worldly eye explanation for that when people say all my thoughts are with you really my spirits going with you really is it are you just saying that so but anyway so I'm sitting on the bed and I'm thinking I'm gonna step into the spirit and I'm gonna enjoy that and all of the sudden and angel blasts into the room he's I could feel he was he looked like a warrior he was huge and I could feel power rolling off of him and he looked very angry and he came over to the bed where I was sitting and he leaned down at me and looked right in my eyes I guess to make sure that I that he had my attention which how could he not but so he looked at me and he said he quit seeking the supernatural to amuse yourself you'll open a door to the spirit of witchcraft and then BAM he was gone I experienced from the power he carried I felt like I'd been run over by a truck but I repented and the Lord brought me back on track that's why I tell you that when you're seeking the things of the Spirit when we're talking about having your spiritual senses exercised you do not have to be in fear that you're going to get off into the ditch because the Lord will correct you unless you're just not gonna listen to his voice he has his angels they've been given charge over you to keep you going on the right path and they will do it they will show up to correct you I know this because I've been corrected several times and my son always says dad why do you tell the same three angel stories every time and I said well if I have 10 angel stories about me being corrected that might be a problem you know if I get a new if I get a new correction every week I probably shouldn't be up here but praise God so we need to be grounded in the word you know it says in Ephesians that that that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water of the word that's that the context is different but the fact is that the word cleanses your eyes you want your eyes to see clearly you need to be in the word that needs to be a part of your life and I want to cover some of these basics a lot of people they've been you know they had an experience from the Lord 10 years ago or five years ago or even last year and it's like yeah that was great but why did it stop why could I see and now I don't see why why did I have that visitation 20 years ago and it seemed like nothing after that well there are reasons and I'm going to give you a few of those we need to be in the word we need to have our eyes cleansed by the word we need to have our eyes sanctified we need to ask for this greater sanctification now I'm gonna try and give I am I really am I stuck to it is 12 o'clock 12:30 okay thank you thank you because I want I want to pray for the people that don't want it also I'm sorry yes the passage okay I'm glad you brought that up because that's Ephesians 5:26 but when you're talking about this subject I am assuming that you're already mature question you're mature mature Christians I'm assuming that I probably shouldn't assume that but the fact is if you're if you're gonna spend time and prayer waiting on God if this is really something that's important to you I'm believing that I should not have to give you 10 scriptures to prove that angels are real I should not have to give you 5 scriptures to tell you I mean I will give them to you but I should not have to for you to know that God still speaks today or God you can hear God's voice I shouldn't have to tell you my sheep hear my voice you should know that you should know these things and I'm a lot of the things that that I've revealed to you or that I talked about are taken from Scripture and you should be able to hear those four words are six words and say ooh that's John three or that's revelation 3:18 or that's right do you know what I'm saying and if you're not in the word then you need to get in the words so that when someone delivers a message to you it either bears witness or it doesn't if you're not if you don't stay in the word and you don't know the Scriptures then it's hard to have that plumb line to to judge the things that are given to us I just threw that in for free but anyway so we need to be in the word we need to learn to get rid of distractions can I can I read you a scripture let me read you a scripture now I was gonna read something else but the Lord told me to read this so so here it goes this is Isaiah chapter 58 verse one cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins why in the world did the Lord tell me to read that to this bunch I don't know well I kind of know I kind of know can I tell you because there's a lot of baggage from the past you don't have to be walking in sin for your eyes to be muddy or clouded something that you did twenty years ago and you think well that's not even an issue right that's not an issue from 20 years ago but did you ever repent from that and say lord please forgive me for that those things can cause barriers and the Lord and so we need to get rid of those things and Lord gave me also Isaiah 50 chapter 52 and it's in the first two verses start out like this awake awake put on strength doze iron put on your beautiful garment so Jerusalem the holy city for henceforth that they'll shall there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean shake yourself from the dust arise and sit down of Jerusalem whose loose yourself from the bonds of your neck o captive daughter of Zion so I think the Lord gave me Isaiah 52 so that you would receive I mean of 58 so you would receive 52 all the stuff around our life that keeps us from entering into the fullness of what God is doing in this hour we need to shake ourselves of that dust any bond around our neck now can I just give you a for instance from my own life it's like you know I love this television show you know I don't want to miss the episode it's coming on in 20 minutes and the Lord says I want you to intercede for so-and-so do I really want to loose the bond from my neck and miss that show mmm I hope this isn't a struggle for you guys but you know sometimes it can be when you're making the transition so and I'm just using that as an example could be anything but so loose yourself on anything that would keep you from walking in that greater dimension of God's presence and glory and shake yourself I mean wake up this is the time to really walk in what God has for you that he's pouring out his spirit and he's doing amazing things for those that are willing to walk in it and we're seeing this everywhere we go amazing things happen so my encouragement to you is if there's anything that you know is holding you back now's the time just let it go let it go and I'm not talking even about sin I'm just talking about stuff that gets in the way sometimes even sleep gets in the way being tired gets in the way because you know we work a minister we were dealing with issues the kids jobs paying bills ministries I get it I get it you know I remember one night the Lord told me he said I was getting ready to go to bed it was very tired and the Lord said I want you to intercede two hours for this person and I thought oh my goodness okay Lord I'll do it I'll do it so I rolled off the bed onto my knees and I began to pray and after about 20 minutes I just said Lord I am so tired I'm so sorry please find someone else to do this and so I crawled back into the bed you know that's that's the struggle between the flesh and the spirit the spirit was willing the flesh was weak and so about an hour later we got a phone call and guess what the person the Lord had told me to pray for they're on their way to the emergency room so we spend the night in the emergency room praying so rather than spending two hours in intercession I spent six and a half hours in the ER but you know but God is merciful he fixes these situations but I'm just telling you that because we need to be aware of the things that can prevent us from walking in the things of the Spirit another reason we need to you grounded in the word is because as your eyes begin to open you're gonna see things that aren't always pleasant this is just the reality of it a lot of people don't like to hear about this part of it but if you're going to do the the work that the Lord has for you that he's commanded us to do to loose people from bondage and to bring freedom this is part of this is part of that we cannot be in fear God's not given us a spirit of fear it says that in the Bible you guys read the Bible okay that's good I'm just joking with you a little bit as I go people say why do you joke Mike this is serious well because I like to trust me I know how serious I know how serious it can be but I like to have joy in the journey there was there was a I went to a deliverance conference once in Chicago and there was a young black man that was sitting at lunch with me and you know I have a lot of encounters with for some reason with black angels and and in ministry too I don't know why that is maybe you can inquire of the Lord for me but but so this guy he's talking to me about deliverance and he's laughing I see all these serious face people in the room you know because you know they're it's a serious subject people in bondage we want to see him get free but this guy he's laughing and he's joking and he's he's saying talking about victories yes and this person was delivered it was magnificent and he's he's got laughter and his voice and a big smile on his face and when I got close to him it kind of freaked me out a little bit it was almost scary when I got within about 4 feet of him I could feel the presence of the Lord powerfully on him and I thought I've been next to all these characters in this place I say characters they were actually a lot of a more serious men of God but but I stood next to this guy and I could feel something powerful and the Lord spoke to me in that one moment he said the joy of the Lord is my strength so so so yeah you want to carry great power that was a lesson to me that was a lesson the Lord taught me in that moment and this guy he was he was he was he ministered to me powerfully it was an amazing thing but we see sometimes we see things that are unpleasant when our eyes are open I'm going to talk more I want to I want to talk more about that process but want to give you a couple testimonies as as we lead into that now you have to know the word this is this is another reason when I say I shouldn't have to tell you that you're seated in authority at the right hand of God you know that right you've read that in the scripture that we are seated in Christ in heavenly places far above principalities and powers so so we know that what does that mean why should we know that because as you encounter things you cannot be in the moment wondering oh my goodness doesn't the Bible say something about what am I supposed to do now that allows fear to have access or fear to have entrance into what God is doing in the moment so you're encountering something you know hey I am seated in heavenly places I have the authority of Jesus Christ operating in my life he's given his angels charge over me I'm seated at the right hand of God in Christ I'm a legal heir of the kingdom we are we're joint heirs with Jesus Christ and hairs of God so so we have to know that because of the situation's God is going to send us to in this hour it's not going to be Church as usual for what God is doing in this time the preparation that he's putting people through the the desire even that you would be here is not random it's not well let's go check it out no it's the Lord compelling you to fulfill your destiny he wants to equip us and use us more mightily than ever and I remember one night I was laying in bed and I felt kind of strange all of the sudden and so I turned and I looked towards the middle of the room and there's a young woman standing in our room and I'm looking at her and I knew by the spirit that she was a witch I knew that she was from California and I knew some other things about her life and I also knew that there's an angel standing maybe eight feet away from her and he's not in her earing he's standing there and so I I like to keep the atmosphere in our home guarded safe my attitude is this is my little place that the Lord has given me to watch over - to guard the atmosphere so I was I was quite rude I wasn't in fear but I was quite rude and I said I said look if you have questions you want to ask me you need to ask me on Facebook like everybody else I'm just I'm just being honest with you do you think well why didn't you rebuke her and all that kind of stuff I I just I like to be led of the Spirit I just felt like that was I was supposed to say and then I said angel of the Lord please escort her from our home and he did and he escorted her out but what but what there's more to this story then the next day the Lord said I want you to apologize to her I said what she's she's on that side I'm on this side I mean we're warring against each other what I go to apologize to her and the Lord said you're not looking at the battle in the right way our battle is not flesh and blood he said Mike you talk very openly that you are comfortable in the spirit and that you operate in the spiritual dimension for the kingdom and she had questions she wanted to ask and she thought it would be okay because you talked so openly about it and he said I want you to apologize to her and tell her that you're gonna answer her questions and I had a problem with that but I did it in obedience to the Lord's voice and and so I did and the next day I just I got on Facebook and I posted I apologize you came in - you know for what happened last night I guard over my atmosphere and I do not like people and coming into my space without permission and but I am willing to answer your questions and then about two minutes later I get a message over my cellphone and I look and she has written okay thank you and so anything how did that happen well because in the realm of the Spirit that's just common let's let's be honest like that kind of stuff is common so the Lord spoke to me about that and he said I have called you to rescue people those people you think are your enemies they're not your enemies those are people in bondage and so but see but the great thing is that the Lord had shown me in it and it taught me that we have Authority we can speak something and see it come to pass so she invaded my space they I spoke and said you have to go the angel escorted her out that was a lesson also that was a lesson that the Lord was teaching me that the words that we speak are powerful and also the Lord gave me the greater lesson the next day that that were called to rescue people that are sometimes unlovely sometimes they're even hateful sometimes they're even against us and they don't even know why but it's all part of the journey but knowing who you are in Christ is important so let me let me share more about your eyes being opened at this point can I talk to you about that so I talked to you yesterday about waiting on the Lord and the importance of that and how it began in my own life I cannot stress too much how that was a key a turning point in my own life for the things of the Spirit being opened to me and and I'll tell testimonies tonight of why it's so important more testimonies of why it's so important but the Lord began to talk to me about waiting and explained to me more about waiting and what's going on while we're waiting and what he's trying to teach us while we're waiting we're waiting with an expectation you're in your prayer chair you're waiting you're seeing nothing you close your eyes you see what do you see with your eyes closed you see the inside of your eyelids which is just kind of dark and so you sometimes you wonder what should I be looking for what does it even look like and you really just have to examine as you're looking you have to look with an intention that something is is going to happen now with me what I do is I I look at this like I'm standing guard I'm standing guard in a very dark place and I have to protect all these people this is just the scenario that I put myself through when I was starting out so I have to be aware of any sight any sound anything abnormal I have to be aware of that because I am charged to protect these people so that's that's the scenario that played out in my mind as I began to look because when you're looking into what appears to be darkness what are you expecting to see I don't know but I have to be focused for whatever it is so I was looking with that kind of expectation and then things would happen what would happen is I would begin to see just colors fading in and out or flashes of light and it's all the things that you would be saying my mind is playing tricks on me there's really nothing there we have to realize there is a spiritual realm there we are in the spiritual realm we just have to cultivate the awareness of it so as we begin to experience these things acknowledge it do not dismiss it put it in your journal even if you're not sure what it is but believe that God is doing something that's the key we're waiting with an expectation what is God doing is he really doing this for me what is the purpose why would he do this well because your child you're his child and he loves you so if for no other reason he would do that but he doesn't want his kids to be blind he doesn't want him to be deaf he wants them to function that's why the Bible tells us to exercise our spiritual senses to discern good from evil you guys familiar with a verse okay so we have to cultivate that awareness so as I would look I would see things that did not make a lot of sense to me I would get excited because the more I just allowed myself to see these things without dismissing them we do that our whole lives these things that we've seen in the spirit our whole lives if you look back you would have dismissed almost everything everything that doesn't make sense well I'm just probably tired I mean how many of us have said stuff like that I'm just tired you know I'll feel you know that that will go away after I have rested we we have to shift from that and believe God is opening our spiritual senses to a greater degree and so I would see things happening and I just I just accepted that God is showing me things but I have to learn how to see and greater awareness began to come so I would see something I would get excited and then it would fade from view and then I would get disappointed then I would see something I get excited it would fade from view I would get disappointed this went on for a long time even though I had had that spectacular experience in my prayer chair that first day the very first day I told you about that last night well following dr. Bruce's instruction but now I've got to walk it out it's not like the Lord just showed me and said okay now you're walking in it it was began a process of drawing near to him and then him drawing near to me it was a process of yielding my time my life my desire to him and then he began to bring the manifestation of the things of the kingdom so awareness in that prayer chair not dismissing anything do not dismiss anything anymore and from now on you cannot say the words it's just my mind praying playing tricks on me you've got to strike that from your vocabulary repent for ever having said it and you can't say things like that's just pretend or that's just my imagination as if it has no meaning your imagination is powerful let me give you an example about using your imagination just as a precursor I'll talk more about this later tonight but your imagination is imagination reality or is it pretend Jesus says that if you look on a woman to lust after you have already committed adultery in your heart he didn't say you've pretended committing adultery or you thought about committing adultery he said you have done it imagination is reality if you pray for someone but you cannot do not have the opportunity to pray with your out loud words and let's say you pray in your imagination and Lord heal so-and-so or Lord bless so-and-so or Lord deliver them from the situation does it still count is it real praying in your imagination is real it counts worshiping God in your imagination is real it counts if you worship the Lord you you know a lot of people are in circumstances where they cannot do things out loud because of governments or or family structures or a million different reasons but if you you're using your imagination it is reality so we have to keep that imagination sanctified so we have to cultivate the awareness and keep your imagination clean keep your eyes clean the world wants to defile our eyes just just by being in the world today you're not even trying to do anything unclean but you know you pass the billboard you think oh my goodness I shouldn't even be looking at that or a TV commercial comes on and you think why are they showing this on TV it's 7 o'clock and they're showing these commercials that normally they used to show at midnight and it's it's a way that the enemy defiles us even with I'll just throw this out there good family films you you know you you see it advertised you know it's got this cute little puppy and the family adopts them and it's just oh you know best family film of the year so you gather your family around you think how bad could this be it's rated G it's about puppies and so you get make the popcorn gather your kids around the TV set you're enjoying it you're loving this bonding time together and then 40 minutes into the film they say some curse word and you think oh my goodness why would they put that in this movie and then I don't know if you're like me but then you think well that happened once we've already heard it it should be good the rest of it I'm sure the rest of the movie is just fine we're having such a great time right does this sound familiar and then and you think well it won't happen again and then 20 minutes later you have some scene where someone's dressed inappropriately and you think oh my goodness and the Lord spoke to me about this you know he had to speak to me about it a couple times but to be honest with you but the enemy is trying to defile our eyes so that we cannot see I'm gonna share this testimony with you we just came back from South Africa and the lady that we were who's ministry had asked us to come she was telling a story about she had spoken in this in this church this big church and and the pastor said well we just want to bless you and do something special we're gonna take you out to dinner or to lunch and then we're gonna all with the whole staff we're gonna go see this this nice movie this family movie and so they said yeah that's great let's go so they had the nice dinner and then they went to the movies and then about 15 minutes into the movie someone one of the characters on the movie used the name Jesus Christ as an ex motive just you know with without context like not I love Jesus Christ but just as you know what I'm talking about right I don't have to break it down for you and so she said our family we looked at each other and we all got up and we left the theater and we because we had made a determination that we were not going to listen to Jesus name being used in that way and we had already made an agreement as a family that we would not sit in movies where his name is not honored and so after the movie everyone else came out of the theater and I said what what's wrong with you guys didn't you enjoy the movie or was there a problem and so she explained it she said we depend on the name of Jesus Christ to heal the sick and raise the dead and we cannot be in an atmosphere where his name is used in that way so a week later they're in the church and one of the pastors from the staff one of their daughters died during the service and they had prayed for her everyone had they prayed for her Lord bring her back Lord bring her back and nothing happened so then they asked the pastor remembered what that lady said and they went over to ask her would you come and pray and the Lord raised her back up it's important that we honor we that we realize the atmosphere we place ourselves in the the enemy is trying to steal something from us and I can tell you I could I got all kinds of testimonies about open doors that we don't need to be opening and but we have to be aware of things like that we have to be aware how powerful our God is and that we need to honor his name also but and I have to I have to talk about this because my wife told me I had to so so stillness I want to talk to you a moment about stillness the word says be still and know that I am God does it really mean that what does that mean exactly does it really mean be still yes it does it means be still and know that I am God just like when David says a new Lord I wait all the day yes he waits he waited on God that's why he had such a he was a man after God's own heart so wait a wait and stillness so you're waiting on God but wait and stillness be still and know that I am God how do you begin to experience the presence of the Lord with with not understanding but clarity or with feeling the depths of what you should be feeling with it with feeling things in the spiritual dimension well stillness is a way for that to happen our physical our physical bodies they distract us they are a distraction I noticed this even when it would wait on the Lord I'd be sitting in my prayer chair I'd be praying I feel like I'm making a connection I feel the Lord's presence and then my glasses would slip down on my nose it would distract me and I know I'm adjusting my glasses are taking him off well since I'm doing this I'll get up and get a drink it was just it was a distraction physical things or I would or I would get an itch somewhere I'd scratch it suddenly I'm out of the presence of the Lord I'm doing something else physical physical was a distraction stillness takes that out of the equation you're focused on the things of the Lord and I know you've experienced this I'm breaking it down and making it separate because I want you to get a breakthrough but I know you've experienced this because you've had times in worship that you're worshiping it's amazing everyone's jumping everyone's praising God but then it goes into a different mode suddenly it's coming quiet and then you're very still and you and you feel that presence you just and you just rest in that and you bask in that presence of the Lord and it's amazing you know what I'm talking about you in that stillness and at time of stillness you feel as presence and you think this is this is heaven this is heaven as is manifesting around us and so I'm talking about doing this on purpose finding that stillness allowing the Lord to take you to that place of stillness I'm waiting on God but Lord I'm gonna wait in stillness because I don't want to be distracted so I learned that I had to be still I couldn't be moving around I couldn't be moving around and make that breakthrough that I felt I was supposed to make so I would sit very still and when I say very still I would sit very still so that if someone walked past me they might check my pulse to see if I'm alive that's how still I would sit because I knew from experience that if I'm waiting on the Lord I'm worshiping God in my imagination I'm seeing Jesus face or I'm looking to see what the expectation what he's going to show me if I'm doing anything it's gonna pull me out from that it's going to it's going to take over so to speak the soul is going to win over the spirit in that moment I'm going to want to get up I'm gonna want to shift positions it's going to shift everything and it does it does I know you've experienced this even in your own prayer closets something happens and suddenly you're not praying but you got to go deal with something it happens so we're trying to take that out of the equation stillness is a way for that to happen you you're still it allows your spirit man to come to the forefront just like looking with your eyes closed allows your spiritual eyes to open because you're looking with intention to see and there's nothing physical to see a shift happens and your spiritual eyes begin to engage they still have to you know be trained they still have to grow just like a child learns to see they don't see every they don't know everything they don't see everything but they learn to see colors they learn to then we got to do the same thing with our spiritual eyes unless God sovereignly just gives this to you but I know very few people that's happened to but so we have to cultivate that awareness and stillness is a way to make the awareness obvious so your you sit in your prayer chair you become still am I really still am I really at rest well evaluate that because during some of the schools that we do and we say okay now we're going to take five minutes and we're going to be at rest and I and I swatch people I watch people and they're at rest but now they're stretching now they're doing this now they're moving in the chair so we really have to allow the Lord to train us in this way that we can set the physical aside we spend our whole life in the physical we know how to be physical let's set that aside for a few moments and learn how to be spiritual learn how to move in the spirit and this is all practical stuff I'm telling you practical stuff people say where does it say to sit in your chair in the Bible and and relax and be comfortable and why do you have to do it this way why do you have to do it that way where does it say that in the word I can I've given you scriptures about why I'm doing the things I'm doing but let me this is why you have to have the Holy Spirit as well because I could tell you if you're going to memorize Scripture you should turn the TV off and so it's not to be a distraction and read through the scriptures a few times and maybe take a verse at a time and you could hold up the Bible and say Mike where does it say that where does it say I have to turn my TV off it doesn't even mention the word TV where are you getting that from so we have to be wise about instruction I'm talking to you about practical things that keep us from entering into the things of the kingdom that we need to lay those things aside I found this as the Lord talked to me about a spiritual site about how to see why we don't see what as a distraction and an angel told me once you don't see any better than you do because you are distracted by all the physical things going on around you we we have to shift our focus to the things of the kingdom look on those things that are unseen as at least as equally as we look at the scene look at the unseen or at least look for the unseen right we don't walk into this place with our eyes closed we can keep them open and we need to learn how to keep our spiritual eyes open too so waiting on God but waiting on God and stillness I want you to remember the stillness part I want you to practice that because as you do this you're going to see with great clarity you're gonna see things begin to begin to become aware you're going to become aware of things what's going on around you in the spirit it might be veiled at first it might be cloudy it might be not clear but it will come into focus if this is your intention so what I want to do now is I'm going to I want to pray for everyone that would like a prayer of impartation for what the Lord's given me I want to impart it to you so if that is you then I would just encourage you to come up and line up here in the front but allow me enough room to to walk if you would and then as I pray for you then just make room for someone else
Channel: CMFI-USA Miracle Center
Views: 15,627
Rating: 4.8439717 out of 5
Keywords: Cmfi maryland, .Bishop Robinson Fondong
Id: nAjzyQ4BTZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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