10/19/2018 - James Maloney Weekend - Friday Session

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well good evening hello Zion and friends and everyone who's here tonight man we're so excited we have dr. James Maloney just so you know you're in the right place you're the right Church we're so excited for tonight tomorrow night and Sunday morning with with dr. Maloney and we we have him here you know as much as the schedule will allow and every time it's different how many you guys been here for other did James Maloney meetings I can't see that well so hold your hand up real high yeah and every single time they're different and so we're so excited about how God wants to move this weekend and we just want to welcome you here and we're gonna start with some worship tonight and just move into the presence of the Lord there are earplugs by the sound booth back there just in case the the worship is a little bit loud for you feel free to grab those but we want to start with worship and this front area is an area we call the river here at Zion it's just a picture in the book of Revelation of a river that just flows before the throne of God and so we you know affectionately call this front area the river so if you've never come up before just come on up you're gonna see people all over the place all over the sanctuary worshiping the Lord and so why don't you guys just stand up right now as we just prepare our hearts to encounter the king and like I say come on up you're all invited to come on up and spread out and just sometimes getting out of our seats and getting out of our place it does something to our hearts and so there's nothing magical about it but there is something powerful sometimes just about taking a step forward about moving about moving into his presence so are you guys ready for Jesus this weekend alright there's about three people that I like have like a level of five but are you guys ready for Jesus this weekend come on all right well let's just enter into his presence with thanks and praise so Holy Spirit we thank you God we just thank you for the anticipation in your heart for this weekend God and we just want to match your anticipation Lord with our own so holy spirit we welcome you we invite you here God we say holy spirit come just go ahead and just lift up your voice right now Holy Spirit we say come and increase in this place we say come and have your way God we say come and reveal yourself Lord in new ways god we want you and we thank you Lord and we praise You God we love you Jesus come and have your way come and have your way cool it upon if you ever if you have a prayer language just go ahead and just begin to let it out right now just begin to open up our mouths open up our hearts right now to the Lord to the king of glory called Rob about Co devotion we worship You Jesus we worship You Lord we worship You God we worship You Jesus [Music] she worship You Jesus we love you God we love you God goulash come on lean in just for a moment right now guys lean in lean in just open up your hearts right now let it flow out of your mouths cool Russian gold I should cut that [Music] we can't be prey [Music] hope [Music] from you [Music] gosh [Music] so coming right down bring down [Music] in this place so we are here for you [Music] [Music] yes good with a shout of praise [Music] this is taking [Music] the doors in it's late let the streets resound with singing ring you're holding songs that your chores dancers dance party justice to me doors you let the streets resound with singing the songs every [Music] your choice [Music] [Music] buffet-style shines brightest Jesus you yes you are sir Burnie Jesus you yes you are so weird shall shine Jesus you yes she was soon Burnie what Jesus you shiatsu [Applause] shines good brightest Jesus you you are soon Jesus you whew [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] gosh water sounds as Jesus you you are soon you hands you over come on to clarity's Jesus she she's asked you Jesus you pow Jesus your time Jesus you Jesus you ha you're my father [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus power power in you good Jesus Jesus Jesus whose power in your oh Jesus [Applause] what Jesus [Music] [Applause] like you in the theory like you there is no one like you in the or on the air like you in the heavens or in the heavens or moisturizer life leaves a fire sure Harry and I know your voice it sounds like water Jesus the Shiraz sure Harry as well water Jesus you [Applause] [Applause] Jesus you're huge Jesus your Jesus Jesus [Applause] like flames of fire don't shred its wine your voice it sounds like Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we do [Music] don't breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's never - [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so here's what I wanna say when we're seeing that's ever been praised how many how many of you have gotten it diagnosed from the doctor sometimes we end up in praising that name Jesus is over every day everything that hasn't enemies over it he's above it so we're gonna sing [Music] again you again again you're though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I see sooo to see [Music] see see [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ephesians 5 talks about singing Psalms hymns and spiritual songs a soulish has continued to worship the Lord and if you sing in tongues just sing it out and sing in the spirit if you don't just sing your own song to the Lord right now [Music] lord I just thank you for a grace for childlike faith you know there's a gift of faith but all faith is a gift and it comes from Hebrews 12 fixing your eyes on Jesus when you see Jesus faith is a reflexive response so just put your hand on your neighbor we're gonna pray a prayer that the Apostle Paul prayed for other people we're gonna pray it for each other it's right out of Ephesians one Holy Spirit it was a spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you open the eyes of our understanding flood our hearts with light Holy Spirit we ask you to help us to see Jesus more clearly Jesus we just recognize you are the price anything good that happens is because of you all we thank you for your goodness open up the eyes of our understanding [Music] spirit of wisdom and revelation unveiled Jesus reveal Jesus more clearly Lord any blinders that we've got we pray that you would remove them tonight scales would fall off of her eyes let us just see Jesus more clearly thank you for your goodness [Music] I thank you that you said it is finished you didn't say I'm finished I'm done with these people you said it is completely completed it is finished completely it is completely finished so though we just think we can arrest and everything that needs to happen for us to be made whole to be restored to be brought back to you has been done because of the cross we thank you Jesus you're wonderful all we thank you for your kindness so Holy Spirit I pray that each person in here would have a special encounter with you god we don't want to leave the same we don't want to come and just hear good teaching and see miracles or we want to meet Jesus I got a friend who describes healing as Jesus preaching a sermon in your body so what I pray that you would preach some sermons and bodies today just like the Apostles prays stretch out your hands and perform miracles thank you God just say this after me Healing is not my idea Healing is God's idea I'm not trying to convince him he's trying to convince me alright just bless somebody and your way back to your seat if we could have someone stronger than me help us with this pulpit which be pretty much any woman in the church or man so there we go thank you John well thank you worship team that was awesome I wonder you guys have never heard I James Moniz speak before raise your hands how many people in here Wow so I don't know man maybe 2/3 3/4 man oh man you can use any stories you want this is like fresh fresh meat here this is great one of the reasons I love new peoples they've never heard my stories before and so it's always good to just have that so well right man I think we might need to pray again you guys I tell you I don't if you're still lost in the glory or what here this is you guys all right all right okay I'll let you deal with it so we are hey we're so excited to have you here dr. mone will be here tonight obviously and tomorrow at 6 p.m. and then Sunday morning at 10 a.m. so you guys are invited to all those services we'd love to have you and now we're honored to have him here summer the first time I saw him I was watching I bet old TV and he was speaking on there and he told an opening story and I hit pause on the opening story I went to his website I bought everything on his website and then I watched the rest of the sermon and so I have not been disappointed since so how many of you guys have read the dancing hand of God anyone read that yeah so that book I don't how else to describe it may be like apostolic revival theology it's kind of like theology mixed with stories and it's just I don't know this the stories and they're almost offensive to your mind the miracles are so amazing and so if you just that's probably just one of my favorite books since I I know he's got a couple copies out there so dancing hand of God is amazing but we are honored every time he comes and so let's give him plenty of time let's give a Columbus welcome to dr. James Maloney [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry my son I he's a character I didn't know he had sent that along good evening it's great to be with you it's been about a year about a year and a half since the last time I was here and that's too long and well thank all the two of you for that response you know it's it's like when two-thirds of the hands are raised that have never heard me before you could take that various ways where's everyone else that have heard me is anyone else in town I was in Denver and the crowds were seemingly small even in my estimation and they said well dr. Maloney I mean Benny Hinn is in town another time small group well one of the great evangelists you know Billy Graham is in town how do you compete with that but we're not really competing you know but we give glory and honor to all that God is doing it and whom he is working through and did you not exorcise the demon out of this that's an inside joke to me yeah to me all of these have a demon you know and and all the pastor's say well that never happens ever with me or other speakers well welcome to my conference all right it's great to have you here thank you for being here really it's a distinct privilege and I assure you that if there's next time that I come and minister I will not have these sunglasses God is doing an amazing creative miracle and you know we give them all the glory and honor and I have been assured that you know that this will be soon removed and this and that and so you know just I know it's kind of funky for those of you that are visiting all two-thirds of you for the first time you're seeing a preacher wearing sunglasses at night but I must do so because of the lighting system and it's a long story and I don't want to get into it everybody knows the story and if you don't just ask someone that has heard it you know and they'll explain it to him catch you up okay but God's doing an amazing thing we do have books out there please avail yourself to them and I want to give away one of the books that was recently written overwhelmed being overwhelmed by the spirit empowered to manifest the glory of God throughout the earth this particular book is really an emphasis on the person of the Holy Spirit and how he moves in and through his people and it has in my opinion some tremendous and amazing stories of what God has done in various nations of the world and I would encourage you to you know how many would like to have one of these well you know they're right out there and if we run out you can always of course go online okay and but this one's free you know and we'll give it away but this this book describes what I called entering it into the applause of heaven and you'll just have to read it to understand what that means and it came about the revelation through an amazing appearance that I had with the Lord Jesus Christ in cricket Stan and caki Stan and we ministered together for three hours and we do have people that have validated that we were there how they live we have our contacts and it's something that will encourage you amen and I share with you where I believe we are moving towards if the Lord should tarry the next 10 to 15 years and so all right sister were you waived you put your hand up fruit would you Rob would you get this you can just stay right where you're at and Wow that book has given to that sister I'd want to introduce to you a mr. Robert I don't know if he wants to go by Robert to rob he said rob but mr. Robert Murdock and he is I'm just gonna go ahead and well we have various associates now full-time that travel with me virtually all over the world and he is an associate he's moving towards that expression prayerfully with dub on the rise he is from hurricane West Virginia who would name a town hurricane West Virginia but he has a very powerful and distinctive ministry not only in America churches all over conferences but particularly he goes overseas in very powerful evangelistic and healing Crusades he just returned from I believe in Nigeria is that correct so I don't know if he's fully here but you know he's still getting over the jet lag and trying to rest up after ten days of being in Nigeria I know what it's like okay and they saw tremendous things and he travels all over the world places like Cuba just you know just powerful and so tomorrow night I'll desire for him to give about you know 10 minutes or so greetings and just a word upon his heart to share with you a nugget of truth and he'll be ministering with me my other associates could not make this conference at this particular time there for other ones now and neither was my wife able to make it and she apologizes her older sister's moving down from Fayetteville Arkansas to where we live near where we live pray for us but anyway she just you know anyway let's move on how they lure you know she's a precious precious lady precious precious lady but she's retired and worked for 35 years for the University of Arkansas the Razorbacks and so you know deserved retirement and she wanted to be close to a family member and Joy's the closest so you know that's why joy could not make it here because they're in that process of moving and getting settled and cetera et cetera so next time she'll be with me and she'll keep me in line how they lose the meantime your pastor will always keep me in line and and if he can't marry will how they know yeah [Applause] you know can't keep me in line she'll keep him and then in turn you know that's how it works you know how that goes but it's great to be with you and thank you for your time thank you for your time this evening and I know you've had a busy week and you work hard and I pray this will be an amazing time of refreshing for you okay day you'll be renewed and you'll be healed and just be blessed in an immeasurable way and we will be taking time and we're not gonna have marathon services like many of you that have been in my meetings you have been used to that but you know when you have a thousand people to come out and all of them are sick basically it seems like it you know you can go to 132 in the morning and I'm sorry I'm not Benny Hinn I can't take this coat off though I will take it off and wave it let me try it you know he you know seemingly he can just take his and I love being okay I've ministered with them many many times and he just can now did you get healed well take it by faith all right but anyway you know I I just this is my operation I just have to get my hands on people you know what I mean and Minister and the way that Jesus did when you read in the Gospels so we'll take time and we will do that we'll get you out at a decent time because we have tomorrow night is there any sessions in the morning no you mean I get to sleep in oh wow your pastor if this is your home Church he's becoming famous you know with his writings and materials and the social media and Georgian oh there's only one Georgian isn't there what what a what a strange individual I've known him for 46 years 46 years remember when he was just a kid and I couldn't understand one word of that came out of his mouth because he was still you know learning English so that's how far back I go with Georgie and been off and winning so they're great great wonderful people so he's been ministering of course as you know with them and other places as well and one of these days pastor you need to go with me what do you think hey you're the hey that you're you guys are all into this raising the dead so man we'll just bring them out from the morgue just throw them in front of your feet no I actually did have that pin that's I got to put that one of my books no that really did happen in a particular nation where they went to the morgue and brought out several well anyway so you're sitting there well did you see anything didn't even get raised up well you just I'll share it sometime hallelujah okay I'm gonna turn your attention let me see where my text is Mike God all right Micra chapter 4 please bear with me as I take the time to read the text verse 1 but in the last days now let me just stop and this is the only time I'll stop in reading this text how many know that's a relative statement in the last days what you know what does that mean you know the last days I think you know in various periods of time in history they viewed their time if you lived for instance in the Dark Ages this is the last days or in the middle you know ages whatever but I'm convinced in my spirit and this is just my conviction is very subjective but I see the signs of the times that we live in and I believe that this is applicable for us in this season of time and if you want to call it the last days that's fine you know one day to the Lord's a thousand years and a thousand years as one day unto the Lord so in the last days that could be another three thousand years but no I don't think that will be the case it's our season of time just look at it in the perspective of the season that we're in okay and it says it'll come to pass that there will be a tremendous mountain of the house of the Lord that shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow unto it now of course this is Micah speaking concerning the Davidic or David's Mount Zion that he had built the city what's been termed the City of God that was established I have been there and I've ministered literally there and you know there you know tremendous virtues and truths that you can derive from that it says that there will be a kind of paraphrase at a gathering of people that will in the midst of deep and gross darkness shall rise up and ascend and be in a position with God not just legally in Christ we are seated in heavenly places but experientially in Christ in heavenly places and we will rise up and it'll be like seated high in a mountainous scenario and we will move in a realm of distinctive powerful dominion and knowledge and wisdom that will cause the nations or the people of the earth to flow unto that particular mountain and many nations shall come and say come and let us go to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for the law shall go forth out of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and shall judge and he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations afar off and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up a sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree and then shall make them afraid for the mouth of Lord of Hosts hath spoken it for all people will walk everyone in the name of his God ours a man is yahweh el elyon and we will walk in the name the Lord our God forever and ever in that day saith the Lord will I assemble her every person that a sick weak and infirmed and I will gather her that has been driven out experienced rejection disillusionment cetera et cetera those that are afflicted and basically and I'm paraphrasing I'm going to heal them in this mountain and I will make heard that halt halted and remanent and her that was cast far off a strong nation the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion from henceforth even forever now I understand that there's various views concerning this particular portion of Scripture and you have all the right to disagree with this particular statement I'm going to make you be wrong but youyou have the right to you know disagree with me now I just personally and I've studied it for over forty some years in every which way you can you know study it out and I I'm just convinced personally in my spirit that there is a literal millennial reign of Christ for a thousand years okay but until now that may be speaking of course of that time but I believe that prior to his second coming where he will establish his kingdom and rule upon this earth have removed the sin principle and subsequently everything else that comes with that sickness disease infirmity wars etc etc there is going to be and this is the you know symbolism that we're talking about there is a people there are the people of God that's going to emerge and rise up in the spirit and they're going to be gathered together in a very powerful way it's what I term like a church within a church not a group of people that have a holier-than-thou attitude but just there are people like you and I that just want to go further and deeper we are hearing the call of the Spirit to come up higher a man and be established in that mountain and I'm convinced that churches of this nature represent that spiritual mountain of the Lord this is a spiritual Mount Zion and the people of God would flow to Mount Zion and that's where there would be the praise and the worship and the sacrifices and celebrations would happen in that particular city and this is like the city set on a hill Jesus used the analogy what he was talking about was the gathering of his people in like-mindedness and listen to this in oneness of spirit now we talk about the glory of God ever say the word glory say it like a Texas evangelist globe and you know there are 83 messages on you know glory but don't worry I'm not gonna preach him but you just give my books but the point I'm trying to make is Jesus said you know one of the reasons why the glory and he was praying of course unto the heli father when he was on earth in John 17 the glory that you have given me I've given to that they might work miracles does it say that well that there's a truth in that but that's not what it says that they might be made one one now if you look in Acts chapter 5 X chapter 3 as well you will see particularly in acts 5 when they lifted up their voice chapter three four and five they lifted up their voice and one Accord they lifted their hands and they worshiped you you have to just envision in your spirit exactly the dynamic of what was taking place in the realm of the Spirit because it conveys that obviously aspects of their lives personally in the realm of sin or iniquity or wrong attitudes or motives were dealt with and here was a very large corporate group of not only apostles but also the people of God that came together and in that realm of just let's just say it holiness purity a sense of brokenness and contrition and humility with great admiration and appreciation for what the Lord had given them they lifted up their voice with one Accord and we know the story that that the place was shaken where they were assembled together they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness and I know you've been taught on you know these particular principles but this to me is one of the greatest keys to revival now we have wonderful young men and women now carefully here this wonderful young men and women this emerging generation of young pups like this pastor and his wife all right but even younger you know I don't know what we are now I'm baby boomer then what else was their generation what ex Millennials and now there's a new name what are they called you know Z Generation Z you know how far do you go you know but but you know there's this you know emerging young passionate men and women that just want God's glory to fall and rest and their motivation is pure and most you know respects but listen listen to me they want revival their concept of revival is an encounter and so they assemble together night after night after night and I applaud them for that but you know I have gone to some of these marathon revival services and if you quite frank and honest with you I'm not being judgmental critical but it just you could just see the wear and tear and the exhaustion and the eyes of the people that they've been for weeks and months and this is what is being conveyed to the people that somehow we've got to pay such a price in night after night waiting upon God that you know whatever's happening in heaven needs to be brought down in this earth realm and when you ask them well what are you talking of you know and verily they'll say you know an experienced people to have a vision people to have appearance or appearances of angels or the Lord or their you know encountering some unusual presence that just overwhelms and they're brought into trances and and this is all great and I have entire teachings on these particular type of expressions that were to enter into but how they know we're not just to have an encounter for the sake of having an encounter and this is the problem they want to experience an encounter and they feel that that we have to work at trying to convince God to come down and they've absolutely in my opinion and conviction have missed the entire integral truth that number one the kingdom of God is already here in our hearts now I'm all for you don't believe in that what's in heaven is to you know be experienced here on earth but the kingdom of God abides within you so what does that say to you and I it says this the key to reviving restoration renewal we'll see this in just a moment it's personal it's heart issues its intimate it's dealing with the sin issues of our life it's dealing with the wrong attitudes and motives they've kind of got it turned around and so what's happened now after five months and yeah there's little sprinklings of healings that break out and there's certain manifestations now there is this high penis their height their hyping their meetings and their getting into this you know rock concert mentality and following the beat of the drums in such a way and moving with you know the electrical guitars and their swaying and you know I'm in the spirit we're having revival know you're not in some of these places that I have visited that's nothing more than a Kundalini spirit and what that means is is this swaying and following the beat that's no different than what you hear in Africa and they're caught up and mesmerized by this beaten by the sound and they're calling that experiencing the Holy Spirit when I look in the scriptures particularly in acts I mean they they were in one heart one spirit there was a pureness there they lifted their voice and one Accord and as they just called upon the Lord because of that unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace because heart issues had been dealt with that's why the true manifest glory of God rested upon the corporate nests and they became the mountain of the Lord see today someone standing right next to you can personally be experiencing a tremendous reviving in their inner man and then there's another individual standing right next to wondering why I'm not experiencing the same measure of annoyance and impress as they're encountering because it's all number one the key to miracles signs and wonders healings whatever encountering God it's issues that deal with the heart your heart with his heart and that you're joined unto the Lord with one spirit with him because the day where you could just come in with all of your baggage come on we all have it correct and you've fought with your wife and kids and you're mad and angry and you know you've dumped on everything and everybody and you come in yeah there was a time that you could just you know revel in the presence of God despite our attitudes and motives that days over if you want to experience true nest New Testament revival you're gonna have to enter into for yourself personally and this is what God is bringing us into in the next several years is places of this nature that become the true mountain of the Lord and that their hearts have been prepared and yes when they come together corporately there is this manifest presence of God but the people realize that the kingdom of God is already abiding within me see this this is something we need to understand about healing you know what is the healer abiding in you if you're born again let me see your hands then why do we have to look externally outwardly and asking God to do something that the healer is already abiding within you so if the healer is already abiding within you it's you know we could be healed without no one having to lay hands on you because they you know healers abiding now we're not minimizing the ministries that God wants to express the mankind that's why we're here this weekend but I want you to just get the picture that this weekend I believe that whatever church you're from respectively or this fellowship that there are going to be in regions all over the world there are going to be tremendous gatherings of God's people where they're coming together and singleness of vision and purpose come on now in the spirit of unity you know what Unity means you and I tie oh that was deep huh I like that that just came today hallelujah excuse me I got to encourage myself now you got to write that one down Jim you know we've got to ask God please give us let's pray this prayer you'd already prayed it but I pray that we enter into an understanding of the times that we live in it says that the children of is sekar first chronicles 12:32 they had an understanding of the times okay and that word simply means if you study it out it means that they understood that there was a call upon every person's life a call to action to express what they had personally been experiencing in the kingdom of God to express it externally individually among those that they influence not only is there a call to action but it also means that the children visca car had an understanding of the times they had to understand God's wisdom or God's ways or his strategies to bring about this kingdom expression and remember this the kingdom of God is not of this world it's not meat nor drink but righteousness say with me peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and I'm all for reviving and renewal and restoration even elements of reformation in this world system I mean I think if we get enough people born again spirit filled the demons cast out of a min or healed this and that that there's going to be effected changes in the society that we live in and I believe we're going to see a greater intensification of that because God is in the process of bringing tremendous renewal and restoration of what we have lost through the centuries now there's a term that I'm going to use and it's called primitivism restorationist boy say that 10 times real quickly amongst us theological you know minded people it's called primitivism restoration honest and what that means is that we are believing that God is going to restore to this endtime Church everything that the early church walked in in power purity amen his come on his purpose right now some people believe well we need to only go back 500 years to the Reformers in the 1500s well he'll help me know that that really was kind of the beginning in our latter days of God bringing us out of darkness and bringing us into greater knowledge and understanding in his ways and I don't have time to teach on that every century restored something to the Church of that era that was lost in the early days of the church and that began to decline right around you know about two hundred and fifteen or twenty AD but God is in the process of restoring and so when we say primitivism restorationist I believe that God wants us to walk in the realm and you read the book of Acts look what they walked in how powerful it was now understand that they were the you know the baby church and you the church had just been birthed and you know we've grown and been toured since then but you know I'm talking about spiritualities and revelatory concepts that you know over the centuries it just got to sort of lost and you know we muck things up then and God has been amazingly restoring to the church particularly since the 1500s and that takes me to our second verse you're all familiar with it you can go there and Acts chapter 3 and for the sake of time I'm going to begin to read this repent therefore and be converted this is of course Peters great message that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord everyone say that would be times of refreshing and he shall sin Jesus Christ or Christ will come back which before was preached unto you whom the heavens he must remain in heaven I'm paraphrasing until until the times of restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets since the world begins so we have saving in times of refreshing times of restitution there all of the Holy Spirit but they are separate in a sense experientially we can through history see where God you know when it seemed that the very light of the gospel was just flickering and practically going out then God would bring a tremendous reviving in the hearts of people in a very powerful way and then there are times of restoration where you know a particular gift or an office of ministry that had been neglected or you know misunderstood that God has brought tremendous restoration to that gift or to that office or ministry and particularly now this is I brought you to this point now here's the crux of everything all right we're gonna begin to minister here very soon you know we can go through the whole list various things that God has restored through you know history and what God expressed powerfully but I want to just skip over a lot of the various truths that had simply been lost and then was you know restored and being restored in a very powerful way and I want to just hit the 1800s okay the nineteenth century because particularly in the latter part of the 1800s God restored or just seen I know but know God was healing people all through history all right there were tremendous monks for instance that God was amazingly using in signs and wonders and miracles st. Patrick wanna know why Ireland was basically in his period of time brought to the saving knowledge of Jesus because he had a workings of miracles operation in his ministry they do not know how many people he raised from the dead they last counted it was about a hundred and seventy five this is in a 1517 year period okay signs and wonders and healings and miracles you come to America and in the late 1800s you have John Alexander Dowie the father of healing he brought that revelation that jesus heals now just as he did when he walked the earth and even prior to that Yahweh healed use your over alpha now we all know this on this is very simple word of exhortation tonight but this is going to encourage it's gonna lift you up it's going to cause you and this is my prayer this weekend to be that person that will come into the unity the Spirit in the bond of peace and just desire to ascend to that mountain and to be established in it and God does have that now that's being built hallelujah all over the world because it was just one body correct and so you know an aspect of the expression of that mountains right here in Columbus Ohio despite the Buckeyes God is gonna move that was the wrong thing to say there was no anointing in that at all yeah you know they're you know I'm a Texan because I married Texas woman me look at me I mean Jesus Freak hippy still in me I need deliverance from California especially but there was a lady her name was Mariah Woodworth enter and she was a tremendous apostle and everything that we are encountering today in signs wonders miracles trances visions revelations appearances she basically in the late 18-hundreds early 1919 OS just you know God my Vuli used her and you can read the big thick book on signs and wonders that was the testimony of what she saw in her ministry and I'm starting right there because you move into the early 1900's of course we have Azusa don't we the Azusa Street revival in 1904 prior to that in 1900 you know Charles Parham you know and Topeka they were you know speaking in tongues of the Bible schools so you know then let's say it this way the eighteen hundred's God restored the truth of healing and miracles the 19 early 1900s the baptism of the Holy Spirit was speaking in tongues the Pentecostal message you come into 1948 that's a whole nother hour where you know there was a tremendous restoration or restitution of a particular truth and ministries that have been lost and this at this season of time the great emphasis was on God anointing men and women with a healing unction that people could come to and where they could corporately come together in faith and be healed but also this was a time where God not only used these healing evangelist but the the corporate body entered into the revelation that we could sing in the spirit hallelujah we could dance in the spirit amen corporately and we could have tongues and interpretation and the church come on now that had never been heard of before it was called the Lateran outpouring of the spirit now I brought you to this particular time okay and it's 1961 predominantly right at that time in that era of time you basically the Pentecostal churches just did not fellowship with the known historical churches like the Lutheran's or the Episcopalians or the Catholics eccentric cetera so they separated themselves it's what we term the classical Pentecostal churches and you know there was a great gulf because the Spirit of God wasn't really moving that powerfully not only in the classical Pentecostal churches but you know in the historical church very little that all of a sudden an Episcopalian pastor or priest starts speaking in tongues he gets baptized in the Holy Spirit his name was Dennis Bennett and he stands up and proclaims to his church that I speak in tongues well that did it he as well as others there was what was termed now this is not just at times of refreshing God had always moved in various ways and touch people's lives individually and corporately but this was a season of restoration and what we've calmly again termed the charismatic renewal the charismatic movement where the Holy Spirit could be experienced in the historical churches like the Catholic churches come on now the Methodist churches I remember as a young teenager and a young minister where there were charismatic outreaches to the Methodists the Baptist's the Presbyterians the Lutheran's the Catholic Charismatic renewal it was an amazing time in the late 60s and early 1970s it was just amazing time now in 1971 I was 15 years of age okay go ahead and do the math I'll tell you how old I am okay and all of a sudden you know here you got the historical churches here you got the classical Pentecostal churches here you got a bunch of dirty filthy hippies yes I was one no I actually did bathe I bake you know twice a month I did I mean you know I know you can't envision it but I used to have long hair and I I wouldn't step foot in a historical church and if you wanted to go to the classical Pentecostal Church they drove you out this is the truth they ran us out they ran the hippies out the classical Pentecostal churches completely missed now there of course were exceptions don't misconstrue what I'm saying of course but as a general rule they missed the entire purpose of what we term this is a times of refreshing the Jesus Movement how many has ever heard of the Jesus Movement right some of you remember it don't you you were one of those hippies did it ever hit Ohio and the Bible Belt well it did but not like Southern California you would have had to be there to understand what I'm saying it was amazing this awesome times of renewal times of refreshing it was just I I can't even put it into words and let me just you know backtrack for just a moment we'll finish up III you may not realize that I'm almost 63 February 1st remember my birthday alright hint www.wymt.com he got saved in my hometown okay and Chuck Smith a Calvary Chapel he was a Foursquare Church Church of the Foursquare denomination pastor and he could understand why in a metropolitan area 16 million people I got a 40 member church and God spoke to him see you here's here's what I'm trying to convey to you tonight you need to know your history you need to know why we are where we're at right now and what we're moving towards and we can't move further into perfection unless we understand what God has already accomplished and done and we are building upon the foundations of others that have gone before us we are inheritors in this generation we are inheritors of unfulfilled prophecies and I'm telling you in your lifetime we're going to see things that were proclaimed 67 and 80 years ago come to pass in our lifetime but it's been a process but you know what just think about it you know it would take a hundred years for a particular truth to come to the body of Christ and then another particular foundational truth another hundred year now it's just a matter of a few years if not months when I was 15 years of age I got saved and baptized in the spirit I was one of the original 150 hippies Chuck Smith prayed puckum I don't have a bigger Church God said will you accept them now he was a classical Pentecostal pastor no matter what they looked like how they dress or how they smell yes Lord of course the very next morning that was Saturday night about 30 hippies that hadn't bathed and God knows how long came to his church they would sit in the Pew that was religious so they set on the brand new carpet they had just put it down the week before after an hour and a half they all got saved an hour and a half when they got up they had so spotted the area where they had seated they'd ruin the carpet now we have the carpet nowadays you just pull up that you know portion put down another one but back then you didn't know was just one piece basically you know and the I'll never get I remember this that the Deacons got upset we can't have these hippies in here they just ruined the carpet we just spent thousands of dollars we can't ask him to come back next week and Chuck Smith the late Chuck Smith he said this I'll never forget I'll never forget this and applauding for this if the carpet is in the way uproot it roll it up and that's exact see what they did they moved out which you know the members of the classical church really loved this all the pews we've got chairs like this they weren't as comfortable as what you're sitting in and you know rolled it up the very next Sunday on there and you go on YouTube and you can see where there's a group of hippies you see the concrete floor I'm 15 and a half years of age I'm there in that scene and I'm right by the cameraman when Lonnie frisbee you say who in the world is he do your historical study of Pentecostalism and charismatic ministry he stood up this hippie had just gotten saved and then saved a week and he fries he funky hair you know just I mean he was just woolly you know he gets up and he goes Holy Spirit come I was there people and the power of God hit us and we went under the power God for two and a half hours I never came - until two and a half hours later so did the 150 to 200 young men and women changed my life this is 1971 basically right around there it was the Jesus Movement in the midst of the charismatic renewal the charismatic renewal was a time of restoration for the historical church as well as the classical churches if they would embrace it times of refreshing were fallen upon all of us hippies and as far as I know and I could be absolutely wrong with this there are many of those original hippies that are pastoring churches now they're in their 70s late 60s but as far as I know I've done research on this I'm the only one from the original group that's traveling around the world now why am i sharing that with you I'm glad you're asking because we're gonna be getting minister look it's like I want to be a bridge okay the Bible speaks about Hosea six that you know what there is this early reign of the Spirit that prepares the soil so you can sow the seed you know the early rain and then when it you know then there's a ladder rain right prior to harvest you know that just brings it up to its you know full fruition and early and latter anout pouring of the Spirit okay so the symbolism in that and the allegory in it is that everything that the early church walked in God wants us to be restored into that come on now and we're not their people but then there is a latter rain outpouring of the Spirit if you look at us as the house of God peg I said you've heard this that the glory of the latter house he's speaking about Solomon's Temple will be greater than the former now now in the natural you got to understand Solomon built one of the most prestigious it was the greatest it was like one of the wonders of the world it was completely destroyed and so what they did was they built something that was in their view very shabby in comparison to what Solomon had built so it wasn't talking about something in the natural because it wasn't greater than the original temple that Solomon built it was a spiritual Proclamation that the glory of everything that the early church experienced you're going to experience that but in the last days the latter days the glory of the latter days will be greater than the former we're not only going to experience everything that the early church walked in but if you read that in Hosea 6 if and Haggai chapter 2 verse 19 if you read that it's in the Hebrew it means and the last will be greater it means seven times more in completeness and fullness numerically that means perfection completeness hallelujah and you're living right now in the season of time that God has restored the Apostolic gift and its influence come on and its emphasis that happened in 1990 I think 1997 in 1988 the prophetic emphasis came to the body of Christ come on now I mean it's tremendous what God has restored in the 1970s the emphasis was truth because how the Nellis hippies didn't know nothing we sure had a whole lot of zeal very little knowledge you know we needed teaching we needed foundation now was there abuse of course there was manipulation of course but the point is this is just look what God has just brought to the body of Christ so quickly in 1994 was a time of renewal that's what I met this precious pastor was in renewal Toronto blessing Pensacola those were times of refreshing okay I mean look how quickly it's happened now I'm persley convicted that the office taluk now here this is going to cause a people to be called out called out ones and to be equipped and their respective giftings as the people of God don't put the responsibility alone on brother baloney for you to be healed I'm not gonna take all the blame if nothing happens see law the privilege that I've had is that I was a Jesus person I met all or many of those that were part of the healing revivals in the nineteen late 1940s and 1950s I've ministered with them when they were in their 70s then I was just a youngster pup so I have their influence their impartation and and they laid hands on me you see and then part of the Jesus Movement with Wimber and and you know all of that move of the Spirit in the early 1970s in particular and particularly now I I've just been recently permitted by the Holy Spirit to share this you may not know this but there was one particular lady that God was using quite mightily in the 60s and early 70s and her name is Kathryn Kuhlman and people don't realize that as tens of thousands of hippies were getting saved hundreds of thousands I was there at Corona del Mar you can pull it up on YouTube you remember the great baptism of over a thousand hippies you can pull it up that were being baptized by Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel and he's carrying a crippled boy to get baptized in water way up on the hill to the left I'm standing there at fifteen and a half and I was taller than everyone else I'd already had gotten my height but the point I'm trying to say is is that I was a part of that and then we had what was called Melanie Lane Ralph Wilkerson right next to Disneyland one of the great charismatic centers he allowed all the hippies to come in didn't matter how you dress smelled or whatever there it was amazing and then he you know would have sister Coleman come if you could get a seat and finally after the tenth time I was able to finally get a seat because you know they'd over up the doors like for instance the Los Angeles crying auditorium its seat twelve thirteen thousand people well you had 30,000 people standing outside soon as they'd open up the doors the doors were closed five minutes later because it was already packed and the fire marshal wouldn't allowing any of us and and invariably when I would just get to the door they closed it my heart was broken because I wanted to see sister Coleman amazing you just I'm not trying to convey to you that we're supposed to go to something go back into the Jesus Movement god knows her some things we don't need to be restored presently today that we walked in in the Jesus Movement but it was a genuine move of the Spirit eight times of refreshing that touched millions of disillusioned young men and women in the late 60s and early 70s and now we have a generation of Millennials whatever you want to call them that have absolutely no understanding of why they're sitting in that chair why they've been baptized in the Holy Spirit born again baptized the Holy Spirit and what they they don't realize the people that had gone before them the great price that they had to pay and the impartation 's that came to our lives now this isn't a prideful statement you know my heart but you know what I'm not just another preacher there's very few of us that can bridge from the late 60s was influenced by those the forties and then in the 70s the great teaching movement the prophetic in the 1980's the 1990s the Office taluk revelation and now we're in the 21st century and the emphasis now is that God is wanting to anoint every believer come on now and giftings and their calling as a member in the body of Christ now what's happened is spiritual fathers and mothers are rising up according to Malachi 4:2 inspire you this is what this weekend is about I hope healings and miracles will inspire you so that you can realize it's got really nothing to do with James Malone it's got to do with what God has been doing through the process of history and time and we've come to the kingdom for such a time as this and we need an understanding of the times and ask God for it we need another move of the spirit of times of refreshing people yes God's moving all over the world powerful what God is doing but in America we've listened as far as I'm concerned we've digressed you weren't alive or you weren't influenced by the Jesus Movement you don't know what we experienced in the Jesus Movement and yet I don't want to just go back to the Jesus Movement I believe the glory of this latter house will be greater than the former so I'm trying to convey to you let me be a bridge I'm sitting and this is my last illustration I'm sitting finally got a sea captain Coleman's miracle service now how I know who I'm talking about Katherine Cole okay everybody there was only one sister Coleman now you've seen her on video or YouTube or whatever but listen you just would have had to bend there and you know real time she was unique she wasn't happy she would happy but she had a style about her that was quite unique she was strange different I'm 17 years of age I want to play football for Jesus at Notre Dame the real team that God has anointed and or whatever and you know I'm fighting this call of God on my life you see I you know and and it's a whole nother story and and so I finally get into Kathryn Kuhlman's service so I'm sitting right on the edge right the middle kind of run on that on the out you know and there were three rows and the platform was low the seats were high about 5,000 6,000 people so I'm sitting there and all of a sudden I hear this booming voice and here is Kathryn so the spotlight I could tell shined right behind me in the center aisle and so I turned and looked up and here she comes walking through the door now you just got envisioned this she's tall real thin back then you remember the maxi dresses you know you had all the women head wear maxi dresses and you know yards of too much cloth hanging and you know swooping around and and and you know she come she comes down and she goes she starts giggling have you been waiting for me I'm looking back at her and OH and she starts dancing a little dance and then she starts twirling and spinning down the aisle and I'm thinking why did I get myself into and everybody's just mesmerized by the you know and and she just was something else well she had always believed prior to her death that there would be seventy men or women that she would personally lay hands on her call out that would enter into her mantle and take it to the next generation she spins around and I just kind of shut my eyes a little bit because I'm you know the glories you know starting to I'm getting caught and and I kind of opened up my eyes and when I did she's staring right at me in front of 6,000 people all I could think about is where is the men's room real spiritual and she just stared at me and then she got this smirky smile on her face and the only other time I saw that same smirky smile was when Jesus appeared to me and she just giggled and took her arm with all that cloth you know and did a Benny Hinn man I mean just over me that's the last thing I remember over four-and-a-half hours I missed the entire miracle service I don't remember anything I was kind of halfway upset they couldn't find me everybody had left they couldn't find me somehow I got stuck under the chairs some there somehow and they saw my feet sticking out of course hey you know hello size 14 and and pulled me out I was in a trance the whole time I don't remember anything I don't know I didn't miss anything and why am i sharing this with you it's got nothing to do with me it has everything to do with what God has been restoring through the span ourian's of time and for 2,000 years and I love Hosea 6 you know I love it because it conveys that on the third day he will raise us up that we may live in a site and many theologians believe that that's speaking about in the beginning of the 21st century he will raise us up that we may live in his sight I'll accept that that God is now accelerating March 12th 2017 10:30 at night a messenger angel stood at the foot of my bed just like you're seeing me a person a light emanated behind himself I could see him you talking about what experienced a heart attack I cannot convey to you everything that he shared because it's very personal but one thing I can say to you and this thing lasted this visitation about seven eight minutes I know things about what's going to transpire in the next 10 or 15 years that was told to me personally by this angel messenger how you'd like to know when you and due season and due season but one thing I can say to you oh I sense his presence come on now let's prepare our hearts is that he conveyed to me the importance of transgenerational impart a tional anointings that we have all entered into because the people that have gone before us so that when I lay hands on you let's say it's because Kathryn Kuhlman touched my life Kathryn Kuhlman was touched by Aimee Semple McPherson Aimee Semple McPherson was influenced by Mariah Woodworth enter Mariah Woodworth Ector was influenced by John Alexander Dowie guess who influenced Smith Wigglesworth Mariah Woodworth enter so when I lay hands on you I want you to envision it in this manner there's an aspect of what God did in Smith Wigglesworth the man that brought Smith Wigglesworth to America I set under his ministry before he died just a few months he brought Smith Wigglesworth to America and what got him established you know who I'm talking about Smith Wigglesworth know many of you don't great healing evangelists out of you know the United Kingdom he owned the first miracle he saw America America was this lady had a huge tumor on the side of her face so he was kind of gruff and he just went up there and slapped that tumor well he'll know you gotta be led of the Spirit something man now have I done that yes was I always loved the spirit now a tumor peeled off went up and hit the ceiling stuck there Eve and then fell back down ruin the carpet so I'm in a church in Indiana decades later I'm sitting there they're preparing introduce me and I look up and here's his brown spot stuck up on the seat and that they had painted all around countless times through the decades and I asked the pastors you know of the type of trooper you sit on the platform face everybody I said well what's this brown spot up there all that brother Wigglesworth this was the first church the Smith Wigglesworth had come to an America and he slapped his cancer off of his lady's face and stuck up there and so as a memorial as a sign we just paint around it and I'm thinking I'm in the very church I hope you don't mind me tonight reminiscing okay you don't really need another teaching right now you needed an encounter but not just for the sake of an encounter God wants you healed so that you can apply all of your strength and your focus on him and on what God is raising up in the church the great mountain of the Lord come and let us go to the mountain of the Lord I'm alive today I died three times in the last four years you didn't know that well one I was on the verge of dying one time I was dying and my spirit and soul left my body please ask these twelve and there was a silver connection like a you know cord and here's my spirit man I was in such a screw shading pain I was just glad to get out of this body cuz the pain was so intense and I'm thinking I'm going to head but I don't want to I don't want to leave my wife at sixty I don't want to leave my grandkids I yeah you know I'm just get out of this pain you're on trying to say and yeah and I've been to heaven so you know what I'm trying to ruin yeah yeah you know don't ask to go to heaven you won't ever want to come back down here alright and let me just as a sidebar say this everybody say I love you brother Jim that was weak anybody that tells you that they make regular daily occurrences and going up into heaven know the glory of such an encounter and experience it's too great I can't even put it into words you can't even speak and how summon trivialized what heaven is like Oh mrs. citizen since the glory it's not just coming down it's rising up within you come on let your spirit man separate your soul right now separate your body right now put your body down right and just put it down and just let your spirit man come on just rise just like you know and I thought I'm going to heaven I'm getting out of this body and all of a sudden I opened up my eyes and there was my wife joy of 40 years her faith right there those beautiful eyes staring at me that close that's not Jesus now I'm seeing my spirit and soul and the silver cord was about ready to disconnect soon as that silver cord disconnected then I'm dead and I would need to be resuscitated you know raised up right before it disconnected here's my sheep my wife knew she's sitting over there on a chair praying she knew something she grew up she knew I was dying she sticks her beautiful face right in front of me and she says you're not going anywhere get back into your body now now for a fleeting thought oh well my spirit man's gonna come back into my body I'm be healed now my spirit man came back into my body and I had the same pain you say why I don't know why do we always think we have to always have all the answers life is just life and I could use a word but it wouldn't be proper kosher life just sometimes it's what it is but I'm thankful cuz she held me down it's worth because it wasn't my time I said it wasn't my time and I'm sorry and I pray that my infirmity that I've been going through and overcoming don't you let it be used as a stumbling block and you getting healed it's got nothing to do with it in fact opposite you ought to use it as an opposite revelation it's caused me to be more dependent broken humbled do you know how humiliating it is to see perfection ruined why are you laughing over there that's got to be the funniest laugh I've ever heard there's always one in the church all I know is I'm here tonight okay you know III got nothing else lived for I you worship to my Lord and to love my wife my grandkids my chihuahua the cat there will be no cats in heaven trust me [Applause] it's fun to be able to stand here tonight and say devil I ain't going nowhere I'm not dying you tried to kill me at three a Jezebel spirit at fifteen countless times overseas I made over 375 Crusades overseas in 43 nations and I didn't go to all of the nice little plush places like I'm going on a missionary venture to Acapulco Oh God whoa-oh-aah places like Nigeria God knows the things I ate only God knows I don't want to know but they go ahead and tell me afterwards but you know we've come to the kingdom for such a time as this you're looking at andover not old older hippie I was influenced and received an impartation I want to give it to you I'm glad my spirit and soul came back into my body that's just one person gets healed just one jesus told me face to face told me this god this is my mandate we're gonna be gonna pray I already know how to pray for you said this he said look that's why I said look see you you think Jesus uses the DS in the house no see look listen look it's really did the what I mean in it no just like I'm seeing no don't tell me his name Micah that wasn't a word of knowledge you are Micah okay he'd you see look just do what I did when I walked the earth what did Jesus do two things you met people's spiritual needs by teaching a preaching right number two he healed their bodies how many ministers today that's their mandate very few whose pattern are we supposed to follow after my opinion Jesus all now well you know Jesus was in the Old Testament so it's different in it you know you know I want to take and slap them let's lift our hands we're just gonna do what Jesus did and sadly it has to work through imperfect people like you and I and I'm sorry I'm not Jesus I really am but I am a son of God and I believed you are a mountain come on now I want you to envision that come on live chance just like they did in the book of Acts just one Accord just tell the Lord in Yahweh your own heart your own works I want to be that mountain I'm that I'm that I'm coming to the mountain we are in a mountain come to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of our God and he would teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths and the law shall go forth out of Zion that word of the Lord from Jerusalem you're here tonight because there's more than just healing it's going to take place tonight tomorrow night in cinah morning there's a commissioning if you mind a mandate kind of word it that way a sacred consecration time this weekend I've been set apart and receiving an impartation or blessing would you mind if I call myself a spiritual father I think I've been in it long enough to be called a spiritual father you've got a whole lot of teachers in the body of Christ very few fathers and I think that come on the glories rising up in your spirit and its descending right now come and receive it just right now I'm not Catherine : so I'm not going to twirl you nothing worse than a man trying to be Catherine Coleman in his ministry you there's actually been men that have tried to be Catherine Coleman you you talk about confusion I won't go there cursor here yes it's okay don't be scared of me I can see you come here come here come here come here come here youngster God wants to heal you God wants to touch you now I'm going to take a little bit of time here just Minister and then we're going to really kick it into high gear Oh stand right here what are you about 39 or 40 86 now that's a young look on 86 year-old man isn't it are you visiting tonight [Applause] you came to see me from where 7 miles south Oh a hundred seven miles huh well he's got it down to the Dallas to see you there too I don't know that we're about three four years ago really I wanted to ask you about that nurse that was in the helicopter that crashed it was as wheelchair oh she's completely healed oh praise the Lord but she had been at the time yeah she was completely paralyzed you member yeah you know she's all running around she's doing her we're gonna minister to this man's breathing his lung area it's been affected we're going to minister to this man's joints in particular in the lower extremity right now you ready for him to be healed Hey he's precious came to Dallas 107 miles amazing don't you think God wants him whole now see I'm gonna believe that as I lay over you feeling it yes the angel is coming yeah you feel them hit your left shoulder don't you yeah and there's three other areas that you need touching in okay I know it's a lot but but if I was 87 you know God just wants the latter days of your life to just be a peace and tranquility and give you a testimony so you can just blow everybody's mind who knows he may renew your youth as the Eagle my god we might be seeing this guy jogging in the next week or so see he remembered that dirt you see you refreshed my memory I remember that nurse she was it wasn't she in an accident or something she was a helicopter that crashed right and she was completely paralyzed I mean and not only paralyzed remember she's in that wheelchair and completely distorted in other words the bones had you know right remember that twisted and stuff like that he was in the back wall and I told her you need to get up to the front yeah and she did yeah and she started unraveling and untwisting while we were ministering to her and now she's back serving people as a nurse or a helicopter whatever I don't know what they are anyway it's pretty cool in it let's bless them Rob just we're gonna get our hearts together now look we're one here right yeah mingle which you've heard with faith that means this blend your hardest one with mine that's what it really means if you'll do that this man will get touched and everyone else not because of me because of all of us corporately and we're gonna set in motion there's an acceleration that's what that angel told me everything is accelerating you know what's interesting remember I said it was March 12th 2017 three years before Bob Jones died how many know who Bob Jones great prophet he prophesied three years before he died on March 12th to 2017 there will be a shift in the realm of the Spirit and God will begin to accelerate and the angel appeared at the foot of my bed and said acceleration that wasn't about me it was about the entire body of Christ alone but there was a lot about me oh I'm telling you guys let's bless him just because he came here to see little old me and to get Heat okay now you're being tired Rob get in there with that angel come on down I see he's learned not to get to yeah get look closer yeah yeah I hope you go down this now I did not push that young man come here sweetheart you know no known any memory here right here right here this this black lady beautiful is that kosher or I'm not supposed to say african-american but you know you may not be were you from Kenya see that's why you know come on up here trust me if I ever pastor god forbid I rebuke that don't you dare give me a world that's too late some of your gonna come up probably be you I want it to be all black people and man they know how to rock yeah nothing great in a black choir I love black people because my grandsons are black and my little girl that's coming just can't wait are you ready am i strange you're under the glory step in to rob there you go you ready to be blessed you have an issue in the bloodstream and there's been infections that your body has been having a fight this has caused great pain in the glands of your body particularly the right side just like God to heal you such a free touch you strengthen you this is going to cause a lot of the fatigue to leave it's gonna cause you to rise up fulfill your destiny to see the salvation of God come to your family you're gonna make a tremendous connection in a spirit that's going to remove hindrances of disbelief because you've stood and you've interceded and you believed that God would move in the supernatural way this has been particularly the past two years the Lord is ministering to you right now your back was amazingly in the lower part of your back strained because of work-related issue God's strengthening you right now it's too quiet in here releaser you got hit the angel hitch yeah did you feel oh well that was me elbowing ya but you also got tech come on let's worship the Lord how they Louie I just just a few minutes of this and then then we're gonna really get to it we're really gonna get TV it and we're not gonna be here late yeah it's come here sir you right here with the sharp-looking tie you can take it off afterwards put it in the offering thank God were beyond the need of having to wear ties I went to Seoul Korea I didn't wear ties they said you can't preach do you know how difficult it is to find a tie for six foot five guy in Seoul Korea when everyone's five foot two to five foot five I found this short little tie I had to wear the same tie it was read on because they would let me behind the pulpit without a tie they were angry because I wasn't wearing a suit go back two years later I had to I went out bought three business suit to fit in with people in Korea they're all in t-shirts shorts Levi's I said what's going on cuz somebody don't tell me oh you don't know you were on television you sent a shock wave it made national news and how to say I love our Korea how disgusting it was that this preacher from America would not wear a suit and tie but then it got all of the leadership you know thinking well what does that really got to do with anything because God was using the young man so you just we just got rid of all of our suits and ties I guess we forgot to tell you you don't fit so take your tie off one way of liberating them yeah how you doing sir good okay you go sit down ready to be blessed you ready to be strengthened in a lot it's like a lot of sitting for long periods of time and the sitting in you know because you're working over a desk has completely messed up your entire legs support particularly your knees yep exactly and you have pain underneath the feet and it's it's nerve damage and and but you need a reconstruction in your knees you're ready to receive you're already getting the heat it's already flowing through you right now why you got to just take the tie off and you'll be healed No go ahead now you gotta understand rob is my Lily used in healings and miracles I only picked the best to be an associate oh I don't think I can get up you know why wear these boots they're steel toed steel because I had a 270-pound man instead of go backwards went forward and put the whole weight of his knee on this left toe and completely broke it I'm seeing people healed and my toe got broke I almost lost it so I said yeah no more man you go for it man just go ahead and step on it whatever that's got steel in there this gentleman's shoulder right here in the white hair distinguishing looking a guy yeah these gentlemen that still have their head of hair at that age your age just disgusting I'm gonna pray that you lose it and I'm gonna pray that he loses it she's rebuking it you do not want me to take my hat off there ain't no more hair be touched I want Rob go up to him and put your hand on his right shoulder your right shoulder down to your elbow you have you have like you splintered this is quite a few years ago you you splinter some bones and your elbow to your shoulder to your bone and it it's numb and the tips of your fingers God God once you heal right now in Jesus's name you're ready to receive do you understand what I'm saying you know it's yours there's the heat there's you know not that you have feet you know listen right now yeah I go forward go ahead you do whatever you want come on everybody release you've got to understand I've moved in another realm so everybody falls this is water and a little bit of vodka I hope you don't mind I went to Russia they gave me a bottle of water like that it was all vodka I said I don't drink you don't want to drink the water dr. Maloney he just got Brandon knees would you like us stand him back up I want to pray for the lady or ladies that have severe it's herniated the lower extremity of your body and it's pressing on your organs it's it's you may even have a mesh that holds up your organ or may not but but God God wants its herniated and there was a very paint stand up right now God there's there's a person here that God is just gonna it's okay you don't have to be embarrassed you know I mean we're not we're not gonna you know yeah come here come here God God's gonna do a creative miracle in this area here are you ready you had some toes your toes are kind of funky what what I'm trust is no no no I mean they've had some abuse in a words you know something's dropped on somebody's you know whatever you know God God wants you healed but particularly in this area God's going to create a miracle have you had surgery yes yeah we're not gonna be they yeah they want you to have surgery before but you don't want it do you know you had surgery in another area you see this whole area has been an issue so God God God's gonna touch you right now that now now listen listen to me also to whatever irregularity you felt and the petition of your heart isn't nothing it's just nothing okay all right so don't be concerned about that when you're gonna get an EKG and you know they're just kind of funky because sometimes you lay in bed and your heart kind of right leaps all right no problem you burned your esophagus many years ago it's probably the food where you from where you from Michigan explains it right there you are you're being touched right here also - this was part of the surgery yeah huh yeah yeah your thyroid and your sock takus and your thyroid I don't think you have one do you or partial thyroid yeah okay we want to go back to this area all right because you what God doesn't want you to have to have surgery all right so once you sense it come on this is all I'm not gonna take all the blame and she didn't get healed now if you're in complete disbelief you don't even believe that God heals I don't really care you know you're not gonna hinder nothing you know what's sad I've been to nations where the Muslims had more faith than the Christians Rob you ready for her to be hit you're already beginning - there you go come here Mary put your hand right on that area I speak a miracle of recreation there it is there's the third hand on top of my hand there goes that's it that's it I'm not no pushing nothing I don't push I don't do anything I don't I just gently you need to create a miracle right there all of the herniating behind your muscles on that hinge right now that's it something shifting something's breaking loose feel it there goes I feel the movement it's happening right now I speak a miracle of recreation now where believe she's healed I oughta pray for the severe heart condition you possibly have had surgery maybe a pacemaker yeah come up here youngster yeah you're a youngster huh how old are you you're 67 February 18th well from Toledo Petersburg Michigan colors from Michigan you came down here wow I appreciate y'all coming I'm gonna be up there next year so you know okay so they did surgery right no not yet you don't want it do you they wouldn't do it why wouldn't they do it they just say they just it's a tyranny or you're gonna feel I'm gonna ask God to give you a sign okay I feel okay it's too quiet in here this is a charismatic church you can pray in the spirit okay I feel the burden in the palm of my hand that's an evident token that this is a recruiting miracle need the aorta ready to get free someone else here needs to come here someone else here this is this this goes further yeah you have to you're the one but you're getting healed too okay here you go here it is I speak them now loose all you I have to go down you can hang in there come on now look come here walk with me see if you can walk oh you're doing pretty good yeah I might give you a double dose no right now hello you're too young to have this you see you need to get some weight on you woman keep telling Mary that but she just stays the same [Music] you can help this gentleman out my god Oh hereditary it's hereditary I'm sorry but see God is breaking that familiarity the hereditary I just saw it break and just saw it break right off of you now you're gonna right now you're gonna feel like it's like a yoke come off your shoulders oh by the spirit pull it off of you you're gonna feel it come off of you now right there don't feel lighter you always feel like dead weight on your shoulders it's like this all the time just something you're laboring under something that's over there you call Mary you come here always she's married she's dynamic I want you to put your hands on where the pacemaker is okay go ahead put your hands there I know just the one won't you feel around there still feel the edges of it okay you ready Mary would you put your hands there what's happening feel it it's going in there I speak a completely creative miracle in her heart that this defibrillator or an oil fib you later fibrillate or not defibrillator fib you later and and pacemaker to dissolve with all the electrodes we had a man not too long ago in a service the electrodes popped out of he the scar stuck out so he took a shirt off in front of everybody down to that you know and showed you so lovely and in front of everybody he took it and pulled it out completely out of the no blood or nothing and right in front of everybody it's sealed up and the scar disappeared this is an America and he's got his pacemaker on his mantle at home sitting Paris there you go I speak a miracle of recreation right now go ahead Rob pray put your hands I'm on yeah go ahead and pray just commanded right now father we just come and Lisa okay stander back I want you to feel the area and he changed yet give it a minute that could be muscle did you have edges okay are the edges still there let's pray again we have seen over 150 pacemakers disappear this is documented by the way in the last seven years be healed because you're too young and you need to live until you're 90 now watch what God does I had a I had a gentleman that had tattoos on every area of his body and they were all demonic he just got saved gangbanger you know and he leader of a gang and he I said yeah let's he just wake up in the morning I was led of the Spirit stood in front of the mirror and he felt a buzzing and all of the tattoos became dust and fell down on the floor and he had brand-new baby skin this is what she's going to experience laying at home tonight when she goes to bed I'm getting the rewards it's being set in motion one more here and we're going to take a little break then we're gonna continually administer paralysis because of a stroke your your use in that area but it's not exactly as strong as it should be let me rephrase it's like one side of your body is weaker than the other and God wants you healed all right come here well you know you may come here it may be something you're not aware of there there is someone else here yeah come here hello young man you need boy come on come on walk with me walk you're gonna get stronger as you're walking come here walk with me don't you step on my toes or you're gonna walk too huh come on everybody just blessing what if your organs is being touched your functionality of your organs it deals with your kidneys and it deals with the urinary tract but particularly your pancreas God's touching your right now the imbalance is being addressed right now Jesus's name there's a child here come on everybody worship the Lord it's beginning to fall now there's a child here that is I don't either mentally challenged or autistic and spectrum autistic spectrum is being touched right now I have two grandsons I know what it's like they are now in the process of getting their miracle my grandson's how they Louie it clear you ready Rob get running up there where that angel is this is great I have you say you never Center I I do have a big angel that comes and and I don't emphasize the angels Jesus we keep our eyes on Jesus but he helps and he works and sometimes speaks to me and stuff like that okay you ready the whole left side of your body is being touched right now in Jesus is mighty name I speak a miracle of recreation so that we can side is going to be the same as your strong side it's got about to see because you cater to it in other words so what's happening is you're putting tremendous weight on one hip see so then okay you just got it right there and just shift it right in the ball of your hip there it is loosen come here you ready let's get all of your just this this the effects of this stroke there you go okay life life everybody say life I rebuke deadness feel it there it's going right through you feel that it's going right through your tingling there it is this okay I need to take five minutes and drink some more water and vodka and just get off of my feet for just five minutes and then we'll come back spend a little just a little bit more time now let me just say something there's freedom in this house over say freedom if you have to go because sake of time we fully understand but I am going to come back Rob and I and we're going to spend probably another 30 minutes or so ministering to people and then we'll be back tomorrow night and so you're blessed people come on let's give the Lord praise all [Music] [Applause] we got the ushers come forward a peasant has been amazing my goodness so good such a such a privilege you can now there's a couple different ways you can give you can give if you can make your checks out design Christian Fellowship you can give cash there's envelopes in the back of the seat so you can get tax credit there come on okay okay there's text to give so if you go two hours I an app and I'll have James Maloney on there and I totally remember him so you guys can figure out how to give if you want to give up because it's up there it is it's up there now so guys thanks for being generous James comes I doesn't have a speaking fee doesn't ever name that just comes by faith and so we want to be a huge blessing to him so skinny gay as what oh yeah there is a speaker who charges 80,000 we have not had that person here but James is worth every bit of that so thank you for being generous and again just make the checks out design Christian Fellowship we counted all separate for James so thank you for that and James will be here tomorrow night at sixth Sunday morning at 10:00 all right Oscars go go go for it here you guys got that the vodka part was a joke right we got that okay James and I both have that Assemblies of God background we were tied Jesus turned the wine back into water and so should we have some music or something so you want five minutes so what's that give him time yeah I guess announcement a week from Wednesday I guess that's October 31st David Hogan will be here Wednesday and Thursday so October 31st November 1st so you guys are invited for that I'm sure you guys have figured this out you don't have to wait for your name to be called to get healed all right just wait what yeah what just being released with your eyes being focused on Jesus you guys can just go ahead and just just receive on that just pull on that so I know he's gonna try to minister as many people as you can but you guys don't have to you have full permission to get healed in advance all right [Music] you there could be some background music if it's a very very quiet it's fine if not that's okay father we speak a miracle of recreation come on everybody pray in the spirit now remember just focus on Jesus this is what Jesus told me to do just minister to people like I did I have no healing abilities you know that I know that I'm just an agreement with the sister that she needs healing I want her to go home and her body to respond to the zowie life and get the strength that she needs so her life would just be full and productive that she could accomplish these things that she would love to accomplish but she can't right now because this is a wonderfully gifted lady that's been very very generous we speak and these people are gonna have to stop talking in the back please right now in Jesus is my name let's pray for her pray in the spirit right now there you go there you go now strengthen her hip strengthen her lower back you need a creative miracle sister right now a brand new hip brand new lower back right now and Jesus is mighty name come here sir you're precious you're precious yes and all of the effects of what you went through with your heart scenario just be healed in Jesus's name come on up here young man yeah III saw the word paralysis and so come on everybody reach your hands to the Lord you know I you know or to him what it just but just be involved just we're not going to be here just right now as we're praying go ahead and pray for his Parkinson's I want to minister to the person whose eye has detached the retina I want you to come up right now in Jesus's name stand up here right now come on everybody worship him right now someone was in a very severe wreck you had to have vertebras or disc fused right now the Lord in the neck area there's three or four that has had spine surgery in the vertebras and disc ruptured discs are very very severe I mean it's just you're there's complete pain it's nerve pain come on up here right now the Lord is touching you right now in Jesus's name someone had surgery and they cut into the nerves and they and it's just been painful because they cut those nerves that register pain and there's sort of a paralysis but it's just painful all the time come on up here right now come on right now everyone let's just worship the Lord oh my my my my my I see a tumor under the arm right now in Jesus name in fact another lady a tumor on the breast right now it concerns you come on up here right now God's touching you there's a blood cancer this is a can it's not a severe it doesn't seem to be a severe leukemia but but it's still in that genre just the Lord wants you healed I don't know if it's CLL or whatever but God wants you up here come on up here come on everybody worship the Lord right now there's a lady that just absolutely at a man to that you cannot use your foot because it was so broken into pieces it was just so shattered that the you know they've made pins whatever rods whatever but it's just it hasn't heal correctly and you need it released so you can walk correctly there's three people that have nerve issues because of diabetes I mean this is getting to the point now where [Music] something has to be done here because we don't want you to lose a limb we don't want you to lose you know any of that right now in Jesus's name come on everybody just pray in the spirit just a few minutes here just pray in the spirit just pray in the spirit right now emphysema I'm seeing spots in the lungs right now God once she healed in Jesus's name God wants she healed someone worked in a factory and asbestos was everywhere and it just has affected your breathing right now and it's affected your immune system right now somebody has had mercury poisoning this could have been because of medications or whatever I don't know what that bead is it needs to be turned down just a little bit thank you I see a forearm right here that was shattered and I see a scar something because there was work done on it and on the wrist you just need a creative miracle you fell and broke it the the Lord wants it healed come on up here right now in Jesus is mighty name just a few minutes come on everybody just praise them III see chronic infection in the urinary tract right now right now be healed come on come on up here right now God in the the intestines the colon area you need a creative miracle because there was mass that was found and God needs to replace something that's been taken out right now in Jesus's name oh come on it's too quiet in here all by my mind someone hurt what's this muscle back here hamstring a complete the creative miracle you need a hamstring what that means but you need part of it may be missing you just need a new hamstring muscle right now what are you up here for half of those things okay come on up here dementia right now in Jesus is mighty name you ready to receive loose there you go you have any words out loud right and critical like there's uh maybe you had a pin put in it it's really stiff and it's been several years that was from an accident and I've got a left shoulder yeah the shoulder had surgery and so it's it's locked is what I see needs to be released come here what is it they found it underneath that's what I saw yeah well you just got we just gonna just believe that you're healed use yours gonna live a long life okay now put your hand into that area do you feel that area and you feel it I know it's kind of hard sometime okay I'm gonna have Mary come up to you and this this has been cancer that has been spots areas you're already getting touched you feel it it's gone right through the fire it's burning out the cancer your body listen to this sweetheart you're gonna go home and I do not want to be illustrating here but when you do use the toilet it all the the cancer material is gonna come out of your body so don't be concerned if it's bloody and there's mass there because it's now it's dead [Applause] okay hey you know Micah need some help here all right we got to get these people moved out on the way here just drag her by the feet and layer over there come on come on it's taking too much time here she's so precious what are you doing down there come here yes sir oh okay that's the blood issue I want you to face that direction okay his whole back is herniated discs they're all herniated he's got a blood disease whew hey don't miss when David Hogan comes I ministered with them he's a he's a hoot there's only one David Hogan all right he's a great man of God I love that brother if you ask you know James money he won't remember one thing about me but we were together with Patricia King and a big conference in Phoenix and he was just a blessing okay go ahead Rob but put your hands on the lore area here that's where it's really at is that correct there you go you're shifting yeah okay you see you need to total recreate a miracle now the blood thing has been dealt dealt with this okay this is a spirit now don't be concerned about the terminology it's an infirmity that won't let let you go won't let these areas go I'm going to cast it out of you or off of you [Applause] listen set them free now start bending your back do what you can do you had pain you couldn't even work it go ahead bend to twist it move it oh come here how you doing well it's because you uses f-actin for a fee okay move it again I'm not don't do anything you know that you I don't want you to do anything there you no harm yourself but just just do something that see you're activating your face see now you're see that we're working together here this is sinner giant no wait a minute don't stop this is synergizing with the Holy Spirit see you gotta understand he needs brand new discs he's got several not one he's got three or four six six six discs that are demolished he needs a brand new back plus this blood disorder oh there you go who I'm supposed to be doing this what everybody count one 3:05 okay here's the last one dude no [Applause] did you feel the pop you did that 6:1 did it hallelujah yes I had to pass 6 years ago but now they're saying there's a fluttering in the bow and my right shoulder completely into okay he's gonna put his hands on your heart and his shoulder your see he got the word for the shoulder oh it's horrible I feel it right here yep just completely in two and they can't fix it it's torn in two his shoulder is completely torn in Topeka Kansas a man the shoulder was completely removed and they put a type of plastic that somehow they connected it with his arm and sure he had a completely false shoulder and the plastic spurt out of his pores on the carpet ruined the carpet there I felt it and you got a brand new shoulder and other things to feel it there it goes move your shoulder you feel it there it goes that's see that that's not sane go ahead go ahead do do what you can do you're doing it you're doing it you're doing it you're doing it oh there you got it right there you couldn't do that now you got a brand new miracle here do it up get it up there you could do that before your heart see you come here who's next you broke your wrist and your hip he's gonna put his hand on your hip comes out all right did you have surgery yeah and titanium metal screws can you feel the metal a little bit yeah tell me where you feel them yeah but dude that's what I saw the forearm and your wrists now if God gave more knowledge obviously once you healed there is the release there goes you'll feel a tweaking feel it that means the metal is disappearing if it's releasing your hand it's releasing the nerves build up and that cool now feel the area no pain and do you feel any metal depends I never have been able all you never been able to feel it but there's no pain you can move it around and all that stuff Lord Jesus thank you no touch him yes oh my the glory just came on you the glory yeah go ahead and rob say I like this guy he didn't pray for people he just commands if this is what I teach these youngsters of course he already knows this but you know you feel it there goes yes I'm going to leave every hair on the top of his head is numbered hallelujah I had to dude I had to you look distinguished loose yes you do and you're cold and you're the : Linney : yeah no come here Mary put your hands on somewhere : just in the lower part there I you know she needs creative miracle now see this is say it again desmoid tumors in her colon area that if they come and they had to cut thing you know so cut it out if they come back at a killer I mean could kill her I mean you know the - I mean just grow that's it well no no we want her around with a testimony got it grandchildren five well they love Nana so or whatever they call you they call you what alright let's bless Gigi I like that all the grandkids call her Gigi cuz this is a good grandma she loves her grandkids I mean if you're you're a grandma I mean you are a Gigi deluxe I can see that I mean you're loved there you go you should feel the heat feel it there it goes that's it that you're evident token you're being healed I speak a miracle of recreation what was cut out to be restored no more tumors loose you there you go yeah that was fun when it you're kind of caught up huh yeah oh you're so cute what you need [Music] she's a creative miracle and her : but her hands streamed she's crazy Miracle on our hamstring which hand left put your hands on the back of her leg and it's somewhere wherever the hamstring is you see why I might get very involved in this because she's an anointed woman of God and I had no business putting my hand on her hamstring and you said well why do you have to put your hands on him while I don't have to but this way Jesus did it 98% of the time he laid hands on people read the Gospels I believe in mass healing everybody I've seen it where every man woman and child has gotten in America I'll tell you something you don't know it's not in any of my books why am i taking time because she's getting healed right now that it's taken time for the creative miracle to take place just a few more moments and we'll be dismissed one I had a mass cert where there was close to 7 800 people where every man woman and child was healed and it was verified documented listen to this that one service you know where you hear about people say this revival lasted for weeks 6 weeks do you know how long this revival that we had to the glory of God lasted seven years and if I had the social media now it would have gotten world-known but back then there wasn't any such thing as the social media seven year continuous revival it has completely revolutionized this that whole area of California we give God all the glory a man I'm a revivalist so we just whoo there you go there's the hamstring you feel that pull feel it there it goes no all right there okay get her out of the way that was cute yes what your eye infections you're the one with the infections yeah I know I know it's the angel okay be healed she's one of them she's a river chick dragged that River chick off yes you're too young do you feel it you can loosen right now give it a minute you still feel it give it push it push it good because you're just attacking it it's what you're doing [Music] Mary I will fire you if you keep sitting down go ahead bra oh oh oh I want that fart on me alright go live a hundred years are you married good how many kids do you have - I bet they're beautiful so you my foot would only go up this high all week long two weeks all your the hip earlier the x-ray showed kidney and small bowel pinched or dilated right here in all right we speak a miracle a brief creation you know God's gonna heal um I mean you know you know he's already getting a miracle you know I you know I'm having fun with him you got to understand if this is your first time in my meetings I I'm like the pastor we would kind of have a funky sense of humor so that's why I like gym there you go feel it that's burning go right through it loose you don't have to go down just hey yeah yeah there you go now go down let them go just let them go just let them fall let them go I want to take this one home with me hey cutie hello what Smith what is it yeah okay oh you're so beautiful thank God you took after your Baba no you're a handsome young I'm teasin come here do you mind if I put my hand on your back it's gonna go right through your body to your son you speak in French no you're speaking in tongues see I understand French so you need to be careful I understand German or French I can't speak it but I can understand it there goes you feel it there it is yes oh yeah hello cutie hello be healed in your skin look at that little cutie just one oh yeah go home I have twins hallelujah now that wasn't a word loose just bless them come here man number 12 is this Buckeye this is the book I'm sorry I cannot minister to you there sister no lieutenant would you I hurt my shoulder about a year ago and it's Robin rotator cup and just wanted you poor baby alright just receive it you know you know you know we really don't need to be praying for you but we do anyway okay this is it we're almost done no just a few more I mean just a couple that are coming up on the prayer line we have tomorrow night we want to get everybody out a decent time here now cold out move your shoulder how they loo yeah oh go bench those go do that bench press set again what is it love okay you're the one okay so Mary's gonna I'm too lazy so she's gonna get down there and grab both feet right now I'll put my hand on top of come on let's the pastor here come on right now let's pray that she gets wasted naari let's pray that Mary gets wasted this is renewal let's pray that she gets wasted let's move your ankles there you go there you go Mary's wasted is this the little boy with a spectrum erm yeah come bring him up hold on a second yes no no I'll come up to him hello youngster come on everybody just reach your hands out to me hi you just like my brand sons he's very open they're very tender it's okay it's alright it's okay I know see they'll start feeling something in the brain tweakin you're hungry while I'm hungry too yeah let's go let's go to McDonald's huh you do well I want to go to McDonald's too you'll give me a hug give me a hug no I speak yeah it it something's happening here I just trust my word okay it's not just speaking faith he's I have prayed for hundreds of autistic kids and I've seen them healed and they starts firing differently and they feel it and you'll see in the next few days that he'll tell you that and you'll see a difference he'll start coming out of unreality into the present yeah bring this other child up here yes okay come here let me have your hands oh you're cold there you go I speak a miracle of recreation yeah oh yeah yeah yeah there so everybody can see her yeah yeah yeah yeah I know that's the Holy Ghost you're doing some funky you can't stop it can you that's how that goes for crime look at this look at this look at you getting healed see everybody wants to be healed their way I love when God does strange things to people you know he knows what are you doing yeah what just just it's just you you're just getting touched and you're just getting healed come here pastor it's time now oh I don't think I have to Manas you to rate reach your hands out to this pastor this gentleman is a friend I have many acquaintances I don't have a lot of friends I consider you he and his wife friends it's not that we're not friendly it's just that the nature of our ministry and you know we just can't develop that like just you know a person in the everyday aspects of life but he is a friend she is a friend my heart goes out to this man because this is too long mine lasted seven years yours is double that this is ridiculous there you go there it is I speak gifts of healings okay I feel that I feel it I command the spirit okay my hand is reacting how I know through discerning the spirits of spirit of infirmity goes up I feel a tingly both goes up my wrist my elbow my shoulder it's already at my elbow come on everybody pray in the spirit when it gets up to this PEC area and dissipates I know they're delivered from the spirit it's already at my elbow I command the spirit of infirmity now I know people have prayed for him he's prayed other men of God women of God have prayed for him we're not negating any prayer faith I'm just believing this is the time for the manifestation God does not intend for him to have this for decades this is ridiculous this it just creates all kinds of their spirit right now in Jesus's name loose some oh oh I see them I see them I see the form the similitude of the spirit I want everybody do this oh it's like a rat go go to dry places yes sir yeah I understand come here let's everybody reach your hands out Joe he's got a whole list what you want you want my jewelry go ahead I'm getting drunk Oh mines my restoration Lisa oh here's the last but not least are you waiting for well let's pray for him then we're going to minister to him no it's okay what is it you have a broken bat oh man yeah well put your heads on lures back there you go you're you should begin to feel it yeah you feel it there it is you're getting a brand new creative miracle brother I will not say this unless I'm positively no you are being healed I mean this is it like a dust saith the Lord and I will rarely say that I always say I believe you're being healed I you know but this I know because you sent and see you sense it there it is this going right through you right there I speak it loose that was the spirit come on point do it they got to get out of here we don't tolerate them what a nasty job I have hello Rob just go around over on that side and we're gonna believe God for all he's so precious just put your hands those little legs I know it says this is genetic DNA you know and the womb that you know we're just going to believe God for a great marry and are you mama and you're a super mama no you really are super mama and it's been very difficult for you but you've been a super mama and I'm sharing that with you is because it's been a treasure you've been a treasure to the Lord - you think you see you think you've done something wrong you fell short these things just happen this is like what it pray well as I minister to you it's going to go through to him father let her know that the first day she called upon the Lord every tear that see he's feeling it now every tear I know you don't want me do that okay you do want me to do that every tear has been held in vials in heaven for you and they're beginning to be poured out down upon you and I'm believing for spectacular manifestation of complete wholeness okay I want you to everyone raise your hands to the Lord your son's head is changing right now I want you to look he's spilling it this area laid in your womb in a funky manner and I just understand it was on a bone he's it's like I'm seeing him in the womb and Jesus right now well I'm just gonna tell what I see he's appearing right now through us and he's the master Potter er and your little boys like a piece of clay that the bone is softening right now and the master Potter er is reshaping healing I want you to put your hand in this area there I'm already beginning to see a change you see a change yet feel it you know your sons had better than anybody yeah well we're gonna pray for that in a minute but see his head see it's softening that areas soften he's like becoming putty right here it's becoming putty I speak a miracle of healing seeing he knows us Jesus to open up his eyes go ahead and Rob put your hands on every beaut the spirit of blindness open now now you watch you watch tonight not tomorrow not the next day tonight what happens and you take them home office the difference you should be does he see any light yeah light perception I felt like that hey buddy yeah I say well put your hand there again I know I know that's why we're taking a little bit of time God's touching them you're you know the shunt where's the shunt yeah I feel the shot right there oh I want you to start seeing you gonna start see you don't want to see me well I had to cast a spear to fear out of you know I actually had that half of the man was born blind never saw before had no pupils so God recreated gave him the color and the pupils first thing he saw was me and he screamed out of fear we had a pray for him not seriously now take your boy home and watch it watch him look around check his eyes before he goes to bed because it's already beginning something's already happening right now see he not see the he his eye see when he first came up here he was it wasn't he he wasn't even open and opening his eyes now he's opening his eyes because things are changing look at that yeah stand up let's give the Lord the biggest praise offer how they Louie [Applause] let me explain something to you if I go by the emails that my son has received there are people that are flying in tomorrow tomorrow from four foreign countries and twelve states that are terminally ill this place is going to be packed tomorrow if these people actually make it here and get here this is usually the case that Saturday night is the largest so it's just all gonna be about healing just we're just gonna go for it all right this is what we're here for and then we have Sunday morning you know but that's a little limited but tell the person next to you just say come with me to the mountain of the Lord give them a hug if they're huggable if they're not shake their hand well bless you guys tomorrow at 6:00 and uh Mary said Zions probably wondering when I got prayer for I got diagnosed with parasites at five turns out I had about fifteen years from a missions trip so that's what the Purvis for so bless your imaginations all right have a good night
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
Views: 6,805
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Id: neQN-47xFps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 37sec (13597 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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