Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, TELL ME WHO YOU ARE - March 04th, 2018

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he's yeah like from the throne room of heaven remember who you are ain't no way in the world with all in their power you supposed to be they're drugged up in net depression that anxious and then stressed out remember that you are the answer to your ancestors prayer Redman but somebody made a sacrifice for you to be where is the job remember nobody toads in a road was don't be easy but you did bring you this far to leave you [Music] do 25 then Jacob said to Laban give me my wife my time is completed and I want to make love to her so Labor's the Lord so Laban brought together all the people whose place and gave a feasts but when evening came he took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob and Jacob made love to her and Laban gave his servant Zilpah to to his daughter as her attendant when morning came there was Leah so Jacob said to Laban what is this that you've done to me I served you for Rachel did not why have you deceived me and gave me Leah you may be seated and it's the first Sunday of our series on the gospel out of Wakanda I wanna preach using as a subject tell them who you are tell them who you are look at the person beside you and tell him you better as somebody my dear comrades part of the methodology for the storytelling in comic books is concealing the actual identity of the superhero from the masses much of their allure and attraction is their ability to assimilate into a societal structure of normalcy the publishers of both Marvel and DC Comics contend that humility lends itself to greater relatability where the reader is able to look up to that who is average and the possibilities our unknown after all Superman is just a mild-mannered reporter named Clark Kent The Incredible Hulk is the unassuming David Banner Batman is the orphaned Bruce Wayne their principal my dear friends applies to all of us who carry the supernatural a conflict only comes when you're Clark in and come to the realization that they no longer make phone booths so what happens when you're forced to maintain character and people never give you the space to be normal so you get burned out having to always be super because people always demand from you when they don't give themselves so the greatest liability of being strong is people don't afford you a weak moment because they're used to you always maintaining nobody ever checks on you because they assume you can take it so you keep taking blow after blow attack after attack confrontation after confrontation and you do it with Grace and class and people have no idea I am anointed and tired and so what happens when it is that your greatest quest is to be average that you want a day to just fit in but everybody has in fact been telling you since you were seven you were special there's something special about you the whole life you've been the responsible child you were the one who had to gather everybody together had to step up had to make sure the assignment was done had to make sure the house was kept and you did that by twelve people don't know that there's just one day you want to take your cape off just one day you want just the latitude to be able to not take the high road just one day you want your family to not have to depend on you and you able to turn the table and actually depend on them all you want is the space for normalcy to be able to just have 24 hours without being depended on did you ever pay attention to the passage in scripture we immediately after performing a miracle Jesus would plead with the recipient not to disclose to the crowds what miracle he just conducted because he knew if the mass is new it would put restraints on him people would keep coming looking for him to utilize his gifts here this when his gifts was not his assignment he was not sent to the earth to turn water into wine he was not his responsibility to make blind people to see to make lame people walk his job was one was just to die and now he is in fact being sentenced to his gift when his gift is not his assignment and there are those of you who your greatest burden is being gifted is key people keep pulling on you and they don't even understand you are jealous of a gift I don't want and they keep attacking you for something you never prayed for but God entrusted you with and they have no idea that if I could give this away you could have it my burden is God has given me something and now I've got to use it and your problem friends is that people believe because you are called you always have to take their call you just missed it they they assume because God is on your life that it is your responsibility to make their life easier even if it's at the inconvenience of your own and so here you are being Wonder Woman trying to hide your bracelets because every time you turn around somebody is looking for you to rescue them out of something and you're rescuing them all while you're drowning so there is never a tow truck for the tow truck so you keep pulling people out and folk have no idea I don't even have strength for me so I'll pray for you and what you don't know is I prayed for myself in nights because I just figured it'll just work out for me but Here I am stretched out for you when you don't even believe it for yourself so I'm up at night worried while you're sleep one of the most compelling scenes from the film Black Panther is when Chadwick Boseman is about to a sin as the king of Wakanda in the delegation from the mountain comes to challenge his position his formidable foe is larger than him stronger than him angrier than him and it looks like he's about to be defeated he's being strangled he's gasping for breath in his mother being portrayed by Angela Bassett begins to cry out remember who you are and with that something kicked in and immediately the table's turned and he was forced in fighting for not just his crown but for his destiny I'm here not even preaching to you I'm preaching to somebody behind you who's fighting right now against something that's bigger than them something that's stronger than them something that's angrier than their man God sent you to this 1130 service because he's tired of seeing you get defeated and he's yelling from the throne room of heaven remember who you are ain't no way in the world with all of that power you supposed to be there drugged up in that depression that anxious and that you are the answer to your ancestors prayer somebody made a sacrifice for you to be where is that job nobody told you the road was gonna be easy but she didn't bring you this far to leave you now you come from the genes of the descendants of those who survived a Middle Passage endure the hardships of slavery and now you gonna let trump break you things are about to be flipped in your favor and the only reason why people are fighting you is cuz they know the crown is already yours and I came to tell those of you who know that you are not run-of-the-mill you not the average drill you are not a status quo but there's destiny over your life Benjamin Elijah Mays said that there's a crown above your head that you gotta grow tall enough to wear and I'm talking to those of you if you will week you but I lost your man a long time ago but you're able to say I woke up this morning with my man stayed on Jesus if you believe this is the year you gonna wear your crown would you give God glory for your destiny and for your Simon and for your purpose and for your goals the last time the question of identity is broken in the film because when kill mangas dragged into the court in shackles to be held accountable for his actions he then disclosed his intentions was to become the heir of the throne before he could be carted off as a common criminal he asked everybody in the tribunal court ask me who I am god I can't hear anybody in this room and I I need you to know that after much deliberation many of them didn't want to ask because they didn't want to know the answer there are people who have drawn conclusions about you who don't even know you that there are people who claim that they don't like you and have never had a conversation with you there they're people who think that they can size you up when they don't measure up and every now and again when you get ready to defend yourself come to yourself and ask your haters Who I am don't don't assume next you know me if you want to know about me don't ask other people talk to me for yourself one of the members of the council could not hold his curiosity any more and he lifts the query who are you and that this kill manga gives the response I am the son of the Prince which means I'm qualified for contention ladies and gentlemen there are some people who are getting ready to be in a rude awakening because they don't know who you are but God said 2018 is your coming-out party if you didn't know who I was before when you see me get to this nightmare there will be no question that I am a child of God you don't matter what you heard about me wait till you see what God does next in my life because he is a contender for the crown is legitimated because of his interest ancestry immediately his treatment changes they got a handle him differently because they now know who years I need you to understand even in this moment people are gonna have to handle you differently because God put a warning label on your chest touch not my anointed and you my servant no harm you you ain't gonna handle me any kinda way I am a child of God you can talk to other folk like that but when you come to me lower your voice I shall of God you keep being underestimated keep being mishandled keep being mistreated keep being taken for granted cuz they don't know who you are hallelujah but you are a child of the king you are joint a or what does that mean I'm a Linda and not a borrower I am above and not beneath the first shall be last I can take a licking but I keep on ticket if God be for me who can be against me you better not come for me unless I invite you and if I invite you RSVP cuz you don't want to catch me on a bad day me who I am Genesis the same problem occurs the problem occurs albeit from a completely different vantage point the central figure is not a young King but a young charlatan by the name of Jacob and he's just finished stealing his brothers birthright stole his brothers birthright watch this cuz he's not man enough to fight for it I want you to know that there are some people who want what you have but and not willing to do what you did in order to get it so Jacob goes on the run and he goes into exile and ends up hiding on the farm of his uncle Laban and while there he discovers that Laban has two daughters one watch this named Leah who has a deformity in her eye has a stigmatism from the hood they would just say she got a lazy eye and then there's another sister by the name of Rachel whose strikingly gorgeous he went to the Father and committed to an arranged marriage after doing seven years of service when that time concluded he married who he believed was Rachel but it wasn't until the night after the honeymoon that he lifted up the veil and discovered who she really was ladies and gentleman there are some tension to this text that has to be unpacked but I need you to in fact activate your critical mind because what says he did not lift up the veil till the night after the honeymoon y'all not gonna like it cannot just preach to the last three rolls the first five or sitting on me which means he was sleeping with a dress god help me his mind is so broken that all he's conditioned for is a quickie and not intimacy God y'all stay with me he's so into her body that he never takes a moment to understand her mind pastor what are you saying he's so busy asking her to say his name he never asked her name you gotta be careful of folk you are intimate with who don't know you because the worst thing you can do is find out who they really are after you get up I can't yell nobody but God says I'm getting ready to reveal to you in this season there's some people I'm putting a restraining order on because I can't allow them to get close to you cuz they'll mess up your destiny because it's not who I says I can't let you get intimate with them why pastor cuz they got a bad [Applause] their eye is not looking for the stuff you looking forward god I can't hit they can't see dreams they can't see possibility all they do is live in the moment but God said I'm talking to those of you who are in church this morning who know I'm not even looking at March I'm thinking about what God gonna do in August and if all you can do is see today you don't have faith enough for tomorrow what's wrong with you I was of such what sister she's got an attention deficit disorder that while one I was looking this way to other I look in that way you gotta be careful when it is that you involved with somebody who can't keep their eyes on you oh god I can't hear no I'm out of here you are the center of their attention as long as you are in front of their face but as soon as you walk away they in somebody else's DMS and Texan somebody you want somebody who can keep focused without losing their she's losing strength losing strength because he never asked who she was how you getting a bed with a stranger are y'all okay the only smelling salt okay and he was crazy is he did not know her identity here this until he took something from her it's not until he took the veil away from her that he realized who she was I'm gonna say this just to 70 of you who in this room is that God had to show people who you were if the stuff got taken from you because there's some of you who have reprioritized who you are based off of what you have but the real essence of who you are is how do you stand after your head of loss and if you ain't never lost nothing you can't rock with me if if there's somebody in here who lost some stuff but in spite of it you realize I am NOT my job I am not my car I'm not my house because if you take all that away I'm still five if I lose all of that I still got it going on if they stripped me down to nothing watch me still come out smelling like a robe because I found out who I was after stuff was taken you proving yourself after people took stuff from you god help me they took it away from you thinking that you were gonna fall apart cuz you ain't got it no more but I'm talking to those of y'all that learned how to ball on a budget god I can't hear nobody you broke as you want to be and folks still complement you and they don't know this ain't new I just learned how to accessorize this blouse don't even go with your skirt I just had to switch it up because I understood what is expected of me that even when I lost everything it's a life for you ain't been no crystal stair stuff being taken away from you your car got taken waiters got garnished mother died relationship failed downsize from your job lien on the house oh that high risk and you walked in the church which your head still lifted up [Applause] look what they took from black people took our name took our language took our family took our culture and yet we emerge as the President of the United States of America you get so much to the wolves and we'll come back leading the pack because even when you take stuff away from us we're still able to find out strength how in the world did we get that strong on a diet of chitlin and hog mall and pig feet and still we had the strength of a ox to pick cotton from sunup to sundown they thought you were gone from what they took from you but they don't know we don't now we multiply is that even when it's taken away we still stare so folk don't understand why how you got this kind of law how you have this kind of strength after that kind of loss and I'm mindful that many of you a couple of you watching online few of you in the sanctuary you ain't seen Black Panther yet I get it I don't I won't spoil all of it for your own but before Black Panther there was another character I don't know if you ever you ever read about him also by the same line of Marvel Comics DC Comics he's not black panther his name is Papa and in crazy thing about papaya that I want you to to note is he only got one enemy has one enemy is Bluto y'all stay with me I'm only my preachers are gonna back me up and watch this papa and even a high-ranking official in the Navy he's got no military secrets he's got no access to the button so the question is why does he have to keep fighting an enemy that's bigger than him they're stronger than him y'all ain't sayin nothin to me that keeps putting them in the headline keeps giving him a black eye keeps pulverizing about why does he keep picking on poor papa can I tell you why the only reason why he's picking on Papa is cuz Papa got the olive oil god I think I'm lost you see whenever you carry the oil yo there's always don't be an attack on your life whenever you carry the oil from God that's when the hell is gonna break out on you oh because you got the oil what's this and all our lives coming up on Saturday morning our grandmothers told us in order to get us to eat our vegetables that you had to eat spinach yeah y'all remember that you had to eat spinach you know so you could be strong like Papa but in it amazing that he never reached for the spinach until after he got beat up y'all ain't saying nothin to me is only after he got fractured ribs I ain't got a busted lip and got a black eye that's when he reached for the spinach but can I help y'all shout right through here is that he's lost what he thought is all of his strength until he can reach out with that one hand and then get watch this the can of spinach all that easy is a Saturday morning why you sitting at the fit of the foot of the bed eating Froot Loops and Cheerios you didn't even pay attention with all that Captain Crunch on your onesie pajamas you didn't even understand what God was really showing you pastor please show me see say pop I thought he needed the spinach to get his strength but can tell you that it was not the spinach that gave it to him i'ma prove it to you is that when he got the K in his hand he crushed it with his bare hands without a can opener pastor how did he do that he did that cuz you forgot the scene right before that he's holding hands with olive oil so the oil got on his hand I wanna tell just sisters y'all in this room there were people who don't understand how you got this kind of strike that you were able to crush stuff that was trying to break you but the reality is I got all your on my hair three people I have on my life be seated my time is up thank you for stopping by I appreciate you would you be seated please hallelujah no I told you I am I told you the second time in the film where identity becomes a question is when King T'Challa is committed to defend his title against mountain people who are higher than him above him stronger than him and when he remembers who he is he has the victory now the third time that there is a question of identity in the film watch this is when it is that ever kill manga comes into the courtroom and he then says ask me who I am now the problem is is that I have broken up the sequential order of the cinematography and as a consequence I told you about the second and the third time that identity comes into question the problem that you gotta be asked in with your critical mind's eye especially when was the first time identity shows up in the film I'm glad you asked here's the first time and I'm going on to my seat the first time that identity comes into question yes at the very first scene of the film there is a brother living in exile in Oakland California there's a knock on the door his friend goes to the door and says if some people out here he said you better open the door cuz they not gonna knock again so you gotta let them mean I do superbear ball-headed sisters walk in the room and said who are you y'all are you singing nothing and he's gotta identify himself pepper how does he identify himself because he doesn't have a passport doesn't have a driver's license how does he identify himself come on empowerment temple he identifies himself by opening up his mouth and when he opens up his mouth as soon as he opens up his mouth come on shout with me be seated please I'm ready to go be seated I'm ready to have church I need you to be seated please which I'll be seated the 500a y'all come on I need you to be seated and take your neighbor by the hair he opened up his mouth and when he opened up his mouth watches and revealed himself that's when the King showed up but that ain't the real shot the real shout is all this time he didn't know that the person beside him had the same thing in them y'all ain't saying nothing to me see you're connected to somebody who knows the King for themself you connected to somebody who knows how to give God glory would you look at your neighbor and ask them a question will you magnify the Lord with me he you can't sit in church but you know yeah No three people are back and tell them don't ask about me praise is what I do from the rising of the Sun to the going no clapping your hands I said open your mouth [Applause] Oh and your mouth you this week take that neighbor by the hand please god I can't know about y'all gonna let him shout by himself you better scream in here like the season [Music] your identity your identity is in your mouth whatsoever you asked in his name god I can't hear nobody I said whatsoever you ask in his name it shall be done y'all hear me your identity is in your mouth when the praises go up [Music] take that maybe by the hand I want to pray for your please the Bible gives us the instruction that life and death is in the power of the tongue choose life everything you're gonna need to get through the month of March is in your mouth oh god I can't hear anybody else I said everything you gonna need to make it through Easter is in your mouth are you gonna have to do is just reveal yourself I need your hand in the hand of your neighbor I want to pray for you not for you to receive any monetary blessings I'm praying for you watch this not for you to get occupational professional advancements I'm praying for you hear me very carefully so I read something the other day that jogged me and stuck with me it said God never explains himself he just reveals himself and I'm praying for whoever's hand you're holding that somewhere in the next seven days God will reveal himself god I can't get anybody something something is gonna happen between now and next Sunday that when it happens you gonna say that was God right there yes all over this room I want you what's this whoever's hand you're holding you're now accountable for you're holding a hand because you get ready to open your mouth on their behalf god I can't hear anybody else I said you can better to open your mouth on their behalf for 30 seconds that's it I want you to just call out under God I want you to lift up your voice who our pastor because I want God to show himself to the person whose hands I'm holding I want them to have an undeniable encounter with the Holy Spirit come on y'all would you lift up your voice come on this ain't for you this is for your neighbor god I want healing to happen in their body come on the bill they thought they couldn't pay given the resources for the drama they dealing with it work I need you to put it under their feet the stress that's going on in their house with their children with their marriage with their family God you deal with it whenever he is broken in their health and in their body God I speak it over your life even now [Music] is that all y'all go through your neighbor come on reveal yourself are you a real in assess improvement you are real worship improvement you love the praise of prove it [Music] is it your mouth site those of you they have believing your face is connected to the face in your passport I'm legit a Newsted hand and give God your their shelter Thanksgiving now [Music] got your best shot at Thanksgiving I can't believe y'all they don't give him better sound than that give God now put your hand with your mouth give em your fish sounds like [Music] social [Music] and shall hear and I said whatever you say enemy's been trying to keep you silent all year hallelujah but the devil is alive whatever you say that's what you shall you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 17,544
Rating: 4.8507991 out of 5
Id: 9zZxsQ0O4iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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