Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I'm Not Gonna Stand For This - February 04th, 2018

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I need somebody to shout out loud he's coming again she's coming like a thief in the night and no man knows the day or the hour you gotta be born again they come to search the place searchers came to give him Solomon yes I wanna be really calm [Music] [Music] once you found it want you to declare heaven if he can't find it say lord help me with our two daughters-in-law she left the place where she had been living and set out on the road that would take them back to the land of Judah then they only said to her door two daughters-in-law go back each of you to your mother's house may the Lord show you kindness as you have shown kindness to your dead husband's into me may the Lord grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband then she kissed them goodbye and they whipped aloud and said to her we will go back with you to your people but Naomi said returned home my daughters why would you come with me and I don't have any more sons who could become your husband's return home my daughters I am too old to have another husband even if I thought they were still hope for me even if I had a husband tonight and then gave birth to sons would you wait until they grew up would you remain unmarried for them no my daughter's it is more bitter for me than for you because the Lord's hand has turned against me at this they wept aloud again then or Perl kissed her mother-in-law goodbye but Ruth clung to her you may be seated I want to preach for a little while this afternoon using as a subject I don't have to stay for this would you look at the person beside you and tell them I do have options I do not have to stay for this in my dentist's office hangs a sign that states letting go is like pulling a tooth when it's poured out you are relieved but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was just because it's not hurting you now doesn't mean you didn't notice it it leaves a gap and it would take time to get used to having an empty space does that mean you should have kept the tooth no because it was causing too much pain you just have to adjust to having the foyt therefore you got to move on and let it go my dear friends I am embarrassed that I wished I would have seen this sign when I was 16 years old have long since had an abiding fear of needles my father was first elected to the bishopric we moved to Monrovia Liberia and I was overwhelmed with a mind-blowing toothache my parents took me to the office only to be met with the disturbing news that I needed a root canal now grasping the full meaning of what that meant eagerly volunteered if this was going to alleviate the pain that was until they pulled out the syringe it was as long as my arm I asked them trying to pay of taking a deal with the dentist is there anything else we can do other than this shot I frantically protested and bellyache about not being ready and needing more time I made a deal with the doctor can I wait and get the root canal tomorrow the Deniz asked are you sure I say yes I I can take it another night let me get my mind ready for this shot bombing it was the most painful night of my life couldn't sleep bite gnawing my pillowcase trying to suck it up so that my parents wouldn't hear me crying in silence yet I endured a horrible night of agony because I didn't want to go through a moment of discomfort I should have just let it go I was subconsciously committed to what was hurting me even though I know what was necessary to be freed from it was quite disturbing as how many people confuse love with attachment times people stay in destructive relationships because we adopted an idea about love being worth fighting for show time after dark should call the heavyweight title match the rumble between love and attachment the instances whereby people thought that they were in love only to discover you one in love you were just attached there's stuff in your closet that clearly you'll never be able to wear again but you can't bring yourself to giving it away because you're attached to it it's not that you love it but you just don't want to get rid of it no way it doesn't fit you when David was being primed to fight Goliath they put the standard-issue uniform on him but he threw it off and says this doesn't fit me for the battle that's ahead of me the question I need to ask you at 11:30 in the morning as can you abandon appearances in order to embrace the process the temptation would have been acceptance but he David was determined I've got to let go of the fact that my family may never think I'm good enough in this fight is the only time I would ever be in a uniform but I've got to abdicate my family's expectation knowing that it doesn't fit me I am anointed without approval validation is for parking tickets when I understand the call this on my life I am attached to nothing but my assignment ladies and gentlemen attachment is not an inherent trait within us it's something that develops with time and morphs into something that's entirely different from love our toddler who was being dropped off to daycare for the first time holds on to their mother's skirt isn't demonstrating love they're showing attachment reaction of fear going into an environment that they know nothing about and holding on to that which makes them comfortable I'm not even preaching to you I'm talking to the person two rows behind you you are about to enter into something new and in order for you to do so you gonna have to let somebody go can you handle where God is getting ready to take you catapulting you into an atmosphere and an environment that who you used to hold on to the prerequisite of your entry is letting them go Oprah Winfrey the media mogul who is never married said that if it's real love is not supposed to hurt and yet she won't get married because she's afraid of getting hurt soul ties are psychological SNM you begin to take delight and ecstasy in being mistreated your mind is so messed up you think you're supposed to be lied to you convince yourself that this is the standard you take cheating as the norm the spectrum can go from hit me again to lie to me again to abandon me again mislead me again I'm so attached that when you come back the doors open you ain't even got a knock I'm so miserable with being by myself I'll stay with somebody who doesn't know how to love me cuz I'm attached to mistreatment whatever the mind creates it can also eradicate you just have to muster up the strength to tell yourself I don't have to live like this I don't know who I'm preaching to but I need just 500 of you in this room maybe a foul of you that are watching online would you just declare out loud I don't have to live like this come on I need you to hear it I need you to declare it out loud I don't have to live like this I need you to say it so that every MP in hell will be able to hear the sound of your voice which you shouted out loud like there's a gun to your head I don't have to live like this [Applause] why are you loyal to somebody who's unfaithful real love can't be evicted because it doesn't start in the mind it begins in the heart that's why even if the person isn't perfect on paper no matter what somebody may say about them it does not disrupt your feelings so everybody around you your mama don't like them your friends don't like your best friend tried to warn you you don't already seen the sign you got Blue's Clues you got evidence you don't snuck through their phone you don't got in their deals you got the passcode for their phone everything is showing you alert alert alert alert alert alert and you stay right there why cuz you are not in love you are attached [Applause] attachment is selfish will love is generous to show you what I just said attachment is selfish will love is generous they are not overprotective they are attached the father of the prodigal son isn't given enough credit because he loved his rebellious son y'all knock on like this he loved the rebellious son enough to release him to know that if this is authentic legitimate love he'll come back oh god I wonder just 450 of you all a wiki and the stone's throw away from Vout from Valentine's Day do you love somebody enough to let them go I love you enough watch this because you being connected to me is gonna slow down your process because there are some things that God has got to get out of you that I can't deliver I can be your lover I can't be your Savior God help me and you keep depending on me to be a paramedic and rescue you and you don't even know I'm tired from heaven to hold you up and now my arms hurt and I don't feel like hugging unit because I always gotta fight for you I'm talking to 20 people who are in this room that loving you is exhausting I gotta always get myself together cuz you always going through something you always under attack you always got a complaint you always got a issue and then you get mad when my life is going well as if it is my fault that God's favor is on my life the devil is a lie as of this day I do not apologize that the favor of God is with me if you want what I have it's not trying to tear me now and bear with me do love them enough to release them saying that if if they really love me after I release some I'm confident they'll come back those of you who are not saved you not even gonna make any understanding of that's declaration but those of you who are say you go understand this and there ought to be something in your spirit that ought to do a somersault here's the declaration for those who will say yes I'm going away but he's coming back for me he loves me nothing not to leave me with Donald Trump he loves me now he's coming for me in a moment in the twinkling of an eye he's he's coming for me when with net trumpet sounds I I know some of y'all doesn't want to be blessed down here I know this is all school I know this is storefront preacher but is there anybody that's just excited to go back with him job just to see his face at his feet I need somebody to shout out loud he's coming again Dee she's coming like a thief in the night and no man knows the day or the hour you gotta be born again they come to church had the plague searcher when I came to give him my soul and my cuz I wanna be right when he comes and the Old Testament Book of Ruth Old Testament Book of Ruth chapter 1 verse 1 it says something peculiar that I wanted you to pay particular attention to look at Ruth chapter 1 look at verse 1 don't take my word for it you got your own Bible when watch what it says when the judges ruled there was a famine you have put people in authority over your life who are just judgmental god help me and you are struggling because they know how to be judgey but they don't know how to testify don't tell me about my decisions as if you never made bad choices I need some folk I'm sick of saints that got amnesia and act like you ain't never been in a bad spot like you ain't never fell down like you ain't never fell for the wrong person but is there anybody here that knows pastor you better not let me testify I was sinking deep and said very deeply stained within when judges rule there's a family you have been found guilty you've been found guilty that's why you're on this 1130 service you've been found guilty of what pastor you have found guilty of loving too easy you've been found guilty of loving too hard to people who don't deserve it you've been found guilty of loving too much people who won't reciprocate I want you to lift up that hand only have you ever been hurt only if you ever been played only if you ever been manipulated how much it lifted hand only if you've been taking advantage of mistreated lied to to your face lift up that hand I want to say something to you that only your soul will appreciate you are hereby sentenced to being loved for the rest of your life god I can't hear anybody and I I'm just preaching just to those of you who are tired of pouring and pouring and boy and nobody ever pour back into you God said this is the year i'ma make it back up to you never they said eh yeah you ain't just don't be love but you gonna be spoiled and treated and pressured and value says that year for you your sentence to it a lifetime of being valued lifetime of being celebrated can I go a step further without you acting too churchy a lifetime of being worshiped hallelujah whoo God got for you were just gonna be honored to be in your presence they gonna be sure that they got that blessed to get somebody as good as shoot you better stop playing yourself sheep you are one of God's best and whoever lost it was their loss but whoever finds you it'll be their gain a famine hit that land and it hit it so bad that a man and his wife went looking for relief from the famine but they didn't go by themselves they took their sons two sons and their daughter-in-laws and something crazy happened John is that in the middle of that famine all the men died hallelujah listen they didn't die in the famine y'all ain't gonna believe this they died trying to change and the men that they were connected to were not built for change they were built for famine god help me there are some people you are connected to who like living in LAC and whenever surplus starts coming they don't know how to handle it so they attack you god help me in here but I want God to surround you with people they got a taste for harvests yes something is getting ready to come the hives let's press down shaken together and running over would you look at your neighbor tell him how one bill for famine I was built for the harvest I am NOT dying but I am to live in my harvest God got something greater for me he'll be seated I'm coming around the mountain she can have your glory Thomas I need you to put on your neighbor right through here I said pull on that name and I need you to tell him I know January was rough because Stanga where was the famine let's pick over your life where it is don't be your heart and those are y'all think that that kind of faith no weights of the battle is over [Applause] goddammit apprec-- today the gifts say people are business coming you're not short or long enough long enough you've been fine by yourself long enough yes just on do exceedingly abundantly what you can say you can dream you can imagine bullet now y'all my bestest daughter every bill yes Dom be paid every dog it's gonna be okay they say the place be seated please I just need to hear the echo in the sanctuary somebody just shouted out my office's coming this is Kasia Hey Hey be seated how do you be see this Sean don't push me I'm close to the edge be seated right where you are tell them tell your neighbor you ain't seen me shout yet because she thought the harvest was just formation but according to Ruth chapter one the harvest is for whoever watch this is over yes sir yeah your niece and your nephew [Applause] who say they're pleased I'm in roof chapter one would you take your seats [Applause] hallelujah I'm Asha oh my god hallelujah god help me I need you to just lean on your neighbor and tell them the harvest is coming god I feel glory right through here that's the wrong day but they too stuck up they're gonna die in the famine would you find somebody I got some Holy Ghost sauna and lean on and tell them the harvest is coming god I can't you know honey everything I touch is about to be anointed for all your love Joshua is on my feet that place just follow me yes already whatever you whatever just thank God for step in it whatever you ain't no yes y'all ain't walkin their walk into office walk in your new house walk into a new position walk in your new an order walking into your new page head walk into your furnace walk into your marriage Dubey see that one last time I'm almost finished I gotta give you this be seated please [Music] [Applause] I'm trying to move I just need 300 people to shout my harvesters coming I'm in roof chapter one would you secure your seats let me show you this please I [Applause] really was trying to drive you to this one point keep your bibles ajar i'm in roof chapter one let's look at verse number six please something amazing is in this verse that you have to see the drought is so heavy the conditions are so dire the situation looks so bleak I mean roof chapter one I'm now in verse number 6 verses weinberg what would it is that the Bible says is that God made the drought so severe that he had to do what the government wouldn't God y'all just miss that I'm in a roof chapter 1 verse number 6 it says what is when the government could not provide then God stepped in empowerment I'm trying to say something to you is every now and again when you go through a drought season it is not from the enemy God will dry stuff up just to make your faith come alive okay sure nobody in some of y'all be going through a drought season and you've been casting out the wrong thing toss it I need to show your haters that you can fly even in a drought that expected you to die but you still gain in weight you still eatin you still living well chill dinner taking care because dawn said if the government whoa I still got your back says get on the road to Judah it's too much of an easy phrase for you down to saying by now that Judah translates to be the place of praise and the Lord tells them get on the road to praise the enemies get ready to be confused right now because many of you can only give God praise when you get to your harvests hallelujah but do you know how powerful and profound it is to praise God while you're in a drought so only got two kind of prizes in here let me tell you the two praises are I got one group that only dances in the rain then I got another group that dances until it rains I need those of y'all we always say nothing to me that will give God glory to your situation look better you'll give God glory even when the odds are stacked up against you you will praise him like it's your last fire and folks think you got all of it and I got none of it I'm in verse eight you may be seated I'm in verse eight Sean you can switch gears for me please I'm getting ready to go I'm in verse eight would you be seated please y'all embarrassing me in front of the guest bishop he think I got no control in my church come on we in verse number eight come on stay with me and they only said to her daughters-in-law I need you all to look at your Bible please Naomi says to her daughters-in-law go back home may the Lord show you kindness and here's the problem from a sociological perspective and not even from a theological lens is what's the language of Naomi Skinner a blow your mind Naomi says go back home Bishop Bryant to your mama's house now y'all just missed it in one chapter the husband and the two husbands died and this ladies and gentlemen is a projection of the present-day black condition of dating sir Ruth chapter one no man so even if you going back you going to a house where there are no father's so you don't even have nobody to demonstrate to you would it mean to protect you to provide for you go back to your mama's house hallelujah and here's the good news because God said to those daughters-in-law when I say to the daughters in this sanctuary God said to them what I'm saying to you he said go back home and wait for your replacement hallelujah sir sir I saw how you struggled in the desert but you took care of people even while you were struggling oh god I can't hear nobody and and the way that you built you just want to look out for people even when you don't have it and and you do it with no strings attached you won't have no motives you just don't like to see people on their back you like to see them on their feet and God said because I hope you took care of people even while you were struggling get ready for your replacement says your replacement is coming and she said so I'm listening I love you girls and I need you to leave me and much of them exegetes and fee logs and Byblos well-grounded will be on me give all of the praise to Ruth cuz she clung her for the three minutes I got left I don't want to talk about roof I want to talk about Oprah because nobody ever gifts are any credit she says her mother mom I love you when I stand with you the struggle watch what she says I'm going where I know imma be loved I don't even know what's out there but it's better than struggling with you God okay you know and they don't mean I don't love you my problem is I hope y'all can get it my problem is I love me [Applause] oh god I can't hear nobody so please don't take it personal I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but in this season I gotta protect me and do it stop for everybody else and nobody has looked out for me she says I ain't gotta stay stay and be unhappy stay in struggle stay and you can't take care of me I'd rather go by myself and figure out how I'm gonna make it cuz if there's anybody I can depend on I hope somebody will shout with me if there's anybody I can depend on i'ma depend on me and I'm talking to somebody who's in this room I'm not promising you know five thousand square foot home I'm telling you if you trust you the gods got shoes and there's anybody in the room that hasn't lived long enough they're one of the best decisions I ever made in my I wants to be by myself and I never seen the righteous forsaken never seen a seed begging for freedom I'm hashtag team of one it's just me but I can trust me and imma get through this nobody ever said the road was gonna be easy but I don't believe he's brought me this far to leave me now there there's somebody sitting on your rowing you've been feeling sorry for them could you see them by themselves don't feel sorry for them they could be with somebody if they wanted to they just made up in them my god is me and you [Applause] that's where you are in this room I want you to lift up that hand I want to pray for you forgot no idea you raising kids with no child support they got no idea that you work a full day and then got to come home and take care of an ailing parent they got no idea you can't afford therapy so you had to become your own life coach I'm talking to somebody in this room that is lonely in a crowd you around people but none of them think like you think dream like you drink believes like you believe but catch this the enemy ain't gonna like it I'm by myself but I'm not desperate I'm by myself but don't think I'm so steep for one minute and with my own company and in this season I just gotta trust them cuz I don't know how I'm gonna do it how much it lift up that hand would you let your pastor pray for you please hallelujah I'm going to do something that's a little unconventional for church but some probably a little bit risque for ministry hallelujah but I want to open up this altar not even for you to get saved not even for you to join the church not even for you to give your life over to God I won't open up this altar for those of you that need God's strength because you know you need to leave but you've become illegally attached it ain't healthy for you ain't healthy for your kids it's not healthy for your assignment is not healthy for your destiny it doesn't line up with the will of God for your life but you gotta go but you don't know how to go wherever it is that you are I need you to come meet me at this altar I want to pray for your please hallelujah [Applause] I got a leaf come on I gotta go I gotta go pulling as close to this alters people coming behind you I gotta get out of this relationship I gotta I gotta leave this job is killing me I gotta break off a friendship somebody I've been with since I was knee-high to a grasshopper I gotta go I'm praying for God to give me the strength to leave I'm asking God to make them leave me God I can't hear nobody in here because cuz I love too hard I forgive too easy I give the benefit of the doubt within him without any merit I want you to come don't you worry about these church folk they just cowards it took a whole lot of courage just for you to make this step [Music] it's hard to leave your family like them but you miserable god help me your family and gotta live with I mean they are absolutely perfect [Music] complementary they just don't do anything for your spirit they good people at all breakups it ain't gotta be drunk it can just not be right ma you occupy on somebody else's space I need you to come meet me please is unhealthy for me I'm not growing I'm not moving one of the worst things in the world you can do to stay with somebody so you don't hurt their feelings and as a consequence you hurt your destiny how much it'll lift up that hand please [Music] I speak the blessing Naomi over your life [Music] may all of your needs be taken care of god I can't hear anybody in the early may you not be absent of anything may your children never go a day in lack may God give you the desires of your heart may you know may you feel may you experience with authentic and legitimate low fears those of you your faith is connected with the faith of your pastor and you believe as I've been saying all day you deserve to be loved right if that's who you are would you give God your best shout of Thanksgiving [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 32,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Id: muMfTpAQ0UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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