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Our Father we thank you for this young man that you've raised up and given a hunger and thirst and saved and filled with your Holy Spirit Sanctified him set him apart set them aside and you had arranged for this day even before the foundation of the world that he would carry your word and that he would Minister here today I thank you Father that you give him Clarity of thought and Precision in speech an anointing that makes the task effective in Jesus name we pray thank you for changing our lives for enriching the faith of these your people saving the unsaved and bringing deliverance and breakthrough in the house in Jesus name let everybody say Amen come on encourage this young man Minister Hilton Raw [Applause] glad when they set up to me let us go into the house of the Lord so can we give God some Praise In This Place come on everybody open up your mouth if he's been a little God give him little praise if he's been a mediocre God give a mediocre praise but if you know that God has been an awesome God if you know that he's been a great God if he's been a deliverer if he's better him you ought to open up your mouth and praise him in this place I got back [Applause] father God we thank you we're thankful for your grace and your mercy we're grateful that you didn't treat us as our sins deserves and that wow we were yet sinners Christ died for us I pray that these people today will not hear a word from Hilton rolls the third but they will hear a word from the Lord in Jesus name we pray you ought to clap your hands and give God some Glory Hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord it truly is an honor to be here with you all this morning give God praise for all of you have come out today I give God praise for my father Pastor Hilton Ross Jr my mother first lady Keisha rolls to Dr Odessa McNeil and last but definitely not least Pastor pal thank you so much for having me listen I'm not going to belong but I believe I have a word from the Lord the scripture will be coming from Genesis 39 verse 6 through 10. I would like for you to stand up for the reading of God's word when you have it say Amen and it says and he left all that he had in Joseph's hand and he knew not all he had saved the bread which he did eat and Joseph was a goodly person in well favored and it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast The Eyes Upon Joseph and she said alive with me but he refused and said unto his master's wife behold my master WOTE is not what is with me in the house and he has committed all that he had to my hand there is none greater in this house than I neither have he kept back anything from me but thee because Thou Art his wife how then could I do this great wickedness and sin against God and it came to pass as she spake to Joseph day by day that he hearkened not unto her to lie by by her or to even be with her you may be seated in the presence of the Lord my subject this morning is one word now I want to encourage somebody with this one word and that one word is run look at your neighbor and say neighbor this looks like a good time to run let us bow our heads for word of Prayer father God in the name of Jesus we thank you for this day we coming to your presence to lift the name that is above every other name God we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for your love and your kindness let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and My Redeemer in Jesus name we pray amen I want to talk this morning about a familiar subject and that subject is Temptation let's talk about temptation temptation to me is probably much different from my father and mother's ideas of Temptation when they was my age Temptation brings different things to mind for different people but I want to speak to young people like me this morning who will be able to leave with an understanding My Generation likes to think that older folk don't understand what we go through and that they are out of touch with the things that the devil will send to catch our attention and lead us into temptation but that's not really the truth because the Bible says that there is nothing new Under the Sun tell somebody it's the same old stuff it's just a different package in the Book of Genesis chapter 39 Joseph is the favorite son of Jacob I'm sure you remember my now his famous Coat of Many Colors or the story of how his brother sold him off into captivity from there his journey takes him from the pit up to part of his house he sent a prison and then he is he becomes Commander over all of Egypt where he is second only to Pharaoh Egyptian history remembers him as the great impotep there is something in Genesis 39 that I don't think we should Miss in verses two and three we read that God was with Joseph and when his master realized this he also saw that the Lord made everything that Joseph touched successful it says later on in the chapter that Yahweh remained with Joseph extending kindness and blessings on the Egyptian household and making everything that he did Prosper the same Joseph whose life was filled with betrayal and desperate circumstances was never out of the reach of God's Supernatural favor number one his brothers plotted his death number two 2 when the skins of man made Joseph A Slave God gave him favor in a foreign land number three he was falsely accused and thrown in jail but God put purpose in his prison time number four when there was no way for Joseph to be set free I want somebody to know this morning that God can bless you in the middle of a mess God used the struggles of Joseph's life to tell the story about his glory watch this the only way to get juice from an orange you must squeeze it if you want to get oil out of the olive you're gonna have to squeeze it up if you want to get the toothpaste out of the tube you gonna have to squeeze it up y'all see where this is going on in order for God to get the glory out of your life God's gonna have to put the squeeze on you but I'm so glad today that Paul said that this slight Affliction is not worthy to be competitor with the glory that shall be revealed in you turn to your neighbor and say that's some Glory coming your way come on and tell them that's some Glory there's some Glory the pastor there's some Glory coming your way turn to somebody else and say you're unscheduled for some Glory the reality of God's favor is that God will use every lie he'll use every fear every time they overlooked you every rejection he'll turn it into an opportunity for his glory and when God gives you the victory can nobody else take the credit look at Joseph and Potiphar's house he's young he's good looking he's fit and Mrs potiphar is feeling Joseph [Applause] every day While others was working in the house she would run down the Young Brother but Joseph resisted and kept it moving That's my boy he knew that God had prospered part of his house because of the faith and the favor that was on his life but I want you to know today that the devil isn't satisfied until he kills your credibility he's not satisfied until he destroys your destiny the devil is threatened by your potential he knows when God's hand is on your life he knows that God has made a deposit in you well he knows that he can't take away what God has given you up but he knows that as he can destroy you before you discover your destiny he knows that he has won this battle he's not intimidated by who you think you are but he's intimidated by your potential look you mad about your present circumstances but the devil knows that if you survive this season he knows that your Victory bound that's why you've got to keep your mind right people of God Isaiah 26 verse 3 says I will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on me the real Battlefield of God is your mind be transformed by the renewing of your mind [Applause] Joseph goes back to taking care of Potiphar's house but Mrs potterful was still trying to add Joseph to her roster this time nobody's at the house and she's ready she grabs Joseph's arm and says my husband don't need to know or ain't nobody gonna tell but in just a few seconds while she's grabbing his cloak Joseph has to make a decision I can I can understand what's going on in his head he's saying if I stay here then there's going to be some smoke in the city somebody be real with me you ever see something you know you shouldn't have but it just looks so good now don't you sit up in here and get cute with your holy self and act like you ain't ever been tempted before I'm only 12 almost 13 but puberty is real and if I see some stuff that make me want to call God that you ain't special everybody got something that made you almost lose everything but the Bible says that there is no temptation that has overtaken you such as is uncommon to man but for every Temptation God has provided a way of Escape tell somebody if you can get in it you can get out of it the devil knows what you like so your desires have got to be in alignment with the will of God the devil will make you look at something forbidden and you'll see something alluring think about it Eve saw good in the thing that God said it would kill him the problem is it didn't matter how good the tree looked what matters is what God said about it listen in 2023 we live in a culture that will make you believe that you have the right to decide what is good and what isn't good that if it's fun then it must be good if it's pleasurable then it should be eyed if it don't harm anybody it must be fine but nobody asks the main question turn somebody and turn to somebody and say the main question the main question is what if it harms God what if it Grieves God the problem is that the only person in heaven and on Earth who has the right and the authority to decide what is good and what is it good is God that's because he's God people of God that's what the Bible says that there is a way that seemeth right unto men but that way is going to lead to destruction Dr o they don't talk to us enough about sanctification that's how we become more like Christ there are some things that we must lay down and give up because they be up they may be appealing to the eye but they are poison to our spirit just because I want a milkshake don't mean I got to have the milkshake tell somebody you may get what you want but you'll mess around and lose what you have no no no no no my friend God has a better plan for your life Joseph said your husband trusted me I don't want to lose my Integrity I don't want to lose the favor of God so Mrs powerful about to get lower and I've got to go tell your neighbor this looks like a good time to run and if anybody asks you what's the matter with you you tell them that you're saying that you're saying you're Sanctified your Holy Ghost Field to fire baptized and God said run for your life tell your neighbor run because your life depends on it run because the devil wants to break you well he wants to control you he wants to destroy you run because your destiny is not behind you run because there is a way that may seem right unto men but that way is going to lead to destruction run because it's a trap run because there's more for you run because the devil is out to defeat you but God is out to defeat the Devil Run because if you stay here you'll die and lose everything why not because you've got one job and that's the glorify God in your body because he's on his way back I said I know it may look good I know it feels good I know it smells good but if God says I can't have it then my desires have got to get out of the way for him riding says you're not to temptation Psalms 37 says if I Delight myself in the Lord then he will give me the desires of my heart what you seek after will become your desire somebody shall God I want more come on shout it I want more I want more God I want more grace I want more power I want more Authority more anointing more anointing more anointing God's got more for you but you've got to run up because if you stay here you'll lose your inheritance if you stay here you'll lose your crown if you stay here then you'll lose God's favor when David messed up with Bathsheba he said created me a clean heart oh God and renew her a right Spirit Within me yeah cast me not away from your presence don't take your Holy Ghost away from me somebody said when should I start running the answer is now well how long should I run for till you cross the finish line until you put some distance between you and the devil run up till you see them face to face and while you're running right with a praise in your mouth David said I Will Bless The Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth praise him cause you're broke free praise him because where you're going is much better than where you've been crazy because you've got too much behind you to lift this world behind you praise him because out of everything that the devil tried you made it out all right turn to your neighbor and say I made it higher all right because the devil tried I try and he tried and he tried but he failed praise him because what you're left behind I can't compare to what's in front of you amazing because your eyes have not seen and your ears have not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God prepared for them who love them look at everything you left behind God's about to replace it with something better somebody shout better somebody shout better come on shouting I need 20 people in this room to get on your feet and begin to praise him get your dance on that's a Deliverance praise in your mouth the sound of Victory is in this room the devil thought it had you the devil saw the right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes sir now [Applause] you wanna praise Emma you wanna leave [Music] he will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why is it you ought alive [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] everything [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for watching I trust that you were blessed by the message and if indeed you were would you do me a favor do all of us a favor and I say thank you in advance take a moment right now and subscribe to our Channel and share and if in fact the message has blessed you would you partner with us by sowing a Kind and Generous seed your partnership with us helps us to do what we do and spreading this gospel good news of the Kingdom to people everywhere thank you in advance and join us again next time [Music] thank you
Views: 442,233
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Keywords: Agape, Agape Family Worship Center, Pastor Lawrence Powell, Church, Sermon, Message, Preaching, Faith, Love, Hope
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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