OPEN HEAVENS | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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god of heaven we thank you we thank you for your love thank you because we know what it means to be chosen of god we are your beloved and we thank you bless us tonight oh god lift us let us stay in your presence be worth the while change our lives let there be miracles let there be signs and wonders in the name of jesus christ please sit down we're going to pray god bless you good evening everybody good to be back home while you're seated we're going to pray one scripture just hold the hands of someone isaiah 45 8 can we have that media otherwise you turn to your bible just help those under the anointing isaiah 45 and verse 8 blessed be the name of the lord shalom isaiah 45 and verse 8 [Music] brothers and sisters i want you to trust please don't distract those inside outside i want you to trust what god is doing in and through your life you may not understand what he's doing but i want you to trust him pays to trust him remember that the mission is follow me god does not owe you an explanation to every process he only owes you a revelation of himself to understand where he's taking you to we live in a very scientific world that requires that we understand everything per second part time when it has to do with working with god you have to trust him and know that god you are taking me to the place of destiny and i believe you i hope that you can read it let's read together one two read drop down the heavens from above and let the skies fall down righteousness let the earth open and let them bring forth salvation and let righteousness bring up together i the lord like you to decree and declare over your earth and over your heavens command them to open the bible says there are treasures that are hidden there lift your voice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 the mystery of open heavens ezekiel 1 verse 1 please pay attention to tonight's teaching we're going to pray i want to share with you something very powerful the mystery of open heavens one of the greatest prayer requests that you will have to offer before god in this season is oh god give me the gift of an eye that can see it's a powerful prayer [Music] are we together yes in the physical when people are blind you see the limitations that come with their lives the gift of an open eye that god can grant you access to see beyond the realms of the physical to see dimensions that are not given from what else you see it's a superior advantage that will establish your dominion on this earth now it came to pass in the 13th year in the fourth month in the fifth day of the month i was among the captives by the river of shiva that the heavens were opened and i saw the visions of god that the heavens were opened and i saw the visions of god [Music] let me start tonight by saying god is building us in the similitude of a spiritual house the bible says and he all has living stones he says we are being built into a spiritual house don't let the devil distract you please listen when you see the way a house is built there are times in that building where the capital is not needed there are times in that building where there's no need to cast anything there are times when the entire masonry is over and you need to be involved in the interior the bible says we are built in that simplitude that means that there are seasons where the spirit of the living god will turn and begin to emphasize certain things a season will come god's emphasis will be character and moral excellence a season will come to be your prosperity your prayer life you know you are being built into a house when the various dimensions are at least touched within a given period i command that spirit to leave that lady now in the name of jesus christ are we together now god no matter i hope you know that the way god deals with you for your spiritual growth and the way god deals with you to step into the office of your ministry are not the same now listen very carefully when god is dealing with you with respect to his call and assignment to your life he is not obliged to teach you everything the curriculum of his dealing will only cover the areas that represent your assignment and it's intentional i've taught you on the mystery of the body of christ that bias and that lapse in knowledge is supposed to force you to need the corporate body because it is only in partnership with them that those gaps are completed are we together now so if god is calling me into the healing ministry for instance he will seldom teach me anything about excellence and administration because there is another person in the body mandated to represent that dimension so if at all i want to see god's hand in that dimension it will have to be based on my alignment to that person whose office is carved out in that dimension are we together now but my personal dealing that is for my spiritual growth god makes it a point of duty that i am built so that i am balanced because this one is for my own benefit so you find out that in a season god will deal with the issue of character then later on you will see him switch and talk about your finances even if you are fasting the visions you will see will be respect with respect to what he is doing and sometimes you can feel guilty and say god what is this i i need more fire and yet all you see is god teaching you financial principles and then they will come he will never talk about money with you again even if you've not paid your rent you can go and pay about and pray about five issues you'll be surprised that is the issue that is consistent with his intention for the season that looks like he's the first to be answered you pray about rent you pray about food you pray about your administration only your administration receives an answer as if god did not see that the landlord harassed you are we together now listen very carefully i'm teaching you something very powerful when you understand this about god then you can use the his ability to touch the various areas to confirm whether you are still in sync with his dealing as far as your personal growth is concerned god will never stay in a single curriculum forever it's impossible [Music] so if all you think is happening is god is just building my life and it's not building my finances he's not building character he's not building the anointing it may be that you have started skipping a lot of classes because the lecturer in the spirit will always be there whether you attend the lecture or not you will come and find him speaking and it will be registered that according to this season in your life you should have learned this truth but by disalignment or pride or carelessness you exempted yourself from that dimension and as you begin to grow the lopsidedness that came from your imbalance will become very glaring and sometimes it can be so clearing it will affect the bigger assignment that has been given to you are you getting what i'm saying now yes so a true apostolic and prophetic ministry must be able to capture the dimensions of god that creates stability god is not a weakened god the bible tells us how jesus grew in wisdom if the bible just said jesus christ he would leave us in limbo as to what dimensions but the bible tells us the dimensions that were captured in his group he increased in wisdom in stature and then in favor with god and with men and the bible tells us these were the ingredients that were captured a time came heaven grown now in wisdom statue favor with god and with men he now went to river jordan was baptized to fulfill all righteousness the holy spirit comes upon him and then jesus is full returns in the power of the holy spirit so if you want to grow remember the bible says we should look to jesus not just to a man of god not just to a denomination we only look to men as they look to christ when we confirm that they are not looking at christ we are scripturally authorized to stop looking at them is god blessing us already [Music] you will be a terrible man of god when you raise people and as they grow you see when a little child is crippled you will not see the effect until he becomes an adult that's when you will see how bad it was so there there's the certain imbalances some of us it may not show yet because we are growing but then when you now become a pastor with members and god gives you a thousand ten thousand twenty thousand members and you see the effect of your personal bias rub off on a generation of people i can hate prosperity because of an imbalance in the dealings of god and because of the level of the anointing you will see in my life you will believe that that's how god trains people and i will i will um indoctrinate you into hating it or i can love money and trivialize god trivialize prayer trivialize fellowship and because of the extent of the results you see in one area you will be convinced that it is a justification to ignore those other areas too now remember my teaching the full gospel the lamb's wife he says come and i will show you the lamb's wife he says he showed me a city that was equal in length equal in breath equal in height based on his wife any dimension that is outside of that is not the lamb's wife the lamb's wife is stable and balanced regardless of how you turn her she against stability through knowledge so i'm saying this so that you appreciate what it is that god is making of you listen what you are becoming is no secret god has already given us a picture we are following a road map the growth process is not a guesswork are we together now there is a blueprint that is given and if you are humble enough to submit to the dealings of the spirit as painful as it may sound sometimes you trust god enough and follow with your childlike heart and watch the wonder that you begin to become the same way you can tell a student who just got an mbbs admission and you say just follow me i'm your lecturer i give you a guarantee that in six years you will be a doctor and the naive young man or woman just says well i will follow and they may be teaching a boring course and the person is saying what is all this let's talk about something and then by the time the doctor stands with a patient he will begin to appreciate the relevance of the cause that he once said boring because he will see that that boring course would now become a lifesaver to someone in the hospital remember that the goal of this system of teaching and mentorship is not for you to remain a member god never raised the body to remain members we are raised to become kingdom ambassadors that means a time should come in your life when our gathering together should be to further fire ourselves and then we go back and begin to legislate on behalf of the kingdom if this is not happening we are wasting our time and we are wasting god's time it's as simple as that are we together now so you have to understand that the growth process that god is achieving in our lives is very exact let me remind us very quickly number one his first interest and in order of priority is your spiritual health i can tell you that god desires that we become spiritually alive the bible says to be alive unto god i've preached all kinds of messages along this line i just need to remind us he said i will not be negligent to remind you of these things although ye already know them and are established in this present truth your spiritual health no matter what you have in life if you do not know god you are at a disadvantage as mysterious as god is he has created systems to help men know him this is this is one proof of his love the bible says let not the wise man glory in his wisdom let not the strong man glory in his strength let not the rich man glory in his wealth or riches he says but let him that glory and glory in this that he understand that unknowingly that means the pride the zenith of your achievement as a believer it's not just cars and houses and influence etc it is your knowledge a sound settled not just the knowledge of god doctrinally but that experientially you can say i know whom i believe not just that i had about him not just that i went to a bible school where they thought about him i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded when you get to that level you are spiritual are we together now and then number two transformation that's one of the things that god seeks to achieve the bible calls it the renewal of the mind in fact it says in first peter i believe chapter one and verse nine it says receiving the end of your faith the culmination the perfection of your faith is the salvation of your soul are we together now and the bible says that we are transformed philippians chapter 2 and verse 5 says let this mind the word let there means permit this is not my teaching tonight but it's important that we are all on the same page it says permit this might this thinking this paradigm this plane of understanding to be in you which was also in christ jesus that means it matters to god it matters to his agenda and should matter to you that you are transformed and i discovered something of recent the holy spirit has really been opening me to a lot of things the lord told me that the hallmark of transformation is not knowledge is love you know you are truly transformed not just by the extent and the vastness of your spiritual knowledge but you know you are transformed to the degree to which the love of christ remember it says that the grace of our lord jesus christ and then he says the love of god not the love for god [Music] not just the love towards god god has a dimension of love that he seeks to see expressed in every human being and we have that different dimensions of love as human beings but god is not satisfied he wants to see his kind of love at work in you and only when he sees that would he guarantee that you can represent him the bible says that god is love and he says whoever loves it doesn't just mean whoever has a nice feeling towards another person no whoever on earth can reflect love that dimension must have been born of god so the hallmark of your transformation is not just knowledge you can be vast in knowledge and not love and the truest proof of love for god is in your love for men [Music] this is very simple but powerful you are a hypocrite to believe you love god when you cannot love men the bible says it that you cannot claim to love god whom you have not seen when it is difficult or impossible for you to love the men that you have seen do you know why because men are unlovable there is a grace that helps you love men when you know how wicked how selfish the the versions of men that are on earth qualify that if you really love them it has to be god's kind of love that can love like that it is only the love of god that can be shared abroad like that towards me with your human love you have to love someone and hate the other if you love people regardless of the way they are then that's no longer human love that love came from heaven in every 24 hours there's enough foolishness on earth to annoy you and if your love remains the same then it is not yours it came from heaven so the hallmark of transformation is not just knowledge though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and i have not loved other persons say charity he says i am nothing do i offer my body to be burned do i understand all mysteries and all prophecies and i have not loved he said i'm only a clinging symbol and he says love is patient love is kind love is humble it hopes for all things believe all things endures all things and so on and so forth he says whether there be times they will end there be prophecies they will end are we together now love number three god wants you to excel in the area of your purpose your assignment and your destiny this is a recap that we must never get tired of we need to know where is god going with me what is he trying to achieve in my life now sometimes we men of god just confuse people by making it look like it's an endless journey with no idea no there are very exact ideas the god of the bible does not leave men in confusion the pathway may not be known but he will always show you the destination are we together now yes your assignment and your destiny you are not useful to god and you are not useful to your generation if you do not live out the fullness of god's intent for you the bible says lo i come in the volume of the book as it is written of me to do your will there is an assigned portion of influence of impact to me and to you imagine if i did not obey god to have coinnonia today imagine the lives that would be destroyed the same way there is a generation waiting for the dimension of god invested and committed to you [Music] and sometimes many people are fortunate to follow a path a career path that is in sync with their destiny this is the secret of cheap excellence they find out that with little efforts they are excelling and they may not even know why it's because either by guidance or by the mercy of god they have found themselves along career paths that synchronize naturally with the assignment and the call and the purpose and the destiny for them you must find out what you're on earth for not everybody will be uniquely given an assignment like a pioneering assignment for many people their visions are in other people's visions not everyone you see so if if your assignment is in someone else's assignment there are certain details that would not need to be given to you you will only be guided and be you will be given a heart that makes you loyal and you follow and then you will find your place there are people whose destiny and place and assignment is important but there are others who are going to be the ones to create the umbrella that others will come to be blessed in you will know it by the meticulousness of their training there are many things you can take for granted in your times of training and god will not disturb you because there is a cover and that cover will adjust and help but if you are going to pioneer any move of the spirit the strictness that will be added to your disciplines you will need mentorship to explain to you otherwise you would think god hates you five people will do something and god will not say anything you try the same thing and you will see what will happen they will have to pray for one or two weeks to understand god what is this it is about the assignment not the individual god wants us to excel the bible says that we are the light of the world we are a city that is set on in here right that cannot be hidden he said neither do men like a lamb many believers look at these mysteries that jesus taught and think they are just simple things for children the more you know god and the more god gives you a mind that thinks you will appreciate the dealings of the lord just help those honor the anointing outside them are we together number four what does god want to see in your life a manifestation of the multifaceted possibilities that are resident in the christ a manifestation of the multifaceted possibilities a manifestation in your life now of the multifaceted possibilities that are resident in the christ the son of god god does not only seek my brothers and my sisters that we love god god does not only seek that we are transformed and have excellence in our lives god wants that our lives be a demonstration i think galatians chapter one if i'm not mistaken and verse 29 i hope i'm right the bible says and they glorify god in me that means you can see a man and that man becomes an effulgence of the possibilities he becomes a definition of something about god that you did not know [Music] so you see a dimension of the sheer power of god flow to a mortal man is a message god is glorified by that manifestation you know that this gentle man or this woman could not have been born this way how would you know her name how would you declare and the power of god is lifting people god is really glorified when the sins can transfer the realities i call them the multifaceted possibilities it is with this dimension that we don't found principalities and powers this is what must shine before men so that they will see then you manifest the dimension of kingdom wealth and prosperity and yet your heart is not in it this is what frustrates satan because if your heart is in need then satan has a justification it says like the rest but what strategy did you use to be so wealthy yet your heart is with god that is a message that the principalities and powers must study people don't get wealthy with their heart in another place because where your treasure is your heart should be there so by what system your treasure is in the bank and your heart is in heaven and the world says no i don't sleep until the key to my safe is on my waist there are people like that they tie it like a charm and feel it as a kite as it is that is what gives them satisfaction and then they see you today you are rejoicing tomorrow you carry what you have and give it and you are still rejoicing and they say no you are operating by another system and you let them know that my heart has never been around those things my heart is guarded in the safe arms of god unperturbed by the vicissitudes of life this is what god wants to make out of our lives if you don't believe this part many people will not be born again through your life because we live in a very controversial world and satan has formulated all kinds of things to make sure people hate god so god becomes on you are we together now chapter 15 and verse 8 john he says hearing this is how god is glorified when god records jesus is teaching here not a prophet not an apostle jesus is telling you how the father gets glory he says hearing is our father glorified that ye bear much fruit say much fruit say no table results one more time say it's a notable result the bible says that god is glorified not when we give explanations when we bear much he said by so doing it to be a validation that we were mentored by him a disciple is one who has submitted himself under the tutelage of a rabbi and no disciple becomes greater than his master but the senate of your discipleship is when you become as your master so he says when you bear much truth you confirm that i'm the one who trained you that i'm the one who lifted you are we together now romans chapter 8 when you read from verse 18 it says i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us and then 19 says for the earnest expectation listen very carefully of creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of god not the explanation not the discussion not the argument the manifestation one of the version says that creation is waiting for the sons to reveal who they truly are the bible says now are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear what we shall be like isaiah chapter 16 verse 1 says arise shine it says for your light is calm and the glory of the lord is risen upon you amplified puts it this way it says arise from the depression and the prostration that situations and circumstances have kept you it says rise to a new light [Music] christ the body of christ must arise this this this this hour this chicken thing that people do around as if god is a weak god that cannot pay bills god is a weak god that cannot lift man god is saying no no we need to change the representation of god do you know what it means to represent him it means to present again when they say to represent means he was presented in errol tasha cobb said there is an army that is rising we are not just going to break every chain there was no room to add more to that song it's not just break every chain is like the bible says to make a showcase of the multifaceted wisdom of god that principalities and powers may be shown through the church the multifaceted dimension of god's wisdom that wisdom that is called the hidden wisdom through the ages that none of these princes knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the lord of glory so he's helping us say the life of god the power of god the revelations of god the might of god will flow through my life to my generation say it again will flow through my life to my generation that god can find in a lineage of 50 people nobody to rise and you are not just a tongue talker allah catoya this thing has touched my spirit now that you can get to a point where you say i not only bring you a message i bring you evidence a witness is not a witness until he has evidence when you go to the law court your speakings alone is not your evidence and evidence is a token of truthfulness a proof that what you said is not a lie we cannot just be noisemakers moving around saying what god can do saying he can heal and our mothers are watching and their lives are changing i mean for the worst no witnesses must arise with tokens of truthfulness that we serve a god that is proofable whose might is demonstratable he says you come before me with your spares and all of this but i come before you in a name i'm not a talkative when moses stood before pharaoh he came with a message but that message was backed up with a mantle listen let me tell you we will never be able to do much for the kingdom if all we have is just a message carrying jerusalem i already told you what to say but wait until the evidence comes you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you that power will make you a witness because the power will give you the fortitude to demonstrate the reality of what you are claiming there's too much talk in the body of christ we wrap all kinds of things about what god can do god will touch you god will change your family amen amen and at the end of it to the point that we are tired even us we don't believe it we know it's not true both the preacher and the listeners [Music] they say where is the lord god of elijah and elijah said no let's go to mount carmel if they'll be bell be god let's know today if god be god let's know today they called upon well the bible says from morning till evening wise man because he knew that the evening sacrifice was a mystery in the spirit and he allowed them to waste their time when it was evening he said now clear the way for me let me show you how we operate in the kingdom he set up the altars and put everything and call on the god of heaven that day salvation came there has to be a generation with proofs proof is not falling down proof is the testimony until the bible says that testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy i came and i sat down with his presence was jacob not in a place in the night no people playing but the bible says that place was the gate of heaven and he called it the house of god meaning every house of god must have a gate from that place that touches the heaven if the gate of heaven is not there it is not the house of god the house of god is not just a place where they play music well the house of god is a place where a bottle has been created that touches the heavens and the earth that when you speak there is a throne that packs you validating that that place is the house of god [Applause] it is with this grace that we will break the pride of the arrogant those who sit down and mock our god just because we are quiet does not mean we are disarmed let me tell you a generation will rise the bible says blow the trumpet in zion is a sound the alarm upon my holy mountain and then it begins to give a description of an army it says before them is like the garden of eden behind them a desolate wilderness [Music] please listen to what i'm saying [Music] the church has castness of the demonstration what we call demonstration is what's fully this kind of things that are happening now that's what we pride ourselves around oh i touched somebody and he fell down will god waste his time to die just to touch somebody's head to fall down what what foolishness we're talking of the ability to manipulate a territory and keep it down for the sake of god he likes a school not in a radio station a major proclamation over a territory there will not be rain over a period of three and a half years territorial dominion the grace over territories is a well done very good and faithful servant i have portioned to you a kingdom there is a grace over territories [Music] until we get there we're just joking and making noise nobody will listen to our gospel we only have emotional people getting born again once yeah twice here when you want to touch the heart of kings you must bring resort that is not in their palace [Music] i have not even started my message listen i told myself either god will continue to empower me to be able to speak the purposes of god in lives and generations you don't know how it pains me when i hear that someone that was prayed for still died someone that you know most preachers just move around and say oh there's one testimony this person was healed how many others were not healed should give us a sense of concern you prayed for 100 people two people were healed is that a testimony [Music] that in a service like this must the man of god say demons i cast you for them to go are they that disrespectful should you not come with a fire that as you show up in a place you are bringing the altar of your secret place should they sit down listening to the sermons did you invite them [Music] man of god help me nothing is working in my life and we lie to people may god bless you may god change you and nothing changes they know they are not stupid to not return if they are blessed they will be too grateful to keep quiet one testimony of a madman being healed in cataract brought a decapolis to jesus one testimony one genuine unfaith testimony let me tell you all these fight and dropping prayer requests oh god save my family members there is just one thing there is a way the fire of god comes to set you in the center of your family and shift things within one week pharaoh said god is god pharaoh pharaoh a wizard confess jesus [Music] the results of job made satan to testify before god satan went before god and said i testify i went to i just didn't find anything i told god before i started ministry and steal my vow i said lord i have no business wasting people's time i'm not there yet but i cannot sit down in one place how many minutes should it take for someone to be lifted how many minutes should it take for someone's situation to be turned around [Music] we have done well teaching the world but my brothers and sisters we must carry something [Music] when you wear good clothes even you you see what happens to the people around you because you're dressed well so there are spiritual garments that we can wear that can cause territories to know that there is a god in heaven by the time you don't beg your family members for one naira there is no basis for stopping you about spiritual things again by the time you sow a seed that is equivalent to the salary of your father all his lifetime and he said this is just the faithfulness of god i have to run to church and he says you are still a walker you say yes a faithful walker for that matter then we we educate them have you not been told that out of zion will come the law there is an education that will come from zion we have seen the one that came from cosmos but there is a curriculum we need to we need to tell the world sit down let's teach you this your pride that you come and harass a pastor harass believers no out of zion shall come the lord he said we will come to you and say teach us his ways because of the superiority of the results place where you are now i don't know how i got to this message now but i want you to cry and say lord let my life produce results [Music] this is a notable miracle and we cannot deny it you can deny miracles you are not sure how do you deny a dead body that came back to life how do you deny a buried woman that is now pregnant with child there are notable dimensions incontestable by the pride of babylon give me genuine results as an apostle place genuine grace upon my life malacatos let me not carry things and not show off these things i'm not sure make propositions i cannot defend in the spirit secretary if your mercy is real let my life show it if the anointing is real let my life show it if prophecy is real let my life showing if the spirit of revelation is real let my life show let me be a bodily manifestation of the multifaceted possibilities residents in the christ [Music] if you are a restorative show if you are a lifter oh god let it show what name will my experience with you give my generation what title what new name will my experience with you give my generation what name will i tell my children i know you to be hallelujah [Music] hallelujah listen amen listen my bible says for everyone that seek it find it that means many people are not seeking just because you hang around a room where you suspect something is missing does not mean you are seeking my son he says pay attention to my words he says incline your ears to my sayings do not depart from them he says keep them in the midst of your heart he says they are life not to christians to those who find them and health to their flesh my brothers and my sisters when you find the gentiles who come to your life forget about their pride they will come yes sir and kings to the brightness of your rising the worst is that you will be criticized but no man can deny the thinker of god they saw jesus and said this is beautiful he said if i cast out devils by the prince of devils with whom do your fathers cast out devils he was bringing a new order a woman bound for 18 years going to church every week and the priests were talking jackals here comes jesus and he says woman that would lose from your infirmity and the people wanted to harass her and he says were you not told that as a daughter of abraham there are privileges that accrue to your life listen my success as a man of god is not in my traveling around one minister to many people i am blessed i love god i thank god for it but my greatest success is the testimony of the undeniable hand of god in your life it's true you see let me tell you it's like a man seeing you drink water and say what is there with water just leave it when test comes you must find water that means we must trust god to see the areas in our lives where the multifaceted dimensions of god are yet to be fully captured this is why although you are getting results you still come to learn because in certain areas there still remain at a rest for the people of god you have not yet entered your sabbath in certain areas by the grace of god you have gotten the principles of prayer for instance you have gotten the revelations of the world but you are yet to see the grace for performance so there is still a suffer that you need to enter in that area and it will cause you to continue to press one day like light from heaven something will open to you by the time you go back to your fellowship and then you are praying you will see the missing link and your eyes will see one day you will sit down i think he was i i was teaching years ago outside one gentleman he was i'm sure one of these scholars or islamic scholars or so he was sitting outside when i was teaching on the reality of heaven and hell and all of a sudden the heavens were open and that gentleman his eyes he was not in coinonia again and he was having a separate encounter with jesus and that's how he got born again please don't criticize proofs value it results make your life worth following resolve makes your messages worth listening to don't criticize proofs your life will be difficult without it we call harvard harvard because of the proofs in the lives of the students that come there you're a man of god here please listen we need proof if you're a man of god connected to this ministry truly let me tell you i will be disappointed in in the dealings of god with you if you do not carry a minimum requirement of fire and grace and revelation there must be a token and evidence of truthfulness upon your life for a meeting and you are preaching and someone is sleeping because of the nonsense you are saying you are quoting rubbish talking making noise all kinds of things do men not refer the presence of god again have you forgotten what happens when god is really in a place [Music] for some of us the one thing we lack is freshness freshness you can know you are not fresh and your stillness is detectable you can raise a song and it didn't sound like last week again what happened listen how did i get here almighty god our time is gone i'm telling you i couldn't even touch what i'm doing now let's let's at least thought something and then we'll pray if we're close here i think you got something true you got something gracies when bengal was up here he was sharing these exact same things you see that if there be a messenger there are things that must happen in your life messengers are sent if you send me to a jimmy and i get to him there should be what you sent me to give you see that imagine that i say wait for me and i come and meet you and you say so what is it i made you cancel every other thing let's make the presence of god worth it let's make staying in the house of god worth it that when people say it's time for church i was glad when they said unto me not just for the formality nobody will be glad coming to a place where there are no results human beings are not stupid [Music] in the days of the generals service will be starting by six and by two two o'clock two in the night people already be lining up because they know that one encounter and from nowhere here she comes a woman of god with power and fire and whilst teaching people's lives the presence of god should make our lives easy so i'm passionate about seeing the multifaceted dimension of god's presence and god's life and god's glory find expression in us and let me tell you if you listen to the things that god is revealing to you in this place they will produce results in your life they will it's true you've heard me say that we will all be great and the greater part is that we all know ourselves it's not just a cliche that was invented by man's intelligence there is no way you will not rise that's why for those who allow these mundane things to distract them against their gaze on christ and his dealings they are not wise because it is in your focus that you are able to walk on water and meet jesus are we together now so we thank god for all of these things these blessings but our gays remain on him they looked up to him and their faces were lightened the bible says and they were not ashamed [Music] write this down please let's see what we can do and then we'll pray and tell you my spirit is fired up already [Music] when the presence and the power of god is visibly made manifest in your life then you are walking under an open heavens [Music] when the power of god when the presence of god is made manifest in your life then it is true that you are walking under an open heavens every time the heavens opened in scripture it was associated with rain it was associated like in the case of ezekiel with the visions of god when there are notable miracles signs wonders transformation in your life and through your life to others then your heavens are said to be open number two when you step into an unusual dimension of encounters supernatural encounters the visions of god the revelatory dimensions of the spirit when you step unusual visitations on usual encounters unusual spiritual illumination these are proofs that your heaven is open [Music] please write it down so when the power of god is visibly made manifest in your life when you operate under a frequency now this has nothing to do with being called into the prophetic in fact it has nothing to do with being a minister of the gospel in as much as we know the fivefold ministry no it is simply a state of spiritual health and a dimension that you have pressed to that you can access the visions of god it says that i was by the river shiva and then the heavens were open and i saw the visions of god i saw the visions of god i saw the visions of god jesus himself was he saw nathanael and he said an israelite indeed in whom there is no girl nathaniel comes to him and says while you were under the tree i saw you and nathaniel was amazed he said just because i've seen this you have seen this you are amazed he said you shall see greater things than this what are the greater things you shall see the heavens so the heavens opening is not a small matter god calls it a greater thing is a greater dimension that you see your heavens open and then you see the angels ascending and descending upon the son of man the same experience happened in chapter 28 of genesis the bible says that jacob got to a place and put a stone there and lay down therefore to sleep then the bible says that he dreamed a dream and he saw the visions of god a ladder connecting the earth to the heavens and angels ascending and descending at the top of it was god himself and he says i'm the god of abraham and the god of isaac until then there was no god of jacob he was creating his testimony giving god room to call himself the god of jacob and then god began to proclaim blessings upon him and then he says surely the lord was in this place then i knew not he blessed the place this is the house of god the gate of heaven open heaven is very powerful jesus one time when he finished speaking with the disciples the bible says he was right there in their presence he began to levitate and as he rise a cloud received him and two men came and said why you know why worry about jesus the same jesus you saw going up you will return the same way you have seen him go so god wants to grant us access to illumination listen let me tell you it is no secret on earth that if all you see is what is on earth you will never rise beyond it it is not a secret that men who reign people whose lives are invincible in this earth are men who have been granted access to the seeing eyes and the hearing ears whether it is through the operation of dark powers or it is through the anointing of the holy spirit it doesn't matter you will never prosper in this kingdom if all you see is what people are saying there are treasures of darkness and there are hidden riches in secret places and the lord vowed that he would grant it unto us is that true the scripture that we began to pray with the bible tells us that the earth can bring out salvation salvation can come from the earth when you farm and your produce grows salvation came from the earth because you will detox it says hear the word of the lord was it not the earth that opened and swallowed men and close by where did they go to the earth is a living thing it has chambers it can hear that's why it can give life to seeds when they die the earth is like a womb something can be sown in it and it can give up and the bible says the earth like a woman whose pregnancy has been overdue open up and bring the salvation that is hidden within you these are not things that are taught in school you must be given access to the eyes of the spirit and that only happens when your heavens are open listen carefully because the way that we are going about our lives it will only end up in pain and misery until the secrets of god are given to us and the bible says that the secrets of the lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenants is god speaking to us secrets of god you don't walk in there nothing just because you read a book about it just because an anointed man wrote a book no it is in his light that you see light you can be reading a novel written by joshua sermon and while you are reading the holy spirit must open between that page and then you see something no one has seen that becomes the spirit and the life of god's word and the entrance of that word not just what you are reading will give life to you and you will be able to prove it there are times that i've read i've been reading books and i stayed on a page for only god knows how long because i circled that page and i found out that the reason why i took that book was that one page i read something that didn't make sense and god joined it with another thing that didn't make sense and it became a key one two three and a door opens and there you are a new dimension and you will know you have entered a new dimension like a baby knows is no longer in the womb the baby doesn't cry in the womb so when the baby comes out he knows that this is a new environment one two and a baby is crying new environment you can you can know i was here yesterday in the spirit and now i am here i was here in prophecy i was here in revelation there is a greater command of spiritual authority i see i know there is a greater courage there is a greater arsenal you can know that the angels that walked with you from 2000 to 2007 they are no longer the angels you see it by the rate of performance that a word is sent and you see that there is an ease of performance you know that something like they promote a man and say you are now a director and you find a card there you find a new house help the same angels don't work with people all the time no no angels are appointed to levels and offices they are not just appointed to men when you step into levels and offices there are angels that are left like that one angel one angel read your bible and see how many people they defeated when angels two hail stone did they kill people yes the manner that fell from heaven although the bible doesn't say that angels brought it but the bible bible says angels bread [Music] you should know things are changing in your life so the visions of god number three let me give us one more how do i know my heaven is opened when now take note when there is a notable operation of favor and abundance mark these two words i'm not talking on finances but let me tell you sincerely my brothers and my sisters your heavens are really closed if you do not step into a notable dimension of favor and abundance is true [Music] joel chapter 2 let me show you something the holy spirit just ministered something to my heart we're going to pray [Music] khalid [Music] has be glad then 23 year children of zion and rejoice in the lord your god for he had given you the former moderately and he will cause down to calm down to come where to come where to calm down [Music] the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month then what will happen 24 and the floors shall be what intelligent people talk to me it didn't stand your stomach it even says your storehouse it says your floor shall be full of wheat and the fat shall overflow with wine and oil open heavens open heavens where your floor is full of wheat and then your fats shall overflow the fat says just your burns your presses with wine and with oil [Music] when your heavens are open abundance must answer to your life it is true it has nothing to do with background now let me tell you something i have learned when you operate under an open heavens listen there are dimensions follow me please let me have your attention when your heavens are open there are dimensions whoever comes within the spiritual climate of your open heavens within that time they are with you they will tap into the possibilities that your open heaven provides [Music] that means i can go to come gentlemen i can go to visit this gentleman and he has no business receiving favor but because i carried a spiritual climate i just entered his house i came to visit you and someone who has no business calling him will call him he's been manipulated by the climax that i'm working under it's true there are men who are blessed because other men are there there are men who are oppressed because other men are there jonah entered the boat of people who should arrive safely they were meant to arrive safely but because a man who carried a climate of disobedience and jonah kept quiet i see he didn't know what was happening jonah your jonah was in a boat and people were there and they started losing properties that means there are men that carry climax when a man who carries a close heaven comes to you it can affect you listen please listen to what i'm saying jonah sat down inside the boat while they were throwing their properties jonah kept quiet and then they were about to cast loss and jonah said look don't waste your time i'm the reason i'm carrying something that is making remember they didn't believe or deem whether they believed in jonah or not the climate was working [Applause] [Music] jesus sends the 70 which is climate he said go and they return and say ah master even the demons were subject to us in your name and it says do not rejoice just because of this in other words this is not your making i gave you an atmosphere to go with your choice that your name now is written that means you now have access to also carry that climate let that be your joy not that you are moving with another person's climate but now you have become a partaker yourself your name is written you can now carry a distinct spiritual climate he said that should be your joy jesus is teaching here [Music] you see that so you can get into a place and bring what was given to you in the secret place you don't have to say this is what was given it speaks grace speaks anointing speaks let me tell you my brothers and my sisters if you carry real fire it speaks [Music] because you see there are angelic beings that are protect us of god's reputation upon your life the bible says that these angels confirm the words of his messengers they don't confirm your word to provide that you are in that spiritual office and ranking they have been mandated to protect the integrity of god committed to your life so you will find out that the possibilities that happen in the atmosphere with one man the same god is there yes but the possibilities are not the same because the spiritual climate by which we operate in they are not the same the possibilities the system of defense that can stand for one person may not happen for the other you may insult another person and go scout free you insult another person and you will not last two days everything leaves you because there are angels is incredible they defend the integrity of god committed to people [Music] you see listen this ministry you see there are covenants and ordinances and there are angels assigned to signify that revelation revelations one verse one it says the revelation of jesus which he gave unto his servant john is that he sent it and signified it by his angels angels signify revelations they confirmed that it is true this anointing was given to this individual there are graces that were given to me and if i make utterances that resonate with those graces there are angelic beings mandated to validate that it is true if i make claims over graces i will not given you will be surprised how it will look as if i'm not anointed are you getting are you getting this now please get this this night's message is for impartation just get it after coinonia and just quietly sit down listen to it in the night and just soak your spirit and see what happens i really believe that what is happening to us is impartation what is an impartation a transference of possibilities that's it transparent listen god does not transfer spiritual possibilities by distributing it to all men god finds a man and enters a covenant with that man to represent a spiritual portal on earth by which men can access that possibility so that anyone that will enter into that possibility will do it in alignment to that man and the covenant he has with god that's how spiritual possibilities are distributed god finds men uniquely builds their spirit enters a covenant that allows god to flow in that dimension through that one man then he mandates creation to align with the grace and the covenant upon that individual he said look unto your father abraham you will never prosper on earth neglecting the man abraham he is god's idea you will never route the blessing of the spirit even though you come through christ the bible says galatians 3 29 he says and if he be christ then are ye abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise so even in christ he still routes you back to the man the patriarch abraham these are the mysteries that this kingdom operates in they are not opinions no and those who have done it consciously or not find out that suddenly the realm of the spirit is not particularly biased to them they may not be so smart but by the foolishness of of the understanding spiritual things then they step into it there are angels in this city once it is friday and once it is going on your time remember the bible says the angels are the gatherers they move around and they walk against the forces of darkness that will try to stop people from coming it's a covenant it's an ordinance [Music] let's see that i don't know if i should continue oh just we just pray i really don't know what god is doing this night but i'm so i said the possibilities listen do you know why we sacrificed so much to be able to hold superior dimensions of god's presence and walk under an open heavens because our alignment is proof of love we can carry your climate and borrow someone your spiritual climate so that the testimonies that have been long overdue your climate affords god an opportunity to visit the blessing fast because of your presence he said if you enter a house meaning you entered with certain things if they receive you let that thing you came with rest on them but if they refuse let that means that thing on you is a living thing it can move it can return back to you and you dust your feet and leave them with their close heavens [Music] my brothers and my sisters let me tell you i wish that what i was telling you were a lie i would have just apologized to say sorry but it is true this is not a call to idolize men don't get me wrong i'm teaching you open heavens the possibilities that accrue to a man who pays the price to walk under an open heavens is a wonder nothing short of a wonder let's write so we can pray [Music] let me give you three keys that will help you to live under an open heavens number one please write it no matter how many times you've listened to this listen to it again the first key is a life of fervent and effectual prayer the first key to living under an open heavens is a life of servant and effectual prayer isaiah 64 please isaiah 64 please give it to us from verse one effectual prayer prayer that must be strategic listen let me tell you many believers i can tell you do not have a consistent prayer life many have a prayer life the problem is the consistency look at me when you give birth to a baby the mother breastfeeds the baby how many times for as long as the growth process of the child demands there is no hard and fast rule there may be some medical guide here and there but once that baby is crying in need of food what happens a good mother that cannot forget a sucking child will have to breastfeed that child and now when the child is winning from breast milk what happens feeding still continues the consistency of the feeding is what translates to the growth of the person there are loads that this young boy you are seeing cannot carry now give this boy the next nine to ten years he will be able to lift it give this young boy 20 years of eating a time will come he will carry you give him two more years in addition he will beat you like are you seeing the difference now this is somebody that you can beat and kick meaning spiritually that's how it is a life of prayer show me a weak believer you don't know anything you are a shy ashamed confused scattered person set your altars like elijah and remain there and watch what happens you make the secret of prayer brothers and sisters look at me the secret of prayers is not eight hours per day the secret of prayer is staying the staying power it becomes part of the ordinances that run your life many believers are fire brigade prayer warriors the moment you hear something that is alarming you just crash into god and you sit down for eight hours in one day praying and sleeping and praying and sleeping no you have to create a culture out of prayer if you want your heavens to be open let me tell you my brothers and my sisters those who really pray say newly with understanding walk under an open heavens is true you you can know that the palpability of your open heavens can be felt a man can be an accurate bible study teacher but that bible study is not backed up by the ministry of prayer you will feel something it's like there is a resistance the doctrine is sound but the delivery is crippled because the heavens are closed oh that thou who does rent the heavens this is not a discussion it's a prayer that that would just calm down why that the mountain's myth may flow down at your presence that you will rent the heavens you get up in the morning thank you jesus this is the day that the lord has made the devil blows the breeze of gold around your life you say the devil you're a liar i'm on my way going somewhere you don't have to make noise for everybody to know you are praying because sometimes you live with people that will be angry and will harass you and and is honest on them someone cannot be working hard and just because you are the roommate you are watching if you are shouting under the anointing at least you can understand you can pray under your breath and command fire that will reach the heavens roast everything on the way till it reaches heaven like the sacrifice of evil it will start as if you are playing while you are praying the devil is trying to toy around with your mind if our generation becomes prayerless we're in trouble hear me oh if our generation becomes prayerless we're in trouble prayer is not everything but in the matters that only prayer can solve there is no replacement you must stay there are times that you don't pray for one way to get that answer you must pray and pray till the day will come you will know that today's prayer was not a usual prayer you would get up as usual and the next thing you wake up and see that you have been under the anointing for a long time you will return back with visions and strategies you will know that god visited me do you know why many believers do not have visitations when you mention visitations encounters most believers don't even know encounter cell don't happen when we are just childlessly sitting around there must be that spiritual investment of prayer prayer is an investment you have to keep saturating your spiritual climate with prayer it's like a spiritual bank you are making deposits let me tell you when that cloud is heavy it's not just over money issues answers will begin to come unfortunately now our generation we need to balance our teachings on prayer because sometimes in a bid to create balance we make mistakes and we're indoctrinating a generation to ignore the ministry of prayer now you speak a parable to the end that men not always to pray and not to faith my dear ladies pray prayer is not for men prayer is for anybody that wants to reign on earth children pray don't pray and watch children roam around that's why i like it when we fast here and our children join us and none of that teach them to pray somewhere was under the spiritual climate of eli forget that his eyes started becoming deemed eli was always at the altar praying and somewhere could afford to lie down close to the altar and she benefited from the track record the spiritual investment of eli and he had a voice somewhere and he got up went to eli and he received a blueprint of his destiny a husband that does not pray will have a nonsense family let me tell you in this day and age it's not enough for men to just have money you must be a praying priest not just a speaking priest there are many speaking priests you've heard me say i challenge the men and by men i don't just mean married men alone i challenge the men take spiritual responsibility over your climate your children are sleeping and everybody's sleeping shackles let them be used to hearing your voice in the night go and lay hands on them they want to wake up say no you just sleep let them know it as part of the incense let it be your evening sacrifice people watch films overnight have you seen that happen in many families i mean in the night or night vigil of films one will finish will slaughter back if you do this kind of thing in this generation let me tell you my brothers and my sisters you will be too weak to prevail it's a guarantee that i give you you want to do ministry especially and stand again do you know the forces of darkness that fight an average man of god oh come on have you seen bees have you seen one you you drop honey somewhere or drops apple or something and see the amount of hungry reptiles and everything coming to fight that's how you are there are forces day and night that will fight tooth and nail to capsid the work of god upon your life you must pray and then you need fresh grace this our generation is allergic to stillness once they mark you as a still man of god they will punish you in ministry for being still they will punish you with lack of invitations are we together now nobody will invite you to come for his or her conference and convention to just come and deliver nonsense you must be fresh he says the fire upon the altar must bomb day and night it must not go off that means you must have the eyes to see when the coal is dying so that you trust god for grace again to put more calls now it is my dealing with god and i have no right to just impart it on you but let me tell you i've explored this prayer thing a little and i can tell you if you don't pray at night you are not a prayer warrior there are many people today claiming a prayer warrior is not somebody who prays in prayer but on tuesday a prayer warrior is somebody who has an altar that is known by the gates of hell known by heaven and known by the result it commands among men what time did jesus pray go and read your bible jesus would get up and impregnate his day because the morning is like a woman with a womb you can impregnate her and then step back and watch as she delivers for you in the day please receive grace to conquer the spirit of slumber in the name of jesus i decree and declare that every force fighting anyone's prayer life here especially if you i have the call of god upon your life i decree over your life that altar that fights your prayer life i crush it down now i crush it down now [Applause] [Music] man not always to pray sensitivity is built in the place of prayer says listen listen if you are whether a prayer band leader a group fellowship leader listen to me many group fellowship leaders are the least prayerful people just because you pray in the group is usually for ego your the true strength of your prayer is what you do alone when no one is seeing you not just when you can do a knife to chill and a group leader can stand and pray just because he's praying for the people to hear you must trust god so that men don't lie to you they can put pressure on you but when you are alone there are encounters you don't have in a corporate system you have to be alone lord i'm awake again one day becomes one week one week becomes one month one month becomes one year one year becomes two years and heaven is watching and saying i think we need to measure a thousand cubits to this man we have seen the grace we have seen the consistency in the rain you are praying in the sun you are praying undyne ac you are praying you are trusting god for grace and god knows you are human so sometimes he sees the way slippers whipped you and you drag yourself in the name of the lord whatever skill you can employ use worship use whatever find one of my messages that i was shouting and drumming every slumber whatever you can do it is your responsibility to invent the skills that keep you prayerful don't assume you will be prayerful just because you are anointed it is a lie from the pit of hell i tell you this listen i live a very busy shadow so i can tell you very busy schedule you must intentionally trust god for grace and a strategy if not your spiritual life will go down while you are rising i return from a trip now tomorrow is my younger brother's wedding yes praise the lord but we pray for our family adorable young man and he's going to be getting married tomorrow i'm here now this night i had to go and see them when i returned back from my trip from abuja i went to jaws to see that make sure everything is well came back here to preach i'm still going to see people this night tomorrow first thing in the morning i'm on my way to jaws i'm even just going to show my face at the service and move because i'm going to gombe there is a conference from gombe i'm going to abuja returning back again here and then i have a meeting with nathaniel bassey and then everybody say ministry say breakthrough that is the killer of anointings if you only pray inside a plane your prayer the demons in africa let me tell you something my brothers and my sisters we come from regions that require seriousness you must let the devil know you are serious for him to let you go even jesus finished fasting and satan came and said what are you talking about jesus is fasting invited satan a man finishes fasting for 40 days and the first person he seen is satan and satan is not shaking and falling just sing two choruses two prayer points and and draw your knees and round up no there are dimensions i trust that i don't may not be able to do it this year we need to train people on the dimensions of prayer this give me give me tea give me bread yes god wants to give you but these tongues god gave you is a deep mystery if you are not filled the holy ghost here as i will always say with evidence of praying in tongues fluent tongues spiritual languages you have shall change your spiritual life because there are times that you need to hold on to the thoughts of the altar you may not know what is going wrong but you know something is wrong and that thing wrong can be the life of your family member under a mess the mercy of a kingdom ambassador someone's life is dangling you you are picking it in the spirit you don't know exactly what is wrong that is the time to pray not for 30 minutes until that lord is lifted light me lord [Music] [Applause] like me [Music] oh [Music] let me give us one more for tonight and then we pray so the ministry of prayer the bible says elijah was a man of light passion in other words elijah got hungry in other words elijah would sleep let me tell you this please look at me if you sense the call of god upon your life let me tell you step one is not to look for auditorium step one is not to look for an usher or a pa step one is not even to look for members step one is not to look for the person who will print and bill for you i am a person amd and you disgrace yourself before men and before principalities nothing just happens there is always another prophetess in the temple praying so that jesus will arrive if you see jesus alive he didn't just come another prophetess was there travailing in the spirit number two sacrifice open heavens [Music] the church the bible says give off themselves you find that in ii corinthians from chapter eight from verse one to five is talking about their givings but every time we talk of sacrifice people think it's all about money my brothers and my sisters the first sacrifice is you not your offering not your atm you can remove your shoe and drop in church and go back your shoe is a living sacrifice for you are not a living sacrifice god didn't say offer your shoes or offer your head or offer your brain are we together now yes i beseech thee brethren by the message of god he says that he offer not even your spirit your body what is a sacrifice sacrifice suggests anything that is constraining that means your body will feel it let's not lie to ourselves my brothers and my sisters the journey to greatness in the spirit will constrain you a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god the bible says that is your reasonable act of worship say sacrifice yes as a man of god you will need sacrifice you are in an office where you are the only believer there automatically you know that satan has many bodies to be able to manipulate you you will need to stand at an edge in the spirit through sacrifice sacrifice of your life sacrifice of your resources second chronicles 7 verse 1 to 4 let me not we're not going to read the sacrifice of your time a sacrifice is anything that constrains you anything that is not naturally convenient for you to do sacrifice is a covenant in the spirit psalms 50 verse 5 gather unto me my saints they that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice sacrifice is a covenant it is unfortunately this our proud generation does not respect sacrifice you see people command certain levels of results and you just believe they would be just the guy just prays god just gave him grace for prayer the guy just heals maybe he was fortunate to just meet benny no we need to be people who respect sacrifice are we together now gather unto me myself but among those saints they that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice let me tell you this whether it is a sacrifice of your seed whether it is a sacrifice of your life there is a way you can sacrifice your life in the service of god you have donated yourself to god let me see the devil that will come to bring shame and reports to your life they will obey if they obey and serve me they obey and serve me [Music] the bible says they will spend and they are facing prosperity and they are yes in pleasure service there are people in this ministry let me tell you before the devil touches them maybe a nation would have been dead first because of the way they have carried themselves like an offering the same way you put offering inside a basket they wrap themselves inside an envelope and drop themselves and say god take i've donated myself the devil comes there god's if i if i see you near this world because my kingdom is being promoted there are many givers who don't sacrifice if i'm a millionaire and i'm giving you 100 000 is that a sacrifice that's as donation sacrifice of prayer there are people who it is their life's ministry to pray for me i know it and i see it sometimes in the spirit let me see the devil that will go to touch them god says this boy this girl this mama is praying for me day and night oh god fresh fire and then one devil wants to come and take their life that's when you will know that there are angels on god listen to what i'm telling you it is true sacrifice john the beloved he loved jesus so much look at what happened usually in his life when you study bible history they carried him and dropped him inside boiling oil hot boiling oil like you are frying egg and that guy just sat down inside that oil he sat down inside the oil everything they tried to do was just watching it and they said let's leave him in an island just dropped him in an island called patmos and there the visions of god was given to him what of dania they conspired to punish that guy when he stepped into the lion's den an angel appeared he said not in your bible and said dude you come lie on com daniel didn't kill a lion daniel had an angel you mustn't kill lions they can't be stopped an angel appeared said daniel no so there are touch not so it's true he suffered no man to do them wrong yeah he reprove kings for their sake saying touch not mine anointed do my prophets no harm there are some of you who have represented all tasks to your family the darkness that usually will come to every time they want to come they see your face and god said i still have an ambassador in that family have you seen a dog try to pick something and you are standing there he will go around try to touch it but he remembers you are there he will turn and go round and you are there somebody is standing like an altar through sacrifice to your family there are people because of their sacrifice god has vowed that they will never beg you will be surprised to see how much they continue to disobey financial principles but when god is blessing people you will share it in a way that you must go around and you are angry god come on this is disobedience before everybody and god will say there's something they did when they were roofing a church the young lady emptied that two thousand era account and dragged it like a fool and came and said god take and god said you gave me two thousand your all i have vowed you must marry a rich man you will be surprised this thing i'm saying you think is sarcastic gentleman just strolled around because i'm not the will for you not because there's anything wrong with marrying whoever but just god you use see everything god gave you you can make a ladder out of it [Music] your seed can become a ladder your life can become another this man you are seeing let me tell you i submit to you in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god this man you see is a bank of sacrifice if you look at my hands what you are going to see drip in his blood there is nothing i cannot give god and there is nothing i will not give so when you see the little things god is doing here and there don't think his luck before you admire any man's resolve find out first some of you god can tell you this brother he's a prayer warrior but i'm here to teach him about finances for my namesake take him home and you cast the voice you shared grace you sung praise i worship you even fell down but the voice to sacrifice something lord i didn't hear you don't allow just because people make wrong these principles does not mean that it is not a mystery when god wanted sons he carried jesus put him on an altar and sacrificed him the result he brought a harvest of many sons into glory when you sacrifice your time you will get something out of that time that is worth it [Music] the law of sacrifice is important in this kingdom there is no such thing as something for nothing i'm telling you this believe me it's not true as cheap salvation is the cheapest thing you can find in this kingdom and even that you must give god your time and your attention and then come and make a commitment the sacrifice of your ego is what you must drop on the line to receive with meekness is god speaking to us now sacrifice is a language our generation does not like people come to church and after one hour they are frowning at the man of god as soon as they share the grace they will stand to gossip or talk about their knees behind a truck near the church for three hours that means they were not tired it was a spirit that was robbing them people hurry up in services as soon as the service is over they go and open the boot of their car and bring out bread and puff and hug for for two hours and not be tired martha mata you are worried and upset about many things but one thing is needful one thing is needful to sit down and receive something by sacrifice nothing great just comes at a platter please let's not lie to ourselves well see this is a doctor [Music] they didn't that they didn't hang they the nigerian association of i think medical students also in in lagos they gave me they did a a false induction for me and they made a stethoscope customized i've not used it until now the the first time i tried the thing i said what in the world is going on i rather hear the voice of god that the voice of my heart i mean are we together this is a doctor how he looks notwithstanding whether you like him or not he said after years of laborious study are we together he has end the right to give you injection turn you down and you'll give information because he has ended right are you getting what i'm saying now that's right that's how people have ended right through sacrifice too they can look at you and say god have mercy on this and you'll be surprised you have been praying for two weeks oh god mercy oh god mercy and somebody says lord i join my faith you know this issue of i'm praying for you now because of how powerless we are he's not even walking again during the days of our fathers when an anointed man says he's praying for you you rejoice jesus said peter satan desire to sift you like wheat but i have prayed for you that your faith failed not he said and when you are converted strengthen your brethren how by praying for them too paul said for this course i paul bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ that he may grant unto you he's praying for the church you can pray for people my brothers and my sisters when you pray for men you take advantage of the climate of your open heavens and stretch it towards them like i can send you the church card are we together i have 10 naira you have zero naira i can transfer to naira and it will get to your phone and your phone will be empowered and you start work you didn't go to buy it but by the abundance of the supplies of that which i have i have given it to you listen healing is not the only thing that is transferable are we together spiritual climates you can share climates that's the reason why you can pray alone and after 10 minutes you are tired and one day somebody that has a real solid grace for prayer says come let's pray and even you you are surprised that four hours has passed the first 30 minutes will look like a fire you are wondering this guy is still singing and i'm already tired no water in this place no food and this guy just let's let's continue i usually pray for two hours and after 30 minutes you feel like that but something will happen to you by the time your body gets weak to a level it will give up and there will be an ascendance in your spirit immediately you will find out that you who believe you will not survive one hour you are even the one that will tell him we not go and pray tomorrow then you go back to the weak people you left before and wonder that you have been praying for 10 minutes just like that he said let's round up inside you joking we're about to sing play the guitar can your seed become a ladder in the spirit can your heart become a ladder in the spirit your sacrifice is your best it doesn't have to be offered like an offering but it must be handed over to the lordship of christ what's my very best lord i give my very best lord i give my very best lord i give to you when all my heart my very best lord i give my very best lord i gave my very best lord i remember a year the lord asked me to sow a seed if not that i didn't know the voice of god i was a demon to our tfs i would say we let angels help me tie that spirit let me tear the spirit one by one for that kind of ungodly instruction [Music] when god demands isaac even you you don't know what part of isaac to carry is it his head is it his hand is it his face god says isaac i'm not saying you should so don't get me wrong and isaac may not always mean your finance your heart is heavier than your monument let me tell you it's easier to carry money than to carry your heart many of us think giving god your heart is just giving god your heart is not just born again is surrender it is painful you carry your heart and drop it on that fire and watch the fire of the holy ghost roast that heart and then it becomes like the bush that was burning you think it will be consumed but the heart becomes purified and you are watching your heart turn to gold and with the heat in that heart god will say now since you gave me let me put it you gave him a cold heart of stone and he picks it and makes gold and he puts that heart and you turn to the nations and you will subdue them because of the fire that has come upon your heart tonight god is calling us you want to see an open heavens get used to sacrifice i believe that god wants us to be comfortable don't get me wrong but this christianity of excessively advocating convenience as the ultimate proof of godliness is a joke when you walk with god every once in a while there will be demands he does it on purpose to make sure he remains lord one day he will tell you to do something that is very painful it was painful for abraham to take imagine like pastor alpha telling this adorable boy now say him and his wife two of them forward match to one mountain on the way to kadura and you see people say by surface everything all right it's all right and they hang this boy and they're about to kill him he said who asked me to do that work he said god do you know the embarrassment and god kept watching he says stop now i know that you fear at me he says and i swear by my name that in blessing he said if you are the children of abraham you will do the works of abraham it's not the works of the law it's the works of faith [Music] are we together now we're going to pray this night our time is love but i came tonight to challenge us listen there are benefits to an open heaven it is worth every sacrifice that you commit [Music] i wish that i had the grace to share testimonies now it will be wrong for me as a leader to not share testimonies but sometimes i minimize these things because sometimes some testimonies if not managed will end up discouraging you instead of lifting up your spirit but there are things that i will share with you about my life and about what god has done and is doing in this ministry that you will not know whether to cry from your eyes or your mouth or your ears that's what happens your day man that is a living sacrifice you will be surprised how god will act like he doesn't know you [Music] when aaron and miriam started talking against moses and they were talking all kinds of things the glory came and when it lifted around was immune because of his priesthood but miriam became white leprous as white as snow imagine a human being likes as a warning okay this is i've done this tomorrow you will know that he will not just touch he suffered no man to do them wrong he reproved kings for their sake saying that's not my anointed an anointed man is not just do you know how the anointing is made you have to you is it thrashing flow you squeeze the oil and as you crush that oil the pain but you your focus and under the oil is dripping and is that oil that is purified that comes upon your head i want you to walk in power and i want you to walk under an open heavens i told you something i think the last time i was here was waiting for us now nobody is greedy they just don't perceive you to be anointed enough to merit the level of benevolence they have to give the same person who will complain giving you hundred naira will give another person five million and sleep happy that he had the privilege there are benefits to an open heaven there are benefits to sacrifice are you hearing what i'm saying now it will ease your life it is better to pay the price in the presence than to pay the price before men men are wicked people they will punish you and bring all kinds of excuses man of god hear me this running around looking for a name stay in the secret place and let god perfect his workings and his glory upon your life and let me see the power in existence that has the fortitude to mock the integrity of god over your life for his namesake when he counts his name upon your life he makes it a responsibility to defend himself upon you number of you have come from several places here because of what you've heard that the lord is doing my brothers and my sisters these are not the walkings of men they are the walkings of god but they are walked out through men men that have become living sacrifices epistles testaments of endurance and tonight i'm calling on you that if you seek to see an open heavens in your life in your ministry then you must among the keys that i've given you there are so many but i'm just giving you two tonight i want us to walk under an open heavens you will know you are under an open heavens multiplied visions some of us you've not dreamt in five months and you think is normal are we together you don't see anything the only thing you hear is an alarm clock you go back to bed even your spirit sleeps but what kind of human being are you darkness is looming around you you don't kick any signal till it happens you have dreams that have keys in them but you wake up and don't remember them is a revelation of the weakness of your spirit did you hear what i just said that you settle down and have dreams and wake up and you do not have that capacity was that not what happened to the king he slept and he forgot the dream and then another man did not sleep and yet picked the dream a contrast of the health of their spirit hold the hands of someone our time is up god is making us people of power [Music] let your living water flow for my soul [Music] let your holy spirit come and take control [Music] hallelujah i like you in the next two minutes while you are holding the hand of someone just begin to pray in the spirit say lord i'm ready for an open air i'm ready to walk in the favor that open heavens bring i'm ready to walk in the blessings please help help them help them help them [Applause] for thine is the kingdom the power and the glowing is forever i'm deep in i pray is is jesus hallelujah just one prayer point i'm seeing like smoke just moving across inside and outside pray this prayer point lord open my heavens tonight lift your voice and pray and watch the wonder of what tonight's meeting will do praise [Music] foreign pray is opening your heavens financial death in heaven spiritual no foreign foreign then please pray please pray fill me up overflow dimensions me me me oh oh oh oh me i cast my ground before the highest royalties foreign i in the name of jesus everything that represents a close heaven i stand by this and i shall cut i command your heavens be open in the name of jesus financial heavens be open in the name of jesus spiritual heavens fall ways get ways get ways of the anointing pathways of the prophetic get ways of the miraculous gateways of wisdom i command the open in the name of jesus and every force from hell that is making your heavens close that you will not stand upon this altar to testify [Music] i stand with the keys of david that can open a door that no man's shot i command your heavens open in the name of jesus christ listen listen the lord is telling me some of you are long overdue for testimonies and and this is not just from exaggeration in the name of jesus i stand and i prophesy help you say to man help that guy in the name i prophesy please believe what you are hearing don't just stand and argue i decree and declare by the power of the highest the creative force of the father i speak to you everything that is stopping your testimony from coming to pass i command now i lose your testimony i lose your testimony like the monkey the master has names of it the saints are made of it i lose your testimony i bring you into a season of fearsome testimonies in the name of jesus christ [Music] you are causing likes to [Music] shine we have to close the bible says god what commanded light to shine not into darkness out of darkness in every darkness there is light god can call light out of every darkness i speak to you i don't know what challenge you have been praying and trusting god for but if there is a believer that can believe prophecy tonight in the name of jesus i speak and i prophesy to you let that challenge be turned in this season to your testimony let that challenge be turned into your testimony in the mighty name of jesus christ listen everybody that must rise before this month ends to make the word of the lord come true in your life i stand by prophecy i call them and i provoke them to your life in the name of jesus believe what i'm saying i'm praying for you that in the name of jesus any man assigned by god to be a tool to be used by god for your lifting i speak it no matter where they are i clear the barriers standing between you and them and i declare free access in the name of jesus christ [Music] every man and woman of god here everyone in any kind of ministry fresh oil fresh anointing new dimensions of revelation grace from miracles signs and wonders in the name of jesus christ let me pray finally for every family here you have seen others testify but it looks like for you you are saying god is this how this month will end did you not say this is the year of signs and wonders i'm not praying for every family but there are families that have never come to stand here to say god did this and that in the name that is above all names i decree and declare by the power that is in the name of jesus the same way the hand of a club goes around and touches every number i declare that your tongue has come to testify [Music] hallelujah wave your hands to jesus blessed be [Music] lord we bless you [Music] let my praises arise like the morning sacrifice and the lifting of my hands and evening sacrifice let my praises rise like incense and the lifting up of my hands like the evening sacrifice hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah now very quickly just help all those under the anointing whether inside or outside please keep standing just give me a minute i want to make an altar call very quickly when the days when god is in serious business with men please listen don't be distracted overflow one two three by the roadside and those who are following please listen very carefully there are people who are saying apostle i want to make my ways right with jesus probably you are a visitor you came probably you came late you're connecting online you are here and there may be others who are saying apostle um i want to rededicate my life to jesus for some reason i feel a need to recommit my life our time is gone because i still want to speak over your life and then i'll just give us some instructions now and then we're done for tonight if you belong to any of these two categories please make way for those who will be coming from outside wherever you are i like you to boldly god bless you a gentleman is coming come quickly you belong to that category i'd like you to come quickly god bless you bless you mommy bless you please help them help them god bless you [Applause] [Music] when we share the grace you will sing that song even if it's just for two minutes i just sense that there is an anointing on that song worship team i release grace upon you to write songs i prophesy it in the name of jesus may you step into is not just a few people supernatural dimensions of songs songs that will come in dreams you will sit down and start writing as if you are prophesying in the name of jesus christ those who are coming please quickly quickly i salute those of you who are standing if you are joining them don't be shy jesus is here where a big family that will never condemn you you are more than welcome his presence is always here to change to lift to build god bless you who would see such presence and not make it right with god now please i want all of you standing just lift your right hand if you will and just say this after me say lord jesus i love you and i believe in you that you are the son of god tonight i have heard your word i desire my heavens to be opened and so i come to you just as i am and i ask you to cleanse me to change me to build me to lift me i receive your life into my spirit and i declare that from tonight i am a child of god now and forever amen please keep your hands lifted thank you for these ones their father thank you because their lives will never be the same let the grace that only comes from you the grace that is able to save men to the uttermost may that grace be factual in their lives even from tonight in the name of jesus by the power of the holy spirit i speak to you i declare your sins forgiven by the authority of scripture and i decree and declare that the grace to rise and walk in victory is yours right now the bible says that they which receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness he says they will reign in life i declare that you begin to walk in dominion the life of god is at work in you in the name of jesus and that every challenge you came here with will turn that challenge into your testimony in the name of jesus thank you so much for making this decision it's a very noble decision may i request all of you standing in front there's a gentleman waving his hands very quickly i will request you to just follow them they'll be very fast with you just communicate a few details to you and you'll be back to yourself god bless go ahead let's appreciate them let's appreciate them you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 12,071
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: nuT8eyaa34A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 15sec (8235 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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