Dr. Barbara McCoo Lewis - You Can Be Filled/Refilled with the Holy Ghost

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[Music] and dear Heavenly Father we thank you for your dear son and it was time for him to depart but you did not leave us comfortless you sent the comforter to us Holy Ghost I recognize your presence in this room right now anyway you bless us we'll be satisfied touch the needs of these your people who have traveled near and far lord I thank you for your power that resides on the inside I ask that you bless the Oracles of God give me uh pterence on tonight realizing that it's not by might nor by power but it is by your spirit bless the hungry hearts lift up hung down heads set the captive free fill with the Holy Ghost tonight Lord refill us all again meet the needs of these your people in Jesus name we pray a man and a man please be seated in the presence of the Lord although they found the mother thank God thank God thank God and it is so thank God thank God [Music] [Applause] Thank You cheese thank you dr. Wilma Huey for that very kind and generous introduction I give deference to the honorable and visionary presiding bishop and chief apostle of our church the Church of God in Christ Bishop Charles E Blake let's praise God for our great leader node across the length and breadth of this world certainly the gift to the Church of God in Christ to first assistant presiding bishop bishop PA brooks second assistant presiding bishop bishop jerry wayne Macklin to all of the members of the general board the Presidium of our church I honor you on tonight certainly to Bishop John sheared and the board of bishops to Bishop lineal Thurston chairman of the General Assembly to every elected and appointed national leader of our church to the fragrance of our church the beautiful and wonderful first lady lady Mae Lawrence Blake [Applause] lady Mae to the general supervisor America the living legend mother willie Mae rivers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the host bishops and their wives and the supervisors bishop Lyle's general secretary lady Lyle's mother Freddie joy to Bishop Harmon lady Harmon mother Lee Van Zandt to Bishop Karl Pierce and the dr. justice Diana Chandler banks thank you from the moment that we touch foot on the city in the land of Maryland your hospitality and love has been just exceptional to the administrative facilitators lady barbara mckinney coordinator of this convention mother Barbara Bryant public relations and marketing and certainly the senior executive assistant my right arm mother dr. Grace Davis Harris education mother dr. Wilma Huey licensing and credentials assistant supervisor mother Joyce Rogers programming for worship mother Gladys locket Ross liaison to the area representatives mother Darlene stone auxilary bands and units mother Vanessa when Bush Gatlin leadership support and training the mother Mary Katharine Simms initiatives and benevolent ministries and president of the highest board of the Department of women the Executive Board mother Harrison Keyes chairperson of the advisory board to the beautiful wives of the members of the general board and to the former general board members wives I honor you on tonight thank God for lady Louise Patterson who is here [Applause] to the supervisors and bishops wives thank you for your support your love and your prayers to every member of the great team and convention staff who have worked untiringly toward the success of this convention truly we have progress with team effort I want to thank this august body for your patience there were new innovative ideas with the registration process executed on this year and we had a few glitches but like the precious Saints of the Church of God in Christ you have endured and I thank you for your patience to my jurisdictional bishop the bishop Joe Lewis Ely and my wonderful Southern California family are you in the house I love you mother Lucille span is she here on tonight a man is she here we honor her certainly one of my personal advisers to my beloved husband on June the 9th of 57 years the bishop James a Lewis our eldest son elder James a Lewis junior and our grandson Jeffery Martin Lewis jr. who are all of viewing online - our youngest son and our pastor administrative assistant Jeffrey Lewis my daughter in love Lady Flo Etta and my granddaughter Shannon Denise would you please spend I [Music] [Applause] thank God for district missionary Yolanda Hill was so a tentative and dutiful I appreciate her labor so much this has been a glorious convention already the 69th Women's International Convention Bishop Blake thank you for this opportunity that you have afforded me to serve the great women and the Saints of the Church of my birth the Church of God in Christ what a beautiful picture I see on tonight if you could just be if you could stand where I am standing and see the thousands of saintly women looking beautiful in your white elegant in your hats and your fascinators certainly one of the trademarks of the Church of God in Christ women mother Lily of the Church of God god bless you I'm so honored to have you with us a man let's praise God for mother you look so classy and full of wisdom discerning beacon lights of holiness and righteousness meticulous and focused strong and compassionate relentless persistent determined we are some hard-working women in this church women of the Church of God in Christ but I also see in the spirit caregivers who made special arrangements to be here this week those of you that came with health challenges you received a negative diagnosis from your physician some came with a financial buying but your children came through and bought you that premier car some of you skipped a class in school to be here I see single mothers someone's watching your children and yes they are covered with the blood of Jesus some of you came with no vacation time so you just took off and you're here this week not even being paid some are facing foreclosure your car payment is due somebody came with a broken heart and possibly even suicidal thoughts but God but God you said if I can just make it to the Women's International Convention I know everything will be alright we're full of expectation and I just believe the Lord will not send us away fasting I believe that he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh the sons and daughters shall prophesy because we are spirit fill women accessing the unlimited power of the Holy Ghost ready to move in new dimensions of unlimited accomplishments just thinking about God's unlimited power refreshed in my spirit the power of the Holy Ghost I began early this year when our presiding bishop first announced the general theme of our church I revisited the Scriptures referencing the Holy Ghost I looked at the multi-faceted functions and roles of the Holy Ghost available to us as believers my lesson tonight is twofold I want to challenge you to be aware of and fully access the power of the Holy Ghost which dwells in you perhaps even beginning with a refilling of the power on tonight look at your neighbor and say you can be free filled tonight [Music] oh yes there's one baptism but many many refilling and to those of you who have not yet received the baptism of Holy Ghost I urge you to receive him be baptized and feel with this precious gift we believe there is one God eternally existent in three persons God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost they are equal and co-equal there is no jealousy in the Godhead the Trinity if you please Jesus the Son of God now sits at the right hand of the Father as quoted in first Peter 3 22 and 6 other places in the New Testament he's our mediator or intercessor our high priests our advocate our Good Shepherd at the departure of Jesus here on earth the holy ghost who signed shines the spotlight on Jesus was given to us as our comforter the Holy Ghost is a he not an it he is the third person of the Trinity first Peter five and seven for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one the Holy Ghost is the Paraclete one called beside you he leads you and teaches you in the word he guides you into truth he brings to your remembrance what the word says in the difficult times of life the Holy Ghost gives you his peace John 14:27 he gives you his love John 15 9 he gives you his joy John 15 and 11 he comforts your hearts and minds in this chaotic and trouble world Romans 14:17 says that the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but righteousness joy and peace in the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost gives you the ability to live by the spirit and not gratify the desires of sinful flesh galatians 5:16 the spirit can produce his fruit in your lives galatians 5:22 love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness and temperance he the Holy Ghost is our encourage err when you pray Romans 8:26 have you ever been so burdened down with the cares of this world that when you went before the Lord to pray you really didn't know what to say or how to sing and you began to groan in the spirit the scripture says he help us our infirmities which with rose at and not be uttered I don't know about you but I need the power of the Holy Ghost working in my life he empowers us to witness acts 1:8 and you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world not only is the Holy Ghost the Paraclete the power of the Holy Ghost is Dunamis the root word of dynamite the Dunamis power is the ability the strength to accomplish what God wills for each of you to accomplish Dunamis is the inherent power that resides on the inside he is the enabler who gives you the power to perform miracles signs and wonders the supernatural we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of God may be of him and not of us yes we're trouble we're perplexed but we're not cast down after Jesus had been baptized in the Jordan River he went into the wilderness to be tempted scripture says he returned in the power of the spirit into Galilee when Bishop Mason traveled to the Azusa revival which began on body-based Street which is owned and operated by Southern California jurisdiction 1 in the city of Los Angeles California when he traveled in 1907 he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the my a burning fire he returned to Memphis in the power of the spirit and burst the Church of God in Christ as it is today the instructions Jesus gave to the disciples before he was taken up and the cloud received him out of their sight in acts 1 and 9 he told them to go and wait for the promise of the Holy Ghost there were 120 in that upper room and women there were a lot of women waiting for the promise Mary the mother of Jesus and other women were there look at your neighbor and say we were there we were x2 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord not on the court with one Accord in one place and suddenly suddenly like tonight it will come suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it's set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance not in the back room they weren't they didn't have to go to class but the Holy Ghost gave them utterance to speak in other tone churches around the world will celebrate Pentecost on June the 9th my memory is so vivid it was like yesterday I was nine years old I laid on the floor of my daddy's church and spoke in tongues according to my mother for two hours non-stop how many of you remember your initial filling and baptism in the Holy Ghost tell your neighbor I receive the Holy Ghost oh yes oh yes oh yes when we were young people in the church we love the Lord soul that the Holy Ghost would just come and take over and our friends had to carry us out to the cars you remember that we spoke in tongues all night long when you're under the control of the Holy Ghost he will speak to you or through you on the freeway in the shower in the kitchen and I dare you to think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for you Thank You Holy Ghost tonight I want to discuss three ways and three things that we must do to walk in the fullness of the Holy Ghost remember we are spirit filled women accessing the power of the Holy Ghost for unlimited accomplishments first we have to ask for the Holy Ghost once you receive Christ's saints of God once you repent and your sins are blotted out you become a candidate for the baptism of the Holy Ghost when you are saved and sanctified when you put away everything that is not like God I don't know do we still say you've got to meet the conditions you got to meet the conditions it's a gift did you have to meet the conditions acts 19 Paul asked a group at Ephesus have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed it's a gift ask and it shall be given unto you three and you shall find Luke 11 and you being evil if you know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give you the Holy Ghost all you have to do is ask now listen it's not just a good feeling sometimes we have individuals that come in the church and they feel the presence of the Lord and they go away a little confused they'll say I thank God I have the Holy Ghost but the scripture says that presents your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service be not conformed to this world but be each transformed by the renewing of your mind some every see the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands others by tearing I don't know the mothers used to stay up all night as long as you acted like you one of the Holy Ghost they stay up all night long with you and we have the altar workers here and as long as the lights are on if you want the Holy Ghost they're going to stand and tarry with you when you are ready to receive the Holy Ghost you realize that he's in the room right now look at your neighbor and say he's here right now oh yes he is oh yes he is in the scripture said he inhabits the praises of Israel his people he inhabits the praises of his people and so I say to you I'm gonna pause right now and say wherever you are if you don't have the baptism of the Holy Ghost receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost he will give you the utterance in other words the ability to speak what you hear now you have a part to play once you hear that bubbling up on the inside and you hear that language that is not your language it's up to you to open your mouth and let the tongues come out speak what you hear he is a consuming fire and when he comes in he will speak for himself you don't have to tell sister girl you got if she she'll know it for herself Lord Phyllis again so we ask for the baptism in the Holy Ghost and then you have to activate the power of the Holy Ghost to activate is to put in motion I received my new ATM card the other day but before I could use it to get my little money I had to activate the card so I tore up that strip call that number punched in my information and a little voice said you may now use your card you've got to stay connected to the power of the Holy Ghost [Applause] maintain an awareness of the presence of the holy ghost if you just go to bed thinking about him he'll wake you up in the middle of the night and those tongues will be comes will be come and you just be blessed and refreshed in your spirit my god the scripture says know ye not that you are the Temple of the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in you keep him active tell your neighbor keep him active in your life we have too many unplugged Saints [Applause] you can't even drive your car without turning on the ignition how long has it been since you spoke in tongues how long has it been since you felt the presence of the Lord you must allow the fruit of the Spirit to manifest in your life how long has it been since you witnessed to anybody did you pass them on the street that one that you're sitting right next to on your job do they know that you have the Holy Ghost do they know that you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior you've got to keep it acting the scripture said if you draw nigh to God he will draw nigh to you and then Jesus building up your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost activate the fruit stir up the gift and then when times of refreshing come the presence of God jump in and receive a refilling so we ask for the Holy Ghost we activate the Holy Ghost and now we fully access the power of the Holy Ghost when you have access to something you have all rights and privileges to whatever is available there is an anointing that comes with your kingdom assignment others cannot accomplish what you can because you're anointed there are places that others cannot go but you are anointed you can walk in with your head up ladies hold your head up high don't hold your head down know who you are in Christ Jesus you are a royal priesthood a chosen generation peculiar people and a holy nation there are people that others cannot even get to but you have full access and you are anointed the spirit filled life equips you for service Jesus quoted the mission statement and Luke 4 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to peel brokenhearted deliverance to the captain recovering of sight to the blind it's the power of the Holy Ghost it is in him that we live and move and have our being the Holy Ghost is God's unlimited power he gives you a boldness to do whatever needs to be done have you ever gone home and rested at night and said no I didn't tell that man what he was supposed to hear no I didn't go out and purchase what I was supposed to purchase because I walked by faith and not by sight you have a boldness women of God look at your neighbor and say I have the boldness of the Holy Ghost and when they had trade the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with boldness boldness to proclaim the gospel boldness to witness to the loss and dying Souls boldness to speak up for holiness without compromise boldness not to succumb to peer pressure boldness to say no to temptation but how the power of the Holy Ghost hides us behind the cross as we die to our flesh daily all anybody around us can see is Jesus Christ and him crucified it is the Holy Ghost God's unlimited power that empowers you for unlimited accomplishments unlimited no restrictions no restraints unconfined boundless and infinite are you ready are you ready to do great exploits for God are you ready to go out into the highways and the hedges and compel men and women boys and girls to come spirit of the Living God fall afresh fall afresh on us oh we search for you you said he that hungers and thirst after righteousness shall be filled so now unto him that is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the powers the power it's a power it's a power that help us our infirmities it's the power that gives us the power to lay hands on the sick and they recover it's the power to pray for our sin it's the power to go into highways and hedges daughters of Zion on tonight the Church of God in Christ have accomplished lot we have a rich history yes we have accomplished much yes we have achieved we've made a mark in the life in the lives of those around us but we've got to see us in the future we cannot rest upon our laurels I see new levels I see new dimensions I see new heights and new scopes and new elements I see the Lord raising you up in your city supervisors bishops wise district missionaries clergy wise auxilary leaders lay women you have got to get up now and do what God has told you to do you must be obedient to the voice of God as the Holy Ghost prompts you to do what he has told you to do and then it's not about eloquent words or enticing words are fancy words all he wants is for you to be available and God the demonstration of the Holy Ghost power will prick the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere you are unstoppable you are uncontainable you are you are resilient you can take the licking and keep on ticking mothers in Zion keep on moving in the power of the Holy Ghost we need your wisdom we need your experience we need your testimonies single ladies all of the single ladies stand up all of the single ladies stand up I want to tell you about yourself single ladies you are Queens [Applause] neighbors say I'm brilliant you are determined you will not succumb to peer pressure it's about your body image smell about little self esteem I test the devil out of the mind and I rebuke the devil that would come to kill steal and destroy but Jesus said life in adobo side life and that more abundantly young women of God if you make a mistake just get up and confess the scripture says in first John 109 if you confess your sins he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness don't walk around with guilt say that was yesterday I'm forgetting those things that are behind and I'm reaching forth to those things that are above press you got to press in this thing [Applause] press toilet mark the prize of the high calling say it again I'm a queen and my Boaz is looking for me and he's coming after a wild but in the meantime I'm gonna be all that God has called me to be entrepreneurs you serve a God who has unlimited power the Holy Ghost inside you anoint you to walk in boldness your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men and great kings Grace and favor will open doors that no man can shut because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world [Applause] you can be the mayor of your city you can be the CEO of Fortune 500 property all over town you can run a non-profit you can go back to school and get that degree you can impact your neighborhood you can start a business you can make a difference it's time to make a difference look at your neighbor say I'm gonna make a difference i'ma make a difference too many things going on homeless hungry child abuse sexual abuse bullying unfair and equal pay for women blatant discrimination education and the distance the list goes on but we've got to be on our job women of the Church of God in Christ better Homes best food better communities better world because we're following peace with Oh me see the Lord so I say to you tonight rise shine your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you I can do all things I can do everything I can do anything I say tonight receive the power of the Holy Ghost tonight receive salvation tonight receive a refilling rise up and walk and your kingdom authority everybody's standing everybody's standing no walking no walking no walking he's in the room right now first of all if you don't know Jesus and the pardon of your sins or you wants to do the Lord and you slid back the day you hear my voice don't harden your heart I want you to come down now these women are waiting to pray with you nothing's too hard for God no matter what trap you think you're in that you can't get out no matter how bad it seems God will forgive you and turn your life around therefore if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things have become new come and join us on tonight if you want to receive Christ as your personal Savior and then if you've never if you're walking in holiness and you know the Lord in the pardon of your sins and you want to be filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost it doesn't take a long time you just have to be ready to receive this great gift bring a life of salvation I want you to come down now come down now come down now those of you that want to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost salvation will get you into heaven but it's a baptism of the Holy Ghost that will empower you to do what you need to do here on earth come down now those of you while they are coming that want to be refilled on tonight you need to be delivered you need to be healed you need to be set free I want you to come down right now come down those of you that want to refilling of the baptism of the Holy Ghost those of you that want to feel again the presence of God I tell you what just step out in your aisle just step out in your aisle you're ready for a refilling you're ready for God to do something new in your life the Holy Ghost is here right now the Holy Ghost is a deliverer the Holy Ghost will set you free the Holy Ghost pulls down the strongholds in your life Spirit of the Living God all afresh all afresh thank you for your presence holy ghost [Music] thank you for your joy thank you for your peace thank you for your strength Thank You Bella power that will give come on come on those of you that have trouble marriages in your body [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh I want you to touch your neighbor I've got the fire gotcha [Music] we've got the fire is a consuming he'll burn up the sins he'll burn up the depression he'll burn up oppression he'll burn up things that are not like him touch a neighbor gotcha precede the fire I've got the Holy Ghost receive the fire in the name of Jesus yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes refill is again yes sir you will yes to your way Thank You Holy Ghost Thank You holy go Thank You Holy Ghost and it is so the fire is in the house the fire is in the house Thank You Holy Ghost Thank You holy go the whole ego the whole eco thank you holy God thank you there's nothing impossible with Bob Thank You Holy Ghost I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost healing and on your own fiction let's say I receive my healing it is so and it is so and it is so come on come on come on come on come on come on whip your hands all over this house the presence and the power of the Lord is in this place we all can use a refilling come on shop [Music] [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] of the Holy Ghost Jesus is in the room Jesus is in the house Jesus is right [Applause] [Music] [Music] whip your hands here 90 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for me please take a moment and feast the walking for the presence of the Lord is in this house please hold your feet for just a moment God is here the presence of the Lord is here Lord we thank you for this word tonight it will not return forward I cannot let this thing go I want everybody in this house to look at five people look them in the eye and say I have the whole ego [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the first night of the women's convention [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] supervisor session McCool Louisville awesome word our tonight come on women let us hear reminding us about the power [Music] [Laughter] if you go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get out of here in this house and just say you're small [Music] yes mom that's all he's asking for yes No yes yes yes no come on real softy let him hear you again yes no just that's all he's asking for yes [Music] yes yeah yes yes as you taking seat just lean on a neighbor and tell him it's gonna be alright cuz he loved the power of the Holy Ghost [Music] lead on another neighbor telling us don't be all right now because you have the power of the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] ooh yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah some of you remember those nice somebody way over there well holiday all right nothing over here I didn't know what that meant but she said yeah in the form of a praise report here that we have so we do not have to give you a fictitious name of make up anything they sent his name his cellphone number and his address right here in Baltimore that said the brother came to Christ tonight was Compton plating suicide when he came to church but he was real [Music] [Music] and make just like to go home we're up to the closing remarks [Applause] [Laughter] well to the closing remarks Lydon Bishop of the Church of God in Christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise praise three things that happen tonight the Holy Ghost has moved in a mighty way and he's just touched so many hearts how many of you got the power and the Lord inhabits the praises of his people not only to show you his presence he has come to work in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure and God shows up God shows out how many of you feel lifted by the power of the Holy Ghost and the third thing God has done if God has given you his power to do his work and I just want everybody to stand up just for a moment and I want you to take a minute if you've got that power get out of sure [Laughter] in just a moment I'm gonna have you pray for the healing and the deliverance of your neighbor and you're not just gonna preach at night you can check with them tomorrow night to hear their testimony not the Lord's deliverance how many of you feel the Lord can heal through you hey neighbor you don't leave here I'm gonna pray for you hands on them and pray for their healing pray for their deliverance one two three [Music] [Laughter] I'll see you tomorrow night and you'll be healed you'll be delivered you'll be set free for the path of service in this room on this night some are you gonna have to stay up a little while and just worship the Lord you won't be able to go to bed go to sleep right away you just have to praise Him message is God by international supervisor mother Barbara Lewis but a wonderful wonderful word she gave praise God for her cuff your hands everybody are you all in the name of Jesus wonderful to be together and to worship the Lord and the beauty of holiness and in the power of the Holy Spirit thank you for coming thank you to be thank God what is going to do through you in you and to you before you leave this convention clap your hands and praise God you [Music]
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 4,366
Rating: 4.7368422 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Barbara McCoo Lewis, Barbara McCoo Lewis, You Can Be Filled/Refilled with the Holy Ghost, You Can Be Filled with the Holy Ghost, You Can Be Refilled with the Holy Ghost, 69th Women's International Convention, Church of God in Christ, COGIC, Spirit-Filled Women, Accessing the Power of the Holy Ghost for Unlimited Accomplishments
Id: nwRDHwqQCxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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