Dr Abel Damina: There are No Answers to Prayers in Heaven-Part 2

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[Music] he'll depart welcome to a righteous invasion of truth without a bell demeanor [Music] welcome to this exciting event of the harvest of Alsace and excited friends about the opportunity we have to learn to grow to be equipped so we can manifest our Dominion on the F Ebell demeanor is my name I like doing encourage you to share the video share the the message on your Facebook page invite some friends intentionally to be a part of this broadcast something is happening in the realm of the spirit there is a shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit you know just reading through the scriptures and just meditating not long ago and this scripture just talked out and I'd like to read it for us in Matthew chapter 6 verse number 25 Jesus also speaking by himself and he said to them therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what you shall put on it's not the life more than meat and the body than raiment behold the fowls of the air for this so not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feedeth them you our heavenly father took note of the world it is a God fitted you our heavenly Father feedeth them are ye not much better than they if your own heavenly father feeds the beds if your own heavenly father feed the fowls of the air are you not much better than the implication if he takes your them want to take care of you even much more and why take ye thought for raiment because many people there are concerns right now what am I going to wear what am I going to eat what am I going where am I gonna stay shelter food clothing that's so many people's problem and they spend hours upon hours thinking and praying and fasting and clapping their hands and shaking their head and stamping their feet forgot to give them food clothes where to leave which of you by taking thought can add one cubit on his dojo which of you by being worried preoccupied I shall depressed sad unhappy can even change the way you look and why take ye thought for women consider the lilies of the field how do you grow they toil not they don't live oh they just grow neither did his pain and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these wherefore if God so clothe the grass Nevada which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe thee O ye of little faith now remember all of these was Jesus's teaching before he died and was taking time to show people the import of an effective relationship with God based on relationship with God everything that God owns is yours based on relationship with God you don't have to beg you don't have to cry to be able to get what your father owns it becomes your inheritance in Christ it says therefore take no Thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed after all these things do the Gentiles shake this is the pursuit of unbelievers this is what pagans look for they measure success by material acquisition how many cards do you have how many houses do you have what kind of wristwatch are you putting on what kind of shoe are you wearing what brand of designer clothes are you put it on for unbelievers that is all life is about but for believers in Christ Jesus who have a higher values your life does not consist in the abundance of things you possess that is why beyond prayer this need for clarity for knowledge so that your relationship with God becomes much more effective you come to a place of the Genesis of Christ brother Paul was said to feel more that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you because why in Christ dealing with relationship he says but seek ye first the kingdom of God your heavenly Father knows you have need of all these things that the unbelievers are fighting for for you seek the kingdom first and it's righteousness and all these other things shall be added when you understand righteousness the revelation of righteousness Viren is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith when you understand the revelation of your right standing with God your justification before God that righteousness is equality with God that righteousness means I am my father are one that righteous that means I'm a joint heir of god that righteousness means what God owns I own that righteousness means God and I are in a union when you have that regulation your prayer requests are reduced to Thanksgiving it's going to be explosive today it's gonna be very explosive get your pipe and biro invite some people to this platform let's dive into the word of His grace and just drink from the revelation of God's Word and I'll be back at the end of this broadcast to spend some moments to pray with you enjoy the session Tommy all right let's get into this tin 100 percent answers to prayers guaranteed the book of Genesis 1:26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful he said let them have dominion then when they got them Dominion he now say you you have the Dominion now be fruitful as the wisdom of God and the plan of God in creation be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth and you subdue it don't ask me to subdue it for you you subdue it I give the dominion over the earth I'm teaching here you subdue it subdue the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now the wisdom of God in creation and the plan of God for creation let them have dominion over somebody say very loud I have dominion over the earth say it again fear allah i have dominion over the earth I didn't live in a man let them have dominion we established that the earth was so made that it will respond to man it was so made that it will respond to man there is nothing a man is praying about that is in heaven it is money or prayer about is here if it's a wife she's here if it's a husband he is here if his children they are here if he said this I operate for it's here if it's a house it's here it is land is here if this connection you are praying for if here hello there's nothing a man is praying for that is in heaven because nothing comes from heaven from the creation of the world after Genesis nothing has come from heaven to earth nothing only one thing came from heaven to add the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God that's all nothing else not even the rain not even the rain the rain comes as a result of shrek for man creates clouds in the atmosphere aaron's back on man since none of our upper windows of heaven and not openness of ever no no no no no no no the rain comes not from heaven it comes from man the only thing that is not in the earth is spiritual things spiritual things are not in the earth because spiritual things are not physical and even then spiritual things are in the eight officials 1:3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who what blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in heavenlies spiritual blessings are in heavenlies and the heavenlies are in Christ and Christ is in you so even the spiritual things are here now let me tell you one more God Himself is here God himself didn't he say this word I will work in them I will live in them there will be my sons and I will be their father so if he see you where are you talk to me citizens where are you now if he see you it may see is where he's on earth God Himself is on earth so that's why I said to you pray us are not answered in heaven prayers are answered here you know it's just lack of proper Bible teaching that even makes people when they pretty live their eyes to heaven because actually shouldn't be looking up when you're praying you should be looking inside he lives here where is he I will live in them he lives here so you shouldn't be looking you know the disciples when they heard Jesus teaching the kingdom in the Gospels they came out and began to look up and they were looking for the kingdom they were waiting for the kingdom to come because jesus said repent for the kingdom is at hand so they thought there was a kingdom coming out of heaven and as they were looking jesus said to them the kingdom does not come by observation you don't look around for the kingdom the kingdom is inside you help doesn't come from above help comes from within praise God the Old Testament people thought help came from above because they didn't know what you know the mystery that has been kept from ages from generations but now is made manifest to his Saints they didn't have it we have it so we come function like them because we know what they didn't know praise God are you getting blessed yeah nothing comes from heaven that changes everything about prayer it changes your concept it just changes everything at once gives you a whole brand-new world amen so the blessings I everything is here you know the impression people have is that the devil is somewhere in the sky you know they have this impression that Satan is somewhere in the sky and when you're praying because God is somewhere in heaven you have to pray and class it in the sketchy better heaven that is this is a messed up mindset the tupple is not in the sky the devil is not in the sky and I have told you that the devil has never been to hell before because Hellfire is resolved this reserved for the day of judgment God has not judged the devil years because there is a day of judgment when he will be judged with all these demons alongside with bills I reject Christ and when they are all judged they will be thrown in hell so where is the devil Jesus give us a clear picture of where the devil is he goes about like a roaring lion he is in the Ministry of going about seeking whom he may devour he does not devour everybody he has to seek for you he has to seek for that means everybody is not available he has to seek for him Eggar botana and you must know that the devil is localized he is localized he cannot be everywhere because it's not omnipresent he is localizing is one entity and can only be in one place at one time he is localized and you know that is why when they took Jesus to Egypt as idol worship as Egypt was Satan was in there God looked around and so we are Satan will not be to go and keep Jesus in safety and he discovered a Satan was perambulating everywhere else - Egypt so he sent Jesus to Egypt so when I go around and I see Christians everywhere Pauline Satan its illiteracy he can be everywhere Satan is local it's only God is everywhere at the same time because his mini prison hello here are you hearing what I'm saying here Luke chapter 9 verse 1 and he called the 12 disciples together and them power and authority over all Devils and to kill diseases who did it is power and authority to to man he gave power and authority to man to deal with Devils and diseases he get all authority and power to man he gave it to the disciples man to deal with our Devils and to cure all diseases all you can all diseases he didn't say man asked me he said take one deed when I give you something to go and do you don't come to me to do it for you you do it and come back with a report he gave them to go just deal with all Devils cure diseases I'm teaching here he gave it to man this is Jesus in his earthly walk he gave all authority all Dominion to man amen Jesus speaking in Luke chapter five verse 24 but that you may know that the Son of man had power upon earth to forgive sins he said unto the sick of the palsy I say unto thee arise and pick up the couch and go into the house he has power to forgive sins and to heal the Son of man has that power upon the earth upon the earth look at the 10 verse 70 and the 70 returned again with joy saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through the name the Devils are subject to man they are subject to us these remain speaking the Devils are subject to us through your name the Devils are subject to us taemin after redemption these are the things among exercise Matthew 28:18 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth man Jesus was not speaking here as God he was speaking here as man because if you're speaking as God nobody gives to God nobody gives to God power it is God that owns all power what was he spoken twice of a heart that power belongs so nobody gives to him he owns it so when Jesus said all power is given to me he was speaking as man so man has all power in heaven and on earth the man in Christ the man in Christ has all harmony Paulo oh all power is given to me in heaven and on earth or in earth this was after Redemption can we say that a man controls heaven can we say that a man controls heaven we are still trying to establish why we pray we are not praying to him from God prayer is not informing God because God already knows you our Heavenly Father knows he already knows so we are not praying to inform him he is well informed in fact more informed than we can inform him because even our language of expression is inadequate so he knows praise God so player is not informing God because God already knows secondly we also said we are not praying to convince God because he is liberal he is liberal he operates not he gives liberally he is liberal the word liberal means generous he gives even without accent so he doesn't need conviction and then he knows so the solution number one he knows number two he is generous so we don't need to convince him seven me I do not pray to him from God and I do not pray to convince God he already knows and he is generous towards me I didn't hear him a Matthew 16:17 jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven next verse and I think also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against thee and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatsoever thou shalt bind where on earth shall be bound where in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose where on earth shall be loosed where heaven is determined by what man does where on earth what I do here determines what happens dear that word bind is not like using a rope to tie you something now that's not what it means and I'm gonna interpret that very shortly because many people think is so tie something with a rope so he said short sprain you get in the same prayer people are saying i bind somebody saying I lose so there's confusion the same prayer point some are binding the same prayer point somehow using the same prayer point mass confusion and that's where teaching is important so that we can all come to the knowledge of the truth so we can all function in the truth even as he is in the truth we bind here and have them confirms it we lose here heaven confirms it the word kingdom I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven is what basilia it means authority of heaven so let me ask you another question did he give to man the authority of heaven does man rule over heaven now are you sure the word bind is a greek word de odio it means to prohibit when we say you should bind what were saying is you should prohibit oh you should disallow when i said i bind you what i'm saying is at disallow you i pro he beat you that's the meaning of bind the audio to prohibit or to disallow because your authority is I said to one go he goes I say to one come it comes I forbid one and I allow one follow me careful I'm going somewhere the word loose is the word Lu Olo it is used for release of prisoners Jesus applied those same words in Matthew 18:15 where he was dealing with brethren in charge and offenses moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone judge people down here because they have disregard for the word of God that's the bottom line otherwise the Word of God gives you directions on how to resolve issues because this is a family you say if thy brother shall trespass against you or and tell him his fault between you and him alone but you know charge people they would tell everybody - the person you have no regard for the one of them you already showed that the word of God does no rule your life and you're just pretending you're actually acting beside yourself this is Jesus himself the master teaching he said go to him tell him between two of you alone because it will be easy for taught you to handle each other and it will be easy to forget and forgive when we are at parties they will put fertilizer then if the fertilizer is not catching the will apply pepper Cameroon pepper Cameroon Cameroon Oh watch it Cameroon pepper they tap that one you do as if you are praying because the team is extra hot and if the pepper is not touching they will put salt inside because a third party gets involved it becomes more complicated hammer if you know a third party story must have an improvement yeah is called improve a shock that's why Jesus said you go to him two of you alone cause if I just swapped you an asset brother please please please I need to fix something with you one two three I don't like the way you did it it would be easy for me I'm sorry oh this is why I did it but once you put somebody their ego comes in ego kicks in I want this ego in a situation you can solve that problem it was not complicating himself that's why Jesus will go to him hello two of you obey the word of God and live a healthy life a fish I hear thee thou has gained because the mission is not to disgrace him he has done something to you that annoys you but he is your brother so you owe him the responsibility of winning him of gaming him of getting him to see his fault sit so he can be better for it it's too gamey the mission of going to him is to gain him not to scandalize him not to destroy him not to make life difficult for him how many of you know you can make life difficult for somebody because by the time he talked to you three four five people and the person begins to hear different versions of the story around town or within the church the person is in charge but uncomfortable because the person does you know what all of you are thinking about him which may not be correct you have put abroad in a difficult situation and that is why Jesus is giving us directions on how to fix things but if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established so that every nobody seen this is not what I said this is what I said there are the witnesses to witness to what who said what and who didn't say what are we together here and if he shall neglect to hear be tell it unto the church tell it unto the children's image to come out and say I have a testimony then you collect the microphone praise the Lord now I have the microphone you see that brother the Bible says you tell the church I'm telling all of you 'no no that's not what it means to tell they charge the tell the church means you go to the authority of the church you go to the authority of the charge you go to the authority of the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as a hidden man and a publican let the church treat him as an unbeliever then look at the next verse you will love the next verily I say unto you whatsoever you shall bind on the earth whatsoever you shall disallow or prohibits whatever the such well this allow or prohibits shall be disallowed or prohibited in heaven at controls heaven I'm teaching here alright and whatsoever you shall lose Allah or release on earth shall be loosed in heaven next verse again I say unto you that it rough you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven as it relates the broader this is not prayer of agreement this is dealing with a brother's condition it's not prayer of agreement lesson lest I harm Lester hand know when you start thinking later you're thinking kana we can tie and and our hearts are fighting is it true I can hold your hand but inside my heart I'm fighting you so he wasn't dealing with player in this verse he was dealing with the brother that who refused to hear the church then the church can agree that this product were going to treat him as an unbeliever and when we are drilling that it is done so from the scriptures we see clearly there have controls the heaven somebody shot I hear you I said somebody shout I hear so what did Jesus say we should do with the brother because I need to clarify something quickly Jesus didn't say we shouldn't forgive the brother that's not what he's saying here because in the next verse there they began to talk about forgiveness you know down down he began contextually so what Jesus Oh same is forgive him when you forgive him then treat him as an unbeliever but for forgiveness you can't but forgiving you forgiving but then you treat him as a non-believer because they have been not justification you are not forgiving him and holding him captive no you let him go you forgive him but then you treat him as an unbeliever Amen somebody shot to hear you I said somebody shot I hear you because in verse 20 Jesus begins to talk about forgiveness put it up into four where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them was 21 then camp in a dream and said Lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him there are seven times jesus said unto him i said not unto thee until seven times but until seventy times seven jesus is teaching that no matter what the situation was no matter what the broad dad did you will you will treat him as an unbelievable first of all forgive him forgive him release him amen somebody say here is even if he has done it seventy times seven forgiving you know such teaching forgiveness along with the teaching of how to handle trespasses and people going against you in the house of the Lord praise the Lord say praise the Lord bottom line whatever it decides heaven response to away together so pray our dear foe is not heaven for cost prayer is not heaven for cost pray I will not move heaven to earth it doesn't mean that we control god but God deliberately intentionally and purposely gave the control of heaven to us let them have dominion and he has not changed it till date that's why when Jesus rose he said all power is given to me in a heaven on earth okay somebody say I'm gonna get there but you know I could not give you this so now you can I can help you a little bit and then he returned and said God has highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name at the name of Jesus every knee must bow of things in heaven on earth and on earth then he said now I give you my name by the use of his name you now have authority in heaven on earth so it is not in the hand of God to answer your prayer he has answered all prayers he has answered all prayers for your heavenly Father Knows you have me and he will give liberally generously please God are you understanding your heavenly Father knows and is not stingy he is not looking for attention so nothing happens on earth outside man's Authority nothing nothing happens on earth that is why God became a man to bring salvation because nothing happens on earth and settlements authority so if God is going to function in the eight recover authority to man he has to come as man because outside man no authority on earth that's why God became a man so that he too can legally function in authority because authority over heaven and earth is given to who man is young man in this building if there's man can I shot I am in authority here God Almighty whatever save mankind wanted to bring salvation plan wanting to bring redemption to mankind so God said you know man still else authority on it so if I'm not a function on earth I have to put on an at suit and be a man great is the mystery of godliness that God is manifest in flesh why because the authority of a man is in flesh listen carefully look look up look up look up look up that is why Satan Satan is an outlaw you know why Satan is an outlaw because Satan does not have the jurisdiction the function here because he is not man this planet is for man that's why another Bible say anywhere you find citta asked him out why because he is an alien but Allah he doesn't have the H suit here me he doesn't award the ad suit to function if God has to be a flesh to be here for God to function here then who is setup to function here without an AB suit you God needs an at suit God couldn't have commas God you know why God is a spirit if he has come as God who will cast him out and he will be out so since he really wants to carry out his assignment he is himself submitted himself to the plan and today principle that governs the edge so what did he do he humbled himself entered the womb of a woman for nine moons then they get back to him then he came out with Slash blue like a baby all of that was to establish his authority so he can function here in authority I am teaching good here tonight Satan does he have that so even with the Adamic tattos that Satan is functioning he can do nothing absolutely nothing somebody's in love him shout it loud louder he's really you notice he can do nothing Timmy finds a man that opens up to him when he enters the man is the body of the man as his legality to carry out his wicked plan otherwise if not man this Satan himself then Satan can only roam around without impact all right I said that because I'm going to somewhere very powerful now the entire plan of redemption had to be carried out through a man because the authority on earth is bestowed on man John 5:22 for the father George at Noma both had committed all judgment unto whom the son why because the song is a man Authority I'm teaching here yeah the son is a man Authority the father George no man he has come because you have to have authority to George that all men should all know the song even as they are not the father he that honoureth not the son honoureth not the Father which has sent him how can you be self that I honor you and you disregard Jesus who is father and who is Jesus Jesus is the father and Jesus is the father manifest so how can you say you love God whom you do not see and do not love the man Jesus whom you see oh now now I'm interpreting that verse for you now we see Jesus go read oh God somebody will give Jesus a salute with a shout hey man all judgments are committed to the song first Corinthians 15:20 for then come at the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the father when he shall have put down and power for he must reign they may have put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death for he put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued under him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all even the father so it seems to me by the implication of that verse like this ad is on a leash they say lease agreement how many of you know what Ellie sees when you lose a property for ten years so it seems like this earth is only lease and eventually the lives will expire then it will be handed back to the owner remember I told you city the earth is the Lord's but he has given it to man then I say that so who owns that God he still owns it till now but the management of the bed has been least it has been for here put all things under his feet but when he sayeth all things are put under him it is manifest the union service excepted which did put all things on identity see God is not among the things that are put under Jesus so the only thing that man doesn't have authority over is God but anything outside God has been put under the authority of man including heaven including earth including angels they are all put under the authority of man - God I'm teaching here next verse and well all things shall be subdued under him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him so a day will come from that I am reading now and from Adams in scripture when Jesus also will cease to be a man and the only thing that will be his God so that means that office of Jesus as a man it is for man he doesn't need to be a man if not for you he became a man for you so he can take a toll a batana with you but when all of God's plan according to how it was in Genesis 1:26 27 and 28 is fulfilled there'll be no need for Jesus to continue to be a man because all of us will have come into a place where we are absolutely in charge then Jesus will cease to be a song and disappear into the God that he is I don't know if I just have something here is your Harry shot I hear you now we were getting to that teaching eventually but I just give you that you know by the side like a side dish why will that happen that God may be all no more the Sun God that means it will be back to the way it was that means eventually what God wanted he will have it the way you wanted it praise God hallelujah who is an authority here I'm if you're the one shot I am in authority here I didn't hear your email so everybody said everything - God is under my authority because I am the man in Christ didn't get your amen so now take note everything is under man except God including angels everything secondly man wills so much in the earth such that nothing happens in the egg outside man first Corinthians two six habit we speak wisdom among them that a prophet yet not the wisdom of this world not on the Prince of this world that come to naught but will speak the wisdom of God in what a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory now carefully look at verse eight which none of the prince is of this world new for her they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory the princes of this world is talking about the rulers of this world the rulers is not a kind of Satania is talking about human governmental authorities there are princes he said if men in authority knew what the death of Christ would have brought they will have denied God his way they will have him that the plan of God they will have obstructed Redemption so anchored knew that now will not cooperate for redemption he made sure he took me by surprise in the area where man is ignorant so because man didn't know the man went to advance the purpose of man allowed himself to be used by Satan to carry out the purpose of God in the killing of Christ and by that death that man was instrumental in helping to bring to pass that Beth was the disarming of seta if they have refused to crucified there be no redemption I'm teaching here so if man knew now we'll have stopped the plan that's how authoritative manis so God said I know what to do I will make sure they do not understand what is happening I will make it a mystery so man advanced his purpose and help to fulfill his will on the earth praise the Lord I'm teaching here and as somebody says so how does all this translate our players don't worry just becoming so you know what honey - ignorance is Authority in itself the ignorance of man is authority because it was the ignorance of man that gave authority to redemption you know what I mean is because he didn't know that he used his authority in ignorance to advance Redemption so whether you know or you don't know since tryin Authority you your Authority is used both in knowledge and in ignorance how many of you understand I said it's like your office staff write a letter and come and give you and you didn't read and you sign that you didn't read doesn't mean your signature is invalid because you sign whether you read or you didn't read but you put your signature your authorities behind a letter even if the letters insulting the president and you will be arrested for it but you cannot coming to this issue so that is right by your ignorance sometimes you license it and to kill you because whether you know or not authority is been executed so those are my people are destroyed lift your attention I am in authority here say my authority affects heaven so I must be careful how I exercise my authority here I do hear you're a man I'm an authority thank you lord I say thank you Lord I say thank you lord so got chances man in the area of knowledge you know why because knowledge affects the use of authority knowledge knowledge affects the use of authority do not Solomon put it like this a man that is in honor and knoweth not is like the Beast see that he's in honor but he doesn't know so he he is in a class of animals he's like a parish in peace not even a good animal not even a good animal the one that is perishing emmeline honor a man in authority who does not know solomon conscious like this and even under the sun as an arrow that proceeded from the ruler princes are walking on foot servants are riding on horses is an arrow and it is that arrow is coming from the ruler because the ruler does not know he gave out his authority ignorantly to his enemy to use in messing him up but it ends tonight i say it ends tonight i say it ends tonight Kalama hoga rocket okay mana mana think again the earth is man's and knowledge affects the use of authority that is what set amends now look for fallacies and the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and that was said unto him all this power will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to so ever I will I give it do you know what Sarah was talking about here the kingdoms of this world and the authority of this world the Satan was talking about here he was talking about the heart of man the heart said I was saying I own the hearts of man all humans have given media hearts and because I own dear heart I control the world that's what Satan was into Jesus I own the hearts of men they have willingly given me their heart so I can sit in the heart and use their bodies to carry out my functions so the authority of the world is in my heart do you understand I was talking about so the authority is not the office or the car is the Hat so Satan is sent to Jesus I own the hearts of men and I'm not a funeral that was true that was true that's why Jeremiah song to the hearts of men and said the heart is desperately wicked Jeremiah so into the heart why is he wicked because of the person inside it who is inside AHA the wicked one when the wicked man is inside the heart of a man it makes the man we had I'm teaching here this desperately wicked deceitful because the deceiver the evil one Satan is inside and we're about the deceitful one is there will be deceit that's what Jeremiah saw the hearts of men this is heavy the hearts of men so what's the eternal same to Jesus if you kneel down and worship me I will withdraw from the hearts of men so that you can also have some that's what Satan was into Jesus if you worship me now I will withdraw out of some of their hat and let you also see at the authority along with me so Jesus looked at it and said there's a better way to get it I don't have to worship you there's a better way to get it and I'm going to get it hallelujah I don't have to kneel down and serve you Sita you are too small you are the one to serve me I'm going to confess with you and I will defeat you and I will collect their hands back by contest and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a public show of the devil but follow me carefully cause I'm going so just give me a few more minutes are you getting blessed tonight see Bible the heart of man and the mouth of man rules the earth or dictates the afiya's of the earth remember what the Centurion said to Jesus remember very clearly you don't have to come to my house don't bother yourself I am eternity and I know how authorities works speak that thing that is in your heart speak it and it doesn't matter where my son is your authority spans the universe I'm teaching here Jesus said I've not seen this kind of faith he called that knowledge faith what did he call fate knowledge he called that knowledge faith I've not seen this kind of faith not even in Israel that is this guy has an understanding the next faith works here he has a knowledge that next fate works what is that knowledge I don't have to come to your office to bless it as I stand on this pulpit and I speak what is in my heart oh why you ask your spiritual authority in this local house we are here in the sound of my voice and we are you need that miracle as I speak the word here it is happening there you are blessed look look look look look the understanding of the authority makes the authority works much more much more than a lack of understanding if that same children did not understand Authority he wouldn't have got anything from Jesus but because the man understood Authority is a master don't even bother coming to my house I know how Authority works are you are a man in authority I'm also also just under me I said to some come I don't go to tell them come I said from where I am and I said come and they come go under Jesus hymning is under your authority so if you speak you have sent it and carry out whatever you wanted to carry out so speak the word only Jesus a heaven right now your servant is well Bob human entered the seventh I made him whole I'm speaking to somebody here say the Hat the mouth I'm a man on the authority I know how authority works I said to one come he comes I said to Uncle he goes you don't have to come man in authority don't have to come speak the word only listen very carefully whatever is under you will respond to what you say you didn't hear me whatever is under you will respond to what you say so now the question is you need to answer what is under you city are you in the house what is under you what has God put under man ah so what what is your authority so what do you do the power is in your mouth the righteousness of faith speak it on this why's your mouth there is the word avi which may break somebody's have fun today no more on answer prayers in my life whoa what was on that Jesus healing and forgiveness so what did he do he looks at him and says son your sins are forgiven you damn listen what you see to forgive sins he said I you may know that the Son of man has power to forgive sin unto Him I do not only forgive him his sin son carry on Matt get out of here a crippled student instant without sweating and flexing muscles just by the speech of a man that knows his authority who told you how to clap your hand I shake your head before your prayers are answered you just speak hey if you don't have to kneel down you don't have to lie down once your heart believes it you speak it you see it Jesus saw a tree in Mark 11 and he said tree no my it fruit of thee he walked away he didn't shout he just say three he's a man in authority he knows a story a master will come out of his limousine to be fighting it man I'm telling you him in psychiatric attention some serious how can a master we can live you are the boss you employed this boy and you're fighting the boy who is in charge all you need to do is look at the gate man and see you put your things in the box and get ready you call your office and tell your office get him out of that gate and put somebody else and see to it that all the properties of the house a hundred over before his exit I don't want to see him when I'm back in two hours all right all right take care of yourself that's the man in authority a man in authority does not shout where is he somebody shot in has lost authority the understand a motor that has subdued her children on the effective authority does not talk she will just look at the reservation those of us are know our authority we don't have to shout for sitter the moment will come at our body language set on us already on us to retire I feel a Kentucky to Sabha if you hear what I'm saying stand on your feet sorry yes [Applause] if you understand my voice [Applause] [Applause] I praise you Father Oh nobody can dare mo hos praise you Father lift your hands and give them praise and glory hello so Corrado Galasso tellin Abajo mom ran and wrote a kill animal Hoda go ahead give him praise given please give him praise Him praise Canada table sorta membrane and Rica tener que pasa el anymore it is done and from today I declare over you you will go around this planet exercising your authority thank you Lord you are a believer you don't have to try to believe you are what thus who you are a believer does not try to believe because he is a believer that's who you are so because you believe that's why you are a believer and because you are a believer all things are possible you know why all things are possible because you are in authority here amen so I declare the day of impossibilities is over in your life welcome to a world of total possibilities a world of total possibilities a world of total possibilities a world of total possibilities a world of total possibilities somebody's not shutting that Amen well then go ahead celebrates our possibilities the praise and rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice oh my goodness revelation of a revelation of all revelation God's Word ever fresh ever knew that's what brought upon our praise and the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that you may know number one the hope of your colleague number two the riches of your inheritance as he sent number three the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he bought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at the right hand of majesty and you are complete in him who is the head of all principalities and powers your function from the throne room of God we're going to go into some time of pray I like you if you have no central requests should your requests in today doctor I build them in appraised at gmail.com let's get into united pray don't go away let's pray together it's my not to just teach you it's a it's up to teach them how to exercise our authority on the earth there's gonna be explosive in the next few minutes let's pray together and make things happen prayer changes things the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man maker power available that is dynamic in his workings let's pray bhasu kalenna baba the stretch your hands was is manga readable shakeela yo mama let's begin at angle for interventions let's begin at angle for testimonies let's begin to thank God for answers let's begin at angle for answers answers answers answers for yourself answers for the millions around and says for everybody that has sent a request to this house so Chris let's begin to thank God for solutions let's begin to thank God for direction let's begin a turn God for solutions let's begin to turn God for direction man grotto souk el Arab logic ayah Allah Basso cool anime manga deposit la busca rocket Oliva rocket Anna Dillon Amazo talena my God God God God God my motto say Kelly robotically reverse Kanaya Mangrum delay divorce agility ba Baba anger a giggle of a local lava sutala Tamra Mangrum tequila devil shockcord of a suit Alana bhava membra to see Kelly rabbi Oh father we thank you for answers thank you for miracles thank you for floodgates thank you for open doors thank you for connections thank you for supplies thank you for healings thank you for miracles thank you for increase thank you for the blessing thank your God for ideas thank you for concepts thank you for insights thank you for marriages thank you for childbirth thank you for enlargement ning-ning-ning kiyow kiyow kiyow kiyow kiyow kiyow kiyow kiyow kiyow nama hotel Arriba thank you my father in the name of Jesus can I get amen on another finally we're gonna prank Amanda devil to take his hands off his hands off the bodies of God's people his hands of the businesses of God's people of carriers of God's people of marriages of God's people we commanded devil to take his hands off of of course people's properties command him to take his hands of tossed him out out of God's people's bodies across people's businesses and homes stretch your hands and the corporate exercise your authority may Checotah pilita bolita every demonic hold every unclean spirit satanic interference every satanic manipulation every satanic setup every satanic set up every workings of the devil every agent and agency of darkness every satanic installation every working on the devil in the hearts of man to produce results that are no Pleasant every spirit of hell and every interference of the devil in the lives of men men that have sent a request wherever the devil has taken advantage of the ignorance of God's people wherever the devil has taken advantage of the ignorance of those people of the darkness that is in the mind of God's people you demonic HOSA you satanic interference Satan I saw you a notice by the finished work of Christ I command you get your hands off of the businesses of God's people of their careers of their marriages get out get out Dada Dada he Lama no Allah Allah in the name of Jesus if you believe in his don't let me hear that men on a note of finality now we're going to call it things that be not as though they were began a call for homes began to call for marriages begin a call for businesses began to call for money making the call for connections supernatural help they're gonna call for ideas concepts they get a call for employments admissions promotions OPM item they get a call call the things shall be not as though they were call them for yourself then we're going to call them for everyone that was sent in a request in to the south of Greece marrow Kazakh Bamber animal Shatt al-arab ah I call forth marriages I call forth fruit of the womb I call forth jobs I call forth Korea I call forth graduation I call forth admissions I call forth employments I call for flavor I call forth flavor every court case I command favor to settle the matter every court case I command flavor to settle the matter Mary khatola Vishaka membra gadigal Arabo SATA those that are in need of papers to settle down in other countries I call forth flavor I command mercy to work on your behalf I command message I command favor receive jobs receive jobs receive contracts receive a miracle receive favor receive increase receive a large man okey da da ba dee da ba dee da ba dee da ba dee da ba dee da ba dee da ba dee da ba ba su carrera de level Shakira Shakira Shakira da Mandalore was so terrible thank you My Father in Jesus precious name if you believe it is don't let that a man be finally man Oh pure handsome being a receiving position and as I began to declare just be receiving believe you receive and you shall have so as I declare just received somebody shall receive shorty very loud I receive let's use the Greek word say and Lamba know they are the Greek word is more forceful than English lamp a note is not just received Lamba know is I click I seize it I take it I grab it Cabaye italic abba every sick body be healed be healed be healed be healed be healed be healed from your head to the source of your food be healed we all can be connected be corrected blood be collected eyes be collected here in be corrected hearts be corrected leave a be corrected kidney be corrected in the name of Jesus blood be collected blood be corrected receive creative miracles creative miracles creative miracles jobs be released and planets be released promise some be released Karia be released in that sauce me release jobs be released business me release money is released money is released money is release release release dreams release triple-s release will sit in the name of Jesus life partner be release life partner be release life partner release huzzah huzzah huzzah sister pressure wisdom receive direction know what to do do the needful brother is Alisha receive direction know how to dress know how to speak know what to do in the name of Jesus I decree and declare by the favor of God your business is established your dreams are established your vision is established the acharya is established pretty promotion promotion promotion promotion as I'm speaking people are remembering you for good receiving in the name of Jesus we come boldly to the throne of grace we obtain mercy we find grace we obtain mercy to help in time of need wherever there was a need in this request receive supply receive mercy receive grace and for everyone connecting to us receive supernatural revelation the eyes of your understanding I enlightened we break the hold of theta of our families that are no safe we break the hold of theta all the families that are now saved we break the hold of theta of our religion and tradition we break the hold of theta of a superstition now we command every revelation of God be released to that family we send harvest us to harvest that family to assess that man to assess that woman to assess that boy to arrest a girl sit and get your hands off in Jesus we declare salvation we declare salvation and for those that have lost things we declare restoration you are blessed beyond the cost things are falling in place we command you to be a shift a movement we generate power we generate power we generate power that rearranges and rearranges things in the name of Jesus now I declare a release of many-sided Testaments many-sided testimonies many cited Testaments many-sided Testaments receive it in the name of Jesus it is done it is done it is done in Jesus precious if you believe it is don't let that him and come with a shot on the clock celebrate and sad prayers Oh glory my lord what some time of prayer I sense the atmosphere charged by the power of God's world he sent his word and his word he left thee and his ward deliver ID from all your destruction deliverance from every destruction healing for your bodies every organ of your body healed your mind restored depression broken of you right now in the name of Jesus I prefer your loved ones who are no you'd saved today I bring the power of the devil over their lives the god of this world take your hands off members of the families of God's people and in the name of Jesus and break the spirit of confusion over them and Lord I ask for laborers to harvest those people into the kingdom we receive a massive harvest of salvations today in the name of Jesus thank you for healing Lord thank you for open doors and flood gates thank you Lord for relationships businesses connections thank you Lord for ideas concepts insights and investors oh thank you Father for a shift supernaturally thank you Lord for testimony that exploded we have this answers to all of these prayers we give a praise hallelujah make sure share with us your testimony we are looking forward to hearing a lot of testimonies from all over the world make sure you also invite people to be part of what is going on and don't be weary in well-doing don't get tired we're just beginning we have a long way to go in learning and prayer but one thing is sure when you sit down at the feet of Christ Jesus said it is the only thing that is needful the only thing and it is a choice otherwise Mary and mother Mary was sitting down to hear Jesus teach Martha was running around cooking and looking for things jesus said matter so much you're bothered about one thing is needful and your sister has choose him the better part that shall not be taken away from her to sit down and hear the word like this and pray is a choice of the wise that will never be taken away from you through prayer we can create the kind of world who want to live in the next 50 years of our life the next already is we can pray things right into the future in the course of this one month I'm excited friends tell friends about what's going on here looking forward to joining up with you again tomorrow remember that 6 a.m. teaching of the world and 12:00 noon teaching of the world before we get back to these sessions I'm excited friends and I look forward to a wonderful time with you again in the world of His grace be blessed [Music] you
Channel: vooke
Views: 7,385
Rating: 4.7674417 out of 5
Keywords: Word of Truth, Uncompromising gospel, David oyedepo, Chris oyakhilome, Christ Embassy, Winners Chapel, RCCG
Id: 18TbKs7BzKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 26sec (4826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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