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[Music] feel the power welcome to rice's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] welcome to the ever increasing world feast ever damina is my name right here on facebook and youtube and all the online community i want to thank that for all of you your commitment your consistency and your dedication to be taught equipped and built up in the knowledge of jesus christ we're gonna have a wonderful time today as we broadcast i have decided that we'll only have two broadcasts on facebook every day 12 noon and 10 p.m gmt plus one and because of the duration of the teachings we will take some of them part one at 12 noon and the conclusion at 10 pm and you must remember that we have services live services every day at six to eight pm gmt plus one phone lines will be open in the course of the live services for you to call in ask your questions email addresses will be given for you to email your questions in we want to make sure that you have clarity in every aspect of your salvation through faith which is in christ jesus i'm really excited about what god is doing at this time and i want to encourage you to make sure you invite some people to the platform invite them go to the rebroadcast and to the live sessions and make up your mind throughout this month to disciple somebody grab somebody online bring them on the platform watch the services together with them and personally take them on in discipleship so you study the things we teach together so you can get them established in the knowledge of christ i'm always excited you know having the opportunity to serve you the grace of god i also want to encourage you to order for our books you know the plethora of books i have written on the screen you can see them you can quickly order for them from our office the email address is on the screen let me tell you the truth of the matter is investing into your eternity has no substitute it has no substitute whatsoever all right so fasten your seat belts today as i take you right into a gospel adventure into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy view church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 oyo by 6 p.m to 8 p.m mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm106.9u 1pm to 3pm daily join the study to find out in 60 days of glory 2020 don't miss it corinthians 15 verse number 1 moreover brethren i declare unto you the gospel which i preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand please pay attention to the reading next month by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what i preach unto you now if that place is not properly explained you will think that the salvation is tied to a condition by which also you are saved if you keep a memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain now when he said where by which also you are saved is actually supposed to be a full stop there because your salvation has a closure your salvation is not conditional your salvation is not because you did something or didn't do something so it's supposed to be a closure wherein you are saved then in output if you keep in memory and the reason why he added that is because he is laying a foundation to address a doctrinal issue there were some people preaching in the church at corinth that there was no more resurrection so brother paul was laying a foundation a premise on which you will debunk that teaching so that's why he put that in that verse one if you keep in memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain then he addresses the core issue in verse 14 and if christ be not rising then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain if you embrace people who are teaching that there is no more resurrection then your christianity is vain he's addressing an issue here look at verse 17 for further emphasis and if christ be not raised your faith is vain you are yet in your sins that is if it is true that there is no resurrection then your faith and our preaching is vain that's why he said to them unless you had believed in vain for you to embrace anybody teaching that there is no more resurrection after you have been saved takes the rock cappet of salvation from under your feet it means you believed in faith there was that teaching going on in the church at corinth if you understand what i thought that's what brother paul was saying then don't allow yourself to be swayed by those who say there's no resurrection otherwise if there is no resurrection then there is no basis for your faith because you are saved because jesus rules that resurrection is the message that saves iman the resurrection so now if you observe those three contexts for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures next verse and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures now observe what he was reinforcing is a prophecy about christ according to the scriptures which is the prophetic scriptures of the old testament detailing that christ has been raised from the dead but i want you to notice a fact that you know must not be lost that fact must not be lost and that is in verse five and that he was seen of kefirs then of the twelfth that fact must not be lost he was seen of kephas end of the 12th because if he was not seen of them we have no basis to believe verse 4 if he was not seen of kephas and of the 12th then there is no reason why we should believe verse 4 that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so part of the gospel that brother paul preached was obviously the fulfillment of the scriptures by eyewitness account a witness account please pay attention there will be no christ to preach if christ did not come at all and there will be no christ to preach if nobody saw him when he rose from the dead there will be no christ to preach if he didn't come at all and there'll be no christ to preach if nobody saw him when he rose from the dead that means that the humanity of jesus is a vital fact in the gospel because if there was no humanity of jesus there can be a death and if there is no death there can't be a burial and if there is no burial there can't be a resurrection place this is important because that's an important ingredient in the gospel itself and brother paul makes that very clear that account of christ is that we must know that christ was a human being that christ was a human the humanity of christ brother paul says he made him seen who knew no sin he made him seen who knew no sin in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 for he hath made him to be seen for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in christ peter said that there was no guile found in his mouth in acts 13 28 and though they found no cause of death in him yet desired they pilate that he should be slain no guile was found in his mouth there was no cause of death that's why he was without sin that's why he was sinless so there was a lesson and a truth in his humanity there was a lesson and a truth in his humanity so you couldn't have jumped from malachi to romans of course you couldn't you couldn't have john from malachi the old testament and begin to say i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you all no there was the need for the documentation of the humanity of christ which is a vital and a core ingredient of the gospel that we preach very critical here so there was a vital truth in the humanity of jesus obviously that humanity is understood by revelation even the humanity of jesus is only understood by revelation in matthew chapter 16 verse 16 and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god next verse and jesus answered and said unto him blessed are thou simon but john for flesh and blood had not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven so even the humanity of jesus had to be revealed required revelation in john chapter 1 verse 10 a lot of scriptures good for your health because we're dealing with a very core doctrinal issue here he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not scripture is very critical he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not so to know him will have to be by revelation it has to be by revelation but his humanity is a vital fact of the gospel remember we are looking at the healing ministry of jesus second peter chapter one verse 16 for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we make known unto you the power and the coming of our lord jesus christ but where i eyewitnesses of his majesty the word coming there is a greek word parusia the parusia of christ is also used for presence and is used for humanity that word is also used for rapture parusia all right now we are holy like the bible says we are holy and blameless in his sight it's not talking of eyesight okay he's not saying we're holy and blameless for example in his eyesight in his sight that is our stand with him is that we are blameless our stand is not when he says in his sight it's not talking of eyesight so we have to be very careful with the use of words in the scriptures again don't forget there is no word of scripture that has an omnibus application words of scriptures are only interpreted contextually because faith is faith even though faith is not faith it is context that defines faith is it clear here all right so we have not followed commonly devised fables that word commonly devised fables is where you have the word sofia to be smart when you have the word sophiso where brother paul would say to wrote to tibet in second timothy chapter 3 verse 15 and that from a child you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto salvation that word wise is the word sophisto it means smart it means skillful all right so there is a smartness that was with brother peter when he said we have not followed commonly devised fables so jesus is not just a figure of a human imagination he is a historical figure he's not just a figure of human imagination he is a historical figure there are historical facts about christ there's a history about jesus because if there's no history about christ then every fruit about him will be a lie he has a history that can be traced he has a history that can be confirmed he said when he rose we saw him historical fact he was seen of kefirs in fact in that first corinthians he said and 500 other people saw him there's a history to his resurrection and there is a history to his humanity because that is the basis for our faith very important so here he says we are eyewitnesses of his majesty second peter chapter 1 verse 17 for he received from god the father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased so he said we haven't tried to create an impression we are not trying we have not followed corningly device fabulous we have not tried to create an impression we are not trying to create what does not exist there is a truth about him that can be historically traced that's what brother peter was saying look at this so the humanity of jesus is important to us but the difference here is that we are not going to reap the humanity of jesus without the revelation of jesus we're going to read the humanity of jesus in tandem with the revelation of jesus but his humanity is important to the truth that we preach look at acts 13 24 look at the way brother paul preached it when john had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of israel that the life of jesus forms the message in itself the coming there that the baptism of repentance was preached by john was the his appearing to men okay verse 25 look at it for clarity and as john fulfilled his cause he said whom pika that i am i am not him but behold there cometh one after me whose shoes of his faith i'm not worthy to lose next verse man and brethren children of the stock of abraham and whosoever among you feared god to you is the world of this salvation sent how about that to you is the word of this salvation sent that word the word is the word the logos to you is the logos of this salvation sent the word logos means a thought a system an idea a belief to you is this thought to you is this idea to you is this system sent don't forget jesus is the thinking pattern of god jesus is the thought the idea jesus is the reason behind all things all things were made by him and for him the logos in verse 27 of that scripture for they that dwell like jerusalem and their rulers but yet the voices of the prophets they knew him not or yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day they have fulfilled them in condemning him not yet the voices that word voices is a greek word for near it means a dialect that is amiss many things they said these guys were carried away by all the other sayings that they did not get the message they did not get the message that means the prophets have spoken about the humanity of jesus because the humanity of jesus was inspired by god so men can know it because as a core part of our fundamental as believers if you cannot defend the humanity of christ you will be a victim in the hands of antichrist because the antichrist denies the humanity of christ the antichrist denies that jesus didn't come in the flesh and the reason why the antichrist denies the humanity of christ is so that the antichrist teaching can render useless the death the burial the resurrection because if he never came in flesh then he couldn't have died so the reason why the antichrist fights the message of his humanity is to render useless our feet because our faith is built on his resurrection but there could be no resurrection if there was no burial and there be no burial if there is no death so our faith is predicated on the fact that he rose but of course there will be no resurrection if he never came in flesh because his men that died men died yeah that's why any religion or any any faith that denies the humanity of christ is antichrist i have taught you antichrist is not a man coming from somewhere antichrist is a teaching is a teaching that denies that jesus came in the flesh it's a teaching that's where the bible says it's already among us antichrist the spirit of antichrist is already among us the teaching is already among us because that teaching is already on and it's been on for years there has been a fight to always try to prove that jesus was not a man that's very important the humanity of jesus will require revelation to be seen in acts chapter 10 the humanity of jesus was a core part of the gospel because it's his humanity that his death confirms of course his resurrection so look at peter now in acts 10 36 the word which god sent unto the children of israel preaching peace by jesus christ he is lord of all the word there is a word logos that is an a thought an idea or a set of facts the logos then he said that word and then he changes it to rhema verse 37 that word that rhema i say you know was published he is referring not just to jesus but also to his disciples it was published throughout all judea and began from galilee after the baptism which john preached the baptism with john what so baptism is a preaching when you hear baptism don't be thinking of water the word baptism means to incorporate like if i pour you ice cream you will say he baptized me with what ice cream if i bring 50 clothes to your house and i say here is a gift you will say he baptized me with what gifts so when you hear the word baptism don't think of river axe which one because there is a teaching called the baptism of john it's a teaching then of course there is a river called john's baptism look at it look at it that word i say you know which was published throughout all judea and began from galli after the baptism which john preached what was the message called the baptism of john behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sins of the world that message that came from john is called the baptism of job if baptism is critical for salvation why didn't jesus tell the thief go down get baptized you'll be with me in paradise jesus rendered baptism very insignificant by telling the man today you're with me in paradise and god has no double standards so when you hear the word baptized he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved believing is baptized what it means is he that believeth that is baptized shall be saved believing is baptism into christ that is when you believe you are incorporated into christ he that believeth and is incorporated into christ shall be saved it's not going to the river don't forget i've also taught you in this church is one baptism how many baptisms one baptism ephesians 4 5 there is one one lord one faith one baptism there are no two baptisms so let me ask you a very simple question church so if if you are baptizing water then after that you receive christ how many times have you been baptized two are you doing addition by subtraction if you have been baptized in water and after that you receive christ how many baptisms if you have received christ and out of ignorance you now begin to chase after water baptism and then you are you you were thrown into the swimming pool and you swam and you come out how many times have you been baptized but how many baptism are we supposed to have one so water and christ which one do you choose so that cancels water oh don't you read john the baptist says i indeed baptize you with water onto repentance but the mightier than i when he comes he will not use water he will baptize you with the holy ghost so let me ask you are you baptized by john or by jesus what did jesus use him baptizing you exactly okay let me ask you was john and jesus supposed to walk hand in hand was john and jesus supposed to walk on the hand what was the mission of john to announce and introduce jesus when john introduced jesus what did john do i must decrease he must increase so the moment jesus showed up john disappeared when john disappeared did he leave this practice for jesus john has already defined me i will use water when i go my water will go with me when he comes he won't use my water that's why he's greater than i his own will not be in a river his own will be holy spirit immersing a man where that manner becomes a new creation all things are passed away behold all things are new if it's clear somebody shout i hear you somebody said we've been doing this baptism for long the age of a lie doesn't make it a truth and i'm taking more time to explain because i'm preaching them already in town and i'm sure people are bombarding you with questions so i'm taking them to help you so you can you can have a reason for what we teach and put up on intelligent doctrine and not sentimental an intelligent doctrinal position not sentimental because religion is sentiments christianity is reasoning you didn't hear that religion is sentiments christianity is reasoning come let us listen we reason to be carnally minded and to be spiritually minded we reason all right now that word i say you know which was published throughout all judea and began from galilee after the baptism which john preached obviously they went around and preached it can be jesus who published it they published it what was the message in the world that they published what were they publishing give me verse 36 and 37 so that we can have pretext and postex the word which god sent under the children of israel preaching peace by jesus christ he is lord of all that word i say you know which was published throughout all judea and become from galilee after the baptism with john preach what was the word that was published 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about forget the punctuations how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good god is the word that was published with the holy ghost and with power you need to separate the two so a message of christ is his healing ministry a message of christ is his healing ministry and his humanity is a caught truth his healing ministry what he did to the sick and what he did about sickness is part of his humanity of course you cannot talk about this humanity without incarnation you can't without his incarnation and when we talk about his incarnation we talk about his temptation he was tempted that's why he was a man that humanity is where his healing ministry comes from the writer of hebrews says he was tempted in all points hebrews 4 15. you cannot talk about that without his humanity i mean he was human so if you are talking about jesus humanity you must also talk about his ministry because it's called if you read the sermons in acts chapter 2 and chapter 3 you will see a reinforcement of what jesus did you will see that he is saying that a core fact about jesus in his humanity is a fact that he went about with power and healed the sick that's a fact of his humanity how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him you know sometimes you can know a person but you may not know everything about him there are some people who know that god forgives sins and they know that jesus is coming to take them home but they don't know about his healing ministry they don't know and when you don't know a particular aspect of a person you can be denied the privileges of that area of that person many know about you know that jesus forgives is merciful he loves and they know he's coming to take me home but may not know about gifts miracles divine direction signs and wonders that are in christ now listen carefully there are also others who know that they are believers but they may not know that they are god's children they are believers but may not know that they are children of god and that will affect their attitude it will affect because many people just believe i'm just a believer but they go they don't understand that we are children of god we call god father he is god to the unbeliever he is father to the believer he didn't hear that he is god to the world he is father to the believer behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god so we are the family of god we are the family of god we have a father-son relationship with god hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah now if someone was alive died was buried and he rose again one of the proof that this man is the same man that died that has risen is that he will continue doing what he was doing before he died you didn't hear that one of the proof that the man you are seeing is the man that died is that what he was doing before he died he will do after he rises from the dead so jesus was anointed he went about healing all that were oppressed so if he's the same jesus that rose he will continue going about healing those that are oppressed that means the healing ministry of jesus is free his death burial resurrection and post his death burial and resurrection because he's the same jesus so his humanity is a vital element of what we preach look at acts 2 22 we're interrogating the healing ministry of jesus please i need your total attention here men of israel here are these words jesus of nazareth a man somebody says he's a man a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs that's a place to underline which god did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves know are proved by miracles wonders and signs very critical for christianity so a core part of the miracles and wonders and signs is the fact that jesus healed the sick he healed the sick so god approved jesus as it were by his healing ministry look at matthew 8 16 when the event was come now before 8 16 look at 14 15 he just did one and when jesus was coming to peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her hand and the fever left her and she arose and ministered unto him did you see that he just healed somebody now he healed peter's mother's in law okay now next verse when the evil was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirit with his word and healed some that were sick how many did he heal all that were sick he healed all that we are sick ladies and gentlemen we are going to see healings like never before he somebody said he healed all and he lives in me he healed all that we are sick now please pay attention i'm almost done but pay attention i can't finish this in ten services we are investigating the healing ministry of jesus and the reason why i'm going holistically is because you will engage people who say the days of miracles are over and you must have a doctrinal position with with the capacity to heal so we must go about it well are you understanding if you understand i hear you why look at me like that i see if you understand he said i hear you it's important some people say the days of miraculous these are even the days of miracles it has just started it can't be over it's too early here glory to god now look at verse 17 it's misleading that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah's the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses that verse is misleading because you will think verse 17 is explaining verse 16 that's what you would think in your mind okay but that's not true actually verse 16 points to verse 17 verse 17 is not an explanation for verse 16 rather verse 16 points to verse 17 let me read 16 17 again when the evil was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirit with his word and healed all that we are sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah's the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bought our sickness verse 17 is purely salvation and the forgiveness of sin purely the bearing of sickness is there is sickness of the spirit which is seen don't forget he came to take away the sin of the world don't forget that's why he came he came for sick he came for sin he didn't come for healing if he was healing he was already healing before he died so there'd be no need for him to die don't forget what i just said few minutes ago if a man was doing something before he dies when he rises from the dead what would be the proof that he's still the same person he will continue doing what he was doing right now stay with me so he healed all that it might be fulfilled that was that it might be fulfilling in view of the fact he healed in view of the fact is the greek word hopeless hopeless so that you will see this as well that's the meaning in view of the fact he healed everybody so that you will see this as well or in view of the fact that he himself took our infirmity so the healing was in view of what he was going to do on a more serious matter than the healing of a body the healing ministry of jesus therefore is to attest to the fact that he will bear the sins of humanity that's the first you must take note of number two the healing ministry as much as it were authority over sickness and disease was much more a show of the character of god which was further proven by the death of jesus the character of god that was what jesus was displaying in healing the sick the character of god which further was proven in the death of jesus so his healing ministry was not acting like a doctor his healing ministry was acting like a compassionate god he was acting like a compassionate god so matthew 17 is not for sickness it's for sin but it reinforces that he handled the sick in view that he will take away the sins of the world so israeli ministry further affirms his office as savior now you can separate it his healing ministry further affirms that he will occupy the office of a savior look at matthew 4 23 and jesus went about all galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people next verse and his fame went throughout all syria and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with diverse diseases and torments and those which were possessed with devils and those which were lunatic and those that had the policy and he healed them that's god's character god's character is that in his compassion he heals the sick whether they are believers or not so there are no steps to healing and there are no conditions for healing he healed them all he healed without asking do you believe he healed without asking do you love me he healed without asking are you sure you will follow me he just healed and let me ask you a question all the people that jesus healed in the four gospels were they believers all of them were sinners before i pray for you receive christ what kind of what kind of what trickster are you so you want to trick him to receive christ you want to use healing as a bait no jesus heals because he loves and he will heal you without preaching the gospel to you but he will preach the gospel to you sometimes without healing you sometimes people get born again and they are not healed and sometimes people get born again and they are healed why you shouldn't understand that's what we're teaching and i don't want to jump ahead of myself glory to god matthew 9 35 the same thing and jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues doing what what was jesus doing so me and jesus were doing the same thing so that you say i don't understand papa has not been making no sweat jesus didn't make them sweat he was teaching in their synagogue this is a synagogue and we're teaching in the synagogue i'm preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people he healed all so healing was a vital part of the ministry of jesus in fact it was almost impossible for him to be raised from the dead and giving a great commission without healing involved how can you go and preach without healing so that's why he says as you go preaching lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover caster devils in my name because that is part of a vital part of the ministry of jesus so christ is savior and christ is also healer he is not savior without being a healer many know how to enjoy the forgiveness of sins and freedom from guilt oh first john 2 1 if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous who is the propitation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world ephesians 1 7 in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins romans chapter 8 there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death many of us know those scriptures but you also have to have the consciousness that jesus is also a healer the same way he forgives you your sin is the same way he heals your body the same way if you have the right to receive forgiveness you have a right to be healed and healthy is his office and he proved that sufficient enough for you to see jesus healed the sick all the time he had he healed sick all the time that they called him healer and now it becomes a basis that they preached everywhere that was a rhema that went throughout all judea no wonder the woman with the issue of blood that surround up when she had heard about jesus where did she hear it from the disciples that went everywhere publishing what were they publishing hilah hilah hilah hilah she had enough about his healing that she had had enough not to be denied her healing she had enough let me ask you all of your question what was published about jesus was it just his healing was he just healing no there were other scandals there were scandals they called jesus a ill-zibob that is they say he was a prince of demons they called him a wine baba they call him a gluten there were all kinds of scandals in the midst of them the message of his healing but the woman selected what to hear in the midst of all the cacophony of noise she decided to hear healing healing healing healing healing and said he has healed enough for me not to be healed if what she was hearing was the scandal she wouldn't have been healed question what are you hearing some of you are you gossip some of you here your mouth parrot parrot is more healthy [Laughter] you are a you are a dustbin every garbage is dumped inside you and you want to walk in power people that walk in power have no leakages they are well sealed they carry content that is wholesome and no leakage for infiltration of corruption when you become dustbin everything enters you let me tell you something listen very carefully if you want to be blessed in this ministry all your life you must close your ears and hear only what you choose to hear because the moment you allow somebody gossip me to you in a negative way he has led a framework of unbelief in your life and from that moment the conduit of blessing supply is blocked so that is why you must choose which one you will hear bible say take heed what you hear there is no human being that people don't have something to say about negative and positive including you who is the tail bearer you have your own tales except you're not a human being i'm talking of jesus who is god sinless without sin yet there were scandals going around he's a wine baba he is a gluten he is the chief of the ill-zibob he eats with sinners how can a righteous man be eating with sinners he must have something in common with them of the same feather they flock together all that was going on but the woman with the issue of blood decided that the only one she will hear is that jesus is a healer and when she had heard about jesus as hela she said if i can so what she had created in her and unknown and a value that could receive from jesus shakaya what she had what she had created in her a value and an honor that could not let her go without receiving healing that's why she didn't even need jesus his permission she touched and walked away jesus stopped somebody not everybody everybody has a version of me but somebody with the right version touch me and they say everybody's thought you say no no this particular touch this particular touch has evacuated and offloaded something out of me somebody touched me woman came and told him the truth he looked at her and said daughter your faith your faith not my faith your own faith so that means what you were hearing was what was capable of staring of faith has made you whole when she had heart about jesus as healer as hela when she had heard about jesus as a healer she said they even said jesus was blasphemous he blasphemed the law and you know satan understands information well and satan works with negative publicity that's what satan uses the moment he tries to discredit a preacher he uses a guy in authority to discredit him you hear them saying that man is a heretic he's preaching heresy now man is preaching uh heresy and they start talking like that they start making noise like that is the devil's way of trying to block people from receiving the blessing of that ministry so every time they put it on tv or facebook is to dampen people from receiving the blessing and there are two ways to handle them prayer and the ministry of the word we pray and keep teaching it we teach it as if we're not hearing them you understand we just keep teaching it as if we're not hearing them they are talking we are teaching it they say how can you say water baptism is not new testament then we put another one water baptism is also a teaching why they are still trying to get confused with that one you put another one you put another before they finish down you put another one we're praying and we're preaching as if not hearing them we're praying and we're preaching as if are not hearing them until they themselves will be overwhelmed by what we're preaching and they will join us to preach it and the word grew mightily and prevailed glory to god we give ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the world this woman heard about jesus and we know what she heard she heard about his healing ministry because somebody shouted hallelujah you can choose what you want to hear you make up your mind as a member of this ministry as a member of this church i'm only going to hear the word of the lord i'm not going hear human philosophy i'm not gonna hear what anybody has to say i'm gonna stay and hear the word my son attend to my words incline your ears to my saints let them not depart from your heart for their life to those who find them and held to all their flesh let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom be full of the word be so full of the word and you guard your heart you guard your heart you protect your heart with all diligence for out of it are the forces the issues the influences of life they proceed out of your heart so you guard your heart how do you guard your heart guard your eyes guard your ears guard your mouth because your eye gate your ear gate and your mouth gate are the avenues through which things enter you so you guard what you see you guard what you hear and you guard what you say a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bring that forth evil things out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so when you hear what a man is saying it is an indication of what is in the container so you mind what you hear glory to god lift your right and i shall jesus is a healer he is a savior he is a healer he healed he heals he will always heal i didn't hear a powerful amen stand on your feet on your neighbor and say healing is part of god's character he is a good god god is a good god he wants to see you healthy he wants to see you happy so when there is a pain he takes it away amen he heals and he heals all the time and i declare over this building and those of you watching on on on the media wherever you're watching around the world every sickness and disease in your body we exercise authority over sickness and disease we exercise authority over sickness and disease we exercise authority over sickness and disease over pain and over every incurable disease diseases that have defied medication i speak to the demonic hole behind those diseases lose your holes in the name of jesus you spirit of infirmity lose your holes in the name of jesus and we come and body be healed be healed body be healed in the name of jesus and we declare your body quicken we declare your body restored receive a miracle in the name of jesus where you need a new organ receive a replacement receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles cancers will flush out tumors will flush out fibroids we melt out blindness we command restoration death spirit come out in the name of jesus we command every kidney disease liver disease heart conditions be corrected be corrected be corrected be corrected be corrected and if they have committed sin it shall be forgiven the prayer of faith shall heal the sick and the lord shall raise him up every blood disease be healed high blood pressure sugar diabetes melt and fall out in the name of jesus migraine headaches come out bone disease be healed bone disease be healed burn disease be healed burn disease be healed i rebuke paralysis i rebuke paralysis that brain area that controls the various organs of the body that is shut him down i command you be healed brain be corrected be corrected be corrected brain be corrected brain be corrected brain be corrected body be restored in the name of jesus and jesus healed them all listen carefully if you have sick people get them on them online get them on facebook get them on youtube the next few weeks we are going to have this mega miracles all over this house spear parts will be released injured bodies will be restored old age syndrome will be flushed out some of you are going to have supernatural age reversal your body will be restored to soundness i'm not telling your human at all i'm not hearing your hearing at all and jesus healed that many of them he healed them all he healed them all thank you lord glory to god and i declare right now that pain goes forever rheumatism disappear general body weakness flushed out flushed out flushed out flushed out insomnia pack your load and get out of that body get out of that body in the name of jesus retaliate now thank you father and we declare miracles all over this building and we declare restoration all over this building and we thank you lord for confirming your word in jesus christ's name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 uyo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 am to 1 pm every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm 106.9 uyo 1pm to 3pm daily join the study to find out in 60 days of glory 2020 don't miss it welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back it's been wonderful hearing and hearing the word growing every day in the knowledge of jesus christ please don't go away this is very important remember again soteria season seven you don't want to be the life services for anything under the sun you don't want to miss it at all it's every evening six to eight p.m gmt plus one monday to saturdays and on sundays it will be 8 a.m gmt plus 1 and 11 a.m gmt plus one right here on the platform make up your mind to take somebody along with you through learning christ and don't forget the broadcast on facebook will be 12 noon gmt plus 1 and 10 pm gmt plus 1 outside of the live service at 6 pm gmt plus 1. my prayer for you is that grace continues to abound towards you you have sufficiency in all things you continue to abound onto every good work you are built up you're equipped so that you can do the work of ministry in the name of jesus and i decree that god's purpose and calling and plan for your life will be fully realized i speak the grace of god over you i rebuke sickness and disease and i declare that what christ has done for you you will not be denied enjoying the fullness of that blessing today in jesus name amen and let me quickly mention if you don't belong to a good local church and you want to identify with any of our campuses around the world there are phone numbers on the screen if you call those phone numbers you will be assisted to identify the campus closest to you and if all fails shoot an email today to dr ebel damina at asking for the campus that is closest to your location but it's a joy to serve you the grace of god until again we connect with you in the next few hours on the next broadcast enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen [Music] victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,801
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Id: kt6xOPUiRAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 19sec (4039 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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