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to another exciting moment in the world of His grace evil domina is my name happy new year I want to welcome every one of you that has joined me today in this online prayer on vocation we're gonna have a great time of learning and praying the essence for prayer number one is to grow in the knowledge of God number two is to cast your cares on the Lord for he carried for you number three is to receive answers to prayer that's what we call these moments with you throughout this one month of prayer harvest of answers in the Book of Luke the disciples came to Jesus and said to Jesus Lord teach us to pray so you don't pray by praying you are taught how to pray for most of the religious world they just tell us pray and you just imagine what prayer could be and you just pray but the disciples didn't pray like that they came to Jesus and said Lord teach us to pray even as John taught his disciples how to pray so there is a way to pray and it is taught taught from where from the scriptures John 5:39 Jesus settling Jews search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but the Scriptures testify of me in second timothy 3:15 but paul said to timothy under from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus verse 16 says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine so the scriptures are given to establish us in doctrine doctrine means teaching or explanation so if the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray if they will want to learn how to pray we're going to learn from doctrine that is derived from the Scriptures called the New Testament so we pray according to the New Testament why did you just because the New Testament is a testament that has been established on the finished work of Christ on the finished work of Christ where we are guaranteed that God because of what Jesus has done we are in union in relationship with God therefore when we pray he hears us all the time that's what we call it hundred percent answers guaranteed somebody got angry with me when I said he said well answers to prayer are subject to the sovereignty of God yes they are subject to the sovereignty of God and the sovereignty of God has been made manifest in the person of Christ Jesus so when we pray in Christ we are guaranteed 100% answers remember when jesus warned the face of this earth whenever he pretty said father I thank you that you hear me always that was Jesus's prayer Jesus also prayed and said to the Father father show them that you have not loved me more than you love them so the same way the father loves Jesus He loves us and if he answered Jesus only time he answers us all the time scripture tells us this is the confidence that we have in him that whatever we ask in accordance with his will he heareth us what is the will of God the will of God is revealed in a person his name is Christ that's why Jesus was Saint John whatever you ask the Father in my name in my authority he will give it to you he didn't say he will say no sometimes you will say yes sometimes he was him with he said whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give it to you so you are just an axon away from what you desire from the Lord he will give it to you the scripture tells us in any of you lack wisdom James brother James let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally generously and operated not he does not find fault it shall be given God doesn't find fault the Old Testament puts it like this on to you that answer a prayer shall all flesh come unto you that answer a prayer you know his brother Copeland who was saying that one time he was prayed and said O God give me this give me power give me this give me that and after a while God spoke to him and said stop blaming me for your failure to receive what I have provided don't blame God for your failure to receive the New Testament is a testament of receiving a scripture tells us in mark 11:23 what seems to Emma you desire when you pray believe you receive and you shall have in Ephesians chapter 19 I mean here Acts chapter 19 he said to them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe have you received in John says a man can receive nothing except it been given to him from above in the book of first Corinthians he says the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so it's about receiving receiving receiving you have to be taught how to receive because if you are not taught how to receive then it is not God keeping things from you it is you failing to receive what God has provided Ephesians 1:3 he has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ all the spiritual blessings he has blessed us with all not some all of it all of it therefore it's our responsibility from the Scriptures to learn how to receive what has been given to us the book of Peter he says he had given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue he has given us everything but it would be through their knowledge the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue it's like somebody was praying already Oh God give me grace Oh God give me grace it doesn't answer to prayer grace doesn't answer to prayer he said grace and peace be multiplied through knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge so in the course of these 31 days of prayer there's going to be a lot of knowledge we're going to take enough time to learn how to pray from the scriptures as we filled in the New Testament in the New Testament I want you to get ready to learn and learn I want you to get ready to learn unlearn and relearn because there's things we're going to teach that will go against some perceptions you have held on to religiously without scriptural foundation really just perceptions that you have the hell don't you without even check it we're going to bring the light of God's Word you know on those religious beliefs and certain things may make you a bit uncomfortable I beg you don't shut me off just be patient create enough room to listen listen and listen them pray and check it again you know and sometimes some people won't before we finished making statements they conclude and stop asking questions don't be in a hurry to ask question during this one mode of prayer because look time spent with God it's time that guarantees a life of success his brother Creflo Dollar who see no time spent with God equals failure the feel of any Christian interval is failure to spend time with God because when you spend time with God you come into the light of his provisions you committed a light of who he is Salah darkness loses relevance so get ready get your pen your paper we're gonna study quite a bit and at the end of studying from the position of knowledge and strength we will pray and we are guaranteed a hundred percent answer to prayer you know scripture tells us all the promises of God are in him yes an email whenever you pray in the name of Jesus we don't stand it the answer always comes but are you able to receive what God has made available so we're gonna have a great time and at the end we'll take time to pray but I like you know fasting your seatbelts share the video on your page talk somebody you think needs to hear what we're sharing here you know your loved ones your family your friends bring them on board let them be a part of this daily prayer time we want to just pray then New Year's are started one of the best ways to establish the foundation for a successful year is to spend the first hours in prayer we want to pray men ought always to pray and not to faint pray and generates power the X effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much all it make a tremendous power available that is dynamic in his morning when this power is made available it changes and rearranges things it makes things happen prayer is the medium of exercising our authority on the earth listen to me there is no failure the only failure is prayer failure but you cannot pray until you learn how to pray so I'm going to spend time teaching and learning and practicing the act of prayer please get everybody on board first in your seatbelts I'll be back to you in a few minutes few minutes at the end of the broadcast to share a few things with you but I'm excited friends first in your symbols as I take you on a gospel adventure into the teaching of God's Word and into prayer happy happy wonderful time of fellowship glory to God and beginning a series on prayer and I'm going to scatter many things that you have held on to default because what I want to deal with yet is 100% and sad preyas guaranteed where every time you pray you come out with answers we are we are going to dismantle this myth called on unsub prayer so we're going to deal with that in this introductory session and I will need your attention because I'm I'm just gonna go as a Spirit of God will will enable me this morning so when it comes to prayer most of the times the believer has a lot of challenges and the reason why the believer has a lot of challenges is because we assume that once somebody's born again he knows how to pray wake up children in the morning pray they don't know what you're talking about they wanna sleep you're telling them to pray they don't even know what you're talking about and prayer now becomes punishment so children once they have the freedom to be away from home they don't want to pray because they re acting they are rebelling against you are you compelling them to do what they don't want to do because I don't want to do something until I know what it is so with that assumption in mind you are raised up and you are told to pray all your lifetime especially those of us that grew up in Christian homes we grew up praying from the day we were born we saw our parents pray so we joined them to pray what we think priya is and so we grow up with that and as we grow up in life we begin to encounter what you can easily refer to ask on answered prayer because now you see things that you expect God to do and those things are not happening so you arrived of a myth that there are prayers that God doesn't answer and the reason is because you've not been taught so you hear people see things like sometimes when you pray God says yes other times God sees no other times God sees hold and then other times God sees not yet people come up with that conclusion and the reason they come up with that conclusion is because of the assumption that everybody knows how to pray and you know so people try it and it's not working so they stay away from it because why do you want to keep doing what is not working why do you want to be involved with something that is not working so people now arrive at a conclusion where they say whatever God wants to do he will do even if I pray I don't pray if God wants it to happen it will happen it's an assumption that is built on falsehood and this falsehood is an assumption that religion passed on to you as a little baby and you grew up with it as an adult so a particular mindset has been constructed and reinforced in you we are by experiences in life and by things that have happened to you in the course of your growing years you have concluded that it's not every prayer that God answers and there are even people that are sitting down here right now with a list of unanswered prayers things you've been waiting for God to do for years things you have asked God to do and you have concluded that God does not answer every prayer because if God answers every prayer what about one two three four five six what about seven what about the other time I had an uncle that was very sick I prayed and prayed and my uncle didn't want to die but he died in the midst of my prayer so you come up with real life experiences and evidences that the enemy has furnished around your mindset giving you concrete evidence that there are times you pray actually and God doesn't answer so a lot of people have that conclusion in mind that is not every prayer that God answers and thus in myth because that is we shall find out very shortly that that it's not true so there's something called a means of prayer now you hear people say the God really answer my prayer then the next scene they were actually that did you pray right did you really pray right so they come up with this mindset that there is a right way to pray did you really pray right did God really answer your prayer there are such real questions that you know people arcs in everywhere Axew you ask yourself because the subject of Prayer is a real-life situation we're dealing with here and it's not a lot of theories a lot of practicals they in the house and when you begin to see such thing like how do you pray the right way all right how do you pray the right way now that is why I didn't call this series how to pray or bring right I think all that because that will bring you to that meat of unanswered prayers how to pray how to pray right it gives you an idea that if you don't pray right there are prayers go to no answer so also if I tactually that it will help your mindset that has been before said as I'm not calling it how to pray right or how to pray I'm calling it hundred percent answer and said pray as guaranteed and we shall find out from the scriptures that you know what I'm sharing with you this morning is God's greatest desire for you to understand somebody lift your right hand answered me I receive revelation can I hear you sit like you're seeing something now when we say how to pray the right wing or how to pray right the moment I say that the immediate thing that happens is that that kind of statement takes away from you relationship it takes away relationship how to pray right so it brings a mindset that there are certain rules and when you bring rules into a situation it affects the relationship between you and oppressing so people begin to think of what rules are observed what rules are not observed what did I do and what did I not do so first and foremost the first thing you have to understand is that prayer is talking to your father simply that prayer is talking to your father and there are no rules as to how to talk to your father my father never gave me rules on how to talk to him I just walk into my father's room and I tell him what I want to tell him and he answers me and sometimes he doesn't care who is there I walk in there and I talk to him i express myself to him the way I feel especially those of you that are cordial relationships with your fathers because there are some fathers there were monsters and I'm not talking about those monstrous fathers I'm talking about an ideal father you are not afraid to express yourself to your father it's a stellar father the way things are and he talks back to you your children come to you they are not afraid to come to you they don't have to think of how to put it they put it the way it is is that true daddy I'm not feeling good I'm not happy there are they don't say if I say I'm not happy will he answer me oh really no so when we begin to talk about pray in the right way or not praying the right way the first thing we do is we take away a relationship out of out of our minds and once you took religious in relationship out of your mind then you begin to come into this myth of one answered prayer let me also deal with something here you hear people see it steps to answer prayer when you begin to talk about eight steps or five steps or four steps to answer prayer you also tamper with relationship because there shouldn't be steps there shouldn't be steps in a relationship there shouldn't be steps can somebody say I hear you so you hear things like does God and separate us different questions keep coming does God pray and separate us all the time all the time I pray does God answer are you sure is the will of God are you sure is the will of God maybe it is not the will of God then somebody will say to you how do you know it is the will of God how do you know then somebody will say pray pray and find out if it is the will of God so if I have to pray to find out if it is the will of God why can't I as well just pray and get the answer I was also told that the only way to find life is the will of God is if he's in the Bible but the Bible is not the Word of God shockwave will find out something in the Bible but that is not God I could find it in the Bible but that doesn't mean it is God that's why the Bible must be rightly divided it's a mixture of all kinds of things that must be sifted shifted shifted and properly arranged when it is well arranged now you can see the picture clearly then you can see what is God and what is not God but when it is not rightly divided is a confusion a bunch of confusion and that's why you don't have clarity in knowing where it god God answered your prayer body I'll say a prayer because of some mindset given to you that you have to pray the will of God and this will of God is made mysterious I'm just laying some foundation so people are just like let's do it like a trial and error let's pray how do I know he answered when it walks let's pray how do I know God didn't answer when it does him walk so we are living in a relationship of trial and error it's a relationship of trial and error and relationships are not designed to function like that it's a relationship of trial and all right let's pray we're not sure you will a support if we pray right you will answer but if we don't see Elsa we didn't pray right so now we're just being trial and error when I release all that questions even the relationship itself hey are we together in the house so there are myths like that and we're gonna correct a number of things and I want you to get ready to unlearn unlearn some things and learn some things amen I said amen and for some of us prayers just rehearsal we rehearse so when they say pray you go through the rejas our Father in the name of Jesus we thank you we praise you we adore you we honor you thank you lord you're a faithful God Jehovah Nissi Jehovah Jireh Jehovah said Ken oh thank you nobody like you greater than the greatest what a mighty God mysterious in all ways so where does full of rhetoric were full of rhetoric we are like poets all over the place just being poetic and after our poem no answer then we're frustrated having a form of godliness without power all the rules I have observed you the answer hasn't come so it's like does God really interpret us and that erodes confidence and as well 1st John chapter 5 says this is the confidence there must be confidence but I can't be confident about what I don't know I can never no matter how much I claim to know it if I don't know it I cannot be confident so our confidence is tampered with our confidence is affected because because of wrong information hallelujah so I'm going to point out a few particular parables of Jesus because we wanna start with Jesus then we will get to James then we will get to Paul and we'll get to all the commentaries in scripture to establish the doctrine of Prayer are you ready for this listen very carefully the parables of Jesus never had literal truth all of Jesus's parables never had literal truth none of his parables and literal truths they were not literal that's why they're poor parables the parables of Jesus never had literal truth they're parables because they were illustrations and analogies the parables were just illustrations and analogies they never had literal truths and in every analogy you must not take things literally also when you have an analogy you must have the interpretation of that analogy you must have the interpretation because that it is an analogy means it requires interpretation even is not interpreted you're wrong with it literally and you will be in error so it must be interpreted that's why it's an analogy so are the parables of Jesus we are not literal because there were analogies and illustrations Luke chapter 18 verse 1 and he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to feel now holy that is where most of the charge came up with this coinage operation push oppression push means pray until something happens and you know in this church we pray but we don't pray until something happens because pray until something happens is not God that's where the coin the analogy pray until something happens this is a parable it is Luke that gave his assumption that the parable Jesus gave is a parable of prayer but it was in Jesus who call it a parable of Prayer this was Luke's commentary and he SPECT a parable Luke is reporting to us Luke is giving us a report that Jesus spoke a parable and in Luke's own assumption it is a parable that men ought always to pray and not to face that is not a parable that is what Luke is thinking but we have to study what Luke is thinking to see if we need to correct Luke or if Luke is correct because I have corrected Moses in a number of teachings here through a force that we have seen what Moses didn't see and we have corrected him because this is the intent that on two principalities and powers might be known by the church the manifold wisdom that is we see what Devils demons angels and Old Testament prophets you don't see including the disciples of Jesus because they were with him but didn't even know him but we know him I said we know him yeah so men ought always to pray and not to faint now this is Luke's assumption now technically fire in a parable in every parable we have figures of speech and we have fictitious character we don't do drama because drama is not the New Testament language of communicating the gospel drama is fictitious another fun community here so that's why we don't use drama to communicate in the New Testament the New Testament church receives food and spiritual growth through words not acting as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of what the word is not the word that is milk the milk there is the medium of communication man shall not live by bread alone but by every word not every active I'm teaching here in the past in divers manners God spoke to the fathers divers manners could be anointing oil handkerchief of Noah it could be presence of those are diverse manners but in these last days he does not speak to us in divers manners he speaks to us in his son and the son is the world the food of the Spirit I'm teaching here Luke chapter 18 nervously saying there was in a seat a gorge which feared not God neither regarded man and there was a widow in that city and she came on to him seeing avenge me of my adversary and he were not for awhile but afterward he said within himself though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this Widow troubling me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me and the Lord said hear what the unjust George saith and shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he be along with them now so look assumes that Jesus is talking about pray I hear but Jesus is not talking pray are here now please take note look at the characters in that story number one we have an unjust George that George is not an analogy of God because that George is an unjust George and in the book of Genesis chapter 18 verse 25 the Bible calls God a righteous George so God is not the unrighteous George so that analogy Jesus was making there had nothing to do with God the book of Hebrews tells us in 6 verse 11 that God is not all right chose to forget your labor of love so God is not all right so so that George is not referring to God already knowing that that Judge does not refer to God cancels the assumption that that was a parable on prayer the next character is the widow and this analogy of the widow is not for believers because we believers are not widows it doesn't work for prayer there all right in every parable you have the fact you have the fiction and you have the lesson so now in this parable a George is a fact a widow is a city is a fact the fiction that is that there is no particular person called the gorge so that's the fiction because this George has no identity there's no body thing God add as the George so that's the fiction in the story are we together all right so that's a fiction in the story so this story therefore being a fiction means we'll need interpretation and oftentimes you remember the facts but we get engrossed with the fiction we like the fiction we like the you know the fiction in the story we stay with the fiction the woman disturbed the king and the judge said let the woman wear me out let me answer her if i disturb god like that he must answer we stay with the fiction and we don't get the lesson that was communicated through that fiction and we are never crystallized in the fiction and where you build your life on fiction you will have an answered prayer so you have whole churches praying prayers on you know on fiction pray disturb God don't let him rest tie him if he's tired you will answer everybody clap your hands your head did all that is fertility in physical exercise because God is not aware you're clapping hand and is whatever your shaky head because she doesn't look at the outward appearance you're the only one exercising and losing weight or adding weight whichever I'm teaching here now take note the key issue in parables is the lesson mark 4 tells us of the parable of the sower the lesson in the part of the ZOA is that when people hear the world people get saved that's the lesson in the parable of the sower all those some fell by the wayside some fell among thorns some fell on this something all of that story Jesus spent in the fictitiously was to bring out a lesson that when people hear the world and the world enter them the result effect of the world that enters a man is salvation all right so this parable of Luke chapter 18 what is the lesson Jesus was bringing out here now before I get into the lesson much of the four tells us that parables are for people that are spiritually dead Matt 4:11 and he said unto them unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but unto them that are without these things are done in parables so parables are for those without for you that I in the kingdom you know mystery so parables is a language used to communicate to people that are spiritually dead that means parables are not for the church because we are not dead we are begotten to a lively hope by the resurrection of Christ so we gotta be got into a lively hope God does not use variables to talk to us he speaks to us expressly in his son because we know his son Holy Ghost Jesus said to them in joints of the five the reason why you cannot believe me is because you don't know my father nobody can believe the Word of God until first of all he gets born again open gate ingénue in the Word of God to those without a parables to you it is given to nooh next vos that seeing they may see I'm not perceived and hearing they may hear not understand less at any time they should be converted when he gives the parable she has not died so his primary assignment was to point them to salvation every parable was a pointer to salvation where a parable of edgings wise virgins foolish virgins salvation the parable of Amanda found treasure and sold everything salvation the parable of spooled is sleeping in the bed one will be taking one left salvation the parable of the broad and the narrow road all is all the parables were appoint us to salvation am i communicating here if hear me say here you now so Matthew 13 34 all these things speak Jesus unto the multitude in parables and without a parable spake he not unto them the Emma be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet saying I will open my mouth in parables I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world so what Jesus does is when he gives you a parable love not inside the parable is a lesson the mission of the parable is not the story is not the characters is the secret that is locked up inside it from the foundation of the world that will require interpretation teaching here does the mission of his parables he said I will utter things inside the parables that were kept secret from the foundation of the world that people have not been able to uncover but you that are mine you will know it but those are not mine they will hear stories and be excited without understanding the lyceum in the story so we are they trust full of excited people who don't do the lesson but they know the parables they excited about the story oh we shall be sleepy one shall be taken one shall be left I would be the one taking you'll be the one left always talking about your know somebody else Jesus is communicating something there and you have missed the point and you're pushing the shadows I'm teaching here see if you understand this foundation I'm lean you understand rich novice in the week because this is where the whole thing starts form and I'm taking my time to do this because once the foundation is in place you can build fast foundation takes time oh but the moment you have fixed the foundation I you come out with jamming flaw within 3-4 days you will see windows already come down shop shop shop shop but if the foundation is not in place no matter how you rush you will pull down and build again I don't want to pull down again what I'm building inside you now will last it Jesus comes so that's what we're taking the time here are you excited about thank you Lord I say thank you lord so parables actually hide the truth in every parable there is hidden truth if you take parables literally you will be in mistake because parables are duck speeches so what is the lesson well look Khalid player he might be light in a certain way but that was not what Jesus was discussing and I will show you where Luke is right and what Jesus was actually talking about so the player expects number one it cannot be teaching of an unjust judge because God is not unjust number two a cannot be teaching of the believer because the believer is not a video number three another thing about the parable is that we cannot where God out God cannot get tired that King George was tired but God does not get tired he that watches over Israel does not sleep nor slumbers he can never be weary so there's no way the parable relates to you on God so what exactly is Jesus teaching here in Bible study there must be contextual reading you must study the Scriptures contextually for you to be a good student of the Bible you must study the Scriptures contextually and in every context what is important is content in every context look out for the content because when you look out for the content in a context that is a major key to Bible interpretation when you look out for the content in a context that is a major key to Bible interpretation and if you're confused about what is being discussed but back to the previous verses check what the thought of discussion is from over to the latter verses check out the discussion then come back to the context and see what they were talking about before they said what they said and what they talked about after they said what they said to understand what they said that's how to study the Bible don't just stay with the context and begin to make your own meaning there is what we call exegesis in the Bible and that's what we call in see Jesse's in see Jesse's is when you study the Bible with a mindset that is you have your own idea then as you're reading the Bible you push your idea instead it is see Jesse's you have foreseen your idea and because it has preoccupied your mind you'll normally see what the Bible is saying by your only see what you're saying that is in see Jesse's but we have exegesis in Bible study what we deal with for sound doctrine is exigencies now when you look at the Bible let the Bible tell me what it is saying and when you yell what it is saying you are just you're the one to make adjustment is not the Bible data josh is you not adjust is called exegesis is a mirror he does look at you look at it is an external mirror that you look at you look at it it talks to you you don't make it you don't talk to it I make it agree with what you're talking it talks to you and you add just to align with what you say see I hear you so we have exigencies and we're in see Jesus in see justice will bring you to a narrow exit justice will bring you to sound doctrine and you know even in preaching that's what happens sometimes the message is coming on and you begin to bring that in see just listen to the message and that is right sometimes we are people women when the Word of God is being taught you had MC tell them because as far as they are concerned they have already decided what their own interpretation is you have nothing to add because no matter how many times you have had a message and understood it there is always something new to add if you listen carefully always forever Oh God the world is a church it's a settled matter summarized I hear you yeah it's not a matter I know somebody who wanted Papa we came for you just just to pray you're teaching us parables you're teaching us fiction those are the fundamentals because I know that a typical prayer program should be how to pray number one open your mouth number two open it white number three shout loud number four make sure you're not sleeping number five close your eyes number six good for hot vasus of a few expected but this time around I'm telling you is a different ballgame God punished the devil a professor is somebody who's a man will collect on that you will never have unanswered prayers you will never have unanswered prayers can somebody shout hallelujah so let's see the lesson now take note the widow said avenge me of my adversary that was a specific request avenge me because when she kept coming to the gorge she had only one request in mind avenge me of my adversary that's why she came to the gorge to get vengeance now what is the meaning of the word avenge that word revenge is a greek word EK d i ke as is it is useful releasing somebody from oppression when she said avenge me of my adversity what's your century unjust rajasah somebody is oppressing me free me from his oppression that's a greek word that was used there and there are verses of scripture that will open that up look Tanner 1:22 says for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled look eating and shalt not God avenge his own elect shall not God release his own elect from oppression that word is also using absolute 24 when God as Rizzo had loosed the pains of death he has used the oppression so for a believer we are not yet to lose you from oppression the death and the burial and the resurrection of Christ lose you from a pressure where you the message of salvation you will lose forever a Christian cannot be bound by his debt every oppression of darkness was was out of your life where you had that gospel and believed it you accepted that freedom and when the Sun sets free is free indeed so what the woman was looking for from the unjust judge here was freedom from oppression somebody's been oppressed and the winner goes to me unjust judge for justice she goes there for word justice and justice in this case will be that the that the adversary will be asked to let go of this woman that the woman will be vindicated this is an illustration of what was happening that case is like somebody I owe somebody and the person got you know a court order to shut down my business so my business is shut down then I go to the judge and a CPA George please since my shop was locked down my children cannot go to school we can no more feet please
Channel: TheWordWithoutBlemish
Views: 13,011
Rating: 4.8534031 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Abel Damina, THE MYTH, UNANSWERED PRAYER, Abel Damina Ministries, Power City International, God, Feed my sheep, for they are hungry., Jesus Christ, His Word, Jesus is the Lord of His Church, Spirit, Soul, and Body, Church, demonstration of power, total transformation, p#$E-v&TH$K4;4h[
Id: Eev3HCe1qrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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