Dr Abel Damina- The Real Christmas-II-25.12.2017

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New Covenant in Christ season to date first to 14th generally 2018 time 5:30 p.m. daily Sunday 7:00 a.m. for 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. second service and to be a part see you there [Music] [Music] Mangrum angry they gave us a cool animal hombre they gave a lot of the Mejia praise your father in the mighty name of Jesus we rejoice that today we fellowship together in this house because of Jesus thank you for that be when salvation and the free favours of God abounded to mankind and today we rejoice because of the life the life of God eternal life the very life of God the very core of God God's existence what makes God God freely bestowed upon us freely given to us all we rejoice and we thank you Father that you live in us and we live in you we cannot be separated and we rejoice because the bells will look back we're glad that one day a savior came to desert and we rejoice that we are saved by his coming we give you praise in Jesus precious name and every believers is a grateful email you didn't hear me as every believer see it gratefully man lift your right hands let's release our feet to get us to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same again never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful event I want to welcome every one of you joining us by way of Kingdom Life Network and on Facebook and all of your online were glad to have you join us today merry merry Christmas to everybody are there can we all gently shout Merry Christmas to all of us on television Facebook glory to God wave your hands to them again and see Merry Christmas howdy amen we're glad to have you and you get ready we're gonna celebrate what Christmas give to us you know some people call it Xmas they're not born again they are not born again because those who are not born again don't have Christ so they celebrate Mass with X we that are born again the Christ is the month so is not Xmas is Christ's mass we love the name Christ and we are not ashamed of the name price and we are Christ's we are Christ's so because we are Christ's we celebrate Christ's mots amen so you go ahead and give Christ the Christ of the mass a shout and appraise Oh glory glory amen tell somebody I love Christmas very good you can be sinner did you sweets myself this morning let's get into some world God punished the devil I'm preaching this morning on Jesus beyond eyewitness account or the mystery in a manger revealed the mystery in a manger revealed oh Jesus beyond eyewitness account for most of the time most of the Christmas things that we know and the stories that we tell our Christmas I witness account stories eyewitness account stories talks about Jesus in Matthew Mark Luke which actually forms the script that movie directors a movie actors act as Christmas story and of course the Christmas story is very simple there's a girl called married average Anderson all man called Joseph the boyfriend and then innocent Virgin Mary he's having a nice time with her life then suddenly an angel appears to her in a dream and since the high-heel married our highly favored he will conceive and carry a baby i she looked at the angel and said how shall these things be seen I know not a man and of course Matthew Mark and Luke will tell you that the angel looked at a young virgin and said to her the power of the Holy Spirit shall come upon you the power of the Most High shall shall overshadow you and you shall give birth to that holy holy thing he didn't call him a holy boy or a holy child in Matthew he called him holy theme because they really didn't know how to describe this operation again remember angels don't understand salvation angels are still learning salvation and somebody says can you prove that first Peter chapter 1 verse number 11 such in word or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow next verse on to whom it was revealed that not unto them the profit not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported on to you by them that have preached the gospel unto you which the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into now question what do the angels desire to look into protects the protects tells us that go back to that self as Peter chapter 1 verse number 9 1st Peter chapter 1 verse number 9 1st Peter chapter 1 verse number 9 God punish the devil first Peter chapter 1 verse 9 receiving the end of your faith what is the end of your feet the salvation of your souls that is the end of your faith all of your faith in God and all of your faith in Christ the end of your favorite is to bring you to a terminal and called salvation receiving the salvation of your soul the end of your faith you believe to be saved once you are saved your belief expires it expires in salvation the mission of faith is to deliver to you a product called salvation it is called the end of your faith which is the salvation of your soul because the mission of the gospel is salvation Matthew 1:21 Jesus's mission statement she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus why he shall save his people from their sins the end product of Jesus is coming is salvation the end of your faith is salvation Romans 1:16 I'm not ashamed of the gospel the gospel is the power of God unto salvation receiving the end of your faith which is the salvation of your soul then in the next verse he now said in the first barrage of the one Muslim of which salvation the prophets see of which salvation which is the end of your faith the prophets have enquired because even the prophets didn't know the details of salvation and that salvation is what verse 12 now says which the angels desire to look into that means they don't know about salvation so anything the Angels will be saying the angels are only saying it because that is what they heard not because that is what they understand because angels are messengers meaning that whatever the Angels his says has to be subjected to the revelation of Scripture that means whatever the Angels said has to be interpreted through the eyes of doctrine sound doctrine because the Angels just spoke but we have to depend on doctrine to interpret what the Angels casually said in the Gospels please follow this so the angels desire to look into salvation and for you to know that the Angels really don't know much first of all angels are not women important angels are not home innocent and angels are not were many present angels are messengers angels are servants the only run errands and carry out instructions some 103 verse 20 bless the Lord you his angels that excel in strength hack me into the voice of his world Ephesians chapter 3 verse number 8 Ephesians chapter 3 get ready because I'm going to go through a lot of scriptures within a few minutes on unto me whom am less than the least of All Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ next verse and to make all men see so the mission of preaching is to bring you to a place of Revelation to make all men see that's why I'm preaching this morning to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery so there is a fellowship in inside a mystery which from the beginning of the world had been healed in God who created all things by Jesus Christ so there's a mystery that has been healed in God from the beginning of the world that mystery has to be revealed so when the baby appeared in the manger the baby was in this three in the manger they thought they saw a baby in a manger but that baby in the manger was not really a baby they thought they had the cry of a baby in a manger but there was not the cry of a baby because that baby is a mystery which had been healed from when the war began manifest him in a covert operation in a covert operation an operation that is not expressed that is not explained but that oppression is concealed in a mystery which will require a revelation if you're with me stay here because I'm going somewhere very deep so that baby was in the manger but that was not a baby that baby was God that baby was God the manger was in carrying the baby the baby was carrying the manger that's why the baby is a mystery in a manger that baby is a pre-internet who incarnated that baby is a pre-internet who incarnated so that baby was the internet one who has his roots in the pre-internet meaning that baby predated that event meaning that baby long before the manga has been in operation meaning even when Mary was pregnant that baby was Kerry Mary is a mystery teaching good for any Christian or any man of God who does not settle down with the Holy Ghost he won't see these things I'm about to show you all you will be preoccupied with was wise men watching their fields by night angels appear to bear cows sheeps shepherds manger a little baby that is born angels gives case closed eyewitness account [Music] Jesus is beyond and witness accounts teaching good Luke chapter 1 chapter 1 verse 1 pay attention for as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us even as they delivered them unto us even as they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eyewitnesses so what Lucas aim is the things that we are reporting here and the things were recording here are things that people who saw me there I so Matthew Mark Luke and John even though John is in a class and I will explain why but Matthew Mark Luke and John recorded eyewitness accounts the record of Matthew Mark Luke and John was an account of what people saw with their physical eyes what they saw with their physical eyes they saw Shepherd they saw sheep they saw goats they saw ninja they saw Mary they saw Joseph they saw baby they saw offering that's what they saw but because this baby in the manger predicted the manger there was much the baby that the eyes couldn't see henceforth the eyewitness accounts could record okay now why were the Gospels Ritchie the Gospels were written that you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God that you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God the Son of God question why is Jesus called a son of God now Jesus is called the Son of God by the witness accounts they call him the only begotten Son the Greek word is a mana Genoa or the mono Jimmy's or the only a kind the type the son of God why did they call him the son of God they call him the son of God now first of all in the Gospels they called him the son of man he called himself a son of God they're calling the son of man he called himself the Son of God why did he call him the son of man it tallies with what they saw at the birth of Jesus why did he call himself a son god he knew better than what they reported they call him the son of man Matthew Mark Luke and John Jesus the Son of man he called himself the Son of God why the Son of God is an amalgamation of deity with humanity he called himself son of God because what were simply saying is I am God who has become a man Jesus is God who became a man to save man so they imagine the imagine of deity with humanity is called son of God the Greek word is jino my judo my means God change shape and location for a purpose that God removed God and squeezed himself in human flesh and change location and came to another location to uh protect the people in that location genome I that's why his called son of God because it's a measure of day G in humanity he is God as though he is not man he is man as though he is not God the Greek word is they tend to oppose tent repose means god man so Jesus is God man or God who became man to save man so in that I witness account we don't have all the details but we have a few details that they saw and the details they saw was the man's side you will need Jesus to help you know that in that man was a God so if there was a God in that man then that baby was not really a baby even though that baby was a big that baby was not a baby even though that baby was a baby because he was God as though he was not man and he was man as though he was not God - Jim dude alright I'm stretching our minds right I'm gonna stretch it for that so just get ready for it this is a good Christmas food what else can you eat on Christmas Day as well hallelujah well somebody was shot he live in hallelujah until somebody will wake up I shot a louder hallelujah okay the word son of man is used hundred and seven times in the Old Testament hundred and seven times Jesus didn't use son of man secondly Jesus never called himself son of Joseph never not once neither in the eyewitness account nor in the revelation he never called himself son of Joseph number two Jesus never called himself son of David not once it was people to call him son of David he never called himself son of David he called himself son of God and sometimes she called himself son of man they always called him son of man but he called himself son of God and sometimes depending on the circumstances he called himself son of man but he never called himself son of Joseph and he never called himself son of David it's people that call him Jesus son of David have mercy on me but he never called himself any of the two why I'm gonna show you in a moment geez beyond eyewitness accounts he can alone use son of man 94 times in numbers 23 the column son of man in some it was for he is called man what is man that thou art mindful of that man dear in some advanced for his Jesus Jesus is called man those of you that have been in charge you know I did a teaching series on what is man and when I did that teaching I explain to you what man is in Scripture alright and in Daniel chapter 7 they're talking about Jesus he said his kingdom is the kingdom that looks like the Son of Man he gives you to the sins and they have it forever in Daniels vision he describes the passing of Jesus the same son of man was also used by Daniel to describe the humanity of Christ in Revelation 1 Daniel's prophecy was recalled and in Revelation 14 Jesus is called in prophecy son of man he is called after his incarnation Son of Man in the four Gospels exclusively Jesus used the term son of man for himself which in the Greek is man son or like man 9 times son of man son of the man in Matthew 30 mark 14 Luke 25 John 12 John use it differently Jesus in his humanity was called son of man he is called son of God because of the major between Daisy and humanity at several 55 to 56 less in a way Stephen used it at 7:55 but he being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God he saw the Son of Man so even in heaven after Jesus rose and went back to heaven when Stephen saw Jesus he saw a man standing we have a man like God we have a man like God he saw the Son of Man because he could identify that this is Jesus in his humanity when he saw his saw the Son of Man so today in heaven does a man there's a man in heaven on our behalf he's a man meaning he identifies with where we are and what we go through he's a man the man Christ Jesus teaching good okay there's a man he is a man and the four gospel account therefore we see the humanity of Jesus made make make veeram expressed in Matthew 27 to 28 is called son of man pointing to his humanity but brother Paul now picks it from them and takes it to the next level brother Paul changes all the demographics and so we're gonna go into brother Paul are we ready Romans 16:25 now to hear him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel but a Paul call that gospel his gospel and the reason why I call it his gospel was because what is simply saying is that nobody taught me nobody taught me not Peter not James who elders before me none of them taught me what I'm preaching I got it from Jesus by revelation because it came to brother Paul by revelation he called it my gospel the cause you see what you receive my revelation becomes your personal property number two regulation is higher than experience experience cannot collect revelation but revelation will collect experience so Prada Pizza sat with Jesus ate with Jesus or slept with Jesus and was with Jesus most of the times Paul never saw Jesus one time history tells us that Paul never went through Jerusalem yet it took on a Paul to teach Peter Jesus why Paul saw Jesus very delicious Peter saw Jesus by eyewitness and revelation supersedes eyewitness account so now for the Paul says revelation Romans 16 according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ that word and this which is which is so the gospel of Radha Paul is the preaching of Jesus Christ the friction of Radha Paul or the gospel of Radha Paul is the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation soprana Paul preached he preached the message of Jesus Christ not according to eyewitness account he preached the gospel of Christ not according to eyewitness account he preached the gospel of Christ according to the revelation so he was the preaching I witness account brother Paul was preaching revelation the gospel he preached was according to the revelation not according to eyewitness account now nothing is wrong with our witness accounts but it has his function and yet it has its limitation if the only Jesus you know came by a witness account when pressure comes you will be offended if the only Jesus you know is eyewitness account that's why you must know Jesus beyond eyewitness account I can show you much of the sixth verse to keep Donna much of the six vos jeux and when the Sabbath day was calm he began to teach in the synagogue and many here in him whereas Tony saying from whence at this man these things and what wisdom is these which is given unto him that even such mighty works are not by his hands is not this the carpenter what is that Oh talk to me policy read what is that okay the son of Mary what is that the brother of James and Joseph and of Judah and Simon what is that and are not his sister's here with us what is that and they were why were they offended eyewitness hello father well yeah people said since I've been in church had been a Christian God you've never done anything for me do you want me to go south sit down you only to go and join idols you have already gone yeah what are they going to join idols the moment to compare God with idolatry it means to provide knowledge we to God otherwise was the business of comparison little offended and some of us get offended you can offend it when you pray and it looks like then it's not happening you get offended why you don't know Jesus the only Jesus you know is eyewitness account the only Jesus you know is the Jesus that gives bread and fish the only Jesus you know is the Jesus that was born in a manger so you get offended they were offended in him because when they analyzed him their analysis was based on eyewitness account is he not kapenta is he not son of Mary additional his brothers and sisters with us how can it how can you have power to preach the scan of his preaching and willfully now when their God offended in him look at the scriptures put up that much of the cease but jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor but in his own country and among his own kin and in his own house next verse and he called the ado no my you are when the Jesus you know his eyewitness is limited to eyewitness he will never experience works of nights he couldn't do mighty works that eyewitness account of Jesus limits your Christianity it limits it to natural operation it does not allow you to function in the miraculous it limits you to religion eyewitness account limits you to religion a form of godliness without power Oh eyewitness account makes you you only come to church on Christmas Day cause you want to come and worship baby in a manger because Assad Jacques Assad is the savior of the world in a manger you don't know him beyond that you don't need him in your day-to-day life because you don't see his relevance in your day-to-day life so you are your your your knowledge of Jesus it's limited parents Christianity is not switching you is English like that Christianity is not switching you Christianity becomes a burden because as far as you're concerned you don't need Jesus for anything about so that you are not like a Muslim you come to church on Christmas Day and on Easter so the way you say and the Christian your conscience will be clear at least I go twice a year or they were offended number two are you here huh Pizza new Jesus by eyewitness account eyewitness account first of all Peter says that were the Christ the Son of the Living God blessed jesus said blessed are sama by Jonah few minutes after that Peter said I don't know him I witness when Jesus you know is eyewitness account he would deny you when things are not comfortable you deny him you will be in church on Sunday on Wednesday originating dr. Otto can affirm because you don't trust that Jesus can take care so you have a back-up plan you have a back-up plan there's one prophet somewhere you keep my side so the way you pray and Jesus is to slow you you tell you that while you are walking out let me grab some quick fix you you can trust him because you don't know you but they don't know their God they shall be together no matter the situation they'll be strong and in that situation they will to exploit I'm preaching and bridging if you're catching my flu shot I hear I hear school dances were still going so well if the only Jesus you know is eyewitness account when the chips are down you will not you not have faith in Him the moment things don't go the way you plan the moment things don't go the way you project that your faith in Him is lost because all you know is Jesus in a manger so on Sunday you're in porosity weekdays you are in different places because you are so stupid in your thinking and the reason I called you stupid is because that's exactly what you are because you think by visiting different shrines and combining concoction from one shrine to another shrine to an irrational then you use God as a plaster on top this will walk you I confuse person because you really don't know what you're looking for you will be destroyed in a very smart way because normal cancer you must not know mama if you're with God's Spirit God and if y'all would sit and stare with Sita you complete double fear allah jalla everything is simple you don't know Jesus the only Jesus you know is the story I told if I started preaching the one in a manger and many churches all over the world today that is the story that we told again so we are pretty religion instead of Christianity because Christianity is not a religion Christelle it is a relationship crystal it is a relationship Christianity is a union with God crystal it is an amalgamation of immortality with immortality Christianity is a marriage of nature with humanity Christianity a uniting of divinity with mankind if you're catching my flu shot I hear you see the cross your leg let me push this knee if the only Jesus you know is eyewitness account when pressure comes you feet and that's why the church must go beyond eyewitness account to Revelation the church must John the Baptist only knew Jesus of eyewitness account this is John the Baptist one moment he says behold a lump of God that taketh away the sins of the world another moment he says because he's in prison because la is in prison and Jesus didn't come to help him here are some of you you have a problem and nobody in the church came to pray for you you live George you didn't come to church before because if you really came you only because nobody came to pray for you who came to pray for you before you came you don't know God you're not here because somebody brought you you are here because of your relationship and being here has helped you to understand the relationship better as I are here now that's not to excuse the fact that people didn't visit you people should have visited you but that is not ultimate I'm teaching right now yes I didn't go to prison to visit this guy Johnny buddies got angry he said come all my disciples come here you know I told you that Jesus was the Lamb of God I'm doubting it now look all of you I change my mind and John the Baptist was the a bishop of that time he was the big man of God in fact it was John who introduced Jesus remember John baptized Jesus so John Jesus needed John's recommendation and Jesus needed John's endorsement and approval so the st. John who approved Jesus and touched Jesus and introduced Jesus and made people believe in Jesus now tongues to tell the disciples go and ask him is he Jesus or she will look for another by saying that he has already destroyed the recommendation I will together here exact summary I gave somebody later he's a staff he has worked in our office anything he requires of you please give it to him as an excellent staff then you got a recommendation and then you call my office and then acid is a domino can I do for you do you know this particular status to a key organization what is his name if you want the money of your company to get lost employ him the moment I said that any later he came with his useless because for all the company knows you could have fortunately talked by himself this is John say behold then John Townsend say go and add seen is he the real one or should we look from an eyewitness account the guy's affected John is offended because all he knows is Jesus in the flesh when they came Jesus now went beyond the flesh he now showed them that I am a mystery in a manger you know what Jesus where a blind people here complain lame deaf dumb blind eyes super lame walk deaf ears Cooper go and tell John what you see and what you have had you use miracles to revalidate himself against the validation of John I have news for somebody in the year to come you will approach in miracles if your Eman is lada miracles are happening for you somebody shot I am United with God I operate in the miraculous I didn't hear a man he does the miracles now by doing miracles what was telling nummies I am bigger than a manger you remember Nicodemus a no man can do these things see this is your thing none of us can be meaning you have entered a rain that is not human teaching good okay now so the prayer chain is according to the revelation of the mystery the revelation of what of the mystery now listen very carefully the Old Testament is the mystery the New Testament is the revelation the New Testament is not Matthew Mark Luke and John Matthew Mark Luke and John are not New Testament the New Testament is act to Revelation because until Jesus rose from the dead there was no new Testament in Matthew Jesus said this is the New Testament in my blood so until the blood was shed there was no New Testament in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 15 he says for this cause is the mediator of a New Testament built on better covenant next verse is as well a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is only of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all so there was no New Testament until Jesus died when he rose the New Testament came up so the New Testament begins from Acts of the Apostles so that means the New Testament is not an eyewitness message the New Testament is not a message of eyewitness account the New Testament is a message of Revelation until your eyes are open you cannot operate New Testament level why 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 16 teaching good 2nd Corinthians 5:16 can everybody read with me very loud let's read it very loud like a Christmas choir very loud clink I want to go wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh yes though we have known Christ well known Christ we have known Christ where did we know Christ after the flesh eyewitness account we have known Christ after the flesh we have known Christ in the belly of a virgin we have known Christ born in a manger we have known Christ in the house of Joseph and Mary we have known Christ after the flesh put it back for me we have known Christ after the flesh let's go everybody yet now has fought no we him no more a time must come in your life we are you stop knowing Jesus after the flesh a time must come in your Christian walk we are you stop knowing Jesus after the flesh look up brother Paul he said has fought was the meaning of henceforth a fallacy he was the winner of henceforth from today stop knowing Jesus after the flesh henceforth know we him no more after the flesh are we ready so should we go Father what we're not going to get out of flesh are you ready are you ready I'm gonna mess up some things now are you ready forced to go out on the flesh if they already say I'm ready no worries not gonna be long gusta Medan henceforth know we him no more Galatians chapter 1 verse 10 for to I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of Christ next verse but a satisfied you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for another received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ brother policin everything I preached no eyewitness account all of my messages have put eyewitness account out policin what I preached has no atom of eyewitness account my messages came out of the revelation of Jesus kebaya so if you want to go beyond the flesh if you want to go beyond eyewitness account you have to stay with the pistols the best tools are very Jesus of the spirit not of the flesh again henceforth know we him normal so brother Paul narcissus when I'm going to know him anymore after the flesh what I preach didn't confirm man was not of man I didn't get it from any man it came by revelation so if you two want to stay in revelation stay with what I preach so that's what every church he prayed for them that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may have the spirit of wisdom and revelation we are in the knowledge of human wisdom which is revelation we are in the knowledge of him not head knowledge revealed knowledge epignosis accurate exact precise revealed knowledge inside out knowledge not outside in knowledge inside out the eyes of your understanding full ordinate light that you may know the hope of your calling the children or the riches of his inheritance among the saints the human or the exceeding greatness of his power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead to know this you must know Jesus beyond the eyewitness account did you good I said all of that now to say this if we're gonna stay with revelation knowledge then we'll have to demystify the mystery and in demystifying the mystery will look a festival 3:16 and without controversy doctrine ever said no controversy the way of speaking in these judges like you ate a lot of Christmas rise this morning torture never say no controversy and Saddam Saddam without controversy great is the mystery on the sacre-coeur for mystery of godliness now we want to deal with the mystery of godliness okay hello the mystery in a manger the mystery of godliness and what I'm teaching now does not have controversy does you say this is not a matter to kirillova this is not a matter to argue it this is a certain matter I will together here with our controversy submission or controversy great is the mystery of godliness kappa oh great is the mystery of the Godhead godliness means the Godhead great is the mystery of the Godhead capella what is the mystery of the Godhead karana that God is manifest not that God is born I witness born revelation manifest I witness he was born revelation God manifested or God appeared he mulatto this God that was manifest in the flesh put it my brother this God that was manifest first Timothy 3:16 this God I was manifest in the flesh was justified in the spirit so that you know who he's talking about he was justified in the spirit meaning that this God manifest in the flesh is Jesus who we can see why has to be justified is because he became see that means Jesus is God who manifested in the flesh why did he manifest in the flesh to pay our debts what was our death scene so he himself became sin therefore he needed justification God manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels is too weak seen of angels why is this because that's historic meaning that was the first day angels saw God the first the angels of God was when he appeared in that manger that's why angels came in their host daddy to wash up whatever sin is Wow for the first time we see God seeing of angels remember I told you the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament one of the fundamental difference is in the New Testament God manifested in the Old Testament no man saw God did I teach you that yes so that's why it was historic for the Angels they came and worshiped because for the first time they are seeing God in the Old Testament you will hear people like David singing songs like oh not my God when I in awesome wonder consider there couldn't see God so they had to see that is he has made so they were looking for God I see the stars they look for God in the stars hi the Rolling Thunder they do for God in Kunduz today we don't look for God in stars and thunders we seek God in Christ God has become a man Oh glory to God but we see Jesus so God manifested the eyewitness said God was born revelation said he was not born he was a manifestation so the question is near Mary actually give out to Jesus by revelation oh by our witness account yes but we have those agreed henceforth know we no man after a pleasure question did America but you Jesus know what happened Jesus used Mary to appear Jesus used Mary to manifest another Ward Hebrews 9:26 Leste with revelation for their mercy upon a sofa since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world had he appeared Hebrew calls it appearance Shivaji wrote a poem called it manifestation kebaya so why do we say that Mary didn't give birth to Jesus can give him but a man and a woman must live together a girl's firm must meet in Jesus's case no span no mortal man gave me his firm number one that is the first thing that makes it not a proper birth or not a natural birth no man gave Mary sperm Mary even said how shall these things be see him I know not a madman and this is not natural am i preacher meaning this is not natural then John Kabbalah you know I excluded John before John didn't give a complete eyewitness account the reason is because John's revelation the writings of John where when John had already come into revelation in fact history tells us that a book of first second and third John which are a pistols we are written the same week with the Gospel of John that's right John 3:16 is the same with first John 3:16 they are the same because they were written at the same time so while Matthew Mark Luke we are writing eyewitness account John didn't read complete eyewitness John makes this phone with more revelation how do we know they were not find John saying Mary was a virgin standing somewhere and then an angel came and say Hilda berry now our highly favored oh and just have saw her pregnant and said I don't know what giving this girl pregnancy I'm going to sock ha while I was thinking of sucking on intercom I said Joe Joe Joe Joe no Sokka teaching good eyewitness account what happened in John's case John showed up and said in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God meaning the pre incan it pre existed before the internet meaning the pre internet became the Internet kiala what was saying is that Betty took up humanity John says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us so the word was not born the word chose became Paul says appeared I mean the writer of Hebrews says appear Paul said manifests preaching preaching the word became what flesh now let me further establish that what mary did was not a and in natural brought was he really brought in the natural John that Saint John chapter 1 verse 13 everybody read with me very loud clink Leah like a mask where I want to go which were born not of blood so Jesus didn't take blood for merely the blood of Jesus never touched the broad of Mary Mary was a sinner Jesus was sinless there can be no connection between the blood of a sinner and the blood of the righteous person remember when Jesus came he was not has no yet become seen he was sinless Bible say he was tempted in all point yet without sin he was sinless but even though Mary was a virgin she was a sinner Oh Mary was a sinner look at the way they are looking at me Mary was a Cena everybody that was born in this world by a man and a woman was born a Cena only Jesus came that was not a Cena Y natural blood did not touch his blood somebody says how do you say Mary wasn't Cena oh sure she was I didn't say the Bible says it that means if Mary didn't get born again and if Mary didn't receive Jesus she will have gone to hell even though she gave birth to Jesus even though she was the one that gave birth to Jesus if she did not receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior she will have gone to hell if shall continue talking to Jesus like my son she will have gone to him and you know Jesus had to make her know that look I'm not your son no you know sometimes when people try to to take advantage we have to put them in their place I hope you know that it's not disrespect it's actually respect because if it is disrespect I will leave you to disrespect me and lose your blessing but respect is I will put you your place so you don't lose your blessing Oh somebody said can you put plenty in the Bible Jesus if Mary didn't receive Christ she will have gone to help somebody since but she gave but you know you are still far from truth how do we know that Mary it had to be born again is the Bible but before we even finish me what about Judas was Judas not used by Jesus as a treasure that passing the whole your money must be somebody close to you yet you went to hell he went to hell babble caused him the son of Phoenicia he was lost judas is lost eternally he's lost Mary would have if she had continued all that he was doing let me share what she was doing look I have a boss let me show you I'm almost done are you blessed Oh open for me put put up for me The Book of Luke chapter 2 verse 14 I look to for him and he said unto them in forgot about 248 when they saw him go back to 47 and all that had him were astonished at his understanding and answers Jesus was in the temple teaching and when they saw him his model they were amazed and his mother said unto Him son why as thou dost dealt with us behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing and he said unto them how is it that you sought me we still not that I must be about my father's business now she said Joseph is not my father I have a father whose business I came to do and is not Joseph first disclaimer hello first disclaimer second disclaimer put it off for me at a matter of two or three witnesses second disclaimer Matthew 12:40 six while he talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren stood without desiring to speak with him next then one said unto Him behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to speak with thee but he answered and said unto him that told him who is my mother who are my brethren and it struck 40 son to all these disciples and said Behold my mother and my brethren for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same is my brother and sister and mother and not that disclaimer teaching good here look this modern people still India he backed them who is my mother who is communicating to me he's telling a madam put yourself where you belong then I say this one my father my mother my brothers my sisters and he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many my did and didn't come from Joseph my DNA is connected to my father in heaven if I'm teaching say here you finally marry how to receive Jesus as a savior how do we know that acts 130 acts 130 and when they will come in the event of in turn upper room where abode both Peter and James and John and Andrew Philip Thomas but Lomu Matthew James the son of Alphaeus and Alpha's shows and Simmons zealot and Judas the brother of James this all this was when they were fasting and praying for Holy Ghost before Pentecost this all continued with one Accord in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brethren meaning both Mary and the brothers God born again and they were in the upper room fasting and praying to receive the Holy Ghost that means cantata where Holy Ghost now came in this prayer meeting when they started speaking in tongues Mary - ha ha ha ha Baba and the brothers McCullough McCune Adama now Ward's the Holy Ghost inside them Jesus in here the Holy Ghost that entered them was Jesus what because Jesus is God in creation he is Christ's Redemption he is holy ghost eerie generation seeketh Alcala that's what we call the Trinity see for God to create he must be in his office as God for God to say he must remove God and be a man for God to regenerate he must move from man and come a spirit saralyn explain Sara she forgot to create you must stay nice offices God that's why in the Old Testament you see Jesus and Holy Ghost you will seek God in God said God said no Trinity Trinity is a concept of redemption is the fall of man that brought the need for a Trinity why because to serve man God will have to condescend she no man can save man so God has to become a man so in God the common man is called Redemption he's called Redeemer his call Savior I can save myself so God became a man to save me that's the love of God that my king should die my death he died I leave he took my place I take his place he was rejected I am accepted he went to hell I go to heaven he suffered shame I receive glory over here is called substitutionary sacrifice now when it has to do with Redemption God remove God put on flesh listen if God had come as God nobody can kill God so he has to come in a shed where he can be killed see if God as creator had appeared on earth as God to save man his entrance to add will pisses the edge this edge is too small to contain God in his full regalia as God I'm teaching here the planet is too small so forgot to enter this head he has to remove God Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 opposite ala coushatta Kabbalah Kabbalah let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who is Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God and He is God ok next verse but made himself God made himself of no reputation then God took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men because man must save man I'm preaching so in Redemption God removed God put on man so that the air can contain him secondly so that man can kill him so that he can die God does in died for God to die God will have to be a man that man that came out of God is called Christ is called Jesus so God is Jesus in human form but as Jesus he can only be in one place at one time he cannot be everywhere because he is in a localized body called human flesh so after he died and rose to serve man and to give to man what he has acquired he cannot do it as Christ so when he went back to heaven he now came back as Holy Ghost because as Holy Ghost he can enter everybody at the same time I'm teaching here so in creation he is God in Redemption he is Christ in regeneration he is Holy Ghost so on the day of Pentecost when Mary received the Holy Ghost what did she receive Jesus many Mary to have to be born again now let me shock you the biggest shocker why do you think there is no special thing why do you think maybe I want to steer up some religious demons why do you think that Mary is more special than you hell maybe Mother of God good - at you why do you think Mary is more special than you Mary only carries Jesus for nine moons you carry Jesus forever are you not carrying Jesus forever your body is the temple he said I would live in you I will work in you I will be a god you will be teaching shout I hear I hear say a house called shouting let the devil bleed our house go say loud a letter which is yellow say loudest let the planets hear you say I am the house of God I am the House of Prayer for All Nations can I get powerful a man now let me close are you bless this one sit down let's say another question will be if Mary didn't give birth to Jesus if Jesus just appeared through Mary and manifested through Mary he didn't take blood for Mary he didn't take even his body from being I hope you know that even Jesus his body he didn't take it for me he entered Mary with his blood and body so Mary was just like for lack of a good word shows us like a surrogate mother he just used her womb to stay to fulfill him as a human being and walk out somebody said can you prove that I didn't take his body for Mary Hebrews 10 5 Hebrews 10 5 wherefore when he comment into the world he saith sacrifice and offering thou willest not but a body has that prepared me so when he was coming to the world he took the body prepared for him and he entered into Mary with his body with his blood with his DNA which is everything so he took nothing from me he only sat in a womb that's why we call him a kind of surrogate cause she just used our womb to stay that's always we say now your father say look you're no father yo my father they have when they would say on what I say more that these are my motives would this one didn't go this morning beyond so another question will be was Jesus born let's write an exam was Jesus born I would have you say no so Jesus was not born okay I'm gonna be say yes Jesus was born let me see handsome nobody nobody that's one that's two no no live I witness what I'm saying is beyond eyewitness was Jesus born beyond eyewitness okay now so beyond eyewitness we are at in an example okay beyond eyewitness was Jesus born how many of you say no Cappadonna majority of you say yes that's one who else does - who else mama who else you who else you who else you yes Jesus was born so the question you should be asking is we're by who and when because he was actually born but not by men beyond eyewitness account was he pond yes who kept back to him Romans chapter 1 verse 1 let's trace where Jesus was born and we'll give back to him glory glory glory shakeela total ah Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God which he had promised a for the gospel of God capita I don't have time for these details but just listen carefully the gospel of God that brother Paul is talking about here is the gospel which he had promised afore by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures we are do we find the gospel of God in the Holy Scriptures where is the Holy Scriptures Genesis to Malachi so what does Genesis to Malachi contain the gospel of God what does the New Testament contain the gospel of Christ there's a difference between the gospel of God and the gospel of Christ find out on Sunday let's proceed let's proceed let's proceed concerning hey we're living epistles now concerning help me his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh in the epistles he was not born of the seed of David he was made the epistles don't recognize Mary and David as the genealogy of Jesus they pistols don't the Adisa he was made of the seed of David according to the flesh then pay attention next verse next verse and declared to be the Son of God with power in Mary's case he was made but he was declared son of God so we are did he become sure God Son of God with power I've gotten to the spirit of holiness we are did he become son of God by the resurrection from the dead question where was he born when he rose from the dead who conceived him death so the conception of Jesus as a child or as his son was death the bird was resurrection Mary was appearance actual God death conception death money coming birth resurrection how do you prove that everywhere every smile that's why Jesus is called the first begotten from the dead the first born so the birth was when he died and rose he's called the Pro totus does the Greek word prototokos means prototype model first one doesn't mean first born second born born does Colonel thinking first born means prototype or patent meaning when God wanted to not give birth to a son he didn't use me he used death to conceive the Sun and use resurrection to give birth to that song as a mortal a pattern a prototype of the order songs why he had to die to be born because the other songs were in a state of death he didn't come for himself he came for us so he had to identify by dying like we died arise to open the way for our resurrection Hebrews chapter 1 verse 5 Hecuba are you enjoying form on to which of the Angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee that means before this day I never be got you this is the first thing you will be caught he that is called the firstborn the day he was born was the day he rose put it back and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a song next verse and again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith and let all the angels of God worship II when they bring the first begotten into the world when he rose from the dead when was Jesus born the day he rose who conceived him dead who who conceived you dead you were dead in sins and trespasses and he had quickened the word quicken is made alive so that's why except a man be born again what is born again born again means to be born so if you're not born again you're not born you're just a mere existence your real birth is the day you're born again born again means born anew if you are not born again you are dead and if you are dead that's why most people can bite you and you pack up your life has no secondhand value this is all of you the moment you die it's over you are lost forever for you to have secondhand value you must receive eternal life eternal life is life forever meaning you don't die eternal life means you don't die why he that diet diet no more if Donna life means you have passed from death to life so somebody says what of when I get tired of living here you don't die you sleep unbelievers die believe us sleep that's what brother Paul said I write unto you concerning those that sleep that you saw or not like the world why shouldn't we sorta like the world when a brother sleeps because the brother will wake up do you cry because your wife slept in the night not is John your wife are talking then she just left oh no you don't cry you know that is just for a few hours when she has rested she will wake up in the morning same thing nobody cries because the baby slept you know that the baby wake up believe us don't die believe us sleep and they wake up on the Resurrection Day unbelievers die they don't we talk there's no second value as they died is Hellfire but believe us we sleep and on the resurrection day we wake up and when we wake up we will come as if we never slept why on our working of mortality puts on immortality corruption puts on incorruption we are changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye we are caught up and we meet in the air with Jesus and with everybody that we knew that that slept in Christ but people that died will not be confessed when we are waking up don't wake up they are dead and they will be there then when the great white throne judgment time comes Jesus will assemble all of them the mirror you will sit on the throne and judge them why will we judge them we preach to them they didn't believe so we are the ones that will condemn them to hell that's right to live here in this building and you're not born again you need to get born again right now not because you're afraid of anything but because it's a better offer for you what is a better offer the good news that Jesus has died so you can have life that's a better offer and once you have that life you operate in that life some say but I have that life I don't see it manifest you are not taught that's what you must sit down in a church like this and be taught because it is knowledge that powers the manifestation of what you carry you shall know the truth and the knowledge of the truth shall set you free rich and good this morning lift your right hand I shall I have eternal life on my inside now say very loud the life of God lives in me now loud I said with me I reign in life by the resurrection of Jesus on my inside now say loud at the power of Resurrection dwells in me I am loaded with resurrection power what can defy Jesus can no fight me he cannot die I cannot die Christ in me the hope of glory I carry on my inside the DNA of God the life of God is at work on my inside I am a miracle happening all over the place I thought I will hear it and Redeemer and let me tell you this as a round of the service you have no right I mean you have no right to deny your DNA is expression what is the expression of your DNA miracles the expression of your DNA is miracles when miracles Jesus entered the world miracle he died miracle he rose miracle the entire message of Christ is a miracle you are loved you're in your new birth is a miracle Christ living in you is a miracle you are a mirror you are the embodiment of a mirror and a prophesy from this day you will not be denied miracles the stand up and shout Amen Lokhande you will not be denied miracles you wanna be denied miracles he will not be denied miracles you will not be denied miracles and decree and I declare all over this place on this day of Christmas as the whole world celebrates the birth of Jesus every area of your life we are good news has not been celebrated before now as your hands are lifted to receive and your Eman is coming Lokhande received miracles received miracles received miracles receive miracles anybody had diagnosed by the doctors of a medical condition that is real medical science a commander condition to cut out of your Paulina a commander body be healed body be healed body be healed organs be restored receive creative miracles creative miracles creative miracles receive a new hearts receive new skin receive new cells receive new tenders receive new tissues received bones in the name of Jesus I command high blood pressure class I rebuke sugar diabetes i disease I command deafness and dumbness cannot in the name of Jesus in this building on television on Facebook I bind the devil souls of our life Satan loose your horse and canals but is being healed yucks be destroyed in the name of Jesus receive miracles receive miracles receive miracles receive miracles I speak to those of you here whom the devil has harassed with fear and lost you with so much fear every spirit of fear and every hold of fear I command it come out come out come out Jesus Minako Takaya Buraku tanaka lava that team that was not working in your body and in your life I commanded come alive come alive come alive come alive I speak to every yoke of impossibility stop and I command you receive possibilities the stones of life that has been making noise over you I commander stop stop please be still peace be still in the name of Jesus thank you my father thank you my father all over this building I declare a release of financial miracles financial miracles a command close to disappear tumors melt out in the name of Jesus thank you my father thank you my father in the name of Jesus some relief to you right and a shot I am a miracle see I carry miracles on my inside now shut it very loud all things are possible to me right now say in the year to come I see total possibilities throughout the new year it will be possible in every area now say with me I declare miracles in the new year I live beyond a both I witness and a miracle in my generation I thought I will hear a dangerous amen well if you believe that you are not miracle that Jesus has produced on the planet then clap chomp rejoice celebrate Christmas now no right now we are the receipt to celebrate Christmas I have a shuttle enema somebody shot holy girls now look - somebody tell him Merry Christmas the Christ of the mass lives on your inside you are a miracle going somewhere - hop on you are a miracle you are a miracle if you are watching on Facebook alone check your Facebook shake your device shake your phone if you are watching on TV and you're alone shake your TV set Zeca la ba da da da da ba da da have enough you can see possibilities camera you can see creative things 2018 January February March April May June July August September October November December to be glory to glory miracles of of miracles if your hand is louder receive manifest somebody says but this is 2017 no you on this ticket this is 2018 there is nothing there is no time there is no months every day is the new year you declare before you declare 2018 you will build your house you will buy that land you will build that business you will expand their business they will open branches some of you looking at me five streams of income some of you 20 streams of income some of you 14 streams of income you will have different businesses breeding different monies if your eminence rather receive destiny help us receive investors fresh investors new investors if your MN is lada receive it by chrish you'll be sleeping people will come and wake you up and say here is 10 million what do you want investment for people will bring money to you for investments people will bring things to you there are some of you here in the sauna my voice you would like - you didn't buy some attendees who you somebody will give you a finished furnished house I say gift for the new year if there's a man to believe there's a god to perform all to I believe it there shall be a performance I don't know one talking to here but things are shifting please ash [Music] somebody will just look at you and say I like you what do you do is a business take five million put in something it doesn't man to believe there's a god on the phone bayano Coppola someone who look at yourself take a car just a guitar oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah some politicians some businessman some businessman guru just like your face and change your life if you're a man is louder receive miracles let me tell the story us are clues honey do you know the story so a friend of mine has started a church for so many years ago in South Africa somewhere I helped him start the church preach for him encourage him he was afraid I told him don't be afraid start huh if you start one day stop now we're here for helping so we started a church together preached for him did help him a lot then I left and then we parted ways we've not spoken for years he's been busy have been busy few two months ago so I was preaching somewhere in Nigeria somebody said me that this guy has blown he has exploded I say yes I'm aware I know everything it's a look the guy is being let me call him so you called him say let me surprise him then he said girls we are about to speak with he called many names you say no it's okay toes hold on so give me the phone and I called the guys name he screamed dr. demeanor has it yes how have you been is a look man man every prophecy you give me every word you spoke over me not one has fallen all the support he say I shall speak in Kannada now you are speaking to a malt angelonia then another saddle him talk to me he said up to demeanor first of all churches do have explode at number two just few weeks ago the woman came to our country we met in a shopping mall she saw me said are you not a preacher on television I said I'm the one you say your ministers bless me can I have the phone number to your church I want to visit you on Sunday so he gave her his phone number Sunday she didn't come to service Tuesday she now calls you sorry we couldn't make it to service we don't live in South Africa we live in Ghana I just came to South Africa for business and every time I come I watch you on TV saying I was happy to see you but I'm sorry I couldn't make it your church please text me your bank account number I have something small something small I want to put something small Yemanja something small you somebody will give you something small like this way to sow something small so quickly he touches bank account number two days after that his bank manager said call him we are are you pastor come to the bank what for come come you only there here so he says he arrived the bank the bank manager came out for the first time to reach out to the dog Oh welcome pastor would be waiting for you bless you Pastor please come in please come the manager himself coming sit down do you want tea or coffee or what do you want he said I don't want anything tell me why you're looking for me it's a relaxed posture there's no Ajala you want tea or coffee what you are it's as I don't want anything just tell me what you have sell for me for he said actually yesterday a deposit hit your account and the security agency in the country wants to know the source of that money because of the volume he said what volume 5 million US dollars five 1 million US dollars where is it coming from we say from Ghana then you remember that woman who wants to send something small so he said yeah I know where it is coming from it's one of my partners in the ministry who supports our programs here who send the money for evangelism so the guy said pastor you know it has to stay in this Bank he also stay here I will reply the security and tell him where the money's coming from pastor you know we thank you for your continuous patronage and they started they started doing good good things so we need to minister as a whoa and I told him that is just the beginning that is just so in a sentiment text me your own account same one he say yes I say it is already coming enter chop chop we are still talking there counters anti-missile calcined account number is there now listen dr. demeanor in a few minutes you will get an alert once you get you're not calling me I have something to tell you I don't want to tell you what I'm doing because we don't know we stopped in the phone's so BAM there are large heat mama come and say honey this money this money yes give me when I say don't worry I was just waiting for eternal so I called him I said it has come it has come it has come he said doctor demeanor eukaryote dangerous Greece why I send the money is because I want to buy a shopping mall I want you to pray for me that's I give you the money so you pray for me so that that mall would become a reality I told him closure has given to load portaloo you shoe polluter who lit up lucha de Rana Tata 20:18 somebody will send you something small like this [Music] [Applause] are you here now that's not the end of the story the following week he committed Amina where are you I sell in New York you're dangerous I saw what happened he said you know after that movie I'm not honest it's my account we are buying them all we are buying the mortals nominal only to grow weak I told you are dangerous settling senator durbin acaba as you start another auction of this anointed wherever you're here in a sauna my voice I said receive financial miracles receive financial favors receive supernatural visitors receive supernatural help receive supernatural help receiving des - destiny Eva's mission interpret us why it was tough tisha be soft we black the girl for yourself we shift things around those directors are upon Berryessa terminated receive fabulously favor like rain like rain like rain money is hiding you will notice it is hiding you will look at each who receive access by grace receive access by grace pleasures of dark places wealth of hidden places access it in the name of Jesus you are blessed beyond the cost struggle stop your days of struggles are over struggles and the day Jesus came humanity was free from suffering to death we celebrate the day of his birth and that day of his arrival as we declare it today we apply uranus animals it is the end of frustration your life the end of softening your life the beginning of good news the beginning of good news the beginning of better news the beginning of a more excellent news the beginning of greater news celebration on every side you will never be ashamed you will never be ashamed in Jesus precious name can I hear that Amen on a note of finality are you blessed if you're blessed shockblast get out a good offering let's celebrate let's celebrate what the Lord has done let's celebrate this good ward where they can only one offering so get out the offering that you prepared for this service the wise man when they came to see Jesus they brought frankincense gold and myrrh they put their hand in their treasure and brought out substance I'd like you to bring out substance in faith let's celebrate the great things God has done glory to God are you excited in this office are you excited are you excited I went to a church in Ghana a person say are you excited they must be shot we are excited not excited excite my goodness the church is full of drama honey when the pasta is happy before it calls me to preach after the physio bridge join enter the church the injured ward the next they say let us do some press up for God let us do some press of Islam oh boy who is an elderly man when he said let us do some press of members such a common members all of them sir abilities then they played a press of song for them and then they now knelt down then then I lay down I started doing press up to the song many of them in fact Ennis filmed it Ennis findit then when they finish they enough sisters come and do the impressive so sisters came on they lay on the floor they started I've not seen that kind of Johnny for they were so excited they weren't even he said are you excited they wrote is that we are excite you can see joy in the house amen are you excited bring out your offerings I'm sure they may be watching us right now lift up your home for his glory father we rejoice will rejoice we rejoice we rejoice we are not like the world at the hopeless we are begotten to a lively hope and we rejoice because in our heart is the hope of glory and as we give we give a joy thank you for great things ahead of us thank you for every blessing at your blessed ah sweet thank you for every grace that has abounded torsos we give you praise and glory and as we give and rejoice and sing and worship you our praise and our offerings resume sweet smell before you today in Jesus precious name and every believer sees him and Lokhande now those of you on Facebook and on the Internet we're gonna stand up before I come back again to wrap up this survey so let me make a quick announcement the online international school of ministry for pastors and believers who are serious with God was supposed to start next Monday but is starting tonight tonight so church people in you know techno to tell people who you need to reach pastors people all over the world and it's starting tonight at 10:00 p.m. GMT plus 1 10 p.m. on my Facebook page the school of ministry on my Facebook page a beldam in a public figure no doctor no pastor no reference just a bell demeanour does a pitch if you go to the bridge the video I mean the teachings will be on that page at 10 o clock tonight now those of you who want to be part of the school of ministry online I want to ask
Channel: vooke
Views: 9,269
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Abel Damina Ministries, Abel Damina, Christ Embassy, Chris Oyakhilome, David Oyedepo, Winners' Chapel, RCCG, E A Adeboye, Christmas, Righteousness of Christ revealed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 41sec (6101 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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