Dr. Randy Clark - Rock Church - “Ministry of Healing”

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just before I begin I want to share with you the books I've written since I sear last year or four years ago and I'm gonna give it each one of them to Pastor John but I'm gonna say to Bishop anything on my table you can take one of everything if you want it whatever you want just take it it's my gift so unto you but since and I want to encourage it you can open them up and often you'll see endorsements from other Pentecostal charismatic leaders sometimes you'll see it of biblical scholars theologians it depends on what you're looking for this is a new book couple of years ago where last year I think it was baptized in the spirit god's presence resting upon you with power and I had so much fun riding it and researching for it and it's been a great blessing to many people one of the new books that just came out this March is this one the spiritual gifts handbook using your gifts to build the kingdom it was written by myself and dr. Mary Healy who is a Roman Catholic biblical scholar and the leading Catholic overseeing the charismatic Catholic renewal in the world and especially for the doctrine and theology and we've written it together and we speak as one voice except when we get to places when there's a uniqueness but we found out we had so much in common that we agreed upon and it's a great blessing for example 97% of the people claim to know Jesus and in Poland a Roman Catholic and it's one of the easiest places right now to see miracles in in Europe and there's a great hunger there and a great revival there I went in invited by the largest Pentecostal church but it was a half of the people that came and came from the Roman Catholic Church it's amazing to see them drunk in the spirit it's just a great joy to see what God's doing here's what I believe I believe the revival of the end time is gonna be so big that every part of his church will be involved in it and it would take all the churches to to hold the harvest anyway this book just came out in May this year just a couple of weeks ago I witness to miracles watching the gospel come to life the first half of the book is just about miracles that I've seen and there are URLs or you can like you can go to your computer type it in and it will take you to watch the video of the story I just told so you can see the person happened to live and the second half of the book deals with how did the Western culture become so anti supernatural and especially the church and what is God doing to reverse that and to become once again a church believing in the supernatural so that's this one eyewitness to miracles if you're interested in the healing the book I would start with of mine and written about 40 is power to heal keys to activating God's healing power in your life and as soon as you read it there's also I don't have it with me but there's a kit you can get a DVD and workbook and study guiding do it in small groups but when I would read this immediately then I would read this one healing breakthrough in the first half I talked about practices and teachings that hurt hinder faith for healing and in the second half I deal with teachings and practices that helped contribute to faith and the greater probability of healing happen in your church because you're creating an atmosphere of faith and what not only the teacher preacher pastor needs to do but what the people the church know that they need to do to be able to see that kind of an atmosphere and these two really go together very well the men come up to me and women said I really want to get started where do I start you have so many things I say start with these two and then lastly if you'd like go a little deeper and you'd like to deal with some of the issues that more theological of liberalism and cessationism and just going deeper into the word a lot more footnotes and things and this authority to heal would be a follow-up to these first time mentions so John I want to give these to you and and again Bishop anything there you go I'm so nose in you because I know that you have such a hunger and interest in these types of things I know that it's good you are good soil and Bishop is better soil all right let's pray father I pray in Jesus name that his name would be exalted today in a midst of everything we'd not lose sight of him the one who made it all possible who came to destroy the works of the devil who released the trickle of healing in the Old Testament into a flood of healing in the New Testament the one who appeared that the even enemies the demons seemed to know who he was but you didn't know what he came for we thank you that we do we pray that we would receive the benefits of his suffering today and we'd see people healed and set free in the mighty name of Jesus amen in the Exodus God spoke to Moses and he told him that there to think the lamb the Paschal Lamb the Passover lamb and there not to there to kill it but take its blood and put it on doorpost & Little's when the Death Angel passes over the firstborn will live he sees the blood Jesus understood that he was that Paschal Lamb and when it came to this time to die he wanted to be in Jerusalem it's a celebration in the Passover and even as the pastor lambs are being slain and he took what was the Passover meal and instituted the Lord's Supper we're to understand that that lamb in exodus 12 is a type that Jesus fulfills what was sometimes missed because it's just mentioned one place in the Psalms that when they came out of Egypt around 2 million of them they believed most biblical scholar please two million and came out of Egypt they'd been in slavery there was not one feeble person among one another translating there's not one sick another translation of the same Hebrew says no one stumbled because of weakness so he got two million people and there's not anybody sick or weak which means that's not natural there had been a supernatural one of the greatest healings ever recorded in the Bible happened the night they came out and he might ask well how did that happen they were not only instructed to take the blood and put it on the doorpost where Death Angel passes over he sees the blood that first Borden will not die but he also said that you are to eat the flesh of that lamb G Paul said because we don't discern his body many of you have grown sick and some have fallen asleep there really is something about what he received in his body bore sickness in our diseases Isaiah 53 tells us and by His stripes we are healed which is another great passage Jesus is the one who makes healing possible in Luke Luke our Matthew chapter 8 verse 17 and backing up around 1516 it says that he healed everyone who was there healed them all and this was to fulfill what was spoken about the prophet Isaiah he took up our infirmities and carried our sicknesses and our diseases and by stripes were healed healing is in the atonement healing is in the cross healing is our provision healing is our promise healing as a matter of fact is one of the most distinguishing marks of Pentecostals around the world many younger scholars are saying it is the most distinctive of all things for Pentecostals is healing I'm just glad that others now are getting in no notes of any Coastal's have had and others are beginning to go for healing so we wanted to start just focusing on Jesus and what he did to make this possible Michael Brown a Messianic Jewish scholar with photographic memory wrote a great book called Israel's divine healer one of the sentences I loved in it was he talked about in the Old Testament healings just a trickle a stream that becomes a flood in the New Testament and after Pentecost do you have a great out breaking in Jerusalem of miracles by the church and it was these miracles that caused a massive explosion of growth in the church and causing many to come to Christ I want us to focus a little bit I'm gonna what I want to talk about today is the different ways God heals and that we would be aware of the ways of God in the 33rd chapter of the book of Exodus Moses said if I found favor in your sight teach me or show me your ways that I may know you it is in the understanding of the ways of God that we recognized him in our midst more he sometimes comes into our midst and if we're not trained to understand and see and acknowledge oh that was the Lord we weren't we weren't even aware that he was in our midst it's in the understanding of the ways that we pick up on his Commandments his word his Ramos and so I want us to look at some of these ways that he communicates to his church today and cause us healing to come because when we recognize his ways it creates faith one of those is just the power of testimony in Luke chapter 6 17 through 19 Jesus came down from the mountain he's on the level area of the plane and there's people from all over they're tire inside in the region and from the area is a great great crowd and largest group disciples and a great crowd of people they came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases and those troubled by evil spirits were set free cured and then in verse 19 it says in every one they were all trying to touch him because everyone who touched him was being healed now we don't find this in Scripture what I'm about to say but I believe it's implied in Scripture and by the time I finished these four stories you're going to see the power of testimony was very clear in Scripture this one took place first everybody who touched him were being healed because power was coming out of him and healing them all I believe that the woman of the issue of blood two chapters later in Luke chapter 8 beginning in the middle of verse 42 through around 4850 Luke tells us that she touched the edge of his cloak or in King James the hem of His garment and Jesus felt power go out of him and she perceived in her body that she was healed jesus said who touched me looks around and there's a crowd there big crowd and Peter said why can you say who touched you it was a great crowd a lot of people pressing against you how can he say you touched you and a lot of people he said I know somebody touched me because I felt power go out of me and then it says the woman seen that she could not hide herself not realizing not thinking she saw that she couldn't hide herself something was happening to her I believe the reason why she could not hide herself was because the power that went in there to heal her and all had had caused her to begin to tremble because it says she came trembling couldn't hide herself fellows feet she says it says that in the midst of all these people Luke tells us that she explained why she had touched him and how she had been healed but Luke does not tell us by the way Luke dr. Luke does not also he was a medical doctor he neither does he tell us that she'd spent all she had it for 12 years she had this and she'd spent all of her money on doctors there was no better off he leaves that out this thing of doctors protecting each other's goes back a long way but Matthew when we go to Matthew we find in this two verses 2 chapter I believe is chapter 9 20 through 22 it says that she had said to herself because Matthew tells us what she said in that crowd that Luke didn't go because she had said to herself if I can just touch him I'll be Hume Matthew's Gospel also tells us what Luke's did in the telling of the story you can see there are certain details that was told by these different Gospels and one of them was she only touched the edge of his cloak now that's important why is it important even though I can't make a direct connection between this woman whom I believe had that kind of faith to touch him because she had heard the testimony everybody touched him was being healed was power was coming out of it and healing him that's what gave her the idea I got to touch him that's my opinion but this next part is not my opinion it's you got to be blind and dumb not to see this because after that story Jesus in chapter 14 of Matthew and this is the chronological order there's Luke 6 out on the plane the woman at the issue of blood and then the experience and land of the gara seems in Matthew chapter 14 last two verses there's actually a storm that tries to stop them because I believe it wasn't a natural storm I believe it was the opposition of the enemy who saw that Jesus and His disciples was coming to his territory and he was about to have his house plundered because Jesus was more powerful than the strongman the Principality of that area and I believe that wasn't a natural storm but it was an opposition but they make it there and when they get there they realize it's Jesus and it says that the men went throughout the whole region and they told the people that Jesus had come and they gathered the sick now this is what's really key and they begged Jesus they didn't beg him declare the word which is one of the ways he healed just a declaration of words they didn't beg him to come to the homes of the sick that's another way he healed they didn't beg him to lay his hands on the sick which is the most common way he healed and the most common way he instructed others they didn't ask any of that what they did ask was this they begged Jesus just let the sick touch the edge of your cloak why somebody heard the story of a woman with the issue of blood and it gave them faith what he did for her he can do for me that's the power of the testimony and today there will be stories told videos shown and I want you to know that when we tell the story share the video the fact that you're here out of hundreds and hundreds we have hundreds of pages of single-spaced documents of just stories and testimonies of people being healed there were five thousand people that have been healed of mental where they had couldn't move pain all types of problems that have been healed since 2009 nine years over five thousand just in that category everything that you see if you have something similar let it preach to you let it prophesy to you the power of the testimony he can do it for you as well we need to understand that the testimony is an invitation into a repetition all things are possible a few weeks ago in Kentucky I found out in the largest Pentecostal church in Louisville at the time 20 years ago a man was healed and I was often not often but sometimes asked have you ever seen ALS Hill I had to say no but I believe a will but a couple of months ago this man sat down at my table and told me when I met you 20 years ago he was a Baptist guy and I had ALS he ended up getting healed so you're going to see ALS testimony of healing EMS Parkinson's mental cancer all types of things you ought to be glad that weird to gather today because I believe God really wants to encourage you and one of the ways he encourages is my testimony let me give you an illustration housing Dayton Ohio as in an all African American Church and I was sharing stories and fell he come on my left foot I didn't explain it was a word of knowledge I did like you're supposed to it builds more faith if people understand but I matter of fact I don't even why I did it buddy I just said oh I just felt he lots of heat come on my left foot and I just went ahead telling stories and then somebody was so no one's listening to me because somebody was getting so touched over here that I walked over to see what's going on is a great big black guy huge tackle on the football team when he was younger huge he's crying just tears running down his face last thing what's going on he's the death of my wife ask her so I knelt down there's a lot of women around her and she's crying and a lot of noise and a lot of emotion I said what's going on she said I'm 29 years old but when I was nine years old I fell out of a project window the window broke and it caught my foot and sliced my foot off it was hanging by the Achilles tendon and when they reconnected my foot at nine years old and put artificial tendon in my foot I never had the ability to point my foot after that I never had the ability to curl my toes after that if you cannot do that you cannot run that movement is required to run I've not been able to run since its nine years old and she said when you said you felt heat on the top of your foot heat instantly came on the top of my foot and I felt it gave me see that that thing was a god moment that was a grace God did what she needed to take her into faith he created the faith God's the one who by what he did he created faith and she's I'm gonna try and curl my toes so she could she's I'm gonna try and point my foot and she could she got up and ran all around the church I believe today that God is gonna do things in this meeting similar to what I'm talking about they're gonna be repetitions of what I'm actually illustrating today so following Sunday I was in Taipei Taiwan and since it was exactly a week since that had happened I told the story you see she was healed by a word of knowledge and the manifestation that she had it when I told that story as I just told it to you at the end of the service a Chinese man and his adult daughter who was probably about same age they came up to me after the meeting was over and they said this this is not our church we've never been to this church we've never heard of you we didn't come because you were here but when we drove by this church today the Holy Spirit spoke to us and said where's a stop and come to church here today so we obeyed the Holy Spirit when you gave that story my daughter knew this for her because she had exactly the same thing her foot had been almost cut off hanging by the Keeley's tail he achilles tendon put back together artificial parts bent and she couldn't curl her toes move her foot run she said that I had much faith created knowing that it is not an accident that I am here today to hear you tell that story I know this is a God set up and God is wanting to encourage me and it creates such a faith that I went outside and I tried to run in the moment I tried to run I could the power of the testimony there's also the power of the testimony but sometimes he uses the power of the testimony and something else is very biblical acts of obedience one of the little booklets I have talks about acts of obedience the key to the supernatural in John's Gospel there are seven signs seven miracles he talks about if everything Jesus said and done have been written all the books of the world couldn't contain it which means the Holy Spirit led him to very careful selection of the seven miracles he wanted included in John's Gospel six of those seven miracles are preceded by an act of obedience that people had to do before the miracle took place and the one that's not it's implied that the guy had to for the others so this is a huge thing right I probably need some gonna need some water allergies and so on John's Gospel it's very clear there's a connection between acts of obedience and healing the man that's blind he's told go to the pool of Siloam and wash he said I went and I washed and then I could see Jesus tells him to fill up the water pots pull the water out take it there there's every miracle except one is implied he said stand take up your mat and walk he took up his mat and walked that's the one that's implied I believe personally I believe he wasn't healed till he tried to stand up in the moment he tried to stand up his healing came that's why the Lord spoke to me and said in your healing meetings do not let my people stand passive set passively and wait till they feel something before they blew they'll believe me ask them to do something ask them to try to do what they cannot do if there's a word of knowledge ask him to stand involve them give them an opportunity or roberts knew there's no power coming out of your TV screen when you say reach forward your hand to touch the team he was looking to give us an opportunity for an act of faith which is extremely important as a matter of fact I can tell wherever I go in the world I can tell how much faith is in the room and how easy or hard it's gonna be by how much action I see when people begin to check things out and if there's no very little movement there's not a lot going to happen but if there's a lot of movement there's a lot of faith and a lot more happens God why he loves faith that's why he likes to create opportunities for us to express faith I'd like to show you a video the MS Fresno video and I want you to listen for how here's what you see in this woman's testimony he was in a very bad situation look at all the things God did in this one service to build faith in her I'm not pointing you to how much faith she had I'm not putting you to how strong her faith was as a matter of fact you're gonna hear she had very little faith when she walked in that meeting but she did come in need of healing that was an act of faith but once she got there God began to do things to build her faith testimonies somebody come up to tell her something that really encouraged her and then an act of obedience when she had to do something let's watch discouraged and very desperate woman I was in bed but I have multiple sclerosis I've been diagnosed for ten years now and I came to a point where my legs were going and I could not move them and I thought Lord I'm not ready for this yet I'm not ready for it and I said to my husband I said honey I said we need to really get some serious prayer going here because they're feeling like rubber and I can't feel them at all and so I made it here I came yeah in a wheelchair and wheelchair-bound because I'm thinking that's where I'm at and anyway I thought and then first thing I came in a dear friend of mine from the past came and hugged me and she says you're gonna get healed tonight and I and I I'm thinking she thinks so she thinks so but in my brain I'm thinking I wish I had that kind of faith because when I came I had been prayed over so many times and did not experience healing and many of you might be there in that place tonight but I came desperate knowing that's what I needed and so through the service and through the testimonies I had heard I started my faith I get to see it increasing and increasing and increasing through the testing and Randy was speaking and just different people for healing and he said if you have metal in your body I want you to stand up and I thought I'm thinking that pertained to me you know my husband kind of knocked me on the shoulder and he says honey you know the pain pump stand out I have a pain pump because on an average daily basis I'm a 9 or 10 and that's what the pain pump - was morphine in it with other over-the-counter drugs that they take very pain in pain all the time very dry it just drags you down and so I thought okay I'm gonna stand up but I have to well I have my legs to stand out and so I said okay god you're gonna have to do a major work in my legs before I can do this and I thought well you know it doesn't matter if I can or can't but I'll just try but I was trying I couldn't and all of a sudden I just failed all this happening like electric currents going through my legs and it was just even in my arms going like this and it was just like I can't explain it but it was God it was God just doing her miracle in my body and their me I practically ran up here I practically ran up here and it was a miracle it was a miracle and I am I'm even up here [Applause] Lord thank you thank you God and then I came again last night and I felt Lord I'll just go again because I had some friends I knew the name healing and I shared my story and they came and then Randy had talked about the brain and before I talk about that I just want to share I have 14 lesions had had 14 lesions on my brain in the cognitive area I was deemed permanently cognitively disabled now you might be disabled out there in a wheelchair but I was disabled with my brain and being a schoolteacher it took everything out from me I was depressed I was discouraged I was hopeless I felt I even wanted to take my own life that's how desperate I was and he said stand out and I thought okay I'm gonna stand out because God can do these heal these nerve endings in my legs he can heal those lesions that are in my brain he can restore them and so as I stood up and he prayed out words it goes if you're feeling any sign or anything we just wave your hand like this and so I did because I I started feeling clarity I haven't had in ten years ten years of clarity so when I went home about those nights I also had an l4 and l5 torn disc in my back and that's what's amazing about me not only walking but I'm running I the torn discs and been healed as well which has been phenomenal if you're a woman out there I also had painful bladder syndrome which kept me up at least three to five times a night where I wasn't sleeping wasn't resting and diagnosed at a year and a half ago and I slept through the night the last two nights since we've been here awesome I woke up with no pain both mornings and I won't completely slept through the night and I just when I woke up I just started worshipping God because I just this is a new feeling I haven't felt this is so long and the depression has lifted has lifted [Applause] so I just hope and pray that tonight as you came God had you here tonight for a purpose and a reason if you count me discouraged desperate I believe God's gonna meet you here tonight in this place and he wants you to to be healed even if you've been praying over many times don't give up don't give up amen can you see how God was setting her up can you see all the things that help create faith in her there was an act of obedience got to try and stand she can't stand her legs won't work she's in a wheelchair she feel them but she tried and it didn't work several times it didn't work which means she kept trying and then BAM the electricity came in to her she the person met her there and said you're gonna be healed tonight she sholde with her level of faith was that wasn't very strong which I believe that because she'd been disappointed so many times but then as she's listening to the testimonies her faith is rising and rising and rising and may your faith rise as you watch and listen to the testimony of what God has done and I want to declare to you you can be healed as the sermon is going on you don't have to wait to the end of it and I God may God may speak to you to try something they may tell you you need to get out of your seat and try to kneel or you know try to walk or try to do something whatever he says to you you have my permission you don't need it you don't need it but I want to encourage you whatever he says do it and once you realize you're healed I do want you to do this eighty percent or more it's a significant degree we want to know in the process I want you to wave your hands like this because I believe that God is not going to wait till we get to the end to heal people now so we see testimonies are one of the ways that God heals and we see that acts of obedience is another way that God heals a third way is that understanding the relationship between the gift of word of knowledge and the gift of healing in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 there are nine gifts one of them is like an umpire over everything else and the other for four pairs they work together tongues and interpretations easiest to see how one fulfills the other they work together prophecy and discerning of spirits was discerning where's that prophet was that prophetic word from the Holy Spirit demonic spirit or just the human spirit faith a gift of faith not just faith but the gift of faith and miracles go together I'm almost never seen a miracle wasn't a gift of faith words of knowledge and gifts of healings goes together understanding that and how that works is very important I was in Brazil and near San Paolo in the suburb called guarulhos where the airport is and then this one night as I ministering I had the slightest I mean faint impression and it was so faint I wasn't sure if I heard the word motorcycle or bicycle but I got the cycle part and I had this impression that somebody was there they'd been hurt and either a motorcycle or bicycle it was not strong it didn't come several times there's always encouraging when it does I just went for the very first time it came the moment I said it right in front of me on the second row in the end was a young woman from the Baptist Church this was a Pentecostal church that we were in she had come across the Greater San Paulo city of 40 million people New York City's 8 million this is 40 million on public transportation on callipers crutches connecting at your arm right here because when she's 13 years old 15 years earlier she's 28 it's time she was on a motorcycle and there was an accident and she got her heel in the mold in the spokes of the tire of the wheel and it pulled it a plug the size out of her heel that you could put a golf ball in still 15 years later it had never healed anyway of times she'd try to put any pressure on it tear up deeper it had torn away her Keeley's tendon and her she could not put her foot to the floor the closer she could get it was that high she had muscle grafts and they had failed and after 15 years the doctors had told her you now your wound is becoming necrotic gangrenous and this week we're gonna have to cut your foot off at 28 years old and she'd walked on crutches 15 years but she came across that huge city like I said public transportation and she's there and she is going to get prayer that's why she came but God wanted to help her out God I believe saw the faith in her journey to get there and so he's gonna help her out and so he whispers in my ear or I wasn't sure every motorcycle bicycle but the moment I said that she began to shake in her seat and I knew immediately it's her I walked down to her I did I saw her the calipers underneath the seat there she took her phone out and showed me the videos I don't show them anymore because last time I showed them in public some a woman passed out we hadn't had somebody carry her out and get some smelling salts cause is so gross the the nature of her injury 15 years later still so bad it makes some people pass out she heard the Lord say here was the act of obedience try to walk about those calipers but when she tries to walk prior to that without the calipers it tears up deeper and causes more complications so she couldn't but she heard not me I didn't tell her the Lord told her try to walk without those calipers and when she did she told me it felt like I was walking on marshmallows and she came up that night on the stage and starts dancing on the stage she did not have to have that foot cut off and wanted nothing happened no matter what they did and they couldn't fix it the foot God supernaturally caused that to fill in after 15 years with new flesh it was understanding the faith that was created by a word of knowledge I want to show you in a video and the word of knowledge is really powerful almost most the people in this particular video they were healed because there's word of knowledge for them it happen at Bethel Church not in the church but in the community center we were doing a school there a healing school a conference like and there's some miracles here but I want just to build your faith I said we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of testimony I believe in God's providence sometimes we feel led to show certain things and certain meetings because God's gonna have somebody there it needs to see it the fact that you're here to see it it's like the Chinese woman who heard the story that's what I've got and may also cause you to realize I can be healed today I need to step out and try something let's watch it [Music] that woman was deaf misson had metal and her body couldn't move her leg that high he had many things she both of them were in wheelchairs got out [Music] everybody's waving their hands bidding my name's Eli Eli yeah what was your problem was it a metal plate sticking out of my arm for years and in front of everyone like this upper arms I've always been that I just wish I go flat got it in an instant I watched it go black as we were praying over her it disappeared the plates gone [Applause] all this the screws that had come out were in my muscle they were embedding and so can I just I love to look out like a mound on her like oh it was gnarly yeah since like 2006 so for eight years or nine years yeah plate coming out of her arm he's just had this huge plate coming out of her arm like a mound on her arm that was so visible and I watched it as we were praying instantly [Applause] in 2012 I got saved at the Healing Rooms in Santa Maria and I got healed of HIV and my heart valves got healed and I've got the proof the medical proof to prove it and so I didn't think God would do more for me and then they stood up and prayed for my arm and He healed me again so I had a disease in my ear and it's called colosseo Toma and it ate away all the ear bones and the eardrum in my left ear and I could only hear very loud noises like tractors and airplanes but I couldn't hear the TV and I couldn't talk on the phone and I couldn't hear my very quiet friend and this weekend I I think that just changed and I I think I can hair out of my ear just fine and I can hear little tiny noises like rubbing my fingers together in this ear and that is a total change completely so you said you had no EBO pne's no eardrum and you could only hear very loud sounds and now you're saying you can hear a gentle rub of your own fingers in the midst of a crowd is that right yeah in this noisy room I can hear my little fingers and I can hear my quiet friend just fine incredible price go hard [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] it also affected my back [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] on it on a scale of 1 0 to 10 10th is excruciating what was the level of your pain before you got here can I say over 10 yes a lot of times like I couldn't even make dinner for my husband or do anything with my granddad sit what's the pain level man I was one of the people that stood up when he said crowbar and everybody kind of giggled but I stood up because God had told me earlier when we were in praise and worship it's the crowbar you're still holding on to that a reason is is that I suffered domestic violence and I was beaten with a crowbar my neck was broken my jaw was broken I suffered loss of hearing and this year I couldn't hear at all I wear a hearing aid the associate pastor and so I could attest they're my in-laws they're my brothers niece of their mind that I can't hear but we were praise the worship he said now I'm gonna wash you clean and I was there I was kind of embarrassed but I was just soaking it was just getting wet and I snuck their take off my hearing aid also I'm not gonna be able to hear it's not gonna work because they get wet they don't work so I took it off and then I was saying wait I could I could hear I don't know how good I could hear but I've never heard you before preach even with a microphone without their hearing me and denied I didn't wear the hearing aid it went right into my Bible pocket and I haven't put it back on because there was the crowbar I guess that when the peak me it broke my neck and my jaw and God healed me inside my heart because he said it's not the hearing that you want it's the healing inside that you want but imma give it to you now the Lord had spoken to her and told her before is this correct before I gave the word crowbar he told you he was going to heal the crowbar issue for you tonight and then we get this word crowbar so thank you for coming and giving that testimony we and thank you too Lord yes thank you I just want to make a little comment on that healing I had said to the Lord that night I've been afraid I'd miss you and out of fear that I will give a wrong word of knowledge that fear made me be too careful and out of fear of missing I have missed so many words because I want him to be strong words before I'd give him so I said that night Lord I'm experimenting isn't a French Church in the Albuquerque not that wedding and ready and I said Lord tonight I'm gonna get share every impression that comes to my mind that could be from you and I started I gave all the words of knowledge I was pretty sure these were words knowledge out of my experience but then I had five now I'm I had no assurance these were really of the Lord one of them was 17 staples and somebody just had a surgery 17 staples I couldn't figure that out I'm in the middle of the desert the next one I felt like wasn't the Lord I said this probably not God either isn't that a way to build faith huh the introduction I don't think this is the Lord but I will find out mayor time accident and they laughed at me and they said are you where you're in the middle of a desert I said yeah I told you didn't think it was the Lord and then a pastor stood up that had come to the East Coast and had been hurt on a boat and still was hurt he said it's me didn't make sense and then one is really confusing to me I wasn't sure if I was hearing the word Artesia or artisan that's trying to refine it or what or did I hear both words artesian artists and I I knew what are teasing like artesian water but I didn't know that there was a small and I said again I'm pretty sure this isn't the Lord either but there was a small town I didn't know anything about called Artesia there's just a few miles outside and there was an artist in there from Artesia it's me and the last one I said I am almost certain this is not God I have no idea how this could be God crowbar now how would you feel getting the word like crowbar and giving it could you figure that out by playing it too safe I was missing so much I really learned that now here's why it's so amazing to me God had spoken to that woman and told her I'm gonna heal your crowbar issue tonight and then he gives me the word crowbar do you think that helped her faith to receive what God see that that's what I'm talking about his goodness to work in our myths and our ability to see the connections and for that because we understand his ways is one of the things he does it creates faith I was in Bryan was with me and we were in for the lace of Brazil and as I'm preaching sometimes I get words a knowledge what I'm preaching and they hurt somebody's hurt really bad and I was preaching and all of a sudden I felt like somebody took a little ball-peen hammer and hit me right in the wrist right there and I actually went out in the middle of a sermon so I said hey somebody's gonna be healed of that and a guy instantly was healed I mean there was no prayer he was instantly healed and the pastor told me afterwards that guy had been in motorcycle wreck they had a bar across here had pins and one of the pins to come loose and when he would bend his wrist like that you'd see a pin stick up pushing his skin up half an inch it was gross looking but when I said that BAM instantly there's no pin sticking up it was healed BC he knew that was sin he told me later had we had dinner when he said when you gave that word I knew that was me I knew that was me when that word came out I knew right then I'm gonna be healed and I was healed instantly no prayer no laying on hands nothing but he did know his heels we tried it words of knowledge are extremely important acts of faith scripture promises the promises of God can build faith psalms 102 three and four praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all of his benefits who forgives us of all of our sins and heals us of all of our diseases I met a man 20 years ago I told you valium yet ALS and as I'm talking to him I quoted that scripture to him I'd like to just watch this this video I want there is no cure for ALS there had to be a supernatural rebuilding of his brain even as this woman with MS the same thing and others we've seen with parking about six people healed someone were pastors healed of Parkinson's the last stages of Parkinson's but let's watch the ALS was a case of 20 years ago that I begin to have difficulty with couldn't hold a glass of water in my hand he ended up going to see doctors at Lexington clinic so dr. Robertson and saw dr. Blakey and they confirmed that I had Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS and so at that particular point in time it was a shock and they told me that I had probably three months or six months to three years to live and so with that when I left the doctor's office they said you know there's something you want to do in the next six months do it now because in six months even if you can you won't be able to and so they were thinking Disney World Travel whatever on the way back home that evening I said to my wife and it was kept between me and her that I would like to go to a healing service because I'd never been to one and I also would like to speak in tongues and he were Baptist and I was two up in the Baptist Church and so in that the next week and my wife didn't tell him a friend of mine that was more charismatic than I was sort of sheepishly called me and said he had this service that he wanted me to go to in Louisville so in that process I asked him was a healing service and he admitted that it was there was this guy Randy Clark was up in Louisville who had never heard of and so I went to that particular service it was sermon on missions at the end of the service we had a call for healing my friend looked and said are you going forward and I said Here I am sitting in a healing service with a terminal illness be sort of stupid not to go forward so I went forward Randy came to me and explained to me that the previous week case of ALS had been healed it was not his service but it whenever God says that he will can heal our diseases ALS was one of those and so he prayed for me and this is the most amazing thing I'd seen before people were being slain and all of that and even while he's praying for me a person gets slain beside of me and I just felt warm it was like warm water I did not pass out but warm water just overflowed me and just was a good feeling then I went on home on the way back to Winchester I spoke in tongues then went on and while rescheduled we go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and went there went to a battery of tests that week they said you got some problems but it's there was no way FS came back the doctor was mad because he knew they were confused and we're giving me false hope he sent me to dr. casseras who was ALS for UK he told me there was Oh active neurological disease that I had go see doctor ago SIA a surgeon maybe I had an instability in the back saw dr. Tibbs he said there's nothing for me to cut on and so moved on from that saw dr. Koo Sarkis a year later for a follow-up and he says remove ALS from your vocabulary [Applause] this is this is the real proof if anybody needs proof somebody's been healed of something it's the next thing one of the things that I noticed at the beginning is you look at it you say I don't have the life insurance don't have the things that I need to take care of for my family and so forth so I applied for life insurance and it came back standard rights thank you thank you John I don't think I've prayed for over five to ten people with ALS the fact that we now know that one of them was healed is so encouraging there's these breakthroughs that we can get and once we get one breakthrough they only begin to see others and I just believe that we're gonna see things these days and we've not seen God's gonna be doing great and marvelous things in our midst another weird 5/6 way that God heals is through the gift of faith based on his word but I'm not talking about logos Bible promises I'm talking about his word to you when he speaks to you by the Spirit of God there's this woman her husband's a Pentecostal evangelist and she'd accompany me on the piano and she was stricken 7 years earlier with Parkinson's and she's in the last stages losing control of her bladder losing control of her bowels she couldn't walk without his aid she couldn't remember anything she shook them violently and at home having a receipt of flyer from the Baptist Church so I was gonna do a meeting in a Baptist Church in a Trinity City area in Tennessee she'd never heard of me but when she saw the flyer she has an impression strong impression you go to that meeting you have that man pray for you and I will heal you that night was gonna be the only night I'm not gonna pray for the sick because that night is gonna be focused on people being baptized in the spirit and me getting ready to go into missions and ministry and especially younger people and so I said tonight don't come up to me for healing I'm gonna pray for this other thing I feel like God send this what he's gonna do tonight just go up to the balcony my team will pray for you so she came down and she's shaken I thought you know a lot of people were shaking trial in those days and I thought is godless you know and she told me she had Parkinson's long story short the Lord healed her that night but when she came to me and wanted prayer I didn't want to pray for she when she even said the Lord told me if you'd pray for me I'd get healed I didn't believe her I honestly didn't I was more put off than anything by her I thought she just not paying attention I felt like I already said what we're supposed to do but when she when I touched her and I could say come Holy Spirit hadn't even got the whole sentence out she's already on the floor and she stopped shaking and all of a sudden God got my attention and when I went back to find out from her husband what Parkinson's was I was on the 23rd day of a 40 day fast for miracles because I hadn't seen any miracles seeing healings but no miracles at that time is 95 when he said she needs to have hundreds of millions of new brain cells because they've been destroyed as well wait a minute wait a minute and she doesn't need a healing she needs a miracle he that's right right in that moment I gift of faith came to me it started with her I didn't start in faith at all but as now I'm putting things together and when we prayed long story short she got healed of Parkinson's and for the first time in seven years because the way it identified she was playing the piano when when it hit her and she couldn't think of a note or chord and from other people she's still embarrassed she ran outside door and had not touched a piano since that night seven years earlier and she asked can I play the piano I said sure we got a keyboard she went over and she began to play and she was good she really was good and Elvis her husband's name was Elvis from Tennessee and he is a singer he told me he was crying told me that story how she hadn't played in seven years and then she got so excited because she's healed Parkinson's she's not shaking her memories back creative miracle took place in her brain she's so excited she forgot she can't sing that she can play the piano but she can't sing she did she that's not that's his gift not hers but she didn't care she starts singing he touched me oh he touched me and all the joy that floods my soul for something happened and I know he's touched me and made me there wasn't a dry eye at midnight in that church at that moment because we'd seen a miracle but it started with a woman who at home reading a flyer from a Baptist Church about somebody she knew nothing about but believe she actually heard the Lord say fuel go and have him pray I'll heal you God created the faith in her for that pay attention to these things God says to you act on him because this faith it's not faith is realizing it's the Lord or believing it's the Lord but faith and biblical spot it doesn't stop there the faith that brings about the miracle the healing the provision is we believe it enough that we do what he said it is followed up with obedience and when it's often tested by the enemy you persevere that's biblical biblical faith then there's sovereign healing I almost done what I mean by sovereign healings it's like when you don't even know what you're doing and God heals somebody anyway and they know how it's where I went to seminary from it from a doctor and when we're doing this outreach to the poor and that night I'm going to use an illustration of what a word of knowledge is by picking somebody randomly out and asking them some questions you know if Jesus appeared to you and said I want to heal you tonight how would that affect you how would you feel and then then I dialogue with him and it's just a random picking somebody and I don't think it got it all and I see a woman it's easy to identify she's an african-american woman with a red coat on on the edge not half way back I said that African American woman he got the red coat on how would you feeling that is it I didn't get to say anything else good because she jumped up and she said I can't believe you picked me I've been so sick I got so much wrong with me I was outside waiting two hours for those doors to open up and I came in here and I need healing and you picked me and I'm already healed I'm thinking well she ruined my illustration but she also Illustrated it its sovereign I didn't think I was gonna heal her right then I just using her for an illustration sometimes God leads you so subtly you don't know you're being led of God until you see something like that and then you realize man he speaks sometimes so softly so gently that I didn't think that was the Lord but it was and then lastly this is not all but this is my death scene faith on somebody and realizing God can heal them because they are experiencing this faith from God in the 14th chapter of Acts in Lystra the Apostle Paul it talks about then he saw seen faith in this man this man crippled from birth not able to walk from birth but it says Paul looked intently at him and I believe that the intentionality of that look was led of the Holy Spirit and I don't know how to explain it but sometimes God high somebody in the meeting and you see them and you begin to realize God has is right now creating faith in that person I remember a few in December Brian my intern presently they're gonna be the next full-time staff person I bring on staff he's 21 years old one of the most gifted young men for words of knowledge I learned from him just hanging around him I went to a level I never had before because he he he gets people's birthdays he gets her address as he gets the name of the husband wife together and the address sometimes they live on it just blows me away so I'm just hanging around him you know I'm supposed to be mentoring him but actually it's kind of working the other way this time I was in London and I had to name I had a number and a name I didn't know what they meant and I said I don't even know if these go together now does that make sense to anybody in some woman's to him said that's my address I think well I never got that before I got healed when he got my when Brian got my condition in the meeting once I'm gonna you gotta worry about how somebody's got cervical herniated this I had four of them and your birthday is February the 18th 1952 and I wanted to rule out everybody else's hey anybody here got a birthday February 18 1952 and there wasn't one person there it had it I turned to Brian I said Brian that's me that's my birthday and I had been prayed for by roland and Heidi Bill Johnson you name it Chaya and John are not a bunch of people over the year had been a year since I've been injured in Nigeria because big guy grabbed me when he was falling and I'm right in his chest and popped out for vertebra this all right when he had my birthday and my condition I understood the ways of God I knew this is going to be the time this will be the prayer this it's not that I am going I know one day God is going to heal me is like today is the day and that kind of faith I didn't have to work it up God created it by god did but understanding the ways of God creates the faith if we don't understand these ways it doesn't greet faith that's why I'm just trying to bless you explain a few things I've seen he prayed and I was 80 percent healed instantly and I normally we pray again I said not don't even pray you don't need to pray I know I'm gonna be a total total 100% healed I don't you don't even need to pray I know it's gonna happen in just a few days later 100 percent the ways of God and the ways of healing and so we were in in Fortaleza Brazil and this is the same night this guy I got hit here and same thing with the ankle hit me really hard not to explained it and we're praying that this guy it's got all this metal knees and you could literally watch the thing moving it's all mangled up and I had like eight surgeries and anyway the guy gets healed but there was a guy there kind of a short guy had shorts on and so you can see his legs and you can see they've got all this big scar from about four inches above it's needs six inches above his knee down to here right it's twenty three screws wasn't it 23 screws in that part of his leg and he has to walk on crutches and he can't bend his leg but in that healing meeting that night as I'm watching a crowd I'm looking intently at that one and I could tell that guy is going he's not stopping he is not it no it's not worked yet he he's not giving up he continues to try it to do that and if if I would have had the chance that would have been the guy I would have gone to to pray for because literally it was like seeing faith on him I couldn't go but Brian saw him Brian saw the faith Brian went to him Brian prayed for him and he starts weeping when all of a sudden he's got the movement and he walked home without crutches and that night so if any of these things that I've talked about any of these conditions or any of these ways God moves you realize you know that applies to me would you stand right now we would pray and we're before we pray would you stand and try to do something you can't do Stan any of these things metal in your body hearing problems whatever it may be word and I feel like the Lord's told you you're gonna get healed today whatever it may be what's it don't let him sit ask him to stand now I want you just to try first of all before I pray because we I felt like the Lord I learned it in Brazil or Argentina I just start seeing people get healed before we prayed I believe the Lord can heal you before there's a prayer and so try to do what you can't if you have trouble with rotator cuff trying to move it if you have trouble and you're back trying to do it if you have trouble your tailbone sit down hard for several times just try to do something you can't do we were in the jungle in Brazil one time and I saw one guy young guy probably twenties and he had a broken screw in his collarbone and when he would move is so painful he would not quit he didn't try ten times he didn't try five minutes literally John I believe I saw him for like 20 minutes still trying and every time he did it hurt and then BAM totally healed so is anybody at least eighty percent better if so I want you to wave your hands with the glory of God both hands like this dude both hands because this means I'm better but this means I'm at least 80% there's one two three four five six seven how about an A over here in this section nein thank you God thank you lord thank you Lord now we're going to pray God I thank you for everybody on their feet I thank you God that you have orchestrated what I call a divine providence for today for them I speak through their bodies and I speak healing I declare healing release your kingdom in the name of Jesus pain I command it to leave I break every curse in Jesus name God we pray we don't have to understand how you do it my brain can't understand can't fathom how you do these things but I celebrate it release healing for the glory of Jesus name in this place as a demonstration of your ways in your power in the name of Jesus all pain leave psoriatic arthritis I've seen seven out of eight women psoriatic arthritis since December it's the newest thing for me just have a gift of faith for that if you have psoriatic arthritis I believe right now God can heal you I also believe if you have metal in your body this is not a gift it is a gift of faith but it's it's rooted in the faithfulness of God I've just seen so many people get healed of it if you have any type of metal causing pain or loss of range of motion you should stand and start right now trying to do what you can't do I believe with you know over 5,000 people get healed of this we've only been instance in nine years we've only been in two meetings where somebody didn't get healed of that when we went for it all right check your bodies out try to do what you can't do if you couldn't wave your hands while ago but now you can you're at least 80% on the way to a hundred percent but right now you're at least eighty percent better and you couldn't wave your hands while ago but now you can wave your hands to the glory of God because in the waving that gives him thanks if it's really happen don't do it because you believe it you know kind of confession it happened 2,000 years ago that's true but we're praying it's the manifestation there's another and another and another three more and another four more and another five more thank you God thank you God thank you God by the way is there anybody here that does have a issue of artificial material putting your body through a surgery that's caused you problems is there anybody here that has it or anybody here that's healed of it because if you're not we want to pray I'd like for you to come out I'm gonna pray for you on that Brian do you have some words you'd like to give [Music] thank you Lord don't let his youth don't despise his youth it's not a young Holy Spirit in him [Music] I believe wave at us so we can see that it's you all right sobbing pain in the middle of your sternum right there a salivary gland disorder where you're either overproducing or under producing enough saliva for your mouth you just wave at me wherever you're at right there a problem with the aortic heart valve right there abnormal curvature of the tailbone right there issue with the large intestine cervical nerve damage lower respiratory tract infection fibromyalgia damaged cartilage in both knees I believe this next one is osteoarthritis is the generation and the right hip bone you can just wave at me okay several people never pain in the bottom of the spine that also shoots down into both of your hips and legs it kind of starts here and just shoots it down like that tendonitis in the right elbow and damage to the right eardrum I don't I'm not positive but this has resulted in a level of deafness but I felt a pain in the right ear drum so any sort of damage or issue there I have someone's name I think it's Leilani I think or Leilani or Lori on E or something like that let's see people pointing right there Leilani yeah you need healing but her dad is it something with his legs it is can you wave at me if that's if that's right it is yeah I feel like I'm seeing there's some sort of degeneration or something in his legs I think he may actually even be in a wheelchair no though that's they have him but I can see him yeah what's his name Louie let's just pray for it yeah all right I want us together let's just stretch our hands out towards Louie let's thank the Holy Spirit for for what he's doing for ya highlighting them thank you God Louise said okay if I just lay my hand on you just pray for you yeah Holy Spirit we bless Louis yes we bless Louie and Jesus name father we call forth strength into his legs strength into his muscles strength into the tendons Lord we speak a miracle of recreation of the bone regeneration of any lost cartilage revitalization of all strength and his legs and his muscles on his bones in every joint of Louie Lord we bless him we just thank you for your divine presence and power [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright stay standing if you had any of those other conditions that myself or Randy called out I'm going to return back in a second just to focus on on Louie and on his daughter since it was just such a powerful you know thing that the Lord is doing there I want to really focus on them but before that we we don't want to forget about the rest of the people who had one of those things that we called out so are all of you still standing who had one of those words that we called out the different words of knowledge we're gonna pray and then we're gonna have you know actually go ahead and just test it out and see where you're at right now and if you can tell I'm 80% or more improved then waive both hands at us so we can identify you just one two three four five six seven eight [Music] Thank You Lord nine ten eleven thank you Jesus twelve thank you lord [Music] it's so important what Randy was saying to recognize that he can already begin to touch you where you're at before it prayer has even had so we thank you god for the for the 12 that you just healed sovereignly but now we're gonna pray quickly just focus on your body focus on what the Holy Spirit's doing any sensitivity that's there any heat that's there the power of God on you lean into that rest and focus on that during the prayer it's gonna be brief then just test it out again and wave at us if you're eighty percent are more improved Holy Spirit thank you for your presence upon the people your power your glory we call those things that are not Lord as though they are someone else with an issue I'd like a torn rotator cuff on the right side that the Lord's healing right now Holy Spirit we just thank you for your presence and power on the people touch them Lord in Jesus name all right try it out again if you'll say aye aye I couldn't do something before and now after the prayer I'm 80% or more improved I can sense it in my body wave at us both hands over your head one thank you two three four five six seven a that's 23 more that the Lord is healed just within a timeframe up a couple minutes [Music] thank you Father thank you Jesus [Music] amen well let's praise the Lord for the healing work that he is doing that he has done and that he will do Jesus is the great physician kana do you let's continue to pray because God is working I feel an atmosphere of faith right now to see the miraculous how that do you know we're gonna dismiss in a moment but I want to ask him bishop if she can come and give us an exhortation because it is our custom that not only be blessed but to be a blessing and we want to be a blessing today you meant for brother Randy and his village amen what blessing what uh you know said you're filled with Holy Spirit you will be a witness well these kind of witnesses we've heard today are just remarkable it just kind of makes you blink is a while what a mighty God we serve amen amen they're gonna continue to minister this brother but we always receive a love offering for the ministry that comes in so
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 41,171
Rating: 4.8458843 out of 5
Keywords: Rock Church, Church, Christianity, community, love, unity, Jesus Christ, modern, modern church, bible, biblical, John Blanchard, Bishop, Anne Gimenez, Bishop Anne
Id: Pm9SYPdtmcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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