Downton Abbey: A New Era On The Graham Norton Show!

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the the harry potter bit of your life which kind of changed your life but then downton comes along [Applause] is that one of those things where you thought you were famous until you were in downton no i i didn't i didn't think that at all it didn't it's only since downton that people seem to know you know who who's who stopped me and asked me but it's only since downton and that's that's television for you yes it's common it's television but funnily enough i was i was in waitrose in storings in my face and a little boy was at the um checkout with his mother and he kept looking at me and i thought what am i going to do about anyone kept looking at me and looking at me and i said can i help you and he said it's all right it'll come to me in a minute [Music] [Laughter] the people coming up to you now like because apparently americans are very well american you know they're not shy americans no well no no but i don't go anywhere really where they can get at me it's it's usually in museums and art galleries and things so that limits things i keep away from that and and harrods i don't go now so are you in a way sort of glad that downton's over oh yeah no i really am because honestly she was about by the time she must have been 110 so i couldn't go on and on i couldn't it just didn't make sense i know alex i know you you're a big dancing fan i am i i shouted it a lot you haven't seen it i do yeah we watch it and we shouted it because i'm not in it have you ever watched dancing [Laughter] i've got the box set now we hear and i don't know because you're you you know you run in rich circles exotic circles and have we had a good authority that the the actual queen watches downton abbey because we hear that she's a fan you're not supposed to talk about what okay no i'm i was told that she did but then i have been told by another gentleman who works in those establishments that she likes mid-summer murder okay i didn't take it back they might just clap for 45 minutes it's good uh you're very very welcome and you've all just come from the premiere of your film monuments man yeah yeah yeah that's why we're drinking champagne we have just celebrated right yes yeah in fact now why is yours not in a champagne do you want people to think i'm just a man of the people uh simple white wine from me oh i just like drinking more than anyone else at one time let's get started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] wow you don't do this at home don't do that this ale is crazy in your place there you must have lots of great memorabilia from downtown do you have a tiara or a lace doily or anything you know i don't i don't have anything and actually i was wondering if you know i had anything obviously because you asked if we did and and uh i was cooking last night and i'm thinking surely i've got something i've got something that i took from set and then i looked down and my my wooden spoon that i was using it says mrs patmore's kitchen on it and i don't i have no clue where i got it it was like it was given to me by someone or it was it was maybe a gift from someone on set but that's the only thing that i own which don't lie this has been disappointing we were hoping for a lot more here like a saddle or you know something something much better but is it all kind of down to the downtown thing was georgia fan of downtown because it's in 220 territories i didn't know there were 220 territories now what does that mean territories is different to nations yes it must be i don't think there are 20 countries but territories how many countries are there how many somebody google it now uh did you guys watch dante did you know what danton was now i'm starting to think like texas is its own territory they're like word territory i'm gonna shoot you if you come down sorry did you watch downton before no my wife is an addict and by addict i mean like a crack addict and it's like a problem we were supposed to start the show together and i came to bed one night and she said i've just watched six of them and she was like i'll i'll tell you i'll tell you what happened because she wanted to see the seventh and she didn't want to go back to the first you know and so she's done the whole thing and and i'm and i'm on my own so i will watch downton abbey because i love you but uh i'm gonna have to find time somehow to do that raising four kids have you ever seen it bill thompson abbey no i never have but i'm just slow i have a lot of uh like i'm really slow cleaning up my room and getting dressed and everything so i miss these shows but i really look forward to getting like a serious flu or something like that maybe i'll get the entire set and watch the whole thing because he seems like the greatest guy he seems like a great guy it's a very it's a very good show you know what it's one of those weird things it's too convincing like i'm sort of on the fringes of this industry i meet actors on the show but when i see the downtown cast on a red carpet and there's it's the servants i always think oh isn't that lovely look at that look it's mrs packmore she borrowed a dress oh did they give him the morning off did they get there was he there going where's my kedgeree but you have a love hate thing don't you with it no i love it and i watch it all the time but a bit like a relationship with crack you know i hate it too well you know it's killing you let me let me ask you is he like the grand he's the lord of the lord but what you need to know bill is lord grantham and i think this is fair is always wrong well there you go there you go right there yeah that's uh he is though isn't he you must get annoyed when you know when your name comes out of a dog's ass in the titles you know you know you're in for a bad ride no because lady simple no you killed her blood on your hands no i didn't kill someone no i didn't sorry i did timeout [Music] dr clarkson okay yeah up to then don't tell me i haven't seen the show up to that point on the show we call him doctor death on set because every decision he makes was terrible yes so there is some sense in in my character calling in some outside advice it happens to be possibly the wrong one and you know she wants out of her contract so she dies wow if you're if you're watching in one of the 220 territories that hasn't got to that point in the story yet um hey maybe she gets better but i i wouldn't join the matthew crawley fan club either i wouldn't invest in that i'm going to repeat excuse me [Music] i know i know but i said only i was allowed to wear sort of deep red i know well well you're sacked beautifully dark nice deal seamless no one will notice thanks for sending the memo to everybody but me well yeah that is all doesn't it yeah it's weird i've never seen this color and now i see it on three men at once just have a go at mat night and now from the sublime to the ridiculous uh because uh you bonneville what was it hugh barnville no no no no you was a lovely man ebola zombie man but i just want to refer back to a television appearance that you bonneville made a couple of weeks ago uh he was on a program called top gear it's very oh i love that he was on top getter driving that's the greatest show now from top gear no we don't have a clip but we do have a bizarre his appearance caused quite the reaction uh here he is on top of you now a lot of people were focused on the jumper a lot of the other bugs in the jumper but more even more people were concerned why why are you wearing lipstick on top well i'm intrigued i i'm here to say that i was not wearing lipstick come on it was cold because they on top of here they say bring two sets of clothes you're gonna be boiling hot in the car and you're gonna be freezing cold in the studio and i thought boiling hot in the car it's a cold day in wherever we are february it's not going to be like that at all i was roasting because you're exerting so much so adrenaline and a sweat because you're in a well well just right now your lips are turning a different color [Music] uh then you're in the studio this aircraft hangar where apparently last summer it's either incredibly hot or you know it's freezing at this time of year and last year when patrick stewart was on my lips aren't going away don't they yes really do they just go red on tv [Music] it's an odd look for a man but you carry it off so [Music] i'm like what's her name's pout the other week uh yeah so last year apparently about four or five people stopped healing about four or five people fainted while patrick stewart was doing his thing because it's so hot and i always thought it's going to be very chilly sort of my favorite woolly jumper but not my red lippy which i left it he just said my lips my favorite woolly jumper come on how many women here are going to faint just hearing him say my favorite all right how many men are going to favor my favorite jumper in my lippy lippy what does that mean in america [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my husband in that show 1982 guys and dolls i was the smallest he was the tallest and um yeah so we um we got together then it was just fantastic oh wow and breaking all showbiz moles still together still together just a lovely holiday yeah and a lot of people know him as of course carson from downtown has that sort of blighted your life now totally no not at all no not at all it's been fantastic but when you went on holiday presumably you can't get away from that well we thought we had and we went to new zealand last year for [Music] [Applause] and people recognized us and said you know could we take a picture yes okay we did that in the restaurant and we made it to the otego times the front page but we were knocked off the main we were down the bottom with you know nice people from england are here we were knocked off by triplets happy to go back to school they took the big picture education education very important very important yeah okay uh who's up next hi hi hi i'm hugh i'm from west sussex how are you hi i just like to say that i think matt damon is really amazing in the fourth [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 204,626
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Keywords: Best Talk Show Host, British TV, Celebrity Gossip, Chat Show Comedy, Famous TV Host, Fan Favorite TV Show, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton Interviews, Graham Norton Show Clips, Graham Norton Show Episodes, Graham Norton Show Moments, Graham Norton YouTube Channel, Live TV Interviews, Official Instagram Account, TV Talk Show, Talk Show Fandom, Talk Show Moments, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show Clips, Unscripted Interviews, Viral Videos
Id: PHKO4gxbiBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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