Best Of The Dowager Countess and Isobel Crawley | Downton Abbey

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Mama may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs Crawley my mother lady granon what should we call each other well we could always start with Mrs Crawley and Lady gram come into the drawing room and we can make all the proper introductions thank you [Music] guys do you think you'll enjoy Village Life it will be very quiet after life in the city even Manchester I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy you might like the hospital what sort of hospital is it how many beds well it's r a hospital don't know Dr Clarkson hear you he thinks it's second only to St Thomas's it's a Cottage Hospital of course but quite well equipped who pays for it oh good let's talk about money my father father gave the building and an endowment to run it in a way he set up his own memorial but how Splendid and Mr lloy George's new insurance measures will help please don't speak that man's name we are about to eat but I'm afraid the good doctor and I did not see eye to eye oh you amazed me he's treating one of your tenants John Drake for dropsy but seems reluctant to embrace some of the newer treatments Drake is a good man and far too young to die but I suppose the doctor knows his business not as well as Mrs Crawley apparently Mrs Drake the choice is simple if your husband endures this procedure he may live if not he will die a patient please please no let me pass I must see the doctor at once your leadership just as I thought Dr Clarkson tell me you will not permit this amateur to influence your professional opinion amateur my dear woman do not let them bully you they'll not disturb the Peace of your husband's last hours not if I can help it but that's just it my lady I don't want them to be his last hours not if there's a chance please don't him do what you must [Music] steady yeah all right nice and steady as president of this hospital I feel I must [Music] tell you her I should bring this to the attention of the board you're doing very well if you know py adrenaline quickly quickly his heart stopped ready mhm [Music] yes my [Music] dear I like the new fashions shorter skirts looser cuts the old clothes were all very well if one spent the day on a shay long but if one wants to get anything done the new clothes are much better yeah I'll stick to the Sha long grny you don't really want things to go back to the way they were surely of course I do and as quickly as possible Matthew's making such progress I think so but are we doing enough for him for all of them when it comes to Rehabilitation they're going to have to face a very different world after the war I agree but they'll all be leaving downtown soon leaving well turkey's about to capitulate and Roberts's Victoria Veno will finish Austria so it's only a matter of weeks even days before it's over we wouldn't send anyone home too soon of course but sometime in the New Year we will have our house back so you want it just to be a private house again who shouldn't she or would you like to abolish private houses well that life of changing clothes and killing things and eating them do you really want it again wouldn't you rather dton was useful oh but the house is useful we provide employment and oh please let me look into keeping it open as a center of recovery I could run it the house could be so much more than it was before what about you mle are you looking forward to this Brave New World of Mrs Crawley's imaginings I'm glad of my job M lady and I should very much like to hold on to it with Mrs Crawley's permission servants are always far more conservative than their employers everyone knows that then I must be the exception that proves the rule the war may be at an end but the upheaval is only beginning oh how right you are that is why Downtown Abbey still has such an important role to play dear me there's so much to be done when you think of all the children laid up with the disease but they're making such advances now aren't they now could we talk about the lecture program for we must we must if any I wasn't haunted by those women whose jobs will be snatched from them when the boys come home but we have to find work for Our Heroes don't we that must be our priority however hard that might sound as you say and what about those wretched refugees what will become of them ah now you've struck a cord have I really oh thank heaven what do you mean nothing only the thought of those poor men and women flung across you far from their homelands and so much in need of your help my help why' you say that when it comes to helping refugees your experience renders your value Beyond price one of the organizers said those words which organizer I forget but what about running down T I can't do both well I suppose you must decide what is more important exercise classes and lectures on Pottery or helping men and women build a new life I must go but I will think about it this was very good it was it really was you don't sound say surprised I am surprised I owe Ethel an apology I've underestimated her I sometimes wonder if I should learn to cook why you never know it might come in handy one day and I've got to do something what did you say to that editor who wanted you to write for him I haven't said anything yet it's probably too late now anyway Matthew tells me Robert was against it what difference does that make oh really my we're all family I'm not letting the side down I'm just saying that Robert frequently makes decisions based on values that have no relevance anymore do you think I should do it I wouldn't countermand your father then why bring it up well I do and so does Matthew and so does Matthew what what else has Matthew decided for my family Robert don't worry I don't need to be fed we're going all of you now what are you talking about do you know who has prepared this luncheon for you yes Ethel our former housemid Who Bore a bastard child what Robert Ethel has rebuilt her life has she do you know what she has built it into what do you mean I think cousin Robert is referring to Ethel's work as a prostitute well of course you these days his servants are very hard to find I don't think you understand the difficulty she's had to face I couldn't care less how she earns her living good luck to her what I care about is that you have exposed my family to Scandal but who would know I can't tell you how people find out these things but they do your Gardener your kitchen maid I suppose she has an appropriate costume for every activity we're leaving is this because of me my Lord no it's because of his lordship and we're not leaving is that a Charlotte Roose how delicious I hope it's tasty my lady Mrs patmore gave me some help I'm glad to know that Mrs patmore has a good heart and does not judge is anyone coming seems bitter to miss such a good pudding did you enjoy the concert I did was a great treat to hear melbour in person and the evening generally you mean did I find it hard to see Mary come alive again yes I did I confess it but I don't think my feelings are at all defensible they're defensible to me but it's a moral to act in such a jealous and selfish way if we only had moral thoughts what would the poor Churchman find to do I'm fond of Mary I love her I don't want her to be alone and unhappy it makes no sense even to me I don't criticize either you or her but I hope you find a way to make friends with the world again do you enjoy weddings yes but I'm not going to that one I'd feel like the wicked fairy at the christening of Sleeping Beauty why would Larry gray want you to be there I mean you of all people I'm sure he doesn't Dicky must have persuaded them to ask me but I doubt that he wouldn't want to subject you to more insults well who then I'd say this is the work of Miss crook shank she's the one always making a show of friendship why don't I pay a call on her see if I can Winkle out the truth I'm sorry I showed it to you now are think's going well in my former Kingdom cor is settling in I know it must feel awkward no I'm yesterday she's tomorrow that's the way it is you must be feeling very hurt well the fact is I might as well be honest I am angry the way I have been treated I don't blame you while angry I say things some people find hard to forgive so I have decided to go away I'd rather vent my rage on the desert a and return when I've regained control of my tongue your self- knowledge is an example to us all you didn't think I'm wrong I'd say the last thing you need at this stage in your life is to quarrel with your son and daughter-in-law precisely but don't fear I'll call on Miss crook shank before I leave I suspect she's quite a tough nut and I'm quite a tough nut cracker [Music]
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 110,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Series, downton abbey violet and isobel friends, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Cora Crawley, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, Downton Abbey full episodes, the Best Of Downton Abbey, dowager vs crawley, dowager countess funny, dowager countess and isobel crawley, downton best of, maggie smith, downton hospital
Id: 72m4DXX5XnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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