Double Your House For Half The Money! Series 1 Episode 3 - FULL EPISODE

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[Music] Wiccans homeowners you don't have to be content with what you've got last year planning permission was granted to more than 170,000 home extension projects so your dream home is very much within your reach before you write off a house because you think it's not quite big enough or it doesn't quite suit your family very much you might be able to change it really radically you might be able to achieve something pretty spectacular without breaking the bank I'm with to homeowners hoping to save cash by doubling their space for half what it would cost to buy their unaffordable dream house I'm really really lucky in the fact that we've got this opportunity to recreate our own home and I'll be helping the Alford family in Sheffield who are aiming to extend their 1930s house their plan includes increasing the number of bathrooms from three to a whopping seven I know I've got to you a bathroom [Music] but first time after Wembley in North London where the Siddiqui family want to make their whole house twice the size accountant thousand teacher Sharma moved into their 1930s semi-detached after their wedding in 1998 once upon a time this house had loads of room for us didn't it he was swimming in it fast forward 13 years three kids and more than 40 relatives who dropped by for frequent family get-togethers and there once spacious home has swept some of them under sitting rooms some of them in the kitchen some of them in the bedroom I think that's the only way we can really accommodate everybody at the moment you might think it's impossibly expensive to double the size of your house and it's true the costs on big projects can go through the roof but follow the golden rules and you can end up with the space you want for far less money than you think just around the corner from there Wembley home is fastened Sharma's dream house a 2,000 square foot it's almost double the size of their own house this is kind of the house that has got the amount of space or the size in terms of the number of rooms and and the look it's just looks like a very warm and welcoming house comfortable this house looks like it's about 2,000 square feet and will be worth about 800,000 pounds to buy whereas your house isn't that big of it no our house is half the size and probably valued at half the amount so how much more money can you get your hands on we could probably afford up to another 150,000 pounds so here are the sons the sadiki's house is worth around 400,000 pounds to sell up and move to their 800 thousand pound dream home they'd need to find an extra four hundred thousand but they have less than half at amount so you really need to double the size of your house money tall order right now fasten Sharma's need for more space is glaringly obvious downstairs is an open-plan living room dining room with a kitchen upstairs there are three bedrooms and only one bathroom the sadiki's have a hugely ambitious plan to double their space with not one but three extensions from the outside you can see straight off this should be a great house to supersize house like this has got masses of potential you can see there's enough head height in the loft so that you could do a loft conversion because a single-story garage but it means you could possibly build on top so if you can't afford a bigger house but you need a bigger house buying a house like this with all this potential and extending it is a really cunning plan inside I can understand why this family are desperate for more space this is the room that I really hate this galley kitchen is where Sharma spends around half her time and when you have lots of family around it's really cramped I mean you can see there's the three of us in here and there's really not much room for movement in here and when I'm cooking for sort of you know thirty on people the hob is actually just not big enough cuz I tend to have very very large pans especially when I'm doing rice you know I'd really love to be able to have a big wide hog upstairs there's only one bathroom do you find five people sharing one bathroom Jackie AIDS knowing that if you've got two or three people having a shower cause actively the water goes cold for the fourth or the fifth person you know you need to teach boost this house if it's gonna be your dream house it needs more bathrooms definitely they want to extend in three directions for a hundred and fifty thousand pounds so they'll need to keep a tight rein on spending the first extension at the side of the house will add more living space downstairs in a bedroom and ensuite upstairs at the back of our house the kitchen and dining room will be knocked through and a rear extension will make this a massive space finally a loft extension will give them a master bedroom and another much-needed ensuite the sadiki's have no experience of a big build like this so it's gonna be a bumpy ride I fear the plans they have now will cost some rather more than they've budgeted for and there are a couple of major issues with them already when granny and Uncle Fred are all having their lunch for someone to go to the loo and have a little you know nasty in there no one's going to want to use it really embarrassing mm-hmm we've sort of put in there but not with a huge amount of thought we just couldn't work out where it should go the other thing that worries me is the number of internal walls they're planning to knock down I understand why you want this sense of space but yeah you're taking this wall down and do this you're down it's a reason why you wanted to so many walls down well I just wanted to have a big kitchen space and the downside is taking both walls you're gonna need a massive steel which is going to be incredibly expensive like many people I'm not sure the sadiki's realize how much knocking wolves dam can cost in this case they'll need to spend thousands on steel beams just to hold the house up you've got a budget of 150,000 how important is it that you managed to create your dream home within that budget so we have to do it within that budget so if the money runs out and you've only got half of this done what will happen we just have to live within whatever we've managed to achieve so you'll have to live in a half done house yeah yes it's clear that going over budget on this build would be disastrous the problem is I think their plans as they stand will cost them more than they've budgeted for if there was entitled to her opinion and her ideas you know just because they don't necessarily marry up with ours doesn't mean they're terrible we just might not decide that we want to go with them I'm also not sure a huge oversized kitchen is going to give them quite the dream home they so badly want I don't think the plans they've got are quite achieved what they are looking to achieve they've gone just far too far which is costing a fortune in terms of steals to engineer all those walls to come down over in Sheffield another couple are desperate for more space for their big family you're right Louise and Paul Alford bought their 1930s for bed detached a year ago we saw this one and fell in love with it didn't we yeah the location was spot on and the a lot of potential with the house that kind of grabbed both of us with three growing kids they're aiming to double their bathrooms as part of an ambitious hundred and fifty thousand pound bills Paul works in the book trade and travels a lot he's from Australia and when the house is finished it'll be a home from home for his Ozzie family the main reason for the size of the house and making sure all the bedrooms have their own bathrooms in their own space has been so the Paul's family will feel more welcome when they come here in Louise's posh neighborhood she's surrounded by her idea of a dream house beautiful spacious homes she doesn't want to move but instead she wants to replicate the surrounding houses and what the house looks like from the outside is very important to her to sell their six hundred and seventy five thousand pound house and moved to their dream house they would have had to find another six hundred thousand pounds that budget for this build is one hundred and fifty thousand pounds with a substantial amount being spent on plumbing for the lose the dream house that we're building is really important for us to to get right there forging ahead was remodeling their 1930s house along with a two-story extension but it isn't easy for the family to live on-site with the builders Chris say it's fine cuz their rooms fine raise the doorbell of mine because he'll just play wherever he is George is the one that's really suffering [Music] now come true one of them finished I'm sure all the other parts are up but they've already run into problems and Louise is looking for help I only to meet you it will be eventually Louise's once beautiful 1930s house is covered in crumbling render a huge job we are really worried about the rendered on the house because we don't know how much it's gonna cost so we are concerned that it is gonna blow the budget it is tricky the render because you need to get it right no there's no doubt that if you use the right render on this house it will be beautiful and that's a lot more money yeah and if you get it wrong it's gonna look a right mess yes Louise's house has roughcast render with the stones already mixed in this is different from pebble - where the stones sit on top either way the whole lot has to come off there's no way you're going to get consistency between the old and the new really if you want to make the whole whole house look totally unified and as though it's all original you kind of need to start again yeah if you're planning to render your house get advice on the right type of product for your walls these can include lime cement and polymer renders allow enough drying time and start rendering from the top of your home and work down to minimize damage there are some fantastic products around on the market at the moment one of them is this this is rough car certs it's got the grit in it yeah but it's colored all the way through this would be the right thing yeah I think to put on the outside of your house it won't need to be painting and it'll look beautiful it is just what I wanted not as rough as that looking and and we'll still make it look like it's it's believable too to the original house it's such a vast amount of house that you've got to render you can't hold it twice it's really important Louise gets the huge job of rendering right but I'm far more worried about what's going on inside the house the ground floor plans for the extended kitchen diner look fine next door the old garage and laundry will be demolished to build a two-story side extension this will have a gym with a bathroom and upstairs a new master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom the for existing bedrooms are being moved around to make room for three on Suites that's a lot of bathrooms and a bit worried it's going to be more like a hotel than a home it's going to be five bedrooms upstairs four of which will have ensuite bathrooms and then there's a family bathroom as well five bedrooms five bathrooms upstairs yes very dear to your family two teenage girls the rides anymore they got seven bathrooms in this house and yeah and five federal oh yeah I wonder if this house needs so many bathrooms or whether some of the spaces could be put to better use I know I've got too many bathrooms I know that they're you know if she wants to break the news to the girls and that one of them was not gonna have one then she can try out I'd quite to witness that it's Louise's house but five bedrooms and seven bathrooms seems quite extravagant to me [Music] I'm with two big families who are aiming to double the size of their homes for half the cost of moving if they follow some basic rules they can end up with the house they want at a price they can afford in Wimbley thousand shamah have started their six months one hundred and fifty thousand pound build by demolishing the garage to make room for one of the three extensions this one goes on the side I'm really apprehensive about the project is such a big build you've got such a laid-back calm manner whereas I really panic about things and think about things to the nth degree and it just feels the alford so extending their home to make family life more comfortable and cleaner Louise one seven bathrooms I know I've got to go in bathrooms I know that I think at least one of these seven bathrooms could be turned into something much more useful for a big family it might be more practical for this house to have an upstairs laundry room in this room instead of another bathroom in America they think that the British had completely bizarre having all their laundry done downstairs because all the dirty clothes are upstairs so it kind of go yeah why would you take the whole downstairs numbing it all back upstairs again along with a whopping seven bathrooms for her five bed house Louise is also planning to have a gym on the ground floor of the new extension so is this doors here yes there's going to be am i folding doors on here and by folding doors on the kitchen so they'll be kind of a courtyard area here absolutely mad such a peaceful room as a gym do you use the gym a lot I mean many many hours a day no and this is just gonna be beautiful with this secluded little courtyard yeah yeah I think laughter everything about Li mmm it's an unusual idea to use the room with the best view of the garden for a gym this place is in danger of feeling more like a hotel with every room I seen with all those bathrooms louise has no choice but to tread the well-worn path to the nearest tiling showroom about the seven bathrooms of door for now so I've got three left to finish I've chosen everything that I want so far so it's quite difficult running out of ideas a bit how's the bathroom yes that's room number five right well what's going picking seven bathrooms is quiet it's like a mini guest house it's not where people of the seven bathrooms but would pick seven different ranges for it's much easier and cheaper to choose tiles from the same range for all your bathrooms as it avoids wastage make sure you ask about deals on X display or clearance stock and if you're after a luxury tile and a budget check out cheaper look-alike or composite finishes which can look just as good as the real thing for more information about this show or increasing your floor space check out my scrapbooker channel for calm for word slash Sarah in Wembley the sadiki's huge build of three extensions is fast taking shape waiting food singing our fans and summer have got on since I was last here bizarre things going on with their plans there was a loo that was opening out into the sitting room there were a lot of walls that were coming down possibly too many and a lot of Steel work that would cost a lot of money I've had a bit of a rethink how are you nice Lera good to see you you too fantastic progress look at that I've done a lot since the last time you came it's the layout to the rear extension that I'm most concerned about they want to knock down most of the internal walls to create one vast open-plan living space so this is going to be your kitchen dining area and then into your living room isn't it here when I looked out the window and saw the wall coming up I thought oh god that doesn't actually look as wide as I thought it was going to be but then I've got to keep reminding myself that this wall is actually going to be gone and my kitchen will be a lot wider so do you think it might be about try to work out what the layout is now that the buildings going on many people find it hard to visualize their plans on paper so I want to help phazon Sharma understand what could be a major problem with their layouts this is the hallway and then you're hoping to have a downstairs loo here so if we put this in and then you've got your living room here personally I'm not a fan of phases idea of having the new downstairs loo opening into the living space so this is the layout that you initially had plans yeah I think the thing that works least is the fact that someone was going dad was sitting being a poo someone's sitting there and they can wave help kids to personally have a little chat can the rest of this six-month build though is no laughing matter phazon sharma are determined to have one big open plan space if they knock down so many internal walls they'll have to shell out thousands on steel work to hold up the corner of the building I think we're really lucky in the fact that we've got this opportunity to recreate our own home and then have rooms as we'd like to have them they're mortgaged to the hilt to finance this build what we were proposing to do is actually open up all of this I have a bit worried that faz is making things up as he goes along which could soon hit them over budget it kind of it's just like an ongoing process if you want to move like an internal wall here or there I think the build is quite good about you with any project it's essential to have a schedule of works with all the build stages and agreed deadlines make sure you get a weekly update and have a contingency plan in case work overruns the sadiki's are at the point when they must decide whether to go ahead and demolish the wall that separates the kitchen from the living room doing so will be expensive and it will also make an incredibly echoey and noisy space when their relatives are in full party mode but there is hope they seem to be having second thoughts I think the advantages and of keeping this wall it sections of the kitchen area completely but it then doesn't impinge on the living space over there if it was open plan it would just be too close to the middle space yeah so it's decision time probably better having the existing wall in place then we lose the open plan yep okay leaving big decisions like this the very last moment is a surefire way to burn through their 150 thousand pound budget if that happens could the sadiki's end up living in a half-finished house we've gone over budget roughly how much do you think that is it's going to be around to 15,000 plus yes I was to homeowners aiming to double their space without breaking the bank in Wembley Sharma and fares are halfway through their ambitious six-month triple bills so far we've not some of them or bizarre ideas on the head so this is the layout that you initially had planned and that was sitting being a poo someone's sitting there and they can wave and her chat to each other and today the joiners are busy in the loft building the new master bedroom losing the loft spreads fear amongst most of us suddenly you've got nowhere to hide your stuff but I'm hoping to show them that they need not worry so I'm once you come show you this house because well it's a beautiful house it takes it be very inspiring but also there's a few really clever solutions to storage and I'm hoping I'll find it inspiring anyway lot of conversions are a golden opportunity for you to create ingenious built-in storage where you least expect to find it some useless and the other thing they've got here which is really clever because there's a big bit of loft space that wasn't easy and you can walk across the gangplank but it's fantastic amazing so you can have all your stuff stored yeah it'll still be completely out of sight yeah charmer and phasers loft conversion will have a nun suite and you can squeeze storage into tiniest of spaces oh that's really good every time there's a nook or cranny or a little gap don't think Oh we'll fill us in yes see um can we turn that into a clever bit of storage don't waste any space at all and the kitchen holds more surprises can you imagine getting rid of all your work top just yeah I could keep all my lentils and rice just like this the amount of storage space you've got here that means there's absolutely no clutter at all than in the kitchen I mean I don't ever remember my worktop having nothing one ever if you're planning a loft conversion like phazon Sharma check your have enough head height a basic rule of thumb is to point three meters the average cost of a loft conversion is between thirty and forty thousand pounds check with your local authority but you may well not need planning permission although all loft conversions need to meet Building Regulations and don't forget to budget for extras like bespoke fixtures and fittings and an improved hot water system if you want a bathroom in Sheffield and isn't just the inside of Louise's house that he's my help bit shorter one way outside the old render as being painstakingly chipped off before a fresh coat can be applied on the whole property the tricky part is recreating the look of the original render on the whole house to blend the old and the new getting it wrong can cause a dramatic drop in the houses value so far louise has decided on which product to use Sarah's at Barris to go for the three or kula render that was really good at virus because we are looking for a low maintenance product from that now exactly what finish exactly what color that's kind of what we need the advice on now really with Louise still undecided about which finish and color to choose I'm hoping to help her make the right choice the cost of rendering this place is around 19,000 pounds say Louise has to get it right first time I see who would look at all the different finishes that you haven't achieved also because it's really fun the first option is to lose the rough cast look and go for a smooth finish originally the house was quite a thick - on it and I did think that we'd just complete the whole house like that but when you can to see it a bit smoother it just looks a bit cleaner I'm kind of going off that original idea now rendering the outside of houses has been around since Roman times and is traditionally a mix of lime or cement plus sand and water so medium option is that you less it half set like this yeah and here where it's pretty much set and then you scratch it so which takes the smoothness here off and makes it a bit more like a texture smooth surrender I do prefer that it's not as thick as the original rendering but this new one I think it'd just be too modern so do you think this is the one yeah yeah do you would look great yeah along with the finish the color of your render can radically affect the value of your home it's good to see louise has decided to go for a render which will have the color mix through to save on repainting in the long run but which color has she finally decided to go for I kind of like gray there's another house down the road that's a quite a light gray that I really like the danger with grey is that it could look a little bit like really cheap yeah that could we've got the Supremes it needs painting yeah it is probably the biggest decision that we're gonna have to make it's gotta be right yeah they will render it twice in Wembley two months into their six-month build disaster has struck at the sadiki's if the loo in the living room wasn't bad enough as has had another unusual idea for the first floor he's demolished all the walls because the doors he bought were too big to fit the door frames fast decided against trying to exchange the door so ones that actually fit it so what I asked the Builder to do is see if he can open out the existing openings to accommodate the new doors the walls it transpires are not strong enough to withstand heavier doors so what they've had to do is demolish those walls entirely there seem to be rather a lot of Hart ruling head purchases that might give them a very nasty shock when it comes to totting up their spend faz is door disaster is one of their most expensive mistake the lesson learned his thinker had a little bit more as well we've gone over budget on a lot of the things we're not substantially over but but we are over so roughly how much do you think that is going to be around to 15,000 plus okay no that's gonna have to come from somewhere when he said the figure and he said 15,000 per got how much you know it's like that was way more than I was you know you just don't realize that there's small amounts can add up to so much further is supposed to be on top of this I don't know whether he realized that this was I really didn't Sharma and FAR's are learning the hard way that a bargain isn't a bargain if it isn't in the budget 50% off something is only a good deal if it's 50 percent of what we were initially expecting to spend whereas 50 percent off something that was vastly out of our budget is gonna be a road to ruin [Music] it's vital to keep track of what you're spending unless they get hold of their hundred and fifty thousand pound budget this family could end up living on a building site over in Sheffield Louise Alford 12-month project to vastly extend the family home for 150,000 pounds is almost finished [Music] [Music] whichever way you look at it having a five bedroom house with seven bathrooms is completely bonkers I'm just hoping that the outside and the rendering make a bit more sense as otherwise it could all look a bit of a mess I owe you thank you very well thank you when I first met Louise the outside of her 1930s house was covered in crumbling rough cast render [Music] but now the original house and extension have been transformed it's huge yeah it was always really important to you to have a a faithful extension one that didn't feel like it was very obviously a new addition to the original house yeah and you have pulled off its brilliance louise has gone for a cement base render with silicon to make it more water repellant and chosen a textured finish if you had got the render wrong on the outsides and this had looked absolutely dreadful it would seriously impact on any chance that you would ever have of selling it yeah it was quite important yeah that was a pretty pretty bad wait when they start putting that on because you don't know and if it would have looked a mess I would've had to do it again you decided to go with gray yeah well I'd always thought gray in my mind these houses around here would have been white we looked at a lot of whites off-white screams which tend to be a lot of the property in here but it just all looked a bit same and I think it's a really nice contemporary version of what would have been here originally so yeah we've pretty much nailed outside okay looking forward seeing inside take a look will it be our home or a hotel on the ground so they've transformed their old tiny kitchen [Music] to create a huge open-plan kitchen and living space and upstairs extending and changing a layout has increased their bedrooms from four to five and now they have more than twice as many bathrooms from three to a hotel like seven so you might too worried about looking like a hotel with 70 bathrooms yeah I didn't think about it like that it just kind of works if you know what I mean and I haven't got a bathroom fetish it was really important that you could have relatives and friends from Australia's as their essences yeah we want people to want to come and not feel like they're imposing and want to feel to have their own space nothing's gonna commit to this seven bathrooms for a five bedroom houses good idea personally I would have had a laundry room upstairs instead however I haven't got loads of Australians coming today so yeah so maybe that's what makes sense yeah I have to hand its Louise the house looks stunning and will be fabulous for all those guess but has she managed to pull this off for half the cost of moving to sell their six hundred and seventy five thousand pound house and moved to a luxury 5 bed house in this neighborhood they would have had to find another six hundred thousand pounds now they've got the space they need for a hundred and fifty three thousand pounds less than half the cost of moving I was a bit concerned coming here today about what Luiz might have done but whilst we don't agree on everything the house looks fantastic they now have a house that perfectly suits their family and along the way have added a massive amount of value to it which ever way you look at it this is a real success story [Music] six months ago fastened sharma took on a huge triple bill to massively increase the size of their house on a budget of 150 thousand pounds so if the money runs out and you've only got half of this done what will happen it would be nightmare but budget worries didn't stop them making things out as they went along so it's decision time the wolf stage and we lose the open plan yep there were a few crazy ideas along the way like demolishing walls because the doors didn't fit and a funnily placed loop about this now is that you've got the loo opening into this open plan living room now phazon Sharma are 15 thousand pounds over budget and dipping into their savings hello they still need to buy room dividers for the newly extended living space so with the budget in tatters they really need an affordable option so what sort of a divider had you got in mind something sort of full wood veneer doors so what sort of price of you can't was so far if you start off with a very basic it's sort of 1,000 plus but I think something that we would want would be places to the 2 mm plus now I have got a suggestion which is much more affordable and I want you stay open-minded and come and have a look ok this is actually a way of dividing up the space for a fraction of that cost the idea comes from Japan and that's how they closed off sections of your space sliding paper and bamboo panels or Shoji screens have been used in Japan since the 12th century this would be 800 pounds as opposed to two and a half thousand pounds what are this just seems a bit flimsy to me when I first saw it I saw that's a bit cheap and tacky it's heaven but then when Sarah explained the rationale behind it and what you can do with it started being a bit more open to the idea it's certainly a cheaper option as well mm-hmm let's be honest cheaper is much needed at this point for more information about extending your home or increasing your floor space check out my scrapbook at channel for calm forward slash Sarah six months ago the sadiki's began making their house twice the size with a two-story side extension and extension at the rear and a loft conversion [Music] now this ambitious triple build is complete the exterior looks stunning but their plans for the interior layout were always my biggest worry at times the stinkies project has been a little bit of a comedy of errors they start out with a loo opening into the dining room and then found demolished most of upstairs so the doors would fit but I'm hoping that they've ended up with that perfect dream home on a serious note though making it up as they went along has really badly affected their finances for the last seven years the Siddiqui family have been outgrowing their home and dreaming of more space for their big family get-togethers by building a rear extension they've been able to transform their living spaces oh my goodness oh you must love it here's a complete transformation it's such a lovely space it really is it works so well now and what you wanted was lots of entertaining space for your very big family and look at it now I can see how this is likely to work really well we're actually quite excited about having everybody over and seeing how they're gonna use the space the only downside is it probably looks like you're entertaining every weekend these rooms are fantastic and the good news is they've ended up with very stylish but very affordable room dividers that's absolutely fantastic isn't that lovely this is such a flexible space you've got this very grown-up formal space and really easily and quickly you can slide this back and suddenly you've got this vast expanse and the door please tell me this isn't the luge moved over there alright great so oh there we are that's great because lavatory business and dining rooms are probably best get a bit separated ugly next door in the kitchen Sharma had struggled with the lack of cooking space for their massive family get-togethers but by extending it to the rear Sharma now has room to cook for parties and masses more counter space with this sleek kitchen and this is one of the major motivations for doing this project was the kitchen he wondered the lovely kitchen is this what you dreamt of is it really as I've always wanted the kitchen to be the hub of the house and now it really can because I've got space for everyone to come round initially the main is is you're short on storage and now there are loads of cupboards I mean obviously before I had this particular kitchen with you know my little carbon whereas now I've got this wonderful six burner hob which I can now use and cook big big pots and you know I'm really looking forward to it I know it was a bit painful the decision about how much of this wall you should take down because you didn't want to be isolated here in the kitchen the amount of wall that you've ended up with is the right amount of wall it looks great and really really makes a space work [Music] next to the kitchen that two-story side extension has given them extra entertaining space and they've added more of those lovely Japanese panel blinds [Music] a fan aloft phazon Sharma have created a luxurious master bedroom suite and seem to have been inspired to have lots of clever built-in storage on the first floor all the walls have been rebuilt after fases door disaster and in the new side extension there's another bedroom suite it's lovely big room amazing to think that this just wasn't here this is the roof of the garage we're standing on it's huge I mean we just didn't have this space before and now we do it's absolutely brilliant and this the bottom it's amazing isn't it to think that all five of you shared one bathroom and now this is just one of the ensuite so you've got another two bathrooms on top yeah that's it luxury but it looks like fans might have come up with one last slightly eccentric idea no intercom system when it's done in time I can phone up and go it's dinner time without having to yell I'm going to be really honest yeah it's a bit mental I have to say that's my tonic this ambitious triple build hasn't been easy but ultimately their hard work has paid off and the house looks fantastic but have they managed to get the space they wanted for half the cost of moving to that dream house when we set out on this project we went to your dream house that you'd have loved to have bought it was eight hundred thousand pounds which would have meant that you'd need another four hundred thousand pounds to buy it so you had a hundred and fifty thousand pounds yeah to spend and we spent it when we first found out we've gone fifty no but at that point I don't know but actually spending a hundred and sixty-five thousand pounds you ended up with the same size house for less than half the cost of moving that makes me feel much much better about the overspend yes even though they've dug into their savings to fund the 15,000 pound over spend to the sums work phazon sharma couldn't afford the four hundred thousand pounds they needed to move to their dream house but by spending a hundred and sixty-five thousand pounds on this build they now have a house twice the size for less than half the cost of moving and I have more good news the house was worth probably about 400,000 pounds that was and now I think it would be quite reasonable to suppose that it would be worth around seven hundred and forty thousand you know we've probably put about 175,000 pounds of equity into the house I think all the struggle that we've gone through finding that out has made it all the more worthwhile well congratulations I think you've made a beautiful home for yourselves and most important it's your dream home it fits exactly what your family needs well done Jean Renoir's needed a house that would not only accommodate their growing family but also regular large-scale gatherings by extending cleverly and playing around with the internal layout they've ended up with exactly what they wanted and the extra value they've created should take the pain out of their rather extravagant expose [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 88,256
Rating: 4.8328843 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, bargain hunt, redesign, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, double your home, double your house, double your house for half the money, double your house episode, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, double your house full episodes, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects
Id: wVqE0lquR50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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