Double Your House For Half The Money! Series 1 Episode 5 - FULL EPISODE

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[Music] can't afford the home of your dreams don't give up last year almost 200,000 people applied for Planning Commission to improve or extend houses so your dream home is within your reach very often a slave's to our homes actually they should be working for us and we should make them work well for us I'm with two families hoping to save cash by doubling the size of a much smaller home but half what it would cost them to buy their unaffordable dream house the wrigglers in Sydenham london are desperate to double the number of bedrooms they have at the moment as this family has a big problem this husband bird if I sell wants to kill you like 1/5 of major home improvements carried out every year the wrigglers solution to their lack of space is to convert their loft but first I'm off to Chalfont in Buckinghamshire to meet three generations of one family who are currently living under the same roof the Franklin's poor ally both police officer so they're having a bit of job with our childcare so we chose if my parents because they've got much older we thought they could help us out plus their attire thrown around a lot Paul and Tracy and their children moved into iris and runs bungalow two years ago serving together it's good for freaking everybody caring for each other but it'll be nice now to actually have a house that fits six people like a house that would fit two or three this is time the 1930s bungalow is draining under the pressure of four adults and two children as much as I love my own family living this closely on top of them might be tricky indeed it really is becoming the point where you know I getting frustrated we're all getting frustrated after years of striving for one home one person housing people are finally coming to recognize the massive benefits of multi-generational living personally I'm a huge fan of families all living under one roof and I'm fascinated by the ways you can change your home to make it work for three generations Paul and Tracy live in a highly desirable area so to afford to move to a bigger home is going to take some serious cash I want to see the kind of house they would buy around here if money was no object just down the road from the Franklin's bungalow is this five-bedroom new build it's big and beautiful but what about the price tag a house like this would be probably nearly 900,000 to buy this house is very nice and it space it gives us all the space we need but we just wouldn't be able to buy this sort of thing and how much is your house worth 450 probably so you've got a bit of a problem you need you need double the size of the house that you've got going about half a million pounds to spend so here are the sons to sell up and move to their nine hundred thousand pound dream home the Franklin's would need to find an extra five hundred and fifty thousand pound but their budget is only 300 thousand pounds with the current family bungalow or paid for Paul and Tracy need a three hundred thousand pound mortgage to achieve their ideal space and all stay together making clever choices could mean multi-generational living has some very attractive benefits so 300,000 and and hopefully at the end of that you'll have the perfect dream home so what we need yes the layout of the bungalow is a design disaster for them it has three bedrooms a small playroom and a single bathroom they all share there's a living and dining room and a narrow kitchen leading to a rickety extension as well as granny plans as mom and dad also squeezing in here is Joseph who's 18 months and Amelia who's four and there's three bedrooms how does that work well Jays box has his own room mom and dad have their own room and Paul will Mina and I have to share this room because there's just nowhere else for her to go so where does she sleep then she sleeps in bed with me generally and pull sleeps on the sofa well obviously this whole house is really cramped but that's really affecting you if you you're not even able to share a bedroom we might do but you know it would be nice just to sleep in a bed or on phenomen leather sofa do you think you deserve it I thought I think so yeah this bungalow clearly needs to change but so much rests on pleasing all three generations that planning a whole new house is going to be a massive undertaking the plan at the moment is to extend the ground floor in three directions and knock down internal walls to create a shared open-plan living space and playroom and iris and Ron will have a bedroom bathroom and separate sitting room of their own downstairs the new first floor will have a large master bedroom with ensuite for Tracy and Paul and the children will have a room each of their own and share a family bathroom there is clearly potential to go up but I wonder what happens out back it's tricky because it's very very narrow but actually it goes back a very long way it's absolutely crucial for Tracy and poor to consider how their designs might impact on their aging parents eventually or one's gonna find walking harder and hard ways yeah yeah iris who has an artificial leg and a bad back already struggles with mobility the last thing I wanna do is build this for them find in a few years time you having to stop looking out doorways to fit bigger doors in and there's also consideration for you know underfloor heating so we have to don't have to have radiators to narrow the space right if wheelchairs are needed etc then there's that bit more space the Franklin's want to create separate private areas but also a central family hub and on paper it all looks great but I'm not sure they've thought about the acoustics kids are noisy and they're proposed hardwood flooring could be a serious issue for iris and Ron be really cautious in this area your parents will really struggle to hear anything anyone says that because the sound bounces around yeah they won't even be able to sit in this room it'll be unbearable overlooking that as the children get older and get noisier it'll be completely untenable to be there at all there's a lot for Tracy and Paul to think about and if they get this wrong they could be storing up serious problems for the future but despite my reservations about the build I love the Franklin's philosophy really what I'm taking away from this is that it's a really really well-adjusted three generational family who all want to live together and I'd like to live like that that's great it really works in Sydenham outside London there might only be four in the Rick Lapham Lee but they're desperate for extra bedroom space in s repair Terrace they can't afford the 250,000 pounds it would cost them to move into a big enough house in their area so they're staying put and spending fifty thousand pounds on a loft extension to double the number of bedrooms it's the only way to solve a problem that has become a massive nightmare for Claire [Music] his snoring is intolerable it's really really loud [Music] is that be up all night this sounds a bit bad if I say I wants to kill you you all need to sleep he needs it for work I need it because you know I'm full-time mum that was the sole reason for us wanting to do a loft conversion while still a happy family no one can live with constantly broken sleep to give Clare some rest from snoring their loft conversion will give them two extra rooms and a bathroom doubling their existing first floor so far so good but for most houses the loft is essential for storage and this family have a lot of stuff but what we actually lose is is the one lonely space we had for storage I loved the loft housed everything things that we don't want to get rid of but we've got nowhere to put it I'm already using every single centimeter of space that we've got Claire's not exaggerating even the fireplace has been called into action we also need to have you know think about storage for the next 10 years might have stuff we just cannot accumulate you just accumulate stuff the Riddler's are hemorrhaging money just to hold on to their belongings but they're not the only ones last year the UK spent an amazing 350 million pounds on self storage but we can't have that we can't be paying a hundred quid a month for storage for the rest of our lives it makes far better financial sense to store at home and renting space should only be a short-term option make sure you do your homework and shop around for deals you could save by paying cash up front if you know exactly how long you'll need is premises should be dry and secure and if it's really cheap they may not have CCTV and your own alarm bell should ring if you're not asked for photo ID the Riddler's are planning some changes to the rest of the house that I think will only add to their storage nightmare this is our bedroom great lovely big room brilliant and then there's a loft conversion just gonna have a bedroom and a bathroom and all of this new better that's right yeah okay great and then change its down here so moving into here this is the horrible bathroom with that horrible in the morning it's just a nightmare if Jonathas having shower and I'm trying to get ready there's just no room and the idea is to knock it down move it out and make it into a bigger family bathroom claire has strong ideas about what she wants but I'm not sure if she is thinking it through clearly you're gonna have another bathroom upstairs that's just gonna be a shower room so this is gonna be a family bathroom I've got pictures of the kind of minimalistic look that I want to go for I don't want to see clutter around I don't want to chock-a-block with the stuff in storage hmm I think this might get interesting granted a bigger bathroom would be nice but it will eat into the adjoining bedroom and that definitely won't help their storage crisis I think it would be mad to go to the expense of making the boss bigger and the back bedroom smaller because then you could the back bed really have a great big wardrobe all of that stuff in storage could come in and be in there in Chow font for the Franklin's new mega build storage will definitely not be an issue and with the whole family having to move out they've given themselves just six months to complete their new multi-generational home this week first thing we're going to get this back taken down [Music] eight weeks into the bill the old roof is taken down and there's no turning back but in the process they have discovered a massive problem to create the open plan space they want they need to take out the wall between the hall and the new playroom but this wall is load-bearing and is needed to support the new floor and roof so basically means turns what you're saying is that the house is too wide and we need some sort of central support for the roof the bad news is that building a new supporting wall in a different place would cost them an extra three thousand pounds that isn't in their budget we were supposed perhaps naive and you think I fit you'll be fine it won't happen - I should get the phone call in your heart just sinks everything costs thousands if nothing ever costs hundreds and obviously although we've borrowed a lot of money you soon realize it doesn't actually go as far as you think it's going but leaving the wall where it is will seriously compromise their open-plan design it's a difficult decision for novice project managers Tracy and Paul but a decision has to be made coming up can the Franklin's find a solution we've always had the idea of having that flow through to the back of the house I think losing that war that would be madness [Music] and with two families aiming to enlarge and transform their houses on a dramatic scale without going drastically into debt in the process the Franklin's are spending three hundred thousand pounds transforming their bungalow with an entire extra floor and extending the ground floor to suit three generations of family the problem is is that were outgrowing the house and we need it to change so that we can carry on living as happily as we do really but Paul and Tracy are already facing a problem with their open plan design they either have to keep a supporting wall that's in the way or spend 3,000 pounds they don't have to rebuild it somewhere else less time and less expenditure by keeping the wall in the only drawback I guess is that the hallway just becomes terrible with aging mum iris to consider I hope first-time project managers Paul and Tracy aren't making a snap decision the changes that we're going to have to make I don't see it being detrimental I think it's just different I'm hoping to help them make the right plans now so they can get it right for the future in Sydenham like many people converting their lofts the Riddler's are finding that in solving one problem they've created another by extending into the love they've lost the only place they store their stuff they may have gained two extra bedrooms and an ensuite but where to keep all their possessions slimy there's a there's a goodly amount of stuff like every family I think the wiggler's are holding onto things they don't really need I think we should make two piles one which is definitely keeping and one which is not keeping again and see if you can just get less of it really recent statistics show that the average time we keep things in storage is 37 weeks so with the cost of holding onto things often doubling the price we pay for them everyone should have a regular clear-out we've made some really good progress today with sorting out Jonathan and Claire's stuff but there's still a lot of things that they have that I don't think they're gonna be able to get rid of self storage is not the answer and all their stuff needs to be close to hand I think their solution still lies at home and I'm hoping to find clever ways to hide their clutter the ideal scenario would be that everything's in storage to be under this roof but I have to see it the Riddler's are focused on their bricks and mortar but it's surprising how much unused space we can find in our homes and even our Gardens guys in the window he'd have a window seat which would be a built-in and fitted bench with lift up hinged top you could keep pretty much all your Christmas decorations you could keep your skiing clothes and actually its long-term storage that is that quite a pain to get into but you don't get into it very often doesn't matter know that I like that and that the other thing over here you would have had a fire person at the moment it's shouts out that there isn't a fireplace if this laundry box went from here all the way to here and up to here be quite a useful shelf move the TV onto here and that's a huge amount sister liking it happy with loft and cellar spaces to store their fewer belongings the Victorians who built these terraces had no need for extra storage but times have changed and now we just need more space when you have a house if you're short on storage look at height differences throughout the house and anyway you've got a height difference you may find that there's a sneaky bit of storage that hasn't been used yet there might be a little bit of hidden storage in here good idea when seeking storage spots around your home look for any gaps that could turn into cupboards purchase specially designed boxes to fit into unusual spaces or alcoves for more information on this show or handy storage tips check out my scrapbook on Channel forward slash Sara I'm off to Chalfont to visit the Franklin's it's ten weeks since they moved out to allow work to start on their new bills and the new roof space that will house three new bedrooms and ensuite and a family bathroom is starting to go up their aspirations for open-plan living involve knocking down most of the internal walls but they're finding it hard to picture their new layout so that I don't know the time rule dimensions of it finding it's still quite hard to visualize a space because a lot of walls have got to come down and with such an ambitious project it's easy to get it wrong it's a particularly important this house that you make it work because yeah because it not working it has much bigger repercussions and with a normal house I can understand Tracy and Paul wanting to save money but I think keeping that wall means they've now landed themselves with a narrow way in and out of the kitchen diner not a good thing for a wheelchair you've got really narrow space and this is the way that you get round the house yeah so it's a terrible bottleneck but I think there's a quick solution it's the only reason why we couldn't take this lintel down and make the opening a little bit wider because it's gonna be quite tight for a wheelchair there theoretically removing that beam and isn't a problem so can I smash down that lintel now you indeed three simple can't afford mistakes with their layout as it could make this space unlivable the mum iris give me another couple of days and I can probably at the whole house down obviously trying to do but personally I think there might be an even worse offender they're planning to make the playroom bigger which will move a wall into the communal dining room area this will constrict the space around the family table I'm not sure how this makes sense I fought along a clever gadget to show them exactly what I mean yeah that's quite tight isn't it however if you didn't take that wall down it would end up looking like this wow there's much more space we've always had the idea of having that flow through to the back of the house but by visualizing it now it keeps that appreciation that what you had designed isn't gonna work and there's got to be a bit for compromise there's a simple trick anyone can do that might help Paul and Tracy if they mark out the walls doors and windows and furniture that's a rubbish idea that's my worst idea they'll see where their plans might not work do you think it might be a bit big this safe yeah if you aren't the greatest visualizer you can use computer-aided design or CAD your ideas will then be seen as 3d which will expose any problems or you can use magazines for inspiration extending your living space into the loft can uncover the hidden potential in your property if you have an attic now may be the time to transform it into a well-lit Haven and very often it's a great cost-effective way to add real value to your home I want to show you something today because I think you'll be amazed with their extension now underway the wrigglers storage is used at a crisis point but big problems call for big solutions these people here they have a storage problem cuz they needs a garage now she put a garage in here it would be hideous because it would ruin your house so they found a solution to it it's amazing it looks extreme but will it excite clarin Jonathan it's impressive well I was suggesting that you would build is something more along these lines this is a little mini mortal unit and then it would have a scissor action lift then you'd be able to use it and then you can lower it back down again absolutely brilliant yeah not only does it look clever in the long term this could save the wrigglers money the storage you've got at the moment assuming it doesn't go up in price which it probably will would cost you twelve thousand pounds over the next ten years whereas this would cost you ten thousand pounds the solution to all the storage problems that you've got at less money than it's going to cost you just to rent a storage unit it's yeah it's certainly not impossible we got a lot to think about there are many ways to spend your money when extending your home and what looks good now has to work in the future I want to introduce the Franklin's to the Pierce family who moved back into their parents house and have successfully adapted it to suit everyone they share living areas but to avoid bumping into each other they've kept kitchens and bedrooms separate grandmother Jenny has wider doors and space to move around as well as a low-level cooker in her kitchen I'm hoping the Franklin's will pick up some tips from daughter Jean when you did the divide the actual bill to live live what's what's one of the big things do you think that made a big difference while we were actually building we started to become quite conscious of things like noise and it just taking you know taking care to think about things like sort of where you know bathrooms and kitchens where the most noise will be and trying to position people further apart if they needed to be I guess it's about making it work for today but also work for the growing needs of into the future because you're committing to this house and you're investing in this house and you're investing in your home and you need to think about how it's going to work for five years ten years twenty years time for me it's giving me things that action things we need to think about like passing spaces noise it's definitely giving us the reassurances of being able to know that it we have it can work back in Sydenham it's four weeks into the wrigglers loved conversion and they're making a massive step forward as the builders finally knock through from the extension into the house loft extensions have come a long way and there are stacks of clever ideas to maximize the space many of us already doing it with nearly 20,000 homes this year taking advantage of the more relaxed planning process UK homeowners are spending on average twenty to forty thousand pounds extending up and it's so popular that these new modular lofts are de rigueur arriving pre maze they can be craned in and fixed into position in no time at all factory built means prices are as low as forty thousand pounds and if you're happy to give over the decision making process to someone else they can install almost all the fixtures and fittings before it's even lifted on amazing we've created three bedrooms two bathrooms next week by the end of we will be finished with all the external roofing work and that's it two weeks completely finished who would have thought it could be so easy to potentially add thousands to your property's value the Riddler's however haven't gone for the ready-made they've gone bespoke and claire seems to be on top of things you've got hanging clothes you've got clothes and then you push those to one side and it's almost like Alice in Wonderland you open another door and that's the storage it's good to see Claire tackling storage but I'm a bit worried she's stirring up problems elsewhere we want to be here for long term so it's about what we need right now and what we needed in the future as the children grow older and that was a bigger family bathroom I appreciate Claire's points but I fear this might impact on the ever-growing storage crisis they already face two households are working hard to achieve their property dreams without breaking the bank the Ricker family is spending fifty thousand pounds on a loft extension they'll gain two extra bedrooms and a shower room what we actually knows is is the one lonely space we have for storage I love but whilst they move up there things have had to move out and the storage unit is costing them 1,200 pounds a year over ten year period that's that would be 12,000 hands I'm hoping we can find a solution that fixes their storage crisis once and for all the ideal scenario would be that everything's in storage to be under this roof but us not to have to see it the Franklin's returned to check on their new building Chalfont only to struggle with their new layout but I don't know that don't rule dimensions of it there have been times when their design has been in very grave danger of losing its way you have to make this work it's got to work with the roof tiles going on and things taking shape they've started to think about their proposed open plan it's got to work for aging mum iris and the fixers of fittings can also make a difference for her mobility hopefully they'll be inspired with some new ideas on the market this whole bathroom would work we'd be well - iris because she has got a bad back and so she finds it quite difficult to get up and down so there's some simple thought lots of things would help up with this bathroom firstly to get into the bath you can sit down here and then you can swing your legs around and get into the bath that way and the towels are here so you can sit here and get the towels out by yourself actually it's really simple but much better than trying to balance on the side of the bar there's lots that would help in this bathroom clever choices like these not only look great but will suit them all in years to come I see this is really simple as well these are handles that don't have to be turned which are much more difficult when people get older very simple looks great everyone's a winner there are some really good solutions here for multi-generational living which would be fantastic to use there Frank so I can't wait to show them all this not only do they need to visualize their design now but they need to think about their needs for the future and I think they'll be surprised by what they can achieve now I've ever seen the catalog when I spoke to Traci there's quite a lot of things you know I would found really useful I mean they made it all look so small and apart as if they don't part the bathrooms and not part of a disabled thing that has been stuck in there like you see I think some of its really nice really nice square footage is now at such a premium but a lot of us are extending into our lofts and basements to make the very most of the space we've got any downside of this is that there's nowhere left to put all our clutter so we have to make the very most of every nook and cranny we can find the hrickos loft conversion in South London is well underway and whilst clare makes good use of her current storage elsewhere some good ideas for sorting their things are being put in place with a sheet dresser made to measure they've used the maximum space in their alcove with two extra cupboards and drawers and a new window seat with added storage you could stick duvets blanket everything in here she could start to enjoy this and instead of opening up the hidden storage on the landing they've used the ends of the eaves in the Attic for extra storage in Chalfont the Franklin's are massively increasing the size of their house on a 300 thousand pound budget with the fittings going into place and the floors being laid they are near to completion I think we thought of nice things I don't move the only thing that we haven't really addressed is the sound issue that Sarah brought up I'm still a bit worried the Franklin's haven't really thought through their acoustics with a patter of tiny feet turning into a fully-grown stomp before long the echoing new build could be difficult for the grandparents we've got an acoustic specialist coming round who might be able to help and one of the problems in modern houses it's a design idea nowadays is to go for very clean sharp lines lots of large hard flat surfaces to in effect you end up making an echo chamber to some extent tom has a simple test using a special meter he can record the amount of reverb heard from a popping balloon by judging the time that popper takes to reach his meter he can assess how much of a problem the Franklin's have in terms of the measurements we've taken today while it does indicate is the fact that once you have got everything out of here you are going to have an issue and you are gonna have to think about how you're going to resolve that bad news with a build already up this oversight could be a costly mistake they need to find some practical solutions and that might be something as simple as putting books down on the floor you've got two very large areas of wall in the dining area where you could easily put something on there so that can be it can be something as simple as playing acoustic panels or it could you can get acoustic panels with pictures on there with lots of soundproofing options out there the Franklin's need to make the choices that are right for them the wrigglers Loft extension is now complete and I can't wait to see how they've balanced their need for more space with accessible storage because when a loft conversion is well integrated with storage resolved it can transform the sense of space in the entire house hello hi how are you lovely to see you hello he took you very well thank you so the conversions all finished up stand up they wanted their first-floor bathroom to be bigger and it looks fabulous and they're now much smaller bedroom behind is a compact contemporary home office we did lose storage from from the back bedroom that you had a big load of storage in there and you lost the storage by eating into it at the bath didn't you but for your family this now is a really great layout and what's exactly how your family works which is great battling a storage problem many families face they've worked hard at implementing clever ideas in their main bedroom not only building and neat storage units they've gained a window seat as well oh look at that that fits in brilliantly you'd think it was a benefit was it not big it's another load of places and we could have made it bigger yeah detective store more but it wouldn't have it would have been too big for the room I think that's what's really exciting about what you've done is that house actually looks better for it yeah and beautiful but upstairs in the loft conversion is where the real changes have happened they've let light and space open up the top of the house and an on-suite shehram completes the look well it does feel like it is so much bigger I think it feels bigger than the square footage you've added well it's it's now a five bedroom house saying oh it's funny really because the whole thing the whole plan started for me snoring yeah we were looking for somewhere for me to sleep when I've you know what I saw and now I've got five stars all right Claire and Jonathan have used every available space to hide their belongings and in the second bedroom they've also been creative tidying their son's toys with fun boxes hidden drawers and even the bed stairs have been put to good use it's a really really successful loft conversion and I think the main reason that it's a successful loft conversion is you followed the detailing of the original house all the way up the stairs woodwork and the banisters and all the all the bits of detailing all the way up need to be considered but really importantly also it only works if the storage you've lost by losing the loft you integrate everywhere else and and you have got nooks and crannies and cupboards tucked into every corner that you look when you started this your house is worth about four hundred and seventy-five thousand wasn't it and you were gonna spend seventy thousand on all the work how much did you end up spending we actually only ended up spinning but only slightly going over seventy-five now to the sons work to sell their four hundred and seventy five thousand pound house and moved to a fully finished new home of the same size in the same area the wrigglers would have had to find an extra two hundred and fifty thousand pounds but instead of moving out they've moved up and gained the extra space for just seventy five thousand pounds it's a massive saving when you started on the building projects the house was worth four hundred and seventy five thousand pounds or something like that I think it would be quite reasonable to suppose that it would now be worth somewhere up to about six hundred fifty thousand so you've created about a hundred thousand pounds of equity in your home by doing the work yeah figure six fifty is pretty amazing yeah it's brilliant what's the one thing you think you've really learnt in terms of making the extended space work really well for you I've learned that less is more great which is really good brilliant and managing your possessions is a really good thing to be able to do is it everything that you it was going to be definitely I pictured yeah a picture of my head of what it would look like but what we've what we've ended up with is just beyond that it's it's perfect there's nothing more I can really say and there's still one place yet to visit it would have been lovely to have gone with the underfloor storage unit but it didn't work for us at the moment because of money and things like that and it was crazy and ludicrous paying monthly fees for storage unit so we came up with the next best thing which was this is fabulous amazing so you've got yeah all the toys this is Christmas decorations toys we haven't taken our eye off the idea of the underground storage in the meantime this is our solution the important thing to remember is storage is the key to making our house function well Jonathan and Claire have resolved their storage issues by embracing the idea that when it comes to storage solutions no corner can be overlooked I really admire their design and their vision and they've created a beautiful home that works perfectly for their family [Music] Paul and Tracy Franklin embarked on a massive project a totally transform their parents bungalow and create a home for their family on a budget of $300,000 in to one tiny home it really is becoming a point where you know I getting frustrated we're all getting frustrated it's a big budget but there were still tough decisions to make we just don't know how much is cost but everything cost thousands there's nothing ever costs hundreds and obviously although we've borrowed a lot of money you've seen realize it doesn't actually go as far as you think it's going to but they've done all they can and the builders are now carrying out the finishing touches Tracy and Paul have been facing an amazing challenge telling a bungalow into a great big house for themselves their children and her parents I can't wait to see how they've gotten iris and Ron moved out when the builders moved in and they've not seen their home in six months how are you feeling at the moment you apprehensive oh no not at all much longer six months ago the Franklin's 1930s bungalow was dark dated and impossible for six people to live in [Music] Paul and Tracy have doubled their space by extending in three directions they've gone up and added another floor and extended both front and back now this massive build is completed and the exterior looks fantastic however what's always been of concern is whether they've managed to make the inside spaces work as well previously the Franklin's were all on top of each other with nowhere to escape there wasn't enough room for a bed each and they had to share a living room and one bathroom fed up with their old dark kitchen the Franklin's have swapped it for a new open-plan design by knocking out the walls and providing good access from everywhere in the house they've transformed it into a bright and welcoming central hub close to this shared space is Ron and irises very own living room positioned to ensure they really feel part of the family what will they think of it I can't believe it was ever a punker no can you when you look at the space now and this is going to be your man your sitting room is yours I think having separate living spaces so here you've got this living space here which is the grandparents the kids have their playroom and then you guys have your sitting room right at the other end I Nate Ron and IRAs also have their own huge downstairs bedroom and on sweets that importantly has been designed to ensure it will work for them in the future Wow here we can get in there together on don't see me nude often do ya well the loom goes up and down to the height adjustable so you do the move the important thing is to try and keep it really beautiful and stylish which it is but then have these clever tricks which actually mean that in the future they're going to be really helpful there's a towel right here on the front of the basin which is also a grab rail so that you can steady yourself if you ever need to and the shower it's got a seat in it and the two heights of shower so is this your dream home what can I say is something is church aside Needham the Franklin's have built a home within a home for Ron and iris who still manage to connect with the rest of the family via the easy to access central hub all of this has got a much nicer flow you must be so thrilled with how big it is and how well it works especially if it's gonna be like the heart of the home and it means that we can do the entertaining which in the last two years we've never been able to do fantastic for mum because it's all on one level yes so really easy to get into and out of and it's a very big space and a lot of you are planning on sharing this space and so acoustically there always are issues with big spaces I think having this floor is a good thing because whilst it looks as though it's a tower floor it's actually not as it and so it will absorb some sound it's a really good floor this so you've got the sound absorption panels cover them in material to make them match the rest of the room and use of the future yes it wasn't until we started talking to you and we've met the sound chat that we appreciate that you can do all these absorbing panels on a domestic level this is definitely something we've got on the walls to help elsewhere house Hey well what a lovely lovely space you've done a brilliant brilliant job thank you after all the tooing and throwing with the walls the open plan space now works really well and next door the play room doesn't feel mice at all upstairs by adding a whole new floor they've created three large bedrooms and two large bathrooms Tracy and Paul's master bedroom means at last Paul can sleep in a bed while two well-placed skylights bring in plenty of natural lights and Amelia and Joseph finally each have a room of their own it's difficult to make one house work for the demands of three different generations but Paul and Tracy have managed to achieve it but have they created their dream home for a fraction of the cost of buying it the bungalow is worth about 450,000 when you star says to buy a house of this size would have probably been about 900,000 and how much think it would have been to make it work for your mother a35 option for me 50,000 pounds to make it just right for her you'd have needed a million pounds really yeah you had a budget of $300,000 1% oh well we'll give you that let's take a look at the numbers they couldn't afford the five hundred and fifty thousand pounds needed to move to their much larger dream home instead they've spent 300,000 pounds expanding and adapting the bungalow that's an enormous saving of a quarter of a million pounds this house is worth probably 450,000 so you're not spending three hundred thousand so that was a total of 750,000 pounds I think it would be quite reasonable that a house of this top-end finish would be worth probably nine hundred thousand pounds now so you've now created about $150,000 equity in this house to know that we've got essentially that 150,000 in equity it's a massive security blanket by pooling their resources this family have doubled their space and gained on their investment what a fantastic achievement for them all is this now your dream home I don't think either of us ever imagined that we'd ever be able to achieve anything like this really it always helps when we have the beanie in tow this has been a mammoth task to Paul and Tracy but what an amazing success I'm in awe of their determination and energy throughout this marathon build they took on new ideas they were careful with their money and they never forgot that this was a home for all of them this is a dream come true and boy do they deserve it [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 372,398
Rating: 4.8665447 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, bargain hunt, redesign, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, double your home, double your house, double your house for half the money, double your house episode, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, double your house full episodes, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects
Id: yfQZ07tVoD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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