Double Dutch Team MUST Win to Get to Nationals - Jump! (S1, E1) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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<i> - We're county champions. We're state champions,</i> <i> and we're world champions.</i> <i> - Double Dutch is an extreme sport for teamwork.</i> - We're the team to beat when you talk about Double Dutch. ( cheering ) <i> We have three competitions leading up to the Apollo,</i> the Super Bowl of Double Dutch. - I push my team so hard because I want them to win. You're gonna jump till your legs fall off. ( shouting ) -<i> I will not lose!</i> - I've been jumping Double Dutch for about 23 years. I started at the Boys and Girls Club on Avon Avenue <i> right here in Newark, New Jersey.</i> <i> I've known Laila all of my life.</i> Growing up, Laila always been on the older teams. <i> So I was the younger one looking up to Laila.</i> - Quaniee and I started FloydLittle eight and a half years ago. <i> Because it's a safe haven for the kids,</i> <i> and it's not just for girls.</i> Anybody who come in our doors, we accept them. - Double Dutch was a way out for me. <i> Having my son at just 15, I had nothing else to do.</i> And I was not gonna be another statistic. <i> Like it was a way out for me, it's a way out for these city kids.</i> I want them to know how it feels to take a first place trophy and be first at something. We don't just teach Double Dutch. We teach these kids life lessons. And I think it's bigger than the ropes. - One, two, one, two. - All right! Hello! - Sit down! Sit down! - Sit. - Excuse me. Please be quiet. Be quiet. We have an extremely important tournament coming up this weekend. This week, we'll be going against Kandie's Rope Twisters in D.C. You guys aren't familiar with them, but I'm extremely familiar with them because we used to compete against their coach. But I need you guys to put everything on the floor. <i> Bradshaw has a daughter that will be up against my daughter.</i> Her daughter tends to be a little good, but Ivy's better. I'll be damned if my daughter loses to her daughter. 'Cause it's not happening. - I am called the Golden Child because I'm one of the better jumpers on the team. <i> - I am so determined to beat Bradshaw.</i> This is gonna be a ripple effect. I beat Bradshaw. Ivy's gonna beat Bradshaw's daughter. And if you have grandkids, my grandchild is gonna beat yours as well. If you guys aren't in to win it, guess what? You can stay home. Because every tournament is leading up to the Apollo. <i>We have about three tournaments leading up to the Apollo</i> <i> and the Apollo is like the big shebang of Double Dutch.</i> <i> You'll have teams there from France, Japan, South Carolina.</i> <i> You name it and they're there.</i> Do I need to say it again? We're up against Kandie's Rope Twisters. - Speed needs to be flawless. <i> - In the speed category, the judges count every time</i> <i> the left foot hits in two minutes.</i> <i>The fastest jumper on the floor receives the highest score.</i> And free-style. <i> Free-style is an exercise in Double Dutch</i> <i> where you get to let your hair down</i> <i> and you'll see all three jumpers get a chance to get in the rope</i> and show their creativity. - So here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna try something new. Ivy, you're gonna do speed. Destiny, Big Destiny, you guys are gonna turn for Ivy. Yes, they're gonna turn for you. - Turning is the most important part of Double Dutch. Without your turners, you'll always lose. Iyana feels like she's gonna walk off the floor with an instant win. So I'm gonna switch the teams up. I'm gonna switch the turners. And let's see if Iyana and Danasia will have a different attitude. I need them to be determined to win. Like this is their first tournament. - That will not affect my child! Hold up. No. That will not affect my child! Will not! - Well, she won't get on the floor. - It will not! Quaniee and Laila decided to do this big change. Iyana has been turning for Ivy since they started. - Iyana, you'll be sitting. - Don't drop not one tear. 'Cause they'll need you back! - No, it's not about me. - They will need her back! - And nobody's spot is guaranteed here! - What are you talking about? - Wop wop. - Either you be quiet in our practice or you go. - The changes have been made. Iyana, you have to sit out. - At this time, I'm not okay. I refuse for Iyana to sit down on the side, as much hard work and dedication as she puts in to Double Dutch. - That's it! So get to the floor! So we're gonna focus on speed. - What? - It's too soon for a mistake. Ivy, stop moving back! - Sweep it up. - Go! - Hold on, hold up. - All right, this week we have a competition in-house. Kandie's Rope Twisters is one of the best teams in Double Dutch. We do Double Dutch demonstrations around D.C. We've jumped at the White House. We got to see a glimpse of the most important figures in the Washington, D.C. area. We have the FloydLittle coming down from New Jersey. You all should know who they are. They're coming down here to try to beat us in our house. We know that that cannot happen. Quaniee has this, you know, thing with like mother, like daughter. <i> And she's pondering putting her daughter up against mine.</i> Her daughter and my daughter are not even on the same level. My daughter is just simply faster, period. So today, what we have to do is a lot of work. And we have to rock it. Trinity and Krasil, because the competition is so tough and so tight, I have to have you two battle it out. Whoever is the fastest is gonna jump speed on Saturday. - So these two are gonna battle? - These two are gonna battle it out. Who gonna skin 'em alive? - Us - Get up and let's go. Jump. - One, two, one, two! One, two, one, two! Down and around, Destiny! You have to make circles. Let's go! - She's doin' good. There's three days before we go up against the Kandie Rope Twisters in Washington, D.C. <i> So this week, we decided to put Little Destiny</i> and Big Destiny on the speed team to turn for Ivy. In two minutes, I need 365 steps from her left foot alone! <i> They don't count both feet in speed.</i> <i> No mistakes!</i> <i> The speed category, the judges count every time</i> <i> the left foot hits in two minutes.</i> <i>The fastest jumper on the floor receives the highest score.</i> <i> Every time you mess up, that's ten points deducted.</i> An average score in speed is about 265, 270. <i> But FLDD gets nothing less than a 330.</i> - We're pushing for 350, 365 this year. - 372. Ivy, get your feet up. One at a time! One at a time, Destiny! I need her to jump on Saturday! Down and around! - Me and Destiny are considered fresh meat to FloydLittles. When my daughter hits the floor, she gonna hit the floor. And if it's wrong, you're gonna hear my mouth. - Destiny, you look like, bah, bah, bah. Duck walk! Duck walk is our secret weapon. Over here! Let's go! Down! <i> The kids look at duck walk as a punishment,</i> but we look at it as a workout. It actually strengthens their legs. And get off of the bleachers! That's not for you to hold up! Let's go! Pick the rope up! I push my team so hard because I really, really want them to win. <i> I want them to know how it feels to take a first place trophy</i> <i> and be first at something.</i> instead of being looked at as just another statistic here in Newark, New Jersey. One, two, one, two. One, two. - I see my baby on the floor. She's turning, she's turning. Quaniee yelling at her that she's not doing it all. She's not giving her all. - Follow the rope! It's one, two! - Why she gotta be screaming like that? <i> - Little arms tired. She's sitting there looking like she's ready to cry.</i> - Is she the mother or you? - In and out! - I'm the mother. She better calm down. <i> Quaniee is complaining that my daughter's not doing her job.</i> When, honestly, Ivy, the golden child. She's not doin' her job neither. - Listen! The rope is too big! I need you to follow her feet! Parents are extremely pissed saying I show favoritism. I show favoritism why? Because my daughter understood what we were telling her and the other two didn't? - She trying to blame her turners for her mistake. - Yeah, but that's not gonna work. That's not gonna work at all. Oh, she's coming. - Listen, if you don't respect our practice, you have to leave. - The only one to give mine tough love is me. So you want me to be quiet? Nah. - You gotta go. And if you don't go right now, you and your child will go. <i> - They feel like we should be mutes in practice.</i> We should have absolutely nothing to say. - This is not for y'all. - Y'all wanna kick us out! - I never been kicked out of nowhere! - I need you go quietly, too! - I don't know what's gonna happen. If this does not shape up, it's not looking good. - I'm at my breaking point. I been the nice one all this time. - And you are. - I can't do it no more. - Move back! - Do you think Priscilla's ready for Saturday? - No. But she gonna get there. And Trinity's gonna get there. - Right now, I'm embarrassed. <i> - Little Destiny and Big Destiny are not turning right.</i> And I can't have that at the tournament. - I just can't! - One, two, one, two! - Higher! - Pick your knees up! - Come on! - Push! <i> - This week, we're up against the Kandie Rope Twisters.</i> <i> This is personal for me.</i> Bradshaw, I kicked your behind when we were growing up. So what makes you think you're gonna beat my daughter? No way. <i> I'm taking a big risk here</i> and we don't have that much time. So I pray by me taking Danasia and Iyana off the ropes <i> and putting Little Destiny and Big Destiny on the end</i> that I'm making a good decision here. We're giving you guys another shot at it today. I need you to be determined. - Little Destiny and Big Destiny are not <i> doing so well turning for Ivy.</i> - One, two, one, two, talk. - Listen, listen! - You guys have to talk. <i> - They're just not turning fast enough.</i> - I need it clean. Horrible! <i> There's no way I'm gonna allow them to walk on this floor</i> <i> and embarrass FLDD like this.</i> <i> Everyone knows who we are.</i> We have a reputation to uphold. <i> - This week, I have a competition coming up in my hometown.</i> I think FloydLittle is an excellent Double Dutch team. But I honestly think we're better. <i> Quaniee has a daughter that's a speed jumper just like her</i> and my daughter is a speed jumper just like me. And she's putting her daughter up against mine. She sees, you know, that my daughter has some speed. But she thinks that my daughter's speed <i> is the same speed it was back when she saw her.</i> <i> But, no, there's been a change.</i> My daughter's faster. FloydLittle, they're coming with their two minutes done already. - Yeah, they're gonna rock the house. - Both of my speed jumpers, Krasil and Trinity, are flawless. You got it. Left foot, up, Trinity! Control! Now I gotta look at Krasil to see if Krasil could pull it off. But then, as we were practicing, it's like it's a slippery slope. You know, Krasil's making mistakes. Jump! Don't press! Just move! Trinity's making mistakes. Then we go back to Krasil. That's about 15, 20 seconds in. <i> We go back to Trinity.</i> How about doing this thing called breathing? - It's hard for me to do that! - It's hard for you to breath and jump? - Yes! - You can't multitask breathing and jumping? - No, I can't. - Then jump. <i> At this point, I have to get ready to make a decision</i> of who's going to do speed. And that's scary. I'm now forced to just go into freestyle. My girls, we have one of the best freestyle routines. - Ah, my leg! - Do it again. What's wrong with your leg? - Stretch it out! - No, it hurts! - Ow! - Sit down and stretch it! - I caught a Charley horse in my leg, I think. - You didn't stretch properly. At the beginning of each and every practice, my girls are supposed to stretch. And Trinity did not properly stretch. Now I have one injured jumper. <i> We don't look good.</i> And right now, Trinity is not gonna be doing speed for singles. And I'm, quite frankly, pissed off about it. - Ow, Mommy, it hurts! - Yeah, it hurts. - Ivy, do you think her daughter's messing up? 'Cause she's not. She's not. No excuses. After being a drill sergeant these last few days, I'm starting to think that Little Destiny is overwhelmed. - You'll never beat them like this. - It has to go faster. - Little Destiny and Big Destiny, they are not turning right. <i> And Little Destiny, she keep whipping the rope.</i> And I can't have that at the tournament. I just can't! - Faster! - Yes, you have to be on their team. We need to see what works. Ivy's pissed. What's new? You need to know that you cannot rely on Iyana and Danasia at all times. <i> You need to be able to get on the floor with other people</i> and still show up and show out. <i> - I want the best turners on my team</i> 'cause I don't like losing. Because on the sign it says "Win or duck walk." And I can't afford to do duck walk. - Why are you crying, Ivy? What's the problem? - She's a beginner! - She needs to learn. - That's right. - She is trying! She don't want my daughter turning for her. Excuse me? You don't run the show. <i> The coaches pick who they want to turn.</i> And that's who's gonna turn. - She's a beginner. - Don't yell at her. - What do you guys want from her? - Iyannah gets upset because Ivy says that her daughter Little Destiny can't turn. Even though there's kind of some truth behind what Ivy's saying. - Don't talk like that to her! - I'm just saying. - That's a kid! Go get dressed up. ( overlapping dialogue ) - See, look. Now we got our kids up here arguing. - Oh, no, they're not. - Calm down! Y'all need to take a chill pill! - But they are speaking amongst themselves about it. - I don't care, but you're not gonna make my daughter cry. - You're not gonna come in here. And keep yelling at these kids! - You're not gonna make my daughter cry! - Let me say this. You're a family and you're all gonna stay a family. And y'all stick together. All this pointing of fingers, you did this, you did that, I don't wanna hear it no more! - Worry about your own self! - Don't be disrespectful, okay? - I'm not being disrespectful! She blame it on me like I'm doin' something! - You know what? Get that little girl away from my daughter! 'Cause I'm just beyond pissed! - At this moment, back up. This is my child. I'm protecting my cub. Good night. - There's always drama. But this is just over the top. <i> With only one more practice day left,</i> I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to pull it together in time. - We're gonna have Krasil do speed. Trinity, you'll do freestyle. - Really? - What? - Was that a mother's decision or a coach's decision? - We decided. Little Destiny, Big Des, unfortunately, you won't be turning for speed. - It's time to go. We're getting our kids and we are out. Let's go! We out! - Oh, my gosh! - The competition is less than 24 hours away. Parents, not today. Mum's the word the whole time. - Not today. - Or you gotta go out. So right now, I'm gonna run speed and see what my final decision is gonna be. Trinity, finish stretching. I want you stretched good. Your leg was hurt yesterday. I want you stretched good. That leg don't look like it's right. Watch the arch. Slow it up. Krasil? Speed up. One, two. Listen to the beat. One, two. Close your legs. Don't kick out. Stay right there. Slow it up. - ( bleep ). We have to win! - It's one more day until the competition. And I need you guys to be focused. Kandie Rope Twisters does not mess up. <i> So we're up against Kandie Rope Twisters this week.</i> But I'll be damned if I allow one of these teams, <i> including the Kandie Rope Twisters, to wipe us out!</i> <i> So leading up to the Apollo,</i> <i> first place everything.</i> Everybody's gonna get to the ropes. <i> I only have one more practice left.</i> <i> I don't have time to fool around with people who can't turn.</i> I'm putting Ivy's team back together, Iyana and Danasia and I really hope they got their head in the game. - Stay focused. - Iyana is the glue with that speed team. - Let's see. Move left, move right. - Like I said, you say move back and move up. And I'll just say one, two. - Danasia talks Ivy through the entire two minutes. - One, two, one, two. Move up. - And that's what we need to win the competition Saturday. <i> - After seeing how Little Destiny and Big Destiny</i> <i> were doing on the ends of the rope,</i> I feel extremely confident <i> with Iyana and Danasia back-turning for Ivy.</i> Because they are more experienced. We will not lose in D.C. - So we made a few changes. - We've decided. Little Destiny, Big Des, unfortunately, you won't be turning for speed. Which means Iyana, Danasia, you guys will be turning for her again. - They finally got some sense into their brains and let us get back on the floor. - I am so excited. I got my regular team back. And my regular team encourages me through my speed a lot. <i> - I knew they would call them back.</i> First place trophy is ours. - So y'all just figured this out now, though? And the tournament is... - You hear that? - Right. - Right around the corner? - This is what coaches do. - This is some bull crap. - I can't believe these coaches waited till the last minute. And decided that my daughter is not gonna be a part of the speed team! Oh, hell, no! She worked her butt off all week! - I'm out. - Wait a minute. Where you going? - There's no way I'm in it. - We kick ourselves out. - You just tell me my daughter won't be performing in this week's tournament? And I been here all week faithfully? Like why she keep laying her down? She would never learn how to jump if she keep pulling her off. - Are you serious? - I am done. It's time to go. We're getting our kids. And we are out. Let's go! We out! - Oh, my gosh! - Say bye to your fellow teammates. - Come on now, y'all! - Are they serious? -<i> Are you serious right now?</i> <i> Quitting? That's what this has come down to?</i> Latoya, your daughter's a world champion because of FLDD. I don't understand. FLDD don't stand for that. And I will address this issue. - This is some bull. - All right. So the way it's gonna go down tomorrow. With Trinity being injured, it puts her in a bad position. <i> I'm so worried about Trinity's leg.</i> And right now, Trinity is not gonna be doing speed for singles. We're gonna have Krasil do speed. Trinity, you'll do freestyle. - Really? - What? - Yeah. - When my mom said I was jumping, I was really scared. I don't want to let the team down. -<i> I feel disappointed</i> because I thought that I gave it my all. I stayed in the rope. I was jumping fast. - Was that a mother's decision or a coach's decision? - I made a coach's decision! - Based on what? - Based on my experience as a coach! - Your daughter better bring home a trophy tomorrow! - Right now, we're not even calling her my daughter! Right now, we're calling her a jumper! You're not gonna sit there and tell me that I'm not making the right decision. It's a privilege that I allow y'all to watch us practice! - It's a privilege that you allow us to sit here? - Yeah, yeah, so y'all got to go. - That's the privilege? - Y'all got to go. - Your baby jumper better bring the first place prize tomorrow. - I'm am confident in the decision that I've made about Krasil. <i> She just have to believe in herself.</i> You're not gonna have anybody sitting in here questioning my decisions for what I do for this team! Jump! You better bring it! - Today is the travel day. Today is the big day to D.C. We're missing two people. Two of the little people. - Are you serious? - All of the kids are looking for Big Destiny and Little Destiny and they're nowhere to be found. This is ridiculous. Where are they at for real? That is totally a lack of respect and poor sportsmanship. What team have they been jumping for all this time? 'Cause it definitely hasn't been FloydLittle. - Oh, my God. - The joke is over, seriously. - They really didn't come. - They really didn't come. I don't know what the hell we gonna do. - Game time. No do-overs. I need a win in every division. This tournament, we're dealing with something that's personal. - Y'all in our building Y'all get ready to get it! ( shouting ) - I just hope that Ivy jump as fast as she can, clean. ( whistle blows ) - They really didn't come. <i> - The other moms showed up. The kids are here.</i> We're all packed up. And ready to go. And no sign of Latoya or Iyana. <i> Here at FloydLittle, we make changes every day on this team.</i> We can decide who goes on the floor when we're ready. I can't believe these parents are acting this way, but the way that Iyana and Latoya stormed out of our practice, you would think that they would jumping for another team. - Should we wait? - Should we wait? I been trying to call her and call her. - Wait! - Get over here! Get on this bus! Lo and behold, here goes Frick and Frack running down the street to get on the bus. - I was about to have a heart attack. - Well, you should have. Well, thank you for coming. - I'm still pissed. - You can be pissed on the ride down there, as long as you're on the bus. - You know what? I feel real bad. It's not for me. It's for my daughter. And how do I expect to teach her any team support if I'm pulling her away? So I guess the only right thing to do is show up and support our team. - I was about to piss myself. - Can you believe this? Yes! - Although Iyana and Latoya may seem pissed, I don't care about that. <i>I'm just happy that she brought Little Destiny and Big Destiny</i> <i> 'cause this is about the kids.</i> - Could you believe these two? - Yeah. - We don't need the negative attitude to mess up the team and the kids. - So you think it's like contagious or something? - Yeah. - They'll catch the negativity? - Yes. - This tournament is personal to me. Growing up, I always beat Bradshaw. And I have faith that Ivy will do the same to her daughter. <i> We need this win.</i> - Let's do this. - All right, here we come. Here we come. - I'm ready to beat Lakesha and her daughter. It's ball game! - All right, today is the day. Newark, New Jersey, has nothing on us. Now if the coach's daughter has to be this coach, shut it down. - It's gotta be this coach's daughter. - All right, let's win. Let's rock it. - Let's go, Kandie's Rope Twisters! <i> - We're gonna beat the Kandie Rope Twisters today.</i> It's game time. No do-overs. I need a win in every division. Speed, win! Freestyle, win! - Let's go! - ( cheering ) - Let's go! Go, fight, win! - FLDD! FLDD! FLDD! ( chanting continues ) - Our adrenalin is pumping. As we're walking out to the floor, Lakesha is repping her team and we're repping ours. - FLDD! - ( shouts ) - The heat is on. FLDD is definitely in the building. So our first competition, we'll be going against four teams. <i> But in this tournament,</i> we're dealing with something that's personal. We have to beat out the Kandie Rope Twisters. -<i> Let's get everyone on the floor.</i> <i> FloydLittle Double Dutch from Newark, New Jersey!</i> ( cheering ) <i> - I just hope that Ivy stays in that rope for those two minutes.</i> I hope that she jump as fast as she can, clean. <i> - Kandie's Rope Twisters from Washington, D.C.!</i> <i> - They call Krasil out on the floor.</i> <i> I'm feeling good about her. I feel positive about her.</i> Because she has the speed. She has the ability to pull it off. <i> - Ivy needs to beat nothing less than a 330.</i> I need her to beat Lakesha's daughter. <i> - Ready your ropes!</i> ( whistle blows ) - I'm leaving. I gotta go. <i> Out of every Double Dutch tournament</i> that Ivy has participated in, I never watched her do speed. <i> 'Cause I just feel, if she mess up,</i> <i> I want her to tag me in.</i> - One, two, one, two. One, two, one, two. - Fail! - Fail! - Oh, my God, she failed. - ( bleep ) - Bradshaw's looking like this is her first time doing speed. I'm sorry, baby girl, but you need more practice, boo-boo. - Five seconds. ( cheering ) <i> - I am extremely proud of Ivy.</i> She was determined to beat Kandie Rope Twisters. Not for me, but because that's something she wanted to do on her own. - Yes, whatever, whatever! - Of course, Lakesha had to say something. Really? ( yelling ) -<i> You just got your butt kicked in speed in your hometown.</i> So, of course, I had to call her to the floor. You need a memory check. I need to remind her. - So, Quaniee, she wants to have this jump-off. Now I hadn't jumped in years. Wasn't planning on jumping. - Ready your ropes? Begin! - ( blows whistle ) - Ready your ropes? - ( blows whistle ) <i> - So I'm jumping and I'm jumping,</i> but then reality check hit. "You're not 12 anymore. - You're 29." - Oh! <i> - So I'm jumping and I'm jumping,</i> <i> but then reality check hit.</i> And it's like, "Quaniee, you know, you're not 12 anymore." <i> You're 29.</i> <i> I see Lakesha's rope stop. And I'm like, thank God.</i> <i> Because my legs are just as tired.</i> But I could not mess up before she did. -<i> 20 seconds on the clock!</i> - 20 seconds left, Quaniee, come on! - I'm like, oh, my God. What is this girl doing? <i> You jumped like 20 years ago.</i> I don't even think your legs can still move like that. ( whistle blows ) <i> - All right! Nice job, ladies!</i> - Quaniee smoked Bradshaw's boot with slippers on. - You're making us look bad! -<i> As soon as the rope stopped, I was like, "Thank God. I didn't embarrass Ivy."</i> But on another note, I was like, "Phew, I still got it." <i> - And in first place, we got Quaniee Floyd</i> <i> from FloydLittle Double Dutch.</i> - You been done when you stepped in a rope with Quaniee. Stick a fork in it. ( shouting ) - Hey, hey, hey! - First place-- mama and mama child! ( shouting ) - All right, on a serious note, though. On a serious note, we still gotta get our head back in the game for freestyle. 'Cause it's not over. FloydLittle's known for their freestyle routines. And it's extremely important that we stay focused today <i> and nail freestyle and come out on top overall.</i> We gotta win freestyle today. <i> - With these Kandie Rope Twisters,</i> they're determined to beat us. And I just can't let that happen. It's not over yet. - I cannot let this ride. They have embarrassed us in our own house. You gave it to the wrong girl. - I had Danielle yelling at me about how I didn't make the right decision. How I made a mother's decision and not a coach's decision <i> and that devastated my child even more.</i> Made her feel worse than what she already felt. Let's pick it up, let's move on. We still have to get out there and do freestyle. If y'all do this during your freestyle routine, you're gonna fail. Because you're thinking about this. Put your freestyle routine in your head. Walk away with the freestyle win. Right now, we're not looking good. But we need to start looking good and we need to start looking good now. -<i> Now it's time for the freestyle competition!</i> ( whistle blows ) <i> - So it's time for freestyle.</i> <i> In freestyle, we'll see all three jumpers</i> get a chance to get in the rope and show their creativity. The judges score how many tricks you can do in one minute. <i> How creative you can be. How clean the routine is</i> and every time you mess up, it's just a half point off. <i> - Next up for freestyle, FloydLittle Double Dutch.</i> - In freestyle, FLDD is known for our floor tricks, our flips. - That's it. Don't give 'em any more. They'll steal them. ( whistle blows ) <i> - As I'm watching freestyle, I'm a little bit relaxed.</i> <i> But I keep looking over at the judges' table</i> <i> because I don't see them writing as fast as they should be writing</i> <i> with all of the tricks that we gave this team.</i> So I'm a bit concerned because I think they may have missed something. - Back, clap. One, two. - FLDD! ( cheering ) <i> - Freestyle is over and they did well.</i> So I think we got a first place with this one too. <i> - Up next, we got Kandie's Rope Twisters.</i> ( cheering ) - Trinity's leg has gotten better, but not as strong as I would like it to be. <i> I don't know how it's gonna come out, but I'm just gonna hope for the best.</i> <i> The routine starts</i> and Trinity steps on the rope on the first flip. <i> Once Trinity makes a mistake, it's a slippery slope.</i> <i> So she goes to the next flip.</i> <i> And there it is. Another freakin' mistake.</i> - Drag the rope. <i> - They can't grab the rope. The rope drops.</i> <i> And then they don't get the twist.</i> Then they're bumping into each other. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't do anything. All I did was freeze because I couldn't see the train wreck that was happening before my eyes. ( shouting ) <i> - It's now time to announce the winners</i> <i> and we are extremely nervous.</i> <i> - And in first place... the people's champion...</i> - What? - That's nonsense! <i> with the Speed Skills Challenge.</i> <i> - So it's now time to announce the winners</i> <i> and we are extremely nervous</i> because we never know what the judges are gonna go for. <i> - In third place...</i> <i> Kandie's Rope Twisters from Washington, D.C.!</i> <i> - The results are in. And they're not good.</i> Third place. We don't do third place. We don't have any third place trophies. <i> - In second place,</i> <i> Greenbelt S.I.T.Y. Stars from Maryland!</i> <i> And in first place...</i> <i> FloydLittle Double Dutch, Newark, New Jersey!</i> - FLDD, first place in speed. <i> But I'm not surprised. That's how we do.</i> - First place? Hell, yeah. <i> - Now for the Freestyle Round, very competitive.</i> <i> We have a tie for second place.</i> <i> The Maryland Allstars</i> <i>and FloydLittle Double Dutch...</i> - What? - That's nonsense! - FLDD don't do second place! And we definitely don't do second place in freestyle! <i> And first place goes to Greenbelt S.I.T.Y. Stars!</i> - We took second place in freestyle? How is that even possible? From the team that they called for first place, the entire time, their freestyle routine was sloppy. <i> - The last awards are for Overall.</i> <i> In third place, we have...</i> <i> Kandie's Rope Twisters</i> <i> from D.C.!</i> <i> - I felt devastated.</i> When they say it's a first time for everything, it really is a first time for everything. Third place is not acceptable. So we have to get a comeback. <i> - And in second place,</i> <i> Greenbelt S.I.T.Y. Stars from Maryland.</i> <i> And finally, your overall,</i> <i> the People's champ,</i> <i> FloydLittle Double Dutch</i> <i> from Newark, New Jersey!</i> - I'm very proud of them. I feel like they've come so far. And in the back of my head, I always believed that we're gonna win. ( shouting ) <i> - I have newfound respect for FloydLittle.</i> <i> You know, they came with it.</i> - FLDD! - FLDD! - FLDD! - So you have to give respect when respect is due. We have to practice hard so that we could reclaim what is ours. - We didn't place where we wanted to place. But we placed. - We know that we're better than this. And we're gonna do better than this at the Apollo. That's where it's gonna go down and that's where we're gonna be successful. When we get in here, we just have to work hard. The Apollo, here we come. That's where we're gonna shut it down on everything. - Hard work pays off. That's it. At the Apollo, we're gonna get 'em back. And we're gonna get 'em to the point where there's no room for error. There's no room for them to even say that y'all got second place! So my teams took first place at this tournament. <i> Good job, but will they be good enough for the next one?</i> I really need them to get their head on straight. These teams are gonna be at the Apollo. And I'm preparing them to win everything. - Dust your shoulders off. - Yeah, and y'all will see them again. We're gonna make sure we continue to encourage our kids to keep jumping as hard as you can. 'Cause I refuse to take second place. <i> Double Dutch is life.</i> <i> Blood, sweat and tears is the way to win.</i> <i> And we refuse to lose.</i> <i> We have three tournaments leading up to the Apollo.</i> <i> - We're going up against teams from all over the world.</i> <i> And not to mention the Kandie Twisters from D.C.,</i> <i> Swagger Jumpers from Brooklyn</i> <i> and Jazzy Jumpers from Brooklyn.</i> - FloydLittle is coming to us. We cannot let them beat us. Go quick! You're almost there! Get pumping! Get in the rolls! - There cannot be any mistakes. - Turn! - You're not wrecking D.C. like this! - I don't care if you break an elbow, a knee. We will not lose. - Oh! <i> - Welcome to the Apollo!</i> <i> - We been waiting all year for this.</i> <i> I will not lose!</i> - Who's gonna bring it real hard? ( shouting ) <i> - Now's the time to show who we are. Get tough.</i> You got one chance for that whole gym to remember your name. - Jump it! Jump it! - Shake it off and let's go! - Other kids get up there <i> and they look flawless!</i> - Oh, boy! - Get out! - You blew it. That's it.
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 224,496
Rating: 4.9098845 out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, Jump!, Jump! full episodes, double dutch, jump rope, Season 1, Episode 1, The Rivalry, Jump! show, Jump, competitive sport, competitive, sport, jump roping, jumprope, jump, jump!, FloydLittle, Floyd Little, jump roping teams, S1, E1, first episode, first, episode, full episode, Jump first episode, team, jump rope team, jumping, jumper, mom, parent, girls, Floyd, FloydLittle team, 101, episode 101, Floyd Little Double Dutch team
Id: XVx4ea4GauY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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