Child Genius: 10-Year-Old GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL! (S1, E1) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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these are some of the brightest kids in the  united states mono ultra microscopic silica   volcano coniosis many identified by the high iq  society american mensa as having intelligence   ranked in the top tenth of a percent in the  nation my goal is to get a phd by the time i   get my driver's license she has self-taught  herself self-taught herself as redundant   from thousands of applicants all across the  country an elite group of 20 of these gifted   eight to 12 year olds have been chosen my daddy  is not as smart as me because he has 135 on his   iq and i got a 146. now they're taking part in  a prestigious competition devised in cooperation   with american mensah this competition is designed  to be intense they're competing for a 100   000 college scholarship you tropication correct  over eight weeks these remarkable kids supernova   will face a series of grueling competitive rounds  tree giant water tempura and colombo correct   it will test their nerves she passed on things  that she knew cold they're really good so are you   yeah and their resolve what's more important to  you this competition or your christianity and god   no you're going the wrong way erase the  whole thing and behind every child genius   practice there's often a driven parent   determined to maximize their child's potential  every point is gonna matter we just don't want   you to look like an idiot right i want to win  but everybody here wants to win now if you   hold it together you have a chance i'm leaving  you're never satisfied mom gee where did he go   get ready for the most challenging perigee super  silliest nerve-wracking mind-boggling competition   you named 52 cards correctly as these gifted  children battle rivals you can really get   performed your life could change forever for  the title of don't put that on tv child genius with just one week before  the first day of competition   20 young competitors across the  country focus on preparations ready let's roll my favorite part of jiu-jitsu   is i'm only 60 pounds and i can take  down the guy that's twice my size isabelle belongs to mensa she joined  when she was three years old and to   join men so you have to have an iq  test in the 98th percentile or above isabelle was tested in the  top 10th of a percentile   i know three languages yeah they are  english french and chinese excuse me are these too easy for you yes should  we go to sixth grade vocabulary okay   we decided to homeschool isabel because  we'd sent her to a school in richmond   and every day she'd come home and she'd  just blow through her homework and go my daddy's not as smart as me because  he has 135 on his iq and i got a 146. izzy has a very unique situation in that  all day long she's either with me or our   teachers good to see you guys most of isabella's  friends are adults isabel wants to make friends   with kids her own age but it's difficult  my child friends can talk about some things   but not other things but my adult  friends can talk about everything   izzy does have a lot of energy sometimes uh  a little too much energy okay sweetie red   oh is he what it's wet what are you doing with  my teeth no more tails so excuse me put that down   okay it's always a challenge to keep her engaged  is he she's very personable and wonderful   but her mind moves at such a rapid pace  that you also have to move rapidly with her it's a positive energy but it'd  be nice to have an off switch   okay let's not do the imitation no that's not dude   okay okay if isabelle does win we're gonna have  some issues with humility um she's gonna be   parading around with her trophy constantly  and we're gonna have to pry it out of her hands graham yeah i'm sure you're  awake but you need to come on and   eat breakfast before school wait wait  wait wait let me check the weather   graham is very interested in geography roads  hurricanes more than anything right now   when i grow up i want to be storm trackers  hurricanes are fascinating very interesting   i mean very interesting i pulled up one hurricane  track and i'm just going to pull up the image here   so you can see do you recognize this right here  roma that took you no time whatsoever i'm going   to pull up another one that's hurricane camille do  you know what year this was 1969 it has sustained   wind speeds of 190 miles per hour and at a minimum  pressure of 905 millibars no crap i'm gonna fall   back all right i'm gonna do the bible story kind  of fast because we gotta get ready for school okay   we start the day with god and with jesus because  we feel that that's more important than anything   that they could become is for them to become  christians matthew 15 11. who remembers that one   it's not what goes into your mouth though that  defines you the words that come out of your mouth   is what defines you good job graham if i was  to describe graham i would describe him as a   normal 10 year old boy that acts his age he's just  very very smart the capital of algeria is algiers   when graham was five we got him an interactive  globe and he learned the entire globe here's   my atlas i always call graham my little human  gps system because he's memorized his entire us   atlas and can tell you every road or highway  he needs to take to get from point a to point b   anywhere in the u.s we got his iq tested  because honestly we couldn't understand how   a child could know so much that young we  checked to make sure it wasn't something   did i even say that like asperger's yeah like  asperger's i really hope the signs make good win   gran's brothers and sisters have definitely made  graham more social signs are looking good i think   it looks great one of the challenges we've had as  parents with our four children is that the other   three would compare their intelligence to graham's  intelligence google's a bad idea our other kids   are still intelligent but they're just not that  intelligent okay those are washable aren't they   uh i should probably stop shouldn't i  okay graham it's time to study for math   for the competition we found out that the first  two rounds are math and geography and i am so   glad that math is with geography because math was  with another subject that i'm not really good at   i'm going down calculate 19 times four then  subtract 21 and finally multiply by three i completely lost track of the numbers i think  graham's capable of winning the competition   i'm not sure if he's willing to put in the effort  to win the competition well let's try it again five three five eight nine seven eight three two  three eight four six three six four three three   eight three two seven nine five  zero two eight eight four one   nine seven one this game is called pi runner  and you have to type in the digits of pi   before the lea runs over the edge  zero i got 71. something you want   hi um my name is ting hey this is my wife  sherry uh and we are the parents of ryan   and he's going to participate  the child genius competition 9-7-1-6-9-3-9-1-6-4-0-6-2-8-6-75 75. seventy-five  this competition is probably the first thing that   i get to do that he doesn't get to do because of  the age restrictions i always tell them people   remember number one they don't remember number two  in the 2000 olympia who won the most medal michael   phelps who the second hide most who knows nobody  knows all right that looks good enough right all   right go ahead sweetie our school is two or three  grades ahead of math i finished algebra one for   sixth grade and normal people finished that for  ninth grade because this is only half of the   circle i did half times pi times radius squared  and the radius would be ten because the diameter   right now is twenty ryan works extremely hard and  i feel that his family definitely promotes that   his mother was very clear that she would like  one of her boys to be president at some point   hi mr russell my days are pretty busy and like   almost every minute of my life  i have um something scheduled right do you think you have a question maybe  something like your intonation or um i don't   think so how about your technique you have any  questions ask mr russo for technique no what's   the area he needs to improve property is posture  do you think he's relaxed enough i feel like   if he's a performer and you provide entertaining  piece do you think he will be ready for recital   coming up well i'll make sure maybe we  can take more lessons uh you know maybe   come more i really think he needs to practice  more if you reach one level you always can   improve yourself to reach to another level  however i'm not a tiger mommy just keep in mind   practice practice practice practice okay i  really don't push but the thing is we want them   to be well-rounded to reach his potential  to maximize his maximize the potential you   have to be self-motivated right  because you don't want to lose   this kid's genius will provide a good opportunity  for ryan to test his capability how can he do   compete with his peers is the first time ever in  the united states have such kind of competition   literally okay and if you really perform and beat  your opponents your life could change forever coming up graham i hate math it's  my worst subject eleven times eight   oh by the way edition wasn't on the sample  think of how you're gonna feel if they say   oh we're sorry to see you go as you we  just don't want you to look like an idiot it's week one of the child genius competition and  the search to find america's brightest child has   begun in a few hours 20 contestants will face two  rounds of questions about math and geography their   combined scores from both rounds will determine  which 15 children will advance toward a hundred   thousand dollar college fund and which five  will go home what's the currency of iran   uh iranian rail what's your favorite subject i  like science what country is to the southwest of   brazil too many the competition's a little  more chaotic than i thought it might be   seeing all the kids and their parents running  around and studying and all that frantic energy   it's a little disconcerting for isabel she's  never been in a situation like this but   overall i think she's having a good  time how about you you're ready too   yes you excited i'm excited for snacks  today's first round is math and i feel good   about candy and snacks do you have a bag  you can bring back home thank you mom packing up the snacks in the snack bag one of  the common traits in gifted kids is what's called   over excitabilities or intensities in which  case you're going to see kids using physical   energy to get rid of stress izzy we just  need you to stand still for like 30 seconds   feed on the tank you're going to see a lot of  hyperactive talking if you like dinosaurs you   have to go to glen rose texas they have  amusement parks and museums and snacks   too easy that one's super easy  looking over the country is good   nine-year-old john is one of  the youngest competitors here   who do you think's more nervous you guys are  judged oh me definitely i don't know about greg   or dodd but i'm definitely nervous just because i  take everything a lot more seriously she's right   shake it around just enough so a vacuum  can form so they'll form a tornado john became a member of mensa a couple months  ago he actually is the youngest member of mensa   in our region his teacher came to us and said  you know it's really amazing to have someone   in my class that's actually smarter than  i am i was like you know we're gonna learn   solids liquids and gases and he just raised  his hand and he was like but there's more   about matter and there's more about liquids and  gases there's plasma and it was just funny because   it was like well we're not really going to learn  that this year because we're only in second grade   what's the 15th element i have no idea why  don't you google it and see if you can find out   it's definitely a challenge just keeping up  with him because he does ask so many multi-level   questions did you know sometimes volcanoes can be  turned into geysers did you know the straighter   the clouds are the more wind there is did you  know that the surface temperature of the sun   is about 10 000 degrees fahrenheit or  5 500 degrees celsius any questions 176 183 it's one i think i forgot the numbers  12 year old vanya is no stranger to competition   having competed in the scripps national  spelling bee for the past four years ready for the next one last one yeah every  year i compete in at least four spelling bees   there's a lot of pressure you're on stage with  cameras in front of you and i'm used to that the longest word that's actually in  merriam-webster's third international   the longest word there is numano ultra  microscopic silica volcano coniosis p-n-e-u-m-o-n-o-u-l-t-r-a-m-i-c-r-o-s-c-o-p-i-c-s-i-l-i-c-o-v-o-l-c-a-n-o-c-o   and i-o-s-i-s it's a lung disease  that you get from volcanic dust i've competed in the national spelling bee ever  since i was in third grade my first year that i   competed i was the youngest speller and i  typed for 49 the second year i competed i   got a perfect score on the written test and i  placed 10th last year i tied for fifth place   what does philanthropy mean my husband used  to play golf before and he used to love that   and he has decided to quit playing golf and he  preferred to be a spelling coach though greek   group philos means love and anthropos meaning  man so i would think that philanthropy means like   good will and like really helping out mankind  also by the way drink some water before you start   the problem okay we understand that you know  water is going to keep a human being healthy   so we make sure that she drinks  ample water finish it please   i want to see more of those empty water bottles  around here okay stick out your tongue okay   starting for this competition it's like a huge  family effort 361 plus 261. um 622. 500 plus 222.   that's 722. 490 plus 150. 640. yeah plus  eight thirty-eight you got it high five   that's a good one one seventh of four  hundred forty-eight pack of them 173.   with just an hour until the competition  most kids are anxiously cramming   but ten-year-old college freshman tanishq  is feeling no strain chad and this one algeria algiers is a capital  many people think hamare   have genius and i don't really need to prove  to me or anybody else that i'm a child genius so there are different types  of nano materials personally   my favorite is carbon nanotubes it's  a better conductor than copper wire   so here's my actual high school diploma when you  meet your competitors though are you gonna hide   that you graduated from high school why should  i keep it a secret it's already like almost   everybody knows it yeah since i just graduated  from high school um um president obama sent me a   letter we're running our wall space and room space  here putting up all his trophies and newspaper   articles so sometimes jokingly we say we need  a museum enough for displaying all these things he started taking college  classes when he was seven years   old yeah i started going to american river college  i've got almost 45 units i may only be 10 but i've   done some really cool stuff i gave it to talk on  education when i was 9 years old so i know what   you're thinking why college at 7. my goal is to  get a phd by the time i get my driver's license   i get all these calls from people i'm just  trying to put them into the calendar year   we have one from abc oh ellen degeneres and who  else nbc called we probably have to go to a studio   like just like how we did for cnn and for  other shows watching tinish compete in this   competition is going to be nerve-wracking why  should i be scared of 8-12 year-olds say like   in my age when so it's not like it's like 20  year olds and even then i've been in college so so we're going to be friends and also when we  open the door to the competition room rivals   i do think he's prepared but i don't know how his  opponent has prepared so uh that's still kind of   uncertain for us 67.7 106. over the eight weeks  of this competition these kids are going to   experience 16 really tough rounds of questions  this is a test of endurance it is not just   intensity it's stamina i just lost are you gonna  check me he got his queen back i just lost this is   probably the first time that grandma's been  around this many intelligent kids at one time   i'll just add your king to my collection do you  want to play i don't play i'll be nervous when he   gets in there and sits down and starts hearing  how the other kids are very intelligent also   then he's gonna look at us i can  guarantee you with those scared eyes   coming up lake erie incorrect lake ontario you  can prepare better sacrifice your game time   what is the capital of afghanistan  the first question is we just froze for the math round each child will have two  minutes to solve as many math problems as possible   in the first minute they'll use pen  and paper but for the second minute   they'll have to solve problems in their heads  they may pass on any question but with a hundred   thousand dollar scholarship on the line passing  on even one question is risky welcome to the   competition my name is leland melvin i'm a former  nasa astronaut and i will be your moderator on my   left from the north american mensa association  matt stern and on my right pam mueller a harvard   law graduate and a jeopardy college tournament  champion first up in the math round is vania   vanya your math round starts now what is  one half of 496 248 correct 475 plus 38   513 correct 414 times eight hundred twelve correct  562.3 times nine six thousand sixty point seven   incorrect pin down calculate seventeen times two  minus twenty five times five and finally divide by   three fifteen correct add seven hundred and seven  five hundred ninety two pass calculate twenty   times two minus eighteen and finally multiply by  seven one ninety six incorrect time you answered   five questions correctly i think vanya did okay in  the math round not extraordinarily well 3542-775 2767 correct you answered four questions correctly  3142 minus 355 pass you answered two questions   correctly graham i hate math it's my worst subject  i h a t e it i hate it what is one half of 538   269. correct what is 449 plus 52 501 correct pin  down calculate 11 times eight at 624 pass pass   pass pass you answered three questions  correctly tanishq what is one half of 784   392 correct pin down calculate 14 times  8 minus 11 and finally multiply by 2.   pass at 53 58 11 26 you answered four questions  correctly he got a little nervous and he didn't   do as well as he expected to do so hopefully  for the geography around he'll make it up 55   of 300 165 correct 434 correct 50 805 correct you  answered seven questions correctly at 24 62 84   and finally 55 203 incorrect 225 pass pass pass  you answered one question correctly 2967 plus 717   3684 correct 609.3 times eight 4874.4  correct you answered six questions correctly   john 254 minus 87. 167. correct 331 times  5. 1655 correct what is one half of 682 pass 4660 plus 929 incorrect pin down at 589 864 582 pass  you answered two questions correctly   my mind went blank blind blink blank answer blank  blank blank point blank one ryan what is 39 553   plus 2 302. 41 855. correct 39 times 7 273 correct  203 divided by 7. twenty-nine correct pin down   calculate fourteen times two minus eleven  and finally multiply by two thirty-four   correct at sixty-one 13 49 and finally 43. 466.  correct ryan you answered 11 questions correctly   even though ryan did a good  in first round christie should   focus and even maybe study harder because  maybe upcoming wrong is not his strength is he   what is 2041 plus 795 oh by the way addition  wasn't on the sample for the thing and pass   285 times 9 2565 correct 961 minus 55.6 pass  22.8 divided by 3 pass pass pass pass   izzy you answered three questions correctly  i'm not exactly sure why but she passed on   things that we've reviewed hundreds  of times this was stuff she knew cold coming up what is the official currency of vietnam pass with gifted children anything less than 100   is going to be devastating to  them you did your best right with the first round of competition behind  them each family has just one hour to reflect   as they prepare for round two geography we are very proud of her i think  she will be the one the best   yeah and pressure kind of made me crack a  little you crack a little you still one piece you're okay bubbles a common dynamic with gifted children is to be  unhappy and dissatisfied with even very high   levels of achievement because they have a very  clear sense of what they're capable of doing   anything less than 100 is going to be devastating  to them you did your best right that's all i can   ever ask you okay did you know that's where  madagascar is yeah i knew that a long time i   i know we all know you're tired but yeah get  ready get ready for round two another round   even though ryan did good in first round math  there's always room for improvement we still   should focus and even maybe study harder what's  the depth of the marianna trans trench and 36   201. what do you say good job what's  the largest country in square miles   um in russia okay i'm not a math  person i'm more of a geography person   so i think the next round will work for me  rome italy tripoli libya very good lisbon   portugal kaboom afghanistan authorized inhabited  as1 egypt okay i'm not really that great at math   hopefully i'll be able to make it up with the  geography belgium brussels whenever you're working   with gifted children you're actually working with  an entire family dynamic many of these parents   are also gifted they're so invested and they  see the kids almost as avatars sometimes   parents will cross that line from being really  great facilitators for gifted kids to being almost   hovercraft they leave helicopter parents  in the dust is he what country is this   iran what's it yeah no it's iraq okay what  country is this iraq what's its capital relax yeah okay this is this is just for fun  it's a little pressure but it's not pressure   that's going to hurt you during the breaks we let  isabel take the lead if we see that she's kind   of getting really quiet then we realize that you  know she's being a little stressed and just try to   change the subject entirely think of how you're  going to feel if you get too right and they say   oh we're sorry to see you go as you're gonna feel  bad we just don't want you to look like an idiot   so is the uh is there anything  you learn from the math portion next question okay tell me what country that is  one rock iraq okay what's the capital if if you   don't get this right i'm gonna put your dad in a  bag baghdad okay what country baghdad what country   iran iraq okay we're having a  problem with this one for some reason coming up it is relaxation time depends on my  time no more conversation we're not depends on   how much it for you we're done unfortunately five  of you will not be advancing to the next round in the geography round each competitor will have  90 seconds to answer as many questions as they can   each competitor's combined score from both rounds  will determine which 15 children will advance   and which five will go home the pressure is on  for izzy john graham and tanishq all of whom   underperformed in round one welcome back everyone  christopher are you ready i was born ready   what is the highest waterfall in the world angel  falls correct pass pass pass you answered five   questions correctly what is the official currency  of israel shackle correct spain correct asia   correct you answered six questions correctly  what is the smallest ocean in the world the   arctic ocean correct you answered five questions  correctly graham by area what is the largest   country in south america brazil correct what  country's flag is this sweden correct what is the   official currency of kenya kenya shillings correct  what is the capital of chile santiago correct on   which continent would you find afghanistan asia  correct if you flew due east from new york city   what would be the first country you would reach  um ireland incorrect is portugal you got nine   questions correct i kind of expected to get 10  right but it's all because of that one question   what is the capital of austria vienna correct  you answered seven questions correctly what is   the official currency of brazil peso incorrect  real you answered three questions correctly   what is the most densely populated country in the  world monaco correct you answered four questions   correctly john on which continent is denmark  europe correct what is the capital of sri lanka   sri jayawara and colombo correct what is  the smallest continent in the world by area vatican city incorrect australia what  is the official currency of vietnam pass what is the deepest point  in the pacific ocean called pass what is the largest  mountain system in north america   pass syria and what other country borders lebanon   pass john you answered four questions correctly  tanishq what is the capital of afghanistan   pass the mississippi river empties into what body  of water gulf of mexico correct what country's   flag is this norway correct the cape of good hope  is at the tip of which continent south america   incorrect africa cyprus incorrect sicily china  incorrect canada kanesh you answered six questions   correctly first question we just froze you know  and it's something i said oh my gosh danish you   know the answer what happened to you it's like  he just completely like blanked out there vanya   what is the capital of thailand bangkok correct  dover is the capital of what u.s state delaware   correct what is the largest island in the world  greenland correct antarctica correct india correct   argentinian peso correct vanya you  answered nine questions correctly chile shares the majority of its land  border with what other country argentina   correct russian federation correct lake superior  correct you answered nine questions correctly on   which continent is the amazon river south america  correct poland correct the mediterranean incorrect   the black sea you answered five questions  correctly ryan on which continent is pakistan asia   correct the rio grande serves as a natural border  between mexico and what state texas correct which   of the north american great lakes lies the  farthest east lake erie incorrect lake ontario   brasilia correct tokyo correct ukraine correct  pass you answered seven questions correctly   is there anything you could  learn from this round um   i don't think so oh yes yes you can prepare better  you can study broader sacrifice your game time   izzy what is the capital of peru lima correct  what is the most sparsely populated country   in the world mongolia correct what  is the official currency of bulgaria   pass which continent has the most countries asia  incorrect africa in terms of land area what island   province is canada's smallest pass what country  is directly north of cyprus pass the country of   lesotho is completely surrounded by what country  pass izzy you answered five questions correctly   it's especially frustrating for me because  i know she knows the material she knows she   knows the material part of me just wanted to  jump up and say wait a second you know that   this is what you do you know you've done  this before but i obviously couldn't tensions are high as the competitors are  about to learn which of them will advance   to the next week of competition getting them  one step closer to a hundred thousand dollar   college fund and the title of child genius  and which five of them will be going home   we have tallied the scores from the math and  geography rounds first we'd like to announce the   competitors who had the highest combined scores  from today's rounds the third highest score is   banya we'll continue to apply the same techniques  and of course focus on one topic at a time   just relax have fun drink more water  the second highest score is jason   it feels amazing to be one of the top competitors you're speechless yeah and the child with the  highest combined scores in today's rounds is ryan   i still feel like you should still have a  pressure on other kids are very strong maybe   today you were just kind of lucky   thank you you may all sit down unfortunately five  of you will not be advancing to the next round   when i call your name please come up and  receive your certificate of achievement liam congratulations the next is eden christopher the next is john one special kid deserves to be crowned child  genius well apparently that kid isn't me in life when things happen you either get  better or you get bitter and we definitely   plan to get better john's going to keep working  harder and he's only nine so maybe he can come   back another year and try it again i'll come  back and i'll try to claim that title again   and the last person to go home is izzy congratulations she's obviously disappointed about  going home this part's a little sad   but we'll get over it and she'll be happy and  it'll be great to the rest of you please stand   congratulations everyone you have all advanced  to the next round of the child genius competition good job buddy you did it yes good  fun you have to learn from lessons   how can you improve i need to relax for how long  however what i wanted however long you want to   oh no no no no not as long as you want  you it's the one you're seven dollars yes   100 yeah right it is relaxation time depends on my  time no more conversations depends on how much you   have for you we're done he still has a long way  to go so that's why i don't feel like i should   be so proud of him already so maybe um we can wait  uh and don't get so excited and even work harder   next time on child genius i'm a little worried  parents and children struggle to balance their   real lives i want to study with preparing for two  new rounds of competition trachea pancreas lower   leg tanishq is in college right now i just wish  she had more time to study for the competition   including the daunting challenge of memorizing  a shuffled deck of 52 cards nine of clubs you   are really not ready at all three of you  will not be advancing to the next round you
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 686,326
Rating: 4.8347378 out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, child genius, child genius season 1, child genius show, child genius clips, child genius full episodes, child genius competition, american mensa, intelligence competition, season 1, episode 1, i am not a tiger mommy, full episodes, Child Genius season 1 episode 1, Child Genius se1 ep1, Child Genius s1 e1, Child Genius 1X1, Graduated from high school, 10 years old, full episode clips, high school, school
Id: P03tBfaRS6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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